#pragma warning ( disable : 4200 ) // we allow zero sized arrays
// asserts
// #define DHTAssert to point to your favorite assert function per #include
#ifdef DHTAssert
#else // !DHTAssert
#define DHTAssert Assert
#endif // DHTAssert
#include <sync.hxx>
#ifdef DEBUG
// turns on unique names for bucket reader/writer locks (adds 60 bytes per BUCKET)
#include <stdio.h>
class CPRINTF; #endif
namespace DHT {
// CDynamicHashTable
// Implements a dynamically resizable hash table of entries stored using a unique key
// CKey = class representing keys used to identify entries in the hash table
// CEntry = class representing entries stored in the hash table
// (required copy-constructor)
template< class CKey, class CEntry > class CDynamicHashTable { public:
// counter type (uses native word size of machine)
typedef ULONG_PTR NativeCounter;
// class controlling the Key and Entry for each entry in the hash table
// NOTE: All member functions must be defined by the user per instance
// of this template. These functions must be defined after the
// template definition. Declaring these functions to be inline
// will allow full optimization by the compiler!
class CKeyEntry { public:
// produces the hash value for the specified key. this hash
// function should produce numbers as uniformly as possible over
// as large a range as possible for good performance
static NativeCounter Hash( const CKey& key );
// produces the hash value for this entry's key. this hash
// function should produce the same number as the above function
// for the same key
NativeCounter Hash() const;
// returns fTrue if this entry matches the given key. this way,
// the key doesn't necessarily have to be stored in the hash table
// entry
// e.g.: CEntry can be PBF and key can be IFMP/PGNO where the
// actual IFMP/PGNO is stored in the BF structure. this would
// ruin cache locality, of course, but it would use less memory
// note that the entry could also contain some kind of hash value
// for the key allowing some weeding out of entries before jumping
// off to the full structure for a full comparison. an example
// of this would be the SPAIRs from SORT
BOOL FEntryMatchesKey( const CKey& key ) const;
// sets the contained entry to the given entry
void SetEntry( const CEntry& entry );
// gets the contained entry
void GetEntry( CEntry* const pentry ) const;
public: CEntry m_entry; ~CKeyEntry(); // not allowed
CKeyEntry(); // not allowed
CKeyEntry *operator =( const CKeyEntry & ); // not allowed
// API Error Codes
enum ERR { errSuccess, // success
errOutOfMemory, // not enough memory
errInvalidParameter, // bad argument to function
errEntryNotFound, // entry was not found
errNoCurrentEntry, // currency is invalid
errKeyDuplicate, // cannot insert because key already exists
// API Lock Context
class CLock;
CDynamicHashTable( const NativeCounter rankDHTrwlBucket ); ~CDynamicHashTable();
ERR ErrInit( const double dblLoadFactor, const double dblUniformity, const NativeCounter cBucketMinimum = 0 ); void Term();
void ReadLockKey( const CKey& key, CLock* const plock ); void ReadUnlockKey( CLock* const plock );
void WriteLockKey( const CKey& key, CLock* const plock ); void WriteUnlockKey( CLock* const plock );
ERR ErrRetrieveEntry( CLock* const plock, CEntry* const pentry ); ERR ErrReplaceEntry( CLock* const plock, const CEntry& entry ); ERR ErrInsertEntry( CLock* const plock, const CEntry& entry ); ERR ErrDeleteEntry( CLock* const plock );
void BeginHashScan( CLock* const plock ); void BeginHashScanFromKey( const CKey& key, CLock* const plock ); ERR ErrMoveNext( CLock* const plock, BOOL* const pfNewBucket = NULL ); void EndHashScan( CLock* const plock );
VOID Dump( CPRINTF * pcprintf, const DWORD_PTR dwOffset = 0 ) const; VOID Scan( CPRINTF * pcprintf, VOID * pv ) const; #endif
#ifdef DHT_STATS
long CBucketOverflow() const { return m_cBucketOverflowInsert; } long CBucketSplit() const { return m_cBucketSplit; } long CBucketMerge() const { return m_cBucketMerge; } long CDirectorySplit() const { return m_cDirSplit; } long CDirectoryMerge() const { return m_cDirMerge; } long CStateTransition() const { return m_cTransition; } long CPolicySelection() const { return m_cSelection; } long CSplitContend() const { return m_cSplitContend; } long CMergeContend() const { return m_cMergeContend; } #else // !DHT_STATS
long CBucketOverflow() const { return 0; } long CBucketSplit() const { return 0; } long CBucketMerge() const { return 0; } long CDirectorySplit() const { return 0; } long CDirectoryMerge() const { return 0; } long CStateTransition() const { return 0; } long CPolicySelection() const { return 0; } long CSplitContend() const { return 0; } long CMergeContend() const { return 0; } #endif // DHT_STATS
// possible states for the hash-table
// (specifically, I do "stateCur >> 4" to test for 0x10000 so I can see if we are splitting)
enum ENUMSTATE { stateNil = 0, stateShrinkFromGrow = 1, stateShrinkFromGrow2 = 2, stateGrowFromShrink = 3, stateGrowFromShrink2 = 4, stateSplitFromGrow = 5, stateSplitFromGrow2 = 6, stateGrowFromSplit = 7, stateGrowFromSplit2 = 8, stateMergeFromShrink = 9, stateMergeFromShrink2 = 10, stateShrinkFromMerge = 11, stateShrinkFromMerge2 = 12, stateUnused = 13, stateGrow = 14, stateShrink = 15, stateSplit = 16, stateMerge = 17, };
// Constants
enum { cbitByte = 8 }; // bits per byte
enum { cbitNativeCounter = sizeof( NativeCounter ) * cbitByte }; // bits per NativeCounter
// - this is the individual unit of allocation for each logical bucket
// - each BUCKET contains several CKeyEntry objects packed together
// - BUCKETs are chained together to make up the entire logical bucket
struct BUCKET { public:
// read-write-lock/prev-ptr
// in the primary BUCKET (allocated as a part of an array), this is the read-write-lock
// in secondary BUCKETs, this is the prev-ptr for reverse traversal
union { BYTE m_rgbRWL[ sizeof( OSSYNC::CReaderWriterLock ) ]; BUCKET *m_pBucketPrev; };
// next/end pointer
// when this points outside of the array of buckets, it points to the next BUCKET
// when this points inside of the array of buckets, it points to the first free entry
union { BYTE *m_pb; BUCKET *m_pBucketNext; CKeyEntry *m_pEntryLast; };
// array of entries (it will contain 'load-factor' entries)
CKeyEntry m_rgEntry[];
// return the properly typed CReaderWriterLock
OSSYNC::CReaderWriterLock& CRWL() const { return (OSSYNC::CReaderWriterLock &)m_rgbRWL; } }; typedef BUCKET* PBUCKET;
// pool of BUCKET structures (reservation system for bucket split/merge)
class BUCKETPool { public:
PBUCKET m_pReserve; // list of BUCKET structures available for reservation
long m_cReserve; // number of BUCKET structures available to be reserved
OSSYNC::CSemaphore m_semReserve; // protection for reservation ptrs
#ifdef _WIN64
BYTE m_rgbRsvd[ 40 ]; #else // !_WIN64
BYTE m_rgbRsvd[ 20 ]; #endif // _WIN64
BUCKETPool() : m_semReserve( CSyncBasicInfo( "CDynamicHashTable::BUCKETPool::m_semReserve" ) ) {
// initialize vars
m_pReserve = NULL; m_cReserve = 0;
// prepare the semaphore to have 1 owner
#ifdef DEBUG
memset( m_rgbRsvd, 0, sizeof( m_rgbRsvd ) ); #endif // DEBUG
// terminate
~BUCKETPool() { while ( m_pReserve ) { PBUCKET pBucket;
pBucket = m_pReserve; m_pReserve = m_pReserve->m_pBucketNext; MEMFree( pBucket ); } m_cReserve = 0; }
// reserve a BUCKET structure
// "allocate" a bucket from the list by decrementing the counter of available buckets
// if the counter went below zero, we need add a bucket to the list now (or fail)
// to make sure we can honor the request later
BOOL FPOOLReserve( const NativeCounter cbBucket ) { // reserve a bucket using the counter
if ( AtomicDecrement( (long*)&m_cReserve ) >= 0 ) { return fTrue; }
// reserve a bucket from the heap
else { return FPOOLReserve_( cbBucket ); } }
BOOL FPOOLReserve_( const NativeCounter cbBucket ) { // at this point, we need to increment m_cReserve for 1 of 2 reasons:
// the allocation will succeed and we will add the new bucket to the list
// the allocation will fail and we can't leave without "deallocating" the bucket
AtomicIncrement( (long*)&m_cReserve );
// we need to allocate a bucket and add it to the list (to back the reservation we want)
const PBUCKET pBucket = PBUCKET( PvMEMAlloc( cbBucket ) ); if ( pBucket ) {
// add the bucket to the list
m_semReserve.Acquire(); pBucket->m_pBucketNext = m_pReserve; m_pReserve = pBucket; m_semReserve.Release();
// reservation succeeded
return fTrue; }
// the allocation failed so the reservation cannot succeed
return fFalse; }
// commit a reservation
BUCKET *PbucketPOOLCommit() { PBUCKET pBucketReserve;
// assign a bucket to the reservation
m_semReserve.Acquire(); pBucketReserve = m_pReserve; DHTAssert( pBucketReserve ); m_pReserve = m_pReserve->m_pBucketNext; m_semReserve.Release();
// return the bucket
return pBucketReserve; }
// release the reservation
void POOLUnreserve() {
// "deallocate" the bucket that was previously reserved
AtomicIncrement( (long*)&m_cReserve ); } };
// "hot" elements of the hash-table (hashed to array of size 2*cProcessor elems)
// 32 bytes on WIN32
// 64 bytes on WIN64
struct HOTSTUFF { public:
NativeCounter m_cEntry; // counter for entries
NativeCounter m_cOp; // counter for inserts/deletes
OSSYNC::CMeteredSection m_cms; // metered section for changing states
#ifdef _WIN64
BYTE m_rgbRsvd[ 24 ]; // alignment padding
#else // !_WIN64
BYTE m_rgbRsvd[ 12 ]; // alignment padding
#endif // _WIN64
BUCKETPool m_bucketpool; // pool of BUCKET blobs
HOTSTUFF() : m_cms() { m_cEntry = 0; m_cOp = 0; #ifdef DEBUG
memset( m_rgbRsvd, 0, sizeof( m_rgbRsvd ) ); #endif // DEBUG
// containment for the directory pointers
// these pointers control the use of the directory itself (m_rgrgBucket)
// the hash table will always have a minimum of 2 buckets (0 and 1) in the directory
// buckets are stored in dynamically allocated arrays which are pointed to by the directory
// each array is 2 times larger than the previous array (exponential growth)
// e.g. the Nth array (m_rgrgBucket[N]) contains 2^N contiguous buckets
// NOTE: the 0th array is special in that it contains an extra element making its total 2 elements
// (normally, 2^0 == 1 element; this is done for magical reasons to be explained later)
// thus, the total number of entries for a given N is:
// N
// 1 + SUM 2^i --> 1 + [ 2^(N+1) - 1 ] --> 2^(N+1)
// i=0
// we know the total number of distinct hash values is a power of 2 (it must fit into a NativeCounter)
// we can represent this with 2^M where M is the number of bits in a NativeCounter
// therefore, assuming the above system of exponential growth,
// we know that we can store the total number of hash buckets required at any given time so long as N = M
// in other words, N = # of bits in NativeCounter --> sizeof( NativeCounter ) * 8
// therefore, we can statically allocate the array of bucket arrays
// and, we can use LOG2 to compute the bucket address of any given hash value
// (exceptions: DIRILog2( 0 ) => 0, 0 and DIRILog2( 1 ) => 0, 1)
// for an explaination of m_cBucketMax and m_cBucket you should read the paper on
// Dynamic Hashing by Per Ake Larson
// 160 bytes on WIN32 (5 cache lines)
// 320 bytes on WIN64 (10 cache lines)
struct DIRPTRS { NativeCounter m_cBucketMax; // half-way to last bucket in split iteration (2^(n-1))
