Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements staging support routines for FRS
Sudarshan Chitre 26-Apr-2000
Revision History:
#include <ntreppch.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <frs.h>
// Guids for compression formats that are supported by the service.
extern GUID FrsGuidCompressionFormatNone; extern GUID FrsGuidCompressionFormatLZNT1; extern BOOL DisableCompressionStageFiles;
DWORD FrsLZNT1CompressBuffer( IN PUCHAR UnCompressedBuf, IN DWORD UnCompressedBufLen, OUT PUCHAR CompressedBuf, IN DWORD CompressedBufLen, OUT DWORD *pCompressedSize ) /*++
Routine Description: Compression routine for default compression format. COMPRESSION_FORMAT_LZNT1
Arguments: UnCompressedBuf : Source buffer. UnCompressedBufLen : Length of source buffer. CompressedBuf : Resultant compressed buffer. CompressedBufLen : Length of compressed buffer supplied. CompressedSize : Actual size of the compressed data.
Return Value: Win Status --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "FrsLZNT1CompressBuffer:"
DWORD WStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD NtStatus; PVOID WorkSpace = NULL; DWORD WorkSpaceSize = 0; DWORD FragmentWorkSpaceSize = 0;
*pCompressedSize = 0;
if (UnCompressedBuf == NULL || UnCompressedBufLen == 0) {
WStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto out; }
if (CompressedBuf == NULL || CompressedBufLen == 0) {
WStatus = ERROR_MORE_DATA; goto out; }
*pCompressedSize = 0;
NtStatus = RtlGetCompressionWorkSpaceSize(COMPRESSION_FORMAT_LZNT1, &WorkSpaceSize, &FragmentWorkSpaceSize);
WStatus = FrsSetLastNTError(NtStatus);
if (!WIN_SUCCESS(WStatus)) { goto out; }
WorkSpace = FrsAlloc(WorkSpaceSize);
NtStatus = RtlCompressBuffer(COMPRESSION_FORMAT_LZNT1, // compression engine
UnCompressedBuf, // input
UnCompressedBufLen, // length of input
CompressedBuf, // output
CompressedBufLen, // length of output
FRS_UNCOMPRESSED_CHUNK_SIZE, // chunking that occurs in buffer
pCompressedSize, // result size
WorkSpace); // used by rtl routines
WStatus = ERROR_MORE_DATA; goto out; } else if (NtStatus == STATUS_BUFFER_ALL_ZEROS) { //
// STATUS_BUFFER_ALL_ZEROS means the compression worked without a hitch
// and in addition the input buffer was all zeros.
WStatus = FrsSetLastNTError(NtStatus);
if (!WIN_SUCCESS(WStatus)) { *pCompressedSize = 0; DPRINT1(0,"ERROR compressing data. NtStatus = 0x%x\n", NtStatus); goto out; }
out: FrsFree(WorkSpace); return WStatus; }
DWORD FrsLZNT1DecompressBuffer( OUT PUCHAR DecompressedBuf, IN DWORD DecompressedBufLen, IN PUCHAR CompressedBuf, IN DWORD CompressedBufLen, OUT DWORD *pDecompressedSize, OUT DWORD *pBytesProcessed, OUT PVOID *pDecompressContext ) /*++
Routine Description: Decompression routine for default compression format. COMPRESSION_FORMAT_LZNT1
Arguments: DecompressedBuf : Resultant decompressed buffer. DecompressedBufLen : Max size of decompressed buffer. CompressedBuf : Input buffer. CompressedBufLen : Input buffer length. pDecompressedSize : Size of decompressed buffer. pBytesProcessed : Total bytes processed (could be over multiple calls to this function) pDecompressContext : Decompress context returned if multiple calls are needed to decompress this buffer. Valid context is returned when ERROR_MORE_DATA is returned.
