* * ******************* * * GDI SAMPLE CODE * * ******************* * * Module Name: glntctxt.c * * Content: * * Context switching for GLINT. Used to create and swap contexts in and out. * The display driver has a context, the 3D extension has another * * Copyright (c) 1994-1999 3Dlabs Inc. Ltd. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1995-2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. \*****************************************************************************/
#include "precomp.h"
#include "glint.h"
#include "glntctxt.h"
DWORD readableRegistersP3[] = { __GlintTagStartXDom, // [0x000]
__GlintTagdXDom, // [0x001]
__GlintTagStartXSub, // [0x002]
__GlintTagdXSub, // [0x003]
__GlintTagStartY, // [0x004]
__GlintTagdY, // [0x005]
__GlintTagCount, // [0x006]
__GlintTagPointTable0, // [0x010]
__GlintTagPointTable1, // [0x011]
__GlintTagPointTable2, // [0x012]
__GlintTagPointTable3, // [0x013]
__GlintTagRasterizerMode, // [0x014]
__GlintTagYLimits, // [0x015]
//__GlintTagScanlineOwnership, // [0x016]
__GlintTagPixelSize, // [0x018]
//__GlintTagFastBlockLimits, // [0x026]
__GlintTagScissorMode, // [0x030]
__GlintTagScissorMinXY, // [0x031]
__GlintTagScissorMaxXY, // [0x032]
//__GlintTagScreenSize, // [0x033]
__GlintTagAreaStippleMode, // [0x034]
__GlintTagLineStippleMode, // [0x035]
__GlintTagLoadLineStippleCounters, // [0x036]
__GlintTagWindowOrigin, // [0x039]
__GlintTagAreaStipplePattern0, // [0x040]
__GlintTagAreaStipplePattern1, // [0x041]
__GlintTagAreaStipplePattern2, // [0x042]
__GlintTagAreaStipplePattern3, // [0x043]
__GlintTagAreaStipplePattern4, // [0x044]
__GlintTagAreaStipplePattern5, // [0x045]
__GlintTagAreaStipplePattern6, // [0x046]
__GlintTagAreaStipplePattern7, // [0x047]
__GlintTagAreaStipplePattern8, // [0x048]
__GlintTagAreaStipplePattern9, // [0x049]
__GlintTagAreaStipplePattern10, // [0x04A]
__GlintTagAreaStipplePattern11, // [0x04B]
__GlintTagAreaStipplePattern12, // [0x04C]
__GlintTagAreaStipplePattern13, // [0x04D]
__GlintTagAreaStipplePattern14, // [0x04E]
__GlintTagAreaStipplePattern15, // [0x04F]
__GlintTagAreaStipplePattern16, // [0x050]
__GlintTagAreaStipplePattern17, // [0x051]
__GlintTagAreaStipplePattern18, // [0x052]
__GlintTagAreaStipplePattern19, // [0x053]
__GlintTagAreaStipplePattern20, // [0x054]
__GlintTagAreaStipplePattern21, // [0x055]
__GlintTagAreaStipplePattern22, // [0x056]
__GlintTagAreaStipplePattern23, // [0x057]
__GlintTagAreaStipplePattern24, // [0x058]
__GlintTagAreaStipplePattern25, // [0x059]
__GlintTagAreaStipplePattern26, // [0x05A]
__GlintTagAreaStipplePattern27, // [0x05B]
__GlintTagAreaStipplePattern28, // [0x05C]
__GlintTagAreaStipplePattern29, // [0x05D]
__GlintTagAreaStipplePattern30, // [0x05E]
__GlintTagAreaStipplePattern31, // [0x05F]
__PXRXTagTextureCoordMode, // [0x070]
__GlintTagSStart, // [0x071]
__GlintTagdSdx, // [0x072]
__GlintTagdSdyDom, // [0x073]
__GlintTagTStart, // [0x074]
__GlintTagdTdx, // [0x075]
__GlintTagdTdyDom, // [0x076]
__GlintTagQStart, // [0x077]
__GlintTagdQdx, // [0x078]
__GlintTagdQdyDom, // [0x079]
__GlintTagLOD, // [0x07A]
__GlintTagdSdy, // [0x07B]
__GlintTagdTdy, // [0x07C]
__GlintTagdQdy, // [0x07D]
__PXRXTagS1Start, // [0x080]
__PXRXTagdS1dx, // [0x081]
__PXRXTagdS1dyDom, // [0x082]
__PXRXTagT1Start, // [0x083]
__PXRXTagdT1dx, // [0x084]
__PXRXTagdT1dyDom, // [0x085]
__PXRXTagQ1Start, // [0x086]
__PXRXTagdQ1dx, // [0x087]
__PXRXTagdQ1dyDom, // [0x088]
__GlintTagLOD1, // [0x089]
__GlintTagTextureLODBiasS, // [0x08A]
__GlintTagTextureLODBiasT, // [0x08B]
__GlintTagTextureReadMode, // [0x090]
__GlintTagTextureFormat, // [0x091]
__GlintTagTextureCacheControl, // [0x092]
__GlintTagBorderColor, // [0x095]
//__GlintTagLUTIndex, // [0x098]
//__GlintTagLUTData, // [0x099]
//__GlintTagLUTAddress, // [0x09A]
//__GlintTagLUTTransfer, // [0x09B]
