Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: addsrvc.c
Abstract: Create the file replication service (ntfrs): addsrvc <full path to exe>
Author: Billy J. Fuller 2-Sep-1997
Environment User mode winnt
#include <windows.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <winsvc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <config.h>
#include <malloc.h>
// Lower case
#define FRS_WCSLWR(_s_) \
{ \ if (_s_) { \ _wcslwr(_s_); \ } \ }
SC_HANDLE OpenServiceHandle( IN PWCHAR ServiceName ) /*++
Routine Description: Open a service on a machine.
Arguments: ServiceName - the service to open
Return Value: The service's handle or NULL. --*/ { SC_HANDLE SCMHandle; SC_HANDLE ServiceHandle;
// Attempt to contact the SC manager.
SCMHandle = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_CONNECT); if (SCMHandle == NULL) { printf("Couldn't open service control manager; error %d\n", GetLastError()); return NULL; }
// Contact the service.
ServiceHandle = OpenService(SCMHandle, ServiceName, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS); CloseServiceHandle(SCMHandle); return ServiceHandle; }
DWORD FrsGetServiceState( IN PWCHAR ServiceName ) /*++
Routine Description: Return the service's state
Arguments: ServiceName - the service to check
Return Value: The service's state or 0 if the state could not be obtained. --*/ { BOOL Status; SC_HANDLE ServiceHandle; SERVICE_STATUS ServiceStatus;
// Open the service.
ServiceHandle = OpenServiceHandle(ServiceName); if (ServiceHandle == NULL) return 0;
// Get the service's status
if (!ControlService(ServiceHandle, SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE, &ServiceStatus)) { CloseServiceHandle(ServiceHandle); return GetLastError(); } return ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState; }
VOID FrsWaitServicePending( IN PWCHAR ServiceName, IN ULONG IntervalMS, IN ULONG TotalMS ) /*++
Routine Description: Wait for a service to leave any "pending" state. Check every so often, up to a maximum time.
Arguments: ServiceName - Name of the NT service to interrogate. IntervalMS - Check every IntervalMS milliseconds. TotalMS - Stop checking after this long.
Return Value: TRUE - Service is not in a pending state FALSE - Service is still in a pending state --*/ { DWORD State;
do { State = FrsGetServiceState(ServiceName); if (State == 0) return; switch (State) { case ERROR_IO_PENDING: printf("IO is pending for %ws; waiting\n", ServiceName); break; case SERVICE_START_PENDING: printf("Start is pending for %ws; waiting\n", ServiceName); break; case SERVICE_STOP_PENDING: printf("Stop is pending for %ws; waiting\n", ServiceName); break; case SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING: printf("Continue is pending for %ws; waiting\n", ServiceName); break; case SERVICE_PAUSE_PENDING: printf("Pause is pending for %ws; waiting\n", ServiceName); break; default:; return; } Sleep(IntervalMS); } while ((TotalMS -= IntervalMS) > 0); }
VOID FrsStartService( IN PWCHAR ServiceName ) /*++
Routine Description: Start a service on a machine.
Arguments: ServiceName - the service to start
Return Value: None. --*/ { SC_HANDLE ServiceHandle;
// Open the service.
ServiceHandle = OpenServiceHandle(ServiceName); if (ServiceHandle == NULL) { printf("Couldn't open %ws\n", ServiceName); return; } //
// Start the service
if (!StartService(ServiceHandle, 0, NULL)) { printf("Couldn't start %ws; error %d\n", ServiceName, GetLastError()); CloseServiceHandle(ServiceHandle); return; } CloseServiceHandle(ServiceHandle); printf("Started %ws\n", ServiceName); }
VOID FrsStopService( IN PWCHAR ServiceName ) /*++
Routine Description: Stop a service on a machine.
Arguments: ServiceName - the service to stop
Return Value: None. --*/ { BOOL Status; SC_HANDLE ServiceHandle; SERVICE_STATUS ServiceStatus;
// Open the service.
ServiceHandle = OpenServiceHandle(ServiceName); if (ServiceHandle == NULL) { printf("Couldn't open %ws\n", ServiceName); return; }
// Stop the service
Status = ControlService(ServiceHandle, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &ServiceStatus); if (!Status) { printf("Couldn't stop %ws; error %d\n", ServiceName, GetLastError()); CloseServiceHandle(ServiceHandle); return; } CloseServiceHandle(ServiceHandle); printf("Stopped %ws\n", ServiceName); }
VOID FrsPauseService( IN PWCHAR ServiceName ) /*++
Routine Description: Pause a service on a machine.
Arguments: ServiceName - the service to pause
Return Value: None. --*/ { BOOL Status; SC_HANDLE ServiceHandle; SERVICE_STATUS ServiceStatus;
// Open the service.
ServiceHandle = OpenServiceHandle(ServiceName); if (ServiceHandle == NULL) { printf("Couldn't open %ws\n", ServiceName); return; }
// Stop the service
Status = ControlService(ServiceHandle, SERVICE_CONTROL_PAUSE, &ServiceStatus); if (!Status) { printf("Couldn't pause %ws; error %d\n", ServiceName, GetLastError()); CloseServiceHandle(ServiceHandle); return; } CloseServiceHandle(ServiceHandle); printf("Paused %ws\n", ServiceName); }
VOID FrsContinueService( IN PWCHAR ServiceName ) /*++
Routine Description: Continue a service on a machine.
