* * ******************* * * GDI SAMPLE CODE * * ******************* * * Module Name: solidfil.c * * Contains grab bag collection of hardware acceleration entry points. * * Note, we will be moving several of the routines in this file to there * modle leaving only the solid fill related entry points. * * Copyright (c) 1994-1998 3Dlabs Inc. Ltd. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1995-1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. \******************************************************************************/ #include "precomp.h"
#include "gdi.h"
#include "directx.h"
// The shift equations are a nuisance. We want x<<32 to be
// zero but some processors only use the bottom 5 bits
// of the shift value. So if we want to shift by n bits
// where we know that (32 >= n > 0), we do it in two parts.
// In some places the algorithm guarantees n < 32 so we can
// use a single shift.
#define SHIFT_LEFT(src, n) (((src) << ((n)-1)) << 1)
VOID vMonoBitsDownload(PPDev ppdev, BYTE* pSrcBase, // ptr to word containing first bit we want to download
LONG lSrcDelta, // offset in bytes from one scanline to the next
LONG xOffset, // offset of first bit to download in pSrcBase
LONG widthInBits, // number of bits to download on each scanline
LONG nScanLines) // number of scanlines to download
{ ULONG bitWord; ULONG bitMask; ULONG bits; LONG unused; LONG nStart; LONG nRemainder; LONG nBits; ULONG *pSrc;
ULONG* pBuffer; ULONG* pReservationEnd; ULONG* pBufferEnd;
InputBufferStart(ppdev, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER_RESERVATION, &pBuffer, &pBufferEnd, &pReservationEnd); DBG_GDI((6, "vDoMonoBitsDownload called")); ASSERTDD(((INT_PTR)pSrcBase & 3) == 0, "vDoMonoBitsDownload: non-dword aligned source");
// Special case where the source width is a multiple of 32 bits.
// This is true for many small resources such as icons.
if ( (xOffset | (widthInBits & 31)) == 0 ) {
// Simplest case: one 32 bit word per scanline
if ( widthInBits == 32 ) { *pBuffer++ = ((nScanLines - 1) << 16) | __Permedia2TagBitMaskPattern;
do { LSWAP_BYTES(bits, pSrcBase); *pBuffer++ = bits; if(pBuffer == pReservationEnd) { InputBufferContinue(ppdev, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER_RESERVATION, &pBuffer, &pBufferEnd, &pReservationEnd); } pSrcBase += lSrcDelta; } while ( --nScanLines > 0 ); InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer); return; }
// Multiple 32 bit words per scanline. convert the delta to the
// delta as we need it at the end of each line by subtracting the
// width in bytes of the data we're downloading. Note, pSrcBase
// is always 1 LONG short of the end of the line because we break
// before adding on the last ULONG. Thus, we subtract sizeof(ULONG)
// from the original adjustment.
LONG widthInLongs = widthInBits >> 5;
do {
LONG lLongs = widthInLongs; ULONG* src = (ULONG *) pSrcBase; *pBuffer++ = ((lLongs - 1) << 16) | __Permedia2TagBitMaskPattern; if(pBuffer == pReservationEnd) { InputBufferContinue(ppdev, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER_RESERVATION, &pBuffer, &pBufferEnd, &pReservationEnd); } do { LSWAP_BYTES(bits, src); *pBuffer++ = bits; if(pBuffer == pReservationEnd) { InputBufferContinue(ppdev, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER_RESERVATION, &pBuffer, &pBufferEnd, &pReservationEnd); } src++; } while( --lLongs > 0); pSrcBase += lSrcDelta;
} while(--nScanLines > 0);
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer); return;
// Some common values at the start of each scanline:
// bitWord: collect bits in this ulong and write out when full
// unused: number of bits left to fill in bitWord
// nStart = number of valid bits in the first longword
// nRemainder = number of bits on scanline minus nStart
bitWord = 0; unused = 32; nStart = 32 - xOffset; nRemainder = widthInBits - nStart;
// We special case where the complete set of bits on a scanline
// is contained in the first ulong.
//TODO: We should be able to clean this up a little. It would be
// nice to be able to calculate the number of bit masks we
// will be sending enabling us to use the dma hold method
// for all cases.
if ( nRemainder <= 0 ) { nBits = -nRemainder; // number of invalid bits on right
bitMask = (1 << widthInBits) - 1; // widthInBits == 32 is handled above
pSrc = (ULONG *)pSrcBase; while ( TRUE ) { LSWAP_BYTES(bits, pSrc); bits = (bits >> nBits) & bitMask; unused -= widthInBits; if ( unused > 0 ) { bitWord |= bits << unused; } else { bitWord |= bits >> -unused; InputBufferContinue(ppdev, 2, &pBuffer, &pBufferEnd, &pReservationEnd); pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagBitMaskPattern; pBuffer[1] = bitWord; pBuffer += 2; unused += 32; bitWord = SHIFT_LEFT(bits, unused); }
// Break will generate an extra jump
if ( --nScanLines == 0 ) { goto completeDownload; }
pSrc = (ULONG *) (((UCHAR *)pSrc) + lSrcDelta); } }// if ( nRemainder <= 0 )
else { //
// Use bitMask to zero left edge bits in first long
bitMask = SHIFT_LEFT(1, nStart) - 1; while ( TRUE ) { //
// Read the first word from this scanline of the bitmap
// and mask out the lefthand offset bits if any.