__GlintTagTextureFilterMode, // [0x09C]
__GlintTagTextureChromaUpper, // [0x09D]
__GlintTagTextureChromaLower, // [0x09E]
__GlintTagBorderColor1, // [0x09F]
__GlintTagTextureBaseAddress, // [0x0A0]
__GlintTagTextureBaseAddressLR, // [0x0A1]
__GlintTagTextureBaseAddress2, // [0x0A2]
__GlintTagTextureBaseAddress3, // [0x0A3]
__GlintTagTextureBaseAddress4, // [0x0A4]
__GlintTagTextureBaseAddress5, // [0x0A5]
__GlintTagTextureBaseAddress6, // [0x0A6]
__GlintTagTextureBaseAddress7, // [0x0A7]
__GlintTagTextureBaseAddress8, // [0x0A8]
__GlintTagTextureBaseAddress9, // [0x0A9]
__GlintTagTextureBaseAddress10, // [0x0AA]
__GlintTagTextureBaseAddress11, // [0x0AB]
__GlintTagTextureBaseAddress12, // [0x0AC]
__GlintTagTextureBaseAddress13, // [0x0AD]
__GlintTagTextureBaseAddress14, // [0x0AE]
__GlintTagTextureBaseAddress15, // [0x0AF]
__PXRXTagTextureMapWidth0, // [0x0B0]
__PXRXTagTextureMapWidth1, // [0x0B1]
__PXRXTagTextureMapWidth2, // [0x0B2]
__PXRXTagTextureMapWidth3, // [0x0B3]
__PXRXTagTextureMapWidth4, // [0x0B4]
__PXRXTagTextureMapWidth5, // [0x0B5]
__PXRXTagTextureMapWidth6, // [0x0B6]
__PXRXTagTextureMapWidth7, // [0x0B7]
__PXRXTagTextureMapWidth8, // [0x0B8]
__PXRXTagTextureMapWidth9, // [0x0B9]
__PXRXTagTextureMapWidth10, // [0x0BA]
__PXRXTagTextureMapWidth11, // [0x0BB]
__PXRXTagTextureMapWidth12, // [0x0BC]
__PXRXTagTextureMapWidth13, // [0x0BD]
__PXRXTagTextureMapWidth14, // [0x0BE]
__PXRXTagTextureMapWidth15, // [0x0BF]
__PXRXTagTextureChromaUpper1, // [0x0C0]
__PXRXTagTextureChromaLower1, // [0x0C1]
__PXRXTagTextureApplicationMode, // [0x0D0]
__GlintTagTextureEnvColor, // [0x0D1]
__GlintTagFogMode, // [0x0D2]
__GlintTagFogColor, // [0x0D3]
__GlintTagFStart, // [0x0D4]
__GlintTagdFdx, // [0x0D5]
__GlintTagdFdyDom, // [0x0D6]
__GlintTagZFogBias, // [0x0D7]
__GlintTagRStart, // [0x0F0]
__GlintTagdRdx, // [0x0F1]
__GlintTagdRdyDom, // [0x0F2]
__GlintTagGStart, // [0x0F3]
__GlintTagdGdx, // [0x0F4]
__GlintTagdGdyDom, // [0x0F5]
__GlintTagBStart, // [0x0F6]
__GlintTagdBdx, // [0x0F7]
__GlintTagdBdyDom, // [0x0F8]
__GlintTagAStart, // [0x0F9]
__GlintTagdAdx, // [0x0FA]
__GlintTagdAdyDom, // [0x0FB]
__GlintTagColorDDAMode, // [0x0FC]
__GlintTagConstantColor, // [0x0FD]
__GlintTagColor, // [0x0FE]
__GlintTagAlphaTestMode, // [0x100]
__GlintTagAntialiasMode, // [0x101]
__GlintTagDitherMode, // [0x103]
__GlintTagFBSoftwareWriteMask, // [0x104]
__GlintTagLogicalOpMode, // [0x105]
__GlintTagRouterMode, // [0x108]
__GlintTagLBReadFormat, // [0x111]
__GlintTagLBSourceOffset, // [0x112]
__GlintTagLBWriteMode, // [0x118]
__GlintTagLBWriteFormat, // [0x119]
//__GlintTagTextureDownloadOffset, // [0x11E]
__GlintTagWindow, // [0x130]
__GlintTagStencilMode, // [0x131]
__GlintTagStencilData, // [0x132]
__GlintTagStencil, // [0x133]
__GlintTagDepthMode, // [0x134]
__GlintTagDepth, // [0x135]
__GlintTagZStartU, // [0x136]
__GlintTagZStartL, // [0x137]
__GlintTagdZdxU, // [0x138]
__GlintTagdZdxL, // [0x139]
__GlintTagdZdyDomU, // [0x13A]
__GlintTagdZdyDomL, // [0x13B]
__GlintTagFastClearDepth, // [0x13C]
__GlintTagFBWriteMode, // [0x157]
__GlintTagFBHardwareWriteMask, // [0x158]
__GlintTagFBBlockColor, // [0x159]
//__GlintTagFilterMode, // [0x180]
__GlintTagStatisticMode, // [0x181]
__GlintTagMinRegion, // [0x182]
__GlintTagMaxRegion, // [0x183]
__GlintTagRLEMask, // [0x189]
__GlintTagFBBlockColorBackU, // [0x18B]
__GlintTagFBBlockColorBackL, // [0x18C]
//__GlintTagFBBlockColorU, // [0x18D]
//__GlintTagFBBlockColorL, // [0x18E]
__GlintTagKsRStart, // [0x190]
__GlintTagdKsRdx, // [0x191]
__GlintTagdKsRdyDom, // [0x192]
__GlintTagKsGStart, // [0x193]
__GlintTagdKsGdx, // [0x194]
__GlintTagdKsGdyDom, // [0x195]
__GlintTagKsBStart, // [0x196]
__GlintTagdKsBdx, // [0x197]
__GlintTagdKsBdyDom, // [0x198]
__GlintTagKdRStart, // [0x1A0]
__GlintTagdKdRdx, // [0x1A1]
__GlintTagdKdRdyDom, // [0x1A2]
__GlintTagKdGStart, // [0x1A3]
__GlintTagdKdGdx, // [0x1A4]
__GlintTagdKdGdyDom, // [0x1A5]
__GlintTagKdBStart, // [0x1A6]
__GlintTagdKdBdx, // [0x1A7]
__GlintTagdKdBdyDom, // [0x1A8]
//LUT0, // [0x1D0]
