Copyright (c) 1996-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Domain Name System (DNS) API
Send response routines.
Jim Gilroy (jamesg) October, 1996
Revision History:
#include "local.h"
// Disjoint name space
// If DNS name space is disjoint then NAME_ERROR response from one
// adapter does NOT necessarily mean that name does not exist. Rather
// must continue on other adapters.
// This flag should be set if name space is disjoint, off otherwise.
// DCR_PERF: auto-detect disjoint name space (really cool)
// DCR_ENHANCE: auto-detect disjoint name space (really cool)
// initially continue trying on other adapters and if they always
// coincide, then conclude non-disjoint (and turn off)
// DCR_ENHANCE: registry turn off of disjoint name space
// Note: should consider that name spaces often disjoint in that
// Intranet is hidden from Internet
BOOL fDisjointNameSpace = TRUE;
// Query \ response IP matching.
// Some resolvers (Win95) have required matching between DNS server IP
// queried and response. This flag allows this matching to be turned on.
// Better now than requiring SP later.
// DCR_ENHANCE: registry enable query\response IP matching.
BOOL fQueryIpMatching = FALSE;
// Timeouts
#define HARD_TIMEOUT_LIMIT 16 // 16 seconds, total of 31 seconds
#define INITIAL_UPDATE_TIMEOUT 2 // 3 seconds
#define MAX_UPDATE_TIMEOUT 24 // 24 seconds
#define DNS_MAX_QUERY_TIMEOUTS 10 // 10
#define ONE_HOUR_TIMEOUT 60*60 // One hour
// TCP timeout 10 seconds to come back
// Retry limits
#define NT_TCPIP_REG_LOCATION "System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Tcpip\\Parameters"
#define DNS_QUERY_TIMEOUTS "DnsQueryTimeouts"
#define DNS_QUICK_QUERY_TIMEOUTS "DnsQuickQueryTimeouts"
#define DNS_MULTICAST_QUERY_TIMEOUTS "DnsMulticastQueryTimeouts"
// Timeouts
// MUST have terminating 0, this signals end of timeouts.
// This is better than a timeout limit as different query types can
// have different total retries.
DWORD QueryTimeouts[] = { 1, // NT5 1,
1, // 2,
2, // 2,
4, // 4,
7, // 8,
0 };
DWORD RegistryQueryTimeouts[DNS_MAX_QUERY_TIMEOUTS + 1]; LPDWORD g_QueryTimeouts = QueryTimeouts;
DWORD QuickQueryTimeouts[] = { 1, 2, 2, 0 };
DWORD RegistryQuickQueryTimeouts[DNS_MAX_QUERY_TIMEOUTS + 1]; LPDWORD g_QuickQueryTimeouts = QuickQueryTimeouts;
// Update timeouts.
// Must be long enough to handle zone lock on primary for XFR
// or time required for DS write.
DWORD UpdateTimeouts[] = { 5, 10, 20, 0 };
// Multicast Query timeouts.
// Local only. 1sec timeout, three retries.
DWORD MulticastQueryTimeouts[] = { 1, 1, 1, 0 };
DWORD RegistryMulticastQueryTimeouts[DNS_MAX_QUERY_TIMEOUTS + 1]; LPDWORD g_MulticastQueryTimeouts = MulticastQueryTimeouts;
// Query flag
// Flags that terminate query on adapter
// Authoritative empty response
// - map to NXRRSET for tracking in send code
// Dummy no-send-to-this-server error code
#define DNS_ERROR_NO_SEND ((DWORD)(-100))
// OPT failure tracking
BOOL Send_IsServerOptExclude( IN PDNS_ADDR pAddr );
VOID Send_SetServerOptExclude( IN PDNS_ADDR pAddr );
// Netinfo send\recv utils
VOID serverPriorityChange( IN OUT PDNS_NETINFO pNetInfo, IN OUT PDNS_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN OUT PDNS_ADDR pServer, IN DWORD NewPriority ) /*++
Routine Description:
Changing server priority.
pNetInfo -- netinfo
pAdapter -- server's adapter
pServer -- server
NewPriority -- new priority
Return Value:
--*/ { //
// priority change
// - no change if loopback
// - otherwise
// - set priority
// - mark netinfo\adapter to save change
if ( !DnsAddr_IsLoopback( pServer, 0 ) ) { pServer->Priority = NewPriority; pAdapter->RunFlags |= RUN_FLAG_RESET_SERVER_PRIORITY; pNetInfo->ReturnFlags |= RUN_FLAG_RESET_SERVER_PRIORITY; } }
VOID timeoutDnsServers( IN PDNS_NETINFO pNetInfo, IN DWORD dwTimeout ) /*++
Routine Description:
Mark a DNS server that timed out.
pNetInfo -- struct with list of DNS servers
dwTimeout -- timeout in seconds
Return Value:
--*/ { PDNS_ADAPTER padapter; PDNS_ADDR_ARRAY pserverArray; PDNS_ADDR pserver; DWORD lastSendIndex; DWORD i; DWORD j;
DNSDBG( SEND, ( "Enter timeoutDnsServers( %p, timeout=%d )\n", pNetInfo, dwTimeout ));
DNS_ASSERT( pNetInfo );
// find DNS server in list,
// -- drop its priority based on timeout
// -- if already has RCODE, then did not time out
// if change a priority, then set flag at top of adapter list, so
// that global copy may be updated
for ( i=0; i<pNetInfo->AdapterCount; i++ ) { padapter = NetInfo_GetAdapterByIndex( pNetInfo, i );
// no sends on this adapter?
if ( !(padapter->RunFlags & RUN_FLAG_SENT_THIS_RETRY) ) { DNSDBG( SEND, ( "No sends this retry on adapter %d\n", padapter->InterfaceIndex )); continue; } pserverArray = padapter->pDnsAddrs; if ( !pserverArray ) { DNSDBG( SEND, ( "WARNING: Adapter %d -- no DNS servers!\n", padapter->InterfaceIndex )); continue; }
// find DNS servers sent to
// - if it responded with status, then it didn't timeout
// (if responded with success, then query completed and
// we wouldn't be in this function)
// - go "easy" on OPT sends;
// don't drop priority, just note timeout
for ( j=0; j<pserverArray->AddrCount; j++ ) { pserver = &pserverArray->AddrArray[j]; if ( TEST_SERVER_STATE(pserver, SRVFLAG_SENT_THIS_RETRY) ) { DNSDBG( SEND, ( "Timeout on server %p (padapter=%p)\n", pserver, padapter )); if ( TEST_SERVER_STATE(pserver, SRVFLAG_SENT_NON_OPT) ) { SET_SERVER_STATE( pserver, SRVFLAG_TIMEOUT_NON_OPT ); serverPriorityChange( pNetInfo, padapter, pserver, pserver->Priority - dwTimeout - SRVPRI_TIMEOUT_DROP ); } else { DNSDBG( SEND, ( "Timeout on server %p OPT only\n", pserver )); SET_SERVER_STATE( pserver, SRVFLAG_TIMEOUT_OPT ); } } } } }
VOID resetOnFinalTimeout( IN PDNS_NETINFO pNetInfo ) /*++
Routine Description:
Markup network info on final timeout.
pNetInfo -- struct with list of DNS servers
dwTimeout -- timeout in seconds
Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD i; PDNS_ADAPTER padapter;
// We've timed out against all DNS server for a least
// one of the adapters. Update adapter status to show
// time out error.
// DCR: is final timeout correct
// - worried about timeout on some but not all servers
// case; adapter shouldn't show timeout should it?
for ( i=0; i<pNetInfo->AdapterCount; i++ ) { padapter = NetInfo_GetAdapterByIndex( pNetInfo, i );
if ( padapter->Status == NO_ERROR && padapter->RunFlags & (RUN_FLAG_RESET_SERVER_PRIORITY | RUN_FLAG_SENT) ) { padapter->Status = ERROR_TIMEOUT; } } }
BOOL verifyValidServer( IN PDNS_NETINFO pNetInfo, IN PDNS_ADDR pAddr ) /*++
Routine Description:
Verify valid server IP.
DCR: we have no way to do this for IP6 yet.
pNetInfo -- struct with list of DNS servers
pAddr -- address of responding server
Return Value:
TRUE -- valid server. FALSE -- bad \ unknown server.
--*/ { PDNS_ADAPTER padapter; DWORD i;
DNSDBG( SEND, ( "Enter verifyValidServer( %p, %s )\n", pNetInfo, DNSADDR_STRING(pAddr) ));
DNS_ASSERT( pNetInfo );
// accept any IP6 response
// DCR: IP6 server validity
// will need to determine
// - when we have fixed (global) IP6 address only
// - or have locked down default addresses already
// - otherwise will have to accept reponses to default
// query ... but even there could screen on interface
if ( DnsAddr_IsIp6(pAddr) ) { DNSDBG( SEND, ( "Accepting IP6 address as valid server address.\n" )); return TRUE; }
// find DNS server in list
for ( i=0; i<pNetInfo->AdapterCount; i++ ) { padapter = NetInfo_GetAdapterByIndex( pNetInfo, i );
if ( DnsAddrArray_ContainsAddr( padapter->pDnsAddrs, pAddr, DNSADDR_MATCH_ADDR ) ) { return TRUE; } }
DNSDBG( SEND, ( "WARNING: address %s NOT found in network info!!!\n", DNSADDR_STRING(pAddr) ));
return FALSE; }
DNS_STATUS resetServerAfterRecv( IN PDNS_NETINFO pNetInfo, IN PDNS_ADDR pAddr, IN DNS_STATUS Status ) /*++
Routine Description:
Reset priority on DNS server that sent response.
pNetInfo -- struct with list of DNS servers
pAddr -- address of responding server
Status -- RCODE of response
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if continue query. DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NAME_ERROR if all (valid) adapters have name-error or auth-empty response.
--*/ { DWORD i; DNS_STATUS result = DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NAME_ERROR; BOOL fterminalNameError = FALSE; #if DBG
BOOL freset = FALSE; #endif
DNSDBG( SEND, ( "Enter resetServerAfterRecv( %p, %s rcode=%d)\n", pNetInfo, DNSADDR_STRING(pAddr), Status ));
DNS_ASSERT( pNetInfo );
// find DNS server in list, clear its priority field
// note: going through full list here after found DNS
// as no guarantee that lists do not overlap (IP6 default
// servers almost certainly do);
// this avoids
// - starving DNS by failing to update priority
// - avoids unnecessary sends when NAME_ERROR would terminate
// send on adapter with duplicate DNS
for ( i=0; i<pNetInfo->AdapterCount; i++ ) { PDNS_ADAPTER padapter; PDNS_ADDR_ARRAY pserverArray; DWORD j; PDNS_ADDR pserver; DWORD newPriority; BOOL fpriReset = FALSE;
padapter = NetInfo_GetAdapterByIndex( pNetInfo, i );
pserverArray = padapter->pDnsAddrs; if ( !pserverArray ) { DNSDBG( SEND, ( "WARNING: Adapter %d -- no DNS servers!\n", padapter->InterfaceIndex )); continue; }
for ( j=0; j<pserverArray->AddrCount; j++ ) { pserver = &pserverArray->AddrArray[j];
if ( !DnsAddr_IsEqual( pAddr, pserver, DNSADDR_MATCH_ADDR ) ) { continue; } pserver->Status = Status; #if DBG
freset = TRUE; #endif
// no DNS running
// WSAECONNRESET reported for reception of ICMP unreachable, so
// no DNS is currently running on the IP; that's a severe
// priority drop, worse than just TIMEOUT
if ( Status == WSAECONNRESET ) { newPriority = pserver->Priority - SRVPRI_NO_DNS_DROP; fpriReset = TRUE; break; }
// if SERVER_FAILURE rcode, may or may not indicate problem,
// (may be simply unable to contact remote DNS)
// but it certainly suggests trying other DNS servers in
// the list first
// DCR_FIX: SEVRFAIL response priority reset
// the explicitly correct approach would be to flag the
// SERVER_FAILURE error, but NOT reset the priority unless
// at the end of the query, we find another server in the list
// got a useful response
if ( Status == DNS_ERROR_RCODE_SERVER_FAILURE ) { newPriority = pserver->Priority - SRVPRI_SERVFAIL_DROP; fpriReset = TRUE; break; }
// other status code indicates functioning DNS server,
// - reset the server's priority
if ( (LONG)pserver->Priority < SRVPRI_RESPONSE ) { newPriority = SRVPRI_RESPONSE; fpriReset = TRUE; }
// NAME_ERROR or AUTH-EMPTY response
// - save to server list for adapter to eliminate all
// further retries on this adapter's list
// - if not waiting for all adapters, then
// NAME_ERROR or no-records is terminal
if ( Status == DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NAME_ERROR || Status == DNS_INFO_NO_RECORDS ) { padapter->Status = Status; padapter->RunFlags |= RUN_FLAG_STOP_QUERY_ON_ADAPTER; pNetInfo->ReturnFlags |= RUN_FLAG_HAVE_VALID_RESPONSE;
if ( !g_WaitForNameErrorOnAll ) { fterminalNameError = TRUE; } } break; }
// priority reset?
