// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1996
// File: cextmgr.cxx
// Contents: LDAP ExtMgr Object
// History: 06-15-96 yihsins Created.
#include "winnt.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
// Class CADsExtMgr
CADsExtMgr::CADsExtMgr( IUnknown FAR * pUnkOuter ): _pUnkOuter(pUnkOuter), _pClassEntry(NULL), _pDispMgr(NULL), _fExtensionsLoaded(FALSE) {
HRESULT CADsExtMgr::CreateExtMgr( IUnknown FAR * pUnkOuter, CAggregatorDispMgr * pDispMgr, LPTSTR pszClassName, CWinNTCredentials& Credentials, CADsExtMgr ** ppExtMgr ) { PCLASS_ENTRY pClassEntry = NULL; CADsExtMgr FAR * pExtMgr = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
pExtMgr = new CADsExtMgr(pUnkOuter); if (!pExtMgr) RRETURN(E_OUTOFMEMORY);
// Now store the DispatchMgr of the Aggregator
pExtMgr->_pDispMgr = pDispMgr;
// Read the list of extension object of the same class from registry
hr = ADSIGetExtensionList( pszClassName, &(pExtMgr->_pClassEntry) ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
pExtMgr->_Credentials = Credentials;
*ppExtMgr = pExtMgr;
error: *ppExtMgr = NULL; delete pExtMgr; RRETURN(hr); }
CADsExtMgr::~CADsExtMgr( ) { //
// Free the ClassEntry
if (_pClassEntry) {
FreeClassEntry(_pClassEntry); }
// And do nothing with the DispMgr - we just keep a pointer
// Instantiate extension objects listed in _pClassEntry as aggregates of
// aggregator _pUnkOuter. Initialize extensions with <Credentials>.
// Max Load 127 extensions.
HRESULT CADsExtMgr::LoadExtensions( CWinNTCredentials &Credentials ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; PEXTENSION_ENTRY pExtEntry = NULL; DWORD dwExtensionID = MIN_EXTENSION_ID; IPrivateDispatch * pPrivDisp = NULL; LPWSTR pszUserName = NULL; LPWSTR pszPassword = NULL; DWORD dwAuthFlags = 0; // dummy for winnt
VARIANT varUserName; VARIANT varPassword; VARIANT varAuthFlags; PVARIANT pvarUserName = &varUserName; PVARIANT pvarPassword = &varPassword; PVARIANT pvarAuthFlags = &varAuthFlags; BOOL fReturnError = FALSE;
// Extensions (ext mgr) do(es) not exist on its own without an aggregator
// If _pClassEntry!=NULL, pClassEntry->pExtensionHead should not
// be NULL either. But just in case a user removes all extension entries
// under a class key without removing the class key itself in the registry,
// we will let it pass and just return S_OK here.
if (!_pClassEntry || !(pExtEntry=_pClassEntry->pExtensionHead) ) { RRETURN(S_OK); }
VariantInit(pvarUserName); VariantInit(pvarPassword); VariantInit(pvarAuthFlags);
hr = Credentials.GetUserName(&pszUserName); if (FAILED(hr)) { RRETURN(S_OK); }
hr = Credentials.GetPassword(&pszPassword); if (FAILED(hr)) { RRETURN(S_OK); }
while (pExtEntry) {
// Max # of extension have been loaded, cannot load more
if (dwExtensionID>MAX_EXTENSION_ID) { break; }
// create extension object (aggregatee) and ask for Non-delegating
// IUnknown. Ref count on extension object = 1.
hr = CoCreateInstance( pExtEntry->ExtCLSID, _pUnkOuter, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IUnknown, (void **)&(pExtEntry->pUnknown) );
// if fail, go to next extesion entry s.t. bad individual extension
// cannot block other extensions from loading (no clean up needed)
// no warning to user about failure
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
pExtEntry->dwExtensionID = dwExtensionID;
hr = (pExtEntry->pUnknown)->QueryInterface( IID_IADsExtension, (void **) &(pExtEntry->pADsExt) );
if (FAILED(hr)) {
// extension does not support the optioanl IADsExtension -> OK.
