Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements the internal worker routines for access check and audit APIs.
Kedar Dubhashi - March 2000
User mode only.
Revision History:
Created - March 2000
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <authzp.h>
#include <ntrmlsa.h>
DWORD AuthzpPrincipalSelfSidBuffer[] = {0x101, 0x5000000, 0xA}; PSID pAuthzPrincipalSelfSid = (PSID) AuthzpPrincipalSelfSidBuffer; USHORT AuthzpPrincipalSelfSidLen = sizeof(AuthzpPrincipalSelfSidBuffer);
DWORD AuthzpCreatorOwnerSidBuffer[] = {0x101, 0x3000000, 0x0}; PSID pAuthzCreatorOwnerSid = (PSID) AuthzpCreatorOwnerSidBuffer;
DWORD AuthzpEveryoneSidBuffer[] = {0x101, 0x1000000, 0x0}; PSID pAuthzEveryoneSid = (PSID) AuthzpEveryoneSidBuffer; USHORT AuthzpEveryoneSidLen = sizeof(AuthzpEveryoneSidBuffer);
DWORD AuthzpAnonymousSidBuffer[] = {0x101, 0x5000000, 0x7}; PSID pAuthzAnonymousSid = (PSID) AuthzpAnonymousSidBuffer; USHORT AuthzpAnonymousSidLen = sizeof(AuthzpAnonymousSidBuffer);
// This is used to get the index of the first '1' bit in a given byte.
// a[0] = 9 // This is a dummy.
// a[1] = 0
// a[2] = 1
// a[3] = 0
// ...
// a[i] = first '1' bit from LSB
UCHAR AuthzpByteToIndexLookupTable[] = { 9,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0, 4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0, 5,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0, 4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0, 6,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0, 4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0, 5,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0, 4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0, 7,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0, 4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0, 5,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0, 4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0, 6,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0, 4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0, 5,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0, 4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0 };
#define AuthzpAlloc(s) LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED | LMEM_ZEROINIT, (s))
#define AuthzpFree(p) LocalFree((p))
// This is to be used for debugging memory leaks. Primitive method but works in
// a small project like this.
PVOID AuthzpAlloc(IN DWORD Size) {
wprintf(L"Allocated %d at %x\n", Size, l);
return l; }
VOID AuthzpFree(PVOID l) { LocalFree(l); wprintf(L"Freeing %x\n", l); }
Routine description:
This routine validates inputs for the access check call. It also initializes input parameters to default.
pCC - Pointer to the client context.
pRequest - Access request specifies the desired access mask, principal self sid, the object type list strucutre (if any).
pSecurityDescriptor - Primary security descriptor to be used for access checks. The owner sid for the object is picked from this one. A NULL DACL in this security descriptor represents a NULL DACL for the entire object. A NULL SACL in this security descriptor is treated the same way as an EMPTY SACL.
OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray - The caller may optionally specify a list of security descriptors. NULL ACLs in these security descriptors are treated as EMPTY ACLS and the ACL for the entire object is the logical concatenation of all the ACLs.
OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount - Number of optional security descriptors This does not include the Primary security descriptor.
pReply - Supplies a pointer to a reply structure used to return the results.
phAccessCheckResults - Supplies a pointer to return a handle to the cached results of access check.
Return Value:
A value of TRUE is returned if the routine is successful. Otherwise, a value of FALSE is returned. In the failure case, error value may be retrieved using GetLastError().
{ if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(phAccessCheckResults)) { *phAccessCheckResults = NULL; }
if (!ARGUMENT_PRESENT(pCC)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; } if (!ARGUMENT_PRESENT(pSecurityDescriptor)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
#ifdef DBG
if (!RtlValidSecurityDescriptor(pSecurityDescriptor)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; } #endif
if (!ARGUMENT_PRESENT(RtlpOwnerAddrSecurityDescriptor((PISECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) pSecurityDescriptor))) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
if ((0 != OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount) && (!ARGUMENT_PRESENT(OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray))) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// The caller can specify one of the two values for Reply->ResultListLength
// a. 1 - representing the whole object.