NativeCounter m_cBucket; // destination of next split (0 to 2^(n-1)), must add to m_cBucketMax
#ifdef _WIN64
BYTE m_rgbRsvd[ 16 ]; // alignment padding
#else // !_WIN64
BYTE m_rgbRsvd[ 8 ]; // alignment padding
#endif // _WIN64
// CLock
// - lock context for read/write/scan operations on the hash-table
// - tracks currency within a bucket
// - access is restricted to the dynamic-hash-table
class CLock { friend class CDynamicHashTable< CKey, CEntry >;
public: // possible states for a lock context (class CLock)
enum ENUMLOCKSTATE { lsNil = 0, // lock is not used
lsRead = 1, // lock is being used to read a particular CKeyEntry object
lsWrite = 2, // lock is being used to write a particular CKeyEntry object
lsScan = 3, // lock is being used to scan the hash-table
CLock() { m_ls = lsNil; m_pBucketHead = NULL; }
~CLock() { DHTAssert( m_pBucketHead == NULL ); }
// lock state
ENUMLOCKSTATE m_ls; // current state of this lock context
BOOL m_fInsertOrDelete;
// HOTSTUFF pointer
HOTSTUFF *m_phs;
#ifdef DEBUG
// debug-only parameters
CKey m_key; // track the key that should be locked
// ptr to the first BUCKET
BUCKET *m_pBucketHead;
// ptr to the current BUCKET
BUCKET *m_pBucket; // current BUCKET
// ISAM-style cursor on current BUCKET (m_pBucket)
CKeyEntry *m_pEntryPrev; // previous entry
CKeyEntry *m_pEntry; // current entry
CKeyEntry *m_pEntryNext; // next entry
// current bucket (used in scan-mode only)
NativeCounter m_iBucket; // current bucket
// state machine
const int UiSTEnter( HOTSTUFF **pphs ) { // hash to the HOTSTUFF structure
*pphs = HOTSTUFFHash();
// enter the metered section
return ( *pphs )->m_cms.Enter(); }
void STLeave( const int group, HOTSTUFF *phs ) { phs->m_cms.Leave( group ); }
const ENUMSTATE EsSTGetState() const { return m_stateCur; }
void STTransition( const ENUMSTATE esNew ) { // initiate a transition to the desired state
m_stateCur = esNew; m_cCompletions = 0; for ( NativeCounter ihs = 0; ihs < m_chs; ihs++ ) { m_rghs[ ihs ].m_cms.Partition( OSSYNC::CMeteredSection::PFNPARTITIONCOMPLETE( STCompletion_ ), DWORD_PTR( this ) ); } }
static void STCompletion_( CDynamicHashTable< CKey, CEntry >* pdht ) { pdht->STCompletion(); }
void STCompletion() { // state transition table
typedef void (CDynamicHashTable< CKey, CEntry >::*PfnCompletion)(); struct StateTransitionTable { PfnCompletion m_pfnCompletion; ENUMSTATE m_stNext; };
static const StateTransitionTable rgstt[] = { /* stateNil */ { NULL, stateNil, }, /* stateShrinkFromGrow */ { NULL, stateShrinkFromGrow2, }, /* stateShrinkFromGrow2 */ { NULL, stateShrink, }, /* stateGrowFromShrink */ { NULL, stateGrowFromShrink2, }, /* stateGrowFromShrink2 */ { NULL, stateGrow, }, /* stateSplitFromGrow */ { NULL, stateSplitFromGrow2, }, /* stateSplitFromGrow2 */ { STCompletionCopyDir, stateSplit, }, /* stateGrowFromSplit */ { NULL, stateGrowFromSplit2, }, /* stateGrowFromSplit2 */ { NULL, stateGrow, }, /* stateMergeFromShrink */ { NULL, stateMergeFromShrink2, }, /* stateMergeFromShrink2 */ { STCompletionCopyDir, stateMerge, }, /* stateShrinkFromMerge */ { NULL, stateShrinkFromMerge2, }, /* stateShrinkFromMerge2 */ { NULL, stateShrink, }, /* stateUnused */ { NULL, stateNil, }, /* stateGrow */ { STCompletionGrowShrink, stateNil, }, /* stateShrink */ { STCompletionGrowShrink, stateNil, }, /* stateSplit */ { STCompletionSplit, stateGrowFromSplit, }, /* stateMerge */ { STCompletionMerge, stateShrinkFromMerge, }, };
// all metered sections have transitioned to the new state
if ( NativeCounter( AtomicIncrement( &m_cCompletions ) ) >= m_chs ) { STATStateTransition();
// save the current state as it may change as a side-effect of
// calling the completion function
const ENUMSTATE esCurrent = EsSTGetState();
// if there is a completion function for this state then call it
if ( rgstt[ esCurrent ].m_pfnCompletion ) { (this->*rgstt[ esCurrent ].m_pfnCompletion)(); }
// if there is a next state then immediately begin the transition to that state
if ( rgstt[ esCurrent ].m_stNext ) { STTransition( rgstt[ esCurrent ].m_stNext ); } } }
void STCompletionCopyDir() { // backup the bucket ptrs for use during the split/merge process
memcpy( &m_dirptrs[ 1 ], &m_dirptrs[ 0 ], sizeof( DIRPTRS ) ); }
void STCompletionGrowShrink() { // enable the selection of a new maintenance policy
m_semPolicy.Release(); }
void STCompletionSplit() { // split the directory
DIRISplit(); }
void STCompletionMerge() { // merge the directory
DIRIMerge(); }
// directory
// initialize the directory, possible allocating some buckets
ERR ErrDIRInit( const NativeCounter cLoadFactor, const NativeCounter cbucketMin ) { ERR err; NativeCounter iExponent; NativeCounter iRemainder;
// check params
if ( cLoadFactor < 1 ) { return errInvalidParameter; }
// setup the main paramters
m_cLoadFactor = cLoadFactor;
// calculate the bucket size, accounting for:
// - bucket header
// - enough room for twice the load factor to eliminate overflow
// buckets with uniform hashing
// - room for an additional entry to give us some flexibility in
// our actual load factor to reduce maintenance overhead
// - cache line alignment of the bucket
m_cbBucket = sizeof( BUCKET ) + ( cLoadFactor * 2 + 1 ) * sizeof( CKeyEntry ); m_cbBucket = ( ( m_cbBucket + cbCacheLine - 1 ) / cbCacheLine ) * cbCacheLine;
// calculate the number of entries we can fit into a single bucket
// NOTE: this may be larger than intended because we rounded the bucket size up the nearest cache-line
m_centryBucket = ( m_cbBucket - sizeof( BUCKET ) ) / sizeof( CKeyEntry );
// calculate the minimum number of buckets using the following lower-bounds:
// cbucketMin (user parameter)
// # of processors (make sure we have atleast 1 bucket/proc as an attempt to minimize contention)
// 2 (hash table assumes atleast 2 buckets)
m_cbucketMin = max( cbucketMin, NativeCounter( OSSYNC::OSSyncGetProcessorCountMax() ) ); m_cbucketMin = max( m_cbucketMin, 2 );
// align the minimum number of buckets to the next highest power of 2 (unless it's already a power of 2)
DIRILog2( m_cbucketMin, &iExponent, &iRemainder );
if ( iRemainder ) { if ( ++iExponent >= cbitNativeCounter ) { return errInvalidParameter; // could not round up without overflowing
} }
m_cbucketMin = 1 << iExponent;
// setup the directory pointers
m_dirptrs[ 0 ].m_cBucketMax = m_cbucketMin / 2; m_dirptrs[ 0 ].m_cBucket = m_cbucketMin / 2;
// SPECIAL CASE: allocate 2 entries for the first bucket array
// (we always do this because we always have atleast 2 buckets)
err = ErrDIRInitBucketArray( 2, 0, &m_rgrgBucket[ 0 ] ); if ( errSuccess != err ) { return err; }
// allocate memory for all other initial bucket arrays
for ( iExponent = 1; ( NativeCounter( 1 ) << iExponent ) < m_cbucketMin; iExponent++ ) { err = ErrDIRInitBucketArray( 1 << iExponent, 1 << iExponent, &m_rgrgBucket[ iExponent ] ); if ( errSuccess != err ) { return err; } }
// clear the second set of directory ptrs
memset( &m_dirptrs[ 1 ], 0, sizeof( DIRPTRS ) );
return errSuccess; }
// cleanup all memory by destructing it then freeing it
void DIRTerm() { NativeCounter iExponent;
// SPECIAL CASE: term the first bucket array (contains 2 entries)
// (we will always do this because the hash-table will always contain atleast 2 entries)
if ( m_rgrgBucket[ 0 ] ) { DIRTermBucketArray( m_rgrgBucket[ 0 ], 2 ); m_rgrgBucket[ 0 ] = NULL; }
// term all other bucket arrays
for ( iExponent = 1; iExponent < cbitNativeCounter; iExponent++ ) { if ( m_rgrgBucket[ iExponent ] ) { DIRTermBucketArray( m_rgrgBucket[ iExponent ], 1 << iExponent ); m_rgrgBucket[ iExponent ] = NULL; } }
// reset both copies of the directory pointers
memset( m_dirptrs, 0, sizeof( m_dirptrs ) ); }
// lock a key for read operations
void DIRReadLockKey( const ENUMSTATE esCurrent, const CKey &key, CLock * const plock ) const { NativeCounter iHash; NativeCounter iBucket; NativeCounter cBucketBefore; NativeCounter cBucketAfter; NativeCounter cBucketMax;
// verify the lock
DHTAssert( FBKTRead( plock ) ); DHTAssert( plock->m_pBucketHead == NULL );
#ifdef DEBUG
// remember the key we are locking
plock->m_key = key; #endif
// hash to the bucket we want (this may require a retry in grow/shrink mode)
iHash = CKeyEntry::Hash( key ); plock->m_pBucketHead = PbucketDIRIHash( esCurrent, iHash, &iBucket, &cBucketBefore );
// acquire the lock as a reader
plock->m_pBucketHead->CRWL().EnterAsReader(); // the entry may have moved as the result of a bucket split/merge
cBucketAfter = NcDIRIGetBucket( esCurrent ); cBucketMax = NcDIRIGetBucketMax( esCurrent );
if ( cBucketBefore != cBucketAfter && ( cBucketBefore <= iBucket && iBucket < cBucketAfter || cBucketMax + cBucketAfter <= iBucket && iBucket < cBucketMax + cBucketBefore ) ) { // unlock the old bucket
// hash to the bucket we want (this cannot fail more than once)
plock->m_pBucketHead = PbucketDIRIHash( esCurrent, iHash );
// lock the new bucket
plock->m_pBucketHead->CRWL().EnterAsReader(); }
// we should now have the correct bucket locked
DHTAssert( plock->m_pBucketHead == PbucketDIRIHash( esCurrent, iHash ) ); }
// unlock the current read-locked key
void DIRReadUnlockKey( CLock * const plock ) const {
// verify the lock
DHTAssert( FBKTRead( plock ) ); DHTAssert( plock->m_pBucketHead != NULL );
// release the lock
plock->m_pBucketHead->CRWL().LeaveAsReader(); plock->m_pBucketHead = NULL; }
// lock a key for read/write operations
void DIRWriteLockKey( const ENUMSTATE esCurrent, const CKey &key, CLock * const plock ) const { NativeCounter iHash; NativeCounter iBucket; NativeCounter cBucketBefore; NativeCounter cBucketAfter; NativeCounter cBucketMax;
// verify the lock
DHTAssert( FBKTWrite( plock ) || FBKTScan( plock ) ); DHTAssert( plock->m_pBucketHead == NULL );
#ifdef DEBUG
// remember the key we are locking
plock->m_key = key; #endif
// hash to the bucket we want (this may require a retry in grow/shrink mode)
iHash = CKeyEntry::Hash( key ); plock->m_pBucketHead = PbucketDIRIHash( esCurrent, iHash, &iBucket, &cBucketBefore );
// acquire the lock as a writer
plock->m_pBucketHead->CRWL().EnterAsWriter(); // the entry may have moved as the result of a bucket split/merge
cBucketAfter = NcDIRIGetBucket( esCurrent ); cBucketMax = NcDIRIGetBucketMax( esCurrent );
if ( cBucketBefore != cBucketAfter && ( cBucketBefore <= iBucket && iBucket < cBucketAfter || cBucketMax + cBucketAfter <= iBucket && iBucket < cBucketMax + cBucketBefore ) ) { // unlock the old bucket
// hash to the bucket we want (this cannot fail more than once)
plock->m_pBucketHead = PbucketDIRIHash( esCurrent, iHash );
// lock the new bucket
plock->m_pBucketHead->CRWL().EnterAsWriter(); }
// we should now have the correct bucket locked
DHTAssert( plock->m_pBucketHead == PbucketDIRIHash( esCurrent, iHash ) ); }
// unlock the current write-locked key
void DIRWriteUnlockKey( CLock * const plock ) const {
// verify the lock
DHTAssert( FBKTWrite( plock ) ); DHTAssert( plock->m_pBucketHead != NULL );
// release the lock
plock->m_pBucketHead->CRWL().LeaveAsWriter(); plock->m_pBucketHead = NULL; }
// initalize an array of buckets
ERR ErrDIRInitBucketArray( const NativeCounter cbucketAlloc, const NativeCounter ibucketFirst, BYTE** const prgbBucket ) { #ifdef UNIQUE_BUCKET_NAMES
char *psz; #endif // UNIQUE_BUCKET_NAMES
NativeCounter cb; BYTE *rgb; NativeCounter ibucket;
DHTAssert( cbucketAlloc > 0 ); DHTAssert( prgbBucket );