// (no clean up needed)
pExtEntry->fDisp = FALSE;
} else {
// Cache the interface ptr but call Release() immediately to
// avoid aggregator having a ref count on itself
// since IADsExtension inherits from delegating IUnknown.
// Note: codes still works if inherit from NonDelegatingIUknown
(pExtEntry->pADsExt)->Release() ;
// For efficiency, set this flag to FALSE on FIRST encounter of
// pADsExt->PrivateGetIDsOfNames()/Invoke() returning E_NOTIMPL.
// Set as TRUE now s.t. at least first encounter will happen.
pExtEntry->fDisp = TRUE;
// Pass its own credentials to extension. Ignore error if any.
hr = ADsAllocString( pszUserName, &(pvarUserName->bstrVal) ); if (FAILED(hr)) { fReturnError = TRUE; BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); } V_VT(pvarUserName) = VT_BSTR;
hr = ADsAllocString( pszPassword, &(pvarPassword->bstrVal) ); if (FAILED(hr)) { fReturnError = TRUE; BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); } V_VT(pvarPassword) = VT_BSTR;
V_I4(pvarAuthFlags) = dwAuthFlags; V_VT(pvarAuthFlags) = VT_I4;
hr = (pExtEntry->pADsExt)->Operate( ADS_EXT_INITCREDENTIALS, varUserName, varPassword, varAuthFlags ); //
// Zero out the memory that was used to store the password.
if (pvarPassword->bstrVal) { SecureZeroMemory ( pvarPassword->bstrVal, wcslen(pvarPassword->bstrVal) * sizeof(WCHAR) ); }
// Free them as they are reused
VariantClear(pvarUserName); VariantClear(pvarPassword); }
} // end if CoCreateInstance() succeeded
pExtEntry = pExtEntry->pNext;
// ++ extension ID even if creat'n of extension fails just to be safe
// - chuck's stuff :)
} // end while
if (pszUserName) { FreeADsStr(pszUserName); }
if (pszPassword) { //
// Zero out the password before freeing so it doesn't remain
// visible in memory.
SecureZeroMemory(pszPassword, wcslen(pszPassword) * sizeof(WCHAR)); FreeADsStr(pszPassword); }
VariantClear(pvarUserName); VariantClear(pvarPassword); VariantClear(pvarAuthFlags);
if (fReturnError) { RRETURN(hr); // fetal error,
} else { RRETURN(S_OK); // "okay" error if any, optional support
HRESULT CADsExtMgr::LoadExtensionsIfReqd(void) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if(FALSE == _fExtensionsLoaded) { hr = LoadExtensions(_Credentials); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); hr = FinalInitializeExtensions(); // this call never fails
_fExtensionsLoaded = TRUE; }
RRETURN(hr); }
STDMETHODIMP CADsExtMgr::QueryInterface(REFIID iid, LPVOID FAR* ppv) { PCLASS_ENTRY pClassEntry = _pClassEntry; IUnknown * pUnknown = NULL; PINTERFACE_ENTRY pIID = NULL; PEXTENSION_ENTRY pExtensionEntry = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (!pClassEntry) {
pExtensionEntry = pClassEntry->pExtensionHead;
while (pExtensionEntry) {
pIID = pExtensionEntry->pIID;
while (pIID) {
if (IsEqualIID(pIID->iid, iid)) {
hr = LoadExtensionsIfReqd(); if(FAILED(hr)) RRETURN(E_NOINTERFACE);
pUnknown = pExtensionEntry->pUnknown;
if (!pUnknown) {
hr = pUnknown->QueryInterface( iid, ppv ); RRETURN(hr); }
pIID = pIID->pNext;
pExtensionEntry = pExtensionEntry->pNext;
HRESULT ADSILoadExtensionManager( LPWSTR pszClassName, IUnknown * pUnkOuter, CAggregatorDispMgr * pDispMgr, CWinNTCredentials& Credentials, CADsExtMgr ** ppExtMgr ) {
hr = CADsExtMgr::CreateExtMgr( pUnkOuter, pDispMgr, pszClassName, Credentials, ppExtMgr );