nBits = nRemainder; pSrc = (ULONG *)pSrcBase;
LSWAP_BYTES(bits, pSrc); bits &= bitMask;
// Handle the left hand edge
unused -= nStart; if ( unused > 0 ) { bitWord |= bits << unused; } else { bitWord |= bits >> -unused; InputBufferContinue(ppdev, 2, &pBuffer, &pBufferEnd, &pReservationEnd); pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagBitMaskPattern; pBuffer[1] = bitWord; pBuffer += 2; unused += 32; bitWord = SHIFT_LEFT(bits, unused); }
// Handle all the full longs in the middle, if any
while ( nBits >= 32 ) { ++pSrc; LSWAP_BYTES(bits, pSrc); bitWord |= bits >> (32 - unused); InputBufferContinue(ppdev, 2, &pBuffer, &pBufferEnd, &pReservationEnd); pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagBitMaskPattern; pBuffer[1] = bitWord; pBuffer += 2; bitWord = SHIFT_LEFT(bits, unused); nBits -= 32; }
// Handle the right hand edge, if any
if ( nBits > 0 ) { ++pSrc; LSWAP_BYTES(bits, pSrc); bits >>= (32 - nBits); unused -= nBits; if ( unused > 0 ) { bitWord |= bits << unused; } else { bitWord |= bits >> -unused;
InputBufferContinue(ppdev, 2, &pBuffer, &pBufferEnd, &pReservationEnd); pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagBitMaskPattern; pBuffer[1] = bitWord; pBuffer += 2;
unused += 32; bitWord = SHIFT_LEFT(bits, unused); } }
if ( --nScanLines == 0 ) { goto completeDownload; }
// go onto next scanline
pSrcBase += lSrcDelta; } }
completeDownload: //
// Write out final, partial bitWord if any
if ( unused < 32 ) { InputBufferContinue(ppdev, 2, &pBuffer, &pBufferEnd, &pReservationEnd); pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagBitMaskPattern; pBuffer[1] = bitWord; pBuffer += 2; }
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer);
}// vDoMonoBitsDownload()
// void vMonoDownload(GFNPB * ppb)
// Dowload the monochrome source from system memory to video memory using
// provided source to destination rop2.
// Argumentes needed from function block (GFNPB)
// ppdev-------PPDev
// psoSrc------Source SURFOBJ
// psurfDst----Destination Surf
// lNumRects---Number of rectangles to fill
// pptlSrc-----Source point
// prclDst-----Points to a RECTL structure that defines the rectangular area
// to be modified
// pRects------Pointer to a list of rectangles information which needed to be
// filled
// pxlo--------XLATEOBJ
// usRop4------Rop to be performed
VOID vMonoDownload(GFNPB * ppb) { PDev* ppdev = ppb->ppdev; RECTL* prcl = ppb->pRects; LONG count = ppb->lNumRects; SURFOBJ* psoSrc = ppb->psoSrc; POINTL* pptlSrc = ppb->pptlSrc; RECTL* prclDst = ppb->prclDst; XLATEOBJ * pxlo = ppb->pxlo; ULONG logicop = ulRop2ToLogicop((unsigned char)(ppb->ulRop4 & 0xf)); DWORD dwBitMask;
ASSERTDD(count > 0, "Can't handle zero rectangles");
if ( ppb->ulRop4 == 0xB8B8 ) { dwBitMask = permediaInfo->RasterizerMode | INVERT_BITMASK_BITS; logicop = K_LOGICOP_COPY; } else if ( ppb->ulRop4 == 0xE2E2 ) { dwBitMask = permediaInfo->RasterizerMode; logicop = K_LOGICOP_COPY; } else { dwBitMask = permediaInfo->RasterizerMode | FORCE_BACKGROUND_COLOR; }
ULONG* pBuffer;
InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 14, &pBuffer);
pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagFBReadMode; pBuffer[1] = PM_FBREADMODE_PARTIAL(ppb->psurfDst->ulPackedPP) | LogicopReadDest[logicop]; pBuffer[2] = __Permedia2TagLogicalOpMode; pBuffer[3] = P2_ENABLED_LOGICALOP(logicop); pBuffer[4] = __Permedia2TagColorDDAMode; pBuffer[5] = __COLOR_DDA_FLAT_SHADE; pBuffer[6] = __Permedia2TagConstantColor; pBuffer[7] = pxlo->pulXlate[1]; pBuffer[8] = __Permedia2TagTexel0; pBuffer[9] = pxlo->pulXlate[0]; pBuffer[10] = __Permedia2TagFBWindowBase; pBuffer[11] = ppb->psurfDst->ulPixOffset; pBuffer[12] = __Permedia2TagRasterizerMode; pBuffer[13] = dwBitMask;
pBuffer += 14;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer);
while (count--) { LONG xOffset; BYTE* pjSrc;
// calc x pixel offset from origin
xOffset = pptlSrc->x + (prcl->left - prclDst->left); // pjSrc is first dword containing a bit to download