// calculate the size (in bytes) of the new bucket array
cb = cbucketAlloc * ( m_cbBucket + 60 ); // add 60 extra bytes per bucket for a unique name (for the bucket's r/w-lock)
cb = cbucketAlloc * m_cbBucket; #endif
// allocate the new bucket array
rgb = (BYTE*)PvMEMAlloc( cb ); if ( !rgb ) { *prgbBucket = NULL; return errOutOfMemory; }
// initialize each bucket within the new array
for ( ibucket = 0; ibucket < cbucketAlloc; ibucket++ ) {
// efficiency variables
PBUCKET const pbucket = PBUCKET( rgb + ( ibucket * m_cbBucket ) );
// construct the r/w-lock
psz = (char*)( rgb + ( cbucketAlloc * m_cbBucket ) + ( ibucket * 60 ) ); sprintf( psz, "CDynamicHashTable::BUCKET[0x%016I64X]::m_rwlBucket", QWORD( ibucketFirst + ibucket ) ); DHTAssert( strlen( psz ) < 60 );
new( &pbucket->CRWL() ) OSSYNC::CReaderWriterLock( CLockBasicInfo( CSyncBasicInfo( psz ), int( m_rankDHTrwlBucket ), 0 ) ); #else // !UNIQUE_BUCKET_NAMES
new( &pbucket->CRWL() ) OSSYNC::CReaderWriterLock( CLockBasicInfo( CSyncBasicInfo( "CDynamicHashTable::BUCKET::m_rwlBucket" ), int( m_rankDHTrwlBucket ), 0 ) ); #endif // UNIQUE_BUCKET_NAMES
// make the bucket empty
pbucket->m_pb = NULL; }
*prgbBucket = rgb; return errSuccess; }
// uninitialize an array of buckets
void DIRTermBucketArray( BYTE* const rgbBucket, const NativeCounter cbucketTerm ) { NativeCounter ibucket; PBUCKET pbucketNext;
// destroy each bucket in the array
DHTAssert( rgbBucket ); for ( ibucket = 0; ibucket < cbucketTerm; ibucket++ ) {
// efficiency variables
PBUCKET pbucket = PBUCKET( rgbBucket + ( ibucket * m_cbBucket ) );
// destruct the r/w-lock in place without freeing memory
// free all chained buckets (don't touch the first one because its part of rgbucket[])
pbucket = PbucketBKTNext( pbucket ); while ( pbucket ) { pbucketNext = PbucketBKTNext( pbucket ); MEMFree( pbucket ); pbucket = pbucketNext; } }
MEMFree( rgbBucket ); }
// split the directory
void DIRISplit() {
// we are executing the current policy (which is to split) and should be in this known state
DHTAssert( m_dirptrs[ 0 ].m_cBucketMax > 0 ); DHTAssert( m_dirptrs[ 0 ].m_cBucket == m_dirptrs[ 0 ].m_cBucketMax );
// update the directory
// NOTE: we do NOT allocate space here; this is deferred until BKTISplit() when we're sure we need it
m_dirptrs[ 0 ].m_cBucketMax = m_dirptrs[ 0 ].m_cBucketMax * 2; m_dirptrs[ 0 ].m_cBucket = 0;
STATSplitDirectory(); }
// merge the directory
void DIRIMerge() {
// we are executing the current policy (which is to split) and should be in this known state
DHTAssert( m_dirptrs[ 0 ].m_cBucketMax > 1 ); // we should not be at the last split-level ( == 1 )
DHTAssert( m_dirptrs[ 0 ].m_cBucket == 0 );
// free the bucket array that is no longer being used (the last one in the directory)
// NOTE: we can guarantee that it isn't in use because m_cBucket == 0 AND we can't grow (we're in stateMerge)
// that means that everyone trying to hash to this bucket will be re-routed to the low-order bucket instead
NativeCounter iExponent; NativeCounter iRemainder;
DIRILog2( m_dirptrs[ 0 ].m_cBucketMax, &iExponent, &iRemainder );
DHTAssert( NativeCounter( 1 ) << iExponent == m_dirptrs[ 0 ].m_cBucketMax ); DHTAssert( 0 == iRemainder );
// NOTE: the bucket array may not have been allocated because we defer its allocation until BKTISplit
if ( m_rgrgBucket[ iExponent ] ) { DIRTermBucketArray( m_rgrgBucket[ iExponent ], m_dirptrs[ 0 ].m_cBucketMax ); m_rgrgBucket[ iExponent ] = NULL; }
#ifdef DEBUG
// verify that no higher-order bucket arrays exist
while ( ++iExponent < cbitNativeCounter ) { DHTAssert( !m_rgrgBucket[ iExponent ] ); } #endif // DEBUG
// update the directory
m_dirptrs[ 0 ].m_cBucketMax = m_dirptrs[ 0 ].m_cBucketMax / 2; m_dirptrs[ 0 ].m_cBucket = m_dirptrs[ 0 ].m_cBucketMax;
STATMergeDirectory(); }
// computer the log2 of the given value in terms of an exponent and an integer remainder
void DIRILog2( const NativeCounter iValue, NativeCounter* const piExponent, NativeCounter* const piRemainder ) const { NativeCounter iExponent; NativeCounter iMask; NativeCounter iMaskLast;
iExponent = 0; iMaskLast = 1; iMask = 1;
while ( iMask < iValue ) { iExponent++; iMaskLast = iMask; iMask = ( iMask << 1 ) + 1; }
DHTAssert( iExponent < cbitNativeCounter );
*piExponent = iExponent; *piRemainder = iMaskLast & iValue; }
// get the correct copy of cBucketMax
const NativeCounter NcDIRIGetBucketMax( const ENUMSTATE esCurrent ) const { return m_dirptrs[ esCurrent >> 4 ].m_cBucketMax; }
// get the correct copy of cBucket
const NativeCounter NcDIRIGetBucket( const ENUMSTATE esCurrent ) const { return m_dirptrs[ esCurrent >> 4 ].m_cBucket; }
// resolve a bucket address to a bucket pointer
PBUCKET const PbucketDIRIResolve( const NativeCounter ibucketIndex, const NativeCounter ibucketOffset ) const { BYTE* const pb = m_rgrgBucket[ ibucketIndex ]; // get ptr to one of the bucket arrays
const NativeCounter ibOffset = ibucketOffset * m_cbBucket; // get byte offset within bucket array
DHTAssert( NULL != pb );
return PBUCKET( pb + ibOffset ); // return a typed ptr to the individual bucket within array
// hash to a bucket
const PBUCKET PbucketDIRIHash( const ENUMSTATE esCurrent, const NativeCounter iHash, NativeCounter* const piBucket, NativeCounter* const pcBucket ) const { NativeCounter& iBucket = *piBucket; NativeCounter& cBucket = *pcBucket; NativeCounter cBucketMax; NativeCounter iExponent; NativeCounter iRemainder;
// load some of the directory pointers
cBucket = NcDIRIGetBucket( esCurrent ); cBucketMax = NcDIRIGetBucketMax( esCurrent );
// normalize the given hash value to the range of active buckets
iBucket = iHash & ( ( cBucketMax - 1 ) + cBucketMax ); if ( iBucket >= cBucketMax + cBucket ) { iBucket -= cBucketMax; }
// convert the normalized hash value to a bucket address
DIRILog2( iBucket, &iExponent, &iRemainder );
// return the bucket
return PbucketDIRIResolve( iExponent, iRemainder ); }
const PBUCKET PbucketDIRIHash( const ENUMSTATE esCurrent, const NativeCounter iHash ) const { NativeCounter iBucket; NativeCounter cBucket;
return PbucketDIRIHash( esCurrent, iHash, &iBucket, &cBucket ); }
// scan operations
// move from the current hash-bucket to the next hash-bucket that contains
// atleast 1 entry; position currency on that entry
ERR ErrSCANMoveNext( CLock *const plock ) { DHTAssert( plock->m_pEntryPrev == NULL ); DHTAssert( plock->m_pEntry == NULL ); DHTAssert( plock->m_pEntryNext == NULL );
// unlock the current bucket
if ( plock->m_pBucketHead ) { plock->m_pBucketHead->CRWL().LeaveAsWriter(); plock->m_pBucketHead = NULL;
// we performed an insert or delete while holding the write lock
if ( plock->m_fInsertOrDelete ) { // perform amortized maintenance on the table
MaintainTable( plock->m_phs ); } }
// enter the state machine
const int iGroup = UiSTEnter( &plock->m_phs ); const ENUMSTATE esCurrent = EsSTGetState();
while ( plock->m_iBucket + 1 < NcDIRIGetBucketMax( esCurrent ) + NcDIRIGetBucket( esCurrent ) ) {
// we have not scanned the last bucket yet
// advance the bucket index
// hash to the bucket and lock it
plock->m_pBucketHead = PbucketDIRIHash( esCurrent, plock->m_iBucket ); plock->m_pBucketHead->CRWL().EnterAsWriter();
if ( plock->m_iBucket < NcDIRIGetBucketMax( esCurrent ) + NcDIRIGetBucket( esCurrent ) ) {
// bucket address is OK (did not move)
if ( plock->m_pBucketHead->m_pb != NULL ) {
// current bucket contains atleast 1 entry
// setup the currency on the first entry
plock->m_pBucket = plock->m_pBucketHead; plock->m_pEntry = &plock->m_pBucketHead->m_rgEntry[0];
// stop the loop
break; }
// current bucket is empty
} else { DHTAssert( stateShrink == esCurrent );
// the current bucket disappeared because it was merged into a lower bucket
DHTAssert( plock->m_iBucket >= NcDIRIGetBucketMax( esCurrent ) ); DHTAssert( PbucketDIRIHash( esCurrent, plock->m_iBucket ) == PbucketDIRIHash( esCurrent, plock->m_iBucket - NcDIRIGetBucketMax( esCurrent ) ) );
// make sure the current entry ptr is reset
DHTAssert( !plock->m_pEntry ); } // release the bucket lock (bucket should be empty since it was merged)
DHTAssert( !plock->m_pBucketHead->m_pb );
plock->m_pBucketHead->CRWL().LeaveAsWriter(); plock->m_pBucketHead = NULL; }
// leave the state machine
STLeave( iGroup, plock->m_phs );
// return the result
DHTAssert( !plock->m_pEntry || plock->m_pBucketHead ); return plock->m_pEntry ? errSuccess : errNoCurrentEntry; }
// bucket operations
// returns fTrue if the lock context is in read mode
const BOOL FBKTRead( CLock *const plock ) const { return plock->m_ls == CLock::lsRead; }
// returns fTrue if the lock context is in write mode
const BOOL FBKTWrite( CLock *const plock ) const { return plock->m_ls == CLock::lsWrite; }
// returns fTrue if the lock context is in scan-forward mode
const BOOL FBKTScan( CLock *const plock ) const { return plock->m_ls == CLock::lsScan; }
// returns the entry after last entry in the BUCKET or entry 0 if no entries exist
CKeyEntry *PentryBKTNextMost( const PBUCKET pBucket ) const { const BYTE *pb = pBucket->m_pb;
if ( BOOL( ( pb >= (BYTE*)&pBucket->m_rgEntry[ 0 ] ) & ( pb < (BYTE*)&pBucket->m_rgEntry[ m_centryBucket ] ) ) ) {
// we are in the last bucket
return (CKeyEntry*)pb + 1; } else if ( NULL == pb ) {
// the bucket is empty
return &pBucket->m_rgEntry[ 0 ]; }
// the bucket is full
return &pBucket->m_rgEntry[ m_centryBucket ]; }
// returns the next BUCKET or NULL if no other BUCKETs exist
PBUCKET PbucketBKTNext( const PBUCKET pBucket ) const { const BYTE *pb = pBucket->m_pb;
if ( BOOL( ( pb <= (BYTE*)pBucket - m_cbBucket ) | ( pb >= (BYTE*)pBucket + m_cbBucket ) ) ) {
// m_pBucketNext is either the next BUCKET or NULL
DHTAssert( !pb || PBUCKET( pb )->m_pBucketPrev == pBucket ); return PBUCKET( pb ); }
// m_pBucketNext is invalid (m_pEntryLast is valid instead)
return NULL; }
// try to seek to the entry corresponding to the given key
// if found, the currency will be set to the entry and errSuccess will be returned
// if not, currency will be set to before-first or after-last, and errEntryNotFound will be returned
void BKTSeek( CLock *const plock, const CKey &key ) const { // pre-init our currency assuming we will hit a hot path
plock->m_pBucket = plock->m_pBucketHead; plock->m_pEntryPrev = NULL; plock->m_pEntryNext = NULL;
// if the next/end pointer is within the head bucket then we know
// that all entries are in the head bucket. if we find the entry
// for this key then set our currency to point to it otherwise set
// our currency to no current entry
CKeyEntry* const pEntryLast = plock->m_pBucketHead->m_pEntryLast;
if ( DWORD_PTR( pEntryLast ) - DWORD_PTR( plock->m_pBucketHead ) < m_cbBucket ) { CKeyEntry* pEntry = plock->m_pBucketHead->m_rgEntry; do { if ( pEntry->FEntryMatchesKey( key ) ) { plock->m_pEntry = pEntry; return; } } while ( ++pEntry <= pEntryLast );
plock->m_pEntry = NULL; }
// if the next/end pointer is NULL then we know that we will not
// find the key. set our currency to no current entry
else if ( !pEntryLast ) { plock->m_pEntry = NULL; }
// if the next/end pointer points outside of the head bucket then
// perform a full chain search
else { BKTISeek( plock, key ); } }
void BKTISeek( CLock *const plock, const CKey &key ) const { PBUCKET pBucket; PBUCKET pBucketPrev; CKeyEntry *pEntryThis; CKeyEntry *pEntryMost;
DHTAssert( FBKTRead( plock ) || FBKTWrite( plock ) ); DHTAssert( plock->m_pBucketHead != NULL );
