// CopyRight ( c ) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name: Dnsresourcerecord.cpp
// Description:
// Implementation of CDnsResourceRecord class
// Author:
// Henry Wang ( henrywa ) March 8, 2000
#include "DnsWmi.h"
// Construction/Destruction
CDnsResourceRecord::CDnsResourceRecord() {
// Description:
// create an instance of CDnsResourceRecord
// Arguments:
// wszName [IN] class name
// pNamespace [IN] wmi namespace
// szType [IN] child class name of resource record class
// Return Value:
CDnsBase* CDnsResourceRecord::CreateThis( const WCHAR * wszName, CWbemServices * pNamespace, const char * szType ) { return new CDnsResourceRecord(wszName, pNamespace, szType); }
CDnsResourceRecord::CDnsResourceRecord( const WCHAR* wszName, CWbemServices *pNamespace, const char* szType) :CDnsBase(wszName, pNamespace) { m_wType = Dns_RecordTypeForName( (char*)szType, 0 // null terminated
); if(m_wType == 0) m_wType = DNS_TYPE_ALL; m_wstrClassName = wszName;
CDnsResourceRecord::~CDnsResourceRecord() { }
CDnsResourceRecord::CDnsResourceRecord( WCHAR* wsClass, char* szType) { m_wType = Dns_RecordTypeForName( szType, 0 // null terminated
); if(m_wType == 0) m_wType = DNS_TYPE_ALL; m_wstrClassName = wsClass;
// Description:
// enum instances of dns record
// Arguments:
// lFlags [IN] WMI flag
// pCtx [IN] WMI context
// pHandler [IN] WMI sink pointer
// Return Value:
SCODE CDnsResourceRecord::EnumInstance( long lFlags, IWbemContext * pCtx, IWbemObjectSink * pHandler) { IWbemClassObject* pNewInst; list<CDomainNode> objList; CDnsWrap& dns = CDnsWrap::DnsObject(); SCODE sc = dns.dnsEnumDomainForServer(&objList); list<CDomainNode>::iterator i; CWbemInstanceMgr InstanceMgr( pHandler); for(i=objList.begin(); i!=objList.end(); ++i) { sc = dns.dnsEnumRecordsForDomainEx( *i, NULL, &InstanceFilter, TRUE, m_wType, DNS_RPC_VIEW_ALL_DATA, m_pClass, InstanceMgr); } return sc; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Description:
// retrieve record object pointed by the given object path
// Arguments:
// ObjectPath [IN] object path to object
// lFlags [IN] WMI flag
// pCtx [IN] WMI context
// pHandler [IN] WMI sink pointer
// Return Value:
SCODE CDnsResourceRecord::GetObject( CObjPath & ObjectPath, long lFlags, IWbemContext * pCtx, IWbemObjectSink * pHandler) {
CDomainNode objNode; objNode.wstrZoneName = ObjectPath.GetStringValueForProperty( PVD_REC_CONTAINER_NAME ); wstring wstrNodeName = ObjectPath.GetStringValueForProperty( PVD_REC_DOMAIN_NAME ); if(_wcsicmp(wstrNodeName.data(), PVD_DNS_CACHE) == 0 || _wcsicmp(wstrNodeName.data(), PVD_DNS_ROOTHINTS) ==0) { wstrNodeName = L""; ObjectPath.SetProperty(PVD_REC_OWNER_NAME,L""); } objNode.wstrNodeName = wstrNodeName;
CDnsWrap& dns = CDnsWrap::DnsObject(); CWbemInstanceMgr InstMgr( pHandler); SCODE sc = dns.dnsEnumRecordsForDomainEx( objNode, &ObjectPath, &GetObjectFilter, FALSE, m_wType, DNS_RPC_VIEW_ALL_DATA, m_pClass, InstMgr);
return sc;
} /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Description:
// execute methods defined for record class in the mof
// Arguments:
// ObjPath [IN] pointing to the object that the
// method should be performed on
// wzMethodName [IN] name of the method to be invoked
// lFlags [IN] WMI flag
// pInParams [IN] Input parameters for the method
// pHandler [IN] WMI sink pointer
// Return Value:
SCODE CDnsResourceRecord::ExecuteMethod( CObjPath & ObjPath, WCHAR * wzMethodName, long lFlag, IWbemClassObject * pInArgs, IWbemObjectSink * pHandler) { CDnsWrap& dns = CDnsWrap::DnsObject(); SCODE sc;
CComPtr<IWbemClassObject> pOutParams; CComPtr<IWbemClassObject> pOutClass; sc = m_pClass->GetMethod(wzMethodName, 0, NULL, &pOutClass); if(sc != S_OK) { return sc; } pOutClass->SpawnInstance(0, &pOutParams); if(_wcsicmp( wzMethodName, PVD_MTH_REC_GETOBJECTBYTEXT) == 0) { return GetObjectFromText( pInArgs, pOutParams, pHandler); } else if(_wcsicmp( wzMethodName, PVD_MTH_REC_CREATEINSTANCEFROMTEXTREPRESENTATION) == 0) { return CreateInstanceFromText( pInArgs, pOutParams, pHandler); } else if (_wcsicmp( wzMethodName, PVD_MTH_REC_CREATEINSTANCEFROMPROPERTYDATA) == 0) { return CreateInstanceFromProperty( pInArgs, pOutParams, pHandler);
} else if (_wcsicmp( wzMethodName, PVD_MTH_REC_MODIFY) == 0) { return Modify(ObjPath, pInArgs, pOutParams, pHandler); } else { return WBEM_E_NOT_SUPPORTED; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Description:
// call back function to enum record instance.