RRETURN(hr); }
STDMETHODIMP CADsExtMgr::GetTypeInfoCount( unsigned int FAR* pctinfo ) { RRETURN(E_NOTIMPL); }
STDMETHODIMP CADsExtMgr::GetTypeInfo( unsigned int itinfo, LCID lcid, ITypeInfo FAR* FAR* pptinfo ) { RRETURN(E_NOTIMPL); }
STDMETHODIMP CADsExtMgr::GetIDsOfNames( REFIID iid, LPWSTR FAR* rgszNames, unsigned int cNames, LCID lcid, DISPID FAR* rgdispid ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; PEXTENSION_ENTRY pExtension = NULL; IPrivateDispatch FAR * pPrivDisp = NULL;
hr = _pDispMgr->GetIDsOfNames( iid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgdispid );
if (FAILED(hr)) {
if (!_pClassEntry) { RRETURN(DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME); }
hr = LoadExtensionsIfReqd(); if(FAILED(hr)) RRETURN(DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME);
pExtension = _pClassEntry->pExtensionHead;
while (pExtension) {
if (pExtension->fDisp) {
// fDisp = TRUE indicates
// 1) extension supports pADsExt AND
// 2) either
// a) PrivateGetIDsOfNames() does Not return E_NOTIMPL
// OR
// b) we don't know if a) is true or not yet
hr = (pExtension->pADsExt)->PrivateGetIDsOfNames( iid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgdispid );
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
// check & prefix extension id to dispid(s) returned
// by extension
hr = CheckAndPrefixExtIDArray( pExtension->dwExtensionID, cNames, rgdispid );
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { RRETURN(hr); }
// if cannot prefix extension id because NOT ALL
// dispids returned by PrivateGetIDsOfNames() are
// valid, this extension does not support this property
// or method -> try next extension
else if (hr == E_NOTIMPL) {
// extension object does not support the optional
// IADsExtension::PrivateGetIDsOfNames()/PrivateInvoke()
// -> remember this in cache & try next extension object
pExtension->fDisp = FALSE; }
else {
// extens'n object supports PrivateGetIDsOfNames()/Invoke()
// but does not know about this property or method
// -> try next extension object
} // end "if (pExtension->pADs && pExtension->fDisp)"
pExtension = pExtension->pNext;
} // end while
// Unify the final error code retuned to ADSI client to DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME
if ( FAILED(hr) && hr!=E_OUTOFMEMORY) {
RRETURN(hr); }
STDMETHODIMP CADsExtMgr::Invoke( DISPID dispidMember, REFIID iid, LCID lcid, unsigned short wFlags, DISPPARAMS FAR* pdispparams, VARIANT FAR* pvarResult, EXCEPINFO FAR* pexcepinfo, unsigned int FAR* puArgErr ) { DWORD dwExtensionId = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK; PEXTENSION_ENTRY pExtension = NULL; IPrivateDispatch * pPrivDisp = NULL; DISPID rgExtDispid = DISPID_UNKNOWN;
// This could be a special dispatch id - pass it to
// the aggregator
if (dispidMember <= 0) {
hr = _pDispMgr->Invoke( dispidMember, iid, lcid, wFlags, pdispparams, pvarResult, pexcepinfo, puArgErr ); RRETURN(hr);
// It is not a special dispatch id, so compute the extension
// id and pass it to the appropriate dispatch manager
dwExtensionId = EXTRACT_EXTENSION_ID(dispidMember);
if (!dwExtensionId) {
hr = _pDispMgr->Invoke( dispidMember, iid, lcid, wFlags, pdispparams, pvarResult, pexcepinfo, puArgErr ); RRETURN(hr);
if (!_pClassEntry) {
// Shouldn't really be required here, but just being paranoid.
