Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
DNS Resolver Service.
Notification thread - host file changes - registry config changes
Jim Gilroy (jamesg) November 2000
Revision History:
jamesg Nov 2001 -- IP6
#include "local.h"
// DHCP refresh call
extern DWORD DhcpStaticRefreshParams( IN LPWSTR Adapter );
// Host file directory
#define HOSTS_FILE_DIRECTORY L"\\drivers\\etc"
// Notify globals
DWORD g_NotifyThreadId = 0; HANDLE g_hNotifyThread = NULL;
HANDLE g_hHostFileChange = NULL; HANDLE g_hRegistryChange = NULL;
HKEY g_hCacheKey = NULL; PSTR g_pmszAlternateNames = NULL;
// Private protos
VOID CleanupRegistryMonitoring( VOID );
HANDLE CreateHostsFileChangeHandle( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Create hosts file change handle.
Return Value:
--*/ { HANDLE changeHandle; PWSTR psystemDirectory = NULL; UINT len; WCHAR hostDirectory[ MAX_PATH*2 ];
DNSDBG( INIT, ( "CreateHostsFileChangeHandle\n" ));
// build host file name
len = GetSystemDirectory( hostDirectory, MAX_PATH ); if ( !len || len>MAX_PATH ) { DNSLOG_F1( "Error: Failed to get system directory" ); DNSLOG_F1( "NotifyThread exiting." ); return( NULL ); }
wcscat( hostDirectory, HOSTS_FILE_DIRECTORY );
// drop change notify on host file directory
changeHandle = FindFirstChangeNotification( hostDirectory, FALSE, FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME | FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE );
if ( changeHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { DNSLOG_F1( "NotifyThread failed to get handle from" ); DNSLOG_F2( "Failed to get hosts file change handle.\n" "Error code: <0x%.8X>", GetLastError() ); return( NULL ); }
return( changeHandle ); }
// Registry change monitoring
DNS_STATUS InitializeRegistryMonitoring( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Setup registry change monitoring.
g_pmszAlternateNames -- set with current alternate names value
g_hCacheKey -- cache reg key is opened
g_hRegistryChange -- creates event to be signalled on change notify
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful. Error code on failure.
--*/ { DNS_STATUS status;
DNSDBG( TRACE, ( "InitializeRegistryMonitoring()\n" ));
// open monitoring regkey at DnsCache\Parameters
// set on parameters key which always exists rather than
// explicitly on alternate names key, which may not
status = RegOpenKeyExW( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, DNS_CACHE_KEY, 0, KEY_READ, & g_hCacheKey ); if ( status != NO_ERROR ) { goto Failed; }
g_hRegistryChange = CreateEvent( NULL, // no security
FALSE, // auto-reset
FALSE, // start non-signalled
NULL // no name
); if ( !g_hRegistryChange ) { status = GetLastError(); goto Failed; }
// set change notify
status = RegNotifyChangeKeyValue( g_hCacheKey, TRUE, // watch subtree
REG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_NAME | REG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_SET, g_hRegistryChange, TRUE // async, func doesn't block
); if ( status != NO_ERROR ) { goto Failed; }
// read alternate computer names
// - need value to compare when we get a hit on change-notify
// - read can fail -- value stays NULL
Reg_GetValue( NULL, // no session
g_hCacheKey, // cache key
RegIdAlternateNames, REGTYPE_ALTERNATE_NAMES, & g_pmszAlternateNames );
goto Done;
// cleanup
DNSDBG( TRACE, ( "Leave InitializeRegistryMonitoring() => %d\n" "\tpAlternateNames = %p\n" "\thChangeEvent = %p\n" "\thCacheKey = %p\n", status, g_pmszAlternateNames, g_hRegistryChange, g_hCacheKey ));
return status; }
DNS_STATUS RestartRegistryMonitoring( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Check for change in alternate names.
g_pmszAlternateNames -- read
g_hCacheKey -- used for read
g_hRegistryChange -- used to restart change-notify
Return Value:
TRUE if alternate names has changed. FALSE otherwise.