pjSrc = (BYTE*)((INT_PTR)((PUCHAR) psoSrc->pvScan0 + ((pptlSrc->y + (prcl->top - prclDst->top)) * psoSrc->lDelta) + ((xOffset >> 3) & ~3)));
// pjSrc gets us to the first DWORD. Convert xOffset to be the offset
// to the first pixel in the first DWORD
xOffset &= 0x1f;
InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 10, &pBuffer); // set up the destination rectangle
pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagStartXDom; pBuffer[1] = INTtoFIXED(prcl->left); pBuffer[2] = __Permedia2TagStartXSub; pBuffer[3] = INTtoFIXED(prcl->right); pBuffer[4] = __Permedia2TagStartY; pBuffer[5] = INTtoFIXED(prcl->top); pBuffer[6] = __Permedia2TagCount; pBuffer[7] = prcl->bottom - prcl->top; pBuffer[8] = __Permedia2TagRender; pBuffer[9] = __RENDER_TRAPEZOID_PRIMITIVE | __RENDER_SYNC_ON_BIT_MASK;
pBuffer += 10;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer);
vMonoBitsDownload( ppdev, pjSrc, psoSrc->lDelta, xOffset, prcl->right - prcl->left, prcl->bottom - prcl->top);
InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 4, &pBuffer); pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagColorDDAMode; pBuffer[1] = __PERMEDIA_DISABLE; pBuffer[2] = __Permedia2TagRasterizerMode; pBuffer[3] = permediaInfo->RasterizerMode;
pBuffer += 4;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer); }
// void vGradientFillRect(GFNPB * ppb)
// Shades the specified primitives.
// Argumentes needed from function block (GFNPB)
// ppdev-------PPDev
// psurfDst----Destination surface
// lNumRects---Number of rectangles to fill
// pRects------Pointer to a list of rectangles information which needed to be
// filled
// ulMode------Specifies the current drawing mode and how to interpret the
// array to which pMesh points
// ptvrt-------Points to an array of TRIVERTEX structures, with each entry
// containing position and color information.
// ulNumTvrt---Specifies the number of TRIVERTEX structures in the array to
// which pVertex points
// pvMesh------Points to an array of structures that define the connectivity
// of the TRIVERTEX elements to which ptvrt points
// ulNumMesh---Specifies the number of elements in the array to which pvMesh
// points
VOID vGradientFillRect(GFNPB * ppb) { Surf * psurfDst = ppb->psurfDst; RECTL* prcl = ppb->pRects; LONG c = ppb->lNumRects; PPDev ppdev = psurfDst->ppdev; DWORD windowBase = psurfDst->ulPixOffset; TRIVERTEX *ptvrt = ppb->ptvrt; GRADIENT_RECT *pgr; GRADIENT_RECT *pgrSentinel = ((GRADIENT_RECT *) ppb->pvMesh) + ppb->ulNumMesh; LONG xShift; LONG yShift; ULONG* pBuffer;
DBG_GDI((10, "vGradientFillRect"));
// setup loop invariant state
InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 14, &pBuffer);
pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagLogicalOpMode; pBuffer[1] = __PERMEDIA_DISABLE; pBuffer[2] = __Permedia2TagDitherMode; pBuffer[3] = (COLOR_MODE << PM_DITHERMODE_COLORORDER) | (ppdev->ulPermFormat << PM_DITHERMODE_COLORFORMAT) | (ppdev->ulPermFormatEx << PM_DITHERMODE_COLORFORMATEXTENSION) | (1 << PM_DITHERMODE_ENABLE) | (1 << PM_DITHERMODE_DITHERENABLE); pBuffer[4] = __Permedia2TagFBReadMode; pBuffer[5] = PM_FBREADMODE_PARTIAL(ppb->psurfDst->ulPackedPP) | PM_FBREADMODE_PACKEDDATA(__PERMEDIA_DISABLE); pBuffer[6] = __Permedia2TagFBWindowBase; pBuffer[7] = windowBase; pBuffer[8] = __Permedia2TagLogicalOpMode; pBuffer[9] = __PERMEDIA_DISABLE; pBuffer[10] = __Permedia2TagColorDDAMode; pBuffer[11] = 3; pBuffer[12] = __Permedia2TagdY; pBuffer[13] = 1 << 16;
pBuffer += 14; //@@BEGIN_DDKSPLIT
// TODO: This code can be cleaned up a little
// 1. the delta values should not change with each rectangle
// 2. we can use the render rectangle primitive
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer);
while(c--) { pgr = (GRADIENT_RECT *) ppb->pvMesh;
while(pgr < pgrSentinel) { TRIVERTEX *ptrvtLr = ptvrt + pgr->LowerRight; TRIVERTEX *ptrvtUl = ptvrt + pgr->UpperLeft; LONG rd; LONG gd; LONG bd; LONG dx; LONG dy; RECTL rect; LONG rdx; LONG rdy; LONG gdx; LONG gdy; LONG bdx; LONG bdy; LONG rs; LONG gs; LONG bs; LONG lTemp; BOOL bReverseH = FALSE; BOOL bReverseV = FALSE;
