Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
DNS Resolver Service
Cache routines
Jim Gilroy (jamesg) April 2001
Revision History:
#include "local.h"
// Heap corruption tracking
#define HEAPPROB 1
#define BAD_PTR (PVOID)(-1)
// Cache entry definitions
// Starting cache record count
#if 0
// Should be private but is exposed in remote
// cache enum routines.
typedef struct _CacheEntry { struct _CacheEntry * pNext; PWSTR pName; DWORD Reserved; DWORD MaxCount; PDNS_RECORD Records[ 1 ]; } CACHE_ENTRY, *PCACHE_ENTRY; #endif
// Cache heap
HANDLE g_CacheHeap = NULL;
// Cache hash table
PCACHE_ENTRY * g_HashTable = NULL;
#define INITIAL_CACHE_HEAP_SIZE (16*1024)
// Runtime globals
DWORD g_CurrentCacheTime;
DWORD g_RecordSetCount; DWORD g_RecordSetCountLimit; DWORD g_RecordSetCountThreshold;
DWORD g_RecordSetCache; DWORD g_RecordSetFree;
DWORD g_EntryCount; DWORD g_EntryAlloc; DWORD g_EntryFree;
BOOL g_fLoadingHostsFile;
// Garbage collection
BOOL g_GarbageCollectFlag = FALSE;
DWORD g_NextGarbageIndex = 0; DWORD g_NextGarbageTime = 0;
#define GARBAGE_LOCKOUT_INTERVAL (600) // no more then every ten minutes
// Wakeup flag
BOOL g_WakeFlag = FALSE;
// Cache limits
// - min count of records to hold
// - size of band in which garbage collection occurs
#if DBG
// Static records (hosts file)
#define IS_STATIC_RR(prr) (IS_HOSTS_FILE_RR(prr) || IS_CLUSTER_RR(prr))
// Compute a hash table index value for a string
#define EOS (L'\0')
#define COMPUTE_STRING_HASH_1( _String, _ulHashTableSize, _lpulHash ) \
{ \ PWCHAR p; \ ULOND h = 0, g; \ \ for ( p = _String; *p != EOS; p = p + 1 ) \ { \ h = ( h << 4 ) + (DWORD) (*p); \ if ( g = h&0xf0000000 ) \ { \ h = h ^ ( g >> 24 ); \ h = h ^ g; \ } \ } \ *_lpulHash = h % _ulHashTableSize; \ }
// Compute a hash table index value for a string
// which is invairant to case
#define COMPUTE_STRING_HASH_2( _String, _ulHashTableSize, _lpulHash ) \
{ \ PWCHAR _p = _String; \ PWCHAR _ep = _p + wcslen( _String ); \ ULONG h = 0; \ \ while( _p < _ep ) \ { \ h <<= 1; \ h ^= *_p++; \ } \ \ *_lpulHash = h % _ulHashTableSize; \ }
// Private prototypes
BOOL Cache_FlushEntryRecords( IN OUT PCACHE_ENTRY pEntry, IN DWORD Level, IN WORD wType );
VOID Cache_FlushBucket( IN ULONG Index, IN WORD FlushLevel );
// Cache Implementation
// Cache is implemented as a hash on name, with chaining in the individual
// buckets. Individual name entries are blocks with name pointer and array
// of up to 3 RR set pointers. The new names\entries are put at the front of
// the bucket chain, so the oldest are at the rear.
// Cleanup:
// The cleanup strategy is to time out all RR sets and cleanup everything
// possible as a result. Then entries beyond a max bucket size (a resizable
// global) are deleted, the oldest queries deleted first.
// Ideally, we'd like to keep the most useful entries in the cache while
// being able to limit the overall cache size.
// A few observations:
// 1) max bucket size is worthless; if sufficient for pruning, it would be
// too small to allow non-uniform distributions
// 2) LRU should be required; on busy cache shouldn't prune something queried
// "a while" ago that is being used all the time; that adds much more traffic
// than something recently queried but then unused;
// 3) if necessary an LRU index could be kept; but probably some time bucket
// counting to know how "deep" pruning must be is adequate
// Memory:
// Currently hash itself and hash entries come from private resolver heap.
// However, RR sets are built by record parsing of messages received in dnsapi.dll
// and hence are built by the default dnsapi.dll allocator. We must match it.
// The downside of this is twofold:
// 1) By being in process heap, we are exposed (debug wise) to any poor code
// in services.exe. Hopefully, there are getting better, but anything that
// trashes memory is likely to cause us to have to debug, because we are the highest
// use service.
// 2) Flush \ cleanup is easy. Just kill the heap.
// There are several choices:
// 0) Copy the records. We are still susceptible to memory corruption ... but the
// interval is shorter, since we don't keep anything in process heap.
// 1) Query can directly call dnslib.lib query routines. Since dnslib.lib is
// explicitly compiled in, it's global for holding the allocators is modules, rather
// than process specific.
// 2) Add some parameter to query routines that allows pass of allocator down to
// lowest level. At high level this is straightforward. At lower level it maybe
// problematic. There may be a way to do it with a flag where the allocator is
// "optional" and used only when a flag is set.
// Cache functions
DNS_STATUS Cache_Lock( IN BOOL fNoStart ) /*++
Routine Description:
Lock the cache
Return Value:
NO_ERROR if successful -- cache is locked. ErrorCode on init if cache init failed.
--*/ { DNSDBG( LOCK, ( "Enter Cache_Lock() ..." ));
EnterCriticalSection( &CacheCS );
DNSDBG( LOCK, ( "through lock (r=%d)\n", CacheCS.RecursionCount ));
// update global time (for TTL set and timeout)
// this allows us to eliminate multiple time calls
// within cache
g_CurrentCacheTime = Dns_GetCurrentTimeInSeconds();
// if cache not loaded -- load
// this allows us to avoid load on every PnP until we
// are actually queried
if ( !fNoStart && !g_HashTable ) { DNS_STATUS status;
DNSDBG( ANY, ( "No hash table when took lock -- initializing!\n" ));
status = Cache_Initialize(); if ( status != NO_ERROR ) { Cache_Unlock(); return status; } }
return NO_ERROR; }
VOID Cache_Unlock( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Unlock the cache
Return Value:
--*/ { DNSDBG( LOCK, ( "Cache_Unlock() r=%d\n", CacheCS.RecursionCount ));
LeaveCriticalSection( &CacheCS ); }
DNS_STATUS Cache_Initialize( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Initialize the cache. Create events and locks and setup basic hash.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful. ErrorCode on failure.
