// CopyRight ( c ) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name: util.cpp
// Description:
// const definition
// Author:
// Henry Wang ( henrywa ) March 8, 2000
#include "DnsWmi.h"
// These macros allow us to widen DNS RPC string constants.
#define MYTXT2(str) L##str
#define MYTXT(str) MYTXT2(str)
const WCHAR* const PVD_CLASS_SERVER = L"MicrosoftDNS_Server";
const WCHAR* const PVD_CLASS_DOMAIN = L"MicrosoftDNS_Domain"; const WCHAR* const PVD_CLASS_ZONE = L"MicrosoftDNS_Zone"; const WCHAR* const PVD_CLASS_CACHE = L"MicrosoftDNS_Cache"; const WCHAR* const PVD_CLASS_ROOTHINTS = L"MicrosoftDNS_RootHints"; const WCHAR* const PVD_CLASS_RESOURCERECORD = L"MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord"; const WCHAR* const PVD_CLASS_RR_A = L"MicrosoftDNS_AType"; const WCHAR* const PVD_CLASS_RR_SOA = L"MicrosoftDNS_SOAType"; const WCHAR* const PVD_CLASS_RR_PTR = L"MicrosoftDNS_PTRType"; const WCHAR* const PVD_CLASS_RR_NS = L"MicrosoftDNS_NSType"; const WCHAR* const PVD_CLASS_RR_CNAME = L"MicrosoftDNS_CNAMEType"; const WCHAR* const PVD_CLASS_RR_MB = L"MicrosoftDNS_MBType"; const WCHAR* const PVD_CLASS_RR_MD = L"MicrosoftDNS_MDType"; const WCHAR* const PVD_CLASS_RR_MF = L"MicrosoftDNS_MFType"; const WCHAR* const PVD_CLASS_RR_MG = L"MicrosoftDNS_MGType"; const WCHAR* const PVD_CLASS_RR_MR = L"MicrosoftDNS_MRType"; const WCHAR* const PVD_CLASS_RR_MINFO = L"MicrosoftDNS_MINFOType"; const WCHAR* const PVD_CLASS_RR_RP = L"MicrosoftDNS_RPType"; const WCHAR* const PVD_CLASS_RR_MX = L"MicrosoftDNS_MXType"; const WCHAR* const PVD_CLASS_RR_AFSDB = L"MicrosoftDNS_AFSDBType"; const WCHAR* const PVD_CLASS_RR_RT = L"MicrosoftDNS_RTType"; const WCHAR* const PVD_CLASS_RR_HINFO = L"MicrosoftDNS_HINFOType"; const WCHAR* const PVD_CLASS_RR_ISDN = L"MicrosoftDNS_ISDNType"; const WCHAR* const PVD_CLASS_RR_TXT = L"MicrosoftDNS_TXTType"; const WCHAR* const PVD_CLASS_RR_X25 = L"MicrosoftDNS_X25Type"; const WCHAR* const PVD_CLASS_RR_NULL = L"MicrosoftDNS_NULLType"; const WCHAR* const PVD_CLASS_RR_WKS = L"MicrosoftDNS_WKSType"; const WCHAR* const PVD_CLASS_RR_AAAA = L"MicrosoftDNS_AAAAType"; const WCHAR* const PVD_CLASS_RR_SRV = L"MicrosoftDNS_SRVType"; const WCHAR* const PVD_CLASS_RR_ATMA = L"MicrosoftDNS_ATMAType"; const WCHAR* const PVD_CLASS_RR_WINS = L"MicrosoftDNS_WINSType"; const WCHAR* const PVD_CLASS_RR_WINSR = L"MicrosoftDNS_WINSRType"; const WCHAR* const PVD_CLASS_RR_KEY = L"MicrosoftDNS_KEYType"; const WCHAR* const PVD_CLASS_RR_SIG = L"MicrosoftDNS_SIGType"; const WCHAR* const PVD_CLASS_RR_NXT = L"MicrosoftDNS_NXTType";
