MODULE: HAU_MIDI.CPP Tab stops 5 9 Copyright 1995, 1996, Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved.
PURPOSE: Methods for Jolt Midi device command Protocol FUNCTIONS: Classes methods
Author(s): Name: ---------- ---------------- MEA Manolito E. Adan
Revision History: ----------------- Version Date Author Comments ------- ------ ----- ------------------------------------------- 1.0 02-Apr-96 MEA Original 19-Sep-96 MEA Removed ES1.0 specific code 05-Dec-96 MEA Removed ALLACK debug switch 1.1 17-Mar-97 MEA DX-FF mode 14-Apr-97 MEA Added support for RTC spring 16-Mar-99 waltw Add checks for NULL g_pJoltMidi
****************************************************************************/ #include <windows.h>
#include <mmsystem.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "hau_midi.hpp"
#include "midi.hpp"
#include "midi_obj.hpp"
#include "dx_map.hpp"
#include "sw_objec.hpp"
#include "ffd_swff.hpp"
#include "joyregst.hpp"
#include "FFDevice.h"
Declaration of externs
Declaration of variables
****************************************************************************/ //
// Globals specific to hau_midi
extern CJoltMidi *g_pJoltMidi; #ifdef _DEBUG
extern char g_cMsg[160]; #endif
// *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------***
// Function: CMD_Init
// Purpose: Inits JOLT for MIDI channel
// Parameters:
// none
// Returns: SUCCESS - if successful, else
// a device Error code
// Algorithm:
// Comments:
// *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------***
HRESULT CMD_Init(void) { HRESULT hRet; BYTE bChannel = DEFAULT_MIDI_CHANNEL; if (NULL == g_pJoltMidi) return (SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR); g_pJoltMidi->SetMidiChannel(bChannel); // Force this channel
hRet = CMD_MIDI_Assign(bChannel); return(hRet); }
// --- EFFECT_CMDs
PARAMETERS: IN LONG lForceData - Actual force IN ULONG ulAxisMask - Axis Mask
COMMENTS: Sends force vector to MIDI channel
Byte 0 = EFFECT_CMD + Channel # D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Byte 1 = Low byte of Force 0 v4 v3 v2 v1 v0 d d Byte 2 = High byte of Force 0 v11 v10 v9 v8 v7 v6 v5 where: d d - - 0 0 reserved 0 1 PUT_FORCE_X 1 0 PUT_FORCE_Y 1 1 PUT_FORCE_XY
****************************************************************************/ HRESULT CMD_Force_Out(LONG lForceData, ULONG ulAxisMask) { HRESULT hRet; BYTE cData1; BYTE cData2; BYTE cAxis;
BYTE cStatus = EFFECT_CMD; switch(ulAxisMask) { case X_AXIS: cAxis = PUT_FORCE_X; break; case Y_AXIS: cAxis = PUT_FORCE_Y; break; case (X_AXIS | Y_AXIS): cAxis = PUT_FORCE_XY; break; default: return (SFERR_INVALID_PARAM); break; } cData1 = ((int) lForceData << 2) & 0x7c; cData1 = cData1 | cAxis; cData2 = ((int) lForceData >> 5) & 0x7f;
if (NULL == g_pJoltMidi) return (SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR);
hRet = g_pJoltMidi->MidiSendShortMsg(EFFECT_CMD, cData1, cData2);
if (SUCCESS != hRet) return (g_pJoltMidi->LogError(SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR, DRIVER_ERROR_MIDI_OUTPUT)); // Note: PutForce used to not expect an ACK/NACK, only used to slow down
// transmission to Jolt and prevent any lockups
//ACKNACK AckNack = {sizeof(ACKNACK)};
//hRet = g_pJoltMidi->GetAckNackData(g_pJoltMidi->DelayParamsPtrOf()->dwForceOutDelay, &AckNack);
#if 0
static DWORD dwMod = 0; dwMod++; if(dwMod%g_pJoltMidi->DelayParamsPtrOf()->dwForceOutMod == 0) Sleep(g_pJoltMidi->DelayParamsPtrOf()->dwForceOutDelay); #endif
DWORD dwIn; int nDelayCount = g_pJoltMidi->DelayParamsPtrOf()->dwForceOutDelay; for(int i=0; i<nDelayCount; i++) g_pDriverCommunicator->GetStatusGateData(dwIn); return (SUCCESS); }
// *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------***
// Function: CMD_DestroyEffect
// Purpose: Destroys the Effect from Device
// Parameters:
// IN DNHANDLE DnloadID - an Effect ID
// Returns: SUCCESS if successful command sent, else
// Algorithm:
// Comments:
// The Device's Effect ID and memory is returned to free pool.
// Byte 0 = EFFECT_CMD + Channel #
// D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
// -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
// Byte 1 = DESTROY_EFFECT 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
// Byte 2 = EffectID (7 bits) 0 E E E E E E E
// *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------***
HRESULT CMD_DestroyEffect( IN DNHANDLE DnloadID) { if (NULL == g_pJoltMidi) return (SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR); // Check for valid Effect
CMidiEffect *pMidiEffect = g_pJoltMidi->GetEffectByID(DnloadID); assert(NULL != pMidiEffect); if (NULL == pMidiEffect) return (SFERR_INVALID_OBJECT); // Send the command
HRESULT hRet = pMidiEffect->DestroyEffect();
if (SUCCESS != hRet) return (g_pJoltMidi->LogError(SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR, DRIVER_ERROR_MIDI_OUTPUT));
ACKNACK AckNack = {sizeof(ACKNACK)}; // Wait for ACK. Note: WinMM has callback Event notification
// while Backdoor and serial does not.
if (COMM_WINMM == g_pJoltMidi->COMMInterfaceOf()) { hRet = g_pJoltMidi->GetAckNackData(ACKNACK_EFFECT_STATUS_TIMEOUT, &AckNack, REGBITS_DESTROYEFFECT); } else hRet = g_pJoltMidi->GetAckNackData(SHORT_MSG_TIMEOUT, &AckNack, REGBITS_DESTROYEFFECT);
// :
if (SUCCESS != hRet) return (SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR); if (ACK != AckNack.dwAckNack) return (g_pJoltMidi->LogError(SFERR_DEVICE_NACK, AckNack.dwErrorCode));
// Delete the Effect
delete pMidiEffect; return (hRet); }
// *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------***
// Function: CMD_PlayEffectSuperimpose
// Purpose: Plays the Effect in Device
// Parameters:
// IN DNHANDLE DnloadID - an Effect ID
// Returns: SUCCESS if successful command sent, else
// Algorithm: This is PLAY_SUPERIMPOSE mode
// Comments:
// Byte 0 = EFFECT_CMD + Channel #
// D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
// -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
// Byte 1 = PLAY_EFFECT_SUPERIMPOSE 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
// Byte 2 = EffectID (7 bits) 0 E E E E E E E
// *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------***
HRESULT CMD_PlayEffectSuperimpose( IN DNHANDLE DnloadID) { HRESULT hRet; if (NULL == g_pJoltMidi) return (SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR); // Check for valid Effect
CMidiEffect *pMidiEffect = g_pJoltMidi->GetEffectByID(DnloadID); assert(pMidiEffect); if (NULL == pMidiEffect) return (SFERR_INVALID_OBJECT);
#if 0
// Hack to fix firmware bug #1138 which causes an infinite duration
// effect not to be felt on re-start once the effect has been stopped.
// The hack is to "change" the duration from infinite to infinite
ULONG ulDuration = pMidiEffect->DurationOf(); if(ulDuration == 0) { // see if it is a PL or an atomic effect
ULONG ulSubType = pMidiEffect->SubTypeOf(); BOOL bProcessList = (ulSubType == PL_CONCATENATE || ulSubType == PL_SUPERIMPOSE); if(!bProcessList) hRet = CMD_ModifyParamByIndex(INDEX0, DnloadID, 0); } #endif
// Update the playback mode for this Effect
assert((BYTE) DnloadID < MAX_EFFECT_IDS); hRet = g_pJoltMidi->MidiSendShortMsg(EFFECT_CMD,PLAY_EFFECT_SUPERIMPOSE,(BYTE)DnloadID);
if (SUCCESS != hRet) return (g_pJoltMidi->LogError(SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR, DRIVER_ERROR_MIDI_OUTPUT));
ACKNACK AckNack = {sizeof(ACKNACK)}; hRet = g_pJoltMidi->GetAckNackData(LONG_MSG_TIMEOUT, &AckNack, REGBITS_PLAYEFFECT); // :
if (SUCCESS != hRet) return (SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR); if (ACK != AckNack.dwAckNack) return (g_pJoltMidi->LogError(SFERR_DEVICE_NACK, AckNack.dwErrorCode)); return (hRet); }
// *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------***
// Function: CMD_PlayEffectSolo
// Purpose: Plays the Effect in Device as PLAY_SOLO
// Parameters:
// IN DNHANDLE EffectID - an Effect ID
// Returns: SUCCESS if successful command sent, else
// Algorithm: This is PLAY_SOLO mode
// Comments:
// Byte 0 = EFFECT_CMD + Channel #
// D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
// -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
// Byte 1 = PLAY_EFFECT_SOLO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
// Byte 2 = EffectID (7 bits) 0 E E E E E E E
// *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------***
HRESULT CMD_PlayEffectSolo( IN DNHANDLE DnloadID) { HRESULT hRet; if (NULL == g_pJoltMidi) return (SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR); // Check for valid Effect
CMidiEffect *pMidiEffect = g_pJoltMidi->GetEffectByID(DnloadID); assert(pMidiEffect); if (NULL == pMidiEffect) return (SFERR_INVALID_OBJECT);
#if 0
// Hack to fix firmware bug #1138 which causes an infinite duration
// effect not to be felt on re-start once the effect has been stopped.