// b. pRequest->ObjectTypeListLength - for every node in the type list.
if ((1 != pReply->ResultListLength) && (pReply->ResultListLength != pRequest->ObjectTypeListLength)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL AuthzpVerifyOpenObjectArguments( IN PAUTHZI_CLIENT_CONTEXT pCC, IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray OPTIONAL, IN DWORD OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount, IN PAUTHZI_AUDIT_EVENT pAuditEvent )
Routine description:
This routine validates inputs for AuthzOpenObjectAuditAlarm.
pCC - Pointer to the client context.
pRequest - Access request specifies the desired access mask, principal self sid, the object type list strucutre (if any).
pSecurityDescriptor - Primary security descriptor to be used for access checks. The owner sid for the object is picked from this one. A NULL DACL in this security descriptor represents a NULL DACL for the entire object. A NULL SACL in this security descriptor is treated the same way as an EMPTY SACL.
OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray - The caller may optionally specify a list of security descriptors. NULL ACLs in these security descriptors are treated as EMPTY ACLS and the ACL for the entire object is the logical concatenation of all the ACLs.
OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount - Number of optional security descriptors This does not include the Primary security descriptor.
pReply - Supplies a pointer to a reply structure containing the results of an AuthzAccessCheck.
pAuditEvent - pointer to AUTHZ_AUDIT_EVENT. Return Value:
A value of TRUE is returned if the routine is successful. Otherwise, a value of FALSE is returned. In the failure case, error value may be retrieved using GetLastError().
if (!ARGUMENT_PRESENT(pAuditEvent)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
if (!ARGUMENT_PRESENT(pSecurityDescriptor)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
#if DBG
if (!RtlValidSecurityDescriptor(pSecurityDescriptor)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; } #endif
if (!ARGUMENT_PRESENT(RtlpOwnerAddrSecurityDescriptor((PISECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) pSecurityDescriptor))) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
if ((0 != OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount) && (!ARGUMENT_PRESENT(OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray))) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL AuthzpCaptureObjectTypeList( IN POBJECT_TYPE_LIST ObjectTypeList, IN DWORD ObjectTypeListLength, IN OUT PIOBJECT_TYPE_LIST LocalTypeList, IN OUT PIOBJECT_TYPE_LIST LocalCachingTypeList OPTIONAL )
Routine description:
This routine captures an object type list into internal structres.
ObjectTypeList - Object type list to capture.
ObjectTypeListLength - Length of the object type list.
LocalTypeList - To return the internal representation of the input list. Memory is allocated by the caller.
LocalCachingTypeList - To return internal representation of the input list This list will be used to hold static always-granted access bits. Memory is allocated by the caller.
Return Value:
A value of TRUE is returned if the routine is successful. Otherwise, a value of FALSE is returned. In the failure case, error value may be retrieved using GetLastError().
{ DWORD i = 0; BOOL b = TRUE;
if ((0 == ObjectTypeListLength) || (!ARGUMENT_PRESENT(ObjectTypeList))) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
for (i = 0; i < ObjectTypeListLength; i++) { USHORT CurrentLevel;
CurrentLevel = ObjectTypeList[i].Level;
if (CurrentLevel > ACCESS_MAX_LEVEL) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); b = FALSE; goto Cleanup; }
// Copy data the caller passed in.
LocalTypeList[i].Level = CurrentLevel; LocalTypeList[i].Flags = 0; LocalTypeList[i].ObjectType = *ObjectTypeList[i].ObjectType; LocalTypeList[i].Remaining = 0; LocalTypeList[i].CurrentGranted = 0; LocalTypeList[i].CurrentDenied = 0;
// Ensure that the level number is consistent with the
// level number of the previous entry.
if (0 == i) { if (0 != CurrentLevel) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); b = FALSE; goto Cleanup; } } else { //
// The previous entry is either:
// my immediate parent,
// my sibling, or
// the child (or grandchild, etc.) of my sibling.
if ( CurrentLevel > LocalTypeList[i-1].Level + 1 ) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); b = FALSE; goto Cleanup; }
// Don't support two roots.
if (0 == CurrentLevel) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); b = FALSE; goto Cleanup; } }
// If the above rules are maintained,
// then my parent object is the last object seen that
// has a level one less than mine.
if (0 == CurrentLevel) { LocalTypeList[i].ParentIndex = -1; } else { LocalTypeList[i].ParentIndex = Levels[CurrentLevel-1]; }
// Save this obect as the last object seen at this level.