// start the scan on the first bucket
pBucket = plock->m_pBucketHead; do {
// scan the current BUCKET
pEntryThis = &pBucket->m_rgEntry[ 0 ]; pEntryMost = PentryBKTNextMost( pBucket ); while ( pEntryThis < pEntryMost ) {
// query the entry against the given key for a match
// (assume we will be more likely to not find it)
if ( !pEntryThis->FEntryMatchesKey( key ) ) { // nop
} else {
// the key exists; setup our currency around it
goto SetupCurrency; }
// move to the next entry
pEntryThis++; }
// move to the next BUCKET
pBucketPrev = pBucket; pBucket = PbucketBKTNext( pBucket ); } while ( pBucket );
// move back to the last BUCKET and reset the entry ptr
pBucket = pBucketPrev; pEntryThis = NULL;
// setup the currency in the lock context
// we will not allow moving next/prev, so we setup the next/prev ptrs accordingly
plock->m_pBucket = pBucket; plock->m_pEntryPrev = NULL; plock->m_pEntry = pEntryThis; plock->m_pEntryNext = NULL; }
#ifdef DEBUG
// get a pointer to the current entry
// if currency is before-first or after-last, then NULL is returned
void BKTGetEntry( CLock *const plock, CKeyEntry **ppKeyEntry ) const { DHTAssert( FBKTRead( plock ) || FBKTWrite( plock ) ); DHTAssert( plock->m_pBucketHead != NULL ); DHTAssert( plock->m_pBucket != NULL );
*ppKeyEntry = plock->m_pEntry; return; } #endif
// get the current entry
// if currency is before-first or after-last, errEntryNotFound is returned
const ERR ErrBKTGetEntry( CLock *const plock, CEntry *pentry ) const { DHTAssert( FBKTRead( plock ) || FBKTWrite( plock ) || FBKTScan( plock ) ); DHTAssert( plock->m_pBucketHead != NULL ); DHTAssert( plock->m_pBucket != NULL );
if ( plock->m_pEntry ) {
// we are on an entry
plock->m_pEntry->GetEntry( pentry ); return errSuccess; }
// we are not on an entry
return errEntryNotFound; }
// replace the current entry (destruct old entry, contruct new entry)
// if currency is before-first or after-last, then errNoCurrentEntry is returned
const ERR ErrBKTReplaceEntry( CLock *const plock, const CEntry &entry ) const { DHTAssert( FBKTWrite( plock ) || FBKTScan( plock ) ); DHTAssert( plock->m_pBucketHead != NULL ); DHTAssert( plock->m_pBucket != NULL );
if ( plock->m_pEntry ) {
// we are on an entry
// copy the new entry over it
plock->m_pEntry->SetEntry( entry ); return errSuccess; }
// we are not on an entry
return errNoCurrentEntry; }
// insert an entry at the end of the logical bucket
// if memory is short, errOutOfMemory is returned
// otherwise, errSuccess is returned
const ERR ErrBKTInsertEntry( CLock *const plock, const CEntry &entry ) { DHTAssert( FBKTWrite( plock ) ); DHTAssert( plock->m_pBucketHead != NULL ); DHTAssert( plock->m_pBucket != NULL );
if ( plock->m_pEntry ) {
// we are pointing to the key we locked, so it must already exist
return errKeyDuplicate; }
#ifdef DEBUG
PBUCKET *rgBucketCheck = NULL, pbucketTX; size_t cBucketCheck = 0, iT;
pbucketTX = plock->m_pBucketHead; while ( pbucketTX ) { cBucketCheck++; pbucketTX = PbucketBKTNext( pbucketTX ); } cBucketCheck++; // account for newly allocated bucket
rgBucketCheck = (PBUCKET *)PvMEMAlloc( cBucketCheck * sizeof( PBUCKET ) ); if ( NULL != rgBucketCheck ) { iT = 0; pbucketTX = plock->m_pBucketHead; while ( pbucketTX ) { rgBucketCheck[ iT++ ] = pbucketTX; pbucketTX = PbucketBKTNext( pbucketTX ); } rgBucketCheck[ iT++ ] = NULL; // new bucket
// count the number of entries we will be handling
size_t cEntriesTotal = 0; PBUCKET pbktT, pbktNextT;
pbktT = plock->m_pBucketHead; if ( pbktT->m_pb != NULL ) { while ( pbktT ) { pbktNextT = PbucketBKTNext( pbktT ); if ( pbktNextT ) { // full bucket
cEntriesTotal += size_t( m_centryBucket ); } else { // partial bucket (not empty)
cEntriesTotal += 1 + ( pbktT->m_pEntryLast - &pbktT->m_rgEntry[0] ); } pbktT = pbktNextT; } } #endif
// cursor for insert
PBUCKET pBucketThis = plock->m_pBucket; CKeyEntry *pEntryThis;
// efficiency variable
// move to the last entry in the last bucket
pBucketT = PbucketBKTNext( pBucketThis ); while ( pBucketT ) { pBucketThis = pBucketT; pBucketT = PbucketBKTNext( pBucketT ); } pEntryThis = PentryBKTNextMost( pBucketThis );
if ( pEntryThis != &pBucketThis->m_rgEntry[ m_centryBucket ] ) {
// there are available entries left in the last bucket
// nop
} else {
// there are no entries left in the last bucket
// allocate a new bucket
pBucketT = (BUCKET *)PvMEMAlloc( m_cbBucket ); if ( !pBucketT ) {
// we ran out of memory when allocating the new BUCKET
#ifdef DEBUG
// free memory from the start of this functions
if ( NULL != rgBucketCheck ) { MEMFree( rgBucketCheck ); } #endif
return errOutOfMemory; }
#ifdef DEBUG
// put the new bucket in our list
if ( NULL != rgBucketCheck ) { DHTAssert( rgBucketCheck[cBucketCheck-1] == NULL ); rgBucketCheck[cBucketCheck-1] = pBucketT; } #endif
// chain the new BUCKET
pBucketThis->m_pBucketNext = pBucketT; pBucketT->m_pBucketPrev = pBucketThis;
// use the first entry of the new BUCKET
pBucketThis = pBucketT; pEntryThis = &pBucketT->m_rgEntry[0]; }
// copy the entry
pEntryThis->SetEntry( entry );
// update the last entry pointer
pBucketThis->m_pEntryLast = pEntryThis;
// move the currency to the new entry
plock->m_pBucket = pBucketThis; plock->m_pEntry = pEntryThis;
#ifdef DEBUG
if ( NULL != rgBucketCheck ) {
// check each catalogued bucket to see if it is still there
pbucketTX = plock->m_pBucketHead; DHTAssert( pbucketTX );
// find an remove all buckets found in the destiantion bucket from our list
while ( pbucketTX ) { for ( iT = 0; iT < cBucketCheck; iT++ ) { if ( rgBucketCheck[iT] == pbucketTX ) { rgBucketCheck[iT] = NULL; break; } } DHTAssert( iT < cBucketCheck ); // if this goes off, we somehow got a bucket
// into the chain that shouldn't be there
// (it is a bucket we never catalogued!)
pbucketTX = PbucketBKTNext( pbucketTX ); }
// the list should now be empty -- verify this
for ( iT = 0; iT < cBucketCheck; iT++ ) { // if this goes off, rgBucketCheck[iT] contains a bucket that was abandoned without
// being freed!
DHTAssert( rgBucketCheck[iT] == NULL ); }
// free the list
MEMFree( rgBucketCheck ); }
// make sure the number of entries has not changed since we started
size_t cEntriesAfterwards = 0;
pbktT = plock->m_pBucketHead; if ( pbktT->m_pb != NULL ) { while ( pbktT ) { pbktNextT = PbucketBKTNext( pbktT ); if ( pbktNextT ) { // full bucket
cEntriesAfterwards += size_t( m_centryBucket ); } else { // partial bucket (not empty)
cEntriesAfterwards += 1 + ( pbktT->m_pEntryLast - &pbktT->m_rgEntry[0] ); } pbktT = pbktNextT; } }
// entry counters should match ( +1 is for the inserted entry )
DHTAssert( cEntriesAfterwards == cEntriesTotal + 1 ); #endif
return errSuccess; }
// delete the current entry
// if currency is before-first or after-last, then errNoCurrentEntry is returned
// if the entry is not the last in the logical bucket, the last entry is promoted
// to fill in the hole
// should a BUCKET become empty, it will be released immediately
const ERR ErrBKTDeleteEntry( CLock *const plock ) { DHTAssert( FBKTWrite( plock ) || FBKTScan( plock ) ); DHTAssert( plock->m_pBucketHead != NULL ); DHTAssert( plock->m_pBucket != NULL );
if ( !plock->m_pEntry ) {
// we do not have a current entry
return errNoCurrentEntry; } #ifdef DEBUG
PBUCKET *rgBucketCheck = NULL; PBUCKET pbucketT; size_t cBucketCheck = 0, iT;
pbucketT = plock->m_pBucketHead; while ( pbucketT ) { cBucketCheck++; pbucketT = PbucketBKTNext( pbucketT ); }
rgBucketCheck = (PBUCKET *)PvMEMAlloc( cBucketCheck * sizeof( PBUCKET ) ); if ( NULL != rgBucketCheck ) { iT = 0; pbucketT = plock->m_pBucketHead; while ( pbucketT ) { rgBucketCheck[ iT++ ] = pbucketT; pbucketT = PbucketBKTNext( pbucketT ); } }
// count the number of entries we will be handling
size_t cEntriesTotal = 0; PBUCKET pbktT, pbktNextT;
pbktT = plock->m_pBucketHead; if ( pbktT->m_pb != NULL ) { while ( pbktT ) { pbktNextT = PbucketBKTNext( pbktT ); if ( pbktNextT ) { // full bucket
cEntriesTotal += size_t( m_centryBucket ); } else { // partial bucket (not empty)
cEntriesTotal += 1 + ( pbktT->m_pEntryLast - &pbktT->m_rgEntry[0] ); } pbktT = pbktNextT; } } #endif
// we have a valid entry
PBUCKET pBucketThis = plock->m_pBucket; CKeyEntry *pEntryThis = plock->m_pEntry; PBUCKET pBucketFree = NULL; // used later if we free a BUCKET strucutre
if ( pEntryThis != pBucketThis->m_pEntryLast ) {
// we are not deleting the last entry in the bucket
// promote the last entry to fill in this spot left by the entry we are deleting
// move to the last bucket
PBUCKET pBucketT = PbucketBKTNext( pBucketThis ); while ( pBucketT ) { pBucketThis = pBucketT; pBucketT = PbucketBKTNext( pBucketT ); }
// move to the last entry in the last BUCKET
pEntryThis = pBucketThis->m_pEntryLast;
// copy the entry
plock->m_pEntry->SetEntry( pEntryThis->m_entry ); }
// update the currency to show that we are no longer on an entry
plock->m_pEntry = NULL;
// we are now pointing to the last entry in the last bucket
// (via pBucketThis/pEntryThis), and that entry needs to be
// "deleted" from the bucket
// update the next/end ptr to reflect this deletion
if ( pEntryThis != &pBucketThis->m_rgEntry[0] ) {
// entries still remain in the last bucket
DHTAssert( pBucketThis->m_pEntryLast == pEntryThis ); pBucketThis->m_pEntryLast--; // pEntryThis - 1;
#ifdef DEBUG
// jump to the validation code
goto DoValidation; #endif
return errSuccess; }
// no entries remain in the last bucket
if ( pBucketThis == plock->m_pBucketHead ) {
// this bucket is empty, but we cannot release it because it is part of the bucket array
// instead, we mark it as being empty
pBucketThis->m_pb = NULL;
#ifdef DEBUG
// jump to the validation code
goto DoValidation; #endif
return errSuccess; }
// we can free the last bucket
pBucketFree = pBucketThis;
// unchain it
DHTAssert( pBucketThis->m_pBucketPrev->m_pBucketNext == pBucketThis ); pBucketThis = pBucketThis->m_pBucketPrev; pBucketThis->m_pEntryLast = &pBucketThis->m_rgEntry[ m_centryBucket - 1 ];
// free it
MEMFree( pBucketFree );
if ( plock->m_pBucket == pBucketFree ) {
// our currency was on the last bucket which is now invalid
// move to the previous bucket (which is now the NEW last BUCKET)
plock->m_pBucket = pBucketThis; }
#ifdef DEBUG
// check each catalogued bucket to see if it is still there
if ( NULL != rgBucketCheck ) {
pbucketT = plock->m_pBucketHead; DHTAssert( pbucketT );
// find an remove all buckets found in the destiantion bucket from our list
while ( pbucketT ) { for ( iT = 0; iT < cBucketCheck; iT++ ) { if ( rgBucketCheck[iT] == pbucketT ) { rgBucketCheck[iT] = NULL; break; } } DHTAssert( iT < cBucketCheck ); // if this goes off, we somehow got a bucket
// into the chain that shouldn't be there
// (it is a bucket we never catalogued!)
pbucketT = PbucketBKTNext( pbucketT ); }
// remove pBucketFree from rgBucketCheck
if ( pBucketFree ) { for ( iT = 0; iT < cBucketCheck; iT++ ) { if ( rgBucketCheck[iT] == pBucketFree ) { rgBucketCheck[iT] = NULL; break; } } DHTAssert( iT < cBucketCheck ); // if this goes off, we freed a bucket that
// was never catalogued! we should only be freeing
// buckets that were in the original catalogue!
// the list should now be empty -- verify this
for ( iT = 0; iT < cBucketCheck; iT++ ) { // if this goes off, rgBucketCheck[iT] contains a bucket that was abandoned without
// being freed!