// The hack is to "change" the duration from infinite to infinite
ULONG ulDuration = pMidiEffect->DurationOf(); if(ulDuration == 0) { // see if it is a PL or an atomic effect
ULONG ulSubType = pMidiEffect->SubTypeOf(); BOOL bProcessList = (ulSubType == PL_CONCATENATE || ulSubType == PL_SUPERIMPOSE); if(!bProcessList) hRet = CMD_ModifyParamByIndex(INDEX0, DnloadID, 0); } #endif
// Update the playback mode for this Effect
pMidiEffect->SetPlayMode(PLAY_SOLO); hRet = g_pJoltMidi->MidiSendShortMsg(EFFECT_CMD,PLAY_EFFECT_SOLO, (BYTE) DnloadID); if (SUCCESS != hRet) return (g_pJoltMidi->LogError(SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR, DRIVER_ERROR_MIDI_OUTPUT));
ACKNACK AckNack = {sizeof(ACKNACK)}; hRet = g_pJoltMidi->GetAckNackData(LONG_MSG_TIMEOUT, &AckNack, REGBITS_PLAYEFFECT); // :
if (SUCCESS != hRet) return (SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR); if (ACK != AckNack.dwAckNack) return (g_pJoltMidi->LogError(SFERR_DEVICE_NACK, AckNack.dwErrorCode)); return (hRet); }
// *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------***
// Function: CMD_StopEffect
// Purpose: Stops the Effect in Device
// Parameters:
// IN DNHANDLE EffectID - an Effect ID
// Returns: SUCCESS if successful command sent, else
// Algorithm:
// Comments:
// Byte 0 = EFFECT_CMD + Channel #
// D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
// -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
// Byte 1 = STOP_EFFECT 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
// Byte 2 = EffectID (7 bits) 0 E E E E E E E
// *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------***
HRESULT CMD_StopEffect( IN DNHANDLE DnloadID) { HRESULT hRet; if (NULL == g_pJoltMidi) return (SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR); // Check for valid Effect
CMidiEffect *pMidiEffect = g_pJoltMidi->GetEffectByID(DnloadID); assert(pMidiEffect); if (NULL == pMidiEffect) return (SFERR_INVALID_OBJECT); hRet = g_pJoltMidi->MidiSendShortMsg(EFFECT_CMD, STOP_EFFECT, (BYTE) DnloadID); if (SUCCESS != hRet) return (g_pJoltMidi->LogError(SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR, DRIVER_ERROR_MIDI_OUTPUT));
ACKNACK AckNack = {sizeof(ACKNACK)}; hRet = g_pJoltMidi->GetAckNackData(SHORT_MSG_TIMEOUT, &AckNack, REGBITS_STOPEFFECT); // :
if (SUCCESS != hRet) return (SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR); if (ACK != AckNack.dwAckNack) return (g_pJoltMidi->LogError(SFERR_DEVICE_NACK, AckNack.dwErrorCode)); return (hRet); }
// *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------***
// Function: CMD_SetIndex
// Purpose: Sets the autoincrementing Index for MODIFY_CMD
// Parameters:
// IN int nIndex - Index value 0 - 15
// IN DNHANDLE DnloadID - Effect ID in stick
// Returns: SUCCESS if successful command sent, else
// Algorithm:
// Comments:
// Byte 0 = EFFECT_CMD + Channel #
// D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
// -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
// Byte 1 = SET_INDEX+index 0 1 i i i i 0 0
// Byte 2 = EffectID (7 bits) 0 E E E E E E E
// *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------***
HRESULT CMD_SetIndex( IN int nIndex, IN DNHANDLE DnloadID) { HRESULT hRet; if (NULL == g_pJoltMidi) return (SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR); // Check for valid Effect
if (SYSTEM_EFFECT_ID != DnloadID) { CMidiEffect *pMidiEffect = g_pJoltMidi->GetEffectByID(DnloadID); assert(pMidiEffect); if (NULL == pMidiEffect) return (SFERR_INVALID_OBJECT); }
assert((nIndex <= MAX_INDEX) && (nIndex >= 0)); if ((nIndex < 0) || (nIndex > MAX_INDEX)) return (SFERR_INVALID_PARAM); BYTE cByte1; cByte1 = SET_INDEX | (BYTE) (nIndex << 2); hRet = g_pJoltMidi->MidiSendShortMsg(EFFECT_CMD, cByte1, (BYTE) DnloadID);
if (SUCCESS != hRet) return (g_pJoltMidi->LogError(SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR, DRIVER_ERROR_MIDI_OUTPUT));
// Note: SetIndex used to not require ACK/NACK
ACKNACK AckNack = {sizeof(ACKNACK)}; // hRet = g_pJoltMidi->GetAckNackData(SHORT_MSG_TIMEOUT, &AckNack);
hRet = g_pJoltMidi->GetAckNackData(FALSE, &AckNack, REGBITS_SETINDEX); // :
if (SUCCESS != hRet) return (SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR); if (ACK != AckNack.dwAckNack) return (g_pJoltMidi->LogError(SFERR_DEVICE_NACK, AckNack.dwErrorCode)); return (hRet); }
// *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------***
// Function: CMD_ModifyParam
// Purpose: Modifies an Effect parameter
// Parameters:
// IN WORD dwNewParam - 14 bit (signed) parameter value
// Returns: SUCCESS if successful command sent, else
// Algorithm:
// Comments:
// Byte 0 = MODIFY_CMD + Channel #
// D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
// -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
// Byte 1 = Low 7 bits data 0 v v v v v v v
// Byte 2 = High 7 bits data 0 v v v v v v v
// *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------***
HRESULT CMD_ModifyParam( IN WORD wNewParam) { HRESULT hRet; BYTE cByte1, cByte2; cByte1 = wNewParam & 0x7f; cByte2 = (BYTE) ((wNewParam >> 7) & 0x7f); if (NULL == g_pJoltMidi) return (SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR); hRet = g_pJoltMidi->MidiSendShortMsg(MODIFY_CMD, cByte1, cByte2); if (SUCCESS != hRet) return (g_pJoltMidi->LogError(SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR, DRIVER_ERROR_MIDI_OUTPUT));
// Note: ModifyParam used to not require an ACK/NACK
ACKNACK AckNack = {sizeof(ACKNACK)}; // hRet = g_pJoltMidi->GetAckNackData(SHORT_MSG_TIMEOUT, &AckNack);
hRet = g_pJoltMidi->GetAckNackData(FALSE, &AckNack, REGBITS_MODIFYPARAM); // :
if (SUCCESS != hRet) return (SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR); if (ACK != AckNack.dwAckNack) return (g_pJoltMidi->LogError(SFERR_DEVICE_NACK, AckNack.dwErrorCode)); return (hRet); }
// *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------***
// Function: CMD_ModifyParamByIndex
// Purpose: Modifies an Effect parameter, given an Index
// Parameters:
// IN int nIndex - Index 0 to 15
// IN DNHANDLE DnloadID - Download ID
// IN WORD dwNewParam - 14 bit (signed) parameter value
// Returns: SUCCESS if successful command sent, else
// Algorithm:
// Comments:
// Assumes DnloadID is already valid
// Calls SetIndex followed by ModifyParam
// *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------***
HRESULT CMD_ModifyParamByIndex( IN int nIndex, IN DNHANDLE DnloadID, IN WORD wNewParam) { HRESULT hRet; if (NULL == g_pJoltMidi) return (SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR); if ((nIndex < 0) || (nIndex > MAX_INDEX)) return (SFERR_INVALID_PARAM);
int i; for (i=0; i<MAX_RETRY_COUNT; i++) { hRet = CMD_SetIndex(nIndex,DnloadID); Sleep(g_pJoltMidi->DelayParamsPtrOf()->dwSetIndexDelay); if (SUCCESS == hRet) break; #ifdef _DEBUG
OutputDebugString("CMD_SetIndex Failed. Retrying again\n"); #endif
} if (SUCCESS != hRet) return (hRet); else { for (i=0; i<MAX_RETRY_COUNT; i++) { hRet = CMD_ModifyParam(wNewParam); Sleep(g_pJoltMidi->DelayParamsPtrOf()->dwModifyParamDelay); if (SUCCESS == hRet) break; #ifdef _DEBUG
OutputDebugString("CMD_SetIndex Failed. Retrying again\n"); #endif
} } return (hRet); }
// --- SYSTEM_CMDs
// *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------***
// Function: CMD_SetDeviceState
// Purpose: Sets the FF device State
// Parameters:
// ULONG ulMode
// Returns: SUCCESS - if successful, else
// Device error code
// Algorithm:
// Comments:
// ulMode:
// DEV_SHUTDOWN 1L // All Effects destroyed, Motors disabled
// DEV_FORCE_ON 2L // Motors enabled. "Un-Mute"
// DEV_FORCE_OFF 3L // Motors disabled. "Mute"
// DEV_CONTINUE 4L // All "Paused" Effects are allow to continue
// DEV_PAUSE 5L // All Effects are "Paused"
// DEV_STOP_ALL 6L // Stops all Effects.
