Copyright (c) 1997-2002 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Domain Name System (DNS) Sample Plugin DLL
Jeff Westhead jwesth January 2002
Revision History:
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Documentation
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Installing the plugin DLL ---------------------------
- copy plugin to any directory, for example c:\bin
- configure DNS server to load plugin by running this command: dnscmd /Config /ServerLevelPluginDll c:\bin\dnssampleplugin.dll
- restart the DNS service net stop dns & net start dns
Uninstalling the plugin DLL -----------------------------
- configure DNS server to stop loading the plugin by running this command: dnscmd /Config /ServerLevelPluginDll
- restart the DNS service net stop dns & net start dns
Querying current plugin DLL -----------------------------
- run this command to see the current plugin DLL name dnscmd /Info /ServerLevelPluginDll
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Include directives
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "DnsPluginSample.h"
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Macros
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define SIZEOF_DB_NAME( pDbName ) ( ( pDbName )->Length + sizeof( UCHAR ) * 2 )
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Global variables
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Functions
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ BOOL WINAPI DllMain( HANDLE hModule, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved ) { return TRUE; } // DllMain
Routine Description:
DnsPluginInitialize is called by the DNS server to initialize the plugin.
pDnsAllocator -- allocator function for future allocation of DNS records Return Value:
Return ERROR_SUCCESS or error code if initialization failed.
--*/ DWORD DnsPluginInitialize( PLUGIN_ALLOCATOR_FUNCTION pDnsAllocateFunction, PLUGIN_FREE_FUNCTION pDnsFreeFunction ) { WSADATA wsaData;
g_pDnsAllocate = pDnsAllocateFunction; g_pDnsFree = pDnsFreeFunction;
WSAStartup( MAKEWORD( 2, 2 ), &wsaData ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } // DnsPluginInitialize
Routine Description:
DnsPluginCleanup is called by the DNS server to terminate hooked lookups. The plugin must close all connections and free all resources.
None. Return Value:
Return ERROR_SUCCESS or error code if cleanup failed.
--*/ DWORD DnsPluginCleanup( VOID ) { g_pDnsAllocate = NULL; g_pDnsFree = NULL; WSACleanup();
return ERROR_SUCCESS; } // DnsPluginCleanup
Routine Description:
This function returns a DNS name in dotted string format as a DB_NAME.
pszDottedName -- DNS name to be converted into DB_NAME format pDbName -- pointer to structure where DB_NAME value will be written Return Value:
Return ERROR_SUCCESS or error code on failure.
--*/ DWORD convertDottedNameToDbName( PSTR pszDottedName, DB_NAME * pDbName ) { DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS; PSTR psz; PSTR pszCharDest = &pDbName->RawName[ 1 ]; PUCHAR puchLabelLength = &pDbName->RawName[ 0 ]; memset( pDbName, 0, sizeof( *pDbName ) );
if ( !pszDottedName ) { goto Done; } //
// Account for first length byte in the name.
pDbName->Length = 1;
// Loop through characters of the dotted name, converting to DB_NAME.
for ( psz = pszDottedName; *psz; ++psz ) { if ( *psz == '.' ) { if ( *( psz + 1 ) == '\0' ) { break; // Terminating dot - ignore.
} puchLabelLength = pszCharDest++; ++pDbName->Length; ++pDbName->LabelCount; } else { ++pDbName->Length; ++*puchLabelLength; *pszCharDest++ = *psz; } } //
// Account for terminating zero character.
++pDbName->LabelCount; ++pDbName->Length; Done: return status; } // convertDottedNameToDbName
Routine Description:
DnsPluginQuery is called by the DNS server to retrieve a list of DNS records for a DNS name. The plugin must fabricate a linked list of DNS records if the name is valid.
pszQueryName -- DNS name that is being queried for, note this will always be a fully-qualified domain name and will always end in a period wQueryType -- record type desired by the DNS server pszRecordOwnerName -- static buffer in the DNS server where the plugin may write the owner name of the record list if it does not match the query name -- currently this should only be used when returning a single SOA record for NAME_ERROR and NO_RECORDS responses ppDnsRecordListHead -- pointer to first element of linked list of DNS records; this list is fabricated by the plugin and returned on output Return Value:
Return ERROR_SUCCESS or error code if cleanup failed.
--*/ DWORD DnsPluginQuery( PSTR pszQueryName, WORD wQueryType, PSTR pszRecordOwnerName, PDB_RECORD * ppDnsRecordListHead ) { DWORD status = DNS_PLUGIN_SUCCESS; PDB_RECORD prr; PDB_RECORD prrlast = NULL; ASSERT( ppDnsRecordListHead != NULL ); *ppDnsRecordListHead = NULL;
// This macro performs allocation error checking and automates the
// linking of new DNS resource records as they are allocated.
#define CheckNewRRPointer( pNewRR ) \
if ( pNewRR == NULL ) { status = DNS_PLUGIN_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto Done; } \ if ( *ppDnsRecordListHead == NULL ) { *ppDnsRecordListHead = pNewRR; } \ if ( prrlast ) { prrlast->pRRNext = pNewRR; } \ prrlast = pNewRR //
// This plugin sythesizes a DNS zone called "dnssample.com". If the
// query is for a name outside that zone the plugin will return name error.