--*/ { DNS_STATUS status; DWORD carryCount;
DNSDBG( INIT, ( "Cache_Initialize()\n" ));
// lock -- with "no-start" set to avoid recursion
// create cache heap
// want to have own heap
// 1) to simplify flush\shutdown
// 2) keep us from "entanglements" with poor services
g_CacheHeap = HeapCreate( 0, INITIAL_CACHE_HEAP_SIZE, 0 ); if ( !g_CacheHeap ) { status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; g_HashTable = NULL; goto Done; }
g_HashTable = CACHE_HEAP_ALLOC_ZERO( sizeof(PCACHE_ENTRY) * g_HashTableSize ); if ( !g_HashTable ) { status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; HeapDestroy( g_CacheHeap ); g_CacheHeap = NULL; goto Done; }
g_WakeFlag = FALSE;
g_EntryCount = 0; g_EntryAlloc = 0; g_EntryFree = 0;
g_RecordSetCount = 0; g_RecordSetCache = 0; g_RecordSetFree = 0;
// eliminate cache size checks during hosts file load
g_RecordSetCountLimit = MAXDWORD; g_RecordSetCountThreshold = MAXDWORD;
// load hosts file into cache
g_fLoadingHostsFile = TRUE; InitCacheWithHostFile(); g_fLoadingHostsFile = FALSE;
// set cache size limit
// - above what loaded from hosts file
// - always allow some dynamic space regardless of
// g_MaxCacheSize
// - create slightly higher threshold value for kicking
// off cleanup so cleanup not running all the time
carryCount = g_MaxCacheSize; if ( carryCount < MIN_DYNAMIC_RECORD_COUNT ) { carryCount = MIN_DYNAMIC_RECORD_COUNT; } g_RecordSetCountLimit = g_RecordSetCount + carryCount; g_RecordSetCountThreshold = g_RecordSetCountLimit + CLEANUP_RECORD_COUNT_BAND;
status = NO_ERROR;
return status; }
DNS_STATUS Cache_Shutdown( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Shutdown the cache.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful. ErrorCode on failure.
--*/ { DNSDBG( INIT, ( "Cache_Shutdown()\n" ));
// clean out cache and delete cache heap
// - currently Cache_Flush() does just this
return Cache_Flush(); }
DNS_STATUS Cache_Flush( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Flush the cache.
This flushes all the cache data and rereads host file but does NOT shut down and restart cache threads (host file monitor or multicast).
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful. ErrorCode on rebuild failure.
--*/ { DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS; WORD ihash; WORD RecordIter;
DNSDBG( ANY, ( "\nCache_Flush()\n" ));
// wake\stop garbage collection
g_WakeFlag = TRUE;
// lock with "no start" flag
// - avoids creating cache structs if they don't exist
DNSLOG_F1( "Flushing DNS Cache" ); DNSLOG_F3( " Before Cache_Flush(): entries %d, record %d", g_EntryCount, g_RecordSetCount );
// clear entries in each hash bucket
if ( g_HashTable ) { for ( ihash = 0; ihash < g_HashTableSize; ihash++ ) { Cache_FlushBucket( ihash, FLUSH_LEVEL_CLEANUP ); } }
DNSDBG( CACHE, ( "After flushing cache:\n" "\trecord count = %d\n" "\tentry count = %d\n", g_RecordSetCount, g_EntryCount ));
DNSLOG_F3( " After Cache_Flush() flush: entries %d, record %d", g_EntryCount, g_RecordSetCount );
//DNS_ASSERT( g_RecordSetCount == 0 );
//DNS_ASSERT( g_EntryCount == 0 );
g_RecordSetCount = 0; g_EntryCount = 0;
// Note: can NOT delete the cache without stopping mcast
// thread which currently uses cache heap
// DCR: have all data in cache in single heap
// - protected
// - single destroy cleans up
// once cleaned up, delete heap
if ( g_CacheHeap ) { HeapDestroy( g_CacheHeap ); g_CacheHeap = NULL; } g_HashTable = NULL;
// dump local IP list
// - not dumping on shutdown as the IP cleanup happens
// first and takes away the CS;
// note to reviewer:
// this is equivalent to the previous behavior where
// Cache_Flush() FALSE was shutdown and
// everything else used TRUE (for restart) which did a
// RefreshLocalAddrArray() to rebuild IP list
// now we simply dump the IP list rather than rebuilding
if ( !g_StopFlag ) { // FIX6: no longer keep separate addr array separate from netinfo
DNSDBG( ANY, ( "Leave Cache_Flush()\n\n" ));
return( status ); }
// Cache utilities
BOOL Cache_IsRecordTtlValid( IN PDNS_RECORD pRecord ) /*++
Routine Description:
Check if TTL is still valid (or has timed out).
pRecord -- record to check
Return Value:
TRUE -- if TTL is still valid FALSE -- if TTL has timed out
--*/ { //
// static or TTL not timed out => valid
// note: currently flushing all records on PnP, but this is
// not strickly necessary; if stop this then MUST change
// this to whack negative cache entries that are older
// than last PnP time
if ( IS_STATIC_RR(pRecord) ) { return( TRUE ); } else { return( (LONG)(pRecord->dwTtl - g_CurrentCacheTime) > 0 ); } }
// Cache entry routines
DWORD getHashIndex( IN PWSTR pName, IN DWORD NameLength OPTIONAL ) /*++
Routine Description:
Create cannonical cache form of name.
Note: no test for adequacy of buffer is done.
pName -- name
NameLength -- NameLength, OPTIONAL
Return Value:
--*/ { register PWCHAR pstring; register WCHAR wch; register DWORD hash = 0;
// build hash by XORing characters
pstring = pName;
while ( wch = *pstring++ ) { hash <<= 1; hash ^= wch; }
// mod over hash table size
return( hash % g_HashTableSize ); }
BOOL makeCannonicalCacheName( OUT PWCHAR pNameBuffer, IN DWORD BufferLength, IN PWSTR pName, IN DWORD NameLength OPTIONAL ) /*++
Routine Description:
Create cannonical cache form of name.
pNameBuffer -- buffer to hold cache name
BufferLength -- length of buffer
pName -- ptr to name string
NameLength -- optional, saves wsclen() call if known
Return Value:
TRUE if successful. FALSE on bogus name.
--*/ { INT count;
DNSDBG( TRACE, ( "makeCannonicalCacheName( %S )\n", pName ));
// get length if not specified
if ( NameLength == 0 ) { NameLength = wcslen( pName ); }
// copy and downcase string
// - "empty" buffer for prefix happiness
*pNameBuffer = (WCHAR) 0;
count = Dns_MakeCanonicalNameW( pNameBuffer, BufferLength, pName, NameLength+1 // convert null terminator
); if ( count == 0 ) { ASSERT( GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ); return( FALSE ); }
ASSERT( count == (INT)NameLength+1 );
// whack any trailing dot
// - except for root node
count--; // account for null terminator
DNS_ASSERT( count == NameLength );
if ( count > 1 && pNameBuffer[count - 1] == L'.' ) { pNameBuffer[count - 1] = 0; }
return( TRUE ); }
PCACHE_ENTRY Cache_CreateEntry( IN PWSTR pName, IN BOOL fCanonical ) /*++
Routine Description:
Create cache entry, including allocation.
pName -- name
fCanonical -- TRUE if name already in cannonical form
Return Value:
Ptr to newly allocated cache entry. NULL on error.
--*/ { ULONG index = 0; PCACHE_ENTRY pentry = NULL; DWORD nameLength; DWORD fixedLength; PWCHAR pnameCache = NULL;
DNSDBG( TRACE, ( "Cache_CreateEntry( %S )\n", pName ));
if ( !pName || !g_HashTable ) { return NULL; }
// alloc
nameLength = wcslen( pName );
fixedLength = sizeof(CACHE_ENTRY) + (sizeof(PDNS_RECORD) * (CACHE_DEFAULT_SET_COUNT-1));
pentry = (PCACHE_ENTRY) CACHE_HEAP_ALLOC_ZERO( fixedLength + sizeof(WCHAR) * (nameLength+1) ); if ( !pentry ) { goto Fail; } pentry->MaxCount = CACHE_DEFAULT_SET_COUNT;
pnameCache = (PWSTR) ((PBYTE)pentry + fixedLength);
// build the name
if ( fCanonical ) { wcscpy( pnameCache, pName ); } else { if ( !makeCannonicalCacheName( pnameCache, nameLength+1, pName, nameLength ) ) { goto Fail; } } pentry->pName = pnameCache;
// insert cache entry into cache -- first entry in bucket
index = getHashIndex( pnameCache, nameLength ); pentry->pNext = g_HashTable[ index ]; g_HashTable[ index ] = pentry; g_EntryCount++; g_EntryAlloc++;
// DCR: need overload detection
return pentry;
// dump entry
if ( pentry ) { CACHE_HEAP_FREE( pentry ); } return NULL; }
VOID Cache_FreeEntry( IN OUT PCACHE_ENTRY pEntry ) /*++
Routine Description:
Free cache entry.
pEntry -- cache entry to free
g_EntryCount -- decremented appropriately
g_NumberOfRecordsInCache -- decremented appropriately
Return Value:
--*/ { INT iter;
DNSDBG( TRACE, ( "Cache_FreeEntry( %p )\n", pEntry ));
// free entry
// - records
// - name
// - entry itself
if ( pEntry ) { Cache_FlushEntryRecords( pEntry, FLUSH_LEVEL_CLEANUP, 0 );
#if 0
if ( pEntry->pNext ) { DNSLOG_F1( "Cache_FreeEntry is deleting an entry that still points to other entries!" ); } #endif
pEntry->pNext = DNS_BAD_PTR; #endif
CACHE_HEAP_FREE( pEntry ); g_EntryFree--; g_EntryCount--; } }
PCACHE_ENTRY Cache_FindEntry( IN PWSTR pName, IN BOOL fCreate ) /*++
Routine Description:
Find or create entry for name in cache.
pName -- name to find
fCreate -- TRUE to create if not found
Return Value:
Ptr to cache entry -- if successful. NULL on failure.
--*/ { ULONG index; PCACHE_ENTRY pentry; PCACHE_ENTRY pprevEntry = NULL; WCHAR hashName[ DNS_MAX_NAME_BUFFER_LENGTH+4 ];
if ( !g_HashTable ) { return NULL; } if ( !pName ) { DNS_ASSERT( FALSE ); return NULL; }
DNSDBG( TRACE, ( "Cache_FindEntry( %S, create=%d )\n", pName, fCreate ));
// build cache name
// - if invalid (too long) bail
if ( !makeCannonicalCacheName( hashName, DNS_MAX_NAME_BUFFER_LENGTH, pName, 0 ) ) { return NULL; }
// find entry in cache
if ( LOCK_CACHE() != NO_ERROR ) { return NULL; }
index = getHashIndex( hashName, 0 );
pentry = g_HashTable[ index ];
DNSDBG( OFF, ( "in Cache_FindEntry\n" "\tname = %S\n" "\tindex = %d\n" "\tpentry = %p\n", hashName, index, pentry ));
while( pentry ) { if ( DnsNameCompare_W( hashName, pentry->pName ) ) { //
// found entry
// - move to front, if not already there
if ( pprevEntry ) { pprevEntry->pNext = pentry->pNext; pentry->pNext = g_HashTable[ index ]; g_HashTable[ index ] = pentry; } break; } ELSE { DNSDBG( OFF, ( "in Cache_FindEntry -- failed name compare\n" "\tout name = %S\n" "\tpentry = %p\n" "\tname = %S\n", hashName, pentry, pentry->pName )); }
pprevEntry = pentry; pentry = pentry->pNext; }
// if not found -- create?
// DCR: optimize for create
if ( !pentry && fCreate ) { pentry = Cache_CreateEntry( hashName, TRUE // name already canonical
); }
DNS_ASSERT( !pentry || g_HashTable[ index ] == pentry ); UNLOCK_CACHE();
DNSDBG( TRACE, ( "Leave Cache_FindEntry\n" "\tname = %S\n" "\tindex = %d\n" "\tpentry = %p\n", hashName, index, pentry ));
return pentry; }
PDNS_RECORD Cache_FindEntryRecords( OUT PDNS_RECORD ** pppRRList, IN PCACHE_ENTRY pEntry, IN WORD wType ) /*++
Routine Description:
Find entry in cache.
pppRRList -- addr to recv addr of entry's ptr to RR list
pEntry -- cache entry to check
Type -- record type to find
Return Value:
Ptr to record set of desired type -- if found. NULL if not found.
--*/ { WORD iter; PDNS_RECORD prr; PDNS_RECORD * prrAddr = NULL;
DNSDBG( TRACE, ( "Cache_FindEntryRecords( %p, e=%p, type=%d )\n", pppRRList, pEntry, wType ));
// check all the records at the cache entry
for ( iter = 0; iter < pEntry->MaxCount; iter++ ) { prrAddr = &pEntry->Records[iter]; prr = *prrAddr;
if ( !prr ) { continue; } if ( !Cache_IsRecordTtlValid( prr ) ) { DNSDBG( TRACE, ( "Whacking timed out record %p at cache entry %p\n", prr, pEntry )); Dns_RecordListFree( prr ); pEntry->Records[iter] = NULL; g_RecordSetCount--; g_RecordSetFree--; continue; }
// find matching type
// - direct type match
if ( prr->wType == wType || ( prr->wType == DNS_TYPE_ANY && prr->wDataLength == 0 ) ) { goto Done; }
// CNAME match
// - walk list and determine if for matching type
if ( prr->wType == DNS_TYPE_CNAME && wType != DNS_TYPE_CNAME ) { PDNS_RECORD prrChain = prr->pNext;
while ( prrChain ) { if ( prrChain->wType == wType ) { // chain to desired type -- take RR set
goto Done; } prrChain = prrChain->pNext; } }
// records for another type -- continue
// type not found
prr = NULL;
if ( pppRRList ) { *pppRRList = prrAddr; }
DNSDBG( TRACE, ( "Leave Cache_FindEntryRecords => %p\n", prr ));
return prr; }
BOOL Cache_FlushEntryRecords( IN OUT PCACHE_ENTRY pEntry, IN DWORD Level, IN WORD wType ) /*++
Routine Description:
Free cache entry.
pEntry -- cache entry to flush
FlushLevel -- flush level FLUSH_LEVEL_NORMAL -- flush matching type, invalid, NAME_ERROR FLUSH_LEVEL_WIRE -- to flush all wire data, but leave hosts and cluster FLUSH_LEVEL_INVALID -- flush only invalid records FLUSH_LEVEL_STRONG -- to flush all but hosts file FLUSH_LEVEL_CLEANUP -- to flush all records for full cache flush
wType -- flush type for levels with type DNS type -- to flush specifically this type
g_EntryCount -- decremented appropriately
g_NumberOfRecordsInCache -- decremented appropriately
Return Value:
TRUE if entry flushed completely. FALSE if records left.
--*/ { INT iter; BOOL recordsLeft = FALSE;
DNSDBG( TRACE, ( "Cache_FlushEntryRecords( %p, %08x, %d )\n", pEntry, Level, wType ));
// loop through records sets -- flush where appropriate
// CLEANUP flush
// - everything
// STRONG (user initiated) flush
// - all cached records, including cluster
// but hostsfile saved
// WIRE flush
// - all wire cached records
// hosts file AND cluster saved
// INVALID flush
// - timedout only
// NORMAL flush (regular flush done on caching)
// - timed out records
// - records of desired type
for ( iter = 0; iter < (INT)pEntry->MaxCount; iter++ ) { PDNS_RECORD prr = pEntry->Records[iter]; BOOL flush;
if ( !prr ) { continue; }
// switch on flush type
// yes there are optimizations, but this is simple
if ( Level == FLUSH_LEVEL_NORMAL ) { flush = ( !IS_STATIC_RR(prr) && ( prr->wType == wType || ( prr->wType == DNS_TYPE_ANY && prr->wDataLength == 0 ) ) ); } else if ( Level == FLUSH_LEVEL_WIRE ) { flush = !IS_STATIC_RR(prr); } else if ( Level == FLUSH_LEVEL_INVALID ) { flush = !Cache_IsRecordTtlValid(prr); } else if ( Level == FLUSH_LEVEL_CLEANUP ) { flush = TRUE; } else { DNS_ASSERT( Level == FLUSH_LEVEL_STRONG ); flush = !IS_HOSTS_FILE_RR(prr); }
if ( flush ) { pEntry->Records[iter] = NULL; Dns_RecordListFree( prr ); g_RecordSetCount--; g_RecordSetFree--; } else { recordsLeft = TRUE; } }
return !recordsLeft; }
VOID Cache_FlushBucket( IN ULONG Index, IN WORD FlushLevel ) /*++
Routine Description:
Cleanup cache bucket.
Index -- Index of hash bucket to trim.
FlushLevel -- level of flush desired see Cache_FlushEntryRecords() for description of flush levels
Return Value:
--*/ { PCACHE_ENTRY pentry; PCACHE_ENTRY pprev; INT countCompleted;
DNSDBG( CACHE, ( "Cache_FlushBucket( %d, %08x )\n", Index, FlushLevel ));
// flush entries in this bucket
// note: using hack here that hash table pointer can
// be treated as cache entry for purposes of accessing
// it's next pointer (since it's the first field in
// if this changes, must explicitly fix up "first entry"
// case or move to double-linked list that can free
// empty penty without regard to it's location
if ( !g_HashTable ) { return; }
// flush entries
// avoid holding lock too long by handling no more then
// fifty entries at a time
// note: generally 50 entries will cover entire bucket but
// can still be completed in reasonable time;
// DCR: smarter flush -- avoid lock\unlock
// peer into CS and don't unlock when no one waiting
// if waiting unlock and give up timeslice
// DCR: some LRU flush for garbage collection
countCompleted = 0;
while ( 1 ) { INT count = 0; INT countStop = countCompleted + 50;
LOCK_CACHE_NO_START(); if ( !g_HashTable ) { UNLOCK_CACHE(); break; } DNSDBG( CACHE, ( "locked for bucket flush -- completed=%d, stop=%d\n", count, countStop ));
pprev = (PCACHE_ENTRY) &g_HashTable[ Index ]; while ( pentry = pprev->pNext ) { // bypass any previously checked entries
if ( count++ < countCompleted ) { pprev = pentry; continue; } if ( count > countStop ) { break; }
// flush -- if successful cut from list and
// drop counts so countCompleted used in bypass
// will be correct and won't skip anyone
if ( Cache_FlushEntryRecords( pentry, FlushLevel, 0 ) ) { pprev->pNext = pentry->pNext; Cache_FreeEntry( pentry ); count--; countStop--; continue; } pprev = pentry; }
UNLOCK_CACHE(); countCompleted = count;
// stop when
// - cleared all the entries in the bucket
// - shutdown, except exempt the shutdown flush itself
if ( !pentry || (g_StopFlag && FlushLevel != FLUSH_LEVEL_CLEANUP) ) { break; } }
DNSDBG( CACHE, ( "Leave Cache_FlushBucket( %d, %08x )\n" "\trecord count = %d\n" "\tentry count = %d\n", Index, FlushLevel, g_RecordSetCount, g_EntryCount )); }
// Cache interface routines
VOID Cache_PrepareRecordList( IN OUT PDNS_RECORD pRecordList ) /*++
Routine Description:
Prepare record list for cache.
pRecordList - record list to put in cache
Return Value:
Ptr to screened, prepared record list.
--*/ { PDNS_RECORD prr = pRecordList; PDNS_RECORD pnext; DWORD ttl; DWORD maxTtl;
DNSDBG( TRACE, ( "Cache_PrepareRecordList( rr=%p )\n", prr ));
if ( !prr ) { return; }
// static (currently host file) TTL records
// currently no action required -- records come one
// at a time and no capability to even to the pName=NULL
// step
if ( IS_STATIC_RR(prr) ) { return; }
// wire records get relative TTL
// - compute minimum TTL for set
// - save TTL as timeout (offset by TTL from current time)
// DCR: TTL still not per set
// - but this is at least better than Win2K where
// multiple sets and did NOT find minimum
maxTtl = g_MaxCacheTtl; if ( prr->wType == DNS_TYPE_SOA ) { maxTtl = g_MaxSOACacheEntryTtlLimit; }
// get caching TTL
// - minimum TTL in set
// - offset from current time
ttl = Dns_RecordListGetMinimumTtl( prr ); if ( ttl > maxTtl ) { ttl = maxTtl; }
ttl += g_CurrentCacheTime;
#if 0
// screening done at higher level now
// screen records
// - no non-RPCable types
// - no Authority records
if ( prr->wType != 0 ) { prr = Dns_RecordListScreen( prr, SCREEN_OUT_AUTHORITY | SCREEN_OUT_NON_RPC ); DNS_ASSERT( prr ); } #endif
// set timeout on all records in set
// note: FreeOwner handling depends on leading record
// in having owner name set, otherwise this produces
// bogus name owner fields
// DCR: set record list TTL function in dnslib
pnext = prr;
while ( pnext ) { pnext->dwTtl = ttl;
if ( !FLAG_FreeOwner( pnext ) ) { pnext->pName = NULL; } pnext = pnext->pNext; } }
VOID Cache_RestoreRecordListForRpc( IN OUT PDNS_RECORD pRecordList ) /*++
Routine Description:
Restore cache record list for RPC.
pRecordList - record list to put in cache
Return Value:
--*/ { PDNS_RECORD prr = pRecordList; DWORD currentTime;
DNSDBG( TRACE, ( "Cache_RestoreRecordListForRpc( rr=%p )\n", prr ));
if ( !prr ) { DNS_ASSERT( FALSE ); return; }
// static TTL records need no action
if ( IS_STATIC_RR(prr) ) { return; }
// turn timeouts back into TTLs
currentTime = g_CurrentCacheTime;
while ( prr ) { DWORD ttl = prr->dwTtl - currentTime;
if ( (LONG)ttl < 0 ) { ttl = 0; } prr->dwTtl = ttl; prr = prr->pNext; } }
VOID Cache_RecordSetAtomic( IN PWSTR pwsName, IN WORD wType, IN PDNS_RECORD pRecordSet ) /*++
Routine Description:
Cache record set atomically at entry.
Cache_RecordList() handles breakup of record list and appropriate placing of records. This does caching of single blob at particular location.
pRecordSet -- record list to add
g_EntryCount -- decremented appropriately
g_NumberOfRecordsInCache -- decremented appropriately
Return Value:
--*/ { INT iter; WORD wtype; PWSTR pname; BOOL fstatic; PCACHE_ENTRY pentry; BOOL fretry; WORD flushLevel;
DNSDBG( TRACE, ( "Cache_RecordSetAtomic( %S, type=%d, rr=%p )\n", pwsName, wType, pRecordSet ));
if ( !pRecordSet ) { return; } fstatic = IS_STATIC_RR(pRecordSet);
DNS_ASSERT( !fstatic || pRecordSet->pNext == NULL || (pRecordSet->wType==DNS_TYPE_CNAME) )
// determine caching type
// - specified OR from records
// CNAMEs will be at the head of a lookup from another type
wtype = wType; if ( !wtype ) { wtype = pRecordSet->wType; }
// if name specified use it, otherwise use from records
pname = pwsName; if ( !pname ) { pname = pRecordSet->pName; }
// prepare RR set for cache
Cache_PrepareRecordList( pRecordSet );
// find\create cache entry and cache
if ( LOCK_CACHE() != NO_ERROR ) { LOCK_CACHE_NO_START(); goto Failed; }
pentry = Cache_FindEntry( pname, TRUE // create
); if ( !pentry ) { goto Failed; }
// clean up existing records at node
// - remove stale records
// - remove records of same type
// - if NAME_ERROR caching remove everything
// from wire
if ( wtype == DNS_TYPE_ALL && pRecordSet->wDataLength == 0 ) { flushLevel = FLUSH_LEVEL_WIRE; }
Cache_FlushEntryRecords( pentry, flushLevel, wtype );
// check for matching record type still there
for ( iter = 0; iter < (INT)pentry->MaxCount; iter++ ) { PDNS_RECORD prrExist = pentry->Records[iter];
if ( !prrExist || prrExist->wType != wtype ) { continue; }
// matching type still there after flush
// - if trying to cache wire set at hostfile entry, fail
if ( !fstatic ) { DNSDBG( ANY, ( "ERROR: attempted caching at static (hosts file) record data!\n" "\tpRecord = %p\n" "\tName = %S\n" "\tType = %d\n" "\t-- Dumping new cache record list.\n", pRecordSet, pRecordSet->pName, pRecordSet->wType )); goto Failed; }
// append host file records
// - start at "record" which is addr of record ptr entry
// making pNext field the actual pointer
// - delete duplicates
// - tack new RR on end
// - blow away new RR name if existing record
// DCR: should have simple "make cache RR set" function that
// handles name and TTL issues
// DCR: broken if non-flush load hits wire data; wire data
// may have multiple RR sets
else { PDNS_RECORD prr; PDNS_RECORD prrPrev = (PDNS_RECORD) &pentry->Records[iter];
while ( prr = prrPrev->pNext ) { // matches existing record?
// - cut existing record from list and free
if ( Dns_RecordCompare( prr, pRecordSet ) ) { prrPrev->pNext = prr->pNext; Dns_RecordFree( prr ); } else { prrPrev = prr; } }
// tack entry on to end
// - if existing records of type delete name
if ( prrPrev != (PDNS_RECORD)&pentry->Records[iter] ) { if ( IS_FREE_OWNER(pRecordSet) ) { RECORD_HEAP_FREE( pRecordSet->pName ); pRecordSet->pName = NULL; } } prrPrev->pNext = pRecordSet; goto Done; } }
// put record into cache entry
// if no slot is available, switch to a harder scrub
// DCR: realloc if out of slots
fretry = FALSE;
while ( 1 ) { for ( iter = 0; iter < (INT)pentry->MaxCount; iter++ ) { if ( pentry->Records[iter] == NULL ) { pentry->Records[iter] = pRecordSet; g_RecordSetCount++; g_RecordSetCache++; goto Done; } }
if ( !fretry ) { DNSDBG( QUERY, ( "No slots caching RR set %p at entry %p\n" "\tdoing strong flush to free slot.\n", pRecordSet, pentry )); Cache_FlushEntryRecords( pentry, FLUSH_LEVEL_WIRE, 0 ); fretry = TRUE; continue; }
DNSDBG( ANY, ( "ERROR: Failed to cache set %p at entry %p\n", pRecordSet, pentry )); goto Failed; }
DNSDBG( TRACE, ( "Cache_RecordSetAtomic() => failed\n" )); Dns_RecordListFree( pRecordSet );
UNLOCK_CACHE(); DNSDBG( TRACE, ( "Leave Cache_RecordSetAtomic()\n" )); return; }
VOID Cache_RecordList( IN OUT PDNS_RECORD pRecordList ) /*++
Routine Description:
Cache record list.
