* * ****************************************** * * Copyright (c) 1996, Cirrus Logic, Inc. * * * All Rights Reserved * * ****************************************** * * PROJECT: Laguna I (CL-GD546x) - * * FILE: ddflip.c * * AUTHOR: Benny Ng * * DESCRIPTION: * This module implements the DirectDraw FLIP components * for the Laguna NT driver. * * MODULES: * vGetDisplayDuration() * vUpdateFlipStatus() * DdFlip() * DdWaitForVerticalBlank() * DdGetFlipStatus() * * REVISION HISTORY: * 7/12/96 Benny Ng Initial version * * $Log: X:/log/laguna/nt35/displays/cl546x/ddflip.c $ * * Rev 1.10 16 Sep 1997 15:04:06 bennyn * * Modified for NT DD overlay * * Rev 1.9 29 Aug 1997 17:42:20 RUSSL * Added 65 overlay support * * Rev 1.8 11 Aug 1997 14:07:58 bennyn * * Enabled GetScanLine() (for PDR 10254) * **************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************/ /*----------------------------- INCLUDES ----------------------------------*/ #include "precomp.h"
// This file isn't used in NT 3.51
#ifndef WINNT_VER35
/*----------------------------- DEFINES -----------------------------------*/ //#define DBGBRK
#define DBGLVL 1
#define CSL 0x00C4
#define CSL_5464 0x0140
/*--------------------- STATIC FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ------------------------*/
/*--------------------------- ENUMERATIONS --------------------------------*/
/*----------------------------- TYPEDEFS ----------------------------------*/
/*-------------------------- STATIC VARIABLES -----------------------------*/
/*-------------------------- GLOBAL FUNCTIONS -----------------------------*/
#if DRIVER_5465 && defined(OVERLAY)
// CurrentVLine is in ddinline.h for overlay
* * FUNCTION: CurrentVLine * * DESCRIPTION: * ****************************************************************************/ static __inline int CurrentVLine (PDEV* ppdev) { WORD cline; PBYTE pMMReg = (PBYTE) ppdev->pLgREGS_real; PWORD pCSL; BYTE tmpb;
// on 5462 there is no CurrentScanLine register
// on RevAA of 5465 it's busted
if ((CL_GD5462 == ppdev->dwLgDevID) || ((CL_GD5465 == ppdev->dwLgDevID) && (0 == ppdev->dwLgDevRev))) return 0;
if (IN_VBLANK) return 0;
// read current scanline
if (ppdev->dwLgDevID == CL_GD5464) pCSL = (PWORD) (pMMReg + CSL_5464); else pCSL = (PWORD) (pMMReg + CSL);
cline = *pCSL & 0x0FFF;
// if scanline doubling is enabled, divide current scanline by 2
tmpb = (BYTE) LLDR_SZ (grCR9); if (0x80 & tmpb) cline /= 2;
// if current scanline is past end of visible screen return 0
if (cline >= ppdev->cyScreen) return 0; else return cline; } #endif
* FUNCTION NAME: vGetDisplayDuration * * DESCRIPTION: Get the length, in EngQueryPerformanceCounter() ticks, * of a refresh cycle. * (Based on S3 DirectDraw code) ****************************************************************************/ #define NUM_VBLANKS_TO_MEASURE 1
VOID vGetDisplayDuration(PFLIPRECORD pflipRecord) { LONG i, j; LONGLONG li, liMin; LONGLONG aliMeasurement[NUM_MEASUREMENTS_TO_TAKE + 1];
DISPDBG((DBGLVL, "DDraw - vGetDisplayDuration\n"));
#ifdef DBGBRK
memset(pflipRecord, 0, sizeof(FLIPRECORD));
// Warm up EngQUeryPerformanceCounter to make sure it's in the working set
// Unfortunately, since NT is a proper multitasking system, we can't
// just disable interrupts to take an accurate reading. We also can't
// do anything so goofy as dynamically change our thread's priority to
// real-time.
// So we just do a bunch of short measurements and take the minimum.
// It would be 'okay' if we got a result that's longer than the actual
// VBlank cycle time -- nothing bad would happen except that the app
// would run a little slower. We don't want to get a result that's
// shorter than the actual VBlank cycle time -- that could cause us
// to start drawing over a frame before the Flip has occured.
while(IN_VBLANK); while(IN_DISPLAY);
for (i = 0; i < NUM_MEASUREMENTS_TO_TAKE; i++) { // We're at the start of the VBlank active cycle!
// Okay, so life in a multi-tasking environment isn't all that
// simple. What if we had taken a context switch just before
// the above EngQueryPerformanceCounter call, and now were half
// way through the VBlank inactive cycle? Then we would measure
// only half a VBlank cycle, which is obviously bad. The worst
// thing we can do is get a time shorter than the actual VBlank
// cycle time.
// So we solve this by making sure we're in the VBlank active
// time before and after we query the time. If it's not, we'll
// sync up to the next VBlank (it's okay to measure this period --
// it will be guaranteed to be longer than the VBlank cycle and
// will likely be thrown out when we select the minimum sample).