#define PLUGIN_ZONE_NAME "dnssample.com."
if ( strlen( pszQueryName ) < strlen( PLUGIN_ZONE_NAME ) || _stricmp( pszQueryName + strlen( pszQueryName ) - strlen( PLUGIN_ZONE_NAME ), PLUGIN_ZONE_NAME ) != 0 ) { status = DNS_PLUGIN_NAME_OUT_OF_SCOPE; goto Done; } //
// Parse the query name to determine what records should be returned.
if ( strlen( pszQueryName ) == strlen( PLUGIN_ZONE_NAME ) ) { switch ( wQueryType ) { case DNS_TYPE_SOA: { // At the zone root return 2 arbitrary NS records.
DB_NAME dbnamePrimaryServer; DB_NAME dbnameZoneAdmin;
status = convertDottedNameToDbName( "ns1." PLUGIN_ZONE_NAME, &dbnamePrimaryServer ) ; if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { break; } status = convertDottedNameToDbName( "admin." PLUGIN_ZONE_NAME, &dbnameZoneAdmin ) ; if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { break; }
prr = g_pDnsAllocate( sizeof( DWORD ) * 5 + SIZEOF_DB_NAME( &dbnamePrimaryServer ) + SIZEOF_DB_NAME( &dbnameZoneAdmin ) ); CheckNewRRPointer( prr ); prr->wType = DNS_TYPE_SOA; prr->Data.SOA.dwSerialNo = htonl( 1000 ); prr->Data.SOA.dwRefresh = htonl( 3600 ); prr->Data.SOA.dwRetry = htonl( 600 ); prr->Data.SOA.dwExpire = htonl( 1800 ); prr->Data.SOA.dwMinimumTtl = htonl( 60 ); memcpy( &prr->Data.SOA.namePrimaryServer, &dbnamePrimaryServer, SIZEOF_DB_NAME( &dbnamePrimaryServer ) ); memcpy( ( PBYTE ) &prr->Data.SOA.namePrimaryServer + SIZEOF_DB_NAME( &dbnamePrimaryServer ), &dbnameZoneAdmin, SIZEOF_DB_NAME( &dbnameZoneAdmin ) ); break; }
case DNS_TYPE_NS: { // At the zone root return 2 arbitrary NS records.
DB_NAME dbname;
status = convertDottedNameToDbName( "ns1." PLUGIN_ZONE_NAME, &dbname ); if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { break; } prr = g_pDnsAllocate( SIZEOF_DB_NAME( &dbname ) ); CheckNewRRPointer( prr ); prr->wType = DNS_TYPE_NS; memcpy( &prr->Data.PTR.nameTarget, &dbname, SIZEOF_DB_NAME( &dbname ) );
status = convertDottedNameToDbName( "ns2." PLUGIN_ZONE_NAME, &dbname ) ; if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { break; } prr = g_pDnsAllocate( SIZEOF_DB_NAME( &dbname ) ); CheckNewRRPointer( prr ); prr->wType = DNS_TYPE_NS; memcpy( &prr->Data.PTR.nameTarget, &dbname, SIZEOF_DB_NAME( &dbname ) ); break; } case DNS_TYPE_MX: { // At the zone root return 2 arbitrary MX records.
DB_NAME dbname;
status = convertDottedNameToDbName( "mail1." PLUGIN_ZONE_NAME, &dbname ) ; if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { break; } prr = g_pDnsAllocate( sizeof( WORD ) + SIZEOF_DB_NAME( &dbname ) ); CheckNewRRPointer( prr ); prr->wType = DNS_TYPE_MX; prr->Data.MX.wPreference = htons( 10 ); memcpy( &prr->Data.MX.nameExchange, &dbname, SIZEOF_DB_NAME( &dbname ) );
status = convertDottedNameToDbName( "mail2." PLUGIN_ZONE_NAME, &dbname ) ; if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { break; } prr = g_pDnsAllocate( sizeof( WORD ) + SIZEOF_DB_NAME( &dbname ) ); CheckNewRRPointer( prr ); prr->wType = DNS_TYPE_MX; prr->Data.MX.wPreference = htons( 20 ); memcpy( &prr->Data.MX.nameExchange, &dbname, SIZEOF_DB_NAME( &dbname ) ); break; }
case DNS_TYPE_A:
// At the zone root return 3 arbitrary A records.