rect.left = ptrvtUl->x; rect.right = ptrvtLr->x; rect.top = ptrvtUl->y; rect.bottom = ptrvtLr->y; if ( rect.left > rect.right ) { //
// The fill is from right to left. So we need to swap
// the rectangle coordinates
lTemp = rect.left; rect.left = rect.right; rect.right = lTemp;
bReverseH = TRUE; }
if ( rect.top > rect.bottom ) { //
// The coordinate is from bottom to top. So we need to swap
// the rectangle coordinates
lTemp = rect.top; rect.top = rect.bottom; rect.bottom = lTemp;
bReverseV = TRUE; }
// We need to set start color and color delta according to the
// rectangle drawing direction
if( (ppb->ulMode == GRADIENT_FILL_RECT_H) && (bReverseH == TRUE) ||(ppb->ulMode == GRADIENT_FILL_RECT_V) && (bReverseV == TRUE) ) { rd = (ptrvtUl->Red - ptrvtLr->Red) << 7; gd = (ptrvtUl->Green - ptrvtLr->Green) << 7; bd = (ptrvtUl->Blue - ptrvtLr->Blue) << 7;
rs = ptrvtLr->Red << 7; gs = ptrvtLr->Green << 7; bs = ptrvtLr->Blue << 7; } else { rd = (ptrvtLr->Red - ptrvtUl->Red) << 7; gd = (ptrvtLr->Green - ptrvtUl->Green) << 7; bd = (ptrvtLr->Blue - ptrvtUl->Blue) << 7;
rs = ptrvtUl->Red << 7; gs = ptrvtUl->Green << 7; bs = ptrvtUl->Blue << 7; } // quick clipping reject
if(prcl->left >= rect.right || prcl->right <= rect.left || prcl->top >= rect.bottom || prcl->bottom <= rect.top) goto nextPgr;
dx = rect.right - rect.left; dy = rect.bottom - rect.top;
if(ppb->ulMode == GRADIENT_FILL_RECT_H) { rdx = rd / dx; gdx = gd / dx; bdx = bd / dx;
rdy = 0; gdy = 0; bdy = 0; } else { rdy = rd / dy; gdy = gd / dy; bdy = bd / dy;
rdx = 0; gdx = 0; bdx = 0; }
// Convert from 9.15 to 9.11 format. The Permedia2
// dRdx, dGdx etc. registers using 9.11 fixed format. The bottom 4
// bits are not used.
rdx &= ~0xf; gdx &= ~0xf; bdx &= ~0xf; rdy &= ~0xf; gdy &= ~0xf; bdy &= ~0xf;
// now perform some clipping adjusting start values as necessary
xShift = prcl->left - rect.left; if(xShift > 0) { rs = rs + (rdx * xShift); gs = gs + (gdx * xShift); bs = bs + (bdx * xShift); rect.left = prcl->left; }
yShift = prcl->top - rect.top; if(yShift > 0) { rs = rs + (rdy * yShift); gs = gs + (gdy * yShift); bs = bs + (bdy * yShift); rect.top = prcl->top; }
// just move up the bottom right as necessary
if(prcl->right < rect.right) rect.right = prcl->right;
if(prcl->bottom < rect.bottom) rect.bottom = prcl->bottom; InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 28, &pBuffer); pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagRStart; pBuffer[1] = rs; pBuffer[2] = __Permedia2TagGStart; pBuffer[3] = gs; pBuffer[4] = __Permedia2TagBStart; pBuffer[5] = bs;
pBuffer[6] = __Permedia2TagdRdx; pBuffer[7] = rdx; pBuffer[8] = __Permedia2TagdRdyDom; pBuffer[9] = rdy; pBuffer[10] = __Permedia2TagdGdx; pBuffer[11] = gdx; pBuffer[12] = __Permedia2TagdGdyDom; pBuffer[13] = gdy; pBuffer[14] = __Permedia2TagdBdx; pBuffer[15] = bdx; pBuffer[16] = __Permedia2TagdBdyDom; pBuffer[17] = bdy;
// NOTE: alpha is always constant
// Render the rectangle
pBuffer[18] = __Permedia2TagStartXDom; pBuffer[19] = rect.left << 16; pBuffer[20] = __Permedia2TagStartXSub; pBuffer[21] = rect.right << 16; pBuffer[22] = __Permedia2TagStartY; pBuffer[23] = rect.top << 16; pBuffer[24] = __Permedia2TagCount; pBuffer[25] = rect.bottom - rect.top;
pBuffer[26] = __Permedia2TagRender; pBuffer[27] = __RENDER_TRAPEZOID_PRIMITIVE;
pBuffer += 28;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer);
pgr++; }
InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 6, &pBuffer); pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagdY; pBuffer[1] = INTtoFIXED(1); pBuffer[2] = __Permedia2TagDitherMode; pBuffer[3] = 0; pBuffer[4] = __Permedia2TagColorDDAMode; pBuffer[5] = 0; pBuffer += 6;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer);
}// vGradientFillRect()
// void vTransparentBlt(GFNPB * ppb)
// Provides bit-block transfer capabilities with transparency.