//LUT1, // [0x1D1]
//LUT2, // [0x1D2]
//LUT3, // [0x1D3]
//LUT4, // [0x1D4]
//LUT5, // [0x1D5]
//LUT6, // [0x1D6]
//LUT7, // [0x1D7]
//LUT8, // [0x1D8]
//LUT9, // [0x1D9]
//LUT10, // [0x1DA]
//LUT11, // [0x1DB]
//LUT12, // [0x1DC]
//LUT13, // [0x1DD]
//LUT14, // [0x1DE]
//LUT15, // [0x1DF]
__PXRXTagYUVMode, // [0x1E0]
__PXRXTagChromaUpper, // [0x1E1]
__PXRXTagChromaLower, // [0x1E2]
__GlintTagChromaTestMode, // [0x1E3]
__PXRXTagV0FloatS1, // [0x200]
__PXRXTagV0FloatT1, // [0x201]
__PXRXTagV0FloatQ1, // [0x202]
__PXRXTagV0FloatKsR, // [0x20A]
__PXRXTagV0FloatKsG, // [0x20B]
__PXRXTagV0FloatKsB, // [0x20C]
__PXRXTagV0FloatKdR, // [0x20D]
__PXRXTagV0FloatKdG, // [0x20E]
__PXRXTagV0FloatKdB, // [0x20F]
__PXRXTagV1FloatS1, // [0x210]
__PXRXTagV1FloatT1, // [0x211]
__PXRXTagV1FloatQ1, // [0x212]
__PXRXTagV1FloatKsR, // [0x21A]
__PXRXTagV1FloatKsG, // [0x21B]
__PXRXTagV1FloatKsB, // [0x21C]
__PXRXTagV1FloatKdR, // [0x21D]
__PXRXTagV1FloatKdG, // [0x21E]
__PXRXTagV1FloatKdB, // [0x21F]
__PXRXTagV2FloatS1, // [0x220]
__PXRXTagV2FloatT1, // [0x221]
__PXRXTagV2FloatQ1, // [0x222]
__PXRXTagV2FloatKsR, // [0x22A]
__PXRXTagV2FloatKsG, // [0x22B]
__PXRXTagV2FloatKsB, // [0x22C]
__PXRXTagV2FloatKdR, // [0x22D]
__PXRXTagV2FloatKdG, // [0x22E]
__PXRXTagV2FloatKdB, // [0x22F]
__PXRXTagV0FloatS, // [0x230]
__PXRXTagV0FloatT, // [0x231]
__PXRXTagV0FloatQ, // [0x232]
__PXRXTagV0FloatR, // [0x235]
__PXRXTagV0FloatG, // [0x236]
__PXRXTagV0FloatB, // [0x237]
__PXRXTagV0FloatA, // [0x238]
__PXRXTagV0FloatF, // [0x239]
__PXRXTagV0FloatX, // [0x23A]
__PXRXTagV0FloatY, // [0x23B]
__PXRXTagV0FloatZ, // [0x23C]
__PXRXTagV0FloatW, // [0x23D]
__PXRXTagV0FloatPackedColour, // [0x23E]
__PXRXTagV0FloatPackedSpecularFog, // [0x23F]
__RXRXTagV1FloatS, // [0x240]
__RXRXTagV1FloatT, // [0x241]
__RXRXTagV1FloatQ, // [0x242]
__RXRXTagV1FloatR, // [0x245]
__RXRXTagV1FloatG, // [0x246]
__RXRXTagV1FloatB, // [0x247]
__RXRXTagV1FloatA, // [0x248]
__RXRXTagV1FloatF, // [0x249]
__RXRXTagV1FloatX, // [0x24A]
__RXRXTagV1FloatY, // [0x24B]
__RXRXTagV1FloatZ, // [0x24C]
__RXRXTagV1FloatW, // [0x24D]
__RXRXTagV1FloatPackedColour, // [0x24E]
__RXRXTagV1FloatPackedSpecularFog, // [0x24F]
__RXRXTagV2FloatS, // [0x250]
__RXRXTagV2FloatT, // [0x251]
__RXRXTagV2FloatQ, // [0x252]
__RXRXTagV2FloatR, // [0x255]
__RXRXTagV2FloatG, // [0x256]
__RXRXTagV2FloatB, // [0x257]
__RXRXTagV2FloatA, // [0x258]
__RXRXTagV2FloatF, // [0x259]
__RXRXTagV2FloatX, // [0x25A]
__RXRXTagV2FloatY, // [0x25B]
__RXRXTagV2FloatZ, // [0x25C]
__RXRXTagV2FloatW, // [0x25D]
__RXRXTagV2FloatPackedColour, // [0x25E]
__RXRXTagV2FloatPackedSpecularFog, // [0x25F]
__DeltaTagDeltaMode, // [0x260]
__DeltaTagProvokingVertex, // [0x267]
__DeltaTagTextureLODScale, // [0x268]
__DeltaTagTextureLODScale1, // [0x269]
__DeltaTagDeltaControl, // [0x26A]
__DeltaTagProvokingVertexMask, // [0x26B]
//__DeltaTagBroadcastMask, // [0x26F]
//__DeltaTagDeltaTexture01, // [0x28B]
//__DeltaTagDeltaTexture11, // [0x28C]
//__DeltaTagDeltaTexture21, // [0x28D]
//__DeltaTagDeltaTexture31, // [0x28E]
__DeltaTagXBias, // [0x290]
__DeltaTagYBias, // [0x291]
__DeltaTagZBias, // [0x29F]
//__GlintTagDMAAddr, // [0x530]
//__GlintTagDMACount, // [0x531]
//__GlintTagCommandInterrupt, // [0x532]
//__GlintTagDMARectangleRead, // [0x535]
//__GlintTagDMARectangleReadAddress, // [0x536]
//__GlintTagDMARectangleReadLinePitch, // [0x537]
//__GlintTagDMARectangleReadTarget, // [0x538]
//__GlintTagDMARectangleWrite, // [0x539]
//__GlintTagDMARectangleWriteAddress, // [0x53A]
//__GlintTagDMARectangleWriteLinePitch, // [0x53B]
//__GlintTagDMAOutputAddress, // [0x53C]
//__GlintTagDMAOutputCount, // [0x53D]
//__GlintTagDMAFeedback, // [0x542]