// - never reset loopback -- this keeps this first
// - other
if ( fpriReset ) { serverPriorityChange( pNetInfo, padapter, pserver, newPriority ); }
// end immediately on terminal NAME_ERROR
// - jumping here rather than above only to simplify
// handling of pri-rest (special casing of loopback, etc.)
if ( fterminalNameError ) { goto Done; }
// do running check that still adapter worth querying
// - not ignoring in first place
// - hasn't received NAME_ERROR or AUTH_EMPTY response
// this is "at recv" check -- only trying to determine if we
// should stop query RIGHT NOW as a result of this receive;
// this does NOT check on whether there are any other servers
// worth querying as that is done when go back for next send
// note how this works -- result starts as NAME_ERROR, when find
// ANY adapter that hasn't gotten terminal response, then
// result shifts (and stays) at ERROR_SUCCESS
// note, if we fix the twice through list issue above, then have to
// change this so don't skip adapter lists after IP is found
if ( !(padapter->RunFlags & RUN_FLAG_COMBINED_IGNORE_ADAPTER) ) { result = ERROR_SUCCESS; } }
#if DBG
if ( !freset ) { DNSDBG( ANY, ( "ERROR: DNS server %s not in list.\n", DNSADDR_STRING( pAddr ) )); DNS_ASSERT( FALSE ); } #endif
return( result ); }
PDNS_ADDR bestDnsServerForNextSend( IN PDNS_ADAPTER pAdapter ) /*++
Routine Description:
Get best DNS server IP address from list.
pAdapter -- struct with list of DNS servers
Return Value:
Ptr to server info of best send. NULL if no server on adapter is worth sending to; this is the case if all servers have received a response.
--*/ { PDNS_ADDR pserver; PDNS_ADDR_ARRAY pserverArray; PDNS_ADDR pbestServer = NULL; DWORD j; DWORD status; LONG priority; LONG priorityBest = MINLONG; DWORD sent; DWORD sentBest = MAXDWORD;
DNSDBG( SEND, ( "Enter bestDnsServerForNextSend( %p )\n", pAdapter ));
if ( !pAdapter || !(pserverArray = pAdapter->pDnsAddrs) ) { DNSDBG( SEND, ( "WARNING: Leaving bestDnsServerForNextSend, no server list\n" )); return( NULL ); }
// if already received name error on server in this list, done
// DCR: single flag test for no further query on this adapter
if ( pAdapter->Status == DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NAME_ERROR || pAdapter->Status == DNS_INFO_NO_RECORDS ) { DNSDBG( SEND, ( "Leaving bestDnsServerForNextSend, NAME_ERROR already received\n" "\ton server in server list %p\n", pAdapter )); return( NULL ); }
// check each server in list
for ( j=0; j<pserverArray->AddrCount; j++ ) { pserver = &pserverArray->AddrArray[j];
// skip server?
// - already recieved a response
// - or failed in send
// - or already sent in current retry
if ( TEST_SERVER_VALID_RECV(pserver) ) { // NAME_ERROR or EMPTY_AUTH then adapter should have been
// marked as "done" and we shouldn't be here
// NO_ERROR should have exited immediately
DNS_ASSERT( pserver->Status != NO_ERROR && pserver->Status != DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NAME_ERROR && pserver->Status != DNS_INFO_NO_RECORDS ); continue; } if ( TEST_SERVER_STATE( pserver, SRVFLAG_SENT_THIS_RETRY ) ) { continue; }
// check for best priority
// - ideal is unsent, high priority server
// DCR: skip NO_DNS server for a while
// skip timeout server for a little while
// perhaps this should be done be ignoring these
// when list is sent down?
// three cases based on sent\not:
// - server not sent, best has been sent
// => become best unless priority at NO_DNS level
// - sent levels equal
// => become best based on best priority
// - server has sent, best has not
// => become best only if current best at NO_DNS level, and
// we're higher
priority = (LONG) pserver->Priority; sent = TEST_SERVER_STATE( pserver, SRVFLAG_SENT );
if ( !pbestServer ) { // no-op, we become the best
} else if ( sent < sentBest ) { if ( priority < SRVPRI_NO_DNS ) { continue; } } else if ( sent == sentBest ) { if ( priority < priorityBest ) { continue; } } else // sent already, best has not
{ if ( priority < priorityBest || priorityBest > SRVPRI_NO_DNS ) { continue; } }
// found new best server
// - save "best" info for comparison
// - declare immediate victory if unsent and high priority
pbestServer = pserver; priorityBest = priority; sentBest = sent;
if ( priority >= 0 && !sent ) { break; } }
return( pbestServer ); }
VOID markDuplicateSends( IN OUT PDNS_NETINFO pNetInfo, IN PDNS_ADDR pSendServer ) /*++
Routine Description:
Mark any matching servers to avoid duplicate sends.
pNetInfo -- network info blob for send
pSendServer -- DNS server being sent to
Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD i;
DNSDBG( SEND, ( "Enter markDuplicateSends( %p, %p )\n", pNetInfo, pSendServer ));
if ( !pNetInfo ) { DNS_ASSERT( FALSE ); return; }
// find matching DNS servers
// - note check MUST include scope as different scope
// is different DNS
// mark matches as sent, sent this pass
// note: currently there is no reason that flags should not
// exactly match, so just copy flags
for ( i=0; i<pNetInfo->AdapterCount; i++ ) { PDNS_ADAPTER padapter; PDNS_ADDR_ARRAY pserverArray; DWORD j;
padapter = NetInfo_GetAdapterByIndex( pNetInfo, i ); pserverArray = padapter->pDnsAddrs; if ( !pserverArray ) { continue; } for ( j=0; j<pserverArray->AddrCount; j++ ) { PDNS_ADDR pserver = &pserverArray->AddrArray[j];
if ( DnsAddr_IsEqual( pserver, pSendServer, DNSADDR_MATCH_ADDR ) ) { if ( pserver != pSendServer ) { DNSDBG( SEND, ( "Marking duplicate server %p on adapter %d\n", pserver, padapter->InterfaceIndex ));
pserver->Flags = pSendServer->Flags; DNS_ASSERT( pserver->Status == pSendServer->Status ); } padapter->RunFlags |= (RUN_FLAG_SENT | RUN_FLAG_SENT_THIS_RETRY); } } } }
Routine Description:
Send DNS message using server info.
This function encapsulates the process of checking server info for validity, sending (as appropriate) and marking server, netinfo info.
Note: right now this is UDP only
pMsg - message info for message to send
pNetInfo - netinfo blob for send
pServInfo - info of server to send to
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful. ErrorCode on send failure.
--*/ { DNS_STATUS status; BOOL fnoOpt;
DNSDBG( SEND, ( "sendUsingServerInfo( msg=%p, ni=%p, servinfo=%p )\n", pMsg, pNetInfo, pServInfo ));
// check that haven't
// - already completed send\recv
// - sent this pass
if ( TEST_SERVER_VALID_RECV( pServInfo ) || TEST_SERVER_STATE( pServInfo, SRVFLAG_SENT_THIS_RETRY ) ) { DNSDBG( SEND, ( "Skipping send on server %p -- %s.\n", pServInfo, ( TEST_SERVER_VALID_RECV( pServInfo ) ) ? "has valid recv" : "already sent this retry" )); return DNS_ERROR_NO_SEND; }
// check OPT status
// - previous OPT send that timed OUT, then send non-OPT
// DCR: known OPT-ok list could screen wasted send
// send
status = Send_MessagePrivate( pMsg, pServInfo, fnoOpt );
if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DNS_ASSERT( !fnoOpt || !pMsg->fLastSendOpt );
// screen out duplicate sends
markDuplicateSends( pNetInfo, pServInfo ); } else { pServInfo->Status = status; }
return status; }
DNS_STATUS SendUdpToNextDnsServers( IN OUT PDNS_MSG_BUF pMsgSend, IN OUT PDNS_NETINFO pNetInfo, IN DWORD cRetryCount, IN DWORD dwTimeout, OUT PDWORD pSendCount ) /*++
Routine Description:
Sends to next DNS servers in list.
pMsgSend -- message to send
pNetInfo -- per adapter DNS info
cRetryCount -- retry for this send
dwTimeout -- timeout on last send, if timed out
pSendCount -- addr to receive send count
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful send. ERROR_TIMEOUT if no DNS servers left to send to. Winsock error code on send failure.
--*/ { DWORD i; DWORD j; DWORD sendCount = 0; BOOL fignoredAdapter = FALSE; PDNS_ADAPTER padapter; PDNS_ADDR_ARRAY pserverArray; PDNS_ADDR pserver; DNS_STATUS status = ERROR_TIMEOUT;
DNSDBG( SEND, ( "Enter SendUdpToNextDnsServers()\n" "\tretry = %d\n", cRetryCount ));
// if netinfo not initialized for send, init
if ( !(pNetInfo->ReturnFlags & RUN_FLAG_NETINFO_PREPARED) ) { DNSDBG( SEND, ( "Netinfo not prepared for send -- preparing now.\n" ));
NetInfo_Clean( pNetInfo, CLEAR_LEVEL_QUERY ); }
#if DBG
// verify i'm getting a clean list on start
if ( cRetryCount == 0 ) { for ( i=0; i<pNetInfo->AdapterCount; i++ ) { padapter = NetInfo_GetAdapterByIndex( pNetInfo, i );
// ignore this adapter because there are no DNS
// servers configured?