// Byte 0 = SYSTEM_CMD + Channel #
// D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
// -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
// Byte 1 = Set Device Type 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
// Byte 2 = not used, set to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
// *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------***
HRESULT CMD_SetDeviceState( IN ULONG ulMode) { HRESULT hRet = SUCCESS; assert(g_pJoltMidi); if (NULL == g_pJoltMidi) return (SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR); BYTE bChannel = g_pJoltMidi->MidiChannelOf(); MIDIINFO *pMidiOutInfo = g_pJoltMidi->MidiOutInfoOf(); switch (ulMode) { case DEV_RESET: hRet = g_pJoltMidi->MidiSendShortMsg(SYSTEM_CMD, SWDEV_SHUTDOWN, 0); break;
case DEV_FORCE_ON: hRet = g_pJoltMidi->MidiSendShortMsg(SYSTEM_CMD, SWDEV_FORCE_ON, 0); break;
case DEV_FORCE_OFF: hRet = g_pJoltMidi->MidiSendShortMsg(SYSTEM_CMD, SWDEV_FORCE_OFF, 0); break;
case DEV_CONTINUE: hRet = g_pJoltMidi->MidiSendShortMsg(SYSTEM_CMD, SWDEV_CONTINUE, 0); break;
case DEV_PAUSE: hRet = g_pJoltMidi->MidiSendShortMsg(SYSTEM_CMD, SWDEV_PAUSE, 0); break;
case DEV_STOP_ALL: hRet = g_pJoltMidi->MidiSendShortMsg(SYSTEM_CMD, SWDEV_STOP_ALL, 0); break;
case SWDEV_KILL_MIDI: hRet = g_pJoltMidi->MidiSendShortMsg(SYSTEM_CMD, SWDEV_KILL_MIDI, 0); break;
default: return SFERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (SUCCESS != hRet) return (g_pJoltMidi->LogError(SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR, DRIVER_ERROR_MIDI_OUTPUT));
// Wait for ACK or NACK
ACKNACK AckNack = {sizeof(ACKNACK)}; if (DEV_RESET == ulMode) { // Wait for Jolt to complete the cycle
Sleep(g_pJoltMidi->DelayParamsPtrOf()->dwHWResetDelay); hRet = g_pJoltMidi->GetAckNackData(ACKNACK_TIMEOUT, &AckNack, REGBITS_SETDEVICESTATE); } else { Sleep(g_pJoltMidi->DelayParamsPtrOf()->dwDigitalOverdrivePrechargeCmdDelay); hRet = g_pJoltMidi->GetAckNackData(FALSE, &AckNack, REGBITS_SETDEVICESTATE); }
// :
if (SUCCESS != hRet) return (SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR); if (ACK != AckNack.dwAckNack) return (g_pJoltMidi->LogError(SFERR_DEVICE_NACK, AckNack.dwErrorCode));
// Special case Shutdown
if (DEV_RESET == ulMode) { // Delete all Effects except built-in RTC Spring and FRICTION cancel.
g_pJoltMidi->DeleteDownloadedEffects(); } Sleep(g_pJoltMidi->DelayParamsPtrOf()->dwPostSetDeviceStateDelay); return (hRet); }
// *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------***
// Function: CMD_GetEffectStatus
// Purpose: Returns Status of Effect ID
// Parameters:
// DNHANDLE DnloadID - Effect ID
// PBYTE pStatusCode - Status Code
// Returns: SUCCESS - if successful, else
// a device Error code
// *pStatusCode set to - SWDEV_STS_EFFECT_STOPPED
// Algorithm:
// Comments:
// Byte 0 = STATUS_CMD + Channel #
// D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
// -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
// Byte 1 = Effect ID 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
// Byte 2 = not used, set to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
// *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------***
HRESULT CMD_GetEffectStatus(DNHANDLE DnloadID, PBYTE pStatusCode) { HRESULT hRet; if (NULL == g_pJoltMidi) return (SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR); hRet = g_pJoltMidi->MidiSendShortMsg(STATUS_CMD, (BYTE) DnloadID, 0); if (SUCCESS != hRet) return (g_pJoltMidi->LogError(SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR, DRIVER_ERROR_MIDI_OUTPUT));
Sleep(g_pJoltMidi->DelayParamsPtrOf()->dwGetEffectStatusDelay);// enough for about 3 bytes of data being sent at 330us/byte
DWORD dwIn; hRet = g_pDriverCommunicator->GetStatusGateData(dwIn); if (SUCCESS != hRet) return (hRet);
if ((g_ForceFeedbackDevice.GetDriverVersionMajor() != 1) && (dwIn & RUNNING_MASK_200)) { *pStatusCode = SWDEV_STS_EFFECT_RUNNING; } else { *pStatusCode = SWDEV_STS_EFFECT_STOPPED; } return (hRet); }
// --- System Exclusive Commands
// System Exclusive Command:MIDI_ASSIGN
// *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------***
// Function: CMD_MIDI_Assign
// Purpose: Inits JOLT MIDI channel
// Parameters: BYTE bMidiChannel - Channel to assign
// Returns: SUCCESS or Error code
// Algorithm:
// Comments: SYS_EX type command
// Body D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
// ------ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
// Byte 0 = MIDI_ASSIGN 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
// Byte 1 = channel#(0-15) e.g. 5 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
// Byte 2 = not used, set to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
// *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------***
HRESULT CMD_MIDI_Assign( IN BYTE bMidiChannel) { HRESULT hRet; PMIDI_ASSIGN_SYS_EX lpData; CMidiAssign *pMidiAssign;
assert((bMidiChannel > 0) && (bMidiChannel < MAX_MIDI_CHANNEL));
pMidiAssign = new CMidiAssign; assert(pMidiAssign); if (!pMidiAssign) return (SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR); pMidiAssign->SetMidiAssignChannel(bMidiChannel); lpData = (PMIDI_ASSIGN_SYS_EX) pMidiAssign->GenerateSysExPacket(); assert(lpData); if(!lpData) return (SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR);
if (NULL == g_pJoltMidi) return (SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR); // Prepare the buffer for SysEx output
g_pJoltMidi->MidiAssignBuffer((LPSTR) lpData, (DWORD) sizeof(MIDI_ASSIGN_SYS_EX), TRUE);
// Send the message and Wait for the ACK
hRet = g_pJoltMidi->MidiSendLongMsg(); if (SUCCESS == hRet) { ACKNACK AckNack = {sizeof(ACKNACK)}; // Wait for ACK. Note: WinMM has callback Event notification
// while Backdoor and serial does not.
if (COMM_WINMM == g_pJoltMidi->COMMInterfaceOf()) { hRet = g_pJoltMidi->GetAckNackData(ACKNACK_TIMEOUT, &AckNack, REGBITS_DEVICEINIT); } else hRet = g_pJoltMidi->GetAckNackData(FALSE, &AckNack, REGBITS_DEVICEINIT);
// :
if (SUCCESS != hRet) return (SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR); if (ACK != AckNack.dwAckNack) hRet = g_pJoltMidi->LogError(SFERR_DEVICE_NACK, AckNack.dwErrorCode); } else hRet = SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR;
// Release the Midi buffers and delete the MIDI sys_ex object
g_pJoltMidi->MidiAssignBuffer((LPSTR) lpData, 0, FALSE); delete pMidiAssign; return (hRet); }
// System Exclusive Command:DNLOAD_DATA
PARAMETERS: PEFFECT pEffect - Ptr to a EFFECT data structure PENVELOPE pEnvelope - Ptr to an ENVELOPE data structure PBE_XXX pBE_XXX - Ptr to a BE_XXX data structure PDNHANDLE pDnloadID - Ptr to a HANDLE storage DWORD dwFlags - dwFlags from Kernel
COMMENTS: Downloads BE_XXX type Effect params to the device Uses SysEx prototype and ModifyParam methods Note: Normally pEnvelope = NULL
****************************************************************************/ HRESULT CMD_Download_BE_XXX( IN PEFFECT pEffect, IN PENVELOPE pEnvelope, IN PBE_XXX pBE_XXX, IN OUT PDNHANDLE pDnloadID, IN DWORD dwFlags) { HRESULT hRet = SUCCESS; PBEHAVIORAL_SYS_EX lpData; CMidiBehavioral *pMidiBehavioral; BOOL fXConstantChanged=FALSE; BOOL fYConstantChanged=FALSE; BOOL fParam3Changed=FALSE; BOOL fParam4Changed=FALSE;
assert(pEffect && pBE_XXX && pDnloadID); if ((NULL == pEffect) || (NULL == pBE_XXX) || (NULL == pDnloadID)) return (SFERR_INVALID_PARAM);
DNHANDLE DnloadID =*pDnloadID;
if (NULL == g_pJoltMidi) return (SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR); // scale the constants using the fudge factor
PFIRMWARE_PARAMS pFirmwareParams = g_pJoltMidi->FirmwareParamsPtrOf(); switch(pEffect->m_SubType) { case BE_INERTIA: case BE_INERTIA_2D: pBE_XXX->m_XConstant = (((int)pBE_XXX->m_XConstant)*((int)pFirmwareParams->dwScaleMx))/((int)100); pBE_XXX->m_YConstant = (((int)pBE_XXX->m_YConstant)*((int)pFirmwareParams->dwScaleMy))/((int)100); break;
case BE_SPRING: case BE_SPRING_2D: pBE_XXX->m_XConstant = (((int)pBE_XXX->m_XConstant)*((int)pFirmwareParams->dwScaleKx))/((int)100); pBE_XXX->m_YConstant = (((int)pBE_XXX->m_YConstant)*((int)pFirmwareParams->dwScaleKy))/((int)100); break;
case BE_DAMPER: case BE_DAMPER_2D: pBE_XXX->m_XConstant = (((int)pBE_XXX->m_XConstant)*((int)pFirmwareParams->dwScaleBx))/((int)100); pBE_XXX->m_YConstant = (((int)pBE_XXX->m_YConstant)*((int)pFirmwareParams->dwScaleBy))/((int)100); break;
case BE_FRICTION: case BE_FRICTION_2D: pBE_XXX->m_XConstant = (((int)pBE_XXX->m_XConstant)*((int)pFirmwareParams->dwScaleFx))/((int)100); pBE_XXX->m_YConstant = (((int)pBE_XXX->m_YConstant)*((int)pFirmwareParams->dwScaleFy))/((int)100); break;
case BE_WALL: pBE_XXX->m_YConstant = (((int)pBE_XXX->m_YConstant)*((int)pFirmwareParams->dwScaleW))/((int)100); break;
default: // do not scale
break; }
// If Create New, then create a new object, using SysEx
// else, update the existing Effect object, using ModifyParam
if (NULL == DnloadID) // New, Make a new object, use SysEx
{ if ((BE_FRICTION == pEffect->m_SubType) || (BE_FRICTION_2D == pEffect->m_SubType)) { pMidiBehavioral = new CMidiFriction(pEffect, pEnvelope, pBE_XXX); assert(pMidiBehavioral); } else // Wall
if (BE_WALL == pEffect->m_SubType) { pMidiBehavioral = new CMidiWall(pEffect, pEnvelope, pBE_XXX); assert(pMidiBehavioral); } // BE_SPRINGxx, BE_DAMPERxx, BE_INERTIAxx
else { pMidiBehavioral = new CMidiBehavioral(pEffect, pEnvelope, pBE_XXX); assert(pMidiBehavioral); } if (NULL == pMidiBehavioral) return (SFERR_INVALID_OBJECT); // Generate Sys_Ex packet then prepare for output
lpData = (PBEHAVIORAL_SYS_EX) pMidiBehavioral->GenerateSysExPacket(); assert(lpData); if (!lpData) return (SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR);
// Store the PrimaryBuffer ptr to CMidiEffect::m_pBuffer;
pMidiBehavioral->SetMidiBufferPtr((LPSTR) g_pJoltMidi->PrimaryBufferPtrOf()); hRet = pMidiBehavioral->SendPacket(pDnloadID, pMidiBehavioral->MidiBufferSizeOf()); if (SUCCESS != hRet) // Create NEW, Failure
{ delete pMidiBehavioral; } } else // Modify existing
{ pMidiBehavioral = (CMidiBehavioral *) g_pJoltMidi->GetEffectByID(*pDnloadID); assert(pMidiBehavioral); if (NULL == pMidiBehavioral) return (SFERR_INVALID_OBJECT);
// Check if Type specific params have changed.