Levels[CurrentLevel] = i; }
// If the caller has requested caching then create a copy of the object type
// list that we just captured.
if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(LocalCachingTypeList)) { memcpy( LocalCachingTypeList, LocalTypeList, (ObjectTypeListLength * sizeof(IOBJECT_TYPE_LIST)) ); }
return TRUE;
return FALSE; }
VOID AuthzpFillReplyStructure( IN OUT PAUTHZ_ACCESS_REPLY pReply, IN DWORD Error, IN ACCESS_MASK GrantedAccess )
Routine description:
This routine fills the reply structure with supplied parameters.
pReply - The reply structure to fill.
Error - The same error value is filled in all the elements of the array.
GrantedAccess - Access granted to the entire object.
Return Value:
{ DWORD i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < pReply->ResultListLength; i++) { pReply->GrantedAccessMask[i] = GrantedAccess; pReply->Error[i] = Error; } }
BOOL AuthzpMaximumAllowedAccessCheck( IN PAUTHZI_CLIENT_CONTEXT pCC, IN PAUTHZ_ACCESS_REQUEST pRequest, IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray OPTIONAL, IN DWORD OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount, IN OUT PIOBJECT_TYPE_LIST LocalTypeList, IN OUT PIOBJECT_TYPE_LIST LocalCachingTypeList OPTIONAL, IN DWORD LocalTypeListLength, IN BOOL ObjectTypeListPresent, OUT PDWORD pCachingFlags )
Routine description:
This routine does a maximum allowed access check on multiple security descriptors. In case of restricted tokens, access granted is a bitwise AND of granted access by the normal as well as the restricted parts of the client context.
pCC - Pointer to the client context.
pRequest - Access request specifies the desired access mask, principal self sid, the object type list strucutre (if any).
pSecurityDescriptor - Primary security descriptor to be used for access checks. The owner sid for the object is picked from this one. A NULL DACL in this security descriptor represents a NULL DACL for the entire object. A NULL SACL in this security descriptor is treated the same way as an EMPTY SACL.
OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray - The caller may optionally specify a list of security descriptors. NULL ACLs in these security descriptors are treated as EMPTY ACLS and the ACL for the entire object is the logical concatenation of all the ACLs.
OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount - Number of optional security descriptors This does not include the Primary security descriptor.
LocalTypeList - Internal object type list structure used to hold intermediate results.
LocalCachingTypeList - Internal object type list structure used to hold intermediate results for static granted bits.
LocalTypeListLength - Length of the array represnting the object.
ObjectTypeListPresent - Whether the called supplied an object type list.
pCachingFlags - To return the flags that will be stored in the caching handle if the caller requested caching.
Return Value:
A value of TRUE is returned if the routine is successful. Otherwise, a value of FALSE is returned. In the failure case, error value may be retrieved using GetLastError().
{ BOOL b = TRUE;
// Do the access check with the non-restricted part of the client context.
b = AuthzpMaximumAllowedMultipleSDAccessCheck( pCC, pRequest, pSecurityDescriptor, OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray, OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount, LocalTypeList, LocalCachingTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, ObjectTypeListPresent, FALSE, // Non-restricted access check
pCachingFlags );
wprintf(L"AuthzpMaximumAllowedAccessCheck: GrantedAccess = %x\n", LocalTypeList->CurrentGranted); #endif
if (!b) { return FALSE; }
// Do the access check with the restricted part of the client context if
// it exists.
if (AUTHZ_TOKEN_RESTRICTED(pCC)) { b = AuthzpMaximumAllowedMultipleSDAccessCheck( pCC, pRequest, pSecurityDescriptor, OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray, OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount, LocalTypeList, LocalCachingTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, ObjectTypeListPresent, TRUE, // Restricted access check
pCachingFlags );
wprintf(L"AuthzpMaximumAllowedAccessCheck: RestrictedGrantedAccess = %x\n", LocalTypeList->CurrentGranted); #endif
return b; }
BOOL AuthzpMaximumAllowedMultipleSDAccessCheck( IN PAUTHZI_CLIENT_CONTEXT pCC, IN PAUTHZ_ACCESS_REQUEST pRequest, IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray OPTIONAL, IN DWORD OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount, IN OUT PIOBJECT_TYPE_LIST LocalTypeList, IN OUT PIOBJECT_TYPE_LIST LocalCachingTypeList OPTIONAL, IN DWORD LocalTypeListLength, IN BOOL ObjectTypeListPresent, IN BOOL Restricted, OUT PDWORD pCachingFlags )
Routine description:
This routine performs access check for all security descriptors provided.
pCC - Pointer to the client context.
pRequest - Access request specifies the desired access mask, principal self sid, the object type list strucutre (if any).
pSecurityDescriptor - Primary security descriptor to be used for access checks. The owner sid for the object is picked from this one. A NULL DACL in this security descriptor represents a NULL DACL for the entire object. A NULL SACL in this security descriptor is treated the same way as an EMPTY SACL.
OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray - The caller may optionally specify a list of security descriptors. NULL ACLs in these security descriptors are treated as EMPTY ACLS and the ACL for the entire object is the logical concatenation of all the ACLs.
OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount - Number of optional security descriptors This does not include the Primary security descriptor.
LocalTypeList - Internal object type list structure used to hold intermediate results.
LocalCachingTypeList - Internal object type list structure used to hold intermediate results for static granted bits.
LocalTypeListLength - Length of the array represnting the object.
ObjectTypeListPresent - Whether the called supplied an object type list.
Restricted - Whether the restricted part of the client context should be used for access check.
pCachingFlags - To return the flags that will be stored in the caching handle if the caller requested caching.
Return Value:
A value of TRUE is returned if the routine is successful. Otherwise, a value of FALSE is returned. In the failure case, error value may be retrieved using GetLastError().
pOwnerSid = RtlpOwnerAddrSecurityDescriptor((PISECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) pSecurityDescriptor);
if (Restricted) { //
// For restricted client context, granted access is a bitwise AND of
// granted access from both parts of the context.
if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(LocalCachingTypeList)) { for (j = 0; j < LocalTypeListLength; j++) { LocalTypeList[j].Remaining = LocalTypeList[j].CurrentGranted; LocalTypeList[j].CurrentGranted = 0;
LocalCachingTypeList[j].Remaining = LocalCachingTypeList[j].CurrentGranted; LocalCachingTypeList[j].CurrentGranted = 0; } } else { for (j = 0; j < LocalTypeListLength; j++) { LocalTypeList[j].Remaining = LocalTypeList[j].CurrentGranted; LocalTypeList[j].CurrentGranted = 0; } }
pSidAttr = pCC->RestrictedSids; SidCount = pCC->RestrictedSidCount; pSidHash = pCC->RestrictedSidHash; } else { pSidAttr = pCC->Sids; SidCount = pCC->SidCount; pSidHash = pCC->SidHash; }
pAcl = RtlpDaclAddrSecurityDescriptor((PISECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) pSecurityDescriptor);
b = AuthzpMaximumAllowedSingleAclAccessCheck( pCC, pSidAttr, SidCount, pSidHash, pRequest, pAcl, pOwnerSid, LocalTypeList, LocalCachingTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, ObjectTypeListPresent, pCachingFlags );
if (!b) { return FALSE; }
for (i = 0; i < OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount; i++) { pAcl = RtlpDaclAddrSecurityDescriptor((PISECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray[i]);
if (!AUTHZ_NON_NULL_PTR(pAcl)) { continue; }
b = AuthzpMaximumAllowedSingleAclAccessCheck( pCC, pSidAttr, SidCount, pSidHash, pRequest, pAcl, pOwnerSid, LocalTypeList, LocalCachingTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, ObjectTypeListPresent, pCachingFlags );
if (!b) { break; } }
return b; }
BOOL AuthzpIsAccessMaskApplicable( IN PIOBJECT_TYPE_LIST LocalTypeList, IN DWORD LocalTypeListLength, IN DWORD StartIndex, IN ACCESS_MASK AceMask )
Routine Description:
This routine checks if a given access mask might have any effect on the object type list if the ace were applicable. Arguments:
LocalTypeList - Internal object type list structure used to hold intermediate results.
LocalTypeListLength - Length of the array represnting the object.
StartIndex - Index to the root element where the ace might be applicable.
AceMask - Access mask in the ace.
Return Value:
Boolean: TRUE if the ace will change the Allowed/Denied structure of the tree if it were applicable. False otherwise. --*/
{ DWORD Index = 0; ACCESS_MASK GrantedOrDeniedMask = LocalTypeList[StartIndex].CurrentDenied | LocalTypeList[StartIndex].CurrentGranted;
// If the ace mask has bits that have not already been allowed/denied at the
// root of the tree then return TRUE. This quick check will save us the
// tree traversal in most cases.
if (0 != (AceMask & ~GrantedOrDeniedMask)) { return TRUE; }
// Loop handling all children of the target.
for (Index = StartIndex + 1; Index < LocalTypeListLength; Index++) {
// By definition, the children of an object are all those entries
// immediately following the target. The list of children (or
// grandchildren) stops as soon as we reach an entry the has the
// same level as the target (a sibling) or lower than the target
// (an uncle).
if (LocalTypeList[Index].Level <= LocalTypeList[StartIndex].Level) { break; }
GrantedOrDeniedMask &= (LocalTypeList[Index].CurrentDenied | LocalTypeList[Index].CurrentGranted); }
// If the ace mask has bits that have not already been allowed/denied at the
// some node in the subtree stating at the specified index then return TRUE.
if (0 != (AceMask & ~GrantedOrDeniedMask)) { return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
Routine description:
This routine
Arguments: pCC - Pointer to the client context.
pSidAttr - Sids and attributes to be used for matching the one in the aces.
SidCount - Number of sids in the pSidAttr array
pRequest - Access request specifies the desired access mask, principal self sid, the object type list strucutre (if any).
pAcl - Discretionary acl against which access check will be performed. It is assumed that the acl is non-null.
pOwnerSid - To support the future DS requirement of not mapping Creator Owner at the time of object creation.
LocalTypeList - Internal object type list structure used to hold intermediate results.
LocalCachingTypeList - Internal object type list structure used to hold intermediate results for static granted bits.
LocalTypeListLength - Length of the array represnting the object.
ObjectTypeListPresent - Whether the called supplied an object type list.
Restricted - Whether the restricted part of the client context should be used for access check.
pCachingFlags - To return the flags that will be stored in the caching handle if the caller requested caching.
for all aces skip INHERIT_ONLY aces
If (the sid is applicable) AND (Server Sid is also applicable) Update the entire tree starting at the root. Grant those bits that have not already been denied.
Note: No one uses these!!
If the sid is applicable Update the entire tree starting at the root. Grant those bits that have not already been denied.
If (the sid is applicable) AND (callback call evaluates ace applicable) Update the entire tree starting at the root. Grant those bits that have not already been denied.
If the sid is applicable get the ObjectType guid from the ace
if the guid is NULL Update the entire tree starting at the root. Grant those bits that have not already been denied. else If (object type list exists) AND (contains a matching guid) Update the tree starting at the MATCH. Grant those bits that have not already been denied.
If (the sid is applicable) AND (callback call evaluates ace applicable) get the ObjectType guid from the ace
if the guid is NULL Update the entire tree starting at the root. Grant those bits that have not already been denied. else If (object type list exists) AND (contains a matching guid) Update the tree starting at the MATCH. Grant those bits that have not already been denied.
If the sid is applicable Update the entire tree starting at the root. Deny those bits that have not already been granted. Propagate the deny all the way up to the root.
If (the sid is applicable) AND (callback call evaluates ace applicable) Update the entire tree starting at the root. Deny those bits that have not already been granted. Propagate the deny all the way up to the root.
If the sid is applicable get the ObjectType guid from the ace
if the guid is NULL Update the entire tree starting at the root. Deny those bits that have not already been granted. Propagate the deny all the way up to the root. else If (object type list exists) AND (contains a matching guid) Update the tree starting at the MATCH. Deny those bits that have not already been granted. Propagate the deny all the way up to the root.
If (the sid is applicable) AND (callback call evaluates ace applicable) get the ObjectType guid from the ace
if the guid is NULL Update the entire tree starting at the root. Deny those bits that have not already been granted. Propagate the deny all the way up to the root. else If (object type list exists) AND (contains a matching guid) Update the tree starting at the MATCH. Deny those bits that have not already been granted. Propagate the deny all the way up to the root.
LocalCachingFlags is used to return whether the ace is contains principal self sid.
We take a pessimistic view for dynamic aces. There are two types of dynamic aces: 1. Call back aces 2. Normal aces with principal self sid in it.
For any dynamic ace, Grant aces are never applicable to the caching list. Deny aces are always applicable to the caching list.
Return Value:
A value of TRUE is returned if the routine is successful. Otherwise, a value of FALSE is returned. In the failure case, error value may be retrieved using GetLastError().
{ DWORD AceCount = 0; DWORD i = 0; DWORD Index = 0; PVOID Ace = NULL; GUID * ObjectTypeInAce = NULL; BOOL bAceApplicable = FALSE; BOOL bCallbackMayApply = FALSE; DWORD LocalCachingFlags = 0; AceCount = pAcl->AceCount;
for (i = 0, Ace = FirstAce(pAcl); i < AceCount; i++, Ace = NextAce(Ace)) {
// Skip INHERIT_ONLY aces.
if (FLAG_ON(((PACE_HEADER) Ace)->AceFlags, INHERIT_ONLY_ACE)) { continue; } LocalCachingFlags = 0;
switch (((PACE_HEADER) Ace)->AceType) { case ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE:
// Check if the effective ace sid is present in the client context
// and is enabled. S-1-5-A is replaced by the principal sid
// supplied by the caller. In future, Creator Owner will be replaced
// by the owner sid in the primary security descriptor.
bAceApplicable = AuthzpSidApplicable( SidCount, pSidAttr, pSidHash, AuthzAceSid(Ace), pRequest->PrincipalSelfSid, pOwnerSid, FALSE, &LocalCachingFlags );
// Record the caching flags for this ace into the global flags.
*pCachingFlags |= LocalCachingFlags;
if (!bAceApplicable) { break; }
// Optimize the common case instead of calling a subroutine.
if (1 == LocalTypeListLength) { //
// Grant access bits that have not already been denied.
LocalTypeList->CurrentGranted |= (((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask & ~LocalTypeList->CurrentDenied);
// A grant ace is considered static only if PrincipalSelf sid
// is not found in the ace.
if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(LocalCachingTypeList) && (0 == LocalCachingFlags)) { LocalCachingTypeList->CurrentGranted |= (((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask & ~LocalCachingTypeList->CurrentDenied); } } else { //
// Propagate grant bits down the tree starting at the root.
AuthzpAddAccessTypeList( LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, 0, ((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask, AuthzUpdateCurrentGranted );
// A grant ace is considered static only if PrincipalSelf sid
// is not found in the ace.
if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(LocalCachingTypeList) && (0 == LocalCachingFlags)) { AuthzpAddAccessTypeList( LocalCachingTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, 0, ((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask, AuthzUpdateCurrentGranted ); } }
// Check if the effective ace sid is present in the client context
// and is enabled. S-1-5-A is replaced by the principal sid
// supplied by the caller. In future, Creator Owner will be replaced
// by the owner sid in the primary security descriptor.
bAceApplicable = AuthzpSidApplicable( SidCount, pSidAttr, pSidHash, AuthzCallbackAceSid(Ace), pRequest->PrincipalSelfSid, pOwnerSid, FALSE, &LocalCachingFlags );
// Record the presence of a dynamic grant ace as well as the caching
// flags for this ace into the global flags.
*pCachingFlags |= (LocalCachingFlags | AUTHZ_DYNAMIC_ALLOW_ACE_PRESENT);
if (!bAceApplicable) { break; }
if (1 == LocalTypeListLength) { //
// If the all the bits from this ace have already been granted
// or denied, then there is no need to evaluate this callback ace.
if (0 == ((((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask) & ~(LocalTypeList->CurrentGranted | LocalTypeList->CurrentDenied))) { break; } } else { //
// We have an object type list. Compute whether we need to break
// out early.
bCallbackMayApply = AuthzpIsAccessMaskApplicable( LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, 0, ((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask );
if (!bCallbackMayApply) { break; }
bAceApplicable = FALSE;
// Make a call to the resource manager to get his opinion. His
// evaluation is returned in bAceApplicalble.
// Note: The return value of the callback is used to decide whether
// the API failed/succeeded. On a failure, we exit out of access
// check. On success, we check the boolean returned by
// bAceApplicable to decide whether to use the current ace.
if (!((*(pCC->pResourceManager->pfnDynamicAccessCheck)) ( (AUTHZ_CLIENT_CONTEXT_HANDLE) pCC, Ace, pRequest->OptionalArguments, &bAceApplicable ))) { return FALSE; }
if (!bAceApplicable) { break; }
// Optimize the common case instead of calling a subroutine.
if (1 == LocalTypeListLength) { //
// Grant access bits that have not already been denied.
LocalTypeList->CurrentGranted |= (((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask & ~LocalTypeList->CurrentDenied); } else { //
// Propagate grant bits down the tree starting at the root.
AuthzpAddAccessTypeList( LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, 0, ((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask, AuthzUpdateCurrentGranted ); }
ObjectTypeInAce = RtlObjectAceObjectType(Ace);
if ( ObjectTypeInAce && ( pRequest->ObjectTypeListLength == 0 )) { break; }
// Check if the effective ace sid is present in the client context
// and is enabled. S-1-5-A is replaced by the principal sid
// supplied by the caller. In future, Creator Owner will be replaced
// by the owner sid in the primary security descriptor.
bAceApplicable = AuthzpSidApplicable( SidCount, pSidAttr, pSidHash, AuthzObjectAceSid(Ace), pRequest->PrincipalSelfSid, pOwnerSid, FALSE, &LocalCachingFlags );
// Record the the caching flags for this ace into the global flags.
*pCachingFlags |= LocalCachingFlags;
if (!bAceApplicable) { break; }
// An object type ace with a NULL Object Type guid is the same as a
// normal ace.
if (NULL == ObjectTypeInAce) { //
// Optimize the common case instead of calling a subroutine.
if (1 == LocalTypeListLength) { //
// Grant access bits that have not already been denied.
LocalTypeList->CurrentGranted |= (((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask & ~LocalTypeList->CurrentDenied);
// A grant ace is considered static only if PrincipalSelf sid
// is not found in the ace.
if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(LocalCachingTypeList) && (0 == LocalCachingFlags)) { LocalCachingTypeList->CurrentGranted |= (((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask & ~LocalCachingTypeList->CurrentDenied); } } else { //
// Propagate grant bits down the tree starting at the root.
AuthzpAddAccessTypeList( LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, 0, ((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask, AuthzUpdateCurrentGranted );
// A grant ace is considered static only if PrincipalSelf sid
// is not found in the ace.
if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(LocalCachingTypeList) && (0 == LocalCachingFlags)) { AuthzpAddAccessTypeList( LocalCachingTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, 0, ((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask, AuthzUpdateCurrentGranted ); } } }
// So, it is a true object type ace. Proceed only if we are doing
// access check on a object type list.
else if (ObjectTypeListPresent) { //
// Look for a matching object type guid that matches the one in
// the ace.
if (AuthzpObjectInTypeList( ObjectTypeInAce, LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, &Index ) ) { //
// Propagate grant bits down the tree starting at the
// index at which the guids matched.
// In the case when this is the last of the siblings to be
// granted access, the parent also is granted access.
AuthzpAddAccessTypeList( LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, Index, ((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask, AuthzUpdateCurrentGranted );
// A grant ace is considered static only if PrincipalSelf sid
// is not found in the ace.
if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(LocalCachingTypeList) && (0 == LocalCachingFlags)) { AuthzpAddAccessTypeList( LocalCachingTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, Index, ((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask, AuthzUpdateCurrentGranted ); } } }
// Check if the effective ace sid is present in the client context
// and is enabled. S-1-5-A is replaced by the principal sid
// supplied by the caller. In future, Creator Owner will be replaced
// by the owner sid in the primary security descriptor.
bAceApplicable = AuthzpSidApplicable( SidCount, pSidAttr, pSidHash, AuthzCallbackObjectAceSid(Ace), pRequest->PrincipalSelfSid, pOwnerSid, FALSE, &LocalCachingFlags );
// Record the presence of a dynamic grant ace as well as the caching
// flags for this ace into the global flags.
*pCachingFlags |= (LocalCachingFlags | AUTHZ_DYNAMIC_ALLOW_ACE_PRESENT);
if (!bAceApplicable) { break; }
bAceApplicable = FALSE;
ObjectTypeInAce = RtlObjectAceObjectType(Ace);
// An object type ace with a NULL Object Type guid is the same as a
// normal ace.
if (!AUTHZ_NON_NULL_PTR(ObjectTypeInAce)) { if (1 == LocalTypeListLength) { //
// If the all the bits from this ace have already been granted
// or denied, then there is no need to evaluate this callback ace.
if (0 == ((((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask) & ~(LocalTypeList->CurrentGranted | LocalTypeList->CurrentDenied))) { break; } } else { //
// We have an object type list. Compute whether we need to break
// out early.
bCallbackMayApply = AuthzpIsAccessMaskApplicable( LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, 0, ((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask );
if (!bCallbackMayApply) { break; } }
bAceApplicable = FALSE;
// Make a call to the resource manager to get his opinion. His
// evaluation is returned in bAceApplicalble.
// Note: The return value of the callback is used to decide whether
// the API failed/succeeded. On a failure, we exit out of access
// check. On success, we check the boolean returned by
// bAceApplicable to decide whether to use the current ace.
if (!((*(pCC->pResourceManager->pfnDynamicAccessCheck)) ( (AUTHZ_CLIENT_CONTEXT_HANDLE) pCC, Ace, pRequest->OptionalArguments, &bAceApplicable ))) { return FALSE; }
if (!bAceApplicable) { break; }
// Optimize the common case instead of calling a subroutine.
if (1 == LocalTypeListLength) { //
// Grant access bits that have not already been denied.
LocalTypeList->CurrentGranted |= (((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask & ~LocalTypeList->CurrentDenied); } else { //
// Propagate grant bits down the tree starting at the root.
AuthzpAddAccessTypeList( LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, 0, ((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask, AuthzUpdateCurrentGranted ); } }
// So, it is a true object type ace. Proceed only if we are doing
// access check on a object type list.
else if (ObjectTypeListPresent) { //
// Look for a matching object type guid that matches the one in
// the ace.
if (AuthzpObjectInTypeList( ObjectTypeInAce, LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, &Index ) ) { //
// We have an object type list. Compute whether we need to break
// out early.
bCallbackMayApply = AuthzpIsAccessMaskApplicable( LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, Index, ((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask );
if (!bCallbackMayApply) { break; }
// Make a call to the resource manager to get his opinion. His
// evaluation is returned in bAceApplicalble.
// Note: The return value of the callback is used to decide whether
// the API failed/succeeded. On a failure, we exit out of access
// check. On success, we check the boolean returned by
// bAceApplicable to decide whether to use the current ace.
if (!((*(pCC->pResourceManager->pfnDynamicAccessCheck)) ( (AUTHZ_CLIENT_CONTEXT_HANDLE) pCC, Ace, pRequest->OptionalArguments, &bAceApplicable ))) { return FALSE; }
if (!bAceApplicable) { break; }
// Propagate grant bits down the tree starting at the
// index at which the guids matched.
// In the case when this is the last of the siblings to be
// granted access, the parent also is granted access.
AuthzpAddAccessTypeList( LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, Index, ((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask, AuthzUpdateCurrentGranted );
} }
if (!AUTHZ_NON_NULL_PTR(pCC->Server)) { break; }
LocalCachingFlags = 0;
// Check if the effective ace sid is present in the client context
// and is enabled. S-1-5-A is replaced by the principal sid
// supplied by the caller. In future, Creator Owner will be replaced
// by the owner sid in the primary security descriptor.
bAceApplicable = AuthzpSidApplicable( SidCount, pSidAttr, pSidHash, RtlCompoundAceClientSid(Ace), pRequest->PrincipalSelfSid, pOwnerSid, FALSE, &LocalCachingFlags );
// Record the caching flags for this ace into the global flags.
*pCachingFlags |= LocalCachingFlags;
if (!bAceApplicable) { break; }
bAceApplicable = AuthzpSidApplicable( pCC->Server->SidCount, pCC->Server->Sids, pCC->Server->SidHash, RtlCompoundAceServerSid(Ace), NULL, NULL, FALSE, