* * ******************* * * GDI SAMPLE CODE * * ******************* * * Module Name: download.c * * Contains the upload and download routines. * * Copyright (c) 1994-1998 3Dlabs Inc. Ltd. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1995-1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. \*****************************************************************************/ #include "precomp.h"
#include "gdi.h"
// VOID vDownloadNative(GFNPB* ppb)
// Does a download of a native surface for a list of rectangles.
// Note: this download takes the advantage of Permedia 2 packed data read.
// Because of the permedia 2 hardware limitation, we can only use the
// packedData download when the logic OP is SRC_COPY or the destination
// is aligned to the packed data being downloaded. This will typically be
// when the surface is 32 bpp. Otherwise, we just do the regular download
// Argumentes needed from function block (GFNPB)
// ppdev-------PPDev
// psurfSrc----Source surface
// psurfDst----Destination surface
// pRects------Pointer to a list of rectangles information which needed to be
// filled
// lNumRects---Number of rectangles to fill
// prclDst-----Points to a RECTL structure that defines the rectangular area
// to be modified
// pptlSrc-----Original unclipped source point
VOID vDownloadNative(GFNPB* ppb) { PDev* ppdev = ppb->ppdev; Surf* psurfDst = ppb->psurfDst; SURFOBJ* pSrcSurface = ppb->psoSrc;
RECTL* pRects = ppb->pRects; RECTL* prclDst = ppb->prclDst; POINTL* pptlSrc = ppb->pptlSrc; BOOL bEnablePacked; DWORD dwRenderBits = __RENDER_TRAPEZOID_PRIMITIVE | __RENDER_SYNC_ON_HOST_DATA; LONG lNumRects = ppb->lNumRects; LONG lSrcStride; LONG lXOffset = pptlSrc->x - prclDst->left; LONG lYOffset = pptlSrc->y - prclDst->top;
ULONG ulLogicOP = ulRop2ToLogicop(ppb->ulRop4 & 0xf); ULONG* pBuffer;
// Note: Due to the hardware limitation, we can take the advantage of
// Permedia 2 PackedData copy only when the logic OP is SRC_COPY, or
// the destination is aligned to the packed data being downloaded.
// This will typically be when the surface is 32 bpp.
if ( (ulLogicOP == K_LOGICOP_COPY) ||(pSrcSurface->iBitmapFormat == BMF_32BPP) ) { bEnablePacked = TRUE; } else { bEnablePacked = FALSE; }
DBG_GDI((6, "vDownloadNative called, logicop=%d", ulLogicOP));
DBG_GDI((6, "source SURFOBJ=0x%x", pSrcSurface)); DBG_GDI((6, "pptlSrc(x, y)(%d, %d) logicop=%d", pptlSrc->x, pptlSrc->y, ulLogicOP)); DBG_GDI((6, "prclDst(left, right, top, bottom)(%d, %d, %d, %d)", prclDst->left, prclDst->right, prclDst->top, prclDst->bottom)); DBG_GDI((6, "lXOffset=%d, lYOffset=%d", lXOffset, lYOffset));
InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 10, &pBuffer);
// Setup loop invariant state
pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagLogicalOpMode; pBuffer[1] = P2_ENABLED_LOGICALOP(ulLogicOP); pBuffer[2] = __Permedia2TagFBWindowBase; pBuffer[3] = psurfDst->ulPixOffset; pBuffer[4] = __Permedia2TagFBPixelOffset; pBuffer[5] = 0; pBuffer[6] = __Permedia2TagFBReadPixel; pBuffer[7] = ppdev->cPelSize; pBuffer[8] = __Permedia2TagdY; pBuffer[9] = INTtoFIXED(1);
pBuffer += 10;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer);
// Loop all the rectangles to render
while( lNumRects-- ) { ULONG ulMask = ppdev->dwBppMask; DWORD dwReadMode = PM_FBREADMODE_PARTIAL(psurfDst->ulPackedPP) | LogicopReadDest[ulLogicOP]; ULONG ulStartXDom; ULONG ulStartXSub; LONG lSrcLeft = lXOffset + pRects->left; //
// Calculate the 3 bit 2's compliment shift that is required to align
// the source pixels with the destination. This relative offset can be
// used to shift the downloaded data to the 32 bit destination alignment
// that packing requires. This enables you to read DWORD aligned data
// on the host despite the data not being aligned correctly for the
// packing.
