// $Header: G:/SwDev/WDM/Video/bt848/rcs/Rgb24fmt.h 1.5 1998/04/29 22:43:37 tomz Exp $
#ifndef __RGB24FMT_H
#define __RGB24FMT_H
#ifndef __DEFAULTS_H
#include "defaults.h"
{ { sizeof( KS_DATARANGE_VIDEO ), 0, DefWidth * DefHeight * 3, // SampleSize
0, // Reserved
{ STATIC_KSDATAFORMAT_TYPE_VIDEO }, { 0xe436eb7d, 0x524f, 0x11ce, { 0x9f, 0x53, 0x00, 0x20, 0xaf, 0x0b, 0xa7, 0x70 } }, //MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB24,
0, // MemoryAllocationFlags (KS_VIDEO_ALLOC_*)
KS_AnalogVideo_NTSC_M, // AnalogVideoStandard
{ MaxInWidth, MaxInHeight // SIZE InputSize
}, { MinInWidth, MinInHeight // SIZE MinCroppingSize; smallest rcSrc cropping rect allowed
}, { MaxInWidth, MaxInHeight // SIZE MaxCroppingSize; largest rcSrc cropping rect allowed
}, 2, // int CropGranularityX; // granularity of cropping size
2, // int CropGranularityY;
2, // int CropAlignX; // alignment of cropping rect
2, // int CropAlignY;
{ MinOutWidth, MinOutHeight // SIZE MinOutputSize; smallest bitmap stream can produce
}, { MaxOutWidth, MaxOutHeight // SIZE MaxOutputSize; largest bitmap stream can produce
}, 2, // int OutputGranularityX; // granularity of output bitmap size
2, // int OutputGranularityY;
0, // StretchTapsX (0 no stretch, 1 pix dup, 2 interp...)
0, // StretchTapsY
2, // ShrinkTapsX
2, // ShrinkTapsY
333667, // LONGLONG MinFrameInterval; // 100 nS units
333667, // LONGLONG MaxFrameInterval;
3 * 30 * MinOutWidth * MinOutHeight,// LONG MinBitsPerSecond;
3 * 30 * MaxOutWidth * MaxOutHeight //LONG MaxBitsPerSecond;
// KS_VIDEOINFOHEADER (default format)
{ { 0,0,0,0 }, // RECT rcSource; // The bit we really want to use
{ 0,0,0,0 }, // RECT rcTarget; // Where the video should go
DefWidth * DefHeight * 3 * 30L, // DWORD dwBitRate; // Approximate bit data rate
0L, // DWORD dwBitErrorRate; // Bit error rate for this stream
333667, // REFERENCE_TIME AvgTimePerFrame; // Average time per frame (100ns units)
{ sizeof( KS_BITMAPINFOHEADER ), // DWORD biSize;
DefWidth, // LONG biWidth;
DefHeight, // LONG biHeight;
1, // WORD biPlanes;
24, // WORD biBitCount;
KS_BI_RGB, // DWORD biCompression;
DefWidth * DefHeight * 3, // DWORD biSizeImage;
0, // LONG biXPelsPerMeter;
0, // LONG biYPelsPerMeter;
0, // DWORD biClrUsed;
0 // DWORD biClrImportant;
} } };
{ { sizeof( KS_DATARANGE_VIDEO2 ), 0, DefWidth * DefHeight * 3, // SampleSize
0, // Reserved
{ STATIC_KSDATAFORMAT_TYPE_VIDEO }, { 0xe436eb7d, 0x524f, 0x11ce, { 0x9f, 0x53, 0x00, 0x20, 0xaf, 0x0b, 0xa7, 0x70 } }, //MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB24,
0, // MemoryAllocationFlags (KS_VIDEO_ALLOC_*)
KS_AnalogVideo_NTSC_M, // AnalogVideoStandard
{ MaxInWidth, MaxInHeight // SIZE InputSize
}, { MinInWidth, MinInHeight // SIZE MinCroppingSize; smallest rcSrc cropping rect allowed
}, { MaxInWidth, MaxInHeight // SIZE MaxCroppingSize; largest rcSrc cropping rect allowed
}, 2, // int CropGranularityX; // granularity of cropping size
2, // int CropGranularityY;
2, // int CropAlignX; // alignment of cropping rect
2, // int CropAlignY;
{ MinOutWidth, MinOutHeight // SIZE MinOutputSize; smallest bitmap stream can produce
}, { MaxOutWidth, MaxOutHeight // SIZE MaxOutputSize; largest bitmap stream can produce
}, 2, // int OutputGranularityX; // granularity of output bitmap size
2, // int OutputGranularityY;
0, // StretchTapsX (0 no stretch, 1 pix dup, 2 interp...)