// Argumentes needed from function block (GFNPB)
// ppdev-------PPDev
// psurfSrc----Source surface
// psurfDst----Destination surface
// lNumRects---Number of rectangles to fill
// prclSrc-----Points to a RECTL structure that defines the rectangular area
// to be copied
// prclDst-----Points to a RECTL structure that defines the rectangular area
// to be modified
// colorKey----Specifies the transparent color in the source surface format.
// It is a color index value that has been translated to the
// source surface's palette.
// pRects------Pointer to a list of rectangles information which needed to be
// filled
VOID vTransparentBlt(GFNPB * ppb) { Surf * psurfDst = ppb->psurfDst; Surf * psurfSrc = ppb->psurfSrc; RECTL* prcl = ppb->pRects; LONG c = ppb->lNumRects; RECTL* prclSrc = ppb->prclSrc; RECTL* prclDst = ppb->prclDst; DWORD colorKey = ppb->colorKey; PPDev ppdev = psurfDst->ppdev; DWORD windowBase = psurfDst->ulPixOffset; LONG sourceOffset = psurfSrc->ulPixOffset; DWORD dwRenderDirection; DWORD format = ppdev->ulPermFormat; DWORD extension = ppdev->ulPermFormatEx; DWORD dwLowerBound; DWORD dwUpperBound; ULONG* pBuffer;
DBG_GDI((6, "vTransparentBlt"));
ASSERTDD(prclSrc->right - prclSrc->left == (prclDst->right - prclDst->left), "vTransparentBlt: expect one-to-one blts only"); ASSERTDD(prclSrc->bottom - prclSrc->top == (prclDst->bottom - prclDst->top), "vTransparentBlt: expect one-to-one blts only"); //@@BEGIN_DDKSPLIT
// TODO: should call utility function to format color key
if (format == PERMEDIA_8BIT_PALETTEINDEX) { colorKey = FORMAT_PALETTE_32BIT(colorKey); dwLowerBound = CHROMA_LOWER_ALPHA(colorKey); dwUpperBound = CHROMA_UPPER_ALPHA(colorKey); } else if(ppdev->ulPermFormat == PERMEDIA_565_RGB) { colorKey = FORMAT_565_32BIT_BGR(colorKey); dwLowerBound = CHROMA_LOWER_ALPHA(colorKey); dwUpperBound = CHROMA_UPPER_ALPHA(colorKey); dwLowerBound = dwLowerBound & 0xF8F8FCF8; dwUpperBound = dwUpperBound | 0x07070307; } else { colorKey = FORMAT_8888_32BIT_BGR(colorKey); dwLowerBound = CHROMA_LOWER_ALPHA(colorKey); dwUpperBound = CHROMA_UPPER_ALPHA(colorKey); } // setup loop invariant state
InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 24, &pBuffer); // Reject range
pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagYUVMode; pBuffer[1] = 0x2 << 1; pBuffer[2] = __Permedia2TagFBWindowBase; pBuffer[3] = windowBase;
// set no read of source.
// add read src/dest enable
pBuffer[4] = __Permedia2TagFBReadMode; pBuffer[5] = psurfDst->ulPackedPP; pBuffer[6] = __Permedia2TagLogicalOpMode; pBuffer[7] = __PERMEDIA_DISABLE;
// set base of source
pBuffer[8] = __Permedia2TagTextureBaseAddress; pBuffer[9] = sourceOffset; pBuffer[10] = __Permedia2TagTextureAddressMode; pBuffer[11] = 1 << PM_TEXADDRESSMODE_ENABLE; //
// modulate & ramp??