// Arguments:
// ParentDomain [IN] Parent domain
// pFilter [IN] pointer to object that contains the criteria to filter
// which instance should be send to wmi
// not used here
// pNode [IN] pointer to Dns Rpc Node object
// pClass [IN] wmi class used to create instance
// InstMgr [IN] a ref to Instance manager obj that is
// responsible to send mutiple instance
// back to wmi at once
// Return Value:
SCODE CDnsResourceRecord::InstanceFilter( CDomainNode & ParentDomain, PVOID pFilter, CDnsRpcNode * pNode, IWbemClassObject * pClass, CWbemInstanceMgr & InstMgr ) { if(!pNode || !pClass ) return WBEM_E_FAILED; if (pNode->IsDomainNode()) return 0; CDnsRpcRecord* pRec=NULL; CDnsWrap& dns = CDnsWrap::DnsObject(); wstring wzContainer = ParentDomain.wstrZoneName; wstring wstrFQDN; if( ParentDomain.wstrNodeName.empty()) { wstrFQDN = ParentDomain.wstrZoneName; } else { wstrFQDN = ParentDomain.wstrNodeName; } wstring wstrNodeName = pNode->GetNodeName(); if (!wstrNodeName.empty()) { wstrNodeName += PVD_DNS_LOCAL_SERVER + wstrFQDN; } else { wstrNodeName = wstrFQDN; }
while( (pRec = pNode->GetNextRecord()) != NULL) { auto_ptr<CDnsRpcRecord> apRec(pRec); CWbemClassObject NewInst; pClass->SpawnInstance(0, &NewInst); NewInst.SetProperty( dns.GetServerName(), PVD_REC_SERVER_NAME); NewInst.SetProperty( wzContainer, PVD_REC_CONTAINER_NAME); NewInst.SetProperty( wstrFQDN, PVD_REC_DOMAIN_NAME); NewInst.SetProperty( wstrNodeName, PVD_REC_OWNER_NAME); NewInst.SetProperty( pRec->GetTextRepresentation(wstrNodeName), PVD_REC_TXT_REP); apRec->ConvertToWbemObject(NewInst); InstMgr.Indicate(NewInst.data()); }
return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
// Description:
// call back function in response to ExceQuery call. Return instances
// that satisfy query language
// Arguments:
// ParentDomain [IN] Parent domain
// pFilter [IN] pointer to CSqlEval object that implements
// logic based on sql language to filter
// which instance should be send to wmi
// not used here
// pNode [IN] pointer to Dns Rpc Node object
// pClass [IN] wmi class used to create instance
// InstMgr [IN] a ref to Instance manager obj that is
// responsible to send mutiple instance
// back to wmi at once
// Return Value:
SCODE CDnsResourceRecord::QueryFilter( CDomainNode & ParentDomain, PVOID pFilter, CDnsRpcNode * pNode, IWbemClassObject * pClass, CWbemInstanceMgr & InstMgr ) { DBG_FN( "CDnsResourceRecord::QueryFilter" ); if(!pNode || !pClass || !pFilter) { return WBEM_E_FAILED; } if (pNode->IsDomainNode()) { return 0; }
CSqlEval* pFilterObj = (CSqlEval*) pFilter; CDnsRpcRecord* pRec=NULL; CDnsWrap& dns = CDnsWrap::DnsObject(); wstring wzContainer = ParentDomain.wstrZoneName; wstring wstrFQDN; if( ParentDomain.wstrNodeName.empty()) { wstrFQDN = ParentDomain.wstrZoneName; } else { wstrFQDN = ParentDomain.wstrNodeName; } wstring wstrNodeName = pNode->GetNodeName(); if (!wstrNodeName.empty()) { wstrNodeName += PVD_DNS_LOCAL_SERVER + wstrFQDN; } else { wstrNodeName = wstrFQDN; }