ULONG ulOffset = ( (pRects->left & ulMask) - (lSrcLeft & ulMask)) & 0x7; DBG_GDI((6, "ulOffset = 0x%x", ulOffset)); DBG_GDI((6, "pRects(left, right, top, bottom)(%d, %d, %d, %d)", pRects->left, pRects->right, pRects->top, pRects->bottom));
if ( (bEnablePacked == FALSE) && (ulOffset == 0) ) { //
// As long as the source and dest are aligned, then we can still use
// the packed data copy, even with logic OPs
DBG_GDI((6, "Turn packed data on when src and dst are aligned")); bEnablePacked = TRUE; }
ULONG ulWidth = pRects->right - pRects->left; ULONG ulHeight = pRects->bottom - pRects->top; ULONG ulDstLeft; ULONG ulDstRight; ULONG ulDstWidth; LONG lSrcRight; ULONG ulSrcWidth; ULONG ulExtra; if ( bEnablePacked == TRUE ) { ULONG ulShift = ppdev->bBppShift; ulDstLeft = pRects->left >> ulShift; ulDstRight = (pRects->right + ulMask) >> ulShift; ulDstWidth = ulDstRight - ulDstLeft; lSrcRight = (lSrcLeft + ulWidth + ulMask) >> ulShift; lSrcLeft >>= ulShift; ulSrcWidth = (ULONG)(lSrcRight - lSrcLeft); //
// We need to convert from pixel coordinates to ULONG coordinates.
// Also, we need to set the destination width to the greater of the
// source width or destination width. If destination width is
// greater then the source width, we need to remember this so that
// we can download an additional dummy value without reading past
// the end of the source data (which could result in an access
// fault).
if( ulDstWidth <= ulSrcWidth ) { ulExtra = 0; ulWidth = ulSrcWidth; } else { ulWidth = ulDstWidth; ulExtra = 1; } dwReadMode |= (PM_FBREADMODE_RELATIVEOFFSET(ulOffset) | PM_FBREADMODE_READSOURCE(__PERMEDIA_DISABLE) | PM_FBREADMODE_PACKEDDATA(__PERMEDIA_ENABLE) ); ulStartXDom = INTtoFIXED(ulDstLeft); ulStartXSub = INTtoFIXED(ulDstLeft + ulWidth); } else { dwReadMode |= PM_FBREADMODE_RELATIVEOFFSET(0);
ulStartXDom = INTtoFIXED(pRects->left); ulStartXSub = INTtoFIXED(pRects->right); }
InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 14, &pBuffer); pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagFBReadMode; pBuffer[1] = dwReadMode; pBuffer[2] = __Permedia2TagStartXDom; pBuffer[3] = ulStartXDom; pBuffer[4] = __Permedia2TagStartXSub; pBuffer[5] = ulStartXSub;
// Test result shows that it won't hurt if we are doing non-packed
// download and setting this register. If we move this settings
// inside the "bEnablePacked == TRUE" case, then we need the extra
// InputBufferReserve/InputBufferCommit for packed data download
// which will hurt performance
pBuffer[6] = __Permedia2TagPackedDataLimits; pBuffer[7] = PM_PACKEDDATALIMITS_OFFSET(ulOffset) |(INTtoFIXED(pRects->left) | pRects->right); pBuffer[8] = __Permedia2TagStartY; pBuffer[9] = INTtoFIXED(pRects->top); pBuffer[10] = __Permedia2TagCount; pBuffer[11] = ulHeight; pBuffer[12] = __Permedia2TagRender; pBuffer[13] = dwRenderBits; pBuffer += 14;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer); if ( bEnablePacked == TRUE ) { ULONG* pulSrcStart = (ULONG*)(pSrcSurface->pvScan0); lSrcStride = pSrcSurface->lDelta >> 2;
ULONG* pulSrc = (ULONG*)(pulSrcStart + ((lYOffset + pRects->top) * lSrcStride) + lSrcLeft); ULONG* pulData = pulSrc;
while ( ulHeight-- ) { ULONG ulTemp = ulSrcWidth; ULONG* pulSrcTemp = pulData;
InputBufferReserve(ppdev, ulWidth + 1, &pBuffer);
pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagColor | ((ulWidth - 1) << 16); pBuffer +=1;
while ( ulTemp-- ) { *pBuffer++ = *pulSrcTemp++; }
if ( ulExtra ) { *pBuffer++ = 0; }
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer);
pulData += lSrcStride; }// while ( ulHeight-- )
}// PackedEnabled case
else if ( pSrcSurface->iBitmapFormat == BMF_16BPP ) { USHORT* psSrcStart = (USHORT*)(pSrcSurface->pvScan0); lSrcStride = pSrcSurface->lDelta >> 1;
USHORT* psSrc = (USHORT*)(psSrcStart + ((lYOffset + pRects->top) * lSrcStride) + lSrcLeft); USHORT* psData = psSrc;
while ( ulHeight-- ) { ULONG ulTemp = ulWidth; USHORT* psSrcTemp = psData;
InputBufferReserve(ppdev, ulWidth + 1, &pBuffer);
pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagColor | ((ulWidth - 1) << 16); pBuffer +=1;
while ( ulTemp-- ) { *pBuffer++ = (ULONG)(*psSrcTemp++); }
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer);
psData += lSrcStride; }// while ( ulHeight-- )
}// 16 bpp non-packed case
else if ( pSrcSurface->iBitmapFormat == BMF_8BPP ) { BYTE* pcSrcStart = (BYTE*)(pSrcSurface->pvScan0); lSrcStride = pSrcSurface->lDelta;
BYTE* pcSrc = (BYTE*)(pcSrcStart + ((lYOffset + pRects->top) * lSrcStride) + lSrcLeft); BYTE* pcData = pcSrc;
while ( ulHeight-- ) { ULONG ulTemp = ulWidth; BYTE* pcSrcTemp = pcData;
InputBufferReserve(ppdev, ulWidth + 1, &pBuffer);
pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagColor | ((ulWidth - 1) << 16); pBuffer +=1;
while ( ulTemp-- ) { *pBuffer++ = (ULONG)(*pcSrcTemp++); }
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer);
pcData += lSrcStride; }// while ( ulHeight-- )
}// 8 bpp non-packed case
else { //
// Since we have a check in DrvBitBlt
// if(psoSrc->iBitmapFormat == pb.ppdev->iBitmapFormat) before we
// allow it to call this function, so this ASSERT should never
// be hit. It will if we implement 24 bpp download late.
ASSERTDD(0, "we don't handle it for now"); }
// Next rectangle
pRects++; }// while( lNumRects-- )
}// vDownloadNative()
// VOID vDowload4Bpp(GFNPB* ppb)
// Does a download of a 4bpp surface for a list of rectangles.
// Argumentes needed from function block (GFNPB)
// ppdev-------PPDev
// psurfSrc----Source surface
// psurfDst----Destination surface
// pRects------Pointer to a list of rectangles information which needed to be
// filled
// lNumRects---Number of rectangles to fill
// prclDst-----Points to a RECTL structure that defines the rectangular area
// to be modified
// pptlSrc-----Original unclipped source point
ULONG gDownload4BppEnabled = 1;
#if 0
VOID vDownload4Bpp(GFNPB* ppb) { PDev* ppdev = ppb->ppdev; Surf* psurfDst = ppb->psurfDst; RECTL* prcl = ppb->pRects; LONG c = ppb->lNumRects; RECTL* prclDst = ppb->prclDst; POINTL* pptlSrc = ppb->pptlSrc; DWORD dwRenderBits = __RENDER_TRAPEZOID_PRIMITIVE | __RENDER_SYNC_ON_HOST_DATA; BYTE* pbSrcStart = (BYTE *) ppb->psoSrc->pvScan0; LONG lSrcStride = ppb->psoSrc->lDelta; ULONG ulOffset = ((pptlSrc->x & 1) - (prclDst->left & ppdev->dwBppMask)) & 0x7;
if(!gDownload4BppEnabled) return;
// setup loop invariant state
WAIT_INPUT_FIFO(4); SEND_PERMEDIA_DATA(LogicalOpMode, __PERMEDIA_DISABLE); if(ppdev->cPelSize < 2) { SEND_PERMEDIA_DATA(FBReadMode, psurfDst->ulPackedPP | PM_FBREADMODE_PACKEDDATA(__PERMEDIA_ENABLE) | PM_FBREADMODE_RELATIVEOFFSET(ulOffset)); } else { // Do we even need this at all???
