package FRSSUP; use strict;
my $DEBUG_OBJ_CREATE = 0; my $DEBUG_OBJ_DEATH = 0; my $DEBUG_VERBOSE = 0; # set this to one to see schedules generated.
my %Days = ( "SU"=>0, "MO"=>1, "TU"=>2, "WE"=>3, "TH"=>4, "FR"=>5, "SA"=>6); my %Qtrs = ( "00"=>0, "15"=>1, "30"=>2, "45"=>3);
my @NumToDay = ("Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"); my %FRS_TYPE_MAP = (SYSVOL => 2, DFS => 3, OTHER => 4);
my %SymbolTable = ();
my $Usage = "
Generic Usage: $0 [cmd options] \> output
Process the FRSConfig generated configuration script.
Command line options must be prefixed with a dash.
-verbose=all : display all debug output. -Dvarname=value : define a program input parameter. The program can retrieve the value with the reference \$CMD_VARS{\"varname\"}. varname is case sensitive.
# # TODO: # # support /DC param to specify the DC to bind to. #
sub EmitMkdso { # # construct the mkdsoe command. # my $outstr = join(" ", @_); print $outstr, "\n"; }
sub EmitMkdsx { # # construct the mkdsox command. # my $outstr = join(" ", @_); print $outstr, "\n"; }
sub FRS_TIME_TO_QTRHR { # # Convert a time in the format '[dd:]hh[:qq'] # dd is first 2 letters of the day of the week, # hh is the hour (24 hour format) and # qq is the quarter-hour. 00 means on the hour, 15 means quarter past # 30 means half past, 45 means 3/4 past. # # Returns an integer between 0 and 4*24*7-1. # my $TimeArg = shift; my ($a, $b, $c, $rest, $Time, $day, $hr, $qtrhr);
$day = 'SU'; $hr = 0; $qtrhr = '00';
$Time = $TimeArg;
$Time =~ s/^[\s:]+//; # Strip any leading and trailing ":" $Time =~ s/[\s:]+$//;
$Time = uc($Time).":ZZ:ZZ:ZZ"; ($a, $b, $c, $rest) = split(":", $Time);
if ($a ne "ZZ") { # null or blank string
if ($b eq "ZZ") { $hr = $a; # hh } else {
if ($c eq "ZZ") { # dd:hh or hh:qq if (defined $Days{$a}) { $day = $a; $hr = $b; # dd:hh } else { $hr = $a; $qtrhr = $b; # hh:qq } } else { $day = $a; $hr = $b; $qtrhr = $c; # dd:hh:qq } } } else { print "Invalid time: '$TimeArg'\n"; return 0; }
# # REPL_INTERVAL can be > 24 hours so for now skip the check. # #if ($hr > 23) { # print "Hour out of range: '$hr' for arg '$TimeArg'\n"; # $hr = 0; #}
#print "'$day' '$hr' '$qtrhr'\n"; $Time = (($Days{$day}*24 + $hr) * 4) + $Qtrs{$qtrhr}; #print "TimeToQtrhr: $TimeArg = $Time\n"; return $Time; }
sub Decode7x24 {
# # take a comma seperated string composed of time ranges (see FRS_SCHEDULE) # and compose a bit vector of length 7*24*4 bits. # my $TimeZoneShift = shift; my $fields = shift; my ($field, $adj, $from, $to, $i, $str, $vector, $d);
# # allocate the entire vector. # $vector = ""; vec ($vector, 4*24*7-1, 1) = 0;
foreach $field (split(",", $fields)) {
if ($field =~ m/-/) { ($from, $to) = split("-", $field); #print "from: '$from' to: '$to'\n"; $from = &FRS_TIME_TO_QTRHR($from); $to = &FRS_TIME_TO_QTRHR($to); } else { $to = $from = &FRS_TIME_TO_QTRHR($field); }
if ($from > $to) { print "Invalid range (from > to) in argument: $field\n"; } elsif ($to >= 4*7*24) { print "Invalid range (to>=4*7*24) in argument: $field\n"; } else { # # Don't apply TIME_ZONE shift here. That gets done after the # final schedule is generated. # for ($i=$from; $i<$to; $i++) { vec($vector, $i, 1) = 1; } } }
# # convert to a hex string for display. # if ($DEBUG_OBJ_CREATE) { $str = unpack( "h*", $vector); for ($d=0; $d<7; $d++) { printf ("%s : %s\n", $NumToDay[$d], substr($str, $d*24, 24)); } }
return $vector; }
sub FRS_COUNT_SET { # # Return a count of the number of objects in $SetName # SET=>set array ref. # my %args = ( SET => undef, @_, # arg pair list );
my $rArray = $args{SET};
my ($k, $v); if ($DEBUG_OBJ_CREATE) { while ( ($k, $v) = each %args ) { print "\t$k => '$v'\n"; } }
return scalar(@$rArray) if (defined($rArray)); return 0; }
sub AddToSet { my $SetName = shift; my $Ref = shift;
if (!exists($SymbolTable{$SetName})) { $SymbolTable{$SetName} = []; } push @{ $SymbolTable{$SetName} }, $Ref;
return; }