while( (pRec = pNode->GetNextRecord()) != NULL) { auto_ptr<CDnsRpcRecord> apRec(pRec); CWbemClassObject NewInst; pClass->SpawnInstance(0, &NewInst); NewInst.SetProperty( dns.GetServerName(), PVD_REC_SERVER_NAME); NewInst.SetProperty( wzContainer, PVD_REC_CONTAINER_NAME); NewInst.SetProperty( wstrFQDN, PVD_REC_DOMAIN_NAME); NewInst.SetProperty( wstrNodeName, PVD_REC_OWNER_NAME); NewInst.SetProperty( pRec->GetTextRepresentation(wstrNodeName), PVD_REC_TXT_REP); pRec->ConvertToWbemObject(NewInst); CSqlWmiEvalee sqlEvalee( NewInst.data() ); if( pFilterObj->Evaluate( &sqlEvalee ) ) { DNS_DEBUG( RPCRR, ( "%s: indicating node %S %S\n", fn, wstrNodeName.c_str(), pRec->GetTextRepresentation(wstrNodeName).c_str() )); InstMgr.Indicate( NewInst.data() ); } else { DNS_DEBUG( RPCRR, ( "%s: not indicating node %S %S\n", fn, wstrNodeName.c_str(), pRec->GetTextRepresentation(wstrNodeName).c_str() )); } }
return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
// Description:
// call back function to enum record instance.
// Arguments:
// ParentDomain [IN] Parent domain
// pFilter [IN] pointer to an CObjPath object that
// contains the criteria to filter
// which instance should be send to wmi
// not used here
// pNode [IN] pointer to Dns Rpc Node object
// pClass [IN] wmi class used to create instance
// InstMgr [IN] a ref to Instance manager obj that is
// responsible to send mutiple instance
// back to wmi at once
// Return Value:
SCODE CDnsResourceRecord::GetObjectFilter( CDomainNode & ParentDomain, PVOID pFilter, CDnsRpcNode * pNode, IWbemClassObject * pClass, CWbemInstanceMgr & InstMgr ) {
if(!pNode || !pClass || !pFilter) return WBEM_E_FAILED; if (pNode->IsDomainNode()) return 0; CObjPath* pFilterObj = (CObjPath*) pFilter; CDnsRpcRecord* pRec=NULL; wstring wstrResultOwner = pNode->GetNodeName(); if(wstrResultOwner.empty()) wstrResultOwner = ParentDomain.wstrNodeName; else wstrResultOwner += PVD_DNS_LOCAL_SERVER + ParentDomain.wstrNodeName; while( (pRec = pNode->GetNextRecord()) != NULL) { auto_ptr<CDnsRpcRecord> apRec(pRec); wstring wstrSourceOwner = pFilterObj->GetStringValueForProperty( PVD_REC_OWNER_NAME); if(_wcsicmp(wstrResultOwner.data(), wstrSourceOwner.data())==0) { wstring wstrData = pRec->GetData(); if(_wcsicmp(wstrData.data(), pFilterObj->GetStringValueForProperty( PVD_REC_RDATA).data()) == 0) { // now find match
CWbemClassObject NewInst; pClass->SpawnInstance(0, &NewInst); NewInst.SetProperty( CDnsWrap::DnsObject().GetServerName(), PVD_REC_SERVER_NAME); NewInst.SetProperty( ParentDomain.wstrZoneName, PVD_REC_CONTAINER_NAME); NewInst.SetProperty( ParentDomain.wstrNodeName, PVD_REC_DOMAIN_NAME); NewInst.SetProperty( wstrResultOwner, PVD_REC_OWNER_NAME); NewInst.SetProperty( pRec->GetTextRepresentation(wstrResultOwner), PVD_REC_TXT_REP); apRec->ConvertToWbemObject(NewInst); InstMgr.Indicate(NewInst.data()); } }
} return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
// Description:
// save this instance
// Arguments:
// InstToPut [IN] WMI object to be saved
// lFlags [IN] WMI flag
// pCtx [IN] WMI context
// pHandler [IN] WMI sink pointer
// Return Value:
SCODE CDnsResourceRecord::PutInstance( IWbemClassObject * pInst , long lFlags, IWbemContext* pCtx , IWbemObjectSink * pHandler) { DWORD dwType; if(!pInst) { return WBEM_E_FAILED; } CDnsRpcRecord* pRecord = NULL; SCODE sc = CDnsRpcRecord::CreateClass( m_wType, (PVOID*) &pRecord); if (sc != S_OK) { return sc; } auto_ptr<CDnsRpcRecord> apRecord(pRecord); CWbemClassObject Inst(pInst); string strOwner; Inst.GetProperty( strOwner, PVD_REC_OWNER_NAME); string strRdata; Inst.GetProperty( strRdata, PVD_REC_RDATA); string strZone ; Inst.GetProperty( strZone, PVD_REC_CONTAINER_NAME);
sc = apRecord->Init( strOwner, strRdata ); if( FAILED ( sc ) ) { return sc; } sc = apRecord->SendToServer( strZone.data(), CDnsRpcRecord::AddRecord);
return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; };
// Description:
// delete the object specified in ObjectPath
// Arguments:
// ObjectPath [IN] ObjPath for the instance to be deleted
// lFlags [IN] WMI flag
// pCtx [IN] WMI context
// pHandler [IN] WMI sink pointer
// Return Value:
SCODE CDnsResourceRecord::DeleteInstance( CObjPath & ObjectPath, long lFlags, IWbemContext * pCtx, IWbemObjectSink * pHandler) { CDnsRpcRecord* pRecord = NULL;
// get Rdata
wstring wstrRdata = ObjectPath.GetStringValueForProperty( PVD_REC_RDATA); string strRdata; WcharToString(wstrRdata.data(), strRdata);
// get owner
wstring wstrOwner = ObjectPath.GetStringValueForProperty( PVD_REC_OWNER_NAME); string strOwner; WcharToString(wstrOwner.data(), strOwner);
SCODE sc = CDnsRpcRecord::CreateClass( m_wType, (PVOID*) &pRecord); if ( FAILED ( sc ) ) { return sc; } auto_ptr<CDnsRpcRecord> apRecord(pRecord); string strZone; sc = apRecord->Init( strOwner, strRdata ); if( FAILED(sc ) ) { return sc; } wstring wstrContainer = ObjectPath.GetStringValueForProperty( PVD_REC_CONTAINER_NAME); string strContainer; WcharToString(wstrContainer.data(), strContainer); sc = apRecord->SendToServer( strContainer.data(), CDnsRpcRecord::DeleteRecord);
return sc; }
// Description:
// modify a record. for the given objpath, it tries to get the record first,
// error out if not exist. Create new record based on pInArgs, error out if conflict
// existing one. if success, delete old record.
// Arguments:
// objPath [IN] point to record to be modified
// pInArgs [IN] new property of a record to be modified to
// pOutParams [IN] new object path after modify
// pHandler [IN] wmi sink
// Return Value:
SCODE CDnsResourceRecord::Modify( CObjPath& objPath, IWbemClassObject* pInArgs, IWbemClassObject* pOutParams, IWbemObjectSink* pHandler) { CDnsWrap& dns = CDnsWrap::DnsObject(); //Get zonename
wstring wstrZone = objPath.GetStringValueForProperty( PVD_REC_CONTAINER_NAME); if(wstrZone.empty()) { return WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; } string strZone; WcharToString(wstrZone.data(), strZone);
//Get owner
wstring wstrOwner = objPath.GetStringValueForProperty( PVD_REC_OWNER_NAME); if(wstrOwner.empty()) { return WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; } string strOwner; WcharToString(wstrOwner.data(), strOwner);
//Get Rdata
wstring wstrRdata = objPath.GetStringValueForProperty( PVD_REC_RDATA); if(wstrRdata.empty()) { return WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; } string strRdata; WcharToString(wstrRdata.data(), strRdata);
// create class
CDnsRpcRecord* pRecord; SCODE sc = CDnsRpcRecord::CreateClass( m_wType, (PVOID*) &pRecord); if ( FAILED ( sc ) ) { return sc; } auto_ptr<CDnsRpcRecord> apRec(pRecord); CWbemClassObject InstInArgs(pInArgs); sc = apRec->Init( m_wstrClassName, strOwner, strRdata, InstInArgs ); if ( FAILED ( sc ) ) { return sc; } apRec->SendToServer( strZone.data(), CDnsRpcRecord::AddRecord);
// new record created, delete old one
if ( apRec->RdataIsChanged()) { try { CDnsRpcRecord* pOldRecord; sc = CDnsRpcRecord::CreateClass( m_wType, (PVOID*) &pOldRecord ); if ( FAILED ( sc ) ) { throw sc; } auto_ptr<CDnsRpcRecord> apOldRec(pOldRecord); sc = apOldRec->Init( strOwner, strRdata); if ( FAILED ( sc ) ) { throw sc; } apOldRec->SendToServer( strZone.data(), CDnsRpcRecord::DeleteRecord); } catch(SCODE sc_e) { // if we fail to delete old record,
// delete the one we just created
apRec->SendToServer( strZone.data(), CDnsRpcRecord::DeleteRecord); return sc_e; } } //
// set output
CObjPath newObjPath; apRec->GetObjectPath( dns.GetServerName(), wstrZone, L"", wstrOwner, newObjPath); CWbemClassObject instOutParams(pOutParams); instOutParams.SetProperty( newObjPath.GetObjectPathString(), PVD_MTH_REC_ARG_RR); return pHandler->Indicate(1, &instOutParams);
SCODE CDnsResourceRecord::GetDomainNameFromZoneAndOwner( string & InZone, string & InOwner, string & OutNode ) { if( _stricmp( InOwner.c_str(), "@" ) == 0 ) { OutNode = InZone; InOwner = InZone; } else if( _stricmp( InOwner.c_str(), InZone.c_str() ) == 0 ) { OutNode = InZone; } else if( _wcsicmp( m_wstrClassName.c_str(), PVD_CLASS_RR_NS ) == 0 ) // NSType exception
{ OutNode = InOwner; } else { int posZone = InOwner.find( InZone, 0 ); int posFirstPeriod = InOwner.find_first_of( '.' ); string strtempZoneNode = InOwner.substr( posZone, InOwner.length() ); string strtempPeriodNode = InOwner.substr( posFirstPeriod + 1, InOwner.length() );
if( _stricmp( strtempZoneNode.c_str(), strtempPeriodNode.c_str() ) == 0 ) { OutNode = strtempZoneNode; } else { OutNode = strtempPeriodNode; } }
return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
// Description:
// get an instance of record based on record text representation
// Arguments:
// pInArgs [IN] input args contains text rep of record
// pOutParams [IN] output parameter
// pHandler [IN] wmi sink
// Return Value:
SCODE CDnsResourceRecord::GetObjectFromText( IWbemClassObject * pInArgs, IWbemClassObject * pOutParams, IWbemObjectSink * pHandler ) {
// get zonename
string strZone; CWbemClassObject InstInArgs(pInArgs); if(InstInArgs.GetProperty( strZone, PVD_MTH_REC_ARG_CONTAINER_NAME) != S_OK) { return WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; } //get textrepresentation
string strTextRep; if(InstInArgs.GetProperty( strTextRep, PVD_MTH_REC_ARG_TEXTREP) != S_OK) { return WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // get OwnerName
