**++ ** ** Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Microsoft Corporation ** ** ** Module Name: ** ** metasnap.cpp ** ** ** Abstract: ** ** Test program to obtain and display the Writer metadata. ** ** ** Author: ** ** Michael C. Johnson [mikejohn] 21-Jul-2000 ** ** (Based on another test program BETEST by Brian Berkowitz) ** ** ** Revision History: ** **-- */
** Defines ** ** ** C4290: C++ Exception Specification ignored ** warning C4511: 'CVssCOMApplication' : copy constructor could not be generated ** warning C4127: conditional expression is constant */ #pragma warning(disable:4290)
#pragma warning(disable:4511)
#pragma warning(disable:4127)
** Includes */ #include <windows.h>
#include <wtypes.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <vss.h>
#include <vswriter.h>
#include <vsbackup.h>
#include <oleauto.h>
#define ATLASSERT(_condition)
#include <atlconv.h>
#include <atlbase.h>
extern CComModule _Module; #include <atlcom.h>
inline void CHECK_SUCCESS (HRESULT hr) { if (hr != S_OK) { wprintf(L"operation failed with HRESULT =0x%08x\n", hr); DebugBreak(); } }
inline void CHECK_NOFAIL (HRESULT hr) { if (FAILED(hr)) { wprintf(L"operation failed with HRESULT =0x%08x\n", hr); DebugBreak(); } }
BOOL AssertPrivilege( LPCWSTR privName ) { HANDLE tokenHandle; TOKEN_PRIVILEGES newState; TOKEN_PRIVILEGES *pTokens = NULL; BOOL stat = FALSE; LUID value; DWORD error; DWORD cbTokens;
if (OpenProcessToken (GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES|TOKEN_QUERY, &tokenHandle)) {
if (LookupPrivilegeValue (NULL, privName, &value)) { newState.PrivilegeCount = 1; newState.Privileges [0].Luid = value; newState.Privileges [0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT|SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;
** We will always call GetLastError below, so clear ** any prior error values on this thread. */ SetLastError (ERROR_SUCCESS);
stat = AdjustTokenPrivileges (tokenHandle, FALSE, &newState, (DWORD)0, NULL, NULL);
** Supposedly, AdjustTokenPriveleges always returns TRUE ** (even when it fails). So, call GetLastError to be ** extra sure everything's cool. */ if ((error = GetLastError()) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { stat = FALSE; }
if (!stat) { wprintf (L"AdjustTokenPrivileges for %s failed with %d", privName, error); } }
GetTokenInformation (tokenHandle, TokenPrivileges, NULL, 0, &cbTokens);
pTokens = (TOKEN_PRIVILEGES *) new BYTE[cbTokens];
GetTokenInformation (tokenHandle, TokenPrivileges, pTokens, cbTokens, &cbTokens);
delete pTokens; CloseHandle (tokenHandle); }
return stat; }
LPCWSTR GetStringFromUsageType (VSS_USAGE_TYPE eUsageType) { LPCWSTR pwszRetString = L"UNDEFINED";
switch (eUsageType) { case VSS_UT_BOOTABLESYSTEMSTATE: pwszRetString = L"BootableSystemState"; break; case VSS_UT_SYSTEMSERVICE: pwszRetString = L"SystemService"; break; case VSS_UT_USERDATA: pwszRetString = L"UserData"; break; case VSS_UT_OTHER: pwszRetString = L"Other"; break; default: break; }
return (pwszRetString); }
LPCWSTR GetStringFromSourceType (VSS_SOURCE_TYPE eSourceType) { LPCWSTR pwszRetString = L"UNDEFINED";
switch (eSourceType) { case VSS_ST_TRANSACTEDDB: pwszRetString = L"TransactionDb"; break; case VSS_ST_NONTRANSACTEDDB: pwszRetString = L"NonTransactionDb"; break; case VSS_ST_OTHER: pwszRetString = L"Other"; break;
default: break; }
return (pwszRetString); }
LPCWSTR GetStringFromRestoreMethod (VSS_RESTOREMETHOD_ENUM eRestoreMethod) { LPCWSTR pwszRetString = L"UNDEFINED";
switch (eRestoreMethod) { case VSS_RME_RESTORE_IF_NOT_THERE: pwszRetString = L"RestoreIfNotThere"; break; case VSS_RME_RESTORE_IF_CAN_REPLACE: pwszRetString = L"RestoreIfCanReplace"; break; case VSS_RME_STOP_RESTORE_START: pwszRetString = L"StopRestoreStart"; break; case VSS_RME_RESTORE_TO_ALTERNATE_LOCATION: pwszRetString = L"RestoreToAlternateLocation"; break; case VSS_RME_RESTORE_AT_REBOOT: pwszRetString = L"RestoreAtReboot"; break; case VSS_RME_CUSTOM: pwszRetString = L"Custom"; break;
