Copyright (c) 2000-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
DNS Resolver Service.
IP list and change notification.
Jim Gilroy (jamesg) November 2000
Revision History:
#include "local.h"
#include "iphlpapi.h"
// IP notify thread globals
HANDLE g_IpNotifyThread; DWORD g_IpNotifyThreadId;
HANDLE g_IpNotifyEvent; HANDLE g_IpNotifyHandle; OVERLAPPED g_IpNotifyOverlapped;
// Cluster record TTLs -- use max TTL
#define CLUSTER_RECORD_TTL (g_MaxCacheTtl)
// Shutdown\close locking
// Since GQCS and GetOverlappedResult() don't directly wait
// on StopEvent, we need to be able to close notification handle
// and port in two different threads.
// Note: this should probably be some general CS that is
// overloaded to do service control stuff.
// I'm not using the server control CS because it's not clear
// that the functions it does in dnsrslvr.c even need locking.
#define LOCK_IP_NOTIFY_HANDLE() EnterCriticalSection( &NetworkFailureCS )
#define UNLOCK_IP_NOTIFY_HANDLE() LeaveCriticalSection( &NetworkFailureCS )
#define LOCK_IP_LIST() EnterCriticalSection( &g_IpListCS );
#define UNLOCK_IP_LIST() LeaveCriticalSection( &g_IpListCS );
// Cluster Tag
#define CLUSTER_TAG 0xd734453d
VOID CloseIpNotifyHandle( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Close IP notify handle.
Wrapping up code since this close must be MT safe and is done in several places.
Return Value:
--*/ { LOCK_IP_NOTIFY_HANDLE(); if ( g_IpNotifyHandle ) { //CloseHandle( g_IpNotifyHandle );
PostQueuedCompletionStatus( g_IpNotifyHandle, 0, // no bytes
0, // no key
& g_IpNotifyOverlapped );
g_IpNotifyHandle = NULL; } UNLOCK_IP_NOTIFY_HANDLE(); }
DNS_STATUS IpNotifyThread( IN LPVOID pvDummy ) /*++
Routine Description:
IP notification thread.
pvDummy -- unused
Return Value:
NO_ERROR on normal service shutdown Win32 error on abnormal termination
--*/ { DNS_STATUS status = NO_ERROR; DWORD bytesRecvd; BOOL fstartedNotify; BOOL fhaveIpChange = FALSE; BOOL fsleep = FALSE; HANDLE notifyHandle;
DNSDBG( INIT, ( "\nStart IpNotifyThread.\n" ));
g_IpNotifyHandle = NULL;
// wait in loop on notifications
while ( !g_StopFlag ) { //
// spin protect
// - if error in previous NotifyAddrChange or
// GetOverlappedResult do short sleep to avoid
// chance of hard spin
if ( fsleep ) { WaitForSingleObject( g_hStopEvent, 60000 ); fsleep = FALSE; continue; }
// start notification
// do this before checking result as we want notification
// down BEFORE we read so we don't leave window where
// IP change is not picked up
RtlZeroMemory( &g_IpNotifyOverlapped, sizeof(OVERLAPPED) );
if ( g_IpNotifyEvent ) { g_IpNotifyOverlapped.hEvent = g_IpNotifyEvent; ResetEvent( g_IpNotifyEvent ); } notifyHandle = 0; fstartedNotify = FALSE;
status = NotifyAddrChange( & notifyHandle, & g_IpNotifyOverlapped );
if ( status == ERROR_IO_PENDING ) { DNSDBG( INIT, ( "NotifyAddrChange()\n" "\tstatus = %d\n" "\thandle = %d\n" "\toverlapped event = %d\n", status, notifyHandle, g_IpNotifyOverlapped.hEvent ));
g_IpNotifyHandle = notifyHandle; fstartedNotify = TRUE; } else { DNSDBG( ANY, ( "NotifyAddrChange() FAILED\n" "\tstatus = %d\n" "\thandle = %d\n" "\toverlapped event = %d\n", status, notifyHandle, g_IpNotifyOverlapped.hEvent ));
fsleep = TRUE; }
if ( g_StopFlag ) { goto Done; }
// previous notification -- refresh data
// FlushCache currently include local IP list
// sleep keeps us from spinning in this loop
// DCR: better spin protection;
// if hit X times then sleep longer?