const WCHAR* const PVD_CLASS_SERVERDOMAIN = L"MicrosoftDNS_ServerDomainContainment"; const WCHAR* const PVD_CLASS_DOMAINDOMAIN = L"MicrosoftDNS_DomainDomainContainment"; const WCHAR* const PVD_CLASS_DOMAINRESOURCERECORD = L"MicrosoftDNS_DomainResourceRecordContainment";
const WCHAR* const PVD_CLASS_STATISTIC= L"MicrosoftDNS_Statistic";
// server
const WCHAR* const PVD_SRV_ADDRESS_ANSWER_LIMIT = L"AddressAnswerLimit"; const WCHAR* const PVD_SRV_BOOT_METHOD = L"BootMethod"; const WCHAR* const PVD_SRV_DS_POLLING_INTERVAL = L"DsPollingInterval"; const WCHAR* const PVD_SRV_EVENT_LOG_LEVEL = L"EventLogLevel"; const WCHAR* const PVD_SRV_ALLOW_UPDATE = L"AllowUpdate"; const WCHAR* const PVD_SRV_AUTO_CACHE_UPDATE = L"AutoCacheUpdate"; const WCHAR* const PVD_SRV_AUTO_REVERSE_ZONES = L"DisableAutoReverseZones"; const WCHAR* const PVD_SRV_BIND_SECONDARIES = L"SlowZoneTransfer"; const WCHAR* const PVD_SRV_DISJOINT_NETS = L"DisjointNets"; const WCHAR* const PVD_SRV_DS_AVAILABLE = L"DsAvailable"; const WCHAR* const PVD_SRV_FORWARD_DELEGATION = L"ForwardDelegations"; const WCHAR* const PVD_SRV_LOCAL_NETPRIORITY = L"LocalNetPriority"; const WCHAR* const PVD_SRV_LOOSE_WILDCARDING = L"LooseWildcarding"; const WCHAR* const PVD_SRV_NO_RECURSION = L"NoRecursion"; const WCHAR* const PVD_SRV_ROUND_ROBIN = L"RoundRobin"; const WCHAR* const PVD_SRV_SECURE_RESPONSES = L"SecureResponses"; const WCHAR* const PVD_SRV_SLAVE = L"Slave"; const WCHAR* const PVD_SRV_STRICT_FILE_PARSING = L"StrictFileParsing"; const WCHAR* const PVD_SRV_AUTO_CONFIG_FILE_ZONES = L"AutoConfigFileZones"; const WCHAR* const PVD_SRV_DEFAULT_AGING_STATE = L"DefaultAgingState"; const WCHAR* const PVD_SRV_DEFAULT_REFRESH_INTERVAL = L"DefaultRefreshInterval"; const WCHAR* const PVD_SRV_DEFAULT_NOREFRESH_INTERVAL = L"DefaultNoRefreshInterval"; const WCHAR* const PVD_SRV_ENABLE_EDNS = L"EnableEDnsProbes"; const WCHAR* const PVD_SRV_EDNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT = L"EDnsCacheTimeout"; const WCHAR* const PVD_SRV_MAX_UDP_PACKET_SIZE = L"MaximumUdpPacketSize"; const WCHAR* const PVD_SRV_ENABLE_DNSSEC = L"EnableDnsSec"; const WCHAR* const PVD_SRV_ENABLE_DP = MYTXT( DNS_REGKEY_ENABLE_DP ); const WCHAR* const PVD_SRV_UPDATE_OPTIONS = MYTXT( DNS_REGKEY_UPDATE_OPTIONS );
// dww - 6/24/99
// WriteAuthoritySoa removed from the schema.