sub FRS_SET { # # Return the value of the SET key/value pair. # SET=>set array ref. # my %args = ( SET => undef, @_, # arg pair list );
return $args{SET}; }
sub FRS_SHOW { # # Display the contents of the Specified set. # SET=>set array ref. # my %args = ( SET => undef, @_, # arg pair list );
my $i;
for $i (0 .. $#{ $args{SET} }) { print "\t$i = $args{SET}[$i]\n"; &PrintHash( $args{SET}[$i] ); }
return ; }
sub SelectSet { # # Return a ref to the array containing the objects in $SetName # my $SetName = shift;
if (exists($SymbolTable{$SetName})) { return $SymbolTable{$SetName}; }
return; }
sub DeleteSet { # # Deletes the hash entry and the array containing the objects in $SetName # my $SetName;
foreach $SetName (@_) { print "## Removing set: $SetName\n" if ($DEBUG_OBJ_DEATH); undef $SymbolTable{$SetName} if (exists($SymbolTable{$SetName})); }
return; }
sub PrintHash { my $ref = shift; my ($k, $v);
print "\n"; while ( ($k, $v) = each %$ref ) { print "\t\t$k => '$v'\n"; } }
sub DumpSet { my ($SetName, $i, $k1, $v1);
foreach $SetName (@_) {
print "$SetName dump:\n"; for $i (0 .. $#{ $SymbolTable{$SetName} }) { print "\t$i = $SymbolTable{$SetName}[$i]\n"; &PrintHash( $SymbolTable{$SetName}[$i] ); } } }
sub DumpAllSets { DumpSet keys %SymbolTable; }
sub SupTrim { my @str = @_; for (@str) {s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//;}
return wantarray ? @str : $str[0]; }
sub ParseSwitch { my $record = shift; my @result = ();
# # split out the left hand side and right hand side of a switch parameter # seperated by "=". # backslash can be used as an escape character and quoted strings are skipped # (i.e. they are not matched for a "=" separator) #
$record = SupTrim($record);
while ( $record =~ m{ ( # Start of captured result (?:[^\"\\\=]* # swallow chars up to " or \ or /
(?: # followed by 3 alternatives (?=\=|$) # 1. positive lookahead assertion for = or eos ends match |(?:\\.) # 2. if backslash, swallow it + next char |(?:\" # 3. if leading quote then find end of quoted # string but respect backslash escape char. (?:[^\"\\]* # swallow up to next " or \ if any
(?:\\. # if prev ended on \ then swallow it + next char [^\"\\]* # continue to next quote or \, if any )* # loop if we hit \ ) \"? # consume trailing quote, if any. could be eos )
) # end of 3 alternatives )+ # continue after quoted string or \ ) \=? # end match with next = (if any) ends captured result
| ([^\=]+) /? # no quotes up to next =, if any, or eos
| \= # eat extra = }gx ) { print " pre:'$`' match:'$+' post:'$'' lastparen:'$+' \n" if $DEBUG_VERBOSE; # print "Switch match:'$+' \t\t lastparen:'$+' \n"; push (@result, SupTrim($+)) if (SupTrim($+) ne ''); }
push (@result, undef) if scalar(@result) eq 1; return @result; }
sub ProcessCmdLine{ my $CMD_VARS = shift; my $CMD_PARS = shift;
my ($k, $v, $lhs, $rhs, @CmdPars, $param);
# # We expect the CMD_VARS and CMD_PARS to be defined in package main. #
$k = 0; for ($v=0; $v < scalar @ARGV; $v++) { if ($ARGV[$v] =~ m;^[-/];) { push @CmdPars, $ARGV[$v]; } else { $ARGV[$k++] = $ARGV[$v]; } }
$#ARGV = $k-1; # eliminate the args that were put in CmdPars.
foreach $param (@CmdPars) { if ($param =~ s;^[-/][Dd];;) { ($lhs, $rhs) = ParseSwitch($param); $CMD_VARS->{$lhs} = $rhs; } else { $param =~ s!^[-/]!!; ($lhs, $rhs) = ParseSwitch($param); if (!defined $rhs) { $rhs = ''; } $CMD_PARS->{lc($lhs)} = $rhs; } }
print "## Command line defined variables.\n"; while ( ($k, $v) = each %$CMD_VARS ) { print "##\t$k => '$v'\n"; } print "## Command line defined parameters.\n"; while ( ($k, $v) = each %$CMD_PARS ) { print "##\t$k => '$v'\n"; }
if (exists $CMD_PARS->{"?"} || exists $CMD_PARS->{"h"}) { print STDERR $Usage; }
sub CheckForHelp { my $CMD_PARS = shift; # ref to the CMD_PARS hash my $ScriptUsage = shift; # ref to the callers help string.
if (exists $CMD_PARS->{"?"} || exists $CMD_PARS->{"h"}) { print STDERR $$ScriptUsage; exit; } }
sub ShowHelp { my $ErrorString = shift; # Error message. my $ScriptUsage = shift; # ref to the callers help string.