if ( fhaveIpChange ) { DNSDBG( ANY, ( "\nIP notification, flushing cache and restarting.\n" )); HandleConfigChange( "IP-notification", TRUE // flush cache
); fhaveIpChange = FALSE; }
// starting --
// clear list to force rebuild of IP list AFTER starting notify
// so we can know that we don't miss any changes;
// need this on startup, but also to protect against any
// NotifyAddrChange failues
// FIX6: should invalidate netinfo on notify start?
// same reasoning as for IP list -- make sure we have fresh data?
else if ( fstartedNotify ) { // local addr now carried in netinfo
// anti-spin protection
// - 15 second sleep between any notifications
WaitForSingleObject( g_hStopEvent, 15000 );
if ( g_StopFlag ) { goto Done; }
// wait on notification
// - save notification result
// - sleep on error, but never if notification
if ( fstartedNotify ) { fhaveIpChange = GetOverlappedResult( g_IpNotifyHandle, & g_IpNotifyOverlapped, & bytesRecvd, TRUE // wait
); fsleep = !fhaveIpChange;
status = NO_ERROR; if ( !fhaveIpChange ) { status = GetLastError(); } DNSDBG( ANY, ( "GetOverlappedResult() => %d.\n" "\t\tstatus = %d\n", fhaveIpChange, status )); } }
DNSDBG( ANY, ( "Stop IP Notify thread on service shutdown.\n" ));
return( status ); }
VOID ZeroInitIpListGlobals( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Zero-init IP globals just for failure protection.
The reason to have this is there is some interaction with the cache from the notify thread. To avoid that being a problem we start the cache first.
But just for safety we should at least zero init these globals first to protect us from cache touching them.
Return Value:
NO_ERROR on normal service shutdown Win32 error on abnormal termination
--*/ { //
// clear out globals to smoothly handle failure cases
g_IpNotifyThread = NULL; g_IpNotifyThreadId = 0; g_IpNotifyEvent = NULL; g_IpNotifyHandle = NULL; }
DNS_STATUS InitIpListAndNotification( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Start IP notification thread.
Initializes IP list and notify thread globals.
Return Value:
NO_ERROR on normal service shutdown Win32 error on abnormal termination
--*/ { DNS_STATUS status = NO_ERROR;
DNSDBG( TRACE, ( "InitIpListAndNotification()\n" ));
// CS for IP list access
InitializeCriticalSection( &g_IpListCS );
// create event for overlapped I/O
g_IpNotifyEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, // no security descriptor
TRUE, // manual reset event
FALSE, // start not signalled
NULL // no name
); if ( !g_IpNotifyEvent ) { status = GetLastError(); DNSDBG( ANY, ( "\nFAILED IpNotifyEvent create.\n" )); goto Done; }
// fire up IP notify thread
g_IpNotifyThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) IpNotifyThread, NULL, 0, & g_IpNotifyThreadId ); if ( !g_IpNotifyThread ) { status = GetLastError(); DNSDBG( ANY, ( "FAILED to create IP notify thread = %d\n", status )); }
// not currently stopping on init failure
return( ERROR_SUCCESS ); }
VOID ShutdownIpListAndNotify( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Stop IP notify thread.
Note: currently this is blocking call, we'll wait until thread shuts down.