// const WCHAR* const PVD_SRV_WRITE_AUTHIORITY_SOA = L"WriteAuthoritySoa";
const WCHAR* const PVD_SRV_WRITE_AUTHORITY_NS = L"WriteAuthorityNS"; const WCHAR* const PVD_SRV_LISTEN_IP_ADDRESSES_ARRAY = L"ListenIPAddresses"; const WCHAR* const PVD_SRV_LOG_LEVEL = L"LogLevel"; const WCHAR* const PVD_SRV_MAX_CACHE_TTL = L"MaxCacheTTL"; const WCHAR* const PVD_SRV_NAME_CHECK_FLAG = L"NameCheckFlag"; const WCHAR* const PVD_SRV_RECURSION_RETRY = L"RecursionRetry"; const WCHAR* const PVD_SRV_RECURSION_TIMEOUT = L"RecursionTimeout"; const WCHAR* const PVD_SRV_RPC_PROTOCOL = L"RpcProtocol"; const WCHAR* const PVD_SRV_SEND_ON_NON_DNS_PORT = L"SendOnNonDnsPort"; const WCHAR* const PVD_SRV_SERVER_IP_ADDRESSES_ARRAY = L"ServerAddresses"; const WCHAR* const PVD_SRV_SERVER_NAME = L"Name"; const WCHAR* const PVD_SRV_VERSION = L"Version"; const WCHAR* const PVD_SRV_STARTED = L"Started"; const WCHAR* const PVD_SRV_STARTMODE = L"StartMode";
// resource record
const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_CONTAINER_NAME = L"ContainerName"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_SERVER_NAME = L"DnsServerName"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_DOMAIN_NAME = L"DomainName"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_OWNER_NAME = L"OwnerName"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_CLASS = L"RecordClass"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_RDATA = L"RecordData"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_TXT_REP = L"TextRepresentation"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_TTL = L"TTL"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_TYPE = L"RecordType";
const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_AAAA_IP = L"IPv6Address"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_AFSBD_SERVER_NAME = L"ServerName"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_AFSBD_SUB_TYPE = L"SubType"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_ATMA_FORMAT = L"Format"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_ATMA_ATM_ADDRESS = L"ATMAddress"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_A_IP = L"IPAddress"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_CNAME_PRIMARY_NAME = L"PrimaryName"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_HINFO_CPU = L"CPU"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_HINFO_OS = L"OS"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_ISDN_ISDN_NUM = L"ISDNNumber"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_ISDN_SUB_ADDRESS = L"SubAddress"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_MB_MBHOST = L"MBHost"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_MD_MDHOST = L"MDHost"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_MF_MFHOST = L"MFHost"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_MG_MGMAILBOX = L"MGMailBox"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_MINFO_ERROR_MAILBOX = L"ErrorMailBox"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_MINFO_RESP_MAILBOX = L"ResponsibleMailBox"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_MR_MRMAILBOX = L"MRMailBox"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_MX_MAIL_EXCHANGE = L"MailExchange"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_MX_PREFERENCE = L"Preference"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_NS_NSHOST = L"NSHost"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_NULL_NULLDATA = L"NULLDATA"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_PTR_PTRDOMAIN_NAME = L"PTRDomainName"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_RP_RPMAILBOX = L"RPMailBox"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_RP_TXT_DOMAIN_NAME = L"TxtDomainName"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_RT_HOST = L"IntermediateHost"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_RT_PREFERENCE = L"Preference"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_SOA_EXPIRE_LIMIT = L"ExpireLimit"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_SOA_TTL = L"MinimumTTL"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_SOA_PRIMARY_SERVER = L"PrimaryServer"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_SOA_REFRESH = L"RefreshInterval"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_SOA_RESPONSIBLE = L"ResponsibleParty"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_SOA_RETRY_DELAY = L"RetryDelay"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_SOA_SERIAL_NUMBER = L"SerialNumber"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_SRV_PORT = L"Port"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_SRV_PRIORITY = L"Priority"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_SRV_WEIGHT = L"Weight"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_SRV_DOMAINNAME = L"DomainName"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_TXT_TEXT = L"DescriptiveText"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_WINSR_TIMEOUT = L"LookupTimeOut"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_WINSR_MAPPING_FLAG = L"MappingFlag"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_WINSR_RESULT_DOMAIN = L"ResultDomain"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_WINSR_CACHE_TIMEOUT = L"CacheTimeOut";
const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_WINS_TIMEOUT = L"LookupTimeOut"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_WINS_MAPPING_FLAG = L"MappingFlag"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_WINS_WINS_SERVER = L"WinsServers"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_WINS_CACHE_TIMEOUT = L"CacheTimeOut"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_WKS_INTERNET_ADDRESS = L"InternetAddress"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_WKS_IP_PROTOCOL = L"IPProtocol"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_WKS_BIT_MASK = L"Services"; const WCHAR* const PVD_REC_X25_PSDNADDRESS = L"PSDNAddress";
// domain
const WCHAR* const PVD_DOMAIN_CONTAINER_NAME = L"ContainerName"; const WCHAR* const PVD_DOMAIN_FQDN = L"Name"; const WCHAR* const PVD_DOMAIN_SERVER_NAME = L"DnsServerName";
const WCHAR* const PVD_ZONE_ALLOW_UPDATE = L"AllowUpdate"; const WCHAR* const PVD_ZONE_AUTO_CREATED = L"AutoCreated"; const WCHAR* const PVD_ZONE_DISABLE_WIN_SRECORD_REPLICATION = L"DisableWINSRecordReplication"; //const WCHAR* const PVD_DS_INTEGRATED L"DsIntegrated"