string strOwner; int pos = strTextRep.find(' '); if(pos != string::npos) { strOwner = strTextRep.substr(0, pos); }
// get recordType
pos = strTextRep.find_first_not_of(' ', pos); // move to record class
pos = strTextRep.find_first_of(' ', pos); if(pos == string::npos) { return WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
pos = strTextRep.find_first_not_of(' ', pos); int endpos = strTextRep.find(' ', pos); // move to record type
if(endpos == string::npos) { return WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; } string strRecordType = strTextRep.substr(pos,endpos-pos); // set the record type
m_wType = Dns_RecordTypeForName( (char*)strRecordType.data(), 0 // null terminated
// get Rdata
pos = strTextRep.find_first_not_of(' ', endpos); string strRdata = strTextRep.substr(pos);
string strNode = ""; GetDomainNameFromZoneAndOwner(strZone, strOwner, strNode);
//Form filter object
CObjPath opFilter; opFilter.SetClass(PVD_CLASS_RESOURCERECORD); opFilter.AddProperty(PVD_REC_CONTAINER_NAME, strZone); opFilter.AddProperty(PVD_REC_DOMAIN_NAME, strNode); opFilter.AddProperty(PVD_REC_OWNER_NAME, strOwner); opFilter.AddProperty(PVD_REC_RDATA, strRdata);
// get object
return GetObject( opFilter, 0, 0, pHandler); }
// Description:
// create an instance of record based on record text representation
// Arguments:
// pInArgs [IN] input args contains text rep of record
// pOutParams [IN] output parameter
// pHandler [IN] wmi sink
// Return Value:
SCODE CDnsResourceRecord::CreateInstanceFromText( IWbemClassObject * pInArgs, IWbemClassObject * pOutParams, IWbemObjectSink * pHandler) { CDnsWrap& dns = CDnsWrap::DnsObject(); // get zone name
string strZone; CWbemClassObject InstInArgs(pInArgs); if( FAILED ( InstInArgs.GetProperty( strZone, PVD_MTH_REC_ARG_CONTAINER_NAME) ) ) { return WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; } //get textrepresentation
string strTextRep; if( FAILED ( InstInArgs.GetProperty( strTextRep, PVD_MTH_REC_ARG_TEXTREP) ) ) { return WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// get OwnerName
string strOwner; int pos = strTextRep.find(' '); if(pos != string::npos) { strOwner = strTextRep.substr(0, pos); }
// get recordType
// move to record class
pos = strTextRep.find_first_not_of(' ', pos); pos = strTextRep.find_first_of(' ', pos); if(pos == string::npos) { return WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// move to record type
pos = strTextRep.find_first_not_of(' ', pos); int endpos = strTextRep.find(' ', pos); if(endpos == string::npos) { return WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; } string strRecordType = strTextRep.substr(pos,endpos-pos); // get Rdata
pos = strTextRep.find_first_not_of(' ', endpos); string strRdata = strTextRep.substr(pos);
// set the record type
m_wType = Dns_RecordTypeForName( (char*)strRecordType.data(), 0 // null terminated
// create class
CDnsRpcRecord* pRecord; SCODE sc = CDnsRpcRecord::CreateClass( m_wType, (PVOID*) &pRecord); if ( FAILED ( sc )) { return sc; } auto_ptr<CDnsRpcRecord> apRecord(pRecord); sc = apRecord->Init( strOwner, strRdata ); if ( FAILED ( sc ) ) { return sc; }
apRecord->SendToServer( strZone.data(), CDnsRpcRecord::AddRecord);
// set output parameter
CObjPath newObjPath; apRecord->GetObjectPath( dns.GetServerName(), CharToWstring(strZone.data(), strZone.length()), L"", CharToWstring(strOwner.data(), strOwner.length()), newObjPath ); CWbemClassObject instOutParams( pOutParams ); instOutParams.SetProperty( newObjPath.GetObjectPathString(), PVD_MTH_REC_ARG_RR); return pHandler->Indicate(1, &instOutParams); //done
// Description:
// create an instance of record based on input parameter
// with proper property setting
// Arguments:
// pInArgs [IN] input args contains property setting
// pOutParams [IN] output parameter
// pHandler [IN] wmi sink
// Return Value:
SCODE CDnsResourceRecord::CreateInstanceFromProperty( IWbemClassObject * pInArgs, IWbemClassObject * pOutParams, IWbemObjectSink * pHandler ) { CDnsWrap& dns = CDnsWrap::DnsObject(); CWbemClassObject InstInArgs(pInArgs); string strZone; // get zone name
