* * ******************* * * GDI SAMPLE CODE * * ******************* * * Module Name: clip.c * * Clipping code. * * Copyright (c) 1994-1998 3Dlabs Inc. Ltd. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1995-1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. *****************************************************************************/ #include "precomp.h"
#include "gdi.h"
#include "clip.h"
// BOOL bIntersect
// Function:
// Check the integration of two input rectangles (RECTL* pRcl1,
// RECTL* pRcl2) and set the intersection result in (RECTL* pRclResult)
// Return:
// TRUE---If 'prcl1' and 'prcl2' intersect. The intersection will be in
// 'prclResult'
// FALSE--If they don't intersect. 'prclResult' is undefined.
BOOL bIntersect(RECTL* pRcl1, RECTL* pRcl2, RECTL* pRclResult) { DBG_GDI((7, "bIntersect called--pRcl1=0x%x, pRcl2=0x%x, pRclResult=0x%x", pRcl1, pRcl2, pRclResult)); pRclResult->left = max(pRcl1->left, pRcl2->left); pRclResult->right = min(pRcl1->right, pRcl2->right);
// Check if there an intersection horizontally
if ( pRclResult->left < pRclResult->right ) { pRclResult->top = max(pRcl1->top, pRcl2->top); pRclResult->bottom = min(pRcl1->bottom, pRcl2->bottom);
if (pRclResult->top < pRclResult->bottom) { //
// Check if there an intersection vertically
return(TRUE); } }
DBG_GDI((7, "bIntersect returned FALSE"));
// Return FALSE if there is no intersection
return(FALSE); }// bIntersect()
//-----------------------------Public Routine-------------------------------
// LONG cIntersect
// This routine takes a list of rectangles from 'pRclIn' and clips them
// in-place to the rectangle 'pRclClip'. The input rectangles don't
// have to intersect 'prclClip'; the return value will reflect the
// number of input rectangles that did intersect, and the intersecting
// rectangles will be densely packed.
LONG cIntersect(RECTL* pRclClip, RECTL* pRclIn, LONG lNumOfRecs) { LONG cIntersections; RECTL* pRclOut;
DBG_GDI((7, "cIntersect called--pRclClip=0x%x, pRclIn=0x%x,lNumOfRecs=%ld", pRclClip, pRclIn, lNumOfRecs));
cIntersections = 0; pRclOut = pRclIn; // Put the result in place as the input
// Validate input parameter
ASSERTDD( ((pRclIn != NULL ) && (pRclClip != NULL) && ( lNumOfRecs >= 0 )), "Wrong input to cIntersect" );
for (; lNumOfRecs != 0; pRclIn++, lNumOfRecs--) { pRclOut->left = max(pRclIn->left, pRclClip->left); pRclOut->right = min(pRclIn->right, pRclClip->right);
if ( pRclOut->left < pRclOut->right ) { //
// Find intersection, horizontally, between current rectangle and
// the clipping rectangle.
pRclOut->top = max(pRclIn->top, pRclClip->top); pRclOut->bottom = min(pRclIn->bottom, pRclClip->bottom);
if ( pRclOut->top < pRclOut->bottom ) { //
// Find intersection, vertically, between current rectangle and
// the clipping rectangle. Put this rectangle in the result
// list and increment the counter. Ready for next input
pRclOut++; cIntersections++; } } }// loop through all the input rectangles
DBG_GDI((7, "cIntersect found %d intersections", cIntersections)); return(cIntersections); }// cIntersect()
//-----------------------------Public Routine-------------------------------
// VOID vClipAndRender
// Clips the destination rectangle calling pfgn (the render function) as
// appropriate.
// Argumentes needed from function block (GFNPB)
// pco------pointer to clip object
// prclDst--pointer to destination rectangle
// psurfDst-pointer to destination Surf
// psurfSrc-pointer to destination Surf (NULL if no source)
// pptlSrc--pointer to source point
// prclSrc--pointer to source rectangle (used if pptlSrc == NULL)
// pgfn-----pointer to render function
// pptlSrc and prclSrc are only used if psurfSrc == psurfDst. If there is
// no source psurfSrc must be set to NULL. If prclSrc is specified, pptlSrc
// is not used.
VOID vClipAndRender(GFNPB * ppb) { CLIPOBJ * pco = ppb->pco; if ((pco == NULL) || (pco->iDComplexity == DC_TRIVIAL)) { ppb->pRects = ppb->prclDst; ppb->lNumRects = 1; ppb->pgfn(ppb); } else if (pco->iDComplexity == DC_RECT) { RECTL rcl;
if (bIntersect(ppb->prclDst, &pco->rclBounds, &rcl)) { ppb->pRects = &rcl; ppb->lNumRects = 1; ppb->pgfn(ppb); } } else { ClipEnum ce; LONG c; BOOL bMore; ULONG ulDir = CD_ANY;
// determine direction if operation on same surface
if(ppb->psurfDst == ppb->psurfSrc) { LONG lXSrc, lYSrc, offset;
if(ppb->pptlSrc != NULL) { lXSrc = ppb->pptlSrc->x; lYSrc = ppb->pptlSrc->y; } else { lXSrc = ppb->prclSrc->left; lYSrc = ppb->prclSrc->top; }
// NOTE: we can safely shift by 16 because the surface
// stride will never be greater the 2--16
offset = (ppb->prclDst->top - lYSrc) << 16; offset += (ppb->prclDst->left - lXSrc); if(offset > 0) ulDir = CD_LEFTUP; else ulDir = CD_RIGHTDOWN; }
CLIPOBJ_cEnumStart(pco, FALSE, CT_RECTANGLES, ulDir, 0);
do { bMore = CLIPOBJ_bEnum(pco, sizeof(ce), (ULONG*) &ce);
c = cIntersect(ppb->prclDst, ce.arcl, ce.c);
if (c != 0) { ppb->pRects = ce.arcl; ppb->lNumRects = c; ppb->pgfn(ppb); }
} while (bMore); } }