Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Abstract: Contains methods for PrintQueue object, GeneralInfo property set and Operation property set for the Print Queue object for the Windows NT provider
Ram Viswanathan (ramv) 11-09-95
Revision History:
#include "winnt.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
// Class CWinNTPrintQueue Methods
DEFINE_IDispatch_ExtMgr_Implementation(CWinNTPrintQueue) DEFINE_IADsExtension_ExtMgr_Implementation(CWinNTPrintQueue) DEFINE_IADs_TempImplementation(CWinNTPrintQueue); DEFINE_IADs_PutGetImplementation(CWinNTPrintQueue,PrintQueueClass,gdwPrinterTableSize); DEFINE_IADsPropertyList_Implementation(CWinNTPrintQueue, PrintQueueClass,gdwPrinterTableSize)
CWinNTPrintQueue::CWinNTPrintQueue() { _pszPrinterName = NULL; _pDispMgr = NULL; _pExtMgr = NULL; _pPropertyCache = NULL; ENLIST_TRACKING(CWinNTPrintQueue); return;
CWinNTPrintQueue::~CWinNTPrintQueue() { delete _pExtMgr; // created last, destroyed first
delete _pDispMgr;
delete _pPropertyCache;
if(_pszPrinterName){ FreeADsStr(_pszPrinterName); } return; }
HRESULT CWinNTPrintQueue:: CreatePrintQueue( LPTSTR pszADsParent, DWORD dwParentId, LPTSTR pszDomainName, LPTSTR pszServerName, LPTSTR pszPrinterName, DWORD dwObjectState, REFIID riid, CWinNTCredentials& Credentials, LPVOID * ppvoid )
CWinNTPrintQueue *pPrintQueue = NULL; HRESULT hr;
// Create the printer object
hr = AllocatePrintQueueObject(pszServerName, pszPrinterName, &pPrintQueue ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// initialize the core object
hr = pPrintQueue->InitializeCoreObject(pszADsParent, pszPrinterName, PRINTER_CLASS_NAME, PRINTER_SCHEMA_NAME, CLSID_WinNTPrintQueue, dwObjectState); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
pPrintQueue->_Credentials = Credentials; hr = pPrintQueue->_Credentials.RefServer(pszServerName); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// Load ext mgr and extensions
hr = ADSILoadExtensionManager( PRINTER_CLASS_NAME, (IADsPrintQueue *) pPrintQueue, pPrintQueue->_pDispMgr, Credentials, &pPrintQueue->_pExtMgr ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// check if the call is from UMI
if(Credentials.GetFlags() & ADS_AUTH_RESERVED) { //
// we do not pass riid to InitUmiObject below. This is because UMI object
// does not support IDispatch. There are several places in ADSI code where
// riid passed into this function is defaulted to IID_IDispatch -
// IADsContainer::Create for example. To handle these cases, we always
// request IID_IUnknown from the UMI object. Subsequent code within UMI
// will QI for the appropriate interface.
if(3 == pPrintQueue->_dwNumComponents) { pPrintQueue->_CompClasses[0] = L"Domain"; pPrintQueue->_CompClasses[1] = L"Computer"; pPrintQueue->_CompClasses[2] = L"PrintQueue"; } else if(2 == pPrintQueue->_dwNumComponents) { // no workstation services
pPrintQueue->_CompClasses[0] = L"Computer"; pPrintQueue->_CompClasses[1] = L"PrintQueue"; } else BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr = UMI_E_FAIL);
hr = pPrintQueue->InitUmiObject( pPrintQueue->_Credentials, PrintQueueClass, gdwPrinterTableSize, pPrintQueue->_pPropertyCache, (IUnknown *)(INonDelegatingUnknown *) pPrintQueue, pPrintQueue->_pExtMgr, IID_IUnknown, ppvoid );
// UMI object was created and the interface was obtained successfully.
// UMI object now has a reference to the inner unknown of IADs, since
// the call to Release() below is not going to be made in this case.
RRETURN(hr); }
hr = pPrintQueue->QueryInterface(riid, (void **)ppvoid); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
error: delete pPrintQueue; RRETURN_EXP_IF_ERR(hr); }
/* IUnknown methods for printer object */
// Function: QueryInterface
// Synopsis: If this object is aggregated within another object, then
// all calls will delegate to the outer object. Otherwise, the
// non-delegating QI is called
// Arguments:
// iid interface requested
// ppInterface Returns pointer to interface requested. NULL if interface
// is not supported.
// Returns: S_OK on success. Error code otherwise.
// Modifies: *ppInterface to return interface pointer
STDMETHODIMP CWinNTPrintQueue::QueryInterface( REFIID iid, LPVOID *ppInterface ) { if(_pUnkOuter != NULL) RRETURN(_pUnkOuter->QueryInterface( iid, ppInterface ));
RRETURN(NonDelegatingQueryInterface( iid, ppInterface )); }
// Function: AddRef
// Synopsis: IUnknown::AddRef. If this object is aggregated within
// another, all calls will delegate to the outer object.
// Otherwise, the non-delegating AddRef is called
// Arguments:
// None
// Returns: New reference count
// Modifies: Nothing
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CWinNTPrintQueue::AddRef(void) { if(_pUnkOuter != NULL) RRETURN(_pUnkOuter->AddRef());
RRETURN(NonDelegatingAddRef()); }
// Function: Release
// Synopsis: IUnknown::Release. If this object is aggregated within
// another, all calls will delegate to the outer object.
// Otherwise, the non-delegating Release is called
// Arguments:
// None
// Returns: New reference count
// Modifies: Nothing
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CWinNTPrintQueue::Release(void) { if(_pUnkOuter != NULL) RRETURN(_pUnkOuter->Release());
RRETURN(NonDelegatingRelease()); }
STDMETHODIMP CWinNTPrintQueue::NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if(!ppvObj) { RRETURN(E_POINTER); } if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown)) { *ppvObj = (IADsPrintQueue *)this; }
else if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IDispatch)) { *ppvObj = (IADsPrintQueue *)this; }
else if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_ISupportErrorInfo)) { *ppvObj = (ISupportErrorInfo FAR *) this; } else if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IADsPropertyList)) { *ppvObj = (IADsPropertyList *)this; } else if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IADs)) { *ppvObj = (IADsPrintQueue FAR *) this; } else if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IADsPrintQueue)) { *ppvObj = (IADsPrintQueue FAR *) this; } else if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IADsPrintQueueOperations)) { *ppvObj = (IADsPrintQueueOperations FAR *) this; } else if( (_pDispatch != NULL) && IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IADsExtension) ) { *ppvObj = (IADsExtension *) this; } else if (_pExtMgr) { RRETURN( _pExtMgr->QueryInterface(riid, ppvObj)); } else { *ppvObj = NULL; RRETURN(E_NOINTERFACE); } ((LPUNKNOWN)*ppvObj)->AddRef(); RRETURN(S_OK); }
/* ISupportErrorInfo method */ STDMETHODIMP CWinNTPrintQueue::InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo( THIS_ REFIID riid ) { if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IADs) || IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IADsPrintQueue) || IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IADsPrintQueueOperations) || IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IADsPropertyList)) { RRETURN(S_OK); } else { RRETURN(S_FALSE); } }
// Function: SetInfo
// Synopsis: Binds to real printer as specified in _PrinterName and attempts
// to set the real printer.
// Arguments: void
// Returns: HRESULT.
// Modifies:
// History: 11/08/95 RamV Created
// part of code appropriated from NetOle project
BOOL fStatus = FALSE; LPPRINTER_INFO_2 lpPrinterInfo2 = NULL; BOOL fPrinterAdded = FALSE; POBJECTINFO pObjectInfo = NULL;
#if (!defined(BUILD_FOR_NT40))
LPPRINTER_INFO_7 lpPrinterInfo7 = NULL; #endif
if (GetObjectState() == ADS_OBJECT_UNBOUND) { hr = WinNTAddPrinter(); BAIL_IF_ERROR(hr);
SetObjectState(ADS_OBJECT_BOUND); fPrinterAdded = TRUE; }
// first do a getinfo to get properties that werent changed.
hr = GetPrinterInfo(&lpPrinterInfo2, _pszPrinterName);
hr = MarshallAndSet(lpPrinterInfo2);
#if (!defined(BUILD_FOR_NT40))
hr = GetPrinterInfo7(&lpPrinterInfo7, _pszPrinterName);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { MarshallAndSet(lpPrinterInfo7); } else if(hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL)) // Level 7 is not supported on NT4. So, ignore this error.