// There's a chance that we'll take a context switch and return
// just before the end of the active VBlank time -- meaning that
// the actual measured time would be less than the true amount --
// but since the VBlank is active less than 1% of the time, this
// means that we would have a maximum of 1% error approximately
// 1% of the times we take a context switch. An acceptable risk.
// This next line will cause us wait if we're no longer in the
// VBlank active cycle as we should be at this point:
for (j = 0; j < NUM_VBLANKS_TO_MEASURE; j++) { while(IN_VBLANK); while(IN_DISPLAY); }; };
// Use the minimum:
liMin = aliMeasurement[1] - aliMeasurement[0];
for (i = 2; i <= NUM_MEASUREMENTS_TO_TAKE; i++) { li = aliMeasurement[i] - aliMeasurement[i - 1];
if (li < liMin) liMin = li; };
// Round the result:
pflipRecord->liFlipDuration = (DWORD) (liMin + (NUM_VBLANKS_TO_MEASURE / 2)) / NUM_VBLANKS_TO_MEASURE;
pflipRecord->liFlipTime = aliMeasurement[NUM_MEASUREMENTS_TO_TAKE]; pflipRecord->bFlipFlag = FALSE; pflipRecord->fpFlipFrom = 0; } // getDisplayDuration
* FUNCTION NAME: vUpdateFlipStatus * * DESCRIPTION: Checks and sees if the most recent flip has occurred. * (Based on S3 DirectDraw code) ****************************************************************************/ HRESULT vUpdateFlipStatus(PFLIPRECORD pflipRecord, FLATPTR fpVidMem) { LONGLONG liTime;
DISPDBG((DBGLVL, "DDraw - vUpdateFlipStatus\n"));
#ifdef DBGBRK
// see if a flip has happened recently
if ((pflipRecord->bFlipFlag) && ((fpVidMem == 0xFFFFFFFF) || (fpVidMem == pflipRecord->fpFlipFrom))) { if ((IN_VBLANK)) { if (pflipRecord->bWasEverInDisplay) pflipRecord->bHaveEverCrossedVBlank = TRUE; } else if (!(IN_DISPLAYENABLE)) { if (pflipRecord->bHaveEverCrossedVBlank) { pflipRecord->bFlipFlag = FALSE;
return(DD_OK); }; pflipRecord->bWasEverInDisplay = TRUE; };
if (liTime - pflipRecord->liFlipTime <= pflipRecord->liFlipDuration) { return(DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING); };
pflipRecord->bFlipFlag = FALSE; };
return(DD_OK); } // updateFlipStatus
* FUNCTION NAME: DdFlip * * DESCRIPTION: * (Based on S3 DirectDraw code) ****************************************************************************/ DWORD DdFlip(PDD_FLIPDATA lpFlip) { DRIVERDATA* pDriverData; PDEV* ppdev; HRESULT ddrval;
ULONG ulMemoryOffset; ULONG ulLowOffset; ULONG ulMiddleOffset; ULONG ulHighOffset; BYTE tmpb;
DISPDBG((DBGLVL, "DDraw - DdFlip\n"));
#ifdef DBGBRK
ppdev = (PDEV*) lpFlip->lpDD->dhpdev; pDriverData = (DRIVERDATA*) &ppdev->DriverData;
#if DRIVER_5465 && defined(OVERLAY)
if (DDSCAPS_OVERLAY & lpFlip->lpSurfCurr->ddsCaps.dwCaps) return pDriverData->OverlayTable.pfnFlip(ppdev,lpFlip); #endif
// Is the current flip still in progress?
// Don't want a flip to work until after the last flip is done,
// so we ask for the general flip status.
ddrval = vUpdateFlipStatus(&ppdev->flipRecord, 0xFFFFFFFF);
if ((ddrval != DD_OK) || (DrawEngineBusy(pDriverData))) { lpFlip->ddRVal = DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING; return(DDHAL_DRIVER_HANDLED); };
// everything is OK, do the flip here
{ DWORD dwOffset;
// Determine the offset to the new area.
dwOffset = lpFlip->lpSurfTarg->lpGbl->fpVidMem >> 2;
// Make sure that the border/blanking period isn't active; wait if
// it is. We could return DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING in this case, but
// that will increase the odds that we can't flip the next time:
// Flip the primary surface by changing CRD, CRC, CR1B and CR1D
// Do CRD last because the start address is double buffered and
// will take effect after CRD is updated.