Return Value: Win Status --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "FrsLZNT1DecompressBuffer:"
DWORD WStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD NtStatus; DWORD CompressedBufIndex = 0; DWORD CompressedBufStart = 0; DWORD CompressedBufEnd = 0; DWORD NoOfChunks = 0; FRS_COMPRESSED_CHUNK_HEADER ChunkHeader;
*pDecompressedSize = 0;
if (CompressedBuf == NULL || CompressedBufLen == 0) { WStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto out; }
if (DecompressedBuf == NULL || DecompressedBufLen < FRS_MAX_CHUNKS_TO_DECOMPRESS * FRS_UNCOMPRESSED_CHUNK_SIZE) { //
// At this point we don't know how much the data will grow when it is
// decompressed. We don't have to return it all at once. Ask the
// caller to allocate 64k and then he can make multiple calls
// if the decompressed data does not fit in 64K buffer.
*pDecompressedSize = FRS_MAX_CHUNKS_TO_DECOMPRESS * FRS_UNCOMPRESSED_CHUNK_SIZE; *pBytesProcessed = 0; *pDecompressContext = FrsAlloc(sizeof(FRS_DECOMPRESS_CONTEXT)); ((PFRS_DECOMPRESS_CONTEXT)(*pDecompressContext))->BytesProcessed; WStatus = ERROR_MORE_DATA; goto out; }
if (*pDecompressContext != NULL) { CompressedBufIndex = ((PFRS_DECOMPRESS_CONTEXT)(*pDecompressContext))->BytesProcessed; if (CompressedBufIndex>= CompressedBufLen) { WStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto out; } }
// We start deoompressing the buffer from the start if either no context is passed
// or the index in the context is zero. If this is not the case then we want to
// start processing the buffer where we left off last time.
CompressedBufStart = CompressedBufIndex;
while ((CompressedBufIndex <= CompressedBufLen) && (NoOfChunks < FRS_MAX_CHUNKS_TO_DECOMPRESS)){
if (CompressedBufIndex > CompressedBufLen - sizeof(FRS_COMPRESSED_CHUNK_HEADER)) { CompressedBufEnd = CompressedBufIndex; break; }
CopyMemory(&ChunkHeader, CompressedBuf + CompressedBufIndex,sizeof(FRS_COMPRESSED_CHUNK_HEADER)); ++NoOfChunks; CompressedBufEnd = CompressedBufIndex; CompressedBufIndex+=ChunkHeader.Chunk.CompressedChunkSizeMinus3+3; }
if (CompressedBufStart == CompressedBufEnd) { //
// The data left to process in the input buffer is less than 1 chunk.
*pBytesProcessed = CompressedBufEnd; WStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto out; }
NtStatus = RtlDecompressBuffer(COMPRESSION_FORMAT_LZNT1, // decompression engine
DecompressedBuf, // output
DecompressedBufLen, // length of output
CompressedBuf + CompressedBufStart, // input
CompressedBufEnd - CompressedBufStart, // length of input
pDecompressedSize); // result size
WStatus = FrsSetLastNTError(NtStatus);
if (!WIN_SUCCESS(WStatus)) { DPRINT2(0,"Error decompressing. NtStatus = 0x%x. DeCompressedSize = 0x%x\n", NtStatus, *pDecompressedSize); //
// We don't want to abort this CO just because the was a decompression
// error. That error could have been caused by a corruption of the
// staging file, which we can recover. Unfortunately the NTStatus
// STATUS_BAD_COMPRESSION_BUFFER gets mapped to the more generic Win32
// error ERROR_MR_MID_NOT_FOUND. We can't make that a retriable error
// so let's just return ERROR_RETRY here.
WStatus = ERROR_RETRY; goto out; }
// If we maxed out the number of chunks that can be decompressed at 1 time then
// we have some more compressed data in this buffer left to decompress. Pass the
// conext back to caller and return ERROR_MORE_DATA. The caller will make this call
// again to get the next set of decompressed data.
*pBytesProcessed = CompressedBufEnd;
if (NoOfChunks >= FRS_MAX_CHUNKS_TO_DECOMPRESS) { if (*pDecompressContext == NULL) { *pDecompressContext = FrsAlloc(sizeof(FRS_DECOMPRESS_CONTEXT)); }
((PFRS_DECOMPRESS_CONTEXT)(*pDecompressContext))->BytesProcessed = CompressedBufEnd;
WStatus = ERROR_MORE_DATA; goto out; }
WStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; out: return WStatus;
PVOID FrsLZNT1FreeDecompressContext( IN PVOID *pDecompressContext ) /*++
Routine Description: Frees the decompresscontext.
