Copyright (c) 1991-1992 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains routines to allocate copies of strings (and convert character sets in the process if necessary).
John Rogers (JohnRo) 02-Dec-1991
Only runs under NT; has an NT-specific interface (with Win32 types). Requires ANSI C extensions: slash-slash comments, long external names.
Revision History:
02-Dec-1991 JohnRo Created. 10-Mar-1992 rfirth Added NetpAllocWStrFromWStr
06-Jan-1992 JohnRo Added NetpAlloc{type}From{type} routines and macros. (Got NetpAllocStrFromWStr from CliffV's NetpLogonAnsiToUnicode; got NetpAllocWStrFromStr from his NetpLogonUnicodeToAnsi.) Thanks Cliff! Corrected Abstract and added Environment to this file. 13-Mar-1992 JohnRo Added NetpAllocStringFromTStr() for NetpGetDomainID(). 29-Apr-1992 JohnRo Fixed NetpAllocTStrFromString() in UNICODE build. 03-Aug-1992 JohnRo RAID 1895: Net APIs and svcs should use OEM char set. Avoid compiler warnings. 13-Feb-1995 FloydR Deleted NetpAllocStringFromTStr() - unused
// These must be included first:
#include <nt.h> // IN, LPVOID, PSTRING, etc.
#include <windef.h> // Win32 type definitions
#include <lmcons.h> // NET_API_STATUS.
// These may be included in any order:
#include <align.h> // ALIGN_ macros.
#include <lmapibuf.h> // NetApiBufferAllocate(), etc.
#include <netdebug.h> // NetpAssert().
#include <netlib.h> // NetpPointerPlusSomeBytes().
#include <netlibnt.h> // Some of my prototypes.
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <tstring.h> // NetpNCopyStrToTStr(), some of my prototypes.
#include <winerror.h> // NO_ERROR.
LPSTR NetpAllocStrFromWStr ( IN LPWSTR Unicode )
Routine Description:
Convert an UNICODE (zero terminated) string to the corresponding OEM string.
Unicode - Specifies the UNICODE zero terminated string to convert.
Return Value:
NULL - There was some error in the conversion.
Otherwise, it returns a pointer to the zero terminated OEM string in an allocated buffer. The buffer must be freed using NetApiBufferFree.
RtlInitUnicodeString( &UnicodeString, Unicode );
OemString.MaximumLength = (USHORT) RtlUnicodeStringToOemSize( &UnicodeString );
ApiStatus = NetApiBufferAllocate( OemString.MaximumLength, (LPVOID *) (LPVOID) & OemString.Buffer ); if (ApiStatus != NO_ERROR) { NetpAssert( ApiStatus == ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); return (NULL); }
NetpAssert( OemString.Buffer != NULL );
if(!NT_SUCCESS( RtlUnicodeStringToOemString( &OemString, &UnicodeString, FALSE))){ (void) NetApiBufferFree( OemString.Buffer ); return NULL; }
return OemString.Buffer;
} // NetpAllocStrFromWStr
LPWSTR NetpAllocWStrFromStr( IN LPSTR Oem )
Routine Description:
Convert an Oem (zero terminated) string to the corresponding UNICODE string.
Oem - Specifies the Oem zero terminated string to convert.
Return Value:
NULL - There was some error in the conversion.
Otherwise, it returns a pointer to the zero terminated UNICODE string in an allocated buffer. The buffer must be freed using NetApiBufferFree.
{ OEM_STRING OemString; NET_API_STATUS ApiStatus; UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString; ULONG NewLength;
RtlInitString( &OemString, Oem );
NewLength = RtlOemStringToUnicodeSize( &OemString );
if (NewLength > MAXUSHORT) { return NULL; }
UnicodeString.MaximumLength = (USHORT) NewLength;
ApiStatus = NetApiBufferAllocate( UnicodeString.MaximumLength, (LPVOID *) & UnicodeString.Buffer );
if (ApiStatus != NO_ERROR) { return NULL; }
NetpAssert(UnicodeString.Buffer != NULL);
if(!NT_SUCCESS( RtlOemStringToUnicodeString( &UnicodeString, &OemString, FALSE))){ (void) NetApiBufferFree( UnicodeString.Buffer ); return NULL; }
return UnicodeString.Buffer;
} // NetpAllocWStrFromStr
LPWSTR NetpAllocWStrFromWStr( IN LPWSTR Unicode )
Routine Description:
Allocate and copy unicode string (wide character strdup)
Unicode - pointer to wide character string to make copy of
Return Value:
NULL - There was some error in the conversion.
Otherwise, it returns a pointer to the zero terminated UNICODE string in an allocated buffer. The buffer must be freed using NetApiBufferFree.
{ NET_API_STATUS status; DWORD size; LPWSTR ptr;
size = WCSSIZE(Unicode); status = NetApiBufferAllocate(size, (LPVOID *) (LPVOID) &ptr); if (status != NO_ERROR) { return NULL; } RtlCopyMemory(ptr, Unicode, size); return ptr; } // NetpAllocWStrFromWStr
LPWSTR NetpAllocWStrFromAStr( IN LPCSTR Ansi )
Routine Description:
Convert an Oem (zero terminated) string to the corresponding UNICODE string.
Oem - Specifies the Oem zero terminated string to convert.
Return Value:
NULL - There was some error in the conversion.
Otherwise, it returns a pointer to the zero terminated UNICODE string in an allocated buffer. The buffer must be freed using NetApiBufferFree.
{ ANSI_STRING AnsiString; NET_API_STATUS ApiStatus; UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString; ULONG NewLength;
RtlInitString( &AnsiString, Ansi );
NewLength = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeSize( &AnsiString );
if (NewLength > MAXUSHORT) { return NULL; }
UnicodeString.MaximumLength = (USHORT) NewLength;
ApiStatus = NetApiBufferAllocate( UnicodeString.MaximumLength, (LPVOID *) & UnicodeString.Buffer );
if (ApiStatus != NO_ERROR) { return NULL; }
NetpAssert(UnicodeString.Buffer != NULL);
if(!NT_SUCCESS( RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &UnicodeString, &AnsiString, FALSE))){ (void) NetApiBufferFree( UnicodeString.Buffer ); return NULL; }
return UnicodeString.Buffer;
} // NetpAllocWStrFromAStr
LPSTR NetpAllocAStrFromWStr ( IN LPCWSTR Unicode )
Routine Description:
Convert an UNICODE (zero terminated) string to the corresponding ANSI string.
Unicode - Specifies the UNICODE zero terminated string to convert.
Return Value:
NULL - There was some error in the conversion.
Otherwise, it returns a pointer to the zero terminated ANSI string in an allocated buffer. The buffer must be freed using NetApiBufferFree.
if (!NT_SUCCESS(RtlInitUnicodeStringEx( &UnicodeString, Unicode ))) { return NULL; }
AnsiString.MaximumLength = (USHORT) RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiSize( &UnicodeString );
ApiStatus = NetApiBufferAllocate( AnsiString.MaximumLength, (LPVOID *) (LPVOID) & AnsiString.Buffer );
if (ApiStatus != NO_ERROR) { NetpAssert( ApiStatus == ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); return NULL; }
NetpAssert( AnsiString.Buffer != NULL );
if(!NT_SUCCESS( RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString( &AnsiString, &UnicodeString, FALSE))){ (void) NetApiBufferFree( AnsiString.Buffer ); return NULL; }
return AnsiString.Buffer;
} // NetpAllocStrFromWStr