const WCHAR* const PVD_ZONE_NOTIFY = L"Notify"; const WCHAR* const PVD_ZONE_PAUSED = L"Paused"; const WCHAR* const PVD_ZONE_REVERSE = L"Reverse"; const WCHAR* const PVD_ZONE_AGING = L"Aging"; const WCHAR* const PVD_ZONE_SECURE_SECONDARIES = L"SecureSecondaries"; const WCHAR* const PVD_ZONE_SHUTDOWN = L"Shutdown"; const WCHAR* const PVD_ZONE_USE_WINS = L"UseWins"; const WCHAR* const PVD_ZONE_MASTERS_IP_ADDRESSES_ARRAY = L"MasterServers"; const WCHAR* const PVD_ZONE_LOCAL_MASTERS_IP_ADDRESSES_ARRAY = L"LocalMasterServers"; const WCHAR* const PVD_ZONE_DATA_FILE = L"DataFile"; const WCHAR* const PVD_ZONE_SECONDARIES_IP_ADDRESSES_ARRAY = L"SecondaryServers"; const WCHAR* const PVD_ZONE_NOTIFY_IPADDRESSES_ARRAY = L"NotifyServers"; const WCHAR* const PVD_ZONE_ZONE_TYPE = L"ZoneType"; const WCHAR* const PVD_ZONE_DS_INTEGRATED = L"DsIntegrated"; const WCHAR* const PVD_ZONE_AVAIL_FOR_SCAVENGE_TIME = L"AvailForScavengeTime"; const WCHAR* const PVD_ZONE_REFRESH_INTERVAL = L"RefreshInterval"; const WCHAR* const PVD_ZONE_NOREFRESH_INTERVAL = L"NoRefreshInterval"; const WCHAR* const PVD_ZONE_SCAVENGE_SERVERS = L"ScavengeServers"; const WCHAR* const PVD_ZONE_FORWARDER_SLAVE = L"ForwarderSlave"; const WCHAR* const PVD_ZONE_FORWARDER_TIMEOUT = L"ForwarderTimeout"; const WCHAR* const PVD_ZONE_LAST_SOA_CHECK = L"LastSuccessfulSoaCheck"; const WCHAR* const PVD_ZONE_LAST_GOOD_XFR = L"LastSuccessfulXfr";
//domain resource record containment
// server domain containment
const WCHAR* const PVD_ASSOC_CHILD = L"PartComponent"; const WCHAR* const PVD_ASSOC_PARENT = L"GroupComponent"; // method
const WCHAR* const PVD_MTH_SRV_RESTART = L"RestartDNSServer"; const WCHAR* const PVD_MTH_SRV_START_SERVICE = L"StartService"; const WCHAR* const PVD_MTH_SRV_STOP_SERVICE = L"StopService"; const WCHAR* const PVD_MTH_ZONE_RESUMEZONE = L"ResumeZone"; const WCHAR* const PVD_MTH_ZONE_PAUSEZONE = L"PauseZone"; const WCHAR* const PVD_MTH_ZONE_RELOADZONE = L"ReloadZone"; const WCHAR* const PVD_MTH_ZONE_FORCEREFRESH = L"ForceRefresh"; const WCHAR* const PVD_MTH_ZONE_UPDATEFROMDS = L"UpdateFromDS"; const WCHAR* const PVD_MTH_ZONE_WRITEBACKZONE = L"WriteBackZone"; const WCHAR* const PVD_MTH_ZONE_AGEALLRECORDS = L"AgeAllRecords"; const WCHAR* const PVD_MTH_ZONE_CHANGEZONETYPE = L"ChangeZoneType"; const WCHAR* const PVD_MTH_ZONE_CREATEZONE = L"CreateZone"; const WCHAR* const PVD_MTH_ZONE_RESETNOTIFYIPARRAY = L"ResetNotifyIpArray"; const WCHAR* const PVD_MTH_ZONE_RESETSECONDARYIPARRAY = L"ResetSecondaries"; const WCHAR* const PVD_MTH_ZONE_GETDISTINGUISHEDNAME = L"GetDistinguishedName"; const WCHAR* const PVD_MTH_ZONE_ARG_ZONENAME = L"ZoneName"; const WCHAR* const PVD_MTH_ZONE_ARG_ZONETYPE = L"ZoneType"; const WCHAR* const PVD_MTH_ZONE_ARG_DATAFILENAME = L"DataFileName"; const WCHAR* const PVD_MTH_ZONE_ARG_IPADDRARRAY = L"IpAddr"; const WCHAR* const PVD_MTH_ZONE_ARG_ADMINEMAILNAME = L"AdminEmailName"; const WCHAR* const PVD_MTH_ZONE_ARG_NODENAME = L"NodeName"; const WCHAR* const PVD_MTH_ZONE_ARG_APPLYTOSUBTREE = L"ApplyToSubtree"; const WCHAR* const PVD_MTH_ZONE_ARG_DSINTEGRATED = L"DsIntegrated"; const WCHAR* const PVD_MTH_ZONE_ARG_SECURITY = L"SecureSecondaries"; const WCHAR* const PVD_MTH_ZONE_ARG_NOTIFY = L"Notify"; const WCHAR* const PVD_MTH_ZONE_ARG_SECONDARYIPARRAY = L"SecondaryServers"; const WCHAR* const PVD_MTH_ZONE_ARG_NOTIFYIPARRAY = L"NotifyServers";