if (BE_WALL == pEffect->m_SubType) { if ((pBE_XXX->m_XConstant) != pMidiBehavioral->XConstantOf()) fXConstantChanged=TRUE; // Wall Type
if ((pBE_XXX->m_YConstant) != pMidiBehavioral->YConstantOf()) fYConstantChanged=TRUE; // Wall Constant
if ((pBE_XXX->m_Param3) != pMidiBehavioral->Param3Of()) fParam3Changed=TRUE; // Wall Angle
if ((pBE_XXX->m_Param4) != pMidiBehavioral->Param4Of()) fParam4Changed=TRUE; // Wall Distance
} else { if ((pBE_XXX->m_XConstant) != pMidiBehavioral->XConstantOf()) fXConstantChanged=TRUE; if ((pBE_XXX->m_YConstant) != pMidiBehavioral->YConstantOf()) fYConstantChanged=TRUE; if ((BE_FRICTION != pEffect->m_SubType) && (BE_FRICTION_2D != pEffect->m_SubType)) { if ((pBE_XXX->m_Param3) != pMidiBehavioral->Param3Of()) fParam3Changed=TRUE; if ((pBE_XXX->m_Param4) != pMidiBehavioral->Param4Of()) fParam4Changed=TRUE; } }
// Fill in the common Effect and Behavioral specific parameters
// Only update Duration and Button Play as common effect parameters
// Double check if DURATION and TRIGGERBUTTON changed, to speed operation
DWORD dwTempFlags = 0; if (pEffect->m_Duration != pMidiBehavioral->DurationOf()) dwTempFlags = dwTempFlags | DIEP_DURATION; if (pEffect->m_ButtonPlayMask != pMidiBehavioral->ButtonPlayMaskOf()) dwTempFlags = dwTempFlags | DIEP_TRIGGERBUTTON; pMidiBehavioral->SetEffectParams(pEffect, pBE_XXX); hRet = ModifyEffectParams(DnloadID, pEffect, dwTempFlags); if (SUCCESS!=hRet) return hRet;
if (BE_WALL == pEffect->m_SubType) { // Generate Sys_Ex packet then prepare for output
lpData = (PBEHAVIORAL_SYS_EX) pMidiBehavioral->GenerateSysExPacket(); assert(lpData); if (!lpData) return (SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR);
// Store the PrimaryBuffer ptr to CMidiEffect::m_pBuffer;
pMidiBehavioral->SetMidiBufferPtr((LPSTR) g_pJoltMidi->PrimaryBufferPtrOf()); hRet = pMidiBehavioral->SendPacket(pDnloadID, pMidiBehavioral->MidiBufferSizeOf()); } else // Use ModifyParameter
{ // Type Specific Params
if (dwFlags & DIEP_TYPESPECIFICPARAMS) { if (fYConstantChanged) // KY/BY/MY/FY
{ hRet = CMD_ModifyParamByIndex(INDEX3, DnloadID, (SHORT) (pBE_XXX->m_YConstant * MAX_SCALE)); if (SUCCESS!=hRet) return hRet; } if(fXConstantChanged) // KX/BX/MX/FX
{ hRet = CMD_ModifyParamByIndex(INDEX2, DnloadID, (SHORT) (pBE_XXX->m_XConstant * MAX_SCALE)); if (SUCCESS!=hRet) return hRet; }
if (fParam4Changed) // CY/VY/AY
{ hRet = CMD_ModifyParamByIndex(INDEX5, DnloadID, (SHORT) (pBE_XXX->m_Param4 * MAX_SCALE)); if (SUCCESS!=hRet) return hRet; }
if (fParam3Changed) // CX/VX/AX
{ hRet = CMD_ModifyParamByIndex(INDEX4, DnloadID, (SHORT) (pBE_XXX->m_Param3 * MAX_SCALE)); if (SUCCESS!=hRet) return hRet; } } } } return (hRet); }
FUNCTION: CMD_Download_RTCSpring
COMMENTS: Downloads RTCSPRING type Effect params to the device Uses SysEx prototype and ModifyParam methods
****************************************************************************/ HRESULT CMD_Download_RTCSpring( IN PRTCSPRING_PARAM pRTCSpring, IN OUT PDNHANDLE pDnloadID) { HRESULT hRet = SUCCESS; CMidiRTCSpring *pMidiRTCSpring;
assert(pRTCSpring && pDnloadID); if ((NULL == pRTCSpring) || (NULL == pDnloadID)) return (SFERR_INVALID_PARAM);
if (NULL == g_pJoltMidi) return (SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR); // Note: RTC Spring is a permanent System Effect ID 2
pMidiRTCSpring = (CMidiRTCSpring *) g_pJoltMidi->GetEffectByID(DnloadID); assert(pMidiRTCSpring); if (NULL == pMidiRTCSpring) return (SFERR_INVALID_OBJECT);
// Check if Type specific params have changed, if so, Modify it
if ((pRTCSpring->m_XKConstant) != pMidiRTCSpring->XKConstantOf()) { if (SUCCESS != (hRet=CMD_ModifyParamByIndex(INDEX0, DnloadID, (SHORT) (pRTCSpring->m_XKConstant * MAX_SCALE)))) return hRet; }
if ((pRTCSpring->m_YKConstant) != pMidiRTCSpring->YKConstantOf()) { if (SUCCESS != (hRet=CMD_ModifyParamByIndex(INDEX1, DnloadID, (SHORT) (pRTCSpring->m_YKConstant * MAX_SCALE)))) return hRet; }
if ((pRTCSpring->m_XAxisCenter) != pMidiRTCSpring->XAxisCenterOf()) { if (SUCCESS != (hRet=CMD_ModifyParamByIndex(INDEX2, DnloadID, (SHORT) (pRTCSpring->m_XAxisCenter * MAX_SCALE)))) return hRet; }
if ((pRTCSpring->m_YAxisCenter) != pMidiRTCSpring->YAxisCenterOf()) { if (SUCCESS != (hRet=CMD_ModifyParamByIndex(INDEX3, DnloadID, (SHORT) (pRTCSpring->m_YAxisCenter * MAX_SCALE)))) return hRet; }
if ((pRTCSpring->m_XSaturation) != pMidiRTCSpring->XSaturationOf()) { if (SUCCESS != (hRet=CMD_ModifyParamByIndex(INDEX4, DnloadID, (SHORT) (pRTCSpring->m_XSaturation * MAX_SCALE)))) return hRet; }
if ((pRTCSpring->m_YSaturation) != pMidiRTCSpring->YSaturationOf()) { if (SUCCESS != (hRet=CMD_ModifyParamByIndex(INDEX5, DnloadID, (SHORT) (pRTCSpring->m_YSaturation * MAX_SCALE)))) return hRet; }
if ((pRTCSpring->m_XDeadBand) != pMidiRTCSpring->XDeadBandOf()) { if (SUCCESS != (hRet=CMD_ModifyParamByIndex(INDEX6, DnloadID, (SHORT) (pRTCSpring->m_XDeadBand * MAX_SCALE)))) return hRet; }
if ((pRTCSpring->m_YDeadBand) != pMidiRTCSpring->YDeadBandOf()) { hRet=CMD_ModifyParamByIndex(INDEX7, DnloadID, (SHORT) (pRTCSpring->m_YDeadBand * MAX_SCALE)); } pMidiRTCSpring->SetEffectParams(pRTCSpring); return (hRet); }
PARAMETERS: ULONG ulDuration - Duration delay
COMMENTS: Downloads NOP_DELAY Effect params to the device Uses SysEx prototype
****************************************************************************/ HRESULT CMD_Download_NOP_DELAY( IN ULONG ulDuration, IN PEFFECT pEffect, IN OUT PDNHANDLE pDnloadID) { HRESULT hRet = SUCCESS; PNOP_SYS_EX lpData; CMidiDelay *pMidiDelay; BOOL fCreateNew = FALSE;
assert(pDnloadID); assert(0 != ulDuration); if (NULL == g_pJoltMidi) return (SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR); // If Create New, then create a new object,
// else, update the existing Effect object.