Arguments: ServiceName - the service to continue
Return Value: None. --*/ { BOOL Status; SC_HANDLE ServiceHandle; SERVICE_STATUS ServiceStatus;
// Open the service.
ServiceHandle = OpenServiceHandle(ServiceName); if (ServiceHandle == NULL) { printf("Couldn't open %ws\n", ServiceName); return; }
// Stop the service
Status = ControlService(ServiceHandle, SERVICE_CONTROL_CONTINUE, &ServiceStatus); if (!Status) { printf("Couldn't continue %ws; error %d\n", ServiceName, GetLastError()); CloseServiceHandle(ServiceHandle); return; } CloseServiceHandle(ServiceHandle); printf("Continued %ws\n", ServiceName); }
VOID FrsDeleteService( IN PWCHAR ServiceName ) /*++
Routine Description: Delete a service on a machine.
Arguments: ServiceName - the service to delete
Return Value: None. --*/ { SC_HANDLE ServiceHandle;
// FrsWaitServicePending(ServiceName, 5000, 20000);
// Open the service
ServiceHandle = OpenServiceHandle(ServiceName); if (ServiceHandle == NULL) { return; }
// Delete the service
if (!DeleteService(ServiceHandle) && GetLastError() != ERROR_SERVICE_MARKED_FOR_DELETE) { printf("Couldn't delete %ws; error %d\n", ServiceName, GetLastError()); } CloseServiceHandle(ServiceHandle); printf("Deleted %ws\n", ServiceName); }
VOID FrsCreateService( IN PWCHAR ServiceName, IN PWCHAR PathName, IN PWCHAR DisplayName ) /*++
Routine Description: If the service doesn't exist on the machine, create it.
Arguments: ServiceName - the service to create PathName - the path of the service's .exe DisplayName - the display name of the service
Return Value: TRUE - Service was created (or already existed) FALSE - Service was not created and didn't already exist --*/ { SC_HANDLE SCMHandle; SC_HANDLE ServiceHandle;
// Attempt to contact the SC manager.
SCMHandle = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_CREATE_SERVICE); if (SCMHandle == NULL) { printf("Couldn't open service control manager; error %d\n", GetLastError()); return; }
// Create the service
ServiceHandle = CreateService( SCMHandle, ServiceName, DisplayName, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS, // XXX is this right!!!
NULL, // No Tag Id required
L"eventlog\0rpcss\0", NULL, NULL); // No password
if (ServiceHandle == NULL) { FrsWaitServicePending(ServiceName, 5000, 20000); //
// Create the service
ServiceHandle = CreateService(SCMHandle, ServiceName, DisplayName, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS, SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS, SERVICE_DEMAND_START, SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL, PathName, NULL, NULL, L"eventlog\0rpcss\0", NULL, NULL); } CloseServiceHandle(SCMHandle);
// Couldn't create the service
if (ServiceHandle == NULL) { printf("Couldn't create %ws; error %d\n", ServiceName, GetLastError()); } else { CloseServiceHandle(ServiceHandle); printf("Created %ws\n", ServiceName); } }
PWCHAR * ConvertArgv( DWORD argc, PCHAR *argv ) /*++
Routine Description: Convert short char argv into wide char argv
Arguments: argc - From main argv - From main
Return Value: Address of the new argv --*/ { PWCHAR *newargv;
newargv = malloc((argc + 1) * sizeof(PWCHAR)); newargv[argc] = NULL;
while (argc-- >= 1) { newargv[argc] = malloc((strlen(argv[argc]) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); wsprintf(newargv[argc], L"%hs", argv[argc]); FRS_WCSLWR(newargv[argc]); } return newargv; }
VOID _cdecl main( IN DWORD argc, IN PCHAR *argv ) /*++
Routine Description: Create the file replication service: addsrvc <full path to exe>
Arguments: None.
Return Value: None. --*/ { DWORD i; PWCHAR *NewArgv;
if (argc == 1) { printf("service create [full path to exe]\n"); printf("service delete\n"); printf("service start\n"); printf("service stop\n"); printf("service pause\n"); printf("service continue\n"); return; }
NewArgv = ConvertArgv(argc, argv);
// CLI overrides registry
for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { //
// create
if (wcsstr(NewArgv[i], L"create")) { FrsDeleteService(SERVICE_NAME); FrsCreateService(SERVICE_NAME, NewArgv[2], SERVICE_LONG_NAME); break; //
// delete
} else if (wcsstr(NewArgv[i], L"delete")) { FrsDeleteService(SERVICE_NAME); break; //
// start
} else if (wcsstr(NewArgv[i], L"start")) { FrsStartService(SERVICE_NAME); break; //
// stop
} else if (wcsstr(NewArgv[i], L"stop")) { FrsStopService(SERVICE_NAME); break; //
// pause
} else if (wcsstr(NewArgv[i], L"pause")) { FrsPauseService(SERVICE_NAME); break; //
// continue
} else if (wcsstr(NewArgv[i], L"continue")) { FrsContinueService(SERVICE_NAME); break; //
// unknown
} else { printf("Don't understand \"%ws\"\n", NewArgv[i]); } } }