default: break; }
return (pwszRetString); }
LPCWSTR GetStringFromWriterRestoreMethod (VSS_WRITERRESTORE_ENUM eWriterRestoreMethod) { LPCWSTR pwszRetString = L"UNDEFINED";
switch (eWriterRestoreMethod) { case VSS_WRE_NEVER: pwszRetString = L"RestoreNever"; break; case VSS_WRE_IF_REPLACE_FAILS: pwszRetString = L"RestoreIfReplaceFailsI"; break; case VSS_WRE_ALWAYS: pwszRetString = L"RestoreAlways"; break;
default: break; }
return (pwszRetString); }
LPCWSTR GetStringFromComponentType (VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE eComponentType) { LPCWSTR pwszRetString = L"UNDEFINED";
switch (eComponentType) { case VSS_CT_DATABASE: pwszRetString = L"Database"; break; case VSS_CT_FILEGROUP: pwszRetString = L"FileGroup"; break;
default: break; }
return (pwszRetString); }
LPCWSTR GetStringFromFailureType (HRESULT hrStatus) { LPCWSTR pwszFailureType;
switch (hrStatus) { case NOERROR: pwszFailureType = L""; break; case VSS_E_WRITERERROR_INCONSISTENTSNAPSHOT: pwszFailureType = L"InconsistentSnapshot"; break; case VSS_E_WRITERERROR_OUTOFRESOURCES: pwszFailureType = L"OutOfResources"; break; case VSS_E_WRITERERROR_TIMEOUT: pwszFailureType = L"Timeout"; break; case VSS_E_WRITERERROR_NONRETRYABLE: pwszFailureType = L"Non-Retryable"; break; case VSS_E_WRITERERROR_RETRYABLE: pwszFailureType = L"Retryable"; break; default: pwszFailureType = L"UNDEFINED"; break; }
return (pwszFailureType); }
void PrintFiledesc (IVssWMFiledesc *pFiledesc, LPCWSTR wszDescription) { CComBSTR bstrPath; CComBSTR bstrFilespec; CComBSTR bstrAlternate; bool bRecursive;
CHECK_SUCCESS (pFiledesc->GetPath (&bstrPath)); CHECK_SUCCESS (pFiledesc->GetFilespec (&bstrFilespec)); CHECK_NOFAIL (pFiledesc->GetRecursive (&bRecursive)); CHECK_NOFAIL (pFiledesc->GetAlternateLocation (&bstrAlternate));
wprintf (L"%s\n Path = %s, Filespec = %s, Recursive = %s\n", wszDescription, bstrPath, bstrFilespec, bRecursive ? L"yes" : L"no");
if (bstrAlternate && wcslen (bstrAlternate) > 0) { wprintf(L" Alternate Location = %s\n", bstrAlternate); } }
extern "C" __cdecl wmain(int argc, WCHAR **argv) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; bool bCoInitializeSucceeded = false;
try { unsigned cWriters; CComBSTR bstrXML; CComBSTR bstrXMLOut; CComBSTR strSnapshotSetId = "12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890ab"; CComPtr<IVssBackupComponents> pvbc; CComPtr<IVssAsync> pAsync;
bCoInitializeSucceeded = true;
if (!AssertPrivilege (SE_BACKUP_NAME)) { wprintf(L"AssertPrivilege returned error, rc:%d\n", GetLastError ()); return 2; }
CHECK_SUCCESS (CreateVssBackupComponents (&pvbc));
CHECK_SUCCESS (pvbc->InitializeForBackup ()); CHECK_SUCCESS (pvbc->SetBackupState (true, false, VSS_BT_FULL, false)); CHECK_NOFAIL (pvbc->GatherWriterMetadata (&pAsync)); CHECK_NOFAIL (pAsync->Wait ()); CHECK_NOFAIL (pvbc->GetWriterMetadataCount (&cWriters));
for (unsigned iWriter = 0; iWriter < cWriters; iWriter++) { CComPtr<IVssExamineWriterMetadata> pMetadata;
VSS_ID idInstance; VSS_ID idInstanceT; VSS_ID idWriter; CComBSTR bstrWriterName; VSS_USAGE_TYPE usage; VSS_SOURCE_TYPE source; WCHAR *pwszInstanceId; WCHAR *pwszWriterId; unsigned cIncludeFiles, cExcludeFiles, cComponents; CComBSTR bstrPath; CComBSTR bstrFilespec; CComBSTR bstrAlternate; CComBSTR bstrDestination;
CHECK_SUCCESS (pvbc->GetWriterMetadata(iWriter, &idInstance, &pMetadata));
CHECK_SUCCESS (pMetadata->GetIdentity (&idInstanceT, &idWriter, &bstrWriterName, &usage, &source));
wprintf (L"\n\n");
if (memcmp (&idInstance, &idInstanceT, sizeof(VSS_ID)) != 0) { wprintf(L"Instance id mismatch\n"); DebugBreak(); }