print STDERR $ErrorString, "\n\n"; print STDERR $$ScriptUsage; exit; }
package FRS_SETTINGS; use strict; #++ # Package Description: # Define state and methods for an FRS Replica Set Settings object. # # State: # DN => 'Fully qualified DN of container in which to create Settings obj', # ONAME => 'object name of this object', # BINDDC => computer name of DC on which to create this object. # # Methods: # #--
sub New { #++ # Routine Description: # Create an FRS_SETTINGS object. # # Arguments: # ClassName # Init args -- see _Init() # # Return Value: # FRS_SETTINGS object reference # #--
my $ClassName = shift; my $Self = {}; bless ($Self, $ClassName); $Self->_Init(@_); return $Self; }
sub _Init { #++ # Routine Description: # Init the new FRS_SETTINGS object. # # Arguments: # Self : Object reference # DN => 'Fully qualified DN of container in which to create Settings obj', # ONAME => 'object name of this object', # # Return Value: # void # #-- my $Self = shift;
my $k; my $v;
# # set private arguments # $Self->{Test} = 'Test';
# # Set Default arguments # my %args = ( DN => '', ONAME => '', BINDDC => '', @_, # arg pair list );
# # set parameter arguments # if (@_) {
# # Update DN. # $args{DN} = "$args{ONAME}\,$args{DN}";
@$Self{keys %args} = values %args; } if ($DEBUG_OBJ_CREATE) { while ( ($k, $v) = each %$Self ) { print "\t$k => '$v'\n"; } }
return; }
sub DESTROY { my $Self = shift; printf("FRS_SETTINGS $Self->{ONAME} dying at %s\n", scalar localtime) if ($DEBUG_OBJ_DEATH); }
package FRS_REPLICASET; use strict;
#++ # Package Description: # Define state and methods for an FRS Replica Set object. # # State: # UNDER => 'object tag or ref of replica set object', # ONAME => 'object name of this object', # SCHED => schedule object ref # FLAGS => Flags dword # TYPE => Replica set type (SYSVOL(2), DFS(3), OTHER(4)) # FILE_FILTER => "comma list of file wildcard strings to exclude" # DIR_FILTER => "comma list of file wildcard strings to exclude" # BINDDC => computer name of DC on which to create this object. # PRIMARY_MEMBER => 'object tag or ref of member object that is the primary member' # # Methods: # #--
sub New { #++ # Routine Description: # Create an FRS_REPLICASET object. # # Arguments: # ClassName # Init args -- see _Init() # # Return Value: # FRS_REPLICASET object reference # #--
my $ClassName = shift; my $Self = {}; bless ($Self, $ClassName); $Self->_Init(@_); return $Self; }
sub _Init { #++ # Routine Description: # Init the new FRS_REPLICASET object. # # Arguments: # Self : Object reference # UNDER => 'object tag or ref of replica set object', # ONAME => 'object name of this object', # # Return Value: # void # #-- my $Self = shift;
my ($k, $v, $TypeCode);
# # set private arguments # $Self->{Test} = 'Test';
# # Set Default arguments # my %args = ( UNDER => '', SCHED => 'ON', ONAME => '', FLAGS => 0, TYPE => 'DFS', FILE_FILTER => '~*,*.tmp,*.bak', DIR_FILTER => '', PRIMARY_MEMBER => '', DN => 'need dn', BINDDC => '', @_, # arg pair list );
# # set parameter arguments # if (@_) {
# # Update DN. # $args{DN} = "CN=$args{ONAME},$args{UNDER}->{DN}";
@$Self{keys %args} = values %args; }
if ($DEBUG_OBJ_CREATE) { while ( ($k, $v) = each %$Self ) { print "\t$k => '$v'\n"; } }
$TypeCode = $FRS_TYPE_MAP{ uc( $Self->{TYPE} ) };
FRSSUP::EmitMkdso("mkdsoe /createset", (($Self->{BINDDC} ne '') ? "/DC $Self->{BINDDC}" : ""), "/ntfrssettingsdn \"$Self->{UNDER}->{DN}\"", "/setname \"$Self->{ONAME}\"", "/settype $TypeCode", ($Self->{FILE_FILTER} ne "") ? "/filefilter \"$Self->{FILE_FILTER}\"" : "", ($Self->{DIR_FILTER} ne "") ? "/directoryfilter \"$Self->{DIR_FILTER}\"" : "", ($Self->{PRIMARY_MEMBER} ne "") ? "/primarymember \"$Self->{PRIMARY_MEMBER}->{ONAME}\"" : "", );
return; }
sub DESTROY { my $Self = shift; printf("FRS_REPLICASET $Self->{ONAME} dying at %s\n", scalar localtime) if ($DEBUG_OBJ_DEATH); }
package FRS_MEMBER; use strict;