hr = LoadExtensionsIfReqd(); if(FAILED(hr)) RRETURN(DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND); pExtension = _pClassEntry->pExtensionHead;
rgExtDispid = REMOVE_EXTENSION_ID(dispidMember);
while (pExtension) {
if (dwExtensionId == pExtension->dwExtensionID) {
if (pExtension->fDisp) {
// fDisp = TRUE indicates
// 1) extension supports pADsExt AND
// 2) either
// a) PrivateGetIDsOfNames() does Not return E_NOTIMPL
// OR
// b) we don't know if a) is true or not yet
hr = (pExtension->pADsExt)->PrivateInvoke( rgExtDispid, iid, lcid, wFlags, pdispparams, pvarResult, pexcepinfo, puArgErr ); RRETURN(hr);
} else {
// A dwExtensionId match indicates THIS extens'n has returned
// a valid dispid to clients thru' pADs->PrivateGetIDsOfNames.
// Thus, fDisp should be TURE.
// But since dispid goes thru' clients before passed back to
// PrivateInovke(), don't ASSERT in case of clients errors.
pExtension = pExtension->pNext;
} // end while
HRESULT CADsExtMgr::CheckAndPrefixExtIDArray( IN DWORD dwExtensionID, IN unsigned int cDispids, IN OUT DISPID * rgDispids ) {
HRESULT hrEach = S_OK; HRESULT hrAll = S_OK;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i<cDispids; i++) { hrEach = CheckAndPrefixExtID( dwExtensionID, rgDispids[i], rgDispids+i );
if (FAILED(hrEach)) { hrAll = E_FAIL;
// The entire operation is considered as failure as a whole.
// But continue to get other dispid s.t. debugger or user knows
// which dispid in the array is causing problem -> DISPID_UNKOWN
} }
HRESULT CADsExtMgr::CheckAndPrefixExtID( IN DWORD dwExtensionID, IN DISPID dispid, IN OUT DISPID * pNewDispid ) { ADsAssert(pNewDispid);
if ( (dispid>= ADS_EXT_MINEXTDISPID) && (dispid<= ADS_EXT_MAXEXTDISPID) ) { *pNewDispid = PREFIX_EXTENSION_ID(dwExtensionID, dispid) ;
RRETURN(S_OK); } else { *pNewDispid = DISPID_UNKNOWN;
// Function: CADsExtMgr::FinalInitializeExtensions
// Synopsis: At this point we call Operate on all the extensions
// so that they can do initialization stuff that
// Arguments: None
// AjayR - added on 1-28-99.
HRESULT CADsExtMgr::FinalInitializeExtensions() {
// Extensions (ext mgr) does not exist on its own without an aggregator
// If _pClassEntry!=NULL, pClassEntry->pExtensionHead should not
// be NULL either. But just in case a user removes all extension entries
// under a class key without removing the class key itself in the registry,
// we will let it pass and just return S_OK here.
if (!_pClassEntry || !(pExtEntry=_pClassEntry->pExtensionHead) ) { RRETURN(S_OK); }
while (pExtEntry) {
// Call operate only if the extension supports the interface
if (pExtEntry->pADsExt) {
hr = (pExtEntry->pADsExt)->Operate( ADS_EXT_INITIALIZE_COMPLETE, vDummy, vDummy, vDummy ); }
// we cannot really do much if there is a failure here
pExtEntry = pExtEntry->pNext;
} // end while
// We need to return S_OK here as otherwise just because
// the final initialization of one extension failed - we
// will hold up the entire lot.
// Function: GetCLSIDForIID
// Synopsis: Returns the CLSID corresponding to a given interface IID.
// If the IID is one of the interfaces implemented by the
// extension manager, then the extension's CLSID is returned.
// Arguments:
// riid Interface ID for which we want to find the CLSID
// lFlags Reserved. Must be 0.
// pCLSID Returns the CLSID corresponding to the IID.
// Returns: S_OK on success. Error code otherwise.
// Modifies: *pCLSID to return CLSID.