if (NULL == *pDnloadID) fCreateNew = TRUE;
if (fCreateNew) // New, Make a new object
{ pMidiDelay = new CMidiDelay(pEffect); assert(pMidiDelay); if (NULL == pMidiDelay) return (SFERR_INVALID_OBJECT); pMidiDelay->SetEffectID(NEW_EFFECT_ID); } else // Modify existing
{ pMidiDelay = (CMidiDelay *) g_pJoltMidi->GetEffectByID(*pDnloadID); assert(pMidiDelay); if (NULL == pMidiDelay) return (SFERR_INVALID_OBJECT); pMidiDelay->SetEffectID((BYTE) *pDnloadID); } pMidiDelay->SetDuration(ulDuration);
// Generate Sys_Ex packet then prepare for output
lpData = (PNOP_SYS_EX) pMidiDelay->GenerateSysExPacket(); assert(lpData); if (!lpData) return (SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR);
pMidiDelay->SetMidiBufferPtr((LPSTR) g_pJoltMidi->PrimaryBufferPtrOf()); hRet = pMidiDelay->SendPacket(pDnloadID, sizeof(NOP_SYS_EX)); if (FAILED(hRet) && fCreateNew) // Create NEW, Failure
{ delete pMidiDelay; } return (hRet); }
FUNCTION: CMD_Dnload_UD_Waveform
PARAMETERS: ULONG ulDuration - what fun! PEFFECT pEffect - Ptr to an EFFECT structure ULONG ulNumVectors- Number of vectors in the array PLONG pUD_Array - Ptr to a UD_WAVEFORM byte array ULONG ulAction - Mode for download PDNHANDLE pDnloadID - Ptr to a DNHANDLE store DWORD dwFlags - dwFlags from Kernel
COMMENTS: Downloads UD_WAVEFORM Effect params to the device Uses SysEx prototype
****************************************************************************/ HRESULT CMD_Download_UD_Waveform( IN ULONG ulDuration, IN PEFFECT pEffect, IN ULONG ulNumVectors, IN PLONG pUD_Array, IN ULONG ulAction, IN OUT PDNHANDLE pDnloadID, IN DWORD dwFlags) { HRESULT hRet = SUCCESS; PUD_WAVEFORM_SYS_EX lpData; CMidiUD_Waveform *pMidiUD_Waveform;
assert(pEffect && pUD_Array); assert(ulNumVectors > 0); assert(pDnloadID); if (NULL == g_pJoltMidi) return (SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR); // If Create New, then create a new object,
// else, update the existing Effect object.
DNHANDLE DnloadID = *pDnloadID; if (NULL == DnloadID) // New, Make a new object
{ pMidiUD_Waveform = new CMidiUD_Waveform(pEffect, ulNumVectors, pUD_Array); assert(pMidiUD_Waveform);
if (NULL == pMidiUD_Waveform) return (SFERR_INVALID_OBJECT);
if (0 == pMidiUD_Waveform->MidiBufferSizeOf()) { delete pMidiUD_Waveform; return (SFERR_INVALID_PARAM); } // Generate Sys_Ex packet then prepare for output
lpData = (PUD_WAVEFORM_SYS_EX) pMidiUD_Waveform->GenerateSysExPacket(); assert(lpData); if (!lpData) return (SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR);
// Store the PrimaryBuffer ptr to CMidiEffect::m_pBuffer;
pMidiUD_Waveform->SetMidiBufferPtr((LPSTR) g_pJoltMidi->PrimaryBufferPtrOf()); hRet = pMidiUD_Waveform->SendPacket(pDnloadID, pMidiUD_Waveform->MidiBufferSizeOf()); if (SUCCESS != hRet) // Create NEW, Failure
{ delete pMidiUD_Waveform; } } else // Modify existing
{ pMidiUD_Waveform = (CMidiUD_Waveform *) g_pJoltMidi->GetEffectByID(DnloadID); assert(pMidiUD_Waveform); if (NULL == pMidiUD_Waveform) return (SFERR_INVALID_OBJECT);
// fix the output rate (waveform is compressed)
pEffect->m_ForceOutputRate = pEffect->m_ForceOutputRate*pMidiUD_Waveform->ForceOutRateOf()/pMidiUD_Waveform->OriginalEffectParamOf()->m_ForceOutputRate;
// Modify EFFECT, and ENVELOPE params
hRet = ModifyEffectParams(DnloadID, pEffect, dwFlags); if (SUCCESS!=hRet) return hRet; } return (hRet); }
PARAMETERS: PSYNTH pSynth - Ptr to a SYNTH data structure PDNHANDLE pDnloadID - Ptr to a HANDLE storage
COMMENTS: Downloads SE_xxx Effect params to the device Uses SysEx prototype
Algorithm: The following dwFlags may be sent by the kernel
#define DIEP_ALLPARAMS 0x000000FF - All fields valid
#define DIEP_AXES 0x00000020 - cAxes and rgdwAxes
#define DIEP_DIRECTION 0x00000040 - cAxes and rglDirection
#define DIEP_DURATION 0x00000001 - dwDuration
#define DIEP_ENVELOPE 0x00000080 - lpEnvelope
#define DIEP_GAIN 0x00000004 - dwGain
#define DIEP_NODOWNLOAD 0x80000000 - suppress auto - download
#define DIEP_SAMPLEPERIOD 0x00000002 - dwSamplePeriod
#define DIEP_TRIGGERBUTTON 0x00000008 - dwTriggerButton
#define DIEP_TRIGGERREPEATINTERVAL 0x00000010 - dwTriggerRepeatInterval
#define DIEP_TYPESPECIFICPARAMS 0x00000100 - cbTypeSpecificParams
and lpTypeSpecificParams Jolt has two options for downloading - Full SysEx or Modify Parameter Pass the dwFlags to each CMD_xxx function and let the MIDI function determine whether to use SysEx or Modify Parameter.
****************************************************************************/ HRESULT CMD_Download_SYNTH( IN PEFFECT pEffect, IN PENVELOPE pEnvelope, IN PSE_PARAM pSE_Param, IN ULONG ulAction, IN OUT PDNHANDLE pDnloadID, IN DWORD dwFlags) { HRESULT hRet = SUCCESS; PSE_WAVEFORM_SYS_EX lpData; CMidiSynthesized *pMidiSynthesized; BOOL fFreqChanged = FALSE; BOOL fMaxAmpChanged = FALSE; BOOL fMinAmpChanged = FALSE; DNHANDLE DnloadID =*pDnloadID; assert(pEffect && pEnvelope && pSE_Param && pDnloadID); if (NULL == g_pJoltMidi) return (SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR); // If Create New, then create a new object, and use SysEx method
// else, update the existing Effect object. using ModifyParam method
if (NULL == DnloadID) // New, Make a new object
{ pMidiSynthesized = new CMidiSynthesized(pEffect, pEnvelope, pSE_Param); assert(pMidiSynthesized); if (NULL == pMidiSynthesized) return (SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR);
// Generate Sys_Ex packet then prepare for output
lpData = (PSE_WAVEFORM_SYS_EX) pMidiSynthesized->GenerateSysExPacket();
assert(lpData); if (!lpData) return (SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR); pMidiSynthesized->SetMidiBufferPtr((LPSTR) g_pJoltMidi->PrimaryBufferPtrOf());
hRet = pMidiSynthesized->SendPacket(pDnloadID, sizeof(SE_WAVEFORM_SYS_EX));
if (SUCCESS != hRet) // Create NEW, Failure
{ delete pMidiSynthesized; pMidiSynthesized = NULL;
return hRet; }
// Hack to fix firmware bug #1138 which causes an infinite duration
// effect not to be felt on re-start once the effect has been stopped.