SEND_PERMEDIA_DATA(FBReadMode, psurfDst->ulPackedPP); }
SEND_PERMEDIA_DATA(FBWindowBase, psurfDst->ulPixOffset); SEND_PERMEDIA_DATA(FBPixelOffset, 0); DEXE_INPUT_FIFO();
while(c--) {
LONG lSrcLeft = pptlSrc->x + (prcl->left - prclDst->left); LONG lSrcTop = pptlSrc->y + (prcl->top - prclDst->top);
ASSERTDD(lSrcLeft >= 0, "ugh"); ASSERTDD(lSrcTop >= 0, "ugh");
// Render the rectangle
ULONG left = prcl->left >> ppdev->bBppShift; ULONG right = (prcl->right + ppdev->dwBppMask) >> ppdev->bBppShift; ULONG width = right - left; ULONG count = prcl->bottom - prcl->top;
WAIT_INPUT_FIFO((ppdev->cPelSize < 2 ? 6 : 5)); SEND_PERMEDIA_DATA(StartXDom, left << 16); SEND_PERMEDIA_DATA(StartXSub, right << 16); if(ppdev->cPelSize < 2) { SEND_PERMEDIA_DATA(PackedDataLimits, PM_PACKEDDATALIMITS_OFFSET(ulOffset) | (prcl->left << 16) | prcl->right); } SEND_PERMEDIA_DATA(StartY, prcl->top << 16); SEND_PERMEDIA_DATA(Count, count); SEND_PERMEDIA_DATA(Render, dwRenderBits);
BYTE * srcScan = (BYTE *)(pbSrcStart + (lSrcTop * lSrcStride)) + (lSrcLeft >> 1); ULONG* aulXlate = ppb->pxlo->pulXlate;
while(count--) { LONG remaining = width; ULONG* lp = pPermedia->GetDMAPtr(width+1); BYTE* src = srcScan;
*lp++ = __Permedia2TagColor | ((width-1) << 16); switch(ppdev->cPelSize) { case 0:
while(remaining-- > 0) { *lp++ = aulXlate[src[0] & 0x0F] | (aulXlate[(src[0] & 0xF0) >> 4] << 8) | (aulXlate[src[1] & 0xf] << 16) | (aulXlate[(src[1] & 0xf0) >> 4] << 24);
src += 2; }
case 1: while(remaining >= 8) { remaining -= 8; lp[0] = aulXlate[src[0] & 0x0F] | (aulXlate[(src[0] & 0xF0) >> 4] << 16); lp[1] = aulXlate[src[1] & 0x0F] | (aulXlate[(src[1] & 0xF0) >> 4] << 16); lp[2] = aulXlate[src[2] & 0x0F] | (aulXlate[(src[2] & 0xF0) >> 4] << 16); lp[3] = aulXlate[src[3] & 0x0F] | (aulXlate[(src[3] & 0xF0) >> 4] << 16); lp[4] = aulXlate[src[4] & 0x0F] | (aulXlate[(src[4] & 0xF0) >> 4] << 16); lp[5] = aulXlate[src[5] & 0x0F] | (aulXlate[(src[5] & 0xF0) >> 4] << 16); lp[6] = aulXlate[src[6] & 0x0F] | (aulXlate[(src[6] & 0xF0) >> 4] << 16); lp[7] = aulXlate[src[7] & 0x0F] | (aulXlate[(src[7] & 0xF0) >> 4] << 16); lp+=8; src+=8; }
while(remaining-- > 0) { *lp++ = aulXlate[src[0] & 0x0F] | (aulXlate[(src[0] & 0xF0) >> 4] << 16); src++; } break; case 2: if(lSrcLeft & 1) { *lp++ = aulXlate[(src[0] & 0xf0) >> 4]; src++; remaining--; }
while(remaining >= 8) { remaining -= 8; lp[0] = aulXlate[src[0] & 0x0F]; lp[1] = aulXlate[(src[0] & 0xf0) >> 4]; lp[2] = aulXlate[src[1] & 0x0F]; lp[3] = aulXlate[(src[1] & 0xf0) >> 4]; lp[4] = aulXlate[src[2] & 0x0F]; lp[5] = aulXlate[(src[2] & 0xf0) >> 4]; lp[6] = aulXlate[src[3] & 0x0F]; lp[7] = aulXlate[(src[3] & 0xf0) >> 4];