#++ # Package Description: # Define state and methods for an FRS member object. # # State: # UNDER => 'object tag or ref of replica set object', # SERVER => Ref to FRS_SERVER object # ONAME => 'object name of this object', # BINDDC => computer name of DC on which to create this object. # # The following can be specified to override the values contained in SERVER. # COMPUTER => 'object tag or ref of computer object', # RP => "root path of replica tree on server", # SP => "staging path for this replica set on this server", # DNS_NAME => Computer name, e.g. "huba.hubsite.ajax.com"); # WORKPATH => Working path value for subscriptions object if it is created. # # Methods: # #--
sub New { #++ # Routine Description: # Create an FRS_MEMBER object. # # Arguments: # ClassName # Init args -- see _Init() # # Return Value: # FRS_MEMBER object reference # # Example: FRS_MEMBER::New( UNDER=>"RSB", COMPUTER=>"HA", ONAME=>"MEMBER 1" ); #--
my $ClassName = shift; my $Self = {}; bless ($Self, $ClassName); $Self->_Init(@_); return $Self; }
sub _Init { #++ # Routine Description: # Init the new FRS_MEMBER object. # # Arguments: # Self : Object reference # See above. # # Return Value: # void # #-- my $Self = shift;
my $k; my $v;
print "\nFRS_MEMBER:\n" if ($DEBUG_OBJ_CREATE);
# # set private arguments # $Self->{Test} = 'Test';
# # Set Default arguments. Some defaults will come from the FRS_SERVER object. # my %args = ( UNDER => '', SERVER => '', ONAME => '', MAKE_PRIMARY_MEMBER => '', DN => 'need dn', BINDDC => '', @_, # arg pair list );
# # set parameter arguments # if (@_) { @$Self{keys %args} = values %args; }
# # Provide defaults from FRS_SERVER arg if no caller supplied override. # while (($k, $v) = each % { $args{SERVER} }) { if ( !exists($Self->{$k}) || ($Self->{$k} eq '')) { $Self->{$k} = $v; } }
# # Update DN. # $Self->{DN} = "CN=".$Self->{ONAME}.",".$Self->{UNDER}->{DN};
if ($DEBUG_OBJ_CREATE) { while ( ($k, $v) = each %$Self ) { print "\t$k => '$v'\n"; } }
# # The member object. # FRSSUP::EmitMkdso("mkdsoe /createmember", (($Self->{BINDDC} ne '') ? "/DC $Self->{BINDDC}" : ""), (($Self->{MAKE_PRIMARY_MEMBER} ne '') ? "/makemeprimary" : ""), "/NtfrsSettingsDN \"$Self->{UNDER}->{UNDER}->{DN}\"", "/SetName \"$Self->{UNDER}->{ONAME}\"", "/ComputerName \"$Self->{COMPUTER}\"", "/MemberName \"$Self->{ONAME}\"", );
# # The subscriber object. # FRSSUP::EmitMkdso("mkdsoe /createsubscriber", "/NtfrsSettingsDN \"$Self->{UNDER}->{UNDER}->{DN}\"", "/SetName \"$Self->{UNDER}->{ONAME}\"", "/ComputerName \"$Self->{COMPUTER}\"", "/MemberName \"$Self->{ONAME}\"", "/RootPath \"$Self->{RP}\"", "/StagePath \"$Self->{SP}\"", "/WorkingPath \"$Self->{WORKPATH}\"", );
return; }
sub DESTROY { my $Self = shift; printf("FRS_MEMBER $Self->{ONAME} dying at %s\n", scalar localtime) if ($DEBUG_OBJ_DEATH); }
package FRS_CONNECTION; use strict;
#++ # Package Description: # Define state and methods for an FRS connection object. # # State: # TO => 'object tag of destination FRS member object', # FROM => 'object tag of the source's FRS member object', # ONAME => 'object name of this object', # SCHED => schedule object ref | ON | OFF # OPTIONS => Options dword # FLAGS => Flags dword # ENABLED => '[0 | 1]' # BINDDC => computer name of DC on which to create this object. # TIME_ZONE => '+- nn[:qq]' Timezone override adjustment to apply to schedule # 0 = GMT (default) # # If the NTDSCONN_OPT_TWOWAY_SYNC flag is set on the connection then # merge the schedule on this connection with the schedule on the connection # that is in the opposite direction and use the resultant schedule on the # connection in the opposite direction. # # The TO and FROM arguments refer to an FRS_MEMBER object. The SERVER argument # in the FRS_MEMBER object is used to acquire the DNS_NAME argument of the # FRS_SERVER object. # # Methods: # #--
sub New { #++ # Routine Description: # Create an FRS_CONNECTION object. # # Arguments: # ClassName # Init args -- see _Init() # # Return Value: # FRS_CONNECTION object reference # #--
my $ClassName = shift; my $Self = {}; bless ($Self, $ClassName); $Self->_Init(@_); return $Self; }
sub _Init { #++ # Routine Description: # Init the new FRS_CONNECTION object. # # Arguments: # Self : Object reference # UNDER => 'object tag or ref of replica set object', # ONAME => 'object name of this object', # # Return Value: # void # #-- my $Self = shift;
my ($k, $v, $Schedule);
# # set private arguments # $Self->{Test} = 'Test';
# # Set Default arguments # my %args = ( TO => '', FROM => '', ONAME => '', SCHED => {}, OPTIONS => 0, FLAGS => 0, ENABLED => 1, BINDDC => '', @_, # arg pair list );
# # set parameter arguments # if (@_) {
# # Update DN. # $args{DN} = "CN=$args{ONAME},$args{TO}->{DN}";
@$Self{keys %args} = values %args; }
if ($DEBUG_OBJ_CREATE) { while ( ($k, $v) = each %$Self ) { print "\t$k => '$v'\n"; } print "\n"; }
if ($args{SCHED} ne '') { #print "\tSCHED => $args{SCHED}\n"; # get schedule from $args{SCHED}->{SCHEDULE}
# Need to check the data type of $args{SCHED} for a string type with # a value of ON or OFF. # if it is a ref to a hash then it is a schedule object. CAN WE VERIFY # the object type is valid? # }
# # Input paramters to mkdsxe.exe # # /v, Verbose mode. # /debug, Debug mode. No Writes to the DC. # N /dc, Name of the DC to connect to. # # /create Operation to be performed. only one of the 4 is allowed. # /update # /del # /dump # # /all, Perform the operation on all the connections to the toserver. # /all only works with /dump and /del. # # SN /name, Name of the connection to be created. # SN /enable, Connection is enabled. # /disable, Connection is disabled. # S /fromsite, Name of the site the 'from' server is in. # S /tosite, Name of the site the 'to' server is in. # S /fromserver, Name of the 'from' server. # S /toserver, Name of the 'to' server. # N /replicasetname, Name of the non-sysvol replica set. # N /fromcomputer, DNS name of the 'from' computer. /replicasetname needed. # N /tocomputer, DNS name of the 'to' computer. /replicasetname needed. # # /options <integer>, "Sum of the following options for connection. # "IsGenerated = 1 # "TwoWaySync = 2 # "OverrideNotifyDefault = 3 # "UseNotify = 4 # # SN /schedule <Interval> <Stagger> <Offset>, Schedule to create for the connection. # <Interval>, The desired interval between each sync with one source. # <Stagger>, Typically number of source DCs. # <Offset>, Typically the number of the source DC. # # /schedoverride, File with 7x24 vector of schedule override data. # /schedmask, File with 7x24 vector of schedule mask off data. # SchedOverride and SchedMask data are formatted as 2 ascii hex digits # for each schedule byte. # # Inputs are prefixed with an S or N. S means this input is required for the # creation of a sysvol replica set connection. N means this input is required # for a non-sysvol replica set. #
if ($Self->{SCHED} eq 'ON') { $Schedule = ''; } elsif ($Self->{SCHED} eq 'OFF') { $Schedule = '/Schedule 0 0 0'; } else { # # Check for TIME_ZONE override for this connection. # if (defined $args{TIME_ZONE}) { FRS_SCHEDULE::FRS_APPLY_TIMEZONE(SCHED=>$Self->{SCHED}, TIME_ZONE=>$args{TIME_ZONE}); } # # Build the Custom schedule. # $Self->{SCHED}->BuildSchedule; $Schedule = "/CustomSchedule $Self->{SCHED}->{SCHEDULE}" }
# # The connection object. # FRSSUP::EmitMkdsx("mkdsxe.exe /create", (($Self->{BINDDC} ne '') ? "/DC $Self->{BINDDC}" : ""), "/Name \"$Self->{ONAME}\"", "/ReplicaSetName \"$Self->{TO}->{UNDER}->{ONAME}\"", "/ToComputer \"$Self->{TO}->{SERVER}->{DNS_NAME}\"", "/FromComputer \"$Self->{FROM}->{SERVER}->{DNS_NAME}\"", ($Self->{ENABLED} ? "/enable" : "/disable"), $Schedule, );
return; }
sub DESTROY { my $Self = shift; printf("FRS_CONNECTION $Self->{ONAME} dying at %s\n", scalar localtime) if ($DEBUG_OBJ_DEATH); }
package FRS_SCHEDULE; use strict;