This is cache routine for "oddball" records -- not caching under queried name. - hostfile - answer records at CNAME - additional data at additional name
pRecordList -- record list to cache
Return Value:
--*/ { BOOL fcnameAnswer = FALSE; PDNS_RECORD pnextRR = pRecordList; PDNS_RECORD prr; BOOL fstatic;
DNSDBG( TRACE, ( "Cache_RecordList( rr=%p )\n", pRecordList ));
if ( !pRecordList ) { return; } fstatic = IS_STATIC_RR(pRecordList);
// cache records:
// - cache additional records in query
// - cache CNAME data from query
// - cache host file data
// background: Glenn's caching paradigm was to cache all answer
// data at the queried name in the API call (name might be short).
// However, not caching the CNAME data can cause problems, so this
// was tacked on.
// For CNAME caching we throw away the CNAMEs themselves and just
// cache the actually data (address) records at the CNAME node.
// cache additional records
while ( prr = pnextRR ) { BOOL fcacheSet = FALSE;
pnextRR = Dns_RecordSetDetach( prr );
// host file data -- always cache
// for CNAME want CNAME AND associated answer data
// - detach to get new next set
// - append answer data back on to CNAME for caching
// - next RR set (if exists) will be another CNAME
// to the same address data
// DCR: follow CNAMEs in cache
// then could pull this hack
// and avoid double building of answer data in dnsapi
if ( fstatic ) { fcacheSet = TRUE;
if ( prr->wType == DNS_TYPE_CNAME && pnextRR && pnextRR->wType != DNS_TYPE_CNAME ) { PDNS_RECORD panswer = pnextRR;
pnextRR = Dns_RecordSetDetach( panswer );
Dns_RecordListAppend( prr, panswer ); } }
// wire data -- do NOT cache:
// - answer records for queried name (not CNAME)
// - CNAME records when doing caching of answer data under CNAME
// - authority section records (NS, SOA, etc)
// - OPT records
else if ( prr->Flags.S.Section == DNSREC_ANSWER ) { if ( prr->wType == DNS_TYPE_CNAME ) { fcnameAnswer = TRUE; } else if ( fcnameAnswer ) { fcacheSet = TRUE; } } else if ( prr->Flags.S.Section == DNSREC_ADDITIONAL ) { if ( prr->wType != DNS_TYPE_OPT ) { fcacheSet = TRUE; } }
if ( !fcacheSet ) { Dns_RecordListFree( prr ); continue; }
// cache the set
// flip the section field to "Answer" section
// DCR: section caching?
// note: section fields in cache indicate whether
// answer data (or additional) once out of
// cache;
// this is necessary since we cache everything
// at node and return it in one RR list; we'd
// to change must
// - return in different lists with some indication
// in cache of what's what
// OR
// - another indication of what's what
//if ( !fstatic )
// currently HostFile entries get answer too
{ PDNS_RECORD ptemp = prr; while ( ptemp ) { ptemp->Flags.S.Section = DNSREC_ANSWER; ptemp = ptemp->pNext; } }
Cache_RecordSetAtomic( NULL, 0, prr ); }
DNSDBG( TRACE, ( "Leave Cache_RecordList()\n" )); }
VOID Cache_FlushRecords( IN PWSTR pName, IN DWORD Level, IN WORD Type ) /*++
Routine Description:
Flush cached records corresponding to a name and type.
pName -- name of records to delete
Level -- flush level
Type -- type of records to delete; 0 to flush all records at name
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful. ErrorCode on failure.
--*/ { WORD iter; PCACHE_ENTRY pentry = NULL; PCACHE_ENTRY pprevEntry = NULL;
DNSDBG( TRACE, ( "Cache_FlushRecords( %S, %d )\n", pName, Type ));
// lock with no-start
// - bail if no cache
// need this as PnP release notifications will attempt to
// flush local cache entries; this avoids rebuilding when
// already down
LOCK_CACHE_NO_START(); if ( !g_HashTable ) { goto Done; }
// find entry in cache
pentry = Cache_FindEntry( pName, FALSE // no create
); if ( !pentry ) { goto Done; }
// flush records of type
// - zero type will flush all
// note: Cache_FindEntry() always moves the found entry
// to the front of the hash bucket list; this allows
// us to directly whack the entry
if ( Cache_FlushEntryRecords( pentry, Level, Type ) ) { DWORD index = getHashIndex( pentry->pName, 0 );
DNS_ASSERT( pentry == g_HashTable[index] ); if ( pentry == g_HashTable[index] ) { g_HashTable[ index ] = pentry->pNext; Cache_FreeEntry( pentry ); } }
#if 0
BOOL ReadCachedResults( OUT PDNS_RESULTS pResults, IN PWSTR pwsName, IN WORD wType ) /*++
Routine Description:
Find records of given name and type in cache.
pResults -- addr to receive results
pwsName -- name
wType -- record type to find
Return Value:
TRUE if results found. FALSE if no cached data for name and type.
--*/ { PDNS_RECORD prr; DNS_STATUS status; BOOL found = FALSE;
// clear results
RtlZeroMemory( pResults, sizeof(*pResults) );
// get cache results
// break out into results buffer
if ( found ) { BreakRecordsIntoBlob( pResults, prr, wType ); pResults->Status = status; }
return( found ); } #endif
// Cache utilities for remote routines
PDNS_RECORD Cache_FindRecordsPrivate( IN PWSTR pwsName, IN WORD wType ) /*++
Routine Description:
Find records of given name and type in cache.
pwsName -- name
Type -- record type to find
Return Value:
Ptr to record set of desired type -- if found. NULL if not found.
--*/ { PCACHE_ENTRY pentry; PDNS_RECORD prr = NULL;
DNSDBG( TRACE, ( "Cache_FindRecordsPrivate( %S, type=%d )\n", pwsName, wType ));
if ( LOCK_CACHE() != NO_ERROR ) { goto Done; }
pentry = Cache_FindEntry( pwsName, FALSE ); if ( pentry ) { prr = Cache_FindEntryRecords( NULL, // don't need RR list ptr
pentry, wType ); }
DNSDBG( TRACE, ( "Leave Cache_FindRecordsPrivate( %S, type=%d ) => %p\n", pwsName, wType, prr ));
return prr; }
BOOL Cache_GetRecordsForRpc( OUT PDNS_RECORD * ppRecordList, OUT PDNS_STATUS pStatus, IN PWSTR pwsName, IN WORD wType, IN DWORD Flags ) /*++
Routine Description:
Find records of given name and type in cache.
ppRecordList -- addr to receive pointer to record list
pStatus -- addr to get status return
pwsName -- name
Type -- record type to find
Flags -- query flags
Return Value:
TRUE if cache hit. OUT params are valid. FALSE if cache miss. OUT params are unset.
