Copyright (c) 1991-1993 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This routine is a captive of the NET_REMOTE_RPC_FAILED macro in netrpc.h. See that header file for more info.
John Rogers (JohnRo) 01-Nov-1991
User Mode - Win32 Only runs under NT; has an NT-specific interface (with Win32 types). Requires ANSI C extensions: slash-slash comments, long external names.
Revision History:
01-Nov-1991 JohnRo Created this routine as part of fixing RAID 3414: allow explicit local server name. 07-Nov-1991 JohnRo RAID 4186: assert in RxNetShareAdd and other DLL stub problems. 12-Nov-1991 JohnRo Return correct error code for server not started. 17-Jan-1992 JohnRo Added NET_REMOTE_RPC_FAILED_W for UNICODE-only server names. 08-Apr-1992 JohnRo Clarify that ServiceName parameter is OPTIONAL. 12-Jan-1993 JohnRo RAID 1586: NetReplSetInfo fails after stop service. (Also fix error code if remote RPC service is not started.) Use PREFIX_ equates. Use NetpKdPrint where possible. 30-Jun-1993 JohnRo Perhaps we don't need to query if remote service is started. Also handle RPC_S_SERVER_TOO_BUSY.
// These must be included first:
#include <nt.h> // IN, etc.
#include <windef.h> // LPVOID, etc.
#include <lmcons.h> // NET_API_STATUS, etc.
#include <rpc.h> // Needed by NetRpc.h
// These may be included in any order:
#include <debuglib.h> // IF_DEBUG().
#include <lmerr.h> // NERR_Success, etc.
#include <lmremutl.h> // NetpRemoteComputerSupports(), SUPPORTS_ stuff
#include <lmsname.h> // SERVICE_ equates.
#include <netdebug.h> // FORMAT_ equates, LPDEBUG_STRING, NetpKdPrint(), etc.
#include <netlib.h> // NetpIsServiceStarted().
#include <netrpc.h> // My prototypes, NET_REMOTE_FLAG_ equates.
#include <prefix.h> // PREFIX_ equates.
#include <rpcutil.h> // NetpRpcStatusToApiStatus().
#include <tstring.h> // NetpAlloc{type}From{type}(), TCHAR_EOS, STRICMP().
#define UnexpectedMsg( debugString ) \
{ \ NetpKdPrint(( PREFIX_NETAPI \ FORMAT_LPDEBUG_STRING ": unexpected situation... " \ debugString ", rpc status is " FORMAT_RPC_STATUS ".\n", \ DebugName, RpcStatus )); \ }
NET_API_STATUS NetpHandleRpcFailure( IN LPDEBUG_STRING DebugName, // Used by UnexpectedMsg().
IN RPC_STATUS RpcStatus, // Used by UnexpectedMsg().
OUT LPBOOL TryDownlevel )
*TryDownlevel = FALSE; // Be pesimistic until we know for sure.
if (RpcStatus == RPC_S_OK) {
// Exception without error code? Don't try the downlevel call.
// In theory, this should never happen.
UnexpectedMsg( "exception with RPC_S_OK" ); return (NERR_InternalError);
} else if (RpcStatus == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) {
// Exception was access denied, so it does no good to go any further
return (RpcStatus); } else { // exception with error code
DWORD OptionsSupported = 0;
// Learn about the machine. This is fairly easy since the
// NetRemoteComputerSupports also handles the local machine (whether
// or not a server name is given).
ApiStatus = NetRemoteComputerSupports( ServerNameValue, SUPPORTS_RPC | SUPPORTS_LOCAL, // options wanted
if (ApiStatus != NERR_Success) { // This is where machine not found gets handled.
return (ApiStatus); }
if (OptionsSupported & SUPPORTS_LOCAL) {
// Local service not started?
if (RpcStatus == RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE || RpcStatus == RPC_S_UNKNOWN_IF ) {
if ( (Flags & NET_REMOTE_FLAG_SVC_CTRL) == 0 ) {
NetpAssert( ServiceName != NULL ); NetpAssert( (*ServiceName) != TCHAR_EOS );
// This isn't a service controller API, so we can ask the
// service controller if the service is started.
if ( !NetpIsServiceStarted(ServiceName)) {
// Local service not started.
if (STRICMP( ServiceName, (LPTSTR) SERVICE_WORKSTATION) == 0) { return (NERR_WkstaNotStarted); } else if (STRICMP( ServiceName, (LPTSTR) SERVICE_SERVER) == 0) { return (NERR_ServerNotStarted); } else { return (NERR_ServiceNotInstalled); } /*NOTREACHED*/
} else { // local service started
// In theory, this shouldn't be possible,
// but just in case...
UnexpectedMsg("local, can't connect, started"); return (NetpRpcStatusToApiStatus(RpcStatus)); } /*NOTREACHED*/
} else { // local, can't connect, service controller API
// Perhaps service controller died? Bug in RPC?
// Service too busy?
// Or, may just be out of memory trying to connect...
UnexpectedMsg( "local, can't connect, service controller API" ); return (NetpRpcStatusToApiStatus(RpcStatus));
} else {
// Local and something besides RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE.
// Perhaps we just ran out of memory, or service too busy.
UnexpectedMsg( "local, not RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE" ); return (NetpRpcStatusToApiStatus(RpcStatus)); } /*NOTREACHED*/
} else { // remote machine
// Local workstation is not started? (It must be in order to
// remote downlevel APIs to the other system.)
if ( (RpcStatus == RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE) && ( !NetpIsServiceStarted( (LPTSTR) SERVICE_WORKSTATION))) {
return (NERR_WkstaNotStarted);
} else if (RpcStatus == RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE) {
// Local wksta is started, assume remote service isn't...
// Remote RPC binding failed. Find out why.
IF_DEBUG(DLLSTUBS) { NetpKdPrint(( PREFIX_NETAPI FORMAT_LPDEBUG_STRING ": RPC binding failed.\n", DebugName)); }
// See if the machine supports RPC. If it does, we do not
// try the downlevel calls, but just return the error.
if (OptionsSupported & SUPPORTS_RPC) {
if ( (Flags & NET_REMOTE_FLAG_SVC_CTRL) == 0 ) {
NetpAssert( ServiceName != NULL ); NetpAssert( (*ServiceName) != TCHAR_EOS );
// This isn't a service controller API, so we can
// generate an error code based on the service name.
if (STRICMP( ServiceName, (LPTSTR) SERVICE_WORKSTATION) == 0) { return (NERR_WkstaNotStarted); } else if (STRICMP( ServiceName, (LPTSTR) SERVICE_SERVER) == 0) { return (NERR_ServerNotStarted); } else { return (NERR_ServiceNotInstalled); } /*NOTREACHED*/
} else { // local, can't connect, service controller API
UnexpectedMsg( "remote svc ctrl: " "machine supports RPC, or other error." ); return (NetpRpcStatusToApiStatus(RpcStatus)); } /*NOTREACHED*/
} else { // need to call downlevel
// NetpKdPrint(( PREFIX_NETAPI
// ": call downlevel.\n", DebugName ));
// Caller would insert a call to some RxNet routine
// after the NET_REMOTE_RPC_FAILED macro. This flag is how
// we tell the macro whether or not to fall into that call.
*TryDownlevel = TRUE;
return (ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED); // any error code will do.
} // need to call downlevel
} else {
// Perhaps just out of memory somewhere, server too busy, etc.
UnexpectedMsg("remote, not RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE"); return (NetpRpcStatusToApiStatus(RpcStatus));
} // remote machine
} // exception with error code
} // NetpHandleRpcFailure