#++ # Package Description: # Define state and methods for an FRS Schedule object. # A schedule is a 7x24 array of bytes (1 byte for each hour of the week) # The low four bits are used to select the quarter-hour. # # State: # TYPE => '[ONOFF | BANDWIDTH] # Only ONOFF schedules are supported. # REPL_INTERVAL => 'nn[:qq]' # Desired interval between start of repl cycle # REPL_DURATION => 'nn[:qq]' # Duration of of repl cycle # TIME_ZONE => '+- nn[:qq]' # Timezone adjustment to apply to time ranges # # 0 = GMT (default) # REPL_OFFSET => 'dd:nn[:qq'] # Offset from midnight sunday to start of # # periodic schedule (default is midnight sunday) # METHOD => 'REPEAT | CUSTOM' # Method used to construct the schedule # # CUSTOM means only use OVERRIDE and DISABLE # # arguments to make the schedule. # STAGGER => nnn:qq # The stagger amount to use by obj->STAGGER # OVERRIDE => 'time range' # Force schedule on during specified period # DISABLE => 'time range' # Force schedule off during specified period # # OVERRIDE and DISABLE can take multiple # # time ranges seperated by commas. # NAME => '' # Text string to identify schedule in printouts. # # qq : specifies a quarter hour. 00 means on the hour, 15 means quarter past # 30 means half past, 45 means 3/4 past. # # time range: A string describing the days and times during the week # when the related operation is applied. # The format is dd:hh[:qq]-dd:hh[:qq] where dd is the first # 2 letters of the day of the week, hh is the hour (24 hour format) # and qq is the quarter-hour. # So, mo:07:30-mo:18:00 refers to a time range starting # on mondays at 7:30 am and ending the same day at 6 pm. # # If the NTDSCONN_OPT_TWOWAY_SYNC flag is set on the connection then # merge the schedule on this connection with the schedule on the connection # that is in the opposite direction and use the resultant schedule on the # connection in the opposite direction. # # # Methods: # #--
sub New { #++ # Routine Description: # Create an FRS_SCHEDULE object. # # Arguments: # ClassName # Init args -- see _Init() # # Return Value: # FRS_SCHEDULE object reference # #-- my $ClassName = shift; my $Self = {}; bless ($Self, $ClassName); $Self->_Init(@_); return $Self; }
sub _Init { #++ # Routine Description: # Init the new FRS_SCHEDULE object. # # Arguments: # Self : Object reference # see above. # # Return Value: # void # #-- my $Self = shift; my ($k, $v, $TimeZoneShift, $negative);
# # Set Default arguments # my %args = ( REPL_INTERVAL => "01", # One hour REPL_DURATION => "01", # One hour TIME_ZONE => 0, # no shift for GMT REPL_OFFSET => "00", # midnight sunday METHOD => $METHOD_REPEAT, # REPEATING | CUSTOM STAGGER => "00", # obj units are quarter-hours TYPE => 0, # ONOFF | BANDWIDTH NAME => '', # Text string to identify schedule in printouts. SCHED_DATA_CHANGE => 1, # Generate a new schedule when output is needed. @_, # arg pair list );
# # set parameter arguments # if (@_) { @$Self{keys %args} = values %args; }
if ($DEBUG_OBJ_CREATE) { while ( ($k, $v) = each %$Self ) { print "\t$k => '$v'\n"; } }
$Self->{STAGGER} = $args{STAGGER};
# # First calc the timezone shift for use by Decode7x24 and BuildSchedule # $TimeZoneShift = $args{TIME_ZONE}; $negative = ($TimeZoneShift =~ s/\s*\-//); # remove minus $TimeZoneShift =~ s/\s*\+//; # remove plus $Self->{TIME_ZONE} = &FRSSUP::FRS_TIME_TO_QTRHR($TimeZoneShift); if ($negative) { $Self->{TIME_ZONE} = 0 - $Self->{TIME_ZONE}; }
# # Build override and disable masks. # if (defined $args{OVERRIDE} && $args{OVERRIDE} ne '') { undef $Self->{OVERRIDE}; # convert time ranges to a 7x24x4 array. print "\tOVERRIDE => $args{OVERRIDE}\n" if ($DEBUG_OBJ_CREATE); $Self->{OVERRIDE} = &FRSSUP::Decode7x24($Self->{TIME_ZONE}, $args{OVERRIDE}); }
if (defined $args{DISABLE} && $args{DISABLE} ne '') { undef $Self->{DISABLE}; # convert time ranges to a 7x24x4 array. print "\tDISABLE => $args{DISABLE}\n" if ($DEBUG_OBJ_CREATE); $Self->{DISABLE} = &FRSSUP::Decode7x24($Self->{TIME_ZONE}, $args{DISABLE}); }
return; }
# # FRS_SCHEDULE->StaggerBy( &SelectSet("SC1")->[0], $Adjust); # or # &SelectSet("SC1")->[0]->StaggerBy ($Adjust); # sub FRS_STAGGER_BY { my $Self; # = shift; my ($k, $v);
# # Set Default arguments # my %args = ( ADJUST => "00", SCHED => '', @_, # arg pair list );
if (@_) { $Self = $args{SCHED}; }
return if ($Self eq '');
if ($DEBUG_OBJ_CREATE) { while ( ($k, $v) = each %$Self ) { print "\t$k => '$v'\n"; } } # # Convert $args{ADJUST} to quarter-hour units. # my $Adjust = FRSSUP::FRS_TIME_TO_QTRHR($args{ADJUST});