DHTAssert( rgBucketCheck[iT] == NULL ); }
// free the list
MEMFree( rgBucketCheck ); }
// make sure the number of entries has not changed since we started
size_t cEntriesAfterwards = 0;
pbktT = plock->m_pBucketHead; if ( pbktT->m_pb != NULL ) { while ( pbktT ) { pbktNextT = PbucketBKTNext( pbktT ); if ( pbktNextT ) { // full bucket
cEntriesAfterwards += size_t( m_centryBucket ); } else { // partial bucket (not empty)
cEntriesAfterwards += 1 + ( pbktT->m_pEntryLast - &pbktT->m_rgEntry[0] ); } pbktT = pbktNextT; } }
// entry counters should match ( -1 is for the deleted entry )
DHTAssert( cEntriesAfterwards == cEntriesTotal - 1 ); #endif
return errSuccess; }
// split to a new bucket
void BKTISplit( HOTSTUFF* const phs ) { // NOTE: from our perspective, we are in the grow state
// however, the current state may be set to something else due to a pending transition
// read the directory pointers
const NativeCounter cBucketMax = NcDIRIGetBucketMax( stateGrow ); const NativeCounter cBucket = NcDIRIGetBucket( stateGrow );
if ( cBucketMax + cBucket >= m_cBucketPreferred || cBucket == cBucketMax ) { return; // the requested growth is complete
// we need to reserve memory now to ensure that the growth will succeed
// (BKTIDoSplit will commit or unreserve this reservation later)
if ( !phs->m_bucketpool.FPOOLReserve( m_cbBucket ) ) { return; }
// get the source bucket
const PBUCKET pbucketGrowSrc = PbucketDIRIHash( stateGrow, cBucket );
// try to get the lock
if ( pbucketGrowSrc->CRWL().FWritersQuiesced() || !pbucketGrowSrc->CRWL().FTryEnterAsWriter() ) { STATSplitContention(); phs->m_bucketpool.POOLUnreserve(); return; }
// having a write-lock on the source bucket means no one else attempting to split can
// be farther along than us at this moment unless they completed the growth already
// see whether or not m_cBucket changed while were trying to get here
// if it stayed the same, we were the first ones to split this bucket
// it if changed, we were not first; instead, someone else managed to split AFTER
// we read m_cBucket but BEFORE we could do the split ourselves
if ( cBucket != NcDIRIGetBucket( stateGrow ) ) { DHTAssert( cBucket < NcDIRIGetBucket( stateGrow ) ); pbucketGrowSrc->CRWL().LeaveAsWriter(); phs->m_bucketpool.POOLUnreserve(); return; }
// get the destination bucket (may not be allocated yet so we cannot use PbucketDIRIHash)
NativeCounter iExponent; NativeCounter iRemainder; DIRILog2( cBucketMax + cBucket, &iExponent, &iRemainder );
// extract the address of the bucket
if ( !m_rgrgBucket[ iExponent ] ) { // allocate a new bucket array to hold 2^iExponent buckets for this entry
if ( ErrDIRInitBucketArray( cBucketMax, cBucketMax, &m_rgrgBucket[ iExponent ] ) != errSuccess ) { pbucketGrowSrc->CRWL().LeaveAsWriter(); phs->m_bucketpool.POOLUnreserve(); return; } } DHTAssert( m_rgrgBucket[ iExponent ] );
// get the destination bucket
const PBUCKET pbucketGrowDst = PbucketDIRIResolve( iExponent, iRemainder );
// lock the destination bucket (no possibility of contention here)
// increase m_cBucket (we cannot turn back after this point)
// anyone who hashes to the new bucket will be queued up until the growth is complete
DHTAssert( cBucket == NcDIRIGetBucket( stateGrow ) ); m_dirptrs[ 0 ].m_cBucket++;
// do the growth work
BKTIDoSplit( phs, pbucketGrowSrc, pbucketGrowDst, cBucket );
// release the write-locks
pbucketGrowSrc->CRWL().LeaveAsWriter(); pbucketGrowDst->CRWL().LeaveAsWriter(); }
// merge two existing buckets into one
void BKTIMerge( HOTSTUFF* const phs ) { // NOTE: from our perspective, we are in the shrink state
// however, the current state may be set to something else due to a pending transition
// read the directory pointers
const NativeCounter cBucketMax = NcDIRIGetBucketMax( stateShrink ); NativeCounter cBucket = NcDIRIGetBucket( stateShrink );
if ( cBucketMax + cBucket <= m_cBucketPreferred || cBucket == 0 ) { return; // the requested shrinkage is complete
cBucket--; // the bucket we are merging is really 1 below cBucket
// we need to reserve memory now to ensure that the shrinkage will succeed
// (BKTIDoMerge will commit or unreserve this reservation later)
if ( !phs->m_bucketpool.FPOOLReserve( m_cbBucket ) ) { return; }
// get the destination bucket
const PBUCKET pbucketShrinkDst = PbucketDIRIHash( stateShrink, cBucket );
// try to get the lock
if ( pbucketShrinkDst->CRWL().FWritersQuiesced() || !pbucketShrinkDst->CRWL().FTryEnterAsWriter() ) { STATMergeContention(); phs->m_bucketpool.POOLUnreserve(); return; }
// having a write-lock on the destination bucket means no one else attempting to merge can
// be farther along than us at this moment unless they completed the shrinkage already
// see whether or not m_cSplit changed while were trying to get here
// if it stayed the same, we were the first ones to merge this bucket
// it if changed, we were not first; instead, someone else managed to merge AFTER
// we read m_cBucket but BEFORE we could do the merge ourselves
if ( cBucket + 1 != NcDIRIGetBucket( stateShrink ) ) { DHTAssert( cBucket + 1 > NcDIRIGetBucket( stateShrink ) ); pbucketShrinkDst->CRWL().LeaveAsWriter(); phs->m_bucketpool.POOLUnreserve(); return; }
// convert cBucket to a bucket address
NativeCounter iExponent; NativeCounter iRemainder; DIRILog2( cBucket + NcDIRIGetBucketMax( stateShrink ), &iExponent, &iRemainder );
// extract the address of the bucket
const PBUCKET pbucketShrinkSrc = PbucketDIRIResolve( iExponent, iRemainder );
// try to get the lock
if ( pbucketShrinkSrc->CRWL().FWritersQuiesced() || !pbucketShrinkSrc->CRWL().FTryEnterAsWriter() ) { STATMergeContention(); pbucketShrinkDst->CRWL().LeaveAsWriter(); phs->m_bucketpool.POOLUnreserve(); return; }
// decrease m_cBucket (we cannot turn back after this point)
// anyone who hashes to the destination bucket will be queued up until
// the merge is complete
// no one will be able to hash to the source bucket
DHTAssert( cBucket + 1 == NcDIRIGetBucket( stateShrink ) ); m_dirptrs[ 0 ].m_cBucket--;
// do the shrinkage work
BKTIDoMerge( phs, pbucketShrinkSrc, pbucketShrinkDst );
// release the write-locks
pbucketShrinkDst->CRWL().LeaveAsWriter(); pbucketShrinkSrc->CRWL().LeaveAsWriter(); }
// work-horse for spliting a bucket
void BKTIDoSplit( HOTSTUFF* const phs, PBUCKET pBucketSrcSrc, PBUCKET pBucketDst, const NativeCounter iHashSrc ) {
#ifdef DEBUG
PBUCKET pBucketSrcSrcOriginal = pBucketSrcSrc; PBUCKET pBucketDstOriginal = pBucketDst; size_t cEntriesTotal = 0, cEntriesTotalRunning = 0; PBUCKET pbktT, pbktNextT;
// catalog each BUCKET structure and make sure they end up in the destination bucket
PBUCKET *rgBucketCheck = NULL, pbucketTX; size_t cBucketCheck = 0, iT;
pbucketTX = pBucketSrcSrc; while ( pbucketTX ) { cBucketCheck++; pbucketTX = PbucketBKTNext( pbucketTX ); } pbucketTX = pBucketDst; DHTAssert( PbucketBKTNext( pbucketTX ) == NULL ); while ( pbucketTX ) { cBucketCheck++; pbucketTX = PbucketBKTNext( pbucketTX ); } cBucketCheck++; // account for bucket from heap
rgBucketCheck = (PBUCKET *)PvMEMAlloc( cBucketCheck * sizeof( PBUCKET ) ); if ( NULL != rgBucketCheck ) { iT = 0; pbucketTX = pBucketSrcSrc; while ( pbucketTX ) { rgBucketCheck[ iT++ ] = pbucketTX; pbucketTX = PbucketBKTNext( pbucketTX ); } pbucketTX = pBucketDst; while ( pbucketTX ) { rgBucketCheck[ iT++ ] = pbucketTX; pbucketTX = PbucketBKTNext( pbucketTX ); } rgBucketCheck[ iT++ ] = NULL; // heap bucket
DHTAssert( iT == cBucketCheck ); }
// count the number of entries that are in the source bucket
pbktT = pBucketSrcSrc; if ( pbktT->m_pb != NULL ) { while ( pbktT ) { pbktNextT = PbucketBKTNext( pbktT ); if ( pbktNextT ) { // full bucket
cEntriesTotal += size_t( m_centryBucket ); } else { // partial bucket (not empty)
cEntriesTotal += 1 + ( pbktT->m_pEntryLast - &pbktT->m_rgEntry[0] ); } pbktT = pbktNextT; } } #endif
// cursor for reading entries
PBUCKET pBucketNextSrc; CKeyEntry *pEntryThisSrc; CKeyEntry *pEntryMostSrc;
// cursors for writing entries
// index 0 is for the SrcDst cursor (entries whose src and dst is the source bucket)
// index 1 is for the Dst cursor (entries whose dst is the destination bucket)
PBUCKET pBucketThis[2]; CKeyEntry *pEntryThis[2]; CKeyEntry *pEntryMost[2]; CKeyEntry *pEntryLast[2]; size_t iIndex;
// extra buckets
PBUCKET pBucketAvail = NULL;
// remember if we used the bucket from the heap
BOOL fBucketFromHeap = fFalse;
// used for hashing
NativeCounter iHashMask;
DHTAssert( pBucketSrcSrc ); DHTAssert( pBucketDst ); DHTAssert( pBucketDst->m_pb == NULL );
// calculate the hash-mask (prevent wraparound)
DHTAssert( NcDIRIGetBucketMax( stateGrow ) > 0 ); iHashMask = ( NcDIRIGetBucketMax( stateGrow ) - 1 ) + NcDIRIGetBucketMax( stateGrow );
// prepare the read cursor
pBucketNextSrc = PbucketBKTNext( pBucketSrcSrc ); pEntryThisSrc = &pBucketSrcSrc->m_rgEntry[ 0 ]; pEntryMostSrc = PentryBKTNextMost( pBucketSrcSrc );
// prepare the src-dst write cursor
pBucketThis[ 0 ] = pBucketSrcSrc; pEntryThis[ 0 ] = &pBucketSrcSrc->m_rgEntry[ 0 ]; pEntryMost[ 0 ] = &pBucketSrcSrc->m_rgEntry[ m_centryBucket ]; pEntryLast[ 0 ] = NULL;
// prepare the dst write cursor
pBucketThis[ 1 ] = pBucketDst; pEntryThis[ 1 ] = &pBucketDst->m_rgEntry[ 0 ]; pEntryMost[ 1 ] = &pBucketDst->m_rgEntry[ m_centryBucket ]; pEntryLast[ 1 ] = NULL; // iterate over all entries in the source bucket
while ( fTrue ) {
// check the read (src) cursor
if ( pEntryThisSrc < pEntryMostSrc ) {
// nop
} else if ( NULL == pBucketNextSrc ) {
// all entries have been exhausted
break; } else {
// all entries in the current bucket have been exhausted
if ( pBucketSrcSrc != pBucketThis[ 0 ] ) {
// the bucket we are leaving is completely empty and the
// SrcDst pointer is not using it
// we need to put it into the available bucket list
// the bucket ordering should be like this:
// pBucketThis[0] (src/dst bucket)
// pBucketSrcSrc (src bucket)
// pBucketNextSrc (next src bucket)
DHTAssert( pBucketThis[ 0 ]->m_pBucketNext == pBucketSrcSrc ); DHTAssert( pBucketSrcSrc->m_pBucketNext == pBucketNextSrc ); DHTAssert( pBucketNextSrc->m_pBucketPrev == pBucketSrcSrc ); DHTAssert( pBucketSrcSrc->m_pBucketPrev == pBucketThis[ 0 ] );
// update the bucket links to "remove" the free bucket
pBucketThis[ 0 ]->m_pBucketNext = pBucketNextSrc; pBucketNextSrc->m_pBucketPrev = pBucketThis[ 0 ];
// add the bucket to the avail list
pBucketSrcSrc->m_pBucketNext = pBucketAvail; pBucketAvail = pBucketSrcSrc; }
// move to the next bucket
pEntryThisSrc = &pBucketNextSrc->m_rgEntry[ 0 ]; pEntryMostSrc = PentryBKTNextMost( pBucketNextSrc ); pBucketSrcSrc = pBucketNextSrc; pBucketNextSrc = PbucketBKTNext( pBucketNextSrc ); }
// calculate the hash value
iIndex = BOOL( ( pEntryThisSrc->Hash() & iHashMask ) != iHashSrc ); DHTAssert( iIndex == 0 || iIndex == 1 ); #ifdef DEBUG
cEntriesTotalRunning++; #endif // DEBUG
// check the write (src/dst or dst) cursor
if ( pEntryThis[ iIndex ] < pEntryMost[ iIndex ] ) {
// nop
} else {
// all entries in the current cursor's bucket are exhausted
if ( 0 == iIndex ) {
// the src/dst cursor will always have a next bucket
DHTAssert( pBucketThis[ 0 ]->m_pBucketNext->m_pBucketPrev == pBucketThis[ 0 ] ); pBucketThis[ 0 ] = pBucketThis[ 0 ]->m_pBucketNext;
// setup the entry ptrs
pEntryThis[ 0 ] = &pBucketThis[ 0 ]->m_rgEntry[ 0 ]; pEntryMost[ 0 ] = &pBucketThis[ 0 ]->m_rgEntry[ m_centryBucket ]; } else {
// the dst cursor must allocate a new bucket
if ( pBucketAvail ) {
// get a bucket from the avail list
const PBUCKET pBucketNew = pBucketAvail; pBucketAvail = pBucketAvail->m_pBucketNext;
// chain it
pBucketThis[ 1 ]->m_pBucketNext = pBucketNew; pBucketNew->m_pBucketPrev = pBucketThis[ 1 ];
// move to it
pBucketThis[ 1 ] = pBucketNew; } else {
// get a bucket from the reservation pool
DHTAssert( !fBucketFromHeap ); fBucketFromHeap = fTrue;
// allocate it
const PBUCKET pBucketReserve = phs->m_bucketpool.PbucketPOOLCommit(); DHTAssert( pBucketReserve );
#ifdef DEBUG
// add the heap bucket to our catalog of buckets
if ( NULL != rgBucketCheck ) { DHTAssert( NULL == rgBucketCheck[ cBucketCheck - 1 ] ); rgBucketCheck[ cBucketCheck - 1 ] = pBucketReserve; } #endif // DEBUG
// chain it
pBucketThis[ 1 ]->m_pBucketNext = pBucketReserve; pBucketReserve->m_pBucketPrev = pBucketThis[ 1 ];
// move to it
pBucketThis[ 1 ] = pBucketReserve; }
// setup the entry ptrs
pEntryThis[ 1 ] = &pBucketThis[ 1 ]->m_rgEntry[ 0 ]; pEntryMost[ 1 ] = &pBucketThis[ 1 ]->m_rgEntry[ m_centryBucket ]; } }
// copy the entry
pEntryThis[ iIndex ]->SetEntry( pEntryThisSrc->m_entry );
// advance the write (src/dst or dst) cursor
pEntryLast[ iIndex ] = pEntryThis[ iIndex ]; pEntryThis[ iIndex ]++;
// advance the read (src) cursor
pEntryThisSrc++; }
if ( pBucketSrcSrc == pBucketThis[ 0 ] ) {
// nop
} else {
// the last bucket of the src bucket is no longer needed
// the bucket ordering should be like this:
// pBucketThis[0] (src/dst bucket)
// pBucketSrcSrc (src bucket)
// << NOTHING >>
DHTAssert( pBucketThis[ 0 ]->m_pBucketNext == pBucketSrcSrc ); DHTAssert( pBucketSrcSrc->m_pBucketPrev == pBucketThis[ 0 ] );
// free the bucket
MEMFree( pBucketSrcSrc );
#ifdef DEBUG
// remove the bucket from the bucket-catalog
if ( NULL != rgBucketCheck ) { for ( iT = 0; iT < cBucketCheck; iT++ ) { if ( rgBucketCheck[iT] == pBucketSrcSrc ) { rgBucketCheck[iT] = NULL; break; } } DHTAssert( iT < cBucketCheck ); // the bucket better be in the bucket-catalog!