src+=4; lp += 8; } while(remaining > 1) { remaining -= 2; *lp++ = aulXlate[src[0] & 0x0F]; *lp++ = aulXlate[(src[0] & 0xf0) >> 4];
src++; }
if(remaining) { *lp++ = aulXlate[src[0] & 0xf]; } break; }
srcScan += lSrcStride;
} prcl++; }
}// vDownload4Bpp()
// VOID vDowload4Bpp(GFNPB* ppb)
// Does a download of a 4bpp surface for a list of rectangles.
// Argumentes needed from function block (GFNPB)
// ppdev-------PPDev
// psurfSrc----Source surface
// psurfDst----Destination surface
// pRects------Pointer to a list of rectangles information which needed to be
// filled
// lNumRects---Number of rectangles to fill
// prclDst-----Points to a RECTL structure that defines the rectangular area
// to be modified
// pptlSrc-----Original unclipped source point
VOID vDownload24Bpp(GFNPB* ppb) { #if 0
PDev* ppdev = ppb->ppdev; Surf* psurfDst = ppb->psurfDst; RECTL* prcl = ppb->pRects; LONG c = ppb->lNumRects; RECTL* prclDst = ppb->prclDst; POINTL* pptlSrc = ppb->pptlSrc; DWORD dwRenderBits = __RENDER_TRAPEZOID_PRIMITIVE | __RENDER_SYNC_ON_HOST_DATA; BYTE* pbSrcStart = (BYTE*)ppb->psoSrc->pvScan0; LONG lSrcStride = ppb->psoSrc->lDelta; ULONG ulOffset = ((pptlSrc->x & ppdev->dwBppMask) - (prclDst->left & ppdev->dwBppMask)) & 0x7;
// setup loop invariant state
while(c--) { LONG lSrcLeft = pptlSrc->x + (prcl->left - prclDst->left); LONG lSrcTop = pptlSrc->y + (prcl->top - prclDst->top);
ASSERTDD(lSrcLeft >= 0, "ugh"); ASSERTDD(lSrcTop >= 0, "ugh");
// Render the rectangle
ULONG left = prcl->left >> ppdev->bBppShift; ULONG right = (prcl->right + ppdev->dwBppMask) >> ppdev->bBppShift; ULONG width = right - left; ULONG count = prcl->bottom - prcl->top;
WAIT_INPUT_FIFO(6); SEND_PERMEDIA_DATA(StartXDom, left << 16); SEND_PERMEDIA_DATA(StartXSub, right << 16); SEND_PERMEDIA_DATA(PackedDataLimits, PM_PACKEDDATALIMITS_OFFSET(ulOffset) | (prcl->left << 16) | prcl->right); SEND_PERMEDIA_DATA(StartY, prcl->top << 16); SEND_PERMEDIA_DATA(Count, count); SEND_PERMEDIA_DATA(Render, dwRenderBits);
ULONG * src = (ULONG *) (pbSrcStart + (lSrcTop * lSrcStride) + ((lSrcLeft & ~(ppdev->dwBppMask)) << ppdev->cPelSize));
#if 0
BLKLD_INPUT_FIFO_LINES(__Permedia2TagColor, src, width, count, lSrcStride); #else
while(count--) { ULONG i; for(i=0; i<width; i++) { WAIT_INPUT_FIFO(1); SEND_PERMEDIA_DATA(Color, 0); EXE_INPUT_FIFO(); } } #endif
prcl++; } #endif
}// vDownload24Bpp()
// VOID vUploadNative
// Does a VM-to-SM copy of a list of rectangles.