# # Increment the schedule offset by the stagger amount and calc new schedule. # $Self->{REPL_OFFSET} += $Adjust;
$Self->{SCHED_DATA_CHANGE} = 1; }
# # FRS_STAGGER(/SCHED=SC1) # # FRS_SCHEDULE->Stagger( &SelectSet("SC1")->[0]); # sub FRS_STAGGER { my $Self; my $Adjust; my ($k, $v);
# # Set Default arguments # my %args = ( SCHED => '', @_, # arg pair list );
# # set parameter arguments # if (@_) { @$Self{SCHED} = $args{SCHED}; $Self = $args{SCHED}; }
return if ($Self eq '');
if ($DEBUG_OBJ_CREATE) { while ( ($k, $v) = each %$Self ) { print "\t$k => '$v'\n"; } }
$Adjust = $Self->{STAGGER};
# # FRS_SCHEDULE->FRS_APPLY_TIMEZONE( &SelectSet("SC1")->[0], $Adjust); # or # &SelectSet("SC1")->[0]->FRS_APPLY_TIMEZONE ($Adjust); # sub FRS_APPLY_TIMEZONE { my $Self; my ($k, $v, $negative, $TimeZoneShift);
# # Set Default arguments # my %args = ( SCHED => '', TIME_ZONE => '', @_, # arg pair list );
#while ( ($k, $v) = each %args ) { print "\t$k => '$v'\n"; }
if (@_) { $Self = $args{SCHED}; }
return if (($Self eq '') || ($args{TIME_ZONE} eq ''));
if ($DEBUG_OBJ_CREATE) { while ( ($k, $v) = each %$Self ) { print "\t$k => '$v'\n"; } }
# # Convert $args{TIME_ZONE} to quarter-hour units. # $TimeZoneShift = $args{TIME_ZONE};
$negative = ($TimeZoneShift =~ s/\s*\-//); # remove minus $TimeZoneShift =~ s/\s*\+//; # remove plus $args{TIME_ZONE} = &FRSSUP::FRS_TIME_TO_QTRHR($TimeZoneShift); if ($negative) { $args{TIME_ZONE} = 0 - $args{TIME_ZONE}; }
# # nothing to do if timezone unchanged. # return if ($args{TIME_ZONE} == $Self->{TIME_ZONE});
# # Build the new schedule. # $Self->{TIME_ZONE} = $args{TIME_ZONE}; $Self->{SCHED_DATA_CHANGE} = 1; }
sub BuildSchedule { my $Self = shift;
my ($i, $adj, $endtime, $vector, $tzvector, $intervalExpired, $j, $Q); my ($skipped, $span, $FirstPeriodGen); my ($LastReplPeriod, $rpx, $CheckReplPeriodStart, $ReplPeriod);
my $interval = $Self->{REPL_INTERVAL}; my $duration = $Self->{REPL_DURATION}; my $offset = $Self->{REPL_OFFSET}; my $stagger = $Self->{STAGGER}; my $TimeZoneShift = $Self->{TIME_ZONE};
$vector = ""; vec ($vector, 4*24*7-1, 1) = 0;
$FirstPeriodGen = 0;
# # Only recalc schedule if one of the operands changed. # if (!$Self->{SCHED_DATA_CHANGE}) { #$Self->Print() if $DEBUG_VERBOSE; return; }
# # Build new schedule using the current parameters. # if ($Self->{METHOD} == $METHOD_REPEAT) {
if ($interval == 0) { print "\n\nERROR - Interval is invalid ($interval), no schedule produced.\n\n"; return; } $ReplPeriod = []; $rpx = -1; if ($interval > $duration) { $rpx = 0; if (defined $Self->{REPL_PERIOD_START}) { $CheckReplPeriodStart = 1; $LastReplPeriod = $Self->{REPL_PERIOD_START}; print "LastReplPeriod = ", join(", ", @$LastReplPeriod), "\n";; } } # # Build the repeating schedule first. Remember the end time so we # know when to stop. # $Q = $offset - 1; if ($Q >= 4*24*7) { $Q = $Q - 4*24*7; } elsif ($Q < 0) { $Q = $Q + 4*24*7; } $endtime = $Q;
$Q = $Q + 1; if ($Q >= 4*24*7) {$Q = 0;}
$i = 0; $intervalExpired = 0;
if ($DEBUG_VERBOSE) { print "\n## **** Q=$Q, offset=$offset, TimeZoneShift=$TimeZoneShift, interval=$interval \n"; }
QTR_HOUR: while ($i < 4*24*7) {
if ($intervalExpired <= 0) { if ($DEBUG_VERBOSE) { print "\n## **** Q=$Q, i=$i, offset=$offset, intervalExpired=$intervalExpired\n"; } # # If this replication period overlaps any disabled region of # the schedule then scan past the disabled portion and continue # Quarter Hour loop from there. # if (defined $Self->{DISABLE}) { $adj = $Q; $skipped = 0; $span = $duration; while (($span > 0) && (vec($Self->{DISABLE}, $adj, 1) == 0)) { last if ($adj == $endtime); if (++$adj >= 4*24*7) {$adj = 0;} --$span; } if ($span > 0) { # # Open region was not large enough. # $skipped += ($duration - $span); while (vec($Self->{DISABLE}, $adj, 1) == 1) { ++$skipped; last if ($adj == $endtime); if (++$adj >= 4*24*7) {$adj = 0;} } } if ($skipped > 0) { # # Need to advance the offset if we are still trying to # generate the first replication period in the schedule. # if (!$FirstPeriodGen) { $offset += $skipped; if ($offset >= 4*24*7) {$offset = $offset - 4*24*7;} $Self->{REPL_OFFSET} = $offset; }