prr = g_pDnsAllocate( sizeof( IP4_ADDRESS ) ); CheckNewRRPointer( prr ); prr->wType = DNS_TYPE_A; prr->Data.A.ipAddress = inet_addr( "" );
prr = g_pDnsAllocate( sizeof( IP4_ADDRESS ) ); CheckNewRRPointer( prr ); prr->wType = DNS_TYPE_A; prr->Data.A.ipAddress = inet_addr( "" );
prr = g_pDnsAllocate( sizeof( IP4_ADDRESS ) ); CheckNewRRPointer( prr ); prr->wType = DNS_TYPE_A; prr->Data.A.ipAddress = inet_addr( "" ); break;
default: status = DNS_PLUGIN_NO_RECORDS; break; } } else if ( _stricmp( pszQueryName, "www." PLUGIN_ZONE_NAME ) == 0 || _stricmp( pszQueryName, "mail1." PLUGIN_ZONE_NAME ) == 0 || _stricmp( pszQueryName, "mail2." PLUGIN_ZONE_NAME ) == 0 ) { if ( wQueryType == DNS_TYPE_A ) { prr = g_pDnsAllocate( sizeof( IP4_ADDRESS ) ); CheckNewRRPointer( prr ); prr->wType = DNS_TYPE_A; prr->Data.A.ipAddress = inet_addr( "" );
prr = g_pDnsAllocate( sizeof( IP4_ADDRESS ) ); CheckNewRRPointer( prr ); prr->wType = DNS_TYPE_A; prr->Data.A.ipAddress = inet_addr( "" );
prr = g_pDnsAllocate( sizeof( IP4_ADDRESS ) ); CheckNewRRPointer( prr ); prr->wType = DNS_TYPE_A; prr->Data.A.ipAddress = inet_addr( "" );
prr = g_pDnsAllocate( sizeof( IP4_ADDRESS ) ); CheckNewRRPointer( prr ); prr->wType = DNS_TYPE_A; prr->Data.A.ipAddress = inet_addr( "" ); } else { status = DNS_PLUGIN_NO_RECORDS; } } else if ( _stricmp( pszQueryName, "ns1." PLUGIN_ZONE_NAME ) == 0 ) { if ( wQueryType == DNS_TYPE_A ) { prr = g_pDnsAllocate( sizeof( IP4_ADDRESS ) ); CheckNewRRPointer( prr ); prr->wType = DNS_TYPE_A; prr->Data.A.ipAddress = inet_addr( "" ); } else { status = DNS_PLUGIN_NO_RECORDS; } } else if ( _stricmp( pszQueryName, "ns2." PLUGIN_ZONE_NAME ) == 0 ) { if ( wQueryType == DNS_TYPE_A ) { prr = g_pDnsAllocate( sizeof( IP4_ADDRESS ) ); CheckNewRRPointer( prr ); prr->wType = DNS_TYPE_A; prr->Data.A.ipAddress = inet_addr( "" ); } else { status = DNS_PLUGIN_NO_RECORDS; } } else if ( strstr( pszQueryName, "aaa" ) ) { //
// For any other queried name in the zone that contains "aaa",
// return an arbitrary A record. Note: using strstr here is
// a bad idea. All string comparisons should be case insensitive.
if ( wQueryType == DNS_TYPE_A ) { prr = g_pDnsAllocate( sizeof( IP4_ADDRESS ) ); CheckNewRRPointer( prr ); prr->wType = DNS_TYPE_A; prr->Data.A.ipAddress = inet_addr( "" ); prr->dwTtlSeconds = 1200; } else { status = DNS_PLUGIN_NO_RECORDS; } } else { status = DNS_PLUGIN_NAME_ERROR; } Done:
if ( status == DNS_PLUGIN_NO_RECORDS || status == DNS_PLUGIN_NAME_ERROR ) { //
// Return the zone SOA.
DB_NAME dbnamePrimaryServer; DB_NAME dbnameZoneAdmin;
if ( convertDottedNameToDbName( "ns1." PLUGIN_ZONE_NAME, &dbnamePrimaryServer ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { goto Return; } if ( convertDottedNameToDbName( "admin." PLUGIN_ZONE_NAME, &dbnameZoneAdmin ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { goto Return; }
prr = g_pDnsAllocate( sizeof( DWORD ) * 5 + SIZEOF_DB_NAME( &dbnamePrimaryServer ) + SIZEOF_DB_NAME( &dbnameZoneAdmin ) ); CheckNewRRPointer( prr ); prr->wType = DNS_TYPE_SOA; prr->Data.SOA.dwSerialNo = htonl( 1000 ); prr->Data.SOA.dwRefresh = htonl( 3600 ); prr->Data.SOA.dwRetry = htonl( 600 ); prr->Data.SOA.dwExpire = htonl( 1800 ); prr->Data.SOA.dwMinimumTtl = htonl( 60 ); memcpy( &prr->Data.SOA.namePrimaryServer, &dbnamePrimaryServer, SIZEOF_DB_NAME( &dbnamePrimaryServer ) ); memcpy( ( PBYTE ) &prr->Data.SOA.namePrimaryServer + SIZEOF_DB_NAME( &dbnamePrimaryServer ), &dbnameZoneAdmin, SIZEOF_DB_NAME( &dbnameZoneAdmin ) ); //
// Set owner name for the SOA.
if ( pszRecordOwnerName ) { strcpy( pszRecordOwnerName, PLUGIN_ZONE_NAME ); } } else if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { PDB_RECORD prrnext; //
// On failure free any records allocated.
for ( prr = *ppDnsRecordListHead; prr; prr = prrnext ) { prrnext = prr->pRRNext; g_pDnsFree( prr ); } *ppDnsRecordListHead = NULL; }
Return: return status; } // DnsPluginQuery