Return Value:
--*/ { DNSDBG( TRACE, ( "ShutdownIpListAndNotify()\n" ));
// MUST be stopping
// - if not thread won't wake
ASSERT( g_StopFlag );
g_StopFlag = TRUE;
// close IP notify handles -- waking thread if still running
if ( g_IpNotifyEvent ) { SetEvent( g_IpNotifyEvent ); } CloseIpNotifyHandle();
// wait for thread to stop
ThreadShutdownWait( g_IpNotifyThread ); g_IpNotifyThread = NULL;
// close event
CloseHandle( g_IpNotifyEvent ); g_IpNotifyEvent = NULL;
// kill off CS
DeleteCriticalSection( &g_IpListCS ); }
// Cluster registration
DNS_STATUS R_ResolverRegisterCluster( IN DNS_RPC_HANDLE Handle, IN DWORD Tag, IN PWSTR pwsName, IN PDNS_ADDR pAddr, IN DWORD Flag ) /*++
Routine Description:
Make the query to remote DNS server.
Handle -- RPC handle
Tag -- RPC API tag
pwsName -- name of cluster
pIpUnion -- IP union
Return Value:
DNSLOG_F1( "R_ResolverRegisterCluster" );
DNSDBG( RPC, ( "R_ResolverRegisterCluster()\n" "\tpName = %s\n" "\tpAddr = %p\n" "\tFlag = %08x\n", pwsName, pAddr, Flag ));
// DCR: cluster not doing local registration
// removed for .net to avoid any possible security hole
#if 0
if ( !Rpc_AccessCheck( RESOLVER_ACCESS_REGISTER ) ) { DNSLOG_F1( "R_ResolverRegisterClusterIp - ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED" ); return ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; } if ( Tag != CLUSTER_TAG ) { return ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; }
// validate address
if ( Flag != DNS_CLUSTER_DELETE_NAME && !DnsAddr_IsIp4(pAddr) && !DnsAddr_IsIp6(pAddr) ) { DNS_ASSERT( FALSE ); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// cluster add -- cache cluster records
// - forward and reverse
if ( !pwsName ) { DNSDBG( ANY, ( "WARNING: no cluster name given!\n" )); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// build records
// - address and corresponding PTR
if ( Flag != DNS_CLUSTER_DELETE_NAME ) { prrAddr = Dns_CreateForwardRecord( pwsName, 0, // type for addr
pAddr, CLUSTER_RECORD_TTL, DnsCharSetUnicode, DnsCharSetUnicode ); if ( !prrAddr ) { goto Failed; } SET_RR_CLUSTER( prrAddr ); prrPtr = Dns_CreatePtrRecordEx( pAddr, pwsName, CLUSTER_RECORD_TTL, DnsCharSetUnicode, DnsCharSetUnicode ); if ( !prrPtr ) { goto Failed; } SET_RR_CLUSTER( prrPtr ); }
// add records to cache
if ( Flag == DNS_CLUSTER_ADD ) { Cache_RecordSetAtomic( NULL, // record name
0, // record type
prrAddr );
if ( prrPtr ) { Cache_RecordSetAtomic( NULL, // record name
0, // record type
prrPtr ); } prrAddr = NULL; prrPtr = NULL; }
// if delete cluster, flush cache entries for name\type
// DCR: not deleting PTR for CLUSTER_DELETE_NAME
// would need to extract and reverse existing A\AAAA records
// DCR: build reverse name independently so whack works
// even without cluster name
if ( Flag == DNS_CLUSTER_DELETE_NAME ) { Cache_FlushRecords( pwsName, FLUSH_LEVEL_STRONG, 0 );
// delete record matching PTR
// need to flush JUST PTR pointing to this name
// this may be optional -- whether we're given an IP
// with the name or not
goto Done; }
// delete specific cluster IP (name\addr pair)
if ( Flag == DNS_CLUSTER_DELETE_IP ) { Cache_DeleteMatchingRecords( prrAddr ); Cache_DeleteMatchingRecords( prrPtr ); goto Done; }
DNSDBG( ANY, ( "ERROR: invalid cluster flag %d!\n", Flag )); status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
if ( status == NO_ERROR ) { status = GetLastError(); if ( status == NO_ERROR ) { status = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } }
// cleanup uncached records
Dns_RecordFree( prrAddr ); Dns_RecordFree( prrPtr );
DNSDBG( RPC, ( "Leave R_ResolverRegisterCluster() => %d\n", status )); #endif
return status; }
// End ip.c