Arguments: pDecompressContext : Decompress context to free.
Return Value: NULL ptr --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "FrsLZNT1FreeDecompressContext:"
if (pDecompressContext == NULL) { return NULL; }
return FrsFree(*pDecompressContext); }
DWORD FrsGetCompressionRoutine( IN PWCHAR FileName, IN HANDLE FileHandle, OUT PFRS_COMPRESS_BUFFER *ppFrsCompressBuffer, //OUT DWORD (**ppFrsCompressBuffer)(IN UnCompressedBuf, IN UnCompressedBufLen,
// OUT CompressedBuf, IN CompressedBufLen, OUT pCompressedSize),
OUT GUID *pCompressionFormatGuid ) /*++
Routine Description: Find the appropriate routine to compress the file.
Arguments: FileName : Name of the file to compress. pFrsCompressBuf : Address of Function pointer to the selected compression routine,
Return Value: Win Status --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "FrsGetCompressionRoutine:"
if (DisableCompressionStageFiles) { *ppFrsCompressBuffer = NULL; ZeroMemory(pCompressionFormatGuid, sizeof(GUID)); return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
*ppFrsCompressBuffer = FrsLZNT1CompressBuffer; COPY_GUID(pCompressionFormatGuid, &FrsGuidCompressionFormatLZNT1); return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
DWORD FrsGetDecompressionRoutine( IN PCHANGE_ORDER_COMMAND Coc, IN PSTAGE_HEADER Header, OUT PFRS_DECOMPRESS_BUFFER *ppFrsDecompressBuffer, OUT PFRS_FREE_DECOMPRESS_BUFFER *ppFrsFreeDecompressContext //OUT DWORD (**ppFrsDecompressBuffer)(OUT DecompressedBuf, IN DecompressedBufLen, IN CompressedBuf, IN CompressedBufLen, OUT DecompressedSize, OUT BytesProcessed),
//OUT PVOID (**ppFrsFreeDecompressContext)(IN pDecompressContext)
) /*++
Routine Description: Find the appropriate routine to decompress the file.
Arguments: Coc : Change order command. StageHeader : Stage header read from the compressed staging file. ppFrsDecompressBuffer : Function pointer to the decompression api. ppFrsFreeDecompressContext : Function pointer to the api used to free the decompress context.
Return Value: Win Status --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "FrsGetDecompressionRoutine:"
if (IS_GUID_ZERO(&Header->CompressionGuid)) { *ppFrsDecompressBuffer = NULL; *ppFrsFreeDecompressContext = NULL; return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
*ppFrsDecompressBuffer = FrsLZNT1DecompressBuffer; *ppFrsFreeDecompressContext = FrsLZNT1FreeDecompressContext; return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
DWORD FrsGetDecompressionRoutineByGuid( IN GUID *CompressionFormatGuid, OUT PFRS_DECOMPRESS_BUFFER *ppFrsDecompressBuffer, OUT PFRS_FREE_DECOMPRESS_BUFFER *ppFrsFreeDecompressContext //OUT DWORD (**ppFrsDecompressBuffer)(OUT DecompressedBuf, IN DecompressedBufLen, IN CompressedBuf, IN CompressedBufLen, OUT DecompressedSize, OUT BytesProcessed),
//OUT PVOID (**ppFrsFreeDecompressContext)(IN pDecompressContext)
) /*++
Routine Description: Find the appropriate routine to decompress the file using the guid.
Arguments: CompressionFormatGuid : Guid for the compression format. ppFrsDecompressBuffer : Function pointer to the decompression api. ppFrsFreeDecompressContext : Function pointer to the api used to free the decompress context.
Return Value: Win Status --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "FrsGetDecompressionRoutineByGuid:"
if (IS_GUID_ZERO(CompressionFormatGuid)) { *ppFrsDecompressBuffer = NULL; *ppFrsFreeDecompressContext = NULL; return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
*ppFrsDecompressBuffer = FrsLZNT1DecompressBuffer; *ppFrsFreeDecompressContext = FrsLZNT1FreeDecompressContext; return ERROR_SUCCESS; }