#if (!defined(BUILD_FOR_NT40))
#pragma once
// @class CDBProperties | Maintenance of properties and their values.
class CDBProperties : INHERIT_TRACKING { public: //constructor
//Gets a property set given its GUID.
DBPROPSET* GetPropertySet(const GUID& guid) const;
//Gets a property set given its index into the array of property sets.
DBPROPSET* GetPropertySet(ULONG iPropSet) const { return ( GetPropertySet(_aPropSets[iPropSet].guidPropertySet) ); }
//Gets info about a property set given its GUID.
DBPROPINFOSET* GetPropertyInfoSet(const GUID& guid) const;
//Gest info about a property set given its index into the array
//of property set info structs.
DBPROPINFOSET* GetPropertyInfoSet(ULONG iPropInfoSet) const { return ( GetPropertyInfoSet( _aPropInfoSets[iPropInfoSet].guidPropertySet) ); }
//Copies property set given its GUID to another property set.
HRESULT CopyPropertySet(const GUID& guid, DBPROPSET* pPropSetDst) const;
//Copies a property set given its index (into the array of property sets)
//to another property set.
HRESULT CopyPropertySet(ULONG iPropSet, DBPROPSET* pPropSetDst) const { return ( CopyPropertySet( _aPropSets[iPropSet].guidPropertySet, pPropSetDst) ); }
//Copies info of a property set to another, given the GUID.
HRESULT CopyPropertyInfoSet( const GUID& guid, DBPROPINFOSET* pPropInfoSetDst, OLECHAR** ppDescBuffer, ULONG_PTR *pcchDesc, ULONG_PTR *pichCurrent) const;
//Copies info of a property set to another, given the index into the
//array of property set info structs.
HRESULT CopyPropertyInfoSet( ULONG iPropInfoSet, DBPROPINFOSET* pPropInfoSetDst, OLECHAR** ppDescBuffer, ULONG_PTR *pcchDesc, ULONG_PTR *pichCurrent) const { RRETURN ( CopyPropertyInfoSet( _aPropInfoSets[iPropInfoSet].guidPropertySet, pPropInfoSetDst, ppDescBuffer, pcchDesc, pichCurrent) ); }
//Gets a property given the set's GUID and the property id.
const DBPROP* GetProperty(const GUID& guid, DBPROPID id) const;
//Gets info about a property given the set's GUID and the property id.
const DBPROPINFO UNALIGNED* GetPropertyInfo(const GUID& guid, DBPROPID id) const;
//Sets a property given the GUID of the set and the property
//This flavor takes the description string directly.
HRESULT SetProperty(const GUID& guid, const DBPROP& prop, BOOL fAddNew, PWSTR pwszDesc);
//Sets info of a property given the set's GUID and the info.
HRESULT SetPropertyInfo(const GUID& guid, const DBPROPINFO& prop);
//Gets the number of property sets this object is currently managing.
ULONG GetNPropSets() const { return ( _cPropSets ); }
//Loads the description contained in a resource descriptor.
int LoadDescription(ULONG uID, PWSTR lpBuffer, ULONG cchBufferMax) const;
//Copies property descriptions to a buffer, given the
//set of property info structures.
HRESULT CopyPropertyDescriptions( DBPROPINFOSET* pPropInfoSet, WCHAR** ppBuf, ULONG_PTR* pcchBuffer, ULONG_PTR* pichCurrent) const;
//Validates the given property sets. A helper function
//used while setting property sets.
static HRESULT VerifySetPropertiesArgs( ULONG cPropertySets, DBPROPSET rgPropertySets[]);
//Checks and initializes property sets. A helper function
//used while getting property sets.
static HRESULT CheckAndInitPropArgs ( ULONG cPropertySets, const DBPROPIDSET rgPropertySets[], ULONG *pcPropertySets, void **prgPropertySets, BOOL *pfPropInError, BOOL *pfPropSpecial );
private: ULONG _cPropSets; // number of property sets
DBPROPSET* _aPropSets; // array of property sets
ULONG _cPropInfoSets; // number of property info sets
DBPROPINFOSET* _aPropInfoSets; // array of property info sets
NO_COPY(CDBProperties); };
//--- D E F I N E S, M A C R O S A N D I N L I N E F U N C T I O N S ----
// Increment of property array allocation
inline BOOL GoodPropOption ( DBPROPOPTIONS dwOptions ) { return ( (dwOptions == DBPROPOPTIONS_REQUIRED || dwOptions == DBPROPOPTIONS_SETIFCHEAP) ); }
inline BOOL IsColIDNULL ( DBID colid ) { return ( (colid.eKind == 0 && colid.uName.pwszName == NULL) ); }
BOOL VariantsEqual ( VARIANT *pvar1, VARIANT *pvar2 ); #endif