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Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements functions to recognize the tokens in the string repressentation of the search filter. The format of the search filter according to the RFC 1960.
Shankara Shastry [ShankSh] 08-Jul-1996
#include "nds.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
DFA_STATE CQryLexer::_pStateTable[MAX_STATES][MAX_CHAR_CLASSES] = gStateTable;
DWORD CQryLexer::_pCharClassTable[] = gCharClassTable;
// Function: CQryLexer
// Synopsis: Constructor: Allocate memory for the pattern and initialize
// Arguments: szBuffer: pattern
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 07-09-96 ShankSh Created.
CQryLexer::CQryLexer( LPWSTR szBuffer ): _ptr(NULL), _Buffer(NULL), _dwEndofString(0), _dwState(ATTRTYPE_START_STATE), _lexeme() { _bInitialized = FALSE; if (!szBuffer || !*szBuffer) { return; } _Buffer = (LPWSTR) AllocADsMem( (wcslen(szBuffer)+1) * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if(_Buffer) wcscpy(_Buffer, szBuffer ); _ptr = _Buffer; }
// Function: GetNextToken
// Synopsis: Give the next valid token
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 07-09-96 ShankSh Created.
HRESULT CQryLexer::GetNextToken( LPWSTR *ppszToken, LPDWORD pdwToken ) { WCHAR wcNextChar; DWORD dwActionId; DFA_STATE dfaState; DWORD dwStartState = _dwState; // If there is no pattern
if(!_ptr) { *pdwToken = TOKEN_ED; RRETURN (S_OK); }
// Start forming the lexeme.
*ppszToken = NULL; *pdwToken = TOKEN_ERROR;
while (_dwState != ERROR_STATE && _dwState < FINAL_STATES_BEGIN) { // Get the character class from the character and then index the
// state table
wcNextChar = NextChar(); DWORD now = GetCharClass(wcNextChar); dwActionId = _pStateTable[_dwState][GetCharClass(wcNextChar)]. dwActionId;
_dwState = _pStateTable[_dwState][GetCharClass(wcNextChar)]. dwNextState;
PerformAction(_dwState, wcNextChar, dwActionId ); }
_bInitialized = TRUE;
if(*pdwToken == TOKEN_ED) RRETURN (S_OK);
*ppszToken = _lexeme.GetLexeme(); *pdwToken = GetTokenFromState(_dwState);
_dwStateSave = _dwState; // This is to set the start state for the next token to be recognized
if(*pdwToken == TOKEN_ATTRTYPE) { _dwState = ATTRVAL_START_STATE; } else if (*pdwToken == TOKEN_ATTRVAL) { _dwState = ATTRTYPE_START_STATE; } else if (*pdwToken == TOKEN_PRESENT) { _dwState = ATTRTYPE_START_STATE; } else { _dwState = dwStartState; }
error: RRETURN (E_FAIL); }
// Function: GetCurrentToken
// Synopsis: Give the current valid token, and do not advance unless
// it is the first token
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 07-09-96 ShankSh Created.
HRESULT CQryLexer::GetCurrentToken( LPWSTR *ppszToken, LPDWORD pdwToken ) { if (!_bInitialized) { HRESULT hr; hr = GetNextToken( ppszToken, pdwToken ); return hr; } else { *ppszToken = _lexeme.GetLexeme(); *pdwToken = GetTokenFromState(_dwStateSave); return (S_OK); } }
// Function: NextChar
// Synopsis: Returns the next chaarcter in the pattern
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 07-09-96 ShankSh Created.
WCHAR CQryLexer::NextChar() { if (_ptr == NULL || *_ptr == L'\0') { _dwEndofString = TRUE; return(L'\0'); } return(*_ptr++); }
// Function: PushbackChar
// Synopsis: Puts back a character to the unrecognised pattern
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 07-09-96 ShankSh Created.
void CQryLexer::PushbackChar() { if (_dwEndofString) { return; } _ptr--;
HRESULT CQryLexer::PerformAction( DWORD dwCurrState, WCHAR wcCurrChar, DWORD dwActionId ) { switch(dwActionId) { case ACTION_PUSHBACK_CHAR: PushbackChar(); break; case ACTION_PUSHBACK_2CHAR: PushbackChar(); PushbackChar(); _lexeme.PushBackChar(); break; case ACTION_IGNORE_ESCAPECHAR: break; case ACTION_DEFAULT: _lexeme.PushNextChar(wcCurrChar); break; }
if(_dwState >= FINAL_STATES_BEGIN) _lexeme.PushNextChar(L'\0');
// Function: CQryLexer::GetTokenFromState
// Synopsis:
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 07-09-96 ShankSh Created.
inline DWORD CQryLexer::GetTokenFromState( DWORD dwCurrState ) { return (dwCurrState - FINAL_STATES_BEGIN); }
// Function: ~CQryLexer
// Synopsis:
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 07-09-96 ShankSh Created.
CQryLexer::~CQryLexer() { if( _Buffer ) FreeADsMem (_Buffer);
// Function: CLexeme
// Synopsis: Constructor: Allocate memory for the pattern and initialize
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 07-09-96 ShankSh Created.
CLexeme::CLexeme( ): _dwMaxLength(0), _dwIndex(0) { _pszLexeme = (LPWSTR) AllocADsMem(LEXEME_UNIT_LENGTH * sizeof(WCHAR)); if(_pszLexeme) _dwMaxLength = LEXEME_UNIT_LENGTH; }
// Function: ~CLexeme
// Synopsis: Destructor
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 07-09-96 ShankSh Created.
inline CLexeme::~CLexeme( ) { if(_pszLexeme) FreeADsMem(_pszLexeme); }
// Function: PushNextChar
// Synopsis: Add the next character after making sure there is enough memory
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 07-09-96 ShankSh Created.
HRESULT CLexeme::PushNextChar( WCHAR wcNextChar ) { if(_dwIndex >= _dwMaxLength) { _pszLexeme = (LPWSTR) ReallocADsMem( _pszLexeme, _dwMaxLength * sizeof(WCHAR), (_dwMaxLength + LEXEME_UNIT_LENGTH) * sizeof(WCHAR) ); BAIL_ON_NULL(_pszLexeme);
_dwMaxLength += LEXEME_UNIT_LENGTH; }
_pszLexeme[_dwIndex++] = wcNextChar;
error: RRETURN (E_FAIL);
HRESULT CLexeme::PushBackChar() { _pszLexeme[--_dwIndex] = '\0'; RRETURN (S_OK); }
// Function: RemoveWhiteSpaces
// Synopsis: Removes the leading and trailing white spaces
// Arguments: pszText Text strings from which the leading
// and trailing white spaces are to be
// removed
// Returns: LPWSTR Pointer to the modified string
// Modifies:
// History: 08-15-96 ShankSh Created.
LPWSTR RemoveWhiteSpaces( LPWSTR pszText) { LPWSTR pChar;
if(!pszText) return (pszText);
while(*pszText && iswspace(*pszText)) pszText++;
for(pChar = pszText + wcslen(pszText) - 1; pChar >= pszText; pChar--) { if(!iswspace(*pChar)) break; else *pChar = L'\0'; }
return pszText; }