__GlintTagFBDestReadBufferAddr0, // [0x5D0]
__GlintTagFBDestReadBufferAddr1, // [0x5D1]
__GlintTagFBDestReadBufferAddr2, // [0x5D2]
__GlintTagFBDestReadBufferAddr3, // [0x5D3]
__GlintTagFBDestReadBufferOffset0, // [0x5D4]
__GlintTagFBDestReadBufferOffset1, // [0x5D5]
__GlintTagFBDestReadBufferOffset2, // [0x5D6]
__GlintTagFBDestReadBufferOffset3, // [0x5D7]
__GlintTagFBDestReadBufferWidth0, // [0x5D8]
__GlintTagFBDestReadBufferWidth1, // [0x5D9]
__GlintTagFBDestReadBufferWidth2, // [0x5DA]
__GlintTagFBDestReadBufferWidth3, // [0x5DB]
__GlintTagFBDestReadMode, // [0x5DC]
__GlintTagFBDestReadEnables, // [0x5DD]
__GlintTagFBSourceReadMode, // [0x5E0]
__GlintTagFBSourceReadBufferAddr, // [0x5E1]
__GlintTagFBSourceReadBufferOffset, // [0x5E2]
__GlintTagFBSourceReadBufferWidth, // [0x5E3]
__GlintTagPCIWindowBase0, // [0x5E8]
__GlintTagPCIWindowBase1, // [0x5E9]
__GlintTagPCIWindowBase2, // [0x5EA]
__GlintTagPCIWindowBase3, // [0x5EB]
__GlintTagPCIWindowBase4, // [0x5EC]
__GlintTagPCIWindowBase5, // [0x5ED]
__GlintTagPCIWindowBase6, // [0x5EE]
__GlintTagPCIWindowBase7, // [0x5EF]
__GlintTagAlphaSourceColor, // [0x5F0]
__GlintTagAlphaDestColor, // [0x5F1]
__GlintTagChromaPassColor, // [0x5F2]
__GlintTagChromaFailColor, // [0x5F3]
__GlintTagAlphaBlendColorMode, // [0x5F4]
__GlintTagAlphaBlendAlphaMode, // [0x5F5]
//__GlintTagConstantColorDDA, // [0x5F6]
//__GlintTagD3DAlphaTestMode, // [0x5F8]
__GlintTagFBWriteBufferAddr0, // [0x600]
__GlintTagFBWriteBufferAddr1, // [0x601]
__GlintTagFBWriteBufferAddr2, // [0x602]
__GlintTagFBWriteBufferAddr3, // [0x603]
__GlintTagFBWriteBufferOffset0, // [0x604]
__GlintTagFBWriteBufferOffset1, // [0x605]
__GlintTagFBWriteBufferOffset2, // [0x606]
__GlintTagFBWriteBufferOffset3, // [0x607]
__GlintTagFBWriteBufferWidth0, // [0x608]
__GlintTagFBWriteBufferWidth1, // [0x609]
__GlintTagFBWriteBufferWidth2, // [0x60A]
__GlintTagFBWriteBufferWidth3, // [0x60B]
//__GlintTagFBBlockColor0, // [0x60C]
//__GlintTagFBBlockColor1, // [0x60D]
//__GlintTagFBBlockColor2, // [0x60E]
//__GlintTagFBBlockColor3, // [0x60F]
//__GlintTagFBBlockColorBack0, // [0x610]
//__GlintTagFBBlockColorBack1, // [0x611]
//__GlintTagFBBlockColorBack2, // [0x612]
//__GlintTagFBBlockColorBack3, // [0x613]
__GlintTagFBBlockColorBack, // [0x614]
//__GlintTagSizeOfFramebuffer, // [0x615]
//__GlintTagVTGAddress, // [0x616]
//__GlintTagVTGData, // [0x617]
//__GlintTagForegroundColor, // [0x618]
//__GlintTagBackgroundColor, // [0x619]
//__GlintTagDownloadAddress, // [0x61A]
//__GlintTagFBBlockColorExt, // [0x61C]
//__GlintTagFBBlockColorBackExt, // [0x61D]
//__GlintTagFBWriteMaskExt, // [0x61E]
#if 0
FogTable0, // [0x620]
FogTable1, // [0x621]
FogTable2, // [0x622]
FogTable3, // [0x623]
FogTable4, // [0x624]
FogTable5, // [0x625]
FogTable6, // [0x626]
FogTable7, // [0x627]
FogTable8, // [0x628]
FogTable9, // [0x629]
FogTable10, // [0x62A]
FogTable11 // [0x62B]
FogTable12, // [0x62C]
FogTable13, // [0x62D]
FogTable14, // [0x62E]
FogTable15, // [0x62F]
FogTable16, // [0x630]
FogTable17, // [0x631]
FogTable18, // [0x632]
FogTable19, // [0x633]
FogTable20, // [0x634]
FogTable21, // [0x635]
FogTable22, // [0x636]
FogTable23, // [0x637]
FogTable24, // [0x638]
FogTable25, // [0x639]
FogTable26, // [0x63A]
FogTable27, // [0x63B]
FogTable28, // [0x63C]
FogTable29, // [0x63D]
FogTable30, // [0x63E]
FogTable31, // [0x63F]
FogTable32, // [0x640]
FogTable33, // [0x641]
FogTable34, // [0x642]
FogTable35, // [0x643]
FogTable36, // [0x644]
FogTable37, // [0x645]
FogTable38, // [0x646]
FogTable39, // [0x647]
FogTable40, // [0x648]
FogTable41, // [0x649]
FogTable42, // [0x64A]
FogTable43, // [0x64B]
FogTable44, // [0x64C]
FogTable45, // [0x64D]
FogTable46, // [0x64E]
FogTable47, // [0x64F]
FogTable48, // [0x650]
FogTable49, // [0x651]
FogTable50, // [0x652]
FogTable51, // [0x653]
FogTable52, // [0x654]
FogTable53, // [0x655]
FogTable54, // [0x656]
FogTable55, // [0x657]
FogTable56, // [0x658]