// need bits 19 & 20 of address in bits 3 & 4 of CR1D
tmpb = (BYTE) LLDR_SZ (grCR1D); tmpb = (tmpb & ~0x18) | (BYTE3FROMDWORD(dwOffset) & 0x18); LL8(grCR1D, tmpb);
// need bits 16, 17 & 18 of address in bits 0, 2 & 3 of CR1B
tmpb = (BYTE) LLDR_SZ (grCR1B); tmpb = (tmpb & ~0x0D) | ((((BYTE3FROMDWORD(dwOffset) & 0x06) << 1) | (BYTE3FROMDWORD(dwOffset) & 0x01))); LL8(grCR1B, tmpb);
// bits 8-15 of address go in CRC
LL8(grCRC, BYTE2FROMDWORD(dwOffset)); // bits 0-7 of address go in CRD
LL8(grCRD, BYTE1FROMDWORD(dwOffset)); };
// remember where/when we were when we did the flip
ppdev->flipRecord.bFlipFlag = TRUE; ppdev->flipRecord.bHaveEverCrossedVBlank = FALSE; ppdev->flipRecord.bWasEverInDisplay = FALSE;
ppdev->flipRecord.fpFlipFrom = lpFlip->lpSurfCurr->lpGbl->fpVidMem;
lpFlip->ddRVal = DD_OK;
return(DDHAL_DRIVER_HANDLED); } // Flip
* FUNCTION NAME: DdWaitForVerticalBlank * * DESCRIPTION: ****************************************************************************/ DWORD DdWaitForVerticalBlank(PDD_WAITFORVERTICALBLANKDATA lpWaitForVerticalBlank) { PDEV* ppdev;
DISPDBG((DBGLVL, "DDraw - DdWaitForVerticalBlank\n"));
#ifdef DBGBRK
ppdev = (PDEV*) lpWaitForVerticalBlank->lpDD->dhpdev;
lpWaitForVerticalBlank->ddRVal = DD_OK;
switch (lpWaitForVerticalBlank->dwFlags) { case DDWAITVB_I_TESTVB: // If TESTVB, it's just a request for the current vertical blank
// status:
lpWaitForVerticalBlank->bIsInVB = IN_VBLANK; return(DDHAL_DRIVER_HANDLED);
case DDWAITVB_BLOCKBEGIN: // If BLOCKBEGIN is requested, we wait until the vertical blank
// is over, and then wait for the display period to end:
case DDWAITVB_BLOCKEND: // If BLOCKEND is requested, we wait for the vblank interval to end:
default: return DDHAL_DRIVER_NOTHANDLED; }; // end switch
return(DDHAL_DRIVER_NOTHANDLED); } // WaitForVerticalBlank
* FUNCTION NAME: DdGetFlipStatus * * DESCRIPTION: If the display has gone through one refresh cycle since * the flip occurred, we return DD_OK. If it has not gone * through one refresh cycle we return DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING * to indicate that this surface is still busy "drawing" the * flipped page. We also return DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING if the * bltter is busy and the caller wanted to know if they could * flip yet. ****************************************************************************/ DWORD DdGetFlipStatus(PDD_GETFLIPSTATUSDATA lpGetFlipStatus) { DRIVERDATA* pDriverData; PDEV* ppdev;
ppdev = (PDEV*) lpGetFlipStatus->lpDD->dhpdev; pDriverData = (DRIVERDATA*) &ppdev->DriverData;
DISPDBG((DBGLVL, "DDraw - DdGetFlipStatus\n"));
#ifdef DBGBRK
#if DRIVER_5465 && defined(OVERLAY)
if (DDSCAPS_OVERLAY & lpGetFlipStatus->lpDDSurface->ddsCaps.dwCaps) { DWORD dwVWIndex; LP_SURFACE_DATA pSurfaceData = (LP_SURFACE_DATA) lpGetFlipStatus->lpDDSurface->dwReserved1;
dwVWIndex = GetVideoWindowIndex(pSurfaceData->dwOverlayFlags);
lpGetFlipStatus->ddRVal = pDriverData->OverlayTable.pfnGetFlipStatus(ppdev, lpGetFlipStatus->lpDDSurface->lpGbl->fpVidMem, dwVWIndex); } else #endif
{ // We don't want a flip to work until after the last flip is done,
// so we ask for the general flip status.
lpGetFlipStatus->ddRVal = vUpdateFlipStatus(&ppdev->flipRecord, 0xFFFFFFFF); }
// Check if the bltter is busy if someone wants to know if they can flip
if (lpGetFlipStatus->dwFlags == DDGFS_CANFLIP) { if ((lpGetFlipStatus->ddRVal == DD_OK) && DrawEngineBusy(pDriverData)) lpGetFlipStatus->ddRVal = DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING; }
} // GetFlipStatus
// #ifdef DDDRV_GETSCANLINE /************/
* FUNCTION NAME: GetScanLine * * DESCRIPTION: * (Based on Laguna Win95 DirectDraw code) ****************************************************************************/ DWORD GetScanLine(PDD_GETSCANLINEDATA lpGetScanLine) { PDEV* ppdev;
ppdev = (PDEV*) lpGetScanLine->lpDD->dhpdev;
// If a vertical blank is in progress the scan line is in
// indeterminant. If the scan line is indeterminant we return
// Otherwise we return the scan line and a success code
SYNC_W_3D(ppdev); // if 3D context(s) active, make sure 3D engine idle before continuing...
if (IN_VBLANK) { lpGetScanLine->ddRVal = DDERR_VERTICALBLANKINPROGRESS; } else { lpGetScanLine->dwScanLine = CurrentVLine(ppdev); lpGetScanLine->ddRVal = DD_OK; };
} // GetScanLine
// #endif // DDDRV_GETSCANLINE ************
#endif // ! ver 3.51