// Argumentes needed from function block (GFNPB)
// ppdev-------PPDev
// psurfSrc----Source surface
// psurfDst----Destination surface
// pRects------Pointer to a list of rectangles information which needed to be
// filled
// lNumRects---Number of rectangles to fill
// prclDst-----Points to a RECTL structure that defines the rectangular area
// to be modified
// pptlSrc-----Original unclipped source point
VOID vUploadNative(GFNPB* ppb) { PDev* ppdev = ppb->ppdev; POINTL* pptlSrc = ppb->pptlSrc; RECTL* prclDst = ppb->prclDst; RECTL* pRects = ppb->pRects; Surf* psurfSrc = ppb->psurfSrc; SURFOBJ* psoDst = ppb->psoDst; BYTE* pbDst; BYTE* pbDstStart = (BYTE*)psoDst->pvScan0; BYTE* pbSrc; BYTE* pbSrcStart = (BYTE*)ppdev->pjScreen + psurfSrc->ulByteOffset; LONG lDstStride = psoDst->lDelta; LONG lNumRects = ppb->lNumRects; LONG lSrcStride = psurfSrc->lDelta;
InputBufferSync(ppdev); DBG_GDI((6, "vUploadNative called"));
while( lNumRects-- ) { LONG lWidthInBytes = (pRects->right - pRects->left) << ppdev->cPelSize; LONG lHeight = pRects->bottom - pRects->top; LONG lSrcX = pptlSrc->x + (pRects->left - prclDst->left); LONG lSrcY = pptlSrc->y + (pRects->top - prclDst->top);
if( (lWidthInBytes != 0) && (lHeight != 0) ) { pbSrc = pbSrcStart + (lSrcX << ppdev->cPelSize); // Offset in Bytes
pbSrc += (lSrcY * lSrcStride); // Add vertical offset
pbDst = pbDstStart + (pRects->left << ppdev->cPelSize); pbDst += (pRects->top * lDstStride);
// Up to this point, "pbSrc" points to the beginning of the bits
// needs to be copied and "pbDst" points to the position for the
// receiving bits
// Now copy it row by row, vertically
while( lHeight-- ) { LONG lCount = lWidthInBytes;
// If the source address is not DWORD aligned,
// (pbSrc & 0x3 != 0), then we copy these bytes first until
// it reaches DWORD aligned condition
// The reason we are doing alignment is unaligned DWORD reads
// are twice as expensive as aligned reads
while( (((ULONG_PTR)pbSrc & 0x3)) && (lCount > 0) ) { *pbDst++ = *pbSrc++; lCount--; }
// Up to this point, the source should be DWORD aligned. So we
// can start to do uploading at DWORD level till there are less
// than bytes left
ULONG* pulSrc = (ULONG*)pbSrc; ULONG* pulDst = (ULONG*)pbDst;
while( lCount >= 4 ) { *(ULONG UNALIGNED*)pulDst++ = *pulSrc++; lCount -= 4; }
// Now copy the last several left over bytes
pbSrc = (BYTE*)pulSrc; pbDst = (BYTE*)pulDst;
while( lCount > 0 ) { *pbDst++ = *pbSrc++; lCount--; }
// Move onto next line
pbSrc += (lSrcStride - lWidthInBytes); pbDst += (lDstStride - lWidthInBytes); }// while( lHeight-- )
}// if( (lWidthInBytes != 0) && (lHeight != 0) )
pRects++; }// while( lNumRects-- )
}// vUploadNative