if ( padapter->InfoFlags & AINFO_FLAG_IGNORE_ADAPTER ) { continue; } DNS_ASSERT( !(padapter->RunFlags & ( RUN_FLAG_SENT_THIS_RETRY | RUN_FLAG_SENT | RUN_FLAG_HAVE_VALID_RESPONSE ) ) ); DNS_ASSERT( padapter->Status == 0 );
pserverArray = padapter->pDnsAddrs; if ( !pserverArray ) { continue; } for ( j=0; j<pserverArray->AddrCount; j++ ) { DNS_ASSERT( pserverArray->AddrArray[j].Status == SRVSTATUS_NEW ); DNS_ASSERT( pserverArray->AddrArray[j].Flags == SRVFLAG_NEW ); } } } #endif
// if previous send timed out, update adapter list
// - but ONLY do this when sending to individual servers in list
// - timeout on all servers just produces an unnecessary copy and
// can only change ordering relative to servers which have already
// responded with RCODE; since its a timeout, this isn't going to
// lower these server's priority so no point
if ( dwTimeout && cRetryCount && cRetryCount < MAX_SINGLE_SERVER_RETRY ) { timeoutDnsServers( pNetInfo, dwTimeout ); }
// clean "sent this retry" bit on all servers
// this allows us to track when server has already been
// sent to on this pass and avoid duplicate send
for ( i=0; i<pNetInfo->AdapterCount; i++ ) { padapter = NetInfo_GetAdapterByIndex( pNetInfo, i );
padapter->RunFlags &= CLEAR_LEVEL_RETRY;
pserverArray = padapter->pDnsAddrs; if ( !pserverArray ) { continue; } for ( j=0; j<pserverArray->AddrCount; j++ ) { CLEAR_SERVER_RETRY_STATE( & pserverArray->AddrArray[j] ); } }
// send on DNS server(s) for adapter(s)
for ( i=0; i<pNetInfo->AdapterCount; i++ ) { padapter = NetInfo_GetAdapterByIndex( pNetInfo, i );
// skip this adapter
// - no servers
// - not querying this adapter name
// - already responded to this name
// or
// - unreachable DNS servers and either of
// - have at least some response (NAME_ERROR) from another
// adapter's DNS server
// - first try on this query; in this case, note skipping the
// adapter so we can use it, if no valid DNS are found
// note, the goal here is to keep adapters with "unreachable" DNS servers
// around to resolve, but NOT wait for timeouts on them if other adapter's
// servers have already NAME_ERROR'd
// DCR: go back to simple IGNORE check on unreachable adapter IF
// - could verify unreachability of DNS server
// but want to do this at run time, when other DNS servers are
// not coming through, rather than when we build netinfo list itself
pserverArray = padapter->pDnsAddrs; if ( !pserverArray ) { continue; } if ( padapter->RunFlags & RUN_FLAG_STOP_QUERY_ON_ADAPTER ) { continue; } if ( padapter->InfoFlags & (AINFO_FLAG_IGNORE_ADAPTER | AINFO_FLAG_SERVERS_IP6_DEFAULT | AINFO_FLAG_SERVERS_AUTO_LOOPBACK ) ) { if ( pNetInfo->ReturnFlags & RUN_FLAG_HAVE_VALID_RESPONSE ) { continue; } if ( cRetryCount == 0 ) { fignoredAdapter = TRUE; continue; } } //
// first three attempts, we only go to one DNS on a given adapter
// - first time through ONLY to first server in first adapter list
// - on subsequent tries go to best server in all lists
if ( cRetryCount < MAX_SINGLE_SERVER_RETRY ) { //
// do this in loop, in case send to "best" server fails
while ( 1 ) { pserver = bestDnsServerForNextSend( padapter ); if ( !pserver ) { break; // no more unsent servers
} status = sendUsingServerInfo( pMsgSend, pNetInfo, pserver ); if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { sendCount++; if ( cRetryCount == 0 ) { goto Done; } break; // continue with next adapter
} // send failed on server, try another
} } //
// after first three tries, send to all servers that
// have not already responded (have RCODE, as if NO_ERROR) we
// already finished
else { for ( j=0; j<pserverArray->AddrCount; j++ ) { status = sendUsingServerInfo( pMsgSend, pNetInfo, &pserverArray->AddrArray[j] );
if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { sendCount++; } } } }
// no reachable DNS servers -- but possibly reachable ones?
// if first pass and we found NO reachable DNS servers, BUT
// we skipped over some unreachable ones -- use them
// note that fignoreAdapter is sufficient test, because it can
// only be set on cRetryCount == 0, which will jump directly to
// Done: label on a successful send
// note that we are doing this by tail recursion (just to keep it
// simple) and the recursion termination is guaranteed by bumping
// the retry count
if ( fignoredAdapter ) { return SendUdpToNextDnsServers( pMsgSend, pNetInfo, 1, // bump retry count to 1
dwTimeout, pSendCount ); }
// if sent packet, success
*pSendCount = sendCount;
DNSDBG( SEND, ( "Leave SendUdpToNextDnsServers()\n" "\tsends = %d\n", sendCount ));
if ( sendCount ) { return( ERROR_SUCCESS ); }
// if no packets sent, alert caller we're done
// - this is possible if servers have responded uselessly
if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { status = ERROR_TIMEOUT; } return( status ); }
// Message addressing routines
VOID Send_SetMsgRemoteSockaddr( IN OUT PDNS_MSG_BUF pMsg, IN PDNS_ADDR pAddr ) /*++
Routine Description:
Initialize remote sockaddr.
pMsg - message to send
pAddr - IP address to send
Return Value:
--*/ { //
// fill in sockaddr for IP4 or IP6
DnsAddr_Copy( & pMsg->RemoteAddress, pAddr );
pMsg->RemoteAddress.SockaddrIn.sin_port = DNS_PORT_NET_ORDER; }
VOID Send_SetMessageForRecv( IN OUT PDNS_MSG_BUF pMsgRecv, IN PDNS_MSG_BUF pMsgSend ) /*++
Routine Description:
Set message for recv.
pMsgRecv - ptr message to recv
pMsgSend - ptr to message sent
Return Value:
--*/ { DNSDBG( SOCKET, ( "Send_SetMessageForRecv( %p, %p )\n", pMsgRecv, pMsgSend ));
// TCP -- single connection at a time
// -- sockaddr not filled in during recv(), so fill it in now
if ( pMsgSend->fTcp ) { pMsgRecv->fTcp; pMsgRecv->Socket = pMsgSend->Socket;
RtlCopyMemory( & pMsgRecv->RemoteAddress, & pMsgSend->RemoteAddress, sizeof(DNS_ADDR) ); }
// UDP -- can recv on either 4 or 6 socket
// -- sockaddr buffer must accomodate either
else { pMsgRecv->Socket = 0; pMsgRecv->Socket4 = pMsgSend->Socket4; pMsgRecv->Socket6 = pMsgSend->Socket6;
pMsgRecv->RemoteAddress.SockaddrLength = DNS_ADDR_MAX_SOCKADDR_LENGTH; } }
PDNS_ADDR Send_CopyRecvIp( OUT PDNS_ADDR pAddr, IN PDNS_MSG_BUF pMsg ) /*++
Routine Description:
Copy address from recv.
pAddr - addr of IP address to recv copy
pMsg - message to send
Return Value:
Ptr to addr written -- if successful. NULL on bad recv addr.
--*/ { INT family;
DnsAddr_Copy( pAddr, & pMsg->RemoteAddress );
if ( DnsAddr_Family(pAddr) ) { return pAddr; } else { DnsAddr_Clear( pAddr );
DNSDBG( ANY, ( "ERROR: invalid recv sockaddr (family %d) for message %p!\n", pMsg->RemoteAddress.Sockaddr.sa_family, pMsg )); return NULL; } }
// Send routines
DNS_STATUS Send_MessagePrivate( IN OUT PDNS_MSG_BUF pMsg, IN PDNS_ADDR pSendAddr, IN BOOL fNoOpt ) /*++
Routine Description:
Send a DNS packet.
This is the generic send routine used for ANY send of a DNS message.
It assumes nothing about the message type, but does assume: - pCurrent points at byte following end of desired data - RR count bytes are in HOST byte order
pMsg - message info for message to send
pSendAddr - ptr to IP address to send to OPTIONAL, required only if UDP and message sockaddr not set
fIp4 -- TRUE if IP4, FALSE for IP6
fNoOpt - TRUE if OPT send is forbidden
Return Value:
TRUE if successful. FALSE on send error.
--*/ { PDNS_HEADER pmsgHead; INT err; WORD sendLength; BOOL fexcludedOpt = FALSE;
DNSDBG( SEND, ( "Send_MessagePrivate()\n" "\tpMsg = %p\n" "\tpSendAddr = %p\n" "\tNo OPT = %d\n", pMsg, pSendAddr, fNoOpt ));
// set header flags
// note: since route sends both queries and responses
// caller must set these flags
pmsgHead = &pMsg->MessageHead; pmsgHead->Reserved = 0;
// set send IP (if given)
if ( pSendAddr ) { Send_SetMsgRemoteSockaddr( pMsg, pSendAddr ); }
// set message length and OPT inclusion
// OPT approach is
// - write to pCurrent packet end
// - handles NO OPT written and using OPT
// - unless HAVE written OPT, and specifically excluding
// note, that zero IP (TCP previously connected) gets
// excluded
// DCR: we haven't handled OPT for TCP connected and not-aware of IP
// case here
// DCR: for now excluding OPT on updates, because harder to detect on
// the recv end why the reason for the failure
{ PCHAR pend = pMsg->pCurrent;
if ( pMsg->pPreOptEnd && ( fNoOpt || g_UseEdns == 0 || pMsg->MessageHead.Opcode == DNS_OPCODE_UPDATE || //Send_IsServerOptExclude( &pMsg->RemoteIp ) ) )
( pSendAddr && Send_IsServerOptExclude( pSendAddr ) ) ) )
{ ASSERT( pMsg->pPreOptEnd > (PCHAR)pmsgHead ); ASSERT( pMsg->pPreOptEnd < pend );
pend = pMsg->pPreOptEnd; pmsgHead->AdditionalCount--; fexcludedOpt = TRUE; }
sendLength = (WORD)(pend - (PCHAR)pmsgHead);
pMsg->fLastSendOpt = (pMsg->pPreOptEnd && (pend != pMsg->pPreOptEnd)); }
IF_DNSDBG( SEND ) { pMsg->MessageLength = sendLength; DnsDbg_Message( "Sending packet", pMsg ); }
// flip header count bytes
// TCP -- send until all info transmitted
if ( pMsg->fTcp ) { PCHAR psend;
// TCP message always begins with bytes being sent
// - send length = message length plus two byte size
// - flip bytes in message length
// - send starting at message length
pMsg->MessageLength = htons( sendLength );
sendLength += sizeof(WORD);
psend = (PCHAR) &pMsg->MessageLength;
while ( sendLength ) { err = send( pMsg->Socket, psend, (INT) sendLength, 0 );
if ( err == 0 || err == SOCKET_ERROR ) { err = GetLastError();
// WSAESHUTDOWN is ok, client got timed out connection and
// closed
// WSAENOTSOCK may also occur if FIN recv'd and connection
// closed by TCP receive thread before the send
if ( err == WSAESHUTDOWN ) { IF_DNSDBG( ANY ) { DNS_PRINT(( "WARNING: send() failed on shutdown socket %d.\n" "\tpMsgInfo at %p\n", pMsg->Socket, pMsg )); } } else if ( err == WSAENOTSOCK ) { IF_DNSDBG( ANY ) { DNS_PRINT(( "ERROR: send() on closed socket %d.\n" "\tpMsgInfo at %p\n", pMsg->Socket, pMsg )); } } else { DNS_LOG_EVENT( DNS_EVENT_SEND_CALL_FAILED, 0, NULL, err );
IF_DNSDBG( ANY ) { DNS_PRINT(( "ERROR: TCP send() failed, err = %d.\n" )); } } goto Done; } sendLength -= (WORD)err; psend += err; } }
// UDP
else { //
// get socket for send
// note UDP sockets may or may not be open before send as
// don't know whether we need to do send on specific protocols
// until sending to address of given protocol
if ( !Socket_CreateMessageSocket(pMsg) ) { err = GetLastError(); if ( err == NO_ERROR ) { DNS_ASSERT( err != NO_ERROR ); err = WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT; } goto Done; } DNS_ASSERT( pMsg->Socket != 0 ); DNS_ASSERT( sendLength <= DNS_RFC_MAX_UDP_PACKET_LENGTH );
err = sendto( pMsg->Socket, (PCHAR) pmsgHead, sendLength, 0, (PSOCKADDR) &pMsg->RemoteAddress.Sockaddr, pMsg->RemoteAddress.SockaddrLength );
if ( err == SOCKET_ERROR ) { err = GetLastError();
IF_DNSDBG( ANY ) { DNS_PRINT(( "ERROR: UDP sendto() failed => %d.\n", err ));
DnsDbg_DnsAddr( "sendto() failed sockaddr", &pMsg->RemoteAddress );
DnsDbg_Message( "sendto() failed message", pMsg ); } goto Done; } }
// restore OPT in count if required
if ( fexcludedOpt ) { pmsgHead->AdditionalCount++; }
Trace_LogSendEvent( pMsg, err );
return( (DNS_STATUS)err ); }
// UDP
Routine Description:
Receives DNS message
pMsg - message buffer for recv
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful. Error status on failure.