// The hack is to "change" the duration from infinite to infinite
ULONG ulDuration = pMidiSynthesized->DurationOf(); if(ulDuration == 0) { hRet = CMD_ModifyParamByIndex(INDEX0, *pDnloadID, 0);
return (hRet); } else // Modify existing
{ pMidiSynthesized = (CMidiSynthesized *) g_pJoltMidi->GetEffectByID(DnloadID); assert(pMidiSynthesized); if (NULL == pMidiSynthesized) return (SFERR_INVALID_OBJECT);
// check to see if they are trying to change sub-type (not allowed)
if((dwFlags & DIEP_TYPESPECIFICPARAMS) && pEffect->m_SubType != pMidiSynthesized->SubTypeOf()) return SFERR_NO_SUPPORT;
// Check if Type specific params have changed.
if (pSE_Param->m_Freq != pMidiSynthesized->FreqOf()) fFreqChanged=TRUE; if ((pSE_Param->m_MaxAmp) != pMidiSynthesized->MaxAmpOf()) fMaxAmpChanged=TRUE; if ((pSE_Param->m_MinAmp) != pMidiSynthesized->MinAmpOf()) fMinAmpChanged=TRUE;
// Fill in the common Effect and Synth specific parameters
pMidiSynthesized->SetEffectParams(pEffect, pSE_Param, ulAction); // // Fill in the Envelope
// pMidiSynthesized->SetEnvelope(pEnvelope);
// Modify EFFECT, ENVELOPE and Type Specific
hRet = ModifyEffectParams(DnloadID, pEffect, dwFlags); if (SUCCESS!=hRet) return hRet;
hRet = ModifyEnvelopeParams(pMidiSynthesized, DnloadID, pEffect->m_Duration, pEnvelope, dwFlags); if (SUCCESS!=hRet) return hRet; // Fill in the Envelope
// Type Specific Params
if (dwFlags & DIEP_TYPESPECIFICPARAMS) { if(fFreqChanged) { hRet = CMD_ModifyParamByIndex(INDEX12, DnloadID, (SHORT) pSE_Param->m_Freq); if (SUCCESS!=hRet) return hRet; } if (fMaxAmpChanged) { hRet = CMD_ModifyParamByIndex(INDEX13, DnloadID, (SHORT) (pSE_Param->m_MaxAmp * MAX_SCALE)); if (SUCCESS!=hRet) return hRet; } if (fMinAmpChanged) { hRet = CMD_ModifyParamByIndex(INDEX14, DnloadID, (SHORT) (pSE_Param->m_MinAmp * MAX_SCALE)); if (SUCCESS!=hRet) return hRet; } } } return (hRet); }
PARAMETERS: PSYNTH pSynth - Ptr to a SYNTH data structure PDNHANDLE pDnloadID - Ptr to a HANDLE storage
COMMENTS: Downloads SE_xxx Effect params to the device Uses SysEx prototype
Algorithm: The following dwFlags may be sent by the kernel
#define DIEP_ALLPARAMS 0x000000FF - All fields valid
#define DIEP_DIRECTION 0x00000040 - cAxes and rglDirection
#define DIEP_GAIN 0x00000004 - dwGain
#define DIEP_NODOWNLOAD 0x80000000 - suppress auto - download
#define DIEP_TRIGGERBUTTON 0x00000008 - dwTriggerButton
#define DIEP_TRIGGERREPEATINTERVAL 0x00000010 - dwTriggerRepeatInterval
#define DIEP_TYPESPECIFICPARAMS 0x00000100 - cbTypeSpecificParams
and lpTypeSpecificParams Jolt has two options for downloading - Full SysEx or Modify Parameter Pass the dwFlags to each CMD_xxx function and let the MIDI function determine whether to use SysEx or Modify Parameter.
****************************************************************************/ HRESULT CMD_Download_VFX( IN PEFFECT pEffect, IN PENVELOPE pEnvelope, IN PVFX_PARAM pVFXParam, IN ULONG ulAction, IN OUT PDNHANDLE pDnloadID, IN DWORD dwFlags) { HRESULT hRet = SUCCESS; DNHANDLE DnloadID = *pDnloadID;
assert(pEffect && !pEnvelope && pVFXParam); if (NULL == g_pJoltMidi) return (SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR);
BOOL bModify = DnloadID != 0;
if(*pDnloadID == 0) { // make a new object
if(pVFXParam->m_PointerType == VFX_FILENAME) hRet = CreateEffectFromFile((LPCTSTR)pVFXParam->m_pFileNameOrBuffer, ulAction, (USHORT*)pDnloadID, dwFlags); else if(pVFXParam->m_PointerType == VFX_BUFFER) hRet = CreateEffectFromBuffer(pVFXParam->m_pFileNameOrBuffer, pVFXParam->m_BufferSize, ulAction, (USHORT*)pDnloadID, dwFlags); else hRet = SFERR_INVALID_PARAM;
if(FAILED(hRet)) return hRet;
DnloadID = *pDnloadID; }
// modify an existing object or the effect just created
// get the effect associated with this ID
CMidiEffect* pMidiEffect = g_pJoltMidi->GetEffectByID(DnloadID); assert(pMidiEffect); if (NULL == pMidiEffect) return (SFERR_INVALID_OBJECT);
// change the button play mask only on a modify
if (bModify && (dwFlags & DIEP_TRIGGERBUTTON)) { // get the button play mask
ULONG ulButtonPlayMask = pEffect->m_ButtonPlayMask;
// modify the param in the CMidiEffect
// modify the param in the stick
hRet = CMD_ModifyParamByIndex(INDEX1, DnloadID, (SHORT)ulButtonPlayMask); if (SUCCESS!=hRet) return hRet; }
// see if it is a PL or an atomic effect
ULONG ulSubType = pMidiEffect->SubTypeOf(); BOOL bProcessList = (ulSubType == PL_CONCATENATE || ulSubType == PL_SUPERIMPOSE);
// modify gain and direction
if(bProcessList) { // modify gain and direction for each sub-effect
// convert the pointer to CMidiProcessList
CMidiProcessList* pMidiProcessList = (CMidiProcessList*)pMidiEffect;
// get the number of sub-effects and the array
UINT ulNumEffects = pMidiProcessList->NumEffectsOf(); PBYTE pEffectArray = pMidiProcessList->EffectArrayOf(); assert(pEffectArray); if(pEffectArray == NULL) return (SFERR_INVALID_OBJECT);
// calculate the nominal duration of the process list
ULONG ulNominalDuration = 0; for(UINT i=0; i<ulNumEffects; i++) { // get the download ID of the next sub-effect
DNHANDLE SubDnloadID = pEffectArray[i];
// get the sub-effect
CMidiEffect* pMidiSubEffect = g_pJoltMidi->GetEffectByID(SubDnloadID); assert(pMidiSubEffect); if (NULL == pMidiSubEffect) return (SFERR_INVALID_OBJECT);
// get the original effect param
PEFFECT pOriginalEffectParam = pMidiSubEffect->OriginalEffectParamOf();
// get the original duration of this sub-effect
ULONG ulSubEffectDuration = pOriginalEffectParam->m_Duration; //ASSERT(ulSubEffectDuration != 0);
// update the nominal duration of the overall effect to reflect this sub-effect
if(ulSubType == PL_CONCATENATE) ulNominalDuration += ulSubEffectDuration; else ulNominalDuration = max(ulNominalDuration, ulSubEffectDuration); }
// iterate throught the list of sub-effects
for(i=0; i<ulNumEffects; i++) { // get the download ID of the next sub-effect
DNHANDLE SubDnloadID = pEffectArray[i];
// get the sub-effect
CMidiEffect* pMidiSubEffect = g_pJoltMidi->GetEffectByID(SubDnloadID); assert(pMidiSubEffect); if (NULL == pMidiSubEffect) return (SFERR_INVALID_OBJECT);
// get the original effect param
PEFFECT pOriginalEffectParam = pMidiSubEffect->OriginalEffectParamOf(); // Direction? Note: No Direction modify for Behaviorals!!!!
if ((dwFlags & DIEP_DIRECTION) && (EF_BEHAVIOR != pOriginalEffectParam->m_Type)) { // calculate the new angle
ULONG nOriginalAngle2D = pOriginalEffectParam->m_DirectionAngle2D; ULONG nDeltaAngle2D = pEffect->m_DirectionAngle2D; ULONG nNewAngle2D = (nOriginalAngle2D + nDeltaAngle2D)%360;
// modify the param in the midi sub-effect
// modify the parameter in the stick
hRet = CMD_ModifyParamByIndex(INDEX2, SubDnloadID, (SHORT)nNewAngle2D); if (SUCCESS!=hRet) return hRet; }
// Gain?
// Gain? Note: No Gain modify for Behaviorals!!!!
if ((dwFlags & DIEP_GAIN) && (EF_BEHAVIOR != pOriginalEffectParam->m_Type)) { // calculate the new gain
ULONG nOriginalGain = pOriginalEffectParam->m_Gain; ULONG nOverallGain = pEffect->m_Gain; ULONG nNewGain = nOverallGain*nOriginalGain/100;
// modify the param in the midi effect
// modify the parameter in the stick
hRet = CMD_ModifyParamByIndex(INDEX3, SubDnloadID, (SHORT) (nNewGain * MAX_SCALE)); if (SUCCESS!=hRet) return hRet; }
if(dwFlags & DIEP_DURATION) { // calculate the new duration
ULONG nOriginalDuration = pOriginalEffectParam->m_Duration; ULONG nOverallDuration = pEffect->m_Duration; ULONG nNewDuration; if(nOverallDuration == (ULONG)-1) { // default length
nNewDuration = nOriginalDuration; } else if(nOverallDuration == 0) { // infinite duration
// for a concatenated process list we make the last effect infinite, others default
// for a superimpose process list we make all effects infinite
if(ulSubType == PL_CONCATENATE) { if(i == ulNumEffects-1) { // make last effect in PL infinite
nNewDuration = 0; } else { // make other effects default
nNewDuration = nOriginalDuration; } } else { assert(ulSubType == PL_SUPERIMPOSE);
// make effects infinite
nNewDuration = 0; } } else { // scale the duration (at least 1mS)
nNewDuration = nOriginalDuration*nOverallDuration/ulNominalDuration; nNewDuration = max(1, nNewDuration); }
// modify the parameter in the midi sub-effect
// modify the parameter in the stick
if (nNewDuration != 0) { nNewDuration = (ULONG) ( (float) nNewDuration/TICKRATE); if (nNewDuration <= 0) nNewDuration = 1; } hRet = CMD_ModifyParamByIndex(INDEX0, SubDnloadID, (SHORT) nNewDuration); if (SUCCESS!=hRet) return hRet; } } } else { // modify gain and direction for the atomic effect
// get the original effect param
PEFFECT pOriginalEffectParam = pMidiEffect->OriginalEffectParamOf(); // Direction? Note: No Direction modify for Behaviorals!!!!
if ((dwFlags & DIEP_DIRECTION) && (EF_BEHAVIOR != pOriginalEffectParam->m_Type)) { // calculate the new angle
ULONG nOriginalAngle2D = pOriginalEffectParam->m_DirectionAngle2D; ULONG nDeltaAngle2D = pEffect->m_DirectionAngle2D; ULONG nNewAngle2D = (nOriginalAngle2D + nDeltaAngle2D)%360;
// modify the param in the midi effect
// modify the parameter in the stick
hRet = CMD_ModifyParamByIndex(INDEX2, DnloadID, (SHORT)nNewAngle2D); if (SUCCESS!=hRet) return hRet; }
// Gain?