--*/ { DNS_STATUS status;
DNSDBG( TRACE, ( "RestartRegistryMonitoring()\n" ));
// sanity check
if ( !g_hCacheKey || !g_hRegistryChange ) { ASSERT( g_hCacheKey && g_hRegistryChange ); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// restart change notify
status = RegNotifyChangeKeyValue( g_hCacheKey, TRUE, // watch subtree
REG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_NAME | REG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_SET, g_hRegistryChange, TRUE // async, func doesn't block
); if ( status != NO_ERROR ) { DNSDBG( ANY, ( "RegChangeNotify failed! %d\n", status )); ASSERT( FALSE ); }
return status; }
VOID CleanupRegistryMonitoring( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Cleanup registry monitoring.
g_pmszAlternateNames -- is freed
g_hCacheKey -- cache reg key is closed
g_hRegistryChange -- is closed
Return Value:
--*/ { DNS_STATUS status;
DNSDBG( TRACE, ( "CleanupRegistryMonitoring()\n" ));
if ( g_hHostFileChange ) { CloseHandle( g_hHostFileChange ); g_hHostFileChange = NULL; }
// cleanup registry change stuff
DnsApiFree( g_pmszAlternateNames ); g_pmszAlternateNames = NULL;
RegCloseKey( g_hCacheKey ); g_hCacheKey = NULL; }
BOOL CheckForAlternateNamesChange( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Check for change in alternate names.
g_pmszAlternateNames -- read
g_hCacheKey -- used for read
Return Value:
TRUE if alternate names has changed. FALSE otherwise.
--*/ { DNS_STATUS status; BOOL fcheck = TRUE; PCHAR palternateNames = NULL;
DNSDBG( TRACE, ( "CheckForAlternateNamesChange()\n" ));
// sanity check
if ( !g_hCacheKey || !g_hRegistryChange ) { ASSERT( g_hCacheKey && g_hRegistryChange ); return FALSE; }
// read alternate computer names
// - need value to compare when we get a hit on change-notify
// - read can fail -- value stays NULL
Reg_GetValue( NULL, // no session
g_hCacheKey, // cache key
RegIdAlternateNames, REGTYPE_ALTERNATE_NAMES, & palternateNames );
// detect alternate names change
if ( palternateNames || g_pmszAlternateNames ) { if ( !palternateNames || !g_pmszAlternateNames ) { goto Cleanup; } if ( !MultiSz_Equal_A( palternateNames, g_pmszAlternateNames ) ) { goto Cleanup; } }
fcheck = FALSE;
DnsApiFree( palternateNames );
DNSDBG( TRACE, ( "Leave CheckForAlternateNamesChange() => %d\n", fcheck ));
return fcheck; }
// Notify thread routines
VOID ThreadShutdownWait( IN HANDLE hThread ) /*++
Routine Description:
Wait on thread shutdown.
hThread -- thread handle that is shutting down
Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD waitResult;
if ( !hThread ) { return; }
DNSDBG( ANY, ( "Waiting on shutdown of thread %d (%p)\n", hThread, hThread ));
waitResult = WaitForSingleObject( hThread, 10000 );
switch( waitResult ) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0:
// thread didn't stop -- need to kill it
ASSERT( waitResult == WAIT_TIMEOUT );
DNSLOG_F2( "Shutdown: thread %d not stopped, terminating", hThread ); TerminateThread( hThread, 1 ); break; }
// close thread handle
CloseHandle( hThread ); }
VOID NotifyThread( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Main notify thread.