--*/ { PDNS_HEADER pdnsHeader; LONG err = ERROR_SUCCESS; struct timeval selectTimeout; struct fd_set fdset;
DNSDBG( RECV, ( "Enter Recv_Udp( %p )\n", pMsg ));
DNS_ASSERT( !pMsg->fTcp );
// setup recv set
FD_ZERO( &fdset );
if ( pMsg->Socket6 ) { FD_SET( pMsg->Socket6, &fdset ); } if ( pMsg->Socket4 ) { FD_SET( pMsg->Socket4, &fdset ); } if ( fdset.fd_count == 0 ) { DNSDBG( ANY, ( "ERROR: UDP recv on msg %p with no sockets!\n", pMsg )); return( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); }
// set timeout
if ( pMsg->Timeout > HARD_TIMEOUT_LIMIT && pMsg->Timeout != ONE_HOUR_TIMEOUT ) { DNSDBG( RECV, ( "ERROR: timeout %d, exceeded hard limit.\n", pMsg->Timeout ));
return( ERROR_TIMEOUT ); } selectTimeout.tv_usec = 0; selectTimeout.tv_sec = pMsg->Timeout;
pdnsHeader = &pMsg->MessageHead;
// wait for stack to indicate packet reception
err = select( 0, &fdset, NULL, NULL, &selectTimeout );
if ( err <= 0 ) { if ( err < 0 ) { // select error
err = WSAGetLastError(); DNS_PRINT(( "ERROR: select() error = %d\n", err )); return( err ); } else { DNS_PRINT(( "ERROR: timeout on response %p\n", pMsg )); return( ERROR_TIMEOUT ); } }
// receive
if ( fdset.fd_count != 1 ) { if ( fdset.fd_count == 0 ) { DNS_ASSERT( FALSE ); return( ERROR_TIMEOUT ); } DNS_PRINT(( "WARNING: Recv_Udp on multiple sockets!\n" )); }
pMsg->Socket = fdset.fd_array[0];
err = recvfrom( pMsg->Socket, (PCHAR) pdnsHeader, DNS_MAX_UDP_PACKET_BUFFER_LENGTH, 0, &pMsg->RemoteAddress.Sockaddr, &pMsg->RemoteAddress.SockaddrLength );
if ( err == SOCKET_ERROR ) { err = GetLastError();
Trace_LogRecvEvent( pMsg, err, FALSE // UDP
if ( err == WSAECONNRESET ) { DNSDBG( RECV, ( "Leave Recv_Udp( %p ) with CONNRESET\n", pMsg )); return( err ); }
// message sent was too big
// sender was in error -- should have sent TCP
if ( err == WSAEMSGSIZE ) { pMsg->MessageLength = DNS_MAX_UDP_PACKET_BUFFER_LENGTH;
DnsDbg_Message( "ERROR: Recv UDP packet over 512 bytes.\n", pMsg ); } IF_DNSDBG( ANY ) { DnsDbg_Lock(); DNS_PRINT(( "ERROR: recvfrom(sock=%d) of UDP request failed.\n" "\tGetLastError() = 0x%08lx.\n", socket, err )); DnsDbg_DnsAddr( "recvfrom failed sockaddr\n", & pMsg->RemoteAddress ); DnsDbg_Unlock(); } return( err ); }
// successful receive
// - save remote IP
// - set message length
// - flip header fields
DNS_ASSERT( err <= DNS_MAX_UDP_PACKET_BUFFER_LENGTH ); pMsg->MessageLength = (WORD)err; DNS_BYTE_FLIP_HEADER_COUNTS( &pMsg->MessageHead );
Trace_LogRecvEvent( pMsg, 0, FALSE // UDP
IF_DNSDBG( RECV ) { DnsDbg_Message( "Received message", pMsg ); } return( err ); }
DNS_STATUS Send_AndRecvUdpWithParam( IN OUT PDNS_MSG_BUF pMsgSend, OUT PDNS_MSG_BUF pMsgRecv, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN PADDR_ARRAY pServerList, IN OUT PDNS_NETINFO pNetInfo ) /*++
Routine Description:
Sends to and waits to recv from remote DNS.
DCR: move to use send blob
pMsgSend - message to send
ppMsgRecv - and reuse
dwFlags -- query flags
pServerList -- list of server to use; overrides adapter info
pNetInfo -- adapter list DNS server info
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful response. Error status for "best RCODE" response if rcode. ERROR_TIMEOUT on timeout. Error status on send\recv failure.
--*/ { INT retry; DWORD timeout; DNS_STATUS status = ERROR_TIMEOUT; DNS_ADDR recvIp; PDNS_ADDR precvIp = NULL; DWORD rcode = 0; DWORD ignoredRcode = 0; DWORD sendCount; DWORD sentCount; DWORD sendTime; BOOL frecvRetry; BOOL fupdate = FALSE; // prefix
DNSDBG( SEND, ( "Enter Send_AndRecvUdpWithParam()\n" "\ttime %d\n" "\tsend msg at %p\n" "\tsocket %d\n" "\trecv msg at %p\n" "\tflags %08x\n" "\tserver IP array %p\n" "\tadapter info at %p\n", Dns_GetCurrentTimeInSeconds(), pMsgSend, pMsgSend->Socket, pMsgRecv, dwFlags, pServerList, pNetInfo ));
// verify params
if ( !pMsgSend || !pMsgRecv || (!pNetInfo && !pServerList) ) { return( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); }
// server IP array?
// - if given overrides netinfo
// should be able to just use update netinfo
//if ( aipServers && !pNetInfo )
if ( pServerList ) { ptempNetInfo = NetInfo_CreateFromAddrArray( pServerList, 0, // no single IP
FALSE, // no search info
NULL ); if ( !ptempNetInfo ) { return( DNS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY ); } pNetInfo = ptempNetInfo; }
// DCR: allow sockets sent into send functions
// - then must know initial state to avoid close
// if already have TCP socket -- invalid
if ( pMsgSend->fTcp && pMsgSend->Socket ) { status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Done; }
pMsgSend->fTcp = FALSE; pMsgRecv->Socket = 0; pMsgRecv->fTcp = FALSE;
// determine UPDATE or standard QUERY
fupdate = ( pMsgSend->MessageHead.Opcode == DNS_OPCODE_UPDATE );
// loop sending until
// - receive successful response
// or
// - receive errors response from all servers
// or
// - reach final timeout on all servers
// DCR: should support setting of timeouts on individual queries
retry = 0; sendCount = 0;
while ( 1 ) { if ( fupdate ) { timeout = UpdateTimeouts[retry]; } else { if ( dwFlags & DNS_QUERY_USE_QUICK_TIMEOUTS ) { timeout = g_QuickQueryTimeouts[retry]; } else { timeout = g_QueryTimeouts[retry]; } }
// zero timeout indicates end of retries for this query type
if ( timeout == 0 ) { // save timeout for adapter?
// if multiple adapters and some timed out and some
// didn't then saving timeout is relevant
// DCR: this doesn't make much sense
// the actual test i moved inside the function
if ( pNetInfo && pNetInfo->AdapterCount > 1 && ignoredRcode && status == ERROR_TIMEOUT ) { resetOnFinalTimeout( pNetInfo ); } break; }
// send to best DNS servers in adapter list
// - servers sent to varies according to retry
// - send in previous timeout, if some servers did not respond
status = SendUdpToNextDnsServers( pMsgSend, pNetInfo, retry, sendCount ? pMsgRecv->Timeout : 0, & sendCount );
sentCount = sendCount;
if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // if no more servers to send to, done
DNSDBG( RECV, ( "No more DNS servers to send message %p\n" "\tprevious RCODE = %d\n", pMsgSend, ignoredRcode )); goto ErrorReturn; } retry++; precvIp = NULL; rcode = DNS_RCODE_NO_ERROR; pMsgRecv->Timeout = timeout; DNS_ASSERT( sendCount != 0 );
frecvRetry = FALSE; sendTime = GetCurrentTimeInSeconds();
// receive response
// note: the loop is strictly to allow us to drop back into
// receive if one server is misbehaving;
// in that case we go back into the receive without resending
// to allow other servers to respond
while ( sendCount ) { //
// if have to retry recv, adjust down timeout
// - note, one second granularity is handled by
// rounding up at zero so we wait 0-1s beyond official
// timeout value
// DCR: calculate timeouts in ms?
if ( frecvRetry ) { DWORD timeLeft;
timeLeft = timeout + sendTime - GetCurrentTimeInSeconds();
if ( (LONG)timeLeft < 0 ) { status = ERROR_TIMEOUT; break; } else if ( timeLeft == 0 ) { timeLeft = 1; } pMsgRecv->Timeout = timeLeft; } frecvRetry = TRUE;
Send_SetMessageForRecv( pMsgRecv, pMsgSend );
status = Recv_Udp( pMsgRecv );
precvIp = Send_CopyRecvIp( &recvIp, pMsgRecv );
// recv wait completed
// - if timeout, commence next retry
// - indicate NO server on IP
// - back to recv if more DNS servers outstanding,
// - if success, verify packet
if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if ( status == ERROR_TIMEOUT ) { break; } if ( status == WSAECONNRESET ) { resetServerAfterRecv( pNetInfo, precvIp, status );
sendCount--; continue; } }
// no recv
// - unexpected winsock errors not handled above
// - should always have remote IP on success recv
if ( !precvIp ) { DNSDBG( ANY, ( "Recv error %d -- no recv IP\n", status )); DNS_ASSERT( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ); continue; }
// check XID match
if ( pMsgRecv->MessageHead.Xid != pMsgSend->MessageHead.Xid ) { DNS_PRINT(( "WARNING: Incorrect XID in response. Ignoring.\n" )); continue; }
// check DNS server IP match
if ( g_QueryIpMatching && !verifyValidServer( pNetInfo, precvIp ) ) { DNS_PRINT(( "WARNING: Ignoring response from %s to query %p\n" "\tIP does not match valid server\n", DNSADDR_STRING(precvIp), pMsgSend )); continue; }
// valid receive, drop outstanding send count
// check question match
// - this is "Maggs Bug" check
// - ASSERT here just to investigate issue locally
// and make sure check is not bogus
// - specifically doing after sendCount decrement
// as this server will NOT send us a valid response
// - some servers don't reply with question so ignore
// if QuestionCount == 0
if ( pMsgRecv->MessageHead.QuestionCount != 0 && !Dns_IsSamePacketQuestion( pMsgRecv, pMsgSend )) { DNS_PRINT(( "ERROR: Bad question response from server %08x!\n" "\tXID match, but question does not match question sent!\n", recvIp )); DNS_ASSERT( FALSE ); continue; }
// suck out RCODE
rcode = pMsgRecv->MessageHead.ResponseCode;
// good response?