--*/ { PDNS_RECORD prr; PDNS_RECORD prrResult = NULL; DNS_STATUS status = NO_ERROR;
DNSDBG( RPC, ( "Cache_GetRecordsForRpc( %S, t=%d )\n", pwsName, wType ));
if ( (Flags & DNS_QUERY_BYPASS_CACHE) && (Flags & DNS_QUERY_NO_HOSTS_FILE) ) { return FALSE; } if ( LOCK_CACHE() != NO_ERROR ) { return FALSE; }
// check cache for name and type
// - if name or type missing, jump to wire lookup
prr = Cache_FindRecordsPrivate( pwsName, wType ); if ( !prr ) { goto Failed; }
// cache hit
// if only interested in host file data ignore
if ( IS_HOSTS_FILE_RR(prr) ) { if ( Flags & DNS_QUERY_NO_HOSTS_FILE ) { goto Failed; } } else // cache data
{ if ( Flags & DNS_QUERY_BYPASS_CACHE ) { goto Failed; } }
// build response from cache data
// - cached NAME_ERROR or empty
// - cached records
if ( prr->wDataLength == 0 ) { status = (prr->wType == DNS_TYPE_ANY) ? DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NAME_ERROR : DNS_INFO_NO_RECORDS; } else { // for CNAME query, get only the CNAME record itself
// not the data at the CNAME
// DCR: CNAME handling should be optional -- not given
// for cache display purposes
if ( wType == DNS_TYPE_CNAME && prr->wType == DNS_TYPE_CNAME && prr->Flags.S.Section == DNSREC_ANSWER ) { prrResult = Dns_RecordCopyEx( prr, DnsCharSetUnicode, DnsCharSetUnicode ); } else { prrResult = Dns_RecordSetCopyEx( prr, DnsCharSetUnicode, DnsCharSetUnicode ); }
if ( prrResult ) { Cache_RestoreRecordListForRpc( prrResult ); status = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } }
// set return values
*ppRecordList = prrResult; *pStatus = status;
return TRUE;
VOID Cache_DeleteMatchingRecords( IN PDNS_RECORD pRecords ) /*++
Routine Description:
Delete particular records from the cache.
This is used to delete cluster records.
pRecords -- records to remove from cache
Return Value:
--*/ { PCACHE_ENTRY pentry = NULL; PDNS_RECORD * prrListAddr; PDNS_RECORD prr; PDNS_RECORD pnextRR;
DNSDBG( TRACE, ( "Cache_DeleteMatchingRecords( %p )\n", pRecords ));
// lock with no-start
// - bail if no cache
// need this as PnP release notifications will attempt to
// flush local cache entries; this avoids rebuilding when
// already down
LOCK_CACHE_NO_START(); if ( !g_HashTable ) { goto Done; }
// check all records
pnextRR = pRecords;
while ( prr = pnextRR ) { pnextRR = prr->pNext;
// find entry in cache
pentry = Cache_FindEntry( prr->pName, FALSE // no create
); if ( !pentry ) { DNSDBG( TRACE, ( "No cache entry for record %p (n=%S)\n", prr, prr->pName )); continue; }
// find matching records for type
prrListAddr = NULL;
Cache_FindEntryRecords( &prrListAddr, pentry, prr->wType );
if ( !prrListAddr ) { DNSDBG( TRACE, ( "No cache record matching type for record %p (n=%S)\n", prr, prr->pName )); continue; }
// delete matching record from list
Dns_DeleteRecordFromList( prrListAddr, // addr of list
prr // record to delete
); }
// Garbage collection
VOID Cache_SizeCheck( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Check cache size.
Flag -- flag, currently unused
Return Value:
--*/ { //
// ok -- don't signal for garbage collect
// - below threshold
// - already in garbage collection
// - collected recently
if ( g_RecordSetCount < g_RecordSetCountThreshold || g_GarbageCollectFlag || g_NextGarbageTime > GetCurrentTimeInSeconds() ) { return; }
DNSDBG( CACHE, ( "Cache_SizeCheck() over threshold!\n" "\tRecordSetCount = %d\n" "\tRecordSetCountLimit = %d\n" "\tStarting garbage collection ...\n", g_RecordSetCount, g_RecordSetCountThreshold ));
// signal within lock, so that service thread
// can do signal within lock and avoid race on StopFlag check
// obviously better to simply not overload lock
LOCK_CACHE_NO_START(); if ( !g_StopFlag ) { g_GarbageCollectFlag = TRUE; SetEvent( g_hStopEvent ); } UNLOCK_CACHE(); }
VOID Cache_GarbageCollect( IN DWORD Flag ) /*++
Routine Description:
Garbage collect cache.
Flag -- flag, currently unused
Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD iter; DWORD index; WORD flushLevel; DWORD passCount;
DNSDBG( CACHE, ( "Cache_GarbageCollect()\n" "\tNextIndex = %d\n" "\tRecordSetCount = %d\n" "\tRecordSetLimit = %d\n" "\tRecordSetThreshold = %d\n", g_NextGarbageIndex, g_RecordSetCount, g_RecordSetCountLimit, g_RecordSetCountThreshold ));
if ( !g_HashTable ) { return; }
// collect timed out data in cache
// DCR: smart garbage detect
// - cleans until below limit
// - first pass invalid
// - then the hard stuff
// use restartable index so get through the cach
passCount = 0; while ( 1 ) { if ( passCount == 0 ) { flushLevel = FLUSH_LEVEL_INVALID; } else if ( passCount == 1 ) { flushLevel = FLUSH_LEVEL_GARBAGE; } else { break; } passCount++;
// flush all hash bins at current flush level
// until
// - service stop
// - push cache size below limit
for ( iter = 0; iter < g_HashTableSize; iter++ ) { index = (iter + g_NextGarbageIndex) % g_HashTableSize;
if ( g_StopFlag || g_WakeFlag || g_RecordSetCount < g_RecordSetCountLimit ) { passCount = MAXDWORD; break; }
Cache_FlushBucket( index, flushLevel ); } index++; if ( index >= g_HashTableSize ) { index = 0; } g_NextGarbageIndex = index; }
// reset garbage globals
// - lockout for interval
// - clear signal flag
// - reset event (if not shuttting down)
// note: reset signal within lock, so that service thread
// can do signal within lock and avoid race on StopFlag check
// obviously better to simply not overload lock
g_NextGarbageTime = GetCurrentTimeInSeconds() + GARBAGE_LOCKOUT_INTERVAL;
LOCK_CACHE_NO_START(); if ( !g_StopFlag ) { g_GarbageCollectFlag = FALSE; ResetEvent( g_hStopEvent ); } UNLOCK_CACHE();
DNSDBG( CACHE, ( "Leave Cache_GarbageCollect()\n" "\tNextIndex = %d\n" "\tNextTime = %d\n" "\tRecordSetCount = %d\n" "\tRecordSetLimit = %d\n" "\tRecordSetThreshold = %d\n", g_NextGarbageIndex, g_NextGarbageTime, g_RecordSetCount, g_RecordSetCountLimit, g_RecordSetCountThreshold )); }
// Hostfile load stuff
VOID LoadHostFileIntoCache( IN PSTR pszFileName ) /*++
Routine Description:
Read hosts file into cache.