hr = S_OK;
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) _pPropertyCache->ClearModifiedFlags();
// If we added a printer and hr is set, we should delete it now
// as the SetInfo failed in subsequent operations.
if (FAILED(hr) && fPrinterAdded) {
// Build ObjectInfo first
BuildObjectInfo( _ADsPath, &pObjectInfo ); //
// Call delete printer only if the pObjectInfo is valid
// We cannot do anything in the other case.
if (pObjectInfo) { WinNTDeletePrinter(pObjectInfo); FreeObjectInfo(pObjectInfo); } }
if(lpPrinterInfo2){ FreeADsMem((LPBYTE)lpPrinterInfo2); }
#if (!defined(BUILD_FOR_NT40))
if (lpPrinterInfo7) { FreeADsMem((LPBYTE)lpPrinterInfo7); } #endif
// Function: GetInfo(function overloaded: part of CoreADsObject as well
// as IADs).This function here is part of IADs
// Synopsis: Binds to real printer as specified in _PrinterName and attempts
// to get information from the real printer.
// Arguments: void
// Returns: HRESULT.
// Modifies:
// History: 11/08/95 RamV Created
// part of code appropriated from NetOle project
#if (!defined(BUILD_FOR_NT40))
hr = GetInfo(7,TRUE);
hr = GetInfo(2,TRUE);
STDMETHODIMP CWinNTPrintQueue::ImplicitGetInfo(THIS) {
#if (!defined(BUILD_FOR_NT40))
hr = GetInfo(7,FALSE);
hr = GetInfo(2,FALSE);
// Function: GetInfo (overloaded)
// Synopsis: Calls the IADs GetInfo, because the printer object has just
// one info level on which to retrieve info from.
// Arguments: dwApiLevel and fExplicit (Both Ignored)
// Returns: HRESULT.
// Modifies:
// History: 01-05-96 RamV Created
STDMETHODIMP CWinNTPrintQueue::GetInfo(THIS_ DWORD dwApiLevel, BOOL fExplicit) {
#if (!defined(BUILD_FOR_NT40))
LPPRINTER_INFO_7 lpPrinterInfo7 = NULL; HRESULT hr7 = S_OK; #endif
hr = GetPrinterInfo(&lpPrinterInfo2, _pszPrinterName); BAIL_IF_ERROR(hr);
hr = UnMarshall(lpPrinterInfo2, fExplicit);
#if (!defined(BUILD_FOR_NT40))
hr7 = GetPrinterInfo7(&lpPrinterInfo7, _pszPrinterName);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr7)) {
hr7 = UnMarshall7(lpPrinterInfo7, fExplicit); } #endif
cleanup: if(lpPrinterInfo2) FreeADsMem((LPBYTE)lpPrinterInfo2);
#if (!defined(BUILD_FOR_NT40))
if (lpPrinterInfo7) { FreeADsMem((LPBYTE)lpPrinterInfo7); }
// helper function WinNTAddPrinter
HRESULT CWinNTPrintQueue::WinNTAddPrinter(void) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; TCHAR szUncServerName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szServerName[MAX_PATH]; PRINTER_INFO_2 PrinterInfo2; HANDLE hPrinter = NULL; LPTSTR pszPrintDevices = NULL; LPTSTR pszModel = NULL; LPTSTR pszDatatype = NULL; LPTSTR pszPrintProcessor = NULL; LPTSTR pszPrinterName = NULL; DWORD dwSyntaxId = 0; DWORD dwNumValues = 0; PNTOBJECT pNTObject = NULL;
memset(&PrinterInfo2, 0, sizeof(PRINTER_INFO_2));
hr = GetDelimitedStringPropertyFromCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("PrintDevices"), &pszPrintDevices );
PrinterInfo2.pPortName = pszPrintDevices; }
hr = GetLPTSTRPropertyFromCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("Model"), &pszModel );
PrinterInfo2.pDriverName = pszModel; }
hr = GetLPTSTRPropertyFromCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("PrinterName"), &pszPrinterName );
PrinterInfo2.pPrinterName = pszPrinterName; } else {
PrinterInfo2.pPrinterName = (LPTSTR) _Name; }
hr = GetLPTSTRPropertyFromCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("PrintProcessor"), &pszPrintProcessor );
PrinterInfo2.pPrintProcessor = pszPrintProcessor; }
hr = GetLPTSTRPropertyFromCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("Datatype"), &pszDatatype );
PrinterInfo2.pDatatype = pszDatatype; }
hr = GetServerFromPath(_ADsPath, szServerName); BAIL_IF_ERROR(hr);
hr = MakeUncName(szServerName, szUncServerName); BAIL_IF_ERROR(hr);
PrinterInfo2.pServerName = szServerName; PrinterInfo2.pShareName = (LPTSTR)_Name; PrinterInfo2.pComment = NULL; PrinterInfo2.pLocation = NULL; PrinterInfo2.pDevMode = NULL; PrinterInfo2.pSepFile = NULL; PrinterInfo2.pParameters = NULL; PrinterInfo2.pSecurityDescriptor = NULL; PrinterInfo2.Attributes = PRINTER_ATTRIBUTE_SHARED; PrinterInfo2.Priority = 0; PrinterInfo2.DefaultPriority = 0; PrinterInfo2.StartTime = 0; PrinterInfo2.UntilTime = 0; PrinterInfo2.Status = 0; PrinterInfo2.cJobs= 0; PrinterInfo2.AveragePPM = 0;
// set properties on printer
hPrinter = AddPrinter(szUncServerName, 2, (LPBYTE)&PrinterInfo2);
if(hPrinter == NULL){ hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); goto cleanup; }
cleanup: if(pszPrintDevices){ FreeADsStr(pszPrintDevices); }
if(pszModel){ FreeADsStr(pszModel); }
if(pszPrintProcessor){ FreeADsStr(pszPrintProcessor); }
if(pszDatatype){ FreeADsStr(pszDatatype); }
if (pszPrinterName) { FreeADsStr(pszPrinterName); }
if (hPrinter) { ClosePrinter(hPrinter); }
RRETURN(hr); }
HRESULT CWinNTPrintQueue::AllocatePrintQueueObject( LPTSTR pszServerName, LPTSTR pszPrinterName, CWinNTPrintQueue ** ppPrintQueue ) { CWinNTPrintQueue FAR * pPrintQueue = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; TCHAR szUncServerName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szUncPrinterName [MAX_PATH]; CAggregatorDispMgr FAR * pDispMgr = NULL; CPropertyCache FAR * pPropertyCache = NULL;
pPrintQueue = new CWinNTPrintQueue(); if (pPrintQueue == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// Build the UNC form of printer name from the supplied information
if( (wcslen(pszServerName) + 3) > MAX_PATH) { BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr = E_INVALIDARG); }
hr = MakeUncName(pszServerName, szUncServerName); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
if( (wcslen(szUncServerName) + wcslen(pszPrinterName) + 2) > MAX_PATH) { BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr = E_INVALIDARG); }
wcscpy(szUncPrinterName, szUncServerName); wcscat(szUncPrinterName, TEXT("\\")); wcscat(szUncPrinterName, pszPrinterName);
pPrintQueue->_pszPrinterName = AllocADsStr(szUncPrinterName);
if(!(pPrintQueue->_pszPrinterName)){ hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto error; }
pDispMgr = new CAggregatorDispMgr; if (pDispMgr == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
hr = LoadTypeInfoEntry(pDispMgr, LIBID_ADs, IID_IADsPrintQueue, (IADsPrintQueue *)pPrintQueue, DISPID_REGULAR);
hr = LoadTypeInfoEntry(pDispMgr, LIBID_ADs, IID_IADsPrintQueueOperations, (IADsPrintQueueOperations *)pPrintQueue, DISPID_REGULAR); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
hr = LoadTypeInfoEntry(pDispMgr, LIBID_ADs, IID_IADsPropertyList, (IADsPropertyList *)pPrintQueue, DISPID_VALUE);
hr = CPropertyCache::createpropertycache( PrintQueueClass, gdwPrinterTableSize, (CCoreADsObject *)pPrintQueue, &pPropertyCache ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
pDispMgr->RegisterPropertyCache( pPropertyCache );
pPrintQueue->_pPropertyCache = pPropertyCache; pPrintQueue->_pDispMgr = pDispMgr; *ppPrintQueue = pPrintQueue;
delete pPropertyCache; delete pDispMgr; delete pPrintQueue;
RRETURN(hr); }