FogTable57, // [0x659]
FogTable58, // [0x65A]
FogTable59, // [0x65B]
FogTable60, // [0x65C]
FogTable61, // [0x65D]
FogTable62, // [0x65E]
FogTable63, // [0x65F]
__GlintTagTextureCompositeMode, // [0x660]
__GlintTagTextureCompositeColorMode0, // [0x661]
__GlintTagTextureCompositeAlphaMode0, // [0x662]
__GlintTagTextureCompositeColorMode1, // [0x663]
__GlintTagTextureCompositeAlphaMode1, // [0x664]
__GlintTagTextureCompositeFactor0, // [0x665]
__GlintTagTextureCompositeFactor1, // [0x666]
__GlintTagTextureIndexMode0, // [0x667]
__GlintTagTextureIndexMode1, // [0x668]
__GlintTagLodRange0, // [0x669]
__GlintTagLodRange1, // [0x66A]
//__GlintTagSetLogicalTexturePage, // [0x66C]
__GlintTagLUTMode, // [0x66F]
__GlintTagTextureReadMode0, // [0x680]
__GlintTagTextureReadMode1, // [0x681]
__GlintTagTextureMapSize, // [0x685]
//HeadPhysicalPageAllocation0, // [0x690]
//HeadPhysicalPageAllocation1, // [0x691]
//HeadPhysicalPageAllocation2, // [0x692]
//HeadPhysicalPageAllocation3, // [0x693]
//TailPhysicalPageAllocation0, // [0x694]
//TailPhysicalPageAllocation1, // [0x695]
//TailPhysicalPageAllocation2, // [0x696]
//TailPhysicalPageAllocation3, // [0x697]
//PhysicalPageAllocationTableAddr, // [0x698]
//BasePageOfWorkingSet, // [0x699]
//LogicalTexturePageTableAddr, // [0x69A]
//LogicalTexturePageTableLength, // [0x69B]
__GlintTagLBDestReadMode, // [0x6A0]
__GlintTagLBDestReadEnables, // [0x6A1]
__GlintTagLBDestReadBufferAddr, // [0x6A2]
__GlintTagLBDestReadBufferOffset, // [0x6A3]
__GlintTagLBSourceReadMode, // [0x6A4]
__GlintTagLBSourceReadBufferAddr, // [0x6A5]
__GlintTagLBSourceReadBufferOffset, // [0x6A6]
__GlintTagGIDMode, // [0x6A7]
__GlintTagLBWriteBufferAddr, // [0x6A8]
__GlintTagLBWriteBufferOffset, // [0x6A9]
__GlintTagLBClearDataL, // [0x6AA]
__GlintTagLBClearDataU, // [0x6AB]
__GlintTagRectanglePosition, // [0x6C0]
//__GlintTagGlyphPosition, // [0x6C1]
__GlintTagRenderPatchOffset, // [0x6C2]
//__GlintTagConfig2D, // [0x6C3]
//__GlintTagRender2D, // [0x6C8]
//__GlintTagRender2DGlyph, // [0x6C9]
__GlintTagDownloadTarget, // [0x6CA]
//__GlintTagDownloadGlyphWidth, // [0x6CB]
//__GlintTagGlyphData, // [0x6CC]
//__GlintTagPacked4Pixels, // [0x6CD]
//__GlintTagRLData, // [0x6CE]
//__GlintTagRLCount, // [0x6CF]
//__GlintTagKClkProfileMask0, // [0x6D4]
//__GlintTagKClkProfileMask1, // [0x6D5]
//__GlintTagKClkProfileMask2, // [0x6D6]
//__GlintTagKClkProfileMask3, // [0x6D7]
//__GlintTagKClkProfileCount0, // [0x6D8]
//__GlintTagKClkProfileCount1, // [0x6D9]
//__GlintTagKClkProfileCount2, // [0x6DA]
//__GlintTagKClkProfileCount3, // [0x6DB]
(sizeof(readableRegistersP3) / sizeof(readableRegistersP3[0]))
// the status flags are used to indicate whether DMA has completed, the
// GLINT is synced etc. This has to be global for each board. The whole
// idea is that we can do a quick check without having to read a chip
// register. So for speed of access we'll make it visible everywhere
// !!! azn - we had to reintroduce this g_CC in order to fix the
// regular recurrence of bug #158713 (pxrxFifoUpload stall)
// we have to chk later how to rewrite it
* GlintAllocateNewContext: * * Allocate a new context. If all registers are to be saved in the context * then pTag is passed as null. The priv field is an opaque handle which the * caller passes in. It is saved as part of the context and used to disable * any context which causes the chip to lockup. * ******************************************************************************/ LONG GlintAllocateNewContext( PPDEV ppdev, DWORD *pTag, LONG ntags, ULONG NumSubBuffers, PVOID priv, ContextType ctxtType) { GlintCtxtTable *pCtxtTable, *pNewCtxtTable; GlintCtxtRec **ppEntry; GlintCtxtRec *pEntry; CtxtData *pData; LONG nEntries, size, ctxtId; ULONG *pul; GLINT_DECL;
// first time round allocate the context table of pointers. We will
// grow this table as required.