pBuffer[12] = __Permedia2TagTextureColorMode; pBuffer[13] = (1 << PM_TEXCOLORMODE_ENABLE) | (_P2_TEXTURE_COPY << PM_TEXCOLORMODE_APPLICATION);
pBuffer[16] = __Permedia2TagTextureDataFormat; pBuffer[17] = (format << PM_TEXDATAFORMAT_FORMAT) | (extension << PM_TEXDATAFORMAT_FORMATEXTENSION) | (COLOR_MODE << PM_TEXDATAFORMAT_COLORORDER);
pBuffer[18] = __Permedia2TagTextureMapFormat; pBuffer[19] = (psurfSrc->ulPackedPP) | (ppdev->cPelSize << PM_TEXMAPFORMAT_TEXELSIZE);
pBuffer[20] = __Permedia2TagChromaLowerBound; pBuffer[21] = dwLowerBound; pBuffer[22] = __Permedia2TagChromaUpperBound; pBuffer[23] = dwUpperBound; pBuffer += 24;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer); if (format != PERMEDIA_8BIT_PALETTEINDEX) {
InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 2, &pBuffer);
// Reject range
pBuffer += 2;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer);
while(c--) {
RECTL rDest; RECTL rSrc;
rDest = *prcl; rSrc.left = prclSrc->left + (rDest.left - prclDst->left); rSrc.top = prclSrc->top + (rDest.top - prclDst->top); rSrc.right = rSrc.left + (rDest.right - rDest.left); rSrc.bottom = rSrc.top + (rDest.bottom - rDest.top);
if (rSrc.top < 0) { rDest.top -= rSrc.top; rSrc.top = 0; } if (rSrc.left < 0) { rDest.left -= rSrc.left; rSrc.left = 0; }
if ((psurfSrc->ulPixOffset) != (psurfDst->ulPixOffset)) { dwRenderDirection = 1; } else { if(rSrc.top < rDest.top) { dwRenderDirection = 0; } else if(rSrc.top > rDest.top) { dwRenderDirection = 1; } else if(rSrc.left < rDest.left) { dwRenderDirection = 0; } else dwRenderDirection = 1; } InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 24, &pBuffer);
// Left -> right, top->bottom
if (dwRenderDirection) { // set offset of source
pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagSStart; pBuffer[1] = rSrc.left << 20; pBuffer[2] = __Permedia2TagTStart; pBuffer[3] = rSrc.top << 20; pBuffer[4] = __Permedia2TagdSdx; pBuffer[5] = 1 << 20; pBuffer[6] = __Permedia2TagdSdyDom; pBuffer[7] = 0; pBuffer[8] = __Permedia2TagdTdx; pBuffer[9] = 0; pBuffer[10] = __Permedia2TagdTdyDom; pBuffer[11] = 1 << 20; pBuffer[12] = __Permedia2TagStartXDom; pBuffer[13] = rDest.left << 16; pBuffer[14] = __Permedia2TagStartXSub; pBuffer[15] = rDest.right << 16; pBuffer[16] = __Permedia2TagStartY; pBuffer[17] = rDest.top << 16; pBuffer[18] = __Permedia2TagdY; pBuffer[19] = 1 << 16; pBuffer[20] = __Permedia2TagCount; pBuffer[21] = rDest.bottom - rDest.top; pBuffer[22] = __Permedia2TagRender; pBuffer[23] = __RENDER_TRAPEZOID_PRIMITIVE | __RENDER_TEXTURED_PRIMITIVE; } else // right->left, bottom->top
{ // set offset of source
pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagSStart; pBuffer[1] = rSrc.right << 20; pBuffer[2] = __Permedia2TagTStart; pBuffer[3] = (rSrc.bottom - 1) << 20; pBuffer[4] = __Permedia2TagdSdx; pBuffer[5] = (DWORD) (-1 << 20); pBuffer[6] = __Permedia2TagdSdyDom; pBuffer[7] = 0; pBuffer[8] = __Permedia2TagdTdx; pBuffer[9] = 0; pBuffer[10] = __Permedia2TagdTdyDom; pBuffer[11] = (DWORD)(-1 << 20); // Render right to left, bottom to top
pBuffer[12] = __Permedia2TagStartXDom; pBuffer[13] = rDest.right << 16; pBuffer[14] = __Permedia2TagStartXSub; pBuffer[15] = rDest.left << 16; pBuffer[16] = __Permedia2TagStartY; pBuffer[17] = (rDest.bottom - 1) << 16; pBuffer[18] = __Permedia2TagdY; pBuffer[19] = (DWORD)(-1 << 16); pBuffer[20] = __Permedia2TagCount; pBuffer[21] = rDest.bottom - rDest.top; pBuffer[22] = __Permedia2TagRender; pBuffer[23] = __RENDER_TRAPEZOID_PRIMITIVE | __RENDER_TEXTURED_PRIMITIVE; }
pBuffer += 24; InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer);
prcl++; }
// restore default state
InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 12, &pBuffer); pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagdY; pBuffer[1] = INTtoFIXED(1); pBuffer[2] = __Permedia2TagDitherMode; pBuffer[3] = 0; pBuffer[4] = __Permedia2TagYUVMode; pBuffer[5] = 0x0; pBuffer[6] = __Permedia2TagTextureAddressMode; pBuffer[7] = __PERMEDIA_DISABLE; pBuffer[8] = __Permedia2TagTextureColorMode; pBuffer[9] = __PERMEDIA_DISABLE; pBuffer[10] = __Permedia2TagTextureReadMode; pBuffer[11] = __PERMEDIA_DISABLE;
pBuffer += 12;
}// vTransparentBlt()
// void vSolidFill(GFNPB* ppb)
// Fill a set of rectangles with a solid color
// Argumentes needed from function block (GFNPB)
// ppdev-------PPDev
// psurfDst----Destination surface
// lNumRects---Number of rectangles to fill
// pRects------Pointer to a list of rectangles information which needed to be
// filled
// solidColor--Fill color
VOID vSolidFill(GFNPB * ppb) { PPDev ppdev = ppb->ppdev; ULONG color = ppb->solidColor; RECTL * pRect = ppb->pRects; LONG count = ppb->lNumRects; Surf* psurf = ppb->psurfDst; //@@BEGIN_DDKSPLIT
// TODO should call utility function to setup fill color
// Note: GDI guarantees that the unused bits are set to zero. We have
// an assert in DrvBitBlt to check the color value for unused high bits
// to make it sure that they are zero.