g_hStopEvent -- waits on shutdown even
Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD handleCount; DWORD waitResult; HANDLE handleArray[3];
DNSDBG( INIT, ( "\nStart NotifyThread\n" ));
// get file change handle
g_hHostFileChange = CreateHostsFileChangeHandle();
// init registry change-notify
// wait on
// - host file change => flush+rebuild cache
// - registry change => reread config info
// - shutdown => exit
handleArray[0] = g_hStopEvent; handleCount = 1;
if ( g_hHostFileChange ) { handleArray[handleCount++] = g_hHostFileChange; } if ( g_hRegistryChange ) { handleArray[handleCount++] = g_hRegistryChange; }
if ( handleCount == 1 ) { DNSDBG( ANY, ( "No change handles -- exit notify thread.\n" )); goto ThreadExit; }
// DCR: notify init failure handling
// right now this loop is toast if eventing fails during any cycle
// should handle notify init failures
// - have check-n-reinit (for each notification) in the loop
// - when one fails, loop goes to timed wait (10m) and
// then retries init in next cycle; timeout just cycles
// loop
while( 1 ) { waitResult = WaitForMultipleObjects( handleCount, handleArray, FALSE, INFINITE );
switch( waitResult ) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0:
// shutdown event
// - if stopping exit
// - do garbage collection if required
// - otherwise short wait to avoid spin if screwup
// and not get thrashed by failed garbage collection
DNSLOG_F1( "NotifyThread: Shutdown Event" ); if ( g_StopFlag ) { goto ThreadExit; } else if ( g_GarbageCollectFlag ) { Cache_GarbageCollect( 0 ); } ELSE_ASSERT_FALSE;
Sleep( 1000 ); if ( g_StopFlag ) { goto ThreadExit; } continue;
case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1:
// host file change -- flush cache
DNSLOG_F1( "NotifyThread: Host file change event" );
// reset notification -- BEFORE reload
if ( !FindNextChangeNotification( g_hHostFileChange ) ) { DNSLOG_F1( "NotifyThread failed to get handle" ); DNSLOG_F1( "from FindNextChangeNotification." ); DNSLOG_F2( "Error code: <0x%.8X>", GetLastError() ); goto ThreadExit; }
Cache_Flush(); break;
case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 2:
// registry change notification -- flush cache and reload
DNSLOG_F1( "NotifyThread: Registry change event" );
// restart notification -- BEFORE reload
// rebuild config
DNSDBG( ANY, ( "\nRegistry notification, rebuilding config.\n" )); HandleConfigChange( "Registry-notification", FALSE // no cache flush required
// check if alternate name change (to notify registrations)
// DCR: should notify on ordinary name change
// - save old netinfo, get new, compare
// - could wrap this into HandleConfigChange
if ( CheckForAlternateNamesChange() ) { DNSDBG( ANY, ( "\nAlternate name change, notify for reregistration!\n" )); DhcpStaticRefreshParams( NULL // global refresh, no particular adapter
); } break;
ASSERT( g_StopFlag ); if ( g_StopFlag ) { goto ThreadExit; } Sleep( 5000 ); continue; } }
DNSDBG( INIT, ( "NotifyThread exit\n" )); DNSLOG_F1( "NotifyThread exiting." ); }
VOID StartNotify( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Start notify thread.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful. ErrorCode on failure.
--*/ { //
// clear
g_NotifyThreadId = 0; g_hNotifyThread = NULL; g_hHostFileChange = NULL; g_hRegistryChange = NULL;
// host file write monitor thread
// keeps cache in sync when write made to host file
g_hNotifyThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) NotifyThread, NULL, 0, &g_NotifyThreadId ); if ( !g_hNotifyThread ) { DNS_STATUS status = GetLastError();
DNSLOG_F1( "ERROR: InitializeCache function failed to create" ); DNSLOG_F1( " HOSTS file monitor thread." ); DNSLOG_F2( " Error code: <0x%.8X>", status ); DNSLOG_F1( " NOTE: Resolver service will continue to run." );
DNSDBG( ANY, ( "FAILED Notify thread start!\n" "\tstatus = %d\n", status )); } }
VOID ShutdownNotify( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Shutdown notify thread.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful. ErrorCode on failure.
--*/ { DWORD waitResult;
DNSDBG( INIT, ( "NotifyShutdown()\n" ));
// wait for notify thread to stop
ThreadShutdownWait( g_hNotifyThread ); g_hNotifyThread = NULL;
// close notification handles
if ( g_hRegistryChange ) { CloseHandle( g_hRegistryChange ); g_hRegistryChange = NULL; }
// registry monitoring cleanup
// clear globals
g_NotifyThreadId = 0; g_hNotifyThread = NULL; }
// End notify.c