// Gain? Note: No Gain modify for Behaviorals!!!!
if ((dwFlags & DIEP_GAIN) && (EF_BEHAVIOR != pOriginalEffectParam->m_Type)) { // calculate the new gain
ULONG nOriginalGain = pOriginalEffectParam->m_Gain; ULONG nOverallGain = pEffect->m_Gain; ULONG nNewGain = nOverallGain*nOriginalGain/100;
// modify the param in the midi effect
// modify the parameter in the stick
hRet = CMD_ModifyParamByIndex(INDEX3, DnloadID, (SHORT) (nNewGain * MAX_SCALE)); if (SUCCESS!=hRet) return hRet; }
if(dwFlags & DIEP_DURATION) { // calculate the new duration
ULONG nOriginalDuration = pOriginalEffectParam->m_Duration; ULONG nOverallDuration = pEffect->m_Duration; ULONG nNewDuration; if(nOverallDuration == (ULONG)-1) { // default length
nNewDuration = nOriginalDuration; } else if(nOverallDuration == 0) { // infinite duration -- make effect infinite
nNewDuration = 0; } else { // scale the duration (at least 1mS)
nNewDuration = nOverallDuration; }
// modify the parameter in the midi effect
// modify the parameter in the stick
if (nNewDuration != 0) { nNewDuration = (ULONG) ( (float) nNewDuration/TICKRATE); if (nNewDuration <= 0) nNewDuration = 1; } hRet = CMD_ModifyParamByIndex(INDEX0, DnloadID, (SHORT) nNewDuration); if (SUCCESS!=hRet) return hRet; }
return hRet; }
// --- System Exclusive Command:PROCESS_DATA
// *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------***
// Function: CMD_ProcessEffect
// Purpose: Processes the List
// IN ULONG ulButtonPlayMask
// IN OUT PDNHANDLE pDnloadID - Storage for new Download ID
// IN int nNumEffects - Number of Effect IDs in the array
// IN ULONG ulProcessMode - Processing mode
// IN PDNHANDLE pPListArray - Pointer to an array of Effect IDs
// Returns: SUCCESS - if successful, else
// Algorithm:
// Comments:
// The following processing is available:
// CONCATENATE: Enew = E1 followed by E2
// SUPERIMPOSE: Enew = E1 (t1) + E2 (t1) + E1 (t2)
// + E2 (t2) + . . . E1 (tn) + E2 (tn)
// ulProcessMode:
// Processing mode:
// SUPERIMPOSE - Mix or overlay
// pPListArray:
// The array of Effect IDs must be one more than the actual number
// of Effect IDs to use.
// Byte 0 = MIDI_CMD_EFFECT + Channel #
// D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
// -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
// Byte 1 = Low byte of Force 0
// Byte 2 = High byte of Force 0
// *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------***
HRESULT CMD_ProcessEffect( IN ULONG ulButtonPlayMask, IN OUT PDNHANDLE pDnloadID, IN int nNumEffects, IN ULONG ulProcessMode, IN PDNHANDLE pPListArray, IN ULONG ulAction) { HRESULT hRet = SUCCESS; PPROCESS_LIST_SYS_EX lpData; CMidiProcessList *pMidiProcessList; assert(pDnloadID && pPListArray); if ((NULL == pDnloadID) || (NULL == pPListArray)) return (SFERR_INVALID_PARAM);
if (NULL == g_pJoltMidi) return (SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR); DNHANDLE DnloadID = *pDnloadID;
// If Create New, then create a new object,
// else, update the existing Effect object.
// Build the special Parameter
PLIST PList; PList.ulNumEffects = (ULONG) nNumEffects; PList.ulProcessMode = ulProcessMode; PList.pEffectArray = pPListArray; PList.ulAction = ulAction;
if (NULL == DnloadID) // New, Make a new object
{ // make sure we are not trying to create a PL within a PL
for(int i=0; i<nNumEffects; i++) { // get the next sub-effect
int nID = pPListArray[i]; CMidiEffect* pMidiEffect = g_pJoltMidi->GetEffectByID(DNHANDLE(nID)); if(pMidiEffect == NULL) return SFERR_INVALID_PARAM;
// make sure it is not a process list
ULONG ulSubType = pMidiEffect->SubTypeOf(); if(ulSubType == PL_CONCATENATE || ulSubType == PL_SUPERIMPOSE) return SFERR_INVALID_PARAM; }
// create the CMidiProcessList object
pMidiProcessList = new CMidiProcessList(ulButtonPlayMask, &PList); assert(pMidiProcessList); pMidiProcessList->SetEffectID(NEW_EFFECT_ID); pMidiProcessList->SetSubType(ulProcessMode); } else // Modify existing
{ pMidiProcessList = (CMidiProcessList *) g_pJoltMidi->GetEffectByID(DnloadID); assert(pMidiProcessList); if (NULL == pMidiProcessList) return (SFERR_INVALID_OBJECT); pMidiProcessList->SetEffectID((BYTE) DnloadID); }
// Fill in the parameters
pMidiProcessList->SetParams(ulButtonPlayMask, &PList); if (PLAY_FOREVER == (ulAction & PLAY_FOREVER)) pMidiProcessList->SetDuration(0);
// Generate Sys_Ex packet then prepare for output
lpData = (PPROCESS_LIST_SYS_EX) pMidiProcessList->GenerateSysExPacket(); assert(lpData); if (!lpData) return (SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR);
int nSizeBuf = sizeof(SYS_EX_HDR) + 5 + nNumEffects + 2; pMidiProcessList->SetMidiBufferPtr((LPSTR) g_pJoltMidi->PrimaryBufferPtrOf()); hRet = pMidiProcessList->SendPacket(pDnloadID, nSizeBuf); if (SUCCESS != hRet) // Create NEW, Failure
{ delete pMidiProcessList; } else { // workaround to FW bug #1211, modify PL type with same PL type
ULONG ulSubType; if (PL_SUPERIMPOSE == ulProcessMode) ulSubType = PLIST_SUPERIMPOSE; else ulSubType = PLIST_CONCATENATE;
hRet = CMD_ModifyParamByIndex(INDEX0, *pDnloadID, (SHORT) ulSubType); }
return (hRet); }
// --- System Exclusive Command:PROCESS_DATA
// *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------***
// Function: CMD_VFXProcessEffect
// Purpose: Processes the List
// IN ULONG ulButtonPlayMask
// IN OUT PDNHANDLE pDnloadID - Storage for new Download ID
// IN int nNumEffects - Number of Effect IDs in the array
// IN ULONG ulProcessMode - Processing mode
// IN PDNHANDLE pPListArray - Pointer to an array of Effect IDs
// Returns: SUCCESS - if successful, else
// Algorithm:
// Comments:
// The following processing is available:
// CONCATENATE: Enew = E1 followed by E2
// SUPERIMPOSE: Enew = E1 (t1) + E2 (t1) + E1 (t2)
// + E2 (t2) + . . . E1 (tn) + E2 (tn)
// ulProcessMode:
// Processing mode:
// SUPERIMPOSE - Mix or overlay
// pPListArray:
// The array of Effect IDs must be one more than the actual number
// of Effect IDs to use.
// Byte 0 = MIDI_CMD_EFFECT + Channel #
// D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
// -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
// Byte 1 = Low byte of Force 0
// Byte 2 = High byte of Force 0
// *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------***
HRESULT CMD_VFXProcessEffect( IN ULONG ulButtonPlayMask, IN OUT PDNHANDLE pDnloadID, IN int nNumEffects, IN ULONG ulProcessMode, IN PDNHANDLE pPListArray, IN ULONG ulAction) { HRESULT hRet = SUCCESS; PPROCESS_LIST_SYS_EX lpData; CMidiVFXProcessList *pMidiProcessList; assert(pDnloadID && pPListArray); if ((NULL == pDnloadID) || (NULL == pPListArray)) return (SFERR_INVALID_PARAM);
if (NULL == g_pJoltMidi) return (SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR); DNHANDLE DnloadID = *pDnloadID;
// If Create New, then create a new object,
// else, update the existing Effect object.