$Q += $skipped; if ($Q >= 4*24*7) {$Q = $Q - 4*24*7;}
$intervalExpired -= $skipped; # # Go check the size of the next open region. # $i += $skipped; next QTR_HOUR; } }
if ($CheckReplPeriodStart) { if (($rpx < scalar @$LastReplPeriod) && ($Q == $LastReplPeriod->[$rpx])) { if (++$Q >= 4*24*7) {$Q = 0;} --$intervalExpired; ++$i; next QTR_HOUR; } }
$intervalExpired = $interval; # start of new interval. # # Mark the duration of the next replication interval. #
if ($rpx >= 0) { push @$ReplPeriod, $Q; ++$rpx; } for ($j=0; $j<$duration; $j++) { vec($vector, $Q, 1) = 1; last if ($Q == $endtime); if (++$Q >= 4*24*7) {$Q = 0;} --$intervalExpired; ++$i; } # # don't advance offset after first replication period is generated. # $FirstPeriodGen = 1; }
# # Consume schedule slots up until the interval between replication # periods is >= to the Interval parameter. We may have consumed # this interval already if we had to jump past a blackout period. # if ($intervalExpired > 0) { $i += $intervalExpired; $Q += $intervalExpired; if ($Q >= 4*24*7) {$Q = $Q - 4*24*7;} $intervalExpired = 0; } } }
# # Merge in the override setting. # if (defined $Self->{OVERRIDE}) { $vector |= $Self->{OVERRIDE}; }
# # Apply the timezone shift to the result. # $tzvector = ""; vec ($tzvector, 4*24*7-1, 1) = 0;
for ($i=0; $i<4*24*7; $i++) {
$Q = $i - $TimeZoneShift; if ($Q >= 4*24*7) { $Q = $Q - 4*24*7; } elsif ($Q < 0) { $Q = $Q + 4*24*7; }
vec($tzvector, $Q, 1) = vec($vector, $i, 1); }
# # Finally save it as a hex string. # $Self->{SCHEDULE} = unpack( "h*", $tzvector);
$Self->Print() if $DEBUG_VERBOSE;
$Self->{REPL_PERIOD_START} = $ReplPeriod; }
sub Print { my $Self = shift; my $d;
print "\nFRS_SCHEDULE $Self->{NAME}\n";
for ($d=0; $d<7; $d++) { printf ("%s : %s\n", $NumToDay[$d], substr($Self->{SCHEDULE}, $d*24, 24)); } }
sub DESTROY { my $Self = shift; printf("FRS_SCHEDULE $Self->{NAME} dying at %s\n", scalar localtime) if ($DEBUG_OBJ_DEATH); }
package FRS_SERVER; use strict;
#++ # Package Description: # Define state and methods for an FRS server object. # This is an internal object used to provide parameters for a # member server and to allow the grouping of servers into user defined # sets for later processing. For example, the user might create a set # of servers that are in a HUB site and another set of servers that # correspond to the branch sites. # # State: # UNDER => 'object tag or ref of replica set object', # COMPUTER => 'FQDN or Nt4 Acct name (domain\netbiosname$) of computer object', # ONAME => 'object name of this object', # RP => "root path of replica tree on server", # SP => "staging path for this replica set on this server", # DNS_NAME => Computer DNS name, e.g. "huba.hubsite.ajax.com"); # WORKPATH => Working path value for subscriptions object if it is created. # # Methods: # #--
sub New { #++ # Routine Description: # Create an FRS_SERVER object. # # Arguments: # ClassName # Init args -- see _Init() # # Return Value: # FRS_SERVER object reference # # Example: FRS_SERVER::New( UNDER=>"RSB", COMPUTER=>"HA", ONAME=>"MEMBER 1" ); #--
my $ClassName = shift; my $Self = {}; bless ($Self, $ClassName); $Self->_Init(@_); return $Self; }
sub _Init { #++ # Routine Description: # Init the new FRS_SERVER object. # # Arguments: # Self : Object reference # see above. # # Return Value: # void # #-- my $Self = shift;
my ($k, $v);
print "\nFRS_SERVER:\n" if ($DEBUG_OBJ_CREATE);
# # set private arguments # $Self->{Test} = 'Test';
# # Set Default arguments # my %args = ( RP => '', SP => '', WORKPATH => '', COMPUTER => '', DNS_NAME => '', @_, # arg pair list );
# # set parameter arguments # if (@_) { @$Self{keys %args} = values %args; }
if ($DEBUG_OBJ_CREATE) { while ( ($k, $v) = each %$Self ) { print "\t$k => '$v'\n"; } }
# if (wantarray()) { # print "list context\n"; # return; # @many_objs # } elsif (defined wantarray()) { # print "scalar context\n"; # return; # $one_obh # } else { # print "void context\n"; # return; # }
return; }
sub DESTROY { my $Self = shift; printf("FRS_SERVER $Self->{DNS_NAME} dying at %s\n", scalar localtime) if ($DEBUG_OBJ_DEATH); }