if( FAILED ( InstInArgs.GetProperty( strZone, PVD_REC_CONTAINER_NAME) ) ) { return WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // get owner name
string strOwner; if( FAILED ( InstInArgs.GetProperty( strOwner, PVD_REC_OWNER_NAME) ) ) { return WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; } string strRdata;
// create class
CDnsRpcRecord* pRecord; SCODE sc = CDnsRpcRecord::CreateClass( m_wType, (PVOID*) &pRecord); if ( FAILED( sc ) ) { return sc; } auto_ptr<CDnsRpcRecord> apRecord(pRecord); sc = apRecord->Init( m_wstrClassName, strOwner, strRdata, InstInArgs ); if ( FAILED ( sc ) ) { return sc; } apRecord->SendToServer( strZone.data(), CDnsRpcRecord::AddRecord); // set output parameter
CObjPath newObjPath; apRecord->GetObjectPath( dns.GetServerName(), CharToWstring(strZone.data(),strZone.length()), L"", CharToWstring(strOwner.data(), strOwner.length()), newObjPath);
CWbemClassObject instOutParams(pOutParams); instOutParams.SetProperty( newObjPath.GetObjectPathString(), PVD_MTH_REC_ARG_RR); return pHandler->Indicate(1, &instOutParams); }
// Description:
// enum instances of dns domain
// Arguments:
// pSqlEval [IN] pointer to CSqlEval object that implements
// logic based on sql language to filter
// which instance should be send to wmi
// not used here
// lFlags [IN] WMI flag
// pCtx [IN] WMI context
// pHandler [IN] WMI sink pointer
// Return Value:
SCODE CDnsResourceRecord::ExecQuery( CSqlEval * pSqlEval, long lFlags, IWbemContext * pCtx, IWbemObjectSink * pHandler ) { SCODE sc = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; const WCHAR * ppName[] = { PVD_REC_CONTAINER_NAME, PVD_REC_DOMAIN_NAME, PVD_REC_OWNER_NAME }; if (pSqlEval == NULL) { return WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// converting from sql to a set of zone, domain and owner name to be queried on
CQueryEnumerator qeInst( (WCHAR**) ppName, 3); pSqlEval->GenerateQueryEnum(qeInst);
qeInst.Reset(); BOOL flag = TRUE; CWbemInstanceMgr InstanceMgr( pHandler);
CDnsWrap& dns = CDnsWrap::DnsObject(); //
// loop through a array of ppName, figure out what zone, domain and owner
// criteria should be used, then call dnsEnumRecordsForDomainEx with those
// parameter plus CSqlEval, CSqlEval is used further to filter out record
while(flag) { int nSize; const WCHAR **pp = qeInst.GetNext(nSize); if(pp != NULL) { // if no domain specified, do recursive search
BOOL bRecursive = (pp[1] == NULL);
//if zone not specified, enum all zones
if(pp[0] == NULL) { list<CDomainNode> objList; sc = dns.dnsEnumDomainForServer(&objList); list<CDomainNode>::iterator i; for(i=objList.begin(); i!=objList.end(); ++i) { //if(_wcsicmp(i->wstrZoneName.data(), PVD_DNS_ROOTHINTS)==0)
// i->wstrNodeName = i->wstrZoneName;
if(pp[1] != NULL) { i->wstrNodeName = pp[1]; if(pp[2] != NULL) { //take only name ifself, not FQDN
i->wstrChildName = pp[2]; int pos = i->wstrChildName.find_first_of('.',0); if(pos != string::npos) i->wstrChildName = i->wstrChildName.substr(0,pos);
} }
try { sc = dns.dnsEnumRecordsForDomainEx( *i, pSqlEval, &QueryFilter, bRecursive, m_wType, DNS_RPC_VIEW_ALL_DATA, m_pClass, InstanceMgr); } catch(CDnsProvException e) { if(e.GetErrorCode() != DNS_ERROR_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST) throw;
} }
} else { CDomainNode node; if(pp[2] != NULL) { //take only name ifself, not FQDN
if( pp[1] != NULL) { node.wstrChildName = pp[2]; int pos = node.wstrChildName.find_first_of('.',0); if(pos != string::npos) node.wstrChildName = node.wstrChildName.substr(0,pos); } }
node.wstrZoneName = pp[0]; if(pp[1] != NULL) { if ( _wcsicmp( pp[0], PVD_DNS_ROOTHINTS) != 0 && _wcsicmp ( pp[0], PVD_DNS_CACHE ) != 0 ) { node.wstrNodeName = pp[1]; } } else { if ( _wcsicmp( pp[0], PVD_DNS_ROOTHINTS) != 0 && _wcsicmp ( pp[0], PVD_DNS_CACHE ) != 0 ) { node.wstrNodeName = pp[0]; } }
sc = dns.dnsEnumRecordsForDomainEx( node, pSqlEval, &QueryFilter, bRecursive, m_wType, DNS_RPC_VIEW_ALL_DATA, m_pClass, InstanceMgr);
} } else { flag = FALSE; } } return S_OK;