if (ppdev->pGContextTable == NULL) { DISPDBG((DBGLVL, "creating context table")); size = sizeof(GlintCtxtTable); pCtxtTable = (GlintCtxtTable*)ENGALLOCMEM(FL_ZERO_MEMORY, size, ALLOC_TAG_GDI(7)); if (pCtxtTable == NULL) { DISPDBG((ERRLVL, "Failed to allocate GLINT context table. " "Out of memory")); return(-1); } pCtxtTable->nEntries = CTXT_CHUNK; pCtxtTable->size = size; ppdev->pGContextTable = pCtxtTable; }
// Always update this. If a new PDEV comes along for this board we need
// to initialize its current context. One way to do this would be to
// provide an explicit function to do the job but why do that to update
// one variable. Anyway context allocation is pretty rare so this extra
// assign isn't too much of a overhead.
ppdev->currentCtxt = -1;
// Find an empty entry in the table
// I suppose if we have hundreds of contexts this could be a bit slow but
// allocating the context isn't time critical, swapping in and out is.
pCtxtTable = ppdev->pGContextTable; nEntries = pCtxtTable->nEntries; ppEntry = &pCtxtTable->pEntry[0]; for (ctxtId = 0; ctxtId < nEntries; ++ctxtId) { if (*ppEntry == 0) { DISPDBG((DBGLVL, "found free context id %d", ctxtId)); break; } ++ppEntry; } DISPDBG((DBGLVL, "Got ppEntry = 0x%x", ppEntry)); DISPDBG((DBGLVL, "Got *ppEntry = 0x%x", *ppEntry));
// if we found no free entries try to grow the table
if (ctxtId == nEntries) { DISPDBG((WRNLVL, "context table full so enlarging")); size = pCtxtTable->size + (CTXT_CHUNK * sizeof(GlintCtxtRec*)); pNewCtxtTable = (GlintCtxtTable*)ENGALLOCMEM(FL_ZERO_MEMORY, size, ALLOC_TAG_GDI(8)); if (pNewCtxtTable == NULL) { DISPDBG((ERRLVL, "failed to increase GLINT context table. " "Out of memory")); return(-1); } // copy the old table to the new one
RtlCopyMemory(pNewCtxtTable, pCtxtTable, pCtxtTable->size); pNewCtxtTable->size = size; pNewCtxtTable->nEntries = nEntries + CTXT_CHUNK; ppdev->pGContextTable = pNewCtxtTable; // first of the newly allocated entries is next free one
ctxtId = nEntries; ppEntry = &pNewCtxtTable->pEntry[ctxtId];
// free the old context table and reassign some variables
ENGFREEMEM(pCtxtTable); pCtxtTable = pNewCtxtTable; nEntries = pCtxtTable->nEntries; }
size = sizeof(GlintCtxtRec) - sizeof(CtxtData); if( ctxtType == ContextType_RegisterList ) { // if pTag is passed as null then we are to add all
// readable registers to the context.
if( pTag == NULL ) { DISPDBG((DBGLVL, "adding all readable P3 registers to the context")); pTag = readableRegistersP3; ntags = N_READABLE_TAGSP3; }
// now allocate space for the new entry. We are given the number of
// tags to save when context switching. Allocate twice this much
// memory as we have to hold the data values as well.
DISPDBG((DBGLVL, "Allocating space for context. ntags = %d", ntags)); size += ntags * sizeof(CtxtData); }
*ppEntry = (GlintCtxtRec*)ENGALLOCMEM(FL_ZERO_MEMORY, size, ALLOC_TAG_GDI(9)); if (*ppEntry == NULL) { DISPDBG((ERRLVL, "Out of memory " "trying to allocate space for new context")); return(-1); } pEntry = *ppEntry; DISPDBG((DBGLVL, "Got pEntry 0x%x", pEntry)); pEntry->type = ctxtType;
pEntry->ntags = ntags; pEntry->priv = priv; pData = pEntry->pData;
DISPDBG((DBGLVL, "pEntry setup"));
switch (pEntry->type) { case ContextType_None: DISPDBG((DBGLVL, "context is of type 'None'")); // doing nothing
case ContextType_RegisterList: DISPDBG((DBGLVL, "context is of type 'RegisterList'")); while (--ntags >= 0) { pData->tag = *pTag++; READ_GLINT_FIFO_REG(pData->tag, pData->data); ++pData; } break;
case ContextType_Fixed: DISPDBG((DBGLVL, "context is of type 'Fixed'")); pEntry->dumpFunc = (ContextFixedFunc) pTag; break; default: DISPDBG((DBGLVL, "context is of unknown type: %d", ctxtType)); break; }
// init the control registers that we save in the context.
pEntry->DoubleWrite = 0;
// TMM: Find out the current setting of DISCONNECT and use that one
// this might seem a bit strange but we want to inherit the crrent
// setting of Disconnect.