// Build the special Parameter
PLIST PList; PList.ulNumEffects = (ULONG) nNumEffects; PList.ulProcessMode = ulProcessMode; PList.pEffectArray = pPListArray; PList.ulAction = ulAction;
if (NULL == DnloadID) // New, Make a new object
{ // make sure we are not trying to create a PL within a PL
for(int i=0; i<nNumEffects; i++) { // get the next sub-effect
int nID = pPListArray[i]; CMidiEffect* pMidiEffect = g_pJoltMidi->GetEffectByID(DNHANDLE(nID)); if(pMidiEffect == NULL) return SFERR_INVALID_PARAM;
// make sure it is not a process list
ULONG ulSubType = pMidiEffect->SubTypeOf(); if(ulSubType == PL_CONCATENATE || ulSubType == PL_SUPERIMPOSE) return SFERR_INVALID_PARAM; }
pMidiProcessList = new CMidiVFXProcessList(ulButtonPlayMask, &PList); assert(pMidiProcessList); if (!pMidiProcessList) return (SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR);
pMidiProcessList->SetEffectID(NEW_EFFECT_ID); pMidiProcessList->SetSubType(ulProcessMode); } else // Modify existing
{ pMidiProcessList = (CMidiVFXProcessList *) g_pJoltMidi->GetEffectByID(DnloadID); assert(pMidiProcessList); if (NULL == pMidiProcessList) return (SFERR_INVALID_OBJECT); pMidiProcessList->SetEffectID((BYTE) DnloadID); }
// Fill in the parameters
pMidiProcessList->SetParams(ulButtonPlayMask, &PList); if (PLAY_FOREVER == (ulAction & PLAY_FOREVER)) pMidiProcessList->SetDuration(0);
// Generate Sys_Ex packet then prepare for output
lpData = (PPROCESS_LIST_SYS_EX) pMidiProcessList->GenerateSysExPacket(); assert(lpData); if (!lpData) return (SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR);
int nSizeBuf = sizeof(SYS_EX_HDR) + 5 + nNumEffects + 2; pMidiProcessList->SetMidiBufferPtr((LPSTR) g_pJoltMidi->PrimaryBufferPtrOf()); hRet = pMidiProcessList->SendPacket(pDnloadID, nSizeBuf); if (SUCCESS != hRet) // Create NEW, Failure
{ delete pMidiProcessList; } else { // workaround to FW bug #1211, modify PL type with same PL type
ULONG ulSubType; if (PL_SUPERIMPOSE == ulProcessMode) ulSubType = PLIST_SUPERIMPOSE; else ulSubType = PLIST_CONCATENATE;
hRet = CMD_ModifyParamByIndex(INDEX0, *pDnloadID, (SHORT) ulSubType); }
return (hRet); }
FUNCTION: ModifyEffectParams
PARAMETERS: DNHANDLE DnloadID - Download ID PEFFECT pEffect - Ptr to EFFECT structure DWORD dwFlags - Flags indicating which changed
COMMENTS: Modifies EFFECT parameters
****************************************************************************/ HRESULT ModifyEffectParams( IN DNHANDLE DnloadID, IN PEFFECT pEffect, IN DWORD dwFlags) { HRESULT hRet = SUCCESS; // Check dwFlags for each parameter that changed.
// Duration?
ULONG ulDuration = pEffect->m_Duration; if (dwFlags & DIEP_DURATION) { if (ulDuration != 0) { ulDuration = (ULONG) ( (float) ulDuration/TICKRATE); if (ulDuration <= 0) ulDuration = 1; } hRet = CMD_ModifyParamByIndex(INDEX0, DnloadID, (SHORT) ulDuration); if (SUCCESS!=hRet) return hRet; }
// ButtonPlayback?
if (dwFlags & DIEP_TRIGGERBUTTON) { hRet = CMD_ModifyParamByIndex(INDEX1, DnloadID, (SHORT) pEffect->m_ButtonPlayMask); if (SUCCESS!=hRet) return hRet; }
// Direction?
if (dwFlags & DIEP_DIRECTION) { hRet = CMD_ModifyParamByIndex(INDEX2, DnloadID, (SHORT) pEffect->m_DirectionAngle2D); if (SUCCESS!=hRet) return hRet; }
// Gain?
if (dwFlags & DIEP_GAIN) { hRet = CMD_ModifyParamByIndex(INDEX3, DnloadID, (SHORT) (pEffect->m_Gain * MAX_SCALE)); if (SUCCESS!=hRet) return hRet; }
// Force Output Rate
if (dwFlags & DIEP_SAMPLEPERIOD ) { hRet = CMD_ModifyParamByIndex(INDEX4, DnloadID, (SHORT) (pEffect->m_ForceOutputRate)); if (SUCCESS!=hRet) return hRet; }
return (hRet); }
FUNCTION: ModifyEnvelopeParams
PARAMETERS: CMidiSynthesized * pMidiEffect - Ptr to Effect object DNHANDLE DnloadID - Download ID PENVELOPE pEnvelope - Ptr to ENVELOPE structure DWORD dwFlags - Flags indicating which changed
COMMENTS: Modifies ENVELOPE parameters
****************************************************************************/ HRESULT ModifyEnvelopeParams( IN CMidiSynthesized *pMidiEffect, IN DNHANDLE DnloadID, IN ULONG ulDuration, IN PENVELOPE pEnvelope, IN DWORD dwFlags) { HRESULT hRet=SUCCESS; ULONG ulTimeToSustain; ULONG ulTimeToDecay;
// Envelope?
if (dwFlags & DIEP_ENVELOPE) { if (PERCENTAGE == pEnvelope->m_Type) { ulTimeToSustain = (ULONG) ((pEnvelope->m_Attack * ulDuration) /100.); ulTimeToDecay = (ULONG) ((pEnvelope->m_Attack + pEnvelope->m_Sustain) * ulDuration /100.); } else // TIME option envelope
{ ulTimeToSustain = (ULONG) (pEnvelope->m_Attack); ulTimeToDecay = (ULONG) (pEnvelope->m_Attack + pEnvelope->m_Sustain); } ulTimeToSustain = (ULONG) ( (float) ulTimeToSustain/TICKRATE); ulTimeToDecay = (ULONG) ( (float) ulTimeToDecay/TICKRATE);
// REVIEW: Do a parameters changed check in order to speed this up - TOO MANY BYTES!!!
if (pEnvelope->m_Attack != (pMidiEffect->EnvelopePtrOf())->m_Attack) { hRet = CMD_ModifyParamByIndex(INDEX7, DnloadID, (SHORT) ulTimeToSustain); if (SUCCESS!=hRet) return hRet; } if ( (pEnvelope->m_Attack != (pMidiEffect->EnvelopePtrOf())->m_Attack) || (pEnvelope->m_Sustain != (pMidiEffect->EnvelopePtrOf())->m_Sustain) ) { hRet = CMD_ModifyParamByIndex(INDEX8, DnloadID, (SHORT) ulTimeToDecay); if (SUCCESS!=hRet) return hRet; }
if (pEnvelope->m_StartAmp != (pMidiEffect->EnvelopePtrOf())->m_StartAmp) { hRet = CMD_ModifyParamByIndex(INDEX9, DnloadID, (SHORT) (pEnvelope->m_StartAmp * MAX_SCALE)); if (SUCCESS!=hRet) return hRet; }
if (pEnvelope->m_SustainAmp != (pMidiEffect->EnvelopePtrOf())->m_SustainAmp) { hRet = CMD_ModifyParamByIndex(INDEX10, DnloadID, (SHORT) (pEnvelope->m_SustainAmp * MAX_SCALE)); if (SUCCESS!=hRet) return hRet; }
if (pEnvelope->m_EndAmp != (pMidiEffect->EnvelopePtrOf())->m_EndAmp) { hRet = CMD_ModifyParamByIndex(INDEX11, DnloadID, (SHORT) (pEnvelope->m_EndAmp * MAX_SCALE)); if (SUCCESS!=hRet) return hRet; } } return (hRet); }
FUNCTION: MapEnvelope
PARAMETERS: ULONG ulDuration - Total Duration ULONG dwMagnitude ULONG * pMaxLevel LPDIENVELOPE pIDEnvelope- Ptr to DIENVELOPE structure PENVELOPE pEnvelope - SWForce ENVELOPE
****************************************************************************/ void MapEnvelope( IN ULONG ulDuration, IN ULONG dwMagnitude, IN ULONG * pMaxLevel, IN LPDIENVELOPE pDIEnvelope, IN OUT PENVELOPE pEnvelope) { ULONG ulMaxLevel = *pMaxLevel; if (pDIEnvelope) { // if there is an envelope, MaxLevel must look at attack/fade
ulMaxLevel = max(ulMaxLevel, pDIEnvelope->dwAttackLevel); ulMaxLevel = max(ulMaxLevel, pDIEnvelope->dwFadeLevel);
pEnvelope->m_Type = TIME;
// find attack/sustain/decay which sum to ulDuration
pEnvelope->m_Attack = pDIEnvelope->dwAttackTime/SCALE_TIME; pEnvelope->m_Decay = pDIEnvelope->dwFadeTime/SCALE_TIME; // REVIEW: is this correct for ulDuration == 0?
if(ulDuration != 0) pEnvelope->m_Sustain = ulDuration - pEnvelope->m_Attack - pEnvelope->m_Decay; else pEnvelope->m_Sustain = 0;
// convert to StartAmp/SustainAmp/EndAmp, which is a % of the magnitude
if(ulMaxLevel != 0) { pEnvelope->m_StartAmp = pDIEnvelope->dwAttackLevel*100/ulMaxLevel; pEnvelope->m_SustainAmp = dwMagnitude*100/ulMaxLevel; pEnvelope->m_EndAmp = pDIEnvelope->dwFadeLevel*100/ulMaxLevel; } else { pEnvelope->m_StartAmp = pDIEnvelope->dwAttackLevel; pEnvelope->m_SustainAmp = 100; pEnvelope->m_EndAmp = pDIEnvelope->dwFadeLevel; } } else // No Envelope
{ pEnvelope->m_Type = TIME; pEnvelope->m_Attack = 0; pEnvelope->m_Sustain = ulDuration; pEnvelope->m_Decay = 0;
pEnvelope->m_StartAmp = 0; pEnvelope->m_SustainAmp = 100; pEnvelope->m_EndAmp = 0; } *pMaxLevel = ulMaxLevel; }