UuidToString (&idInstance, &pwszInstanceId); UuidToString (&idWriter, &pwszWriterId);
wprintf (L"WriterName = %s\n\n" L" WriterId = %s\n" L" InstanceId = %s\n" L" UsageType = %d (%s)\n" L" SourceType = %d (%s)\n", bstrWriterName, pwszWriterId, pwszInstanceId, usage, GetStringFromUsageType (usage), source, GetStringFromSourceType (source));
RpcStringFree (&pwszInstanceId); RpcStringFree (&pwszWriterId);
CHECK_SUCCESS(pMetadata->GetFileCounts (&cIncludeFiles, &cExcludeFiles, &cComponents));
for(unsigned i = 0; i < cIncludeFiles; i++) { CComPtr<IVssWMFiledesc> pFiledesc;
CHECK_SUCCESS (pMetadata->GetIncludeFile (i, &pFiledesc));
PrintFiledesc(pFiledesc, L"\n Include File"); }
for(i = 0; i < cExcludeFiles; i++) { CComPtr<IVssWMFiledesc> pFiledesc;
CHECK_SUCCESS (pMetadata->GetExcludeFile (i, &pFiledesc));
PrintFiledesc (pFiledesc, L"\n Exclude File"); }
for(unsigned iComponent = 0; iComponent < cComponents; iComponent++) { CComPtr<IVssWMComponent> pComponent; PVSSCOMPONENTINFO pInfo;
CHECK_SUCCESS (pMetadata->GetComponent (iComponent, &pComponent)); CHECK_SUCCESS (pComponent->GetComponentInfo (&pInfo));
wprintf (L"\n" L" Component %d, type = %d (%s)\n" L" LogicalPath = %s\n" L" Name = %s\n" L" Caption = %s\n", iComponent, pInfo->type, GetStringFromComponentType (pInfo->type), pInfo->bstrLogicalPath, pInfo->bstrComponentName, pInfo->bstrCaption);
if (pInfo->cbIcon > 0) { if (pInfo->cbIcon != 10 || pInfo->pbIcon[0] != 1 || pInfo->pbIcon[1] != 2 || pInfo->pbIcon[2] != 3 || pInfo->pbIcon[3] != 4 || pInfo->pbIcon[4] != 5 || pInfo->pbIcon[5] != 6 || pInfo->pbIcon[6] != 7 || pInfo->pbIcon[7] != 8 || pInfo->pbIcon[8] != 9 || pInfo->pbIcon[9] != 10) { wprintf(L" Icon is not valid.\n"); DebugBreak(); } else wprintf(L" Icon is valid.\n"); }
wprintf (L" RestoreMetadata = %s\n" L" NotifyOnBackupComplete = %s\n" L" Selectable = %s\n", pInfo->bRestoreMetadata ? L"yes" : L"no", pInfo->bNotifyOnBackupComplete ? L"yes" : L"no", pInfo->bSelectable ? L"yes" : L"no");
if (pInfo->cFileCount > 0) { for(i = 0; i < pInfo->cFileCount; i++) { CComPtr<IVssWMFiledesc> pFiledesc;
CHECK_SUCCESS (pComponent->GetFile (i, &pFiledesc));
PrintFiledesc (pFiledesc, L" FileGroupFile"); } }
if (pInfo->cDatabases > 0) { for(i = 0; i < pInfo->cDatabases; i++) { CComPtr<IVssWMFiledesc> pFiledesc;
CHECK_SUCCESS (pComponent->GetDatabaseFile (i, &pFiledesc));
PrintFiledesc (pFiledesc, L" DatabaseFile"); } }
if (pInfo->cLogFiles > 0) { for(i = 0; i < pInfo->cLogFiles; i++) { CComPtr<IVssWMFiledesc> pFiledesc;
CHECK_SUCCESS (pComponent->GetDatabaseLogFile (i, &pFiledesc));
PrintFiledesc (pFiledesc, L" DatabaseLogFile"); } }
pComponent->FreeComponentInfo (pInfo); }
VSS_RESTOREMETHOD_ENUM method; CComBSTR bstrUserProcedure; CComBSTR bstrService; VSS_WRITERRESTORE_ENUM writerRestore; unsigned cMappings; bool bRebootRequired;
CHECK_NOFAIL (pMetadata->GetRestoreMethod (&method, &bstrService, &bstrUserProcedure, &writerRestore, &bRebootRequired, &cMappings));
wprintf (L"\n" L" Restore method = %d (%s)\n" L" Service = %d\n" L" User Procedure = %s\n" L" WriterRestore = %d (%s)\n" L" RebootRequired = %s\n", method, GetStringFromRestoreMethod (method), bstrService, bstrUserProcedure, writerRestore, GetStringFromWriterRestoreMethod (writerRestore), bRebootRequired ? L"yes" : L"no");
for(i = 0; i < cMappings; i++) { CComPtr<IVssWMFiledesc> pFiledesc;
CHECK_SUCCESS (pMetadata->GetAlternateLocationMapping (i, &pFiledesc));
PrintFiledesc (pFiledesc, L" AlternateMapping"); } }
CHECK_SUCCESS (pvbc->FreeWriterMetadata()); } catch(...) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; }
if (FAILED(hr)) wprintf (L"Failed with 0x%08X.\n", hr); if (bCoInitializeSucceeded) CoUninitialize();
return (0); }