READ_GLINT_CTRL_REG (DisconnectControl, pEntry->inFifoDisc); READ_GLINT_CTRL_REG (VideoControl, pEntry->VideoControl); READ_GLINT_CTRL_REG (DMAControl, pEntry->DMAControl); // if no interrupt driven DMA or asked for less than 3 buffers then
// configure no Q for this context
if (!GLINT_INTERRUPT_DMA || (NumSubBuffers <= 2)) { NumSubBuffers = 0; }
// initialize the size of the Q for interrupt driven DMA. We must always
// set the Q length to 2 less than the number of sub-buffers. This is so
// that we block before allowing the application to write to a buffer that
// has no yet been DMA'ed. Since the Q always has a blank entry to make
// it circular the endIndex of the Q is one beyond the end
// (i.e. the number of entries in the Q is endIndex-1) so subtract one
// from the number of sub-buffers to get the endIndex.
// If NumSubBuffers is zero then we are not using interrupt driven DMA
// for this context.
if (NumSubBuffers > 0) { pEntry->endIndex = NumSubBuffers-1; } else { pEntry->endIndex = 0; }
DISPDBG((DBGLVL, "Allocated context %d", ctxtId)); return(ctxtId); } //GlintAllocateNewContext
* vGlintFreeContext: * * Free a previously allocated context * ******************************************************************************/ VOID vGlintFreeContext( PPDEV ppdev, LONG ctxtId) { GlintCtxtTable *pCtxtTable; GlintCtxtRec **ppEntry; BOOL bAllCtxtsFreed; LONG i; pCtxtTable = ppdev->pGContextTable;
if (pCtxtTable == NULL) { DISPDBG((ERRLVL,"vGlintFreeContext: no contexts have been created!")); return; }
if ((ctxtId < 0) || (ctxtId >= pCtxtTable->nEntries)) { DISPDBG((ERRLVL, "vGlintFreeContext: Trying to free out of range context")); return; }
ppEntry = &pCtxtTable->pEntry[ctxtId];
// If the entry is not yet free (it shouldn't) free it
if (NULL != *ppEntry) { ENGFREEMEM(*ppEntry); *ppEntry = 0; // marks it as free
} else { DISPDBG((WRNLVL, "vGlintFreeContext: ppEntry already freed " "ctxtId = %d", ctxtId)); }
// If there are no more valid contexts in the context table, lets
// destroy it, otherwise it will leak memory. Whenever we get called
// to allocate a new context, it will be created if necessary
bAllCtxtsFreed = TRUE; for (i = 0; i < pCtxtTable->nEntries; i++) { bAllCtxtsFreed = bAllCtxtsFreed && (pCtxtTable->pEntry[i] == NULL); } if(bAllCtxtsFreed) { ENGFREEMEM(ppdev->pGContextTable); ppdev->pGContextTable = NULL; }
// if this was the current context, mark the current context as invalid so
// we force a reload next time. Guard against null pointers when exiting
// from DrvEnableSurface with some error condition
if (ppdev->currentCtxt == ctxtId) { if (ppdev->bEnabled) { // only sync if PDEV is enabled as we can be called from
// DrvDisableSUrface after the PDEV was disabled by
// DrvAssertMode(,FALSE)
GLINT_DECL; SYNC_WITH_GLINT; } ppdev->currentCtxt = -1; ppdev->g_GlintBoardStatus &= ~(GLINT_INTR_CONTEXT | GLINT_DUAL_CONTEXT); } DISPDBG((DBGLVL, "Released context %d", ctxtId)); } // vGlintFreeContext
* vGlintSwitchContext * * Load a new context into the hardware. We assume that this call is protected * by a test that the given context is not the current one - hence the * assertion. The code would work but the driver should never try to load an * already loaded context so we trap it as an error. * * The NON_GLINT_CONTEXT_ID is used by 2D accelerators on combo boards. Effectively, * we use it to extend the context switching to allow syncing between the 2D and * the GLINT chips. As they are both talking to the same framebuffer, we cannot * allow both to be active at the same time. Of course, in the future we could * come up with some mutual exclusion scheme based on the bounding boxes of the * areas into which each chip is rendering, but that would require major surgery * to both the 2D driver and the 3D extension. * ******************************************************************************/ VOID vGlintSwitchContext( PPDEV ppdev, LONG ctxtId) { GlintCtxtTable *pCtxtTable; GlintCtxtRec *pEntry; CtxtData *pData; LONG oldCtxtId; ULONG enableFlags; LONG ntags, n; LONG i; ULONG *pul; GLINT_DECL;
pCtxtTable = ppdev->pGContextTable;
if (pCtxtTable == NULL) { DISPDBG((ERRLVL,"vGlintSwitchContext: no contexts have been created!")); return; } oldCtxtId = ppdev->currentCtxt;
DISPDBG((DBGLVL, "swapping from context %d to context %d", oldCtxtId, ctxtId));
if ((ctxtId < -1) || (ctxtId >= pCtxtTable->nEntries)) { DISPDBG((ERRLVL, "vGlintSwitchContext: Trying to free out of range context")); return; }
// sync with the chip before reading back the current state. The flag
// is used to control context manipulation on lockup recovery.