if (ppdev->cPelSize == 1) { color |= (color << 16); } else if (ppdev->cPelSize == 0) { color |= color << 8; color |= color << 16; }
// setup loop invariant state
ULONG* pBuffer; ULONG* pReservationEnd; ULONG* pBufferEnd;
InputBufferStart(ppdev, 8, &pBuffer, &pBufferEnd, &pReservationEnd); pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagFBBlockColor; pBuffer[1] = color; pBuffer[2] = __Permedia2TagFBReadMode; pBuffer[3] = PM_FBREADMODE_PARTIAL(psurf->ulPackedPP) | PM_FBREADMODE_PACKEDDATA(__PERMEDIA_DISABLE); pBuffer[4] = __Permedia2TagLogicalOpMode; pBuffer[5] = __PERMEDIA_CONSTANT_FB_WRITE; pBuffer[6] = __Permedia2TagFBWindowBase; pBuffer[7] = psurf->ulPixOffset;
while(count--) {
// Render the rectangle
pBuffer = pReservationEnd; InputBufferContinue(ppdev, 6, &pBuffer, &pBufferEnd, &pReservationEnd);
pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagRectangleOrigin; pBuffer[1] = pRect->top << 16 | pRect->left; pBuffer[2] = __Permedia2TagRectangleSize; pBuffer[3] = ((pRect->bottom - pRect->top) << 16) | (pRect->right - pRect->left); pBuffer[4] = __Permedia2TagRender; pBuffer[5] = __RENDER_FAST_FILL_ENABLE | __RENDER_RECTANGLE_PRIMITIVE | __RENDER_INCREASE_X | __RENDER_INCREASE_Y;
pBuffer = pReservationEnd;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer);
}// vSolidFill()
// VOID vInvert
// Fill a set of rectangles with a solid color
// Argumentes needed from function block (GFNPB)
// ppdev-------PPDev
// psurfDst----Pointer to device surface
// lNumRects---Number of clipping rectangles
// pRect-------Array of clipping rectangles
VOID vInvert(GFNPB * ppb) { PPDev ppdev = ppb->ppdev; RECTL * pRect = ppb->pRects; LONG count = ppb->lNumRects; Surf* psurf = ppb->psurfDst; ULONG* pBuffer;
// setup loop invariant state
InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 6, &pBuffer);
pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagFBWindowBase; pBuffer[1] = psurf->ulPixOffset; pBuffer[2] = __Permedia2TagFBReadMode; pBuffer[3] = PM_FBREADMODE_PARTIAL(psurf->ulPackedPP) | PM_FBREADMODE_READDEST(__PERMEDIA_ENABLE);
pBuffer[4] = __Permedia2TagLogicalOpMode; pBuffer[5] = P2_ENABLED_LOGICALOP(K_LOGICOP_INVERT);
pBuffer += 6;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer);
while(count--) {
// Render the rectangle
InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 6, &pBuffer); pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagRectangleOrigin; pBuffer[1] = (pRect->top << 16) | pRect->left; pBuffer[2] = __Permedia2TagRectangleSize; pBuffer[3] = ((pRect->bottom - pRect->top) << 16) | (pRect->right - pRect->left); pBuffer[4] = __Permedia2TagRender; pBuffer[5] = __RENDER_RECTANGLE_PRIMITIVE | __RENDER_INCREASE_X | __RENDER_INCREASE_Y; pBuffer += 6; InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer);
}// vInvert()
// void vSolidFillWithRop(GFNPB* ppb)
// Fill a set of rectangles with a solid color based on the given lLogicOP.
// Argumentes needed from function block (GFNPB)
// ppdev-------PPDev
// psurfDst----Destination surface
// lNumRects---Number of rectangles to fill
// pRects------Pointer to a list of rectangles information which needed to be
// filled
// solidColor--Fill color
// ulRop4------Logic OP for the fill
// TODO: Some clean up: Why are we calculating lLeft andn lRight
// but use pRcl->left and pRcl->right below.