} #endif // DEBUG
// update the next/end ptrs for the src/dst cursor and the dst cursor
pBucketThis[ 0 ]->m_pEntryLast = pEntryLast[ 0 ]; pBucketThis[ 1 ]->m_pEntryLast = pEntryLast[ 1 ];
#ifdef DEBUG
if ( NULL != rgBucketCheck ) {
// check each catalogued bucket to see if it is in the pBucketSrcSrc, pBucketDst, or pBucketAvail
// find and remove all buckets in pBucketSrcSrc
pbucketTX = pBucketSrcSrcOriginal; DHTAssert( pbucketTX ); while ( pbucketTX ) { for ( iT = 0; iT < cBucketCheck; iT++ ) { if ( rgBucketCheck[iT] == pbucketTX ) { rgBucketCheck[iT] = NULL; break; } } DHTAssert( iT < cBucketCheck ); // if this goes off, we somehow added a bucket to the
// never catalogued the bucket!
pbucketTX = PbucketBKTNext( pbucketTX ); }
// find and remove all buckets in pBucketDst
pbucketTX = pBucketDstOriginal; DHTAssert( pbucketTX ); while ( pbucketTX ) { for ( iT = 0; iT < cBucketCheck; iT++ ) { if ( rgBucketCheck[iT] == pbucketTX ) { rgBucketCheck[iT] = NULL; break; } } DHTAssert( iT < cBucketCheck ); // if this goes off, we added a bucket to the destination
// chain, but it was never catalogued! first question: where
// did the bucket come from if didn't catalogue it???
pbucketTX = PbucketBKTNext( pbucketTX ); }
// find and remove all buckets in pBucketAvail
pbucketTX = pBucketAvail; while ( pbucketTX ) { for ( iT = 0; iT < cBucketCheck; iT++ ) { if ( rgBucketCheck[iT] == pbucketTX ) { rgBucketCheck[iT] = NULL; break; } } DHTAssert( iT < cBucketCheck ); // if this goes off, we have a free bucket that was never
// catalogued! where did it come from?
// NOTE: this is not a memleak, it is a "we-never-catalogued-it"
// problem; the memory will be freed later in this function
pbucketTX = pbucketTX->m_pBucketNext; }
// the list should now be empty -- verify this
for ( iT = 0; iT < cBucketCheck; iT++ ) { // if this goes off, rgBucketCheck[iT] contains a bucket that was abandoned without
// being freed!
DHTAssert( rgBucketCheck[iT] == NULL ); }
// free the list
MEMFree( rgBucketCheck ); }
size_t cEntriesAfterwards = 0; // make sure the number of entries we processed matches the number of entries we started with
DHTAssert( cEntriesTotal == cEntriesTotalRunning );
// make sure we have all the entries we started with
pbktT = pBucketSrcSrcOriginal; if ( pbktT->m_pb != NULL ) { while ( pbktT ) { pbktNextT = PbucketBKTNext( pbktT ); if ( pbktNextT ) { // full bucket
cEntriesAfterwards += size_t( m_centryBucket ); } else { // partial bucket (not empty)
cEntriesAfterwards += 1 + ( pbktT->m_pEntryLast - &pbktT->m_rgEntry[0] ); } pbktT = pbktNextT; } }
pbktT = pBucketDstOriginal; if ( pbktT->m_pb != NULL ) { while ( pbktT ) { pbktNextT = PbucketBKTNext( pbktT ); if ( pbktNextT ) { // full bucket
cEntriesAfterwards += size_t( m_centryBucket ); } else { // partial bucket (not empty)
cEntriesAfterwards += 1 + ( pbktT->m_pEntryLast - &pbktT->m_rgEntry[0] ); } pbktT = pbktNextT; } }
DHTAssert( cEntriesAfterwards == cEntriesTotal ); #endif
// free the avail list
while ( pBucketAvail ) { PBUCKET pBucketT;
pBucketT = pBucketAvail; pBucketAvail = pBucketAvail->m_pBucketNext; MEMFree( pBucketT ); STATDeleteOverflowBucket(); }
if ( !fBucketFromHeap ) { phs->m_bucketpool.POOLUnreserve(); // cancel the heap reservation (we never used it)
STATSplitBucket(); }
// work-horse for shrinking a bucket
void BKTIDoMerge( HOTSTUFF* const phs, PBUCKET pBucketSrc, PBUCKET pBucketDst ) { #ifdef DEBUG
// catalog each BUCKET structure and make sure they end up in the destination bucket
PBUCKET pBucketDstOriginal = pBucketDst; PBUCKET *rgBucketCheck = NULL, pbucketT; size_t cBucketCheck = 0, iT;
pbucketT = pBucketSrc; while ( pbucketT ) { cBucketCheck++; pbucketT = PbucketBKTNext( pbucketT ); } pbucketT = pBucketDst; while ( pbucketT ) { cBucketCheck++; pbucketT = PbucketBKTNext( pbucketT ); } cBucketCheck++; // account for bucket from heap
rgBucketCheck = (PBUCKET *)PvMEMAlloc( cBucketCheck * sizeof( PBUCKET ) ); if ( NULL != rgBucketCheck ) { iT = 0; pbucketT = pBucketSrc; while ( pbucketT ) { rgBucketCheck[ iT++ ] = pbucketT; pbucketT = PbucketBKTNext( pbucketT ); } pbucketT = pBucketDst; while ( pbucketT ) { rgBucketCheck[ iT++ ] = pbucketT; pbucketT = PbucketBKTNext( pbucketT ); } rgBucketCheck[ iT++ ] = NULL; // heap bucket
DHTAssert( iT == cBucketCheck ); }
// count the number of entries we will be handling
size_t cEntriesTotal = 0; PBUCKET pbktT, pbktNextT;
pbktT = pBucketSrc; if ( pbktT->m_pb != NULL ) { while ( pbktT ) { pbktNextT = PbucketBKTNext( pbktT ); if ( pbktNextT ) { // full bucket
cEntriesTotal += size_t( m_centryBucket ); } else { // partial bucket (not empty)
cEntriesTotal += 1 + ( pbktT->m_pEntryLast - &pbktT->m_rgEntry[0] ); } pbktT = pbktNextT; } }
pbktT = pBucketDst; if ( pbktT->m_pb != NULL ) { while ( pbktT ) { pbktNextT = PbucketBKTNext( pbktT ); if ( pbktNextT ) { // full bucket
cEntriesTotal += size_t( m_centryBucket ); } else { // partial bucket (not empty)
cEntriesTotal += 1 + ( pbktT->m_pEntryLast - &pbktT->m_rgEntry[0] ); } pbktT = pbktNextT; } } #endif
// read (src) cursor
CKeyEntry *pEntryThisSrc; CKeyEntry *pEntryMostSrc; // write (dst) cursor
CKeyEntry *pEntryThisDst; CKeyEntry *pEntryMostDst;
// remember if we have moved to the last bucket or not
BOOL fSetEndPtr;
// remember if we allocated a bucket from the heap
BOOL fBucketFromHeap = fFalse;
// efficiency variables
// move to the end of the dst bucket
pBucketT = PbucketBKTNext( pBucketDst ); while ( pBucketT ) { pBucketDst = pBucketT; pBucketT = PbucketBKTNext( pBucketT ); }
pEntryThisDst = PentryBKTNextMost( pBucketDst ); pEntryMostDst = &pBucketDst->m_rgEntry[ m_centryBucket ];
if ( !PbucketBKTNext( pBucketSrc ) ) {
// the src bucket does not have extra bucket structures
// setup the src cursor for a partial pass
pEntryThisSrc = &pBucketSrc->m_rgEntry[ 0 ]; pEntryMostSrc = PentryBKTNextMost( pBucketSrc );
// we are not appending buckets from the src bucket, so we will be setting the
// end ptr of the dst bucket iff we add entries from the src bucket
fSetEndPtr = BOOL( pEntryThisSrc < pEntryMostSrc ); } else {
// the src bucket has extra bucket structures
// attach the extra bucket structures to the dst bucket
pBucketDst->m_pBucketNext = pBucketSrc->m_pBucketNext; pBucketDst->m_pBucketNext->m_pBucketPrev = pBucketDst;
// setup the src cursor for a full pass over the first src bucket
pEntryThisSrc = &pBucketSrc->m_rgEntry[ 0 ]; pEntryMostSrc = &pBucketSrc->m_rgEntry[ m_centryBucket ];
// we are appending buckets from the src bucket, so we will not be setting the
// end ptr of the dst bucket because we are no longer in the last bucket
// of the dst bucket chain
fSetEndPtr = fFalse; }
// copy the entries in the src bucket
while ( pEntryThisSrc < pEntryMostSrc ) {
// check the dst cursor
if ( pEntryThisDst < pEntryMostDst ) {
// nop
} else {
// all entries in the dst bucket are exhausted
if ( !fSetEndPtr ) {
// we are not in the last bucket of the dst bucket because there is no end ptr
pBucketT = PbucketBKTNext( pBucketDst ); DHTAssert( pBucketT ); do { pBucketDst = pBucketT; pBucketT = PbucketBKTNext( pBucketT ); } while ( pBucketT );
// setup the dst cursor
pEntryThisDst = pBucketDst->m_pEntryLast + 1; pEntryMostDst = &pBucketDst->m_rgEntry[ m_centryBucket ];
// we are now able to set the end ptr because we are in the last bucket
// of the dst bucket
fSetEndPtr = fTrue;
// restart the loop
continue; }
// we were at the last bucket in the dst bucket
// get a bucket from the heap reservation pool
DHTAssert( !fBucketFromHeap ); fBucketFromHeap = fTrue;
// commit the reservation now
pBucketT = phs->m_bucketpool.PbucketPOOLCommit(); DHTAssert( pBucketT );
// chain the heap bucket
pBucketDst->m_pBucketNext = pBucketT; pBucketT->m_pBucketPrev = pBucketDst;
// setup the dst cursor
pBucketDst = pBucketT; pEntryThisDst = &pBucketDst->m_rgEntry[ 0 ]; pEntryMostDst = &pBucketDst->m_rgEntry[ m_centryBucket ];
#ifdef DEBUG
// add the heap bucket to our catalog of buckets
if ( NULL != rgBucketCheck ) { DHTAssert( rgBucketCheck[cBucketCheck - 1] == NULL ); rgBucketCheck[cBucketCheck - 1] = pBucketT; } #endif // DEBUG
// copy the entry
pEntryThisDst->SetEntry( pEntryThisSrc->m_entry );
// advance the cursors
pEntryThisSrc++; pEntryThisDst++; }
// mark the src bucket as empty
pBucketSrc->m_pb = NULL;
if ( fSetEndPtr ) {
// set the end of the destination bucket
DHTAssert( pEntryThisDst != &pBucketDst->m_rgEntry[ 0 ] ); pBucketDst->m_pEntryLast = pEntryThisDst - 1; } else {
// we do not need to set the end ptr of the dst bucket
// nop
if ( !fBucketFromHeap ) {
// cancel the unused heap reservation
phs->m_bucketpool.POOLUnreserve(); }
#ifdef DEBUG
if ( NULL != rgBucketCheck ) {
// check each catalogued bucket to see if it is in the pBucketDst bucket
pbucketT = pBucketDstOriginal; DHTAssert( pbucketT );
// find an remove all buckets found in the destiantion bucket from our list
while ( pbucketT ) { for ( iT = 0; iT < cBucketCheck; iT++ ) { if ( rgBucketCheck[iT] == pbucketT ) { rgBucketCheck[iT] = NULL; break; } } DHTAssert( iT < cBucketCheck ); // if this goes off, we somehow got a bucket
// into the chain that shouldn't be there
// (it is a bucket we never catalogued!)
pbucketT = PbucketBKTNext( pbucketT ); }
// find an remove pBucketSrc from our list
for ( iT = 0; iT < cBucketCheck; iT++ ) { if ( rgBucketCheck[iT] == pBucketSrc ) { rgBucketCheck[iT] = NULL; break; } } DHTAssert( iT < cBucketCheck ); // if this goes off, somehow the FIXED source bucket
// got removed from our catalogue OR pBucketSrc was
// changed (which should never happen)
// the list should now be empty -- verify this
for ( iT = 0; iT < cBucketCheck; iT++ ) { // if this goes off, rgBucketCheck[iT] contains a bucket that was abandoned without
// being freed!