ADsAssert( (0 == lFlags) && (pCLSID != NULL) );
if (!pClassEntry) {
pExtensionEntry = pClassEntry->pExtensionHead;
while (pExtensionEntry) { pIID = pExtensionEntry->pIID;
while (pIID) {
if (IsEqualIID(pIID->iid, riid)) { *pCLSID = pExtensionEntry->ExtCLSID; RRETURN(S_OK); }
pIID = pIID->pNext;
pExtensionEntry = pExtensionEntry->pNext;
// Function: GetObjectByCLSID
// Synopsis: Returns a pointer to a requested interface on the object
// specified by a CLSID. The object specified by the CLSID is
// aggregated by the specified outer unknown on return. The
// interface returned is a non-delegating interface on the object.
// Arguments:
// clsid CLSID of object on which interface should be obtained
// pUnkOuter Aggregating outer unknown
// riid Interface requested
// ppInterface Returns requested interface
// Returns: UMI_S_NO_ERROR on success. Error code otherwise.
// Modifies: *ppInterface to return requested interface
STDMETHODIMP CADsExtMgr::GetObjectByCLSID( CLSID clsid, IUnknown *pUnkOuter, REFIID riid, void **ppInterface ) { PCLASS_ENTRY pClassEntry = _pClassEntry; PEXTENSION_ENTRY pExtensionEntry = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; IUnknown *pPrevUnk = NULL, *pUnknown = NULL;
ADsAssert( (ppInterface != NULL) && (pUnkOuter != NULL) );
if (!pClassEntry) {
pExtensionEntry = pClassEntry->pExtensionHead;
while (pExtensionEntry) { if (IsEqualCLSID(pExtensionEntry->ExtCLSID, clsid)) { pPrevUnk = _pUnkOuter;
_pUnkOuter = pUnkOuter;
hr = LoadExtensionsIfReqd(); if(FAILED(hr)) { _pUnkOuter = pPrevUnk; BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr = UMI_E_FAIL); }
pUnknown = pExtensionEntry->pUnknown;
if (!pUnknown) {
*ppInterface = pUnknown; pUnknown->AddRef();
pExtensionEntry = pExtensionEntry->pNext; }
RRETURN(hr); }
// Function: GetCLSIDForNames
// Synopsis: Returns the CLSID of the object that supports a specified
// method/property. Also returns DISPIDs for the property/method.
// Arguments:
// rgszNames Names to be mapped
// cNames Number of names to be mapped
// lcid Locale in which to interpret the names
// rgDispId Returns DISPID
// lFlags Reserved. Must be 0.
// pCLSID Returns CLSID of object which supports this property/method.
// Returns: S_OK on success. Error code otherwise.
// Modifies: *pCLSID to return the CLSID.
// *rgDispId to return the DISPIDs.
STDMETHODIMP CADsExtMgr::GetCLSIDForNames( LPOLESTR *rgszNames, UINT cNames, LCID lcid, DISPID *rgDispId, long lFlags, CLSID *pCLSID ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; PEXTENSION_ENTRY pExtension = NULL;
ADsAssert( (pCLSID != NULL) && (0 == lFlags) && (rgszNames != NULL) && (rgDispId != NULL) );
if (!_pClassEntry) { RRETURN(DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME); }
hr = LoadExtensionsIfReqd(); if(FAILED(hr)) RRETURN(DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME);
pExtension = _pClassEntry->pExtensionHead;
while(pExtension) { if (pExtension->fDisp) { //
// fDisp = TRUE indicates
// 1) extension supports pADsExt AND
// 2) either
// a) PrivateGetIDsOfNames() does Not return E_NOTIMPL
// OR
// b) we don't know if a) is true or not yet
hr = (pExtension->pADsExt)->PrivateGetIDsOfNames( IID_NULL, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgDispId );
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { *pCLSID = pExtension->ExtCLSID; RRETURN(S_OK); }
else if (hr == E_NOTIMPL) { //
// extension object does not support the optional
// IADsExtension::PrivateGetIDsOfNames()/PrivateInvoke()
// -> remember this in cache & try next extension object
pExtension->fDisp = FALSE; } }
pExtension = pExtension->pNext;
} // end while