VOID vSolidFillWithRop(GFNPB* ppb) { PPDev ppdev = ppb->ppdev; Surf* psurfDst = ppb->psurfDst; DWORD dwExtra = 0; DWORD dwRenderBits; DWORD dwShift = 0; DWORD dwWindowBase = psurfDst->ulPixOffset; LONG lLeft; LONG lNumOfRects = ppb->lNumRects; // Number of rectangles
LONG lRight; RECTL* pRcl = ppb->pRects; ULONG ulColor = ppb->solidColor; // Brush solid fill color
ULONG ulLogicOP = ulRop3ToLogicop(ppb->ulRop4 & 0xFF); // Hardware mix mode
// (foreground mix mode if
// the brush has a mask)
ULONG* pBuffer;
DBG_GDI((6,"vSolidFillWithRop: numRects = %ld Rop4 = 0x%x", lNumOfRects, ppb->ulRop4)); //
// Setup logic OP invariant state
InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 2, &pBuffer); pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagFBWindowBase; pBuffer[1] = dwWindowBase; pBuffer += 2; InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer); switch ( ulLogicOP ) { case K_LOGICOP_COPY: DBG_GDI((6,"vSolidFillWithRop: COPY"));
// For SRC_COPY, we can use fastfill
// Setup color data based on current color mode we are in
if ( ppdev->cPelSize == 1 ) { //
// We are in 16 bit packed mode. So the color data must be
// repeated in both halves of the FBBlockColor register
ASSERTDD((ulColor & 0xFFFF0000) == 0, "vSolidFillWithRop: upper bits not zero"); ulColor |= (ulColor << 16); } else if ( ppdev->cPelSize == 0 ) { //
// We are in 8 bit packed mode. So the color data must be
// repeated in all 4 bytes of the FBBlockColor register
ASSERTDD((ulColor & 0xFFFFFF00) == 0, "vSolidFillWithRop: upper bits not zero"); ulColor |= ulColor << 8; ulColor |= ulColor << 16; } //
// Setup some loop invariant states
InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 6, &pBuffer);
pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagLogicalOpMode; pBuffer[1] = __PERMEDIA_CONSTANT_FB_WRITE; pBuffer[2] = __Permedia2TagFBReadMode; pBuffer[3] = PM_FBREADMODE_PARTIAL(psurfDst->ulPackedPP) | PM_FBREADMODE_PACKEDDATA(__PERMEDIA_DISABLE); pBuffer[4] = __Permedia2TagFBBlockColor; pBuffer[5] = ulColor; pBuffer += 6;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer);
case K_LOGICOP_INVERT: DBG_GDI((6,"vSolidFillWithRop: INVERT"));
// When using packed operations we have to convert the left and
// right X coordinates into 32-bit-based quantities, we do this by
// shifting. We also have to round up the right X co-ord if the
// pixels don't fill a DWORD. Not a problem for 32BPP.
dwShift = 2 - (ppdev->cPelSize);
if ( dwShift ) { dwExtra = (dwShift << 1) - 1; } else { dwExtra = 0; }
// setup some loop invariant states
InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 6, &pBuffer);
pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagLogicalOpMode; pBuffer[1] = __PERMEDIA_DISABLE; pBuffer[2] = __Permedia2TagFBReadMode; pBuffer[3] = PM_FBREADMODE_PARTIAL(psurfDst->ulPackedPP) | PM_FBREADMODE_PACKEDDATA(__PERMEDIA_DISABLE); pBuffer[4] = __Permedia2TagConfig; pBuffer[5] = __PERMEDIA_CONFIG_LOGICOP(ulLogicOP) | __PERMEDIA_CONFIG_FBWRITE | __PERMEDIA_CONFIG_PACKED_DATA | ConfigReadDest[ulLogicOP]; pBuffer += 6;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer);
DBG_GDI((6,"vSolidFillWithRop: numRects %ld, Rop4=0x%x color=0x%lx", lNumOfRects, ppb->ulRop4, ulColor));
dwRenderBits = __RENDER_TRAPEZOID_PRIMITIVE | __RENDER_INCREASE_Y | __RENDER_INCREASE_X; InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 8, &pBuffer);
pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagLogicalOpMode; pBuffer[1] = __PERMEDIA_DISABLE; pBuffer[2] = __Permedia2TagFBReadMode; pBuffer[3] = PM_FBREADMODE_PARTIAL(psurfDst->ulPackedPP); pBuffer[4] = __Permedia2TagConstantColor; pBuffer[5] = ulColor; pBuffer[6] = __Permedia2TagConfig; pBuffer[7] = __PERMEDIA_CONFIG_LOGICOP(ulLogicOP) | __PERMEDIA_CONFIG_FBWRITE | __PERMEDIA_CONFIG_COLOR_DDA | ConfigReadDest[ulLogicOP]; pBuffer += 8;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer);
break; }// switch( ulLogicOP )
// Loop through all the rectangles and fill them
for(;;) { //
// Calculate the left and right pixels from the rectangle.
lLeft = pRcl->left; lRight = pRcl->right;
InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 12, &pBuffer);
// If we need to set up the packed data limits then do it, also convert
// the left and right X coordinates to DWORD-based numbers, with a bit
// of rounding
if ( ulLogicOP == K_LOGICOP_INVERT ) { pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagPackedDataLimits; pBuffer[1] = (lLeft << 16) | lRight;
pBuffer += 2; lLeft >>= dwShift; lRight = (lRight + dwExtra) >> dwShift; }
pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagStartXDom; pBuffer[1] = pRcl->left << 16; pBuffer[2] = __Permedia2TagStartXSub; pBuffer[3] = pRcl->right << 16; pBuffer[4] = __Permedia2TagStartY; pBuffer[5] = pRcl->top << 16; pBuffer[6] = __Permedia2TagCount; pBuffer[7] = pRcl->bottom - pRcl->top; pBuffer[8] = __Permedia2TagRender; pBuffer[9] = dwRenderBits;
pBuffer += 10;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer); if ( --lNumOfRects == 0 ) { break; }
// Move onto the next rectangle
++pRcl; } // for()
// Restore the DDA mode
InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 2, &pBuffer); pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagColorDDAMode; pBuffer[1] = __PERMEDIA_DISABLE; pBuffer += 2; InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer); }// vSolidFillWithRop()