0, // StretchTapsY
2, // ShrinkTapsX
2, // ShrinkTapsY
333667, // LONGLONG MinFrameInterval; // 100 nS units
333667, // LONGLONG MaxFrameInterval;
3 * 30 * MinOutWidth * MinOutHeight,// LONG MinBitsPerSecond;
3 * 30 * MaxOutWidth * MaxOutHeight //LONG MaxBitsPerSecond;
// KS_VIDEOINFOHEADER2 (default format)
{ { 0,0,0,0 }, // RECT rcSource; // The bit we really want to use
{ 0,0,0,0 }, // RECT rcTarget; // Where the video should go
DefWidth * DefHeight * 3 * 30L, // DWORD dwBitRate; // Approximate bit data rate
0L, // DWORD dwBitErrorRate; // Bit error rate for this stream
333667, // REFERENCE_TIME AvgTimePerFrame; // Average time per frame (100ns units)
#if 0
//TODO: video memory must be available for interlacing to work
KS_INTERLACE_IsInterlaced | // DWORD dwInterlaceFlags
KS_INTERLACE_1FieldPerSample //| KS_INTERLACE_Field1First
//| KS_INTERLACE_FieldPatField1Only
| KS_INTERLACE_FieldPatBothRegular | KS_INTERLACE_DisplayModeBobOnly, //| KS_INTERLACE_DisplayModeBobOrWeave,
// use AMINTERLACE_* defines. Reject connection if undefined bits are not 0
// AMINTERLACE_IsInterlaced
// AMINTERLACE_1FieldPerSample
// AMINTERLACE_Field1First
// AMINTERLACE_FieldPatternMask
// AMINTERLACE_FieldPatField1Only
// AMINTERLACE_FieldPatField2Only
// AMINTERLACE_FieldPatBothRegular
// AMINTERLACE_FieldPatBothIrregular
// AMINTERLACE_DisplayModeMask
// AMINTERLACE_DisplayModeBobOnly
// AMINTERLACE_DisplayModeWeaveOnly
// AMINTERLACE_DisplayModeBobOrWeave
0, // DWORD dwCopyProtectFlags
// use AMCOPYPROTECT_* defines. Reject connection if undefined bits are not 0
// AMCOPYPROTECT_RestrictDuplication
4, // DWORD dwPictAspectRatioX
// X dimension of picture aspect ratio, e.g. 16 for 16x9 display
3, // DWORD dwPictAspectRatioY
// Y dimension of picture aspect ratio, e.g. 9 for 16x9 display
0, // DWORD dwReserved1
0, // DWORD dwReserved2
{ sizeof( KS_BITMAPINFOHEADER ), // DWORD biSize;
DefWidth, // LONG biWidth;
DefHeight, // LONG biHeight;
1, // WORD biPlanes;
24, // WORD biBitCount;
KS_BI_RGB, // DWORD biCompression;
DefWidth * DefHeight * 3, // DWORD biSizeImage;
0, // LONG biXPelsPerMeter;
0, // LONG biYPelsPerMeter;
0, // DWORD biClrUsed;
0 // DWORD biClrImportant;
} } };
{ { sizeof( KS_DATARANGE_VIDEO ), 0, DefWidth * DefHeight * 3, // SampleSize
0, // Reserved
{ STATIC_KSDATAFORMAT_TYPE_VIDEO }, { 0xe436eb7d, 0x524f, 0x11ce, { 0x9f, 0x53, 0x00, 0x20, 0xaf, 0x0b, 0xa7, 0x70 } }, //MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB24,
0, // MemoryAllocationFlags (KS_VIDEO_ALLOC_*)
KS_AnalogVideo_NTSC_M, // AnalogVideoStandard
{ MaxInWidth, MaxInHeight // SIZE InputSize
}, { MinInWidth, MinInHeight // SIZE MinCroppingSize; smallest rcSrc cropping rect allowed
}, { MaxInWidth, MaxInHeight // SIZE MaxCroppingSize; largest rcSrc cropping rect allowed
}, 2, // int CropGranularityX; // granularity of cropping size
2, // int CropGranularityY;
2, // int CropAlignX; // alignment of cropping rect
2, // int CropAlignY;
{ MinOutWidth, MinOutHeight // SIZE MinOutputSize; smallest bitmap stream can produce
}, { MaxOutWidth, MaxOutHeight // SIZE MaxOutputSize; largest bitmap stream can produce
}, 2, // int OutputGranularityX; // granularity of output bitmap size
2, // int OutputGranularityY;
0, // StretchTapsX (0 no stretch, 1 pix dup, 2 interp...)
0, // StretchTapsY
2, // ShrinkTapsX
2, // ShrinkTapsY
333667, // LONGLONG MinFrameInterval; // 100 nS units
333667, // LONGLONG MaxFrameInterval;
3 * 30 * MinOutWidth * MinOutHeight,// LONG MinBitsPerSecond;
3 * 30 * MaxOutWidth * MaxOutHeight //LONG MaxBitsPerSecond;
// KS_VIDEOINFOHEADER (default format)
{ { 0,0,0,0 }, // RECT rcSource; // The bit we really want to use
{ 0,0,0,0 }, // RECT rcTarget; // Where the video should go
DefWidth * DefHeight * 3 * 30L, // DWORD dwBitRate; // Approximate bit data rate
0L, // DWORD dwBitErrorRate; // Bit error rate for this stream
333667, // REFERENCE_TIME AvgTimePerFrame; // Average time per frame (100ns units)
{ sizeof( KS_BITMAPINFOHEADER ), // DWORD biSize;
DefWidth, // LONG biWidth;
DefHeight, // LONG biHeight;
1, // WORD biPlanes;
24, // WORD biBitCount;
KS_BI_RGB, // DWORD biCompression;
DefWidth * DefHeight * 3, // DWORD biSizeImage;
0, // LONG biXPelsPerMeter;
0, // LONG biYPelsPerMeter;
0, // DWORD biClrUsed;
0 // DWORD biClrImportant;
} } };