// special case AUTH-EMPTY and delegations
// - AUTH-EMPTY gets similar treatment to name error
// (this adapter can be considered to be finished)
// - referrals can be treated like SERVER_FAILURE
// (avoid this server for rest of query; server may
// be fine for direct lookup, so don't drop priority)
// DCR_CLEANUP: functionalize packet-categorization
// this would be standard errors
// plus AUTH-EMPTY versus referral
// plus OPT issues, etc
// could be called from TCP side also
// then would have separate determination about whether
// packet was terminal (below)
if ( rcode == DNS_RCODE_NO_ERROR ) { if ( pMsgRecv->MessageHead.AnswerCount != 0 || fupdate ) { goto GoodRecv; }
// auth-empty
// - authoritative
// - or from cache, recursive response (hence not delegation)
// note: using dummy RCODE here as "ignored RCODE" serves
// the role of "best saved status" and roughly
// prioritizes in the way we want
// DCR: could change to "best saved status" as mapping is
// pretty much the same; would explicitly have to
// check
if ( pMsgRecv->MessageHead.Authoritative == 1 || ( pMsgRecv->MessageHead.RecursionAvailable == 1 && pMsgRecv->MessageHead.RecursionDesired ) ) { DNSDBG( RECV, ( "Recv AUTH-EMPTY response from %s\n", DNSADDR_STRING(precvIp) )); rcode = DNS_RCODE_AUTH_EMPTY_RESPONSE; status = DNS_INFO_NO_RECORDS; }
// referral
else if ( pMsgRecv->MessageHead.RecursionAvailable == 0 ) { DNSDBG( RECV, ( "Recv referral response from %s\n", DNSADDR_STRING(precvIp) ));
// bogus (bad packet) response
else { rcode = DNS_RCODE_SERVER_FAILURE; status = DNS_ERROR_BAD_PACKET; } } else { status = Dns_MapRcodeToStatus( (UCHAR)rcode ); }
// OPT failure screening
// DCR: FORMERR overload on OPT for update
// unless we read result to see if OPT, no way
// to determine if this is update problem or
// OPT problem
// - note, that checking if in list doesn't work because
// of MT issue (another query adds setting)
// - could be fixed by setting flag in network info
if ( rcode == DNS_RCODE_FORMAT_ERROR && !fupdate ) { Send_SetServerOptExclude( precvIp );
// redo send but explicitly force OPT excluse
Send_MessagePrivate( pMsgSend, precvIp, TRUE // exclude OPT
sendCount++; continue; }
// error RCODE do NOT terminate query
// - malfunctioning server
// - disjoint nets \ DNS namespace issues
// RCODE error removes particular server from further consideration
// during THIS query
// generally the higher RCODEs are more interesting
// and
// update RCODEs > NAME_ERROR
// save the highest as return when no ERROR_SUCCESS response
// however for query NAME_ERROR is the highest RCODE,
// IF it is received on all adapters (if not REFUSED on one
// adapter may indicate that there really is a name)
// for UPDATE, REFUSED and higher are terminal RCODEs.
// downlevel servers (non-UPDATE-aware) servers would give
// FORMERR or NOTIMPL, so these are either valid responses or
// the zone has a completely busted server which must be detected
// and removed
// DCR_CLEANUP: functionalize packet-termination
// essentially is this type of packet terminal for
// this query;
// could be called from TCP side also
if ( rcode > ignoredRcode ) { ignoredRcode = rcode; }
// reset server priority for good recv
// - return ERROR_SUCCESS unless all adapters
// are
status = resetServerAfterRecv( pNetInfo, precvIp, status );
// if all adapters are done (NAME_ERROR or NO_RECORDS)
// - return NAME_ERROR\NO_RECORDS rcode
// NO_RECORDS highest priority
// then NAME_ERROR
// then anything else
if ( status == DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NAME_ERROR ) { if ( !fupdate && ignoredRcode != DNS_RCODE_AUTH_EMPTY_RESPONSE ) { ignoredRcode = DNS_RCODE_NAME_ERROR; } goto ErrorReturn; }
// update RCODEs are terminal
if ( fupdate && rcode >= DNS_RCODE_REFUSED ) { goto ErrorReturn; }
// continue wait for any other outstanding servers
DNSDBG( RECV, ( "Failed retry = %d for message %p\n" "\tstatus = %d\n" "\ttimeout = %d\n" "\tservers out = %d\n" "\tlast rcode = %d\n" "\tignored RCODE = %d\n\n", (retry - 1), pMsgSend, status, timeout, sendCount, rcode, ignoredRcode )); continue;
} // end loop sending/recving packets
// falls here on retry exhausted
// note that any ignored RCODE takes precendence over failing
// status (which may be winsock error, timeout, or bogus
// NAME_ERROR from resetServerPriorities())
// this can also hit on winsock error in DnsSend()
//DNS_ASSERT( ignoredRcode || status == ERROR_TIMEOUT );
// error responses from all servers or timeouts
DNSDBG( RECV, ( "Error or timeouts from all servers for message %p\n" "\treturning RCODE = %d\n", pMsgSend, ignoredRcode ));
if ( ignoredRcode ) { // empty-auth reponse is tracked with bogus RCODE,
// switch to status code -- DNS_INFO_NO_RECORDS
if ( !fupdate && ignoredRcode == DNS_RCODE_AUTH_EMPTY_RESPONSE ) { status = DNS_INFO_NO_RECORDS; } else { status = Dns_MapRcodeToStatus( (UCHAR)ignoredRcode ); } } goto Done;
resetServerAfterRecv( pNetInfo, precvIp, rcode );
DNSDBG( RECV, ( "Recv'd response for query at %p from DNS %s\n", pMsgSend, DNSADDR_STRING(precvIp) ));
// close UDP sockets
// DCR_ENHANCE: allow for possibility of keeping socket alive
Socket_CloseMessageSockets( pMsgSend ); Socket_ClearMessageSockets( pMsgRecv );
IF_DNSDBG( RECV ) { DNSDBG( SEND, ( "Leave Send_AndRecvUdp()\n" "\tstatus = %d\n" "\ttime = %d\n" "\tsend msg = %p\n" "\trecv msg = %p\n", status, Dns_GetCurrentTimeInSeconds(), pMsgSend, pMsgRecv ));
DnsDbg_NetworkInfo( "Network info after UDP recv\n", pNetInfo ); }
// if allocated adapter list free it
if ( ptempNetInfo ) { NetInfo_Free( ptempNetInfo ); }
// should not return NXRRSET except on update
ASSERT( fupdate || status != DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NXRRSET );
return( status ); }
Routine Description:
Sends to and waits to recv from remote DNS.
pMsgSend - message to send
ppMsgRecv - and reuse
pNetInfo -- adapter list DNS server info
DCR - pNetInfo parameter could be leveraged to identify specific networks to target a multicast query against. For example, there could be a multihomed machine that is configured to only multicast on one of many adapters, thus filtering out useless mDNS packets.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful response. NAME_ERROR on timeout. Error status on send\recv failure.
--*/ { #if 1
SOCKET s; INT fcreatedSocket = FALSE; INT retry; DWORD timeout; DNS_STATUS status = ERROR_TIMEOUT; IP4_ADDRESS recvIp = 0; DWORD rcode = 0; DWORD ignoredRcode = 0;
DNSDBG( SEND, ( "Enter Send_AndRecvMulticast()\n" "\tsend msg at %p\n" "\tsocket %d\n" "\trecv msg at %p\n", pMsgSend, pMsgSend->Socket, pMsgRecv ));
// verify params
if ( !pMsgSend || !pMsgRecv ) { return( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); }
if ( pMsgSend->MessageHead.Opcode == DNS_OPCODE_UPDATE ) { return( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); }
// TCP invalid -- invalid
// problem is we either leak TCP socket, or we close
// it here and may screw things up at higher level
if ( pMsgSend->fTcp && (pMsgSend->Socket4 || pMsgSend->Socket6) ) { status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Done; }
pMsgSend->fTcp = FALSE; pMsgRecv->fTcp = FALSE; pMsgRecv->Socket = 0; pMsgRecv->Socket6 = 0; pMsgRecv->Socket4 = 0;
// loop sending until
// - receive successful response
// or
// - receive errors response from all servers
// or
// - reach final timeout on all servers
retry = 0;
while ( 1 ) { timeout = g_MulticastQueryTimeouts[retry];
// zero timeout indicates end of retries for this query type
if ( timeout == 0 ) { break; }
// send to multicast DNS address
if ( retry == 0 ) { //
// setup mcast address
status = DnsAddr_BuildMcast( &addr, Family, pName ); if ( status != NO_ERROR ) { goto Failed; }
// create multicast socket
// - bound to this address and DNS port
sock = Socket_Create( Family, SOCK_DGRAM, &addr, MCAST_PORT_NET_ORDER, FALSE, TRUE );
if ( sock == 0 ) { goto Failed; }
Dns_InitializeMsgRemoteSockaddr( pMsgSend, MCAST_DNS_RADDR ); }
Dns_Send( pMsgSend );
retry++; rcode = DNS_RCODE_NO_ERROR; pMsgRecv->Timeout = timeout;
// receive response
// note: the loop is strictly to allow us to drop back into
// receive if one server is misbehaving;
// in that case we go back into the receive without resending
// to allow other servers to respond
Send_SetMessageForRecv( pMsgRecv, pMsgSend );
status = Recv_Udp( pMsgRecv );
// recv wait completed
// - if timeout, commence next retry
// - back to recv if more DNS servers outstanding,
// - otherwise equivalent treat as timeout, except with
// very long timeout
// - if success, verify packet
if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if ( status == ERROR_TIMEOUT ) { continue; } if ( status == WSAECONNRESET ) { pMsgRecv->Timeout = NO_DNS_PRIORITY_DROP; status = ERROR_TIMEOUT; continue; } goto Done; }
// check XID match
if ( pMsgRecv->MessageHead.Xid != pMsgSend->MessageHead.Xid ) { DNS_PRINT(( "WARNING: Incorrect XID in response. Ignoring.\n" )); continue; }
// good response?
// special case AUTH-EMPTY and delegations
// - AUTH-EMPTY gets similar treatment to name error
// (this adapter can be considered to be finished)
// - referrals can be treated like SERVER_FAILURE
// (avoid this server for rest of query; server may
// be fine for direct lookup, so don't drop priority)
rcode = pMsgRecv->MessageHead.ResponseCode;
if ( rcode == DNS_RCODE_NO_ERROR ) { if ( pMsgRecv->MessageHead.AnswerCount != 0 ) { goto Done; }
// auth-empty
if ( pMsgRecv->MessageHead.Authoritative == 1 ) { DNSDBG( RECV, ( "Recv AUTH-EMPTY response from %s\n", MSG_REMOTE_IPADDR_STRING(pMsgRecv) )); rcode = DNS_RCODE_AUTH_EMPTY_RESPONSE; } } } // end loop sending/recving packets
// if created socket -- close it
// DCR_ENHANCE: allow for possibility of keeping socket alive
Socket_CloseMessageSockets( pMsgSend ); Socket_ClearMessageSockets( pMsgRecv );
IF_DNSDBG( RECV ) { DNSDBG( SEND, ( "Leave Send_AndRecvMulticast()\n" "\tstatus = %d\n" "\ttime = %d\n" "\tsend msg at %p\n" "\trecv msg at %p\n", status, Dns_GetCurrentTimeInSeconds(), pMsgSend, pMsgRecv )); }
if ( status == ERROR_TIMEOUT ) { status = DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NAME_ERROR; }
return( status ); #endif
// TCP routines
DNS_STATUS Send_OpenTcpConnectionAndSend( IN OUT PDNS_MSG_BUF pMsg, IN PDNS_ADDR pServAddr, IN BOOL fBlocking ) /*++
Routine Description:
Connect via TCP to desired server.
pMsg -- message info to set with connection socket
pServAddr -- IP of DNS server to connect to
fBlocking -- blocking connection
Return Value:
TRUE if successful. FALSE on connect error.