DHTAssert( rgBucketCheck[iT] == NULL ); }
// free the list
MEMFree( rgBucketCheck ); }
// make sure the number of entries has not changed since we started
size_t cEntriesAfterwards = 0;
pbktT = pBucketDstOriginal; if ( pbktT->m_pb != NULL ) { while ( pbktT ) { pbktNextT = PbucketBKTNext( pbktT ); if ( pbktNextT ) { // full bucket
cEntriesAfterwards += size_t( m_centryBucket ); } else { // partial bucket (not empty)
cEntriesAfterwards += 1 + ( pbktT->m_pEntryLast - &pbktT->m_rgEntry[0] ); } pbktT = pbktNextT; } }
DHTAssert( cEntriesAfterwards == cEntriesTotal );
STATMergeBucket(); }
// mechanisms for implementing the dynamic-hash-table policies
// hash to the correct HOTSTUFF element
HOTSTUFF *HOTSTUFFHash() const { return m_rghs + OSSYNC::OSSyncGetCurrentProcessor(); }
// statistics
void STATInsertEntry( HOTSTUFF* const phs ) { AtomicExchangeAddPointer( (void**)&phs->m_cEntry, (void*)1 ); phs->m_cOp++; }
void STATDeleteEntry( HOTSTUFF* const phs ) { AtomicExchangeAddPointer( (void**)&phs->m_cEntry, (void*)-1 ); phs->m_cOp++; }
void STATInsertOverflowBucket() { #ifdef DHT_STATS
m_cBucketOverflowInsert++; #endif // DHT_STATS
void STATDeleteOverflowBucket() { #ifdef DHT_STATS
m_cBucketOverflowDelete++; #endif // DHT_STATS
void STATSplitBucket() { #ifdef DHT_STATS
m_cBucketSplit++; #endif // DHT_STATS
void STATMergeBucket() { #ifdef DHT_STATS
m_cBucketMerge++; #endif // DHT_STATS
void STATSplitDirectory() { #ifdef DHT_STATS
m_cDirSplit++; #endif // DHT_STATS
void STATMergeDirectory() { #ifdef DHT_STATS
m_cDirMerge++; #endif // DHT_STATS
void STATStateTransition() { #ifdef DHT_STATS
m_cTransition++; #endif // DHT_STATS
void STATPolicySelection() { #ifdef DHT_STATS
m_cSelection++; #endif // DHT_STATS
void STATSplitContention() { #ifdef DHT_STATS
m_cSplitContend++; #endif // DHT_STATS
void STATMergeContention() { #ifdef DHT_STATS
m_cMergeContend++; #endif // DHT_STATS
// amortized table maintenance
void PerformMaintenance() { // enter the state machine
HOTSTUFF* phs; const int iGroup = UiSTEnter( &phs ); const ENUMSTATE esCurrent = EsSTGetState();
// carry out the current policy
if ( esCurrent == stateGrow ) { BKTISplit( phs ); } else if ( esCurrent == stateShrink ) { BKTIMerge( phs ); }
// leave the state machine
STLeave( iGroup, phs ); }
void SelectMaintenancePolicy( HOTSTUFF* const phs ) { // collect information on the current state of the hash table
const ENUMSTATE esCurrent = EsSTGetState(); const NativeCounter cBucketMax = NcDIRIGetBucketMax( esCurrent ); const NativeCounter cBucket = NcDIRIGetBucket( esCurrent ); const NativeCounter cBucketActive = cBucketMax + cBucket; const NativeCounter cOpLocal = phs->m_cOp;
// compute the current entry count and op count and reset the op count
NativeCounter cEntry = 0; NativeCounter cOp = 0; for ( NativeCounter ihs = 0; ihs < m_chs; ihs++ ) { cEntry += m_rghs[ ihs ].m_cEntry; cOp += m_rghs[ ihs ].m_cOp; m_rghs[ ihs ].m_cOp = 0; }
// compute the ideal entry count
const NativeCounter cEntryIdeal = m_cLoadFactor * cBucketActive;
// compute the max entry count
const NativeCounter cEntryMax = m_centryBucket * cBucketActive;
// determine our current flexibility in the entry count
const NativeCounter cEntryFlexibility = max( m_centryBucket - m_cLoadFactor, cEntryMax / 2 - cEntryIdeal );
// determine our current threshold sensitivity
const NativeCounter cOpSensitivity = max( 1, cEntryFlexibility / 2 );
// approximate the local (per-HOTSTUFF) threshold sensitivity
const NativeCounter ratio = ( cOp + cOpLocal - 1 ) / cOpLocal; const NativeCounter cOpSensitivityLocal = max( 1, cOpSensitivity / ratio );
// compute the preferred entry count
NativeCounter cEntryPreferred = cEntry;
if ( cEntryIdeal + ( cEntryFlexibility - cOpSensitivity ) < cEntry ) { cEntryPreferred = cEntry - ( cEntryFlexibility - cOpSensitivity ); } else if ( cEntryIdeal > cEntry + ( cEntryFlexibility - cOpSensitivity ) ) { cEntryPreferred = cEntry + ( cEntryFlexibility - cOpSensitivity ); }
// compute the preferred bucket count
const NativeCounter cBucketPreferred = max( m_cbucketMin, ( cEntryPreferred + m_cLoadFactor - 1 ) / m_cLoadFactor );
// determine the new policy
ENUMSTATE esNew = stateNil;
if ( esCurrent == stateGrow ) { if ( cBucketPreferred < cBucketActive ) { esNew = stateShrinkFromGrow; } else if ( cBucketPreferred > cBucketActive ) { if ( cBucket == cBucketMax ) { esNew = stateSplitFromGrow; } } } else { DHTAssert( esCurrent == stateShrink );
if ( cBucketPreferred < cBucketActive ) { if ( cBucket == 0 ) { esNew = stateMergeFromShrink; } } else if ( cBucketPreferred > cBucketActive ) { esNew = stateGrowFromShrink; } }
// enact the new policy
if ( m_cOpSensitivity != cOpSensitivityLocal ) { m_cOpSensitivity = cOpSensitivityLocal; }
if ( m_cBucketPreferred != cBucketPreferred ) { m_cBucketPreferred = cBucketPreferred; }
if ( esNew ) { STTransition( esNew ); } else { m_semPolicy.Release(); }
STATPolicySelection(); }
void MaintainTable( HOTSTUFF* const phs ) { // decide on a new policy if we may have breached one of our
// thresholds
if ( phs->m_cOp > m_cOpSensitivity && m_semPolicy.CAvail() && m_semPolicy.FTryAcquire() ) { if ( phs->m_cOp > m_cOpSensitivity ) { SelectMaintenancePolicy( phs ); } else { m_semPolicy.Release(); } }
// perform amortized work on the table as necessary
if ( NcDIRIGetBucketMax( stateGrow ) + NcDIRIGetBucket( stateGrow ) < m_cBucketPreferred || m_cBucketPreferred < NcDIRIGetBucketMax( stateShrink ) + NcDIRIGetBucket( stateShrink ) ) { PerformMaintenance(); } }
// calculate the address of the aligned block and store its offset (for free)
static void* PvMEMIAlign( void* const pv, const size_t cbAlign ) { // round up to the nearest cache line
// NOTE: this formula always forces an offset of at least 1 byte
const ULONG_PTR ulp = ULONG_PTR( pv ); const ULONG_PTR ulpAligned = ( ( ulp + cbAlign ) / cbAlign ) * cbAlign; const ULONG_PTR ulpOffset = ulpAligned - ulp;
DHTAssert( ulpOffset > 0 ); DHTAssert( ulpOffset <= cbAlign ); DHTAssert( ulpOffset == BYTE( ulpOffset ) ); // must fit into a single BYTE
// store the offset
BYTE *const pbAligned = (BYTE*)ulpAligned; pbAligned[ -1 ] = BYTE( ulpOffset );
// return the aligned block
return (void*)pbAligned; }
// retrieve the original unaligned block of memory from the aligned block
static void* PvMEMIUnalign( void* const pv ) { // read the offset of the real block
BYTE *const pbAligned = (BYTE*)pv; const BYTE bOffset = pbAligned[ -1 ];
DHTAssert( bOffset > 0 );
// return the real unaligned block
return (void*)( pbAligned - bOffset ); }
// allocate memory
static void* PvMEMAlloc( const size_t cbSize, const size_t cbAlign = cbCacheLine ) { void* const pv = new BYTE[ cbSize + cbAlign ]; if ( pv ) { return PvMEMIAlign( pv, cbAlign ); } return NULL; }
// free memory
static void MEMFree( void* const pv ) { if ( pv ) { delete [] ((BYTE*)PvMEMIUnalign( pv )); } }
// never written
NativeCounter m_cLoadFactor; // preferred number of entries in a bucket at any given time
NativeCounter m_centryBucket; // maximum number of entries per bucket
NativeCounter m_cbBucket; // size in bytes of a bucket (rounded up to the nearest full cache-line)
NativeCounter m_rankDHTrwlBucket; // rank of the reader/writer lock on each bucket
HOTSTUFF *m_rghs; // array of HOTSTUFF objects (hashed per processor)
NativeCounter m_chs; // size of HOTSTUFF array
NativeCounter m_cbucketMin; // minimum number of buckets in the hash-table
#ifdef _WIN64
BYTE m_rgbRsvdNever[ 8 ]; #else // !_WIN64
BYTE m_rgbRsvdNever[ 4 ]; #endif // _WIN64
// rarely written
DIRPTRS m_dirptrs[ 2 ]; // directory pointers (2 copies)
BYTE *m_rgrgBucket[ cbitNativeCounter ]; // directory (array of arrays of buckets)
// no padding necessary
// often written
NativeCounter m_cOpSensitivity; // used to regulate policy changes
NativeCounter m_cBucketPreferred; // preferred table size
ENUMSTATE m_stateCur; // current state
#ifdef _WIN64
BYTE m_rgbRsvdOften[ 44 ]; #else // !_WIN64
BYTE m_rgbRsvdOften[ 20 ]; #endif // _WIN64
// always written (second only to HOTSTUFF members)
OSSYNC::CSemaphore m_semPolicy; // used to serialize policy changes
long m_cCompletions; // counts the number of metered-section completions
#ifdef _WIN64
BYTE m_rgbRsvdAlways[ 52 ]; #else // !_WIN64
BYTE m_rgbRsvdAlways[ 24 ]; #endif // _WIN64
#ifdef DHT_STATS
// performance statistics
long m_cBucketOverflowInsert; // count of overflow bucket allocations
long m_cBucketOverflowDelete; // count of overflow bucket deletions
long m_cBucketSplit; // count of bucket split operations
long m_cBucketMerge; // count of bucket merge operations
long m_cDirSplit; // count of directory split operations
long m_cDirMerge; // count of directory merge operations
long m_cTransition; // count of state transitions
long m_cSelection; // count of policy selections
long m_cSplitContend; // count of split contentions
long m_cMergeContend; // count of merge contentions
#ifdef _WIN64
BYTE m_rgbRsvdPerf[ 24 ]; #else // !_WIN64
BYTE m_rgbRsvdPerf[ 24 ]; #endif // _WIN64
#endif // DHT_STATS
#ifdef DEBUG
BOOL m_fInit; // initialization flag
#endif // DEBUG
// CDynamicHashTable< CKey, CEntry >
// ctor
template< class CKey, class CEntry > inline CDynamicHashTable< CKey, CEntry >:: CDynamicHashTable( const NativeCounter rankDHTrwlBucket ) : m_semPolicy( CSyncBasicInfo( "CDynamicHashTable::m_semPolicy" ) ) { #ifdef DEBUG
m_fInit = fFalse;
// zero-out this memory so the debugger won't print garbage
memset( m_rgbRsvdNever, 0, sizeof( m_rgbRsvdNever ) ); memset( m_rgbRsvdOften, 0, sizeof( m_rgbRsvdOften ) ); memset( m_rgbRsvdAlways, 0, sizeof( m_rgbRsvdAlways ) ); #ifdef DHT_STATS
memset( m_rgbRsvdPerf, 0, sizeof( m_rgbRsvdPerf ) ); #endif // DHT_STATS
// we should be on a 32-bit or 64-bit system
#ifdef _WIN64
DHTAssert( 8 == sizeof( NativeCounter ) ); #else // _!WIN64
DHTAssert( 4 == sizeof( NativeCounter ) ); #endif // _WIN64
// capture the rank for each bucket
m_rankDHTrwlBucket = rankDHTrwlBucket;
// prepare each semaphore so it can have 1 owner
m_semPolicy.Release(); }
// dtor
template< class CKey, class CEntry > inline CDynamicHashTable< CKey, CEntry >:: ~CDynamicHashTable() { }
// initializes the dynamic hash table. if the table cannot be initialized,
// errOutOfMemory will be returned
template< class CKey, class CEntry > inline typename CDynamicHashTable< CKey, CEntry >::ERR CDynamicHashTable< CKey, CEntry >:: ErrInit( const double dblLoadFactor, const double dblUniformity, const NativeCounter cBucketMinimum ) { ERR err; NativeCounter ihs;
DHTAssert( !m_fInit );
// initialize all data by its cache-line grouping
// never written
m_cLoadFactor = 0; m_centryBucket = 0; m_cbBucket = 0; m_rghs = NULL; m_chs = OSSYNC::OSSyncGetProcessorCountMax(); m_cbucketMin = 0; // rarely written
memset( m_dirptrs, 0, sizeof( m_dirptrs ) ); memset( m_rgrgBucket, 0, sizeof( m_rgrgBucket ) );
// often written
m_cOpSensitivity = 0; m_cBucketPreferred = cBucketMinimum;
// NOTE: we cannot start in stateFreeze because we must go through the "halfway" completion
// function so that we copy the directory ptrs safely
m_stateCur = stateGrow;
// always written
m_cCompletions = 0;
#ifdef DHT_STATS
// performance statistics
m_cBucketOverflowInsert = 0; m_cBucketOverflowDelete = 0; m_cBucketSplit = 0; m_cBucketMerge = 0; m_cDirSplit = 0; m_cDirMerge = 0; m_cTransition = 0; m_cSelection = 0; m_cSplitContend = 0; m_cMergeContend = 0;
#endif // DHT_STATS
// allocate the HOTSTUFF array
m_rghs = (HOTSTUFF*)PvMEMAlloc( m_chs * sizeof( HOTSTUFF ), cbCacheLine ); if ( !m_rghs ) { err = errOutOfMemory; goto HandleError; }
// construct the HOTSTUFF objects
for ( ihs = 0; ihs < m_chs; ihs++ ) { new( m_rghs + ihs ) HOTSTUFF(); }
// initialize the directory
err = ErrDIRInit( NativeCounter( dblLoadFactor * dblUniformity ), cBucketMinimum ); if ( err != errSuccess ) { goto HandleError; }
#ifdef DEBUG
m_fInit = fTrue; #endif // DEBUG
return errSuccess;
HandleError: DHTAssert( err != errSuccess ); Term(); return err; }
// terminates the dynamic hash table. this function can be called even if the
// hash table has never been initialized or is only partially initialized
// NOTE: any data stored in the table at this time will be lost!