ASSERTDD(!(ppdev->g_GlintBoardStatus & GLINT_INTR_CONTEXT) || ((ppdev->g_GlintBoardStatus & GLINT_INTR_CONTEXT) && (glintInfo->pInterruptCommandBlock->frontIndex == glintInfo->pInterruptCommandBlock->backIndex)), "Trying to context switch with outstanding DMA queue entries");
if (oldCtxtId != -1) { pEntry = pCtxtTable->pEntry[oldCtxtId];
if (pEntry != NULL) { pData = pEntry->pData; ntags = pEntry->ntags;
switch (pEntry->type) { case ContextType_None: // nothing doing
DISPDBG((DBGLVL, "Context is of type none - doing nothing")); break;
case ContextType_Fixed: DISPDBG((DBGLVL, "Context is of type fixed, calling dumpFunc " "0x%08X with FALSE", pEntry->dumpFunc)); pEntry->dumpFunc(ppdev, FALSE); break;
case ContextType_RegisterList: while( --ntags >= 0 ) { READ_GLINT_FIFO_REG(pData->tag, pData->data); DISPDBG((DBGLVL, "readback tag 0x%x, data 0x%x", pData->tag, pData->data)); ++pData; } break;
default: DISPDBG((ERRLVL, "Context is of unknown type!!!")); }
// Save disconnect
READ_GLINT_CTRL_REG (DisconnectControl, pEntry->inFifoDisc); READ_GLINT_CTRL_REG (VideoControl, pEntry->VideoControl); READ_GLINT_CTRL_REG (DMAControl, pEntry->DMAControl);
// disable interrupt driven DMA. New context may re-enable it.
// Clear dual TX status while we're at it.
ppdev->g_GlintBoardStatus &= ~(GLINT_INTR_CONTEXT | GLINT_DUAL_CONTEXT);
READ_GLINT_CTRL_REG (IntEnable, enableFlags); WRITE_GLINT_CTRL_REG(IntEnable, enableFlags & ~(INTR_ENABLE_DMA)); if (GLINT_DELTA_PRESENT) { READ_GLINT_CTRL_REG (DeltaIntEnable, enableFlags); WRITE_GLINT_CTRL_REG(DeltaIntEnable, enableFlags & ~(INTR_ENABLE_DMA)); } DISPDBG((DBGLVL, "DMA Interrupt disabled"));
// record whether double writes are enabled or not
if (glintInfo->flags & GLICAP_RACER_DOUBLE_WRITE) { GET_RACER_DOUBLEWRITE (pEntry->DoubleWrite); } } else { // nothing doing
DISPDBG((ERRLVL, "Context pEntry is unexpectedly NULL! (2)")); } }
// load the new context. We allow -1 to be passed so that we can force a
// save of the current context and force the current context to be
// undefined.
if (ctxtId != -1) { //@@BEGIN_DDKSPLIT
// AZN Assert taken out since we now check below for (pEntry != NULL)
//ASSERTDD(pCtxtTable->pEntry[ctxtId] != 0,
// "Trying to load a freed context");
pEntry = pCtxtTable->pEntry[ctxtId];
if (pEntry != NULL) { switch (pEntry->type) { case ContextType_None: // nothing doing
DISPDBG((DBGLVL, "Context is of type none, doing nothing")); break;
case ContextType_Fixed: DISPDBG((DBGLVL,"Context is of type fixed, " "calling dumpFunc 0x%08X with TRUE", pEntry->dumpFunc)); pEntry->dumpFunc(ppdev, TRUE); break;
case ContextType_RegisterList: ntags = pEntry->ntags; pData = pEntry->pData;
while (ntags > 0) { n = 16; WAIT_GLINT_FIFO(n); ntags -= n; if (ntags < 0) { n += ntags; } while (--n >= 0) { LD_GLINT_FIFO(pData->tag, pData->data); DISPDBG((DBGLVL, "loading tag 0x%x, data 0x%x", pData->tag, pData->data)); ++pData; } } break;
default: DISPDBG((ERRLVL, "Context is of unknown type!!!")); }
// load up the control registers
if (glintInfo->flags & GLICAP_RACER_DOUBLE_WRITE) { SET_RACER_DOUBLEWRITE (pEntry->DoubleWrite); }
// Restore disconnect
WRITE_GLINT_CTRL_REG (DisconnectControl, pEntry->inFifoDisc); WRITE_GLINT_CTRL_REG (VideoControl, ((pEntry->VideoControl & 0xFFFFFF87) | 0x29)); WRITE_GLINT_CTRL_REG (DMAControl, pEntry->DMAControl);
// if using interrupt driven DMA for this context (endIndex > 0) then
// restore the size of the interrupt driven DMA queue for this context
// and reset the queue.
if (pEntry->endIndex > 0) { ASSERTDD(GLINT_INTERRUPT_DMA, "trying to set up DMA Q " "but no interrupt driven DMA available"); ASSERTDD(glintInfo->pInterruptCommandBlock->frontIndex == glintInfo->pInterruptCommandBlock->backIndex, "Trying to context switch " "with outstanding DMA queue entries"); glintInfo->pInterruptCommandBlock->frontIndex = 0; glintInfo->pInterruptCommandBlock->backIndex = 0; glintInfo->pInterruptCommandBlock->endIndex = pEntry->endIndex; ppdev->g_GlintBoardStatus |= GLINT_INTR_CONTEXT; READ_GLINT_CTRL_REG (IntEnable, enableFlags); DISPDBG((DBGLVL, "DMA Interrupt enabled. flags = 0x%x", enableFlags | (INTR_ENABLE_DMA|INTR_ENABLE_ERROR)));
WRITE_GLINT_CTRL_REG(IntEnable, enableFlags | INTR_ENABLE_DMA | INTR_ENABLE_ERROR ); if (GLINT_DELTA_PRESENT) { READ_GLINT_CTRL_REG (DeltaIntEnable, enableFlags); WRITE_GLINT_CTRL_REG(DeltaIntEnable, enableFlags | INTR_ENABLE_DMA | INTR_ENABLE_ERROR ); } } } else { // nothing doing
DISPDBG((ERRLVL, "Context pEntry is unexpectedly NULL! (1)")); } }
DISPDBG((DBGLVL, "vGlintSwitchContext: context %d now current", ctxtId)); ppdev->currentCtxt = ctxtId; } // vGlintSwitchContext