#include "drmkPCH.h"
#include "CryptoHelpers.h"
#include "KList.h"
#include "../DRMKMain/StreamMgr.h"
#include "AudioDescrambler.h"
// When doing noise addition, we only decryptt the low bits. These constants define
// the number of bits encrypted.
// If you change this, change the contants in DRMKMain, too.
WORD mask16=(WORD) 0x3FFF; char mask8=(char) 0x7F; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DRM_STATUS DescrambleBlock(WAVEFORMATEX* Wfx, DWORD StreamId, BYTE* Dest, DWORD DestSize, DWORD* DestUsed, BYTE* Src, DWORD SrcSize, DWORD* SrcUsed, BOOL InitKey, STREAMKEY* streamKey, DWORD FrameSize){ if(StreamId==0){ // StreamId==0 is a dummy debugging stream that is unencrypted
DWORD NumBytes=min(SrcSize, DestSize); memcpy(Dest, Src, NumBytes); *SrcUsed=NumBytes; *DestUsed=NumBytes; return DRM_OK; };
*SrcUsed=0; *DestUsed=0; DWORD blockLen=min(SrcSize, DestSize); blockLen=blockLen/FrameSize*FrameSize; if(blockLen==0){ _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_VERBOSE,("Not enough data")); return DRM_DATALENGTH; }; static bool firstTime=true; if(firstTime){ _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_VERBOSE,("Descramble: streamId=%d, isPCM=%d, (bits=%d, mono=%d), FrameSize=%d\n", StreamId, Wfx->wFormatTag, (int) Wfx->wBitsPerSample, (int) Wfx->nChannels, FrameSize)); firstTime=false; }; if(InitKey){ if(TheStreamMgr!=NULL){ STREAMKEY* theStreamKey; DRM_STATUS stat=TheStreamMgr->getKey(StreamId, theStreamKey); // note, we keep a local copy. If you call an encryption fucntion on this
// key, state in streamManager will NOT be updated.
if(stat!=KRM_OK){ _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_VERBOSE,("Can't get key for stream: %x", StreamId)); return stat; }; *streamKey= *theStreamKey; } else { _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_VERBOSE,("TheStreamMgr not initted")); return KRM_SYSERR; }; }; DWORD bitsPerSample=Wfx->wBitsPerSample; DWORD numChannels=Wfx->nChannels; bool isPcm=(Wfx->wFormatTag==WAVE_FORMAT_PCM); // for non-pcm, we scramble al but the msb in each byte.
DWORD effectiveBitsPerSample=bitsPerSample; if(!isPcm)effectiveBitsPerSample=8; // We deal with data in FrameSize lumps
DWORD numLumps=blockLen/FrameSize; for(DWORD k=0;k<numLumps;k++){ BYTE* inData=Src+k*FrameSize; BYTE* outData=Dest+k*FrameSize; memcpy(outData, inData, FrameSize);
// If the frame is all zeros, pass it unscrambled (the audio system inserts
// blank frames. These will not necessarily have been scrambled. we take
// a frame of zeros as a special case and do not unscramble).
DWORD* inBuffer=reinterpret_cast<DWORD*> (inData); DWORD numDwordsPerFrame=FrameSize/4; bool isBlankFrame=true; for(DWORD kk=0;kk<numDwordsPerFrame;kk++){ if(inBuffer[kk]!=0){ isBlankFrame=false; break; }; }; if(isBlankFrame){ _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_VERBOSE,("Blank buffer")); continue; };
// we seed the packet sample key with some MSBs from the data stream
// (these are not encrypted). We take bits from the first 64 samples.
// We could tune this for speed/security.
int samplesForSeed=64; __int64 seed=0; if(effectiveBitsPerSample==8){ // grab MSBs
for(int j=0;j<samplesForSeed; j++){ BYTE c=inData[j] & ~mask8; c >>= 7; seed = (seed << 1) + c; }; } else { for(int j=0;j<samplesForSeed; j++){ WORD& w= (WORD&) *((WORD*) &inData[j*2]); WORD m=w & ~mask16; m >>= 14; seed = (seed << 1) + m; }; }; // MAC the seed using the main stream key. Generate the packet key from the mac.
// (user mode performs identical operations to generate the scrmabling key)
CBCKey macKey; CBCState macState; DRM_STATUS stat=CryptoHelpers::InitMac(macKey, macState, (BYTE*) streamKey, sizeof(STREAMKEY)); DRMDIGEST mac; stat=CryptoHelpers::Mac(macKey, (BYTE*) &seed, sizeof(seed), mac); STREAMKEY packetKey; bv4_key_C(&packetKey, sizeof(mac),(BYTE*) &mac); // If there has been a fatal error (usually out-of-memory somewhere)
// we do not descramble (an alternative would be to return silence).
if(TheStreamMgr->getFatalError()==DRM_OK){ // We have already copied the inBlock to the outBlock, now we can decrypt it
CryptoHelpers::Xcrypt(packetKey, outData, FrameSize); // We know about noise addition on 8 and 16 bit PCM audio. Other
// audio formats get treated like 8 bit audio.
DWORD numSamples=FrameSize/(effectiveBitsPerSample/8); if(effectiveBitsPerSample==16){ WORD* in=(WORD*) inData; WORD* out=(WORD*) outData; for(DWORD j=0;j<numSamples;j++){ out[j]=(out[j] & mask16) | (in[j] & ~mask16); }; } if(effectiveBitsPerSample==8){ char* in=(char*) inData; char* out=(char*) outData; for(DWORD j=0;j<numSamples;j++){ out[j]=(out[j] & mask8) | (in[j] & ~mask8); }; }; }; }; // of loop over blocks
*SrcUsed=blockLen; *DestUsed=blockLen;
return DRM_OK; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------