template< class CKey, class CEntry > inline void CDynamicHashTable< CKey, CEntry >:: Term() { #ifdef DEBUG
m_fInit = fFalse; #endif // DEBUG
// term the directory
if ( NULL != m_rghs ) {
// delete the HOTSTUFF aray
while ( m_chs ) {
// destruct the object
m_chs--; m_rghs[ m_chs ].HOTSTUFF::~HOTSTUFF(); } MEMFree( m_rghs ); m_rghs = NULL; } }
// acquires a read lock on the specified key and returns the lock in the
// provided lock context
template< class CKey, class CEntry > inline void CDynamicHashTable< CKey, CEntry >:: ReadLockKey( const CKey& key, CLock* const plock ) { DHTAssert( m_fInit );
// verify the lock
DHTAssert( plock->m_ls == CLock::lsNil ); // initialize the lock
plock->m_ls = CLock::lsRead;
// enter the state machine
const int iGroup = UiSTEnter( &plock->m_phs ); const ENUMSTATE esCurrent = EsSTGetState();
// read-lock the key through the directory
DIRReadLockKey( esCurrent, key, plock );
// try to seek to the key (sets up currency)
BKTSeek( plock, key );
// leave the state machine
STLeave( iGroup, plock->m_phs ); }
// releases the read lock in the specified lock context
template< class CKey, class CEntry > inline void CDynamicHashTable< CKey, CEntry >:: ReadUnlockKey( CLock* const plock ) { DHTAssert( m_fInit );
// verify the lock
DHTAssert( FBKTRead( plock ) ); DHTAssert( plock->m_pBucketHead != NULL ); DHTAssert( plock->m_pBucketHead->CRWL().FReader() );
// unlock the key through the directory
DIRReadUnlockKey( plock );
// reset the lock
plock->m_ls = CLock::lsNil; }
// acquires a write lock on the specified key and returns the lock in the
// provided lock context
template< class CKey, class CEntry > inline void CDynamicHashTable< CKey, CEntry >:: WriteLockKey( const CKey& key, CLock* const plock ) { DHTAssert( m_fInit );
// verify the lock
DHTAssert( plock->m_ls == CLock::lsNil );
// initialize the lock
plock->m_ls = CLock::lsWrite; plock->m_fInsertOrDelete = fFalse;
// enter the state machine
const int iGroup = UiSTEnter( &plock->m_phs ); const ENUMSTATE esCurrent = EsSTGetState();
// write-lock the key through the directory
DIRWriteLockKey( esCurrent, key, plock );
// try to seek to the key (sets up currency)
BKTSeek( plock, key );
// leave the state machine
STLeave( iGroup, plock->m_phs ); }
// releases the write lock in the specified lock context
template< class CKey, class CEntry > inline void CDynamicHashTable< CKey, CEntry >:: WriteUnlockKey( CLock* const plock ) { DHTAssert( m_fInit );
// verify the lock
DHTAssert( FBKTWrite( plock ) ); DHTAssert( plock->m_pBucketHead != NULL ); DHTAssert( plock->m_pBucketHead->CRWL().FWriter() );
// unlock the key through the directory
DIRWriteUnlockKey( plock );
// we performed an insert or delete while holding the write lock
if ( plock->m_fInsertOrDelete ) { // perform amortized maintenance on the table
MaintainTable( plock->m_phs ); }
// reset the lock
plock->m_ls = CLock::lsNil; plock->m_fInsertOrDelete = fFalse; }
// retrieves the entry corresponding to the key locked by the specified lock
// context. if there is no entry for this key, errEntryNotFound will be
// returned
template< class CKey, class CEntry > inline typename CDynamicHashTable< CKey, CEntry >::ERR CDynamicHashTable< CKey, CEntry >:: ErrRetrieveEntry( CLock* const plock, CEntry* const pentry ) { DHTAssert( m_fInit );
// verify the lock
DHTAssert( FBKTRead( plock ) || FBKTWrite( plock ) || FBKTScan( plock ) ); DHTAssert( plock->m_pBucketHead != NULL ); #ifdef DEBUG
if ( FBKTRead( plock ) ) { DHTAssert( plock->m_pBucketHead->CRWL().FReader() ); } else { DHTAssert( plock->m_pBucketHead->CRWL().FWriter() ); } if ( FBKTRead( plock ) || FBKTWrite( plock ) ) { CKeyEntry *pKeyEntry; BKTGetEntry( plock, &pKeyEntry ); DHTAssert( pKeyEntry ? pKeyEntry->FEntryMatchesKey( plock->m_key ) : fTrue ); } #endif
// get the entry
return ErrBKTGetEntry( plock, pentry ); }
// replaces the entry corresponding to the key locked by the specified lock
// context. the key for the new entry must match the key for the old entry.
// if there is no entry for this key, errNoCurrentEntry will be returned
template< class CKey, class CEntry > inline typename CDynamicHashTable< CKey, CEntry >::ERR CDynamicHashTable< CKey, CEntry >:: ErrReplaceEntry( CLock* const plock, const CEntry& entry ) { DHTAssert( m_fInit );
// verify the lock
DHTAssert( FBKTWrite( plock ) || FBKTScan( plock ) ); DHTAssert( plock->m_pBucketHead != NULL ); DHTAssert( plock->m_pBucketHead->CRWL().FWriter() ); #ifdef DEBUG
if ( FBKTWrite( plock ) ) { CKeyEntry *pKeyEntry; BKTGetEntry( plock, &pKeyEntry ); DHTAssert( pKeyEntry ? pKeyEntry->FEntryMatchesKey( plock->m_key ) : fTrue ); DHTAssert( ((CKeyEntry &)entry).FEntryMatchesKey( plock->m_key ) ); } #endif
// replace the entry
return ErrBKTReplaceEntry( plock, entry ); }
// inserts a new entry corresponding to the key locked by the specified lock
// context. if there is already an entry with this key in the table,
// errKeyDuplicate will be returned. if the new entry cannot be inserted,
// errOutOfMemory will be returned
template< class CKey, class CEntry > inline typename CDynamicHashTable< CKey, CEntry >::ERR CDynamicHashTable< CKey, CEntry >:: ErrInsertEntry( CLock* const plock, const CEntry& entry ) { DHTAssert( m_fInit );
// verify the lock
DHTAssert( FBKTWrite( plock ) ); DHTAssert( plock->m_pBucketHead != NULL ); DHTAssert( plock->m_pBucketHead->CRWL().FWriter() ); /// DHTAssert( ((CKeyEntry &)entry).FEntryMatchesKey( plock->m_key ) );
// insert the entry
const ERR err = ErrBKTInsertEntry( plock, entry );
if ( errSuccess == err ) {
// maintain our stats
STATInsertEntry( plock->m_phs );
// we have performed an insert
plock->m_fInsertOrDelete = fTrue; }
return err; }
// deletes the entry corresponding to the key locked by the specified lock
// context. if there is no entry for this key, errNoCurrentEntry will be
// returned
template< class CKey, class CEntry > inline typename CDynamicHashTable< CKey, CEntry >::ERR CDynamicHashTable< CKey, CEntry >:: ErrDeleteEntry( CLock* const plock ) { DHTAssert( m_fInit );
// verify the lock
DHTAssert( FBKTWrite( plock ) || FBKTScan( plock ) ); DHTAssert( plock->m_pBucketHead != NULL ); DHTAssert( plock->m_pBucketHead->CRWL().FWriter() ); #ifdef DEBUG
if ( FBKTWrite( plock ) ) { CKeyEntry *pKeyEntry; BKTGetEntry( plock, &pKeyEntry ); DHTAssert( pKeyEntry ? pKeyEntry->FEntryMatchesKey( plock->m_key ) : fTrue ); } #endif
if ( FBKTScan( plock ) ) {
// prepare the next-entry ptr so we can move-next after the delete
// if we are deleting the last entry in the bucket, make this NULL
// to force the cursor to move into the next hash bucket
DHTAssert( plock->m_pBucket != NULL ); DHTAssert( plock->m_pEntryNext == NULL ); plock->m_pEntryNext = ( plock->m_pEntry != plock->m_pBucket->m_pEntryLast ) ? plock->m_pEntry : NULL; } // delete the entry
const ERR err = ErrBKTDeleteEntry( plock );
if ( errSuccess == err ) {
// maintain our stats
STATDeleteEntry( plock->m_phs );
// we have performed a delete
plock->m_fInsertOrDelete = fTrue; }
return err; }
// sets up the specified lock context in preparation for scanning all entries
// in the hash table by physical storage order (i.e. not by key value order)
// NOTE: caller MUST terminate scan with EndHashScan to release any outstanding locks
template< class CKey, class CEntry > inline void CDynamicHashTable< CKey, CEntry >:: BeginHashScan( CLock* const plock ) { DHTAssert( m_fInit );
// verify the lock
DHTAssert( plock->m_ls == CLock::lsNil );
// initialize the lock to start scanning at the first bucket (it may be empty!)
plock->m_ls = CLock::lsScan; plock->m_fInsertOrDelete = fFalse; plock->m_iBucket = 0;
// enter the state machine
const int iGroup = UiSTEnter( &plock->m_phs ); const ENUMSTATE esCurrent = EsSTGetState();
// hash to the bucket we want (this may require a retry in grow/shrink mode)
DHTAssert( plock->m_pBucketHead == NULL ); plock->m_pBucketHead = PbucketDIRIHash( esCurrent, plock->m_iBucket );
// acquire the lock as a writer
// NOTE: do not retry the hash function here because bucket 0 will never disappear
// leave the state machine
STLeave( iGroup, plock->m_phs );
// set up the currency as before-first
plock->m_pBucket = plock->m_pBucketHead; plock->m_pEntryPrev = NULL; plock->m_pEntry = NULL; plock->m_pEntryNext = plock->m_pBucketHead->m_pb != NULL ? &plock->m_pBucketHead->m_rgEntry[0] : NULL; }
// sets up the specified lock context in preparation for scanning all entries
// in the hash table by physical storage order (i.e. not by key value order)
// NOTE: caller MUST terminate scan with EndHashScan to release any outstanding locks
template< class CKey, class CEntry > inline void CDynamicHashTable< CKey, CEntry >:: BeginHashScanFromKey( const CKey& key, CLock* const plock ) { NativeCounter cBucket; NativeCounter cBucketMax; NativeCounter iHash; DHTAssert( m_fInit );
// verify the lock
DHTAssert( plock->m_ls == CLock::lsNil );
// initialize the lock
plock->m_ls = CLock::lsScan; plock->m_fInsertOrDelete = fFalse;
// enter the state machine
const int iGroup = UiSTEnter( &plock->m_phs ); const ENUMSTATE esCurrent = EsSTGetState();
// write-lock the key through the directory
DIRWriteLockKey( esCurrent, key, plock );
// calculate the current bucket configuration
// cBucket may increase/decrease if we are in grow/shrink mode, but this won't effect the
// calculation below unless it grows ahead of OR shrinks behind the bucket at iHash;
// since we have the bucket at iHash locked, it cannot grow/shrink
// cBucketMax cannot change unless we are in split mode, and even then we will be reading from the
// COPY of the cBucketMax -- not the real cBucketMax which is changing
cBucket = NcDIRIGetBucket( esCurrent ); cBucketMax = NcDIRIGetBucketMax( esCurrent ); DHTAssert( cBucketMax != 0 );
// calculate the hash value and normalize it within the limits of the current bucket configuration
iHash = CKeyEntry::Hash( key ); iHash = iHash & ( ( cBucketMax - 1 ) + cBucketMax ); if ( iHash >= cBucketMax + cBucket ) iHash -= cBucketMax;
// remember which bucket we locked
plock->m_iBucket = iHash;
#ifdef DEBUG
{ // verify that we have the correct bucket locked using only iHash
NativeCounter iExponent; NativeCounter iRemainder; DIRILog2( iHash, &iExponent, &iRemainder ); const PBUCKET pbucketT = PbucketDIRIResolve( iExponent, iRemainder ); DHTAssert( pbucketT == plock->m_pBucketHead ); DHTAssert( pbucketT->CRWL().FWriter() ); } #endif // DEBUG
// leave the state machine
STLeave( iGroup, plock->m_phs );
// set up the currency as before-first
plock->m_pBucket = plock->m_pBucketHead; plock->m_pEntryPrev = NULL; plock->m_pEntry = NULL; plock->m_pEntryNext = plock->m_pBucketHead->m_pb != NULL ? &plock->m_pBucketHead->m_rgEntry[0] : NULL; }
// moves the specified lock context to the next entry in the hash table by
// physical storage order. if the end of the index is reached,
// errNoCurrentEntry is returned.
template< class CKey, class CEntry > inline typename CDynamicHashTable< CKey, CEntry >::ERR CDynamicHashTable< CKey, CEntry >:: ErrMoveNext( CLock* const plock, BOOL* const pfNewBucket ) { DHTAssert( m_fInit );
// verify the lock
DHTAssert( FBKTScan( plock ) ); DHTAssert( plock->m_pEntryPrev == NULL );
// move to the next entry in this bucket
if ( plock->m_pEntry ) {
// we are already on an existing entry
if ( plock->m_pEntry + 1 < PentryBKTNextMost( plock->m_pBucket ) ) {
// we have not reached the end of the current BUCKET
plock->m_pEntry++; } else {
// we are at the end of the current BUCKET
plock->m_pBucket = PbucketBKTNext( plock->m_pBucket ); if ( plock->m_pBucket ) {
// we moved to the next BUCKET
plock->m_pEntry = &plock->m_pBucket->m_rgEntry[0]; } else {
// there are no more BUCKET structures in this chain
plock->m_pEntry = NULL; } } } else {
// we are not on an entry (before-first or after-last)
plock->m_pEntry = plock->m_pEntryNext; } plock->m_pEntryNext = NULL;
if ( plock->m_pEntry != NULL ) {
// we moved to an entry successfully
DHTAssert( plock->m_pBucket ); if ( pfNewBucket ) { *pfNewBucket = fFalse; } return errSuccess; }
// try to move to the next hash-bucket
if ( pfNewBucket ) { *pfNewBucket = fTrue; } return ErrSCANMoveNext( plock ); }
// terminates a scan by releasing all outstanding locks and reset the lock context
template< class CKey, class CEntry > inline void CDynamicHashTable< CKey, CEntry >:: EndHashScan( CLock* const plock ) { DHTAssert( m_fInit );
// verify the lock
DHTAssert( FBKTScan( plock ) ); DHTAssert( plock->m_pEntryPrev == NULL );
if ( plock->m_pBucketHead != NULL ) {
// unlock the current bucket
plock->m_pBucketHead->CRWL().LeaveAsWriter(); plock->m_pBucketHead = NULL;
// we performed an insert or delete while holding the write lock
if ( plock->m_fInsertOrDelete ) { // perform amortized maintenance on the table
MaintainTable( plock->m_phs ); } }
// reset the lock
plock->m_ls = CLock::lsNil; plock->m_fInsertOrDelete = fFalse; }
}; // namespace DHT
using namespace DHT;
#endif // __DHT_HXX_INCLUDED