pFileName -- file name to load
Return Value:
--*/ { HOST_FILE_INFO hostInfo;
DNSDBG( INIT, ( "Enter LoadHostFileIntoCache\n" ));
// read entries from host file until exhausted
// - cache A record for each name and alias
// - cache PTR to name
RtlZeroMemory( &hostInfo, sizeof(hostInfo) );
hostInfo.pszFileName = pszFileName;
if ( !HostsFile_Open( &hostInfo ) ) { return; } hostInfo.fBuildRecords = TRUE;
while ( HostsFile_ReadLine( &hostInfo ) ) { // cache all the records we sucked out
Cache_RecordList( hostInfo.pForwardRR ); Cache_RecordList( hostInfo.pReverseRR ); Cache_RecordList( hostInfo.pAliasRR ); }
HostsFile_Close( &hostInfo );
DNSDBG( INIT, ( "Leave LoadHostFileIntoCache\n" )); }
VOID InitCacheWithHostFile( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Initialize cache with host(s) file.
This handles regular cache file and ICS file if it exists.
Return Value:
--*/ { DNSDBG( INIT, ( "Enter InitCacheWithHostFile\n" ));
// load host file into cache
LoadHostFileIntoCache( NULL );
// if running ICS, load it's file also
LoadHostFileIntoCache( "hosts.ics" );
DNSDBG( INIT, ( "Leave InitCacheWithHostFile\n\n\n" )); }
DNS_STATUS Cache_QueryResponse( IN OUT PQUERY_BLOB pBlob ) /*++
Routine Description:
Find records of given name and type in cache.
pBlob -- query blob
Uses: pwsName wType Status pRecords fCacheNegativeResponse
Sets: pRecords - may be reset to exclude non-RPCable records
Return Value:
ErrorStatus -- same as query status, unless processing error during caching
--*/ { DNS_STATUS status = pBlob->Status; PWSTR pname = pBlob->pNameOrig; WORD wtype = pBlob->wType; PDNS_RECORD presultRR = pBlob->pRecords;
DNSDBG( RPC, ( "\nCache_QueryResponse( %S, type %d )\n", pname, wtype ));
// successful response
// - make copy of records to return to caller
// - cache actual query record set
// - make copy to cache any additional data
if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS && presultRR ) { DWORD copyFlag; PDNS_RECORD prrCache;
// cleanup for RPC and caching
prrCache = Dns_RecordListScreen( presultRR, SCREEN_OUT_AUTHORITY | SCREEN_OUT_NON_RPC );
// make copy for return
// - don't include authority records
// we return (RPC) a COPY of the wire set and cache the
// wire set; this is because the wire set has imbedded data
// (the data pointers are not actual heap allocations) and
// and hence can not be RPC'd (without changing the RPC
// definition to flat data)
// if we later want to return authority data on first query,
// then
// - clean non-RPC only
// - including owner name fixups
// - copy for result set
// - clean original for authority -- cache
// - clean any additional -- cache
// note: do name pointer fixup by making round trip into cache format
// DCR: shouldn't have external name pointers anywhere
// DCR: do RPC-able cleanup on original set before copy
// OR
// DCR: have "cache state" on record
// then could move original results to cache state and caching
// routines could detect state and avoid double TTLing
presultRR = Dns_RecordListCopyEx( prrCache, 0, // SCREEN_OUT_AUTHORITY
DnsCharSetUnicode, DnsCharSetUnicode );
pBlob->pRecords = presultRR; if ( !presultRR ) { Dns_RecordListFree( prrCache ); status = DNS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY; goto Done; }
// name pointer fixup
Cache_PrepareRecordList( presultRR ); Cache_RestoreRecordListForRpc( presultRR );
// do NOT cache local records
// note: we went through this function only to get
// PTR records and CNAME records in RPC format
// (no imbedded pointers)
if ( pBlob->pLocalRecords ) { Dns_RecordListFree( prrCache ); goto Done; }
// cache original data
if ( prrCache ) { Cache_RecordSetAtomic( pname, wtype, prrCache ); }
// extra records
// - additional data
// - CNAME answer data to cache at CNAME itself
// in CNAME case must include ANSWER data, but
// skip the CNAME itself
// Cache_RecordList() breaks records into RR sets before caching
prrCache = presultRR; copyFlag = SCREEN_OUT_ANSWER | SCREEN_OUT_AUTHORITY;
if ( prrCache->wType == DNS_TYPE_CNAME ) { prrCache = prrCache->pNext; copyFlag = SCREEN_OUT_AUTHORITY; }
prrCache = Dns_RecordListCopyEx( prrCache, copyFlag, DnsCharSetUnicode, DnsCharSetUnicode ); if ( prrCache ) { Cache_RecordList( prrCache ); } }
// negative response
else if ( status == DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NAME_ERROR || status == DNS_INFO_NO_RECORDS ) { DWORD ttl; PDNS_RECORD prr;
if ( !pBlob->fCacheNegative ) { DNSDBG( QUERY, ( "No negative caching for %S, type=%d\n", pname, wtype )); goto Done; }
// create negative cache entry
// DCR: should use TTL returned in SOA
prr = Dns_AllocateRecord( 0 ); if ( !prr ) { status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto Done; }
prr->pName = (PWSTR) Dns_StringCopyAllocate( (PCHAR) pname, 0, // NULL terminated
DnsCharSetUnicode, DnsCharSetUnicode ); if ( prr->pName ) { SET_FREE_OWNER( prr ); }
prr->wDataLength = 0; ttl = g_MaxNegativeCacheTtl;
if ( wtype == DNS_TYPE_SOA && ttl > g_NegativeSOACacheTime ) { ttl = g_NegativeSOACacheTime; } prr->dwTtl = ttl; prr->Flags.S.CharSet = DnsCharSetUnicode; prr->Flags.S.Section = DNSREC_ANSWER; prr->Flags.DW |= DNSREC_NOEXIST;
if ( status == DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NAME_ERROR ) { prr->wType = DNS_TYPE_ANY; } else { prr->wType = wtype; }
Cache_RecordSetAtomic( NULL, // default name
0, // default type
prr ); }
// failure return from query
// - nothing to cache
else { DNSDBG( QUERY, ( "Uncacheable error code %d -- no caching for %S, type=%d\n", status, pname, wtype )); }
// check cache size to see if garbage collect necessary
// note we do this only on query caching; this avoids
// - jamming ourselves in hosts file load
// - wakeup and grabbing lock between separate sets of query response
return status; }
// End ncache.c