// Methods and stuff
const WCHAR* const PVD_MTH_REC_CREATEINSTANCEFROMTEXTREPRESENTATION = L"CreateInstanceFromTextRepresentation"; const WCHAR* const PVD_MTH_REC_MODIFY = L"Modify"; const WCHAR* const PVD_MTH_REC_CREATEINSTANCEFROMPROPERTYDATA = L"CreateInstanceFromPropertyData"; const WCHAR* const PVD_MTH_REC_GETOBJECTBYTEXT = L"GetObjectByTextRepresentation"; const WCHAR* const PVD_MTH_REC_ARG_DNSSERVER_NAME = L"DnsServerName"; const WCHAR* const PVD_MTH_REC_ARG_CONTAINER_NAME = L"ContainerName"; const WCHAR* const PVD_MTH_REC_ARG_TEXTREP = L"TextRepresentation"; const WCHAR* const PVD_MTH_REC_ARG_RR = L"RR"; const WCHAR* const PVD_MTH_RH_WRITEBACKROOTHINTDATAFILE = L"WriteBackRootHintDatafile"; const WCHAR* const PVD_MTH_CACHE_CLEARDNSSERVERCACHE = L"ClearCache"; //general
const WCHAR* const PVD_DNS_CACHE = L"..Cache"; const WCHAR* const PVD_DNS_ROOTHINTS = L"..RootHints"; const WCHAR* const PVD_DNS_LOCAL_SERVER = L"."; const WCHAR* const PVD_DNS_RETURN_VALUE = L"ReturnValue"; class CClassData { public: const WCHAR* wszClassName; FPNEW pfConstruct; const char* szType; };
CClassData g_ClassDataArray[]= { {PVD_CLASS_SERVER, CDnsServer::CreateThis, ""}, {PVD_CLASS_DOMAIN, CDnsDomain::CreateThis, ""}, {PVD_CLASS_ZONE, CDnsZone::CreateThis, ""}, {PVD_CLASS_CACHE, CDnsCache::CreateThis, ""}, {PVD_CLASS_ROOTHINTS, CDnsRootHints::CreateThis, ""}, {PVD_CLASS_RESOURCERECORD, CDnsResourceRecord::CreateThis, ""}, {PVD_CLASS_RR_A, CDnsResourceRecord::CreateThis, "A"}, {PVD_CLASS_RR_SOA, CDnsResourceRecord::CreateThis, "SOA"}, {PVD_CLASS_RR_NS, CDnsResourceRecord::CreateThis, "NS"}, {PVD_CLASS_RR_CNAME,CDnsResourceRecord::CreateThis, "CNAME"}, {PVD_CLASS_RR_PTR, CDnsResourceRecord::CreateThis, "PTR"}, {PVD_CLASS_RR_MB, CDnsResourceRecord::CreateThis, "MB"}, {PVD_CLASS_RR_MD, CDnsResourceRecord::CreateThis, "MD"}, {PVD_CLASS_RR_MF, CDnsResourceRecord::CreateThis, "MF"}, {PVD_CLASS_RR_MG, CDnsResourceRecord::CreateThis, "MG"}, {PVD_CLASS_RR_MR, CDnsResourceRecord::CreateThis, "MR"}, {PVD_CLASS_RR_MINFO, CDnsResourceRecord::CreateThis, "MINFO"}, {PVD_CLASS_RR_RP, CDnsResourceRecord::CreateThis, "RP"}, {PVD_CLASS_RR_MX, CDnsResourceRecord::CreateThis, "MX"}, {PVD_CLASS_RR_AFSDB, CDnsResourceRecord::CreateThis, "AFSDB"}, {PVD_CLASS_RR_RT, CDnsResourceRecord::CreateThis, "RT"}, {PVD_CLASS_RR_HINFO, CDnsResourceRecord::CreateThis, "HINFO"}, {PVD_CLASS_RR_ISDN, CDnsResourceRecord::CreateThis, "ISDN"}, {PVD_CLASS_RR_TXT, CDnsResourceRecord::CreateThis, "TXT"}, {PVD_CLASS_RR_X25, CDnsResourceRecord::CreateThis, "X25"}, {PVD_CLASS_RR_NULL, CDnsResourceRecord::CreateThis, "NULL"}, {PVD_CLASS_RR_WKS, CDnsResourceRecord::CreateThis, "WKS"}, {PVD_CLASS_RR_AAAA, CDnsResourceRecord::CreateThis, "AAAA"}, {PVD_CLASS_RR_SRV, CDnsResourceRecord::CreateThis, "SRV"}, {PVD_CLASS_RR_ATMA, CDnsResourceRecord::CreateThis, "ATMA"}, {PVD_CLASS_RR_WINS, CDnsResourceRecord::CreateThis, "WINS"}, {PVD_CLASS_RR_WINSR, CDnsResourceRecord::CreateThis, "WINSR"}, {PVD_CLASS_RR_SIG, CDnsResourceRecord::CreateThis, "SIG"}, {PVD_CLASS_RR_KEY, CDnsResourceRecord::CreateThis, "KEY"}, {PVD_CLASS_RR_NXT, CDnsResourceRecord::CreateThis, "NXT"}, {PVD_CLASS_SERVERDOMAIN, CDnsServerDomainContainment::CreateThis, ""}, {PVD_CLASS_DOMAINDOMAIN, CDnsDomainDomainContainment::CreateThis,""}, {PVD_CLASS_STATISTIC, CDnsStatistic::CreateThis,""}, {PVD_CLASS_DOMAINRESOURCERECORD, CDnsDomainResourceRecordContainment::CreateThis,""}
int g_cClassDataEntries = sizeof(g_ClassDataArray) / sizeof(CClassData);
SCODE CreateClass( const WCHAR* strClassName, CWbemServices* pNamespace, void** ppNewClass) { for(int i =0; i< g_cClassDataEntries; i++) { if(_wcsicmp( strClassName, g_ClassDataArray[i].wszClassName) == 0) { *ppNewClass = (void*) g_ClassDataArray[i].pfConstruct( strClassName, pNamespace, g_ClassDataArray[i].szType); return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } }
return S_OK; }
BSTR AllocBstr(const WCHAR* pwsz) { BSTR bstr = SysAllocString(pwsz); if (bstr == NULL) throw WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return bstr; }
wstring CharToWstring( LPCSTR lpFromStr, DWORD wLength) { wstring wStr; if (wLength == 0) return wStr; //L"";
WCHAR * pwchar = new WCHAR[ sizeof( WCHAR ) * ( wLength + 1 ) ]; if ( !pwchar ) { throw WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
int rt = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, lpFromStr, wLength, pwchar, wLength); if(rt != 0) { *(pwchar+wLength)=L'\0'; wStr = pwchar; }
delete [] pwchar; return wStr; } int CharToWchar( LPCSTR lpMultiByteStr, LPWSTR* lppWideCharStr) { int cchMultiByte; cchMultiByte = strlen(lpMultiByteStr); *lppWideCharStr = (WCHAR*) malloc ((cchMultiByte+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); if ( *lppWideCharStr == NULL ) { return 0; } return MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, // code page
0 , lpMultiByteStr, // address of string to map
-1, // number of bytes in string
*lppWideCharStr, // address of wide-character buffer
cchMultiByte + 1 // size of buffer
); }
int WcharToString( LPCWSTR lpWideCharStr, string& str) { char * temp = NULL; int rt = WcharToChar(lpWideCharStr, &temp); if ( rt != 0) { str = temp; } delete [] temp; return rt; }
int WcharToChar( LPCWSTR lpWideCharStr, LPSTR* lppMultiByteStr) { int cWchar; if ( !lpWideCharStr ) return 0;
cWchar= wcslen(lpWideCharStr)+1; *lppMultiByteStr = ( CHAR * ) new char[ cWchar * sizeof ( CHAR ) ]; if ( !*lppMultiByteStr ) { throw WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
return WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, // code page
0, // character-type options
lpWideCharStr, // address of string to map
-1, // number of bytes in string
*lppMultiByteStr, // address of wide-character buffer
cWchar*sizeof(CHAR) ,// size of buffer
wstring IpAddressToString(DWORD ip) { char temp[30]; sprintf(temp, "%d.%d.%d.%d", * ( (PUCHAR) &ip + 0 ), * ( (PUCHAR) &ip + 1 ), * ( (PUCHAR) &ip + 2 ), * ( (PUCHAR) &ip + 3 ) ); return CharToWstring(temp, strlen(temp)); }