--*/ { SOCKET s; INT err;
// setup a TCP socket
// - INADDR_ANY -- let stack select source IP
s = Socket_Create( DnsAddr_Family( pServAddr ), SOCK_STREAM, NULL, // default binding
0, // any port
0 // no flags
if ( s == 0 ) { DNS_PRINT(( "ERROR: unable to create TCP socket to create TCP" "\tconnection to %s.\n", DNSADDR_STRING( pServAddr ) ));
pMsg->Socket = 0; err = WSAGetLastError(); if ( !err ) { DNS_ASSERT( FALSE ); err = WSAENOTSOCK; } return( err ); }
// set TCP params
// - do before connect(), so can directly use sockaddr buffer
pMsg->fTcp = TRUE; Send_SetMsgRemoteSockaddr( pMsg, pServAddr );
// connect
err = connect( s, & pMsg->RemoteAddress.Sockaddr, pMsg->RemoteAddress.SockaddrLength ); if ( err ) { PCHAR pchIpString;
err = GetLastError(); pchIpString = MSG_REMOTE_IPADDR_STRING( pMsg );
DNSDBG( TCP, ( "Unable to establish TCP connection to %s.\n" "\tstatus = %d\n", pchIpString, err ));
Socket_Close( s ); pMsg->Socket = 0; if ( !err ) { err = WSAENOTCONN; } return( err ); }
DNSDBG( TCP, ( "Connected to %s for message at %p.\n" "\tsocket = %d\n", MSG_REMOTE_IPADDR_STRING( pMsg ), pMsg, s ));
pMsg->Socket = s;
// send desired packet
err = Send_MessagePrivate( pMsg, NULL, // no address
TRUE // no OPT
return( (DNS_STATUS)err );
} // Send_OpenTcpConnectionAndSend
Routine Description:
Receive TCP DNS message.
EXPORTED (security.c): Dns_RecvTcp EXPORTED rename Recv_Tcp
pMsg - message info buffer to receive packet; must contain connected TCP socket
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successfully receive a message. Error code on failure.
--*/ { PCHAR pchrecv; // ptr to recv location
INT recvLength; // length left to recv()
SOCKET socket; INT err = NO_ERROR; WORD messageLength; struct timeval selectTimeout; struct fd_set fdset;
socket = pMsg->Socket;
DNSDBG( RECV, ( "Enter Dns_RecvTcp( %p )\n" "\tRecv on socket = %d.\n" "\tBytes left to receive = %d\n" "\tTimeout = %d\n", pMsg, socket, pMsg->BytesToReceive, pMsg->Timeout ));
// verify socket, setup fd_set and select timeout
if ( socket == 0 || socket == INVALID_SOCKET ) { return( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); }
FD_ZERO( &fdset ); FD_SET( socket, &fdset );
selectTimeout.tv_usec = 0; selectTimeout.tv_sec = pMsg->Timeout;
// new message -- set to receive message length
// - reusing buffer
// - new buffer
// continuing receive of message
if ( !pMsg->pchRecv ) { DNS_ASSERT( pMsg->fMessageComplete || pMsg->MessageLength == 0 );
pchrecv = (PCHAR) &pMsg->MessageLength; recvLength = (INT) sizeof( WORD ); } else { pchrecv = (PCHAR) pMsg->pchRecv; recvLength = (INT) pMsg->BytesToReceive; } DNS_ASSERT( recvLength );
// loop until receive the entire message
while ( 1 ) { //
// wait for stack to indicate packet reception
err = select( 0, &fdset, NULL, NULL, &selectTimeout ); if ( err <= 0 ) { if ( err < 0 ) { // select error
err = WSAGetLastError(); DNS_PRINT(( "ERROR: select() error = %p\n", err )); return( err ); } else { Trace_LogRecvEvent( pMsg, ERROR_TIMEOUT, TRUE // TCP
DNS_PRINT(( "ERROR: timeout on response %p\n", pMsg )); return( ERROR_TIMEOUT ); } }
// Only recv() exactly as much data as indicated.
// Another message could follow during zone transfer.
err = recv( socket, pchrecv, recvLength, 0 );
DNSDBG( TCP, ( "\nRecv'd %d bytes on TCP socket %d\n", err, socket ));
// TCP FIN received -- error in the middle of a message.
if ( err == 0 ) { goto FinReceived; }
// recv error
// - perfectly reasonable if shutting down
// - otherwise actual recv() error
if ( err == SOCKET_ERROR ) { goto SockError; }
// update buffer params
recvLength -= err; pchrecv += err;
DNS_ASSERT( recvLength >= 0 );
// received message or message length
if ( recvLength == 0 ) { // done receiving message
if ( pchrecv > (PCHAR)&pMsg->MessageHead ) { break; }
// recv'd message length, setup to recv() message
// - byte flip length
// - continue reception with this length
DNS_ASSERT( pchrecv == (PCHAR)&pMsg->MessageHead );
messageLength = pMsg->MessageLength; pMsg->MessageLength = messageLength = ntohs( messageLength ); if ( messageLength < sizeof(DNS_HEADER) ) { DNS_PRINT(( "ERROR: Received TCP message with bad message" " length %d.\n", messageLength ));
goto BadTcpMessage; } recvLength = messageLength;
DNSDBG( TCP, ( "Received TCP message length %d, on socket %d,\n" "\tfor msg at %p.\n", messageLength, socket, pMsg ));
// starting recv of valid message length
if ( messageLength <= pMsg->BufferLength ) { continue; }
// note: currently do not realloc
goto BadTcpMessage; #if 0
// DCR: allow TCP realloc
// - change call signature OR
// - return pMsg with ptr to realloced
// perhaps better to ignore and do 64K buffer all the time
// realloc, if existing message too small
pMsg = Dns_ReallocateTcpMessage( pMsg, messageLength ); if ( !pMsg ) { return( GetLastError() ); } #endif
} }
// Message received
// recv ptr serves as flag, clear to start new message on reuse
pMsg->fMessageComplete = TRUE; pMsg->pchRecv = NULL;
// return message information
// - flip count bytes
Trace_LogRecvEvent( pMsg, 0, TRUE // TCP
IF_DNSDBG( RECV ) { DnsDbg_Message( "Received TCP packet", pMsg ); } return( ERROR_SUCCESS );
err = GetLastError();
#if 0
// note: want non-blocking sockets if doing full async
// WSAEWOULD block is NORMAL return for message not fully recv'd.
// - save state of message reception
// We use non-blocking sockets, so bad client (that fails to complete
// message) doesn't hang TCP receiver.
if ( err == WSAEWOULDBLOCK ) { pMsg->pchRecv = pchrecv; pMsg->BytesToReceive = recvLength;
DNSDBG( TCP, ( "Leave ReceiveTcpMessage() after WSAEWOULDBLOCK.\n" "\tSocket=%d, Msg=%p\n" "\tBytes left to receive = %d\n", socket, pMsg, pMsg->BytesToReceive )); goto CleanupConnection; } #endif
// cancelled connection
// -- perfectly legal, question is why
if ( pchrecv == (PCHAR) &pMsg->MessageLength && ( err == WSAESHUTDOWN || err == WSAECONNABORTED || err == WSAECONNRESET ) ) { DNSDBG( TCP, ( "WARNING: Recv RESET (%d) on socket %d\n", err, socket )); goto CleanupConnection; }
// anything else is our problem
DNSDBG( ANY, ( "ERROR: recv() of TCP message failed.\n" "\t%d bytes recvd\n" "\t%d bytes left\n" "\tGetLastError = 0x%08lx.\n", pchrecv - (PCHAR)&pMsg->MessageLength, recvLength, err )); DNS_ASSERT( FALSE );
goto CleanupConnection;
// valid FIN -- if recv'd between messages (before message length)
DNSDBG( TCP, ( "ERROR: Recv TCP FIN (0 bytes) on socket %d\n", socket, recvLength ));
if ( !pMsg->MessageLength && pchrecv == (PCHAR)&pMsg->MessageLength ) { err = DNS_ERROR_NO_PACKET; goto CleanupConnection; }
// FIN during message -- invalid message
DNSDBG( ANY, ( "ERROR: TCP message received has incorrect length.\n" "\t%d bytes left when recv'd FIN.\n", recvLength )); goto BadTcpMessage;
BadTcpMessage: { PCHAR pchServer = MSG_REMOTE_IPADDR_STRING(pMsg);
// note: don't actually close socket
// the socket is usually still referenced by the send message
// buffer and is closed when the calling function cleans it up
return err ? err : DNS_ERROR_BAD_PACKET; }
DNS_STATUS Send_AndRecvTcp( IN OUT PSEND_BLOB pBlob ) /*++
Routine Description:
Sends to and waits to recv from remote DNS.
INTERNAL public function.
pBlob -- send info
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful packet reception. Error status on failure.
--*/ { DNS_STATUS status = DNS_ERROR_NO_DNS_SERVERS; DWORD rcode; DWORD i; PDNS_NETINFO pnetInfo; PADDR_ARRAY pallocServerArray = NULL; PADDR_ARRAY pservArray; PIP4_ARRAY pserv4Array; PDNS_MSG_BUF psendMsg; PDNS_MSG_BUF precvMsg;
DNSDBG( SEND, ( "Enter Send_AndRecvTcp( %p )\n", pBlob ));
// unpack
pnetInfo = pBlob->pNetInfo; pservArray = pBlob->pServerList; pserv4Array = pBlob->pServ4List; psendMsg = pBlob->pSendMsg; precvMsg = pBlob->Results.pMessage;
// verify params
if ( !psendMsg || !precvMsg || (!pnetInfo && !pservArray && !pserv4Array) ) { return( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); }
// build server IP array?
// DCR: should use netinfo priorities in TCP also
// DCR: need TCP netinfo for IP6
// DCR: handle IP4 array -- here or ABOVE here
if ( !pservArray ) { // FIX6: convert IP4 array here???
pallocServerArray = NetInfo_ConvertToAddrArray( pnetInfo, NULL, // all adapters
0 // no addr family
); if ( !pallocServerArray ) { return( DNS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY ); } pservArray = pallocServerArray; }
// init messages for TCP
DNS_ASSERT( psendMsg->Socket == 0 );
psendMsg->fTcp = TRUE; psendMsg->Socket = 0; SET_MESSAGE_FOR_TCP_RECV( precvMsg );
// loop sending until
// - receive successful response
// or
// - receive errors response from all servers
// or
// - reach final timeout on all servers
if ( precvMsg->Timeout == 0 ) { precvMsg->Timeout = DEFAULT_TCP_TIMEOUT; }
for( i=0; i<pservArray->AddrCount; i++ ) { //
// close any previous connection
if ( psendMsg->Socket ) { Socket_CloseMessageSockets( psendMsg ); Socket_ClearMessageSockets( precvMsg ); }
// connect and send to next server
status = Send_OpenTcpConnectionAndSend( psendMsg, &pservArray->AddrArray[i], TRUE ); if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { continue; } DNS_ASSERT( psendMsg->Socket != INVALID_SOCKET && psendMsg->Socket != 0 );
// receive response
// - if successful receive, done
// - if timeout continue
// - other errors indicate some setup or system level problem
// note: Dns_RecvTcp will close and zero msg->socket on error!
Send_SetMessageForRecv( precvMsg, psendMsg );
status = Dns_RecvTcp( precvMsg );
// timed out (or error)
// - if end of timeout, quit
// - otherwise double timeout and resend
switch( status ) { case ERROR_SUCCESS: break;
DNS_PRINT(( "ERROR: connected to server at %s\n" "\tbut no response to packet at %p\n", MSG_REMOTE_IPADDR_STRING( psendMsg ), psendMsg )); continue;
DNS_PRINT(( "ERROR: connected to server at %s to send packet %p\n" "\tbut error %d encountered on receive.\n", MSG_REMOTE_IPADDR_STRING( psendMsg ), psendMsg, status )); continue; }
// verify XID match
if ( precvMsg->MessageHead.Xid != psendMsg->MessageHead.Xid ) { DNS_PRINT(( "ERROR: Incorrect XID in response. Ignoring.\n" )); continue; }
// verify question match
// - this is "Maggs Bug" check
// - ASSERT here just to investigate issue locally
// and make sure check is not bogus
if ( !Dns_IsSamePacketQuestion( precvMsg, psendMsg )) { DNS_PRINT(( "ERROR: Bad question response from server %s!\n" "\tXID match, but question does not match question sent!\n", MSG_REMOTE_IPADDR_STRING( psendMsg ) ));
DNS_ASSERT( FALSE ); continue; }
// check response code
// - some move to next server, others terminal
// DCR_FIX1: bring TCP RCODE handling in-line with UDP
// DCR_FIX: save best TCP RCODE
// preserve RCODE (and message) for useless TCP response
// would need to then reset TIMEOUT to success at end
// or use these RCODEs as status returns
rcode = precvMsg->MessageHead.ResponseCode;
DNS_PRINT(( "WARNING: Servers have responded with failure.\n" )); continue;
break; } break;
} // end loop sending/recving UPDATEs
// close up final connection
// unless set to keep open for reuse
Socket_CloseMessageSockets( psendMsg ); Socket_ClearMessageSockets( precvMsg );
// if allocated adapter list free it
if ( pallocServerArray ) { FREE_HEAP( pallocServerArray ); }
DNSDBG( SEND, ( "Leaving Send_AndRecvTcp()\n" "\tstatus = %d\n", status ));
return( status ); }
#if 0
DNS_STATUS Dns_AsyncRecv( IN OUT PDNS_MSG_BUF pMsgRecv ) /*++
Routine Description:
Drop recv on async socket.
pMsgRecv - message to receive; OPTIONAL, if NULL message buffer is allocated; in either case global pDnsAsyncRecvMsg points at buffer
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful. Error status on failure.
--*/ { WSABUF wsabuf; DWORD bytesRecvd; DWORD flags = 0;
IF_DNSDBG( RECV ) { DNS_PRINT(( "Enter Dns_AsyncRecv( %p )\n", pMsgRecv )); }
// allocate buffer if none given
if ( !pMsgRecv ) { pMsgRecv = Dns_AllocateMsgBuf( MAXWORD ); if ( !pMsgRecv ) { return( GetLastError() ): } } pDnsAsyncRecvMsg = pMsgRecv;
// reset i/o completion event
ResetEvent( hDnsSocketEvent ); DNS_ASSERT( hDnsSocketEvent == Dns_SocketOverlapped.hEvent );
// drop down recv
status = WSARecvFrom( DnsSocket, & wsabuf, 1, & bytesRecvd, // dummy
& flags, & pMsgRecv->RemoteAddress.Sockaddr, & pMsgRecv->RemoteAddress.SockaddrLength, & DnsSocketOverlapped, NULL // no completion routine
return( ERROR_SUCCESS );
return( status ); }
VOID Dns_InitQueryTimeouts( VOID ) { HKEY hKey = NULL; DWORD status; DWORD dwType; DWORD ValueSize; LPSTR lpTimeouts = NULL;
g_QueryTimeouts = QueryTimeouts; g_QuickQueryTimeouts = QuickQueryTimeouts; g_MulticastQueryTimeouts = MulticastQueryTimeouts;
if ( status ) return;
if ( !hKey ) return;
status = RegQueryValueExA( hKey, DNS_QUERY_TIMEOUTS, NULL, &dwType, NULL, &ValueSize );
if ( !status ) { if ( ValueSize == 0 ) { goto GetQuickQueryTimeouts; }
lpTimeouts = ALLOCATE_HEAP( ValueSize );
if ( lpTimeouts ) { LPSTR StringPtr; DWORD StringLen; DWORD Timeout; DWORD Count = 0;
status = RegQueryValueExA( hKey, DNS_QUERY_TIMEOUTS, NULL, &dwType, lpTimeouts, &ValueSize );
if ( status || dwType != REG_MULTI_SZ ) { FREE_HEAP( lpTimeouts ); goto GetQuickQueryTimeouts; }
StringPtr = lpTimeouts;
while ( ( StringLen = strlen( StringPtr ) ) != 0 && Count < DNS_MAX_QUERY_TIMEOUTS ) { Timeout = atoi( StringPtr );
if ( Timeout ) RegistryQueryTimeouts[Count++] = Timeout;
StringPtr += (StringLen + 1); }
RegistryQueryTimeouts[Count] = 0; g_QueryTimeouts = RegistryQueryTimeouts; FREE_HEAP( lpTimeouts ); } }
status = RegQueryValueExA( hKey, DNS_QUICK_QUERY_TIMEOUTS, NULL, &dwType, NULL, &ValueSize );
if ( !status ) { if ( ValueSize == 0 ) { goto GetMulticastTimeouts; }
lpTimeouts = ALLOCATE_HEAP( ValueSize );
if ( lpTimeouts ) { LPSTR StringPtr; DWORD StringLen; DWORD Timeout; DWORD Count = 0;
status = RegQueryValueExA( hKey, DNS_QUICK_QUERY_TIMEOUTS, NULL, &dwType, lpTimeouts, &ValueSize );
if ( status || dwType != REG_MULTI_SZ ) { FREE_HEAP( lpTimeouts ); goto GetMulticastTimeouts; }
StringPtr = lpTimeouts;
while ( ( StringLen = strlen( StringPtr ) ) != 0 && Count < DNS_MAX_QUERY_TIMEOUTS ) { Timeout = atoi( StringPtr );
if ( Timeout ) RegistryQuickQueryTimeouts[Count++] = Timeout;
StringPtr += (StringLen + 1); }
RegistryQuickQueryTimeouts[Count] = 0; g_QuickQueryTimeouts = RegistryQuickQueryTimeouts; FREE_HEAP( lpTimeouts ); } }
status = RegQueryValueExA( hKey, DNS_MULTICAST_QUERY_TIMEOUTS, NULL, &dwType, NULL, &ValueSize );
if ( !status ) { if ( ValueSize == 0 ) { RegCloseKey( hKey ); return; }
lpTimeouts = ALLOCATE_HEAP( ValueSize );
if ( lpTimeouts ) { LPSTR StringPtr; DWORD StringLen; DWORD Timeout; DWORD Count = 0;
status = RegQueryValueExA( hKey, DNS_MULTICAST_QUERY_TIMEOUTS, NULL, &dwType, lpTimeouts, &ValueSize );
if ( status || dwType != REG_MULTI_SZ ) { FREE_HEAP( lpTimeouts ); RegCloseKey( hKey ); return; }
StringPtr = lpTimeouts;
while ( ( StringLen = strlen( StringPtr ) ) != 0 && Count < DNS_MAX_QUERY_TIMEOUTS ) { Timeout = atoi( StringPtr );
if ( Timeout ) RegistryMulticastQueryTimeouts[Count++] = Timeout;
StringPtr += (StringLen + 1); }
RegistryMulticastQueryTimeouts[Count] = 0; g_MulticastQueryTimeouts = RegistryMulticastQueryTimeouts; FREE_HEAP( lpTimeouts ); } }
RegCloseKey( hKey ); }
// OPT selection
// These routines track DNS server OPT awareness.
// The paradigm here is to default to sending OPTs, then track
// OPT non-awareness.
// DCR: RPC over OPT config info
// - either two lists (local and from-resolver in process)
// OR
// - RPC back OPT failures to resolver
// OR
// - flag network info blobs to RPC back to resolver
// security wise, prefer not to get info back
// DCR: OPT info in network info
// - then don't have to traverse locks
// - save is identical to current
// - could exclude OPT on any non-cache sends to
// handle problem of not saving OPT failures
// Global IP array of OPT-failed DNS servers
PADDR_ARRAY g_OptFailServerList = NULL;
// Allocation size for OptFail IP array.
// Ten servers nicely covers the typical case.
// Use global lock for OPT list
BOOL Send_IsServerOptExclude( IN PDNS_ADDR pAddr ) /*++
Routine Description:
Determine if particular server is not OPT aware.
pAddr -- IP address of DNS server
Return Value:
TRUE if server should NOT get OPT send. FALSE if server should can send OPT
--*/ { BOOL retval;
// zero IP -- meaning TCP connect to unknown
// => must exclude OPT to allow success, otherwise
// we can't retry non-OPT
if ( !pAddr || DnsAddr_IsEmpty(pAddr) ) { return TRUE; }
// no exclusions?
// - doing outside lock for perf once we get to
// the "fully-deployed" case
if ( !g_OptFailServerList ) { return FALSE; } //
// see if IP is in OPT list
// - only if found do we exclude
retval = FALSE;
if ( g_OptFailServerList && AddrArray_ContainsAddr( g_OptFailServerList, pAddr ) ) { retval = TRUE; } UNLOCK_OPT_LIST();
return retval; }
VOID Send_SetServerOptExclude( IN PDNS_ADDR pAddr ) /*++
Routine Description:
Set server for OPT exclusion.
IpAddress -- IP address of DNS server that failed OPT
Return Value:
--*/ { //
// screen zero IP (TCP connect to unknown IP)
if ( !pAddr || DnsAddr_IsEmpty(pAddr) ) { return; }
// put IP in OPT-fail list
// - create if doesn't exist
// - resize if won't fit
// note: add failure means "won't fit"
// note: only safe to reset global if allocation successful
// note: only one retry to protect alloc failure looping
if ( ! g_OptFailServerList || ! AddrArray_AddAddr( g_OptFailServerList, pAddr ) ) { PADDR_ARRAY pnewList;
pnewList = DnsAddrArray_CopyAndExpand( g_OptFailServerList, OPT_FAIL_LIST_SIZE, TRUE // free current
); if ( pnewList ) { g_OptFailServerList = pnewList;
AddrArray_AddAddr( g_OptFailServerList, pAddr ); } }
VOID Send_CleanupOptList( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Dump OPT list for process detach.
Return Value:
--*/ { LOCK_OPT_LIST();
DnsAddrArray_Free( g_OptFailServerList ); g_OptFailServerList = NULL;
// Main send routine
DNS_STATUS Send_AndRecv( IN OUT PSEND_BLOB pBlob ) /*++
Routine Description:
Send message, receive response.
pBlob -- send blob
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful. Error code on failure.
--*/ { PDNS_NETINFO pnetInfo; PIP4_ARRAY pserv4Array; PADDR_ARRAY pservArray; PADDR_ARRAY pservArrayIn = NULL; PADDR_ARRAY pservArrayAlloc = NULL; DWORD flags; PDNS_MSG_BUF psendMsg; PDNS_MSG_BUF precvMsg; PDNS_MSG_BUF psavedUdpResponse = NULL; DNS_STATUS statusFromUdp = ERROR_SUCCESS; DNS_STATUS status = ERROR_TIMEOUT; DNS_STATUS parseStatus; BOOL ftcp; ADDR_ARRAY tempArray;
// unpack
pnetInfo = pBlob->pNetInfo; pservArray = pBlob->pServerList; pserv4Array = pBlob->pServ4List; flags = pBlob->Flags; psendMsg = pBlob->pSendMsg; precvMsg = pBlob->Results.pMessage;
pservArrayIn = pservArray;
DNSDBG( QUERY, ( "Send_AndRecv( %p )\n", pBlob ));
IF_DNSDBG( QUERY ) { DnsDbg_SendBlob( "Send_AndRecv()", pBlob ); }
// response buf passed in?
// if not allocate one -- big enough for TCP
if ( !precvMsg ) { precvMsg = pBlob->pRecvMsgBuf; if ( !precvMsg ) { precvMsg = Dns_AllocateMsgBuf( DNS_TCP_DEFAULT_PACKET_LENGTH ); if ( !precvMsg ) { status = DNS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY; goto Cleanup; } } }
// send packet and get response
// - try UDP first unless TCP only
if ( !ftcp ) { if ( flags & DNS_QUERY_MULTICAST_ONLY ) { //
// If the multicast query fails, then ERROR_TIMEOUT will
// be returned
goto DoMulticast; }
if ( pserv4Array && !pservArray ) { pservArrayAlloc = DnsAddrArray_CreateFromIp4Array( pserv4Array ); pservArray = pservArrayAlloc; }
status = Send_AndRecvUdpWithParam( psendMsg, precvMsg, flags, pservArray, pnetInfo );
statusFromUdp = status;
if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS && status != DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NAME_ERROR && status != DNS_INFO_NO_RECORDS ) { //
// DCR: this multicast ON_NAME_ERROR test is bogus
// this isn't NAME_ERROR this is pretty much any error
if ( pnetInfo && pnetInfo->InfoFlags & NINFO_FLAG_MULTICAST_ON_NAME_ERROR ) { goto DoMulticast; } else { goto Cleanup; } }
// if truncated response switch to TCP
if ( precvMsg->MessageHead.Truncation && ! (flags & DNS_QUERY_ACCEPT_PARTIAL_UDP) ) { ftcp = TRUE; pservArrayIn = pservArray; pservArray = &tempArray; pBlob->pServerList = pservArray;
DnsAddrArray_InitSingleWithSockaddr( pservArray, &precvMsg->RemoteAddress.Sockaddr );
psavedUdpResponse = precvMsg; precvMsg = NULL; } }
// TCP send
// - for TCP queries
// - or truncation on UDP unless accepting partial response
// DCR_FIX: this precvMsg Free is bad
// if message was passed in we shouldn't have it, we should
// just do our own thing and ignore this recv buffer somehow
// ideally that buffer action is at much higher level
if ( ftcp ) { if ( precvMsg && precvMsg->BufferLength < DNS_TCP_DEFAULT_PACKET_LENGTH ) { if ( precvMsg != pBlob->pRecvMsgBuf ) { FREE_HEAP( precvMsg ); } precvMsg = NULL; } if ( !precvMsg ) { precvMsg = Dns_AllocateMsgBuf( DNS_TCP_DEFAULT_PACKET_LENGTH ); if ( !precvMsg ) { status = DNS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY; goto Cleanup; } } psendMsg->fTcp = TRUE; precvMsg->fTcp = TRUE; #if 0
if ( flags & DNS_QUERY_SOCKET_KEEPALIVE ) { precvMsg->fSocketKeepalive = TRUE; } #endif
pBlob->Results.pMessage = precvMsg;
status = Send_AndRecvTcp( pBlob );
// if recursing following truncated UDP query, then
// must make sure we actually have better data
// - if successful, but RCODE is different and bad
// => use UDP response
// - if failed TCP => use UDP
// - successful with good RCODE => parse TCP response
if ( psavedUdpResponse ) { if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DWORD rcode = precvMsg->MessageHead.ResponseCode;
if ( rcode == ERROR_SUCCESS || rcode == psavedUdpResponse->MessageHead.ResponseCode || ( rcode != DNS_RCODE_SERVER_FAILURE && rcode != DNS_RCODE_FORMAT_ERROR && rcode != DNS_RCODE_REFUSED ) ) { goto Parse; } }
// TCP failed or returned bum error code
FREE_HEAP( precvMsg ); precvMsg = psavedUdpResponse; psavedUdpResponse = NULL; }
// direct TCP query
// - cleanup if failed
else if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { goto Cleanup; } }
// DCR: this multicast test is bogus (too wide open)
// essentially ANY error sends us on to multicast
// multicast test should be intelligent
// - adpater with no DNS servers, or NO_RESPONSE
// from any DNS server
// multicast test also has to be skipped for update
if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DWORD rcode = precvMsg->MessageHead.ResponseCode;
if ( rcode == ERROR_SUCCESS || ( rcode != DNS_RCODE_SERVER_FAILURE && rcode != DNS_RCODE_FORMAT_ERROR && rcode != DNS_RCODE_REFUSED ) ) { goto Parse; } }
// multicast?
if ( ( pnetInfo && pnetInfo->InfoFlags & NINFO_FLAG_ALLOW_MULTICAST ) || ( ( flags & DNS_QUERY_MULTICAST_ONLY ) && ! pnetInfo ) ) { if ( !psendMsg || ( psendMsg && ( psendMsg->MessageHead.Opcode == DNS_OPCODE_UPDATE ) ) ) { if ( statusFromUdp ) { status = statusFromUdp; } else { status = DNS_ERROR_NO_DNS_SERVERS; } goto Cleanup; }
status = Send_AndRecvMulticast( psendMsg, precvMsg, pnetInfo );
if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS && status != DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NAME_ERROR && status != DNS_INFO_NO_RECORDS ) { if ( statusFromUdp ) { status = statusFromUdp; } goto Cleanup; } }
// parse response (if desired)
// DCR: this is busted, should have one parsing function to handle
// taking fSaveRecords as param
// specifically need to tease out NO_RECORDS response even if
// not parsing records
if ( pBlob->fSaveRecords ) { parseStatus = Dns_ExtractRecordsFromMessage( precvMsg, //(flags & DNSQUERY_UNICODE_OUT),
TRUE, // unicode results
& pBlob->Results.pRecords );
if ( !(flags & DNS_QUERY_DONT_RESET_TTL_VALUES ) ) { Dns_NormalizeAllRecordTtls( pBlob->Results.pRecords ); } }
// not parsing -- just return RCODE as status
else { parseStatus = Dns_MapRcodeToStatus( precvMsg->MessageHead.ResponseCode ); }
// get "best" status
// - no-records response beats NAME_ERROR (or other error)
// dump bogus records from error response
// DCR: multi-adapter NXDOMAIN\no-records response broken
// note, here we'd give back a packet with NAME_ERROR
// or another error
if ( status != parseStatus ) { // save previous NO_RECORDS response, from underlying query
// this trumps other errors (FORMERR, SERVFAIL, NXDOMAIN);
// note, that parsed message shouldn't be HIGHER level RCODE
// as these should beat out NO_RECORDS in original parsing
if ( status == DNS_INFO_NO_RECORDS && parseStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { ASSERT( precvMsg->MessageHead.ResponseCode <= DNS_RCODE_NAME_ERROR );
if ( pBlob->Results.pRecords ) { Dns_RecordListFree( pBlob->Results.pRecords ); pBlob->Results.pRecords = NULL; } } else { status = parseStatus; } }
// cleanup recv buffer?
// DCR: should have more definitive "have-response" test
if ( pBlob->fSaveResponse && (status == ERROR_SUCCESS || Dns_IsStatusRcode(status)) ) { pBlob->Results.pMessage = precvMsg; } else { if ( precvMsg != pBlob->pRecvMsgBuf ) { FREE_HEAP( precvMsg ); } pBlob->Results.pMessage = NULL; } if ( psavedUdpResponse ) { FREE_HEAP( psavedUdpResponse ); }
// set response status
pBlob->Results.Status = status;
// replace original server array, if created
// new in TCP fallover
pBlob->pServerList = pservArrayIn;
if ( pservArrayAlloc ) { DnsAddrArray_Free( pservArrayAlloc ); }
DNSDBG( RECV, ( "Leaving Send_AndRecv(), status = %s (%d)\n", Dns_StatusString(status), status ));
return( status ); }
// Obsolete exported crap
// May be here for ICS
Routine Description:
Send a DNS packet.
This is the generic send routine used for ANY send of a DNS message.
It assumes nothing about the message type, but does assume: - pCurrent points at byte following end of desired data - RR count bytes are in HOST byte order
Note: EXPORTED function Dns_SendEx(), remove when clear now an IP4 shim
DCR: Remove Dns_SendEx() from export when ICS fixed
pMsg - message info for message to send
IpAddr - IP to send to; OPTIONAL, required only if UDP and message sockaddr not set
fNoOpt - TRUE if OPT send is forbidden
Return Value:
TRUE if successful. FALSE on send error.
--*/ { DNS_ADDR addr;
if ( IpAddr ) { DnsAddr_BuildFromIp4( &addr, IpAddr, 0 ); }
return Send_MessagePrivate( pMsg, IpAddr ? &addr : NULL, fNoOpt ); }
VOID Dns_InitializeMsgRemoteSockaddr( IN OUT PDNS_MSG_BUF pMsg, IN IP4_ADDRESS IpAddr ) /*++
Routine Description:
Initialize remote sockaddr.
Note: EXPORTED function -- IP4 shim
// DCR: EXPORTED may remove when clean
pMsg - message to send
IpAddr - IP4 address to send to
Return Value:
--*/ { DNS_ADDR addr;
DnsAddr_BuildFromIp4( &addr, IpAddr, 0 );
Send_SetMsgRemoteSockaddr( pMsg, &addr ); }
DNS_STATUS Dns_OpenTcpConnectionAndSend( IN OUT PDNS_MSG_BUF pMsg, IN IP4_ADDRESS IpAddr, IN BOOL fBlocking ) /*++
Routine Description:
Connect via TCP to desired server.
EXPORTED function! IP4 shim. Dns_OpenTcpConnectionAndSend() remove when clear
// DCR: EXPORTED may remove when clean
pMsg -- message info to set with connection socket
ipServer -- IP of DNS server to connect to
fBlocking -- blocking connection
Return Value:
TRUE if successful. FALSE on connect error.
--*/ { DNS_ADDR addr;
DnsAddr_BuildFromIp4( &addr, IpAddr, 0 );
return Send_OpenTcpConnectionAndSend( pMsg, &addr, fBlocking ); }
Routine Description:
Sends to and waits to recv from remote DNS.
EXPORTED function! Dns_SendAndRecvUdp() Kill once clear.
pMsgSend - message to send
ppMsgRecv - and reuse
dwFlags -- query flags
pServ4List -- list of server to use (IP4); overrides adapter info
pNetInfo -- adapter list DNS server info
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful response. Error status for "best RCODE" response if rcode. ERROR_TIMEOUT on timeout. Error status on send\recv failure.
--*/ { DNS_STATUS status; PADDR_ARRAY parray;
// convert 4 to 6
parray = DnsAddrArray_CreateFromIp4Array( pServ4List );
status = Send_AndRecvUdpWithParam( pMsgSend, pMsgRecv, dwFlags, parray, pNetInfo );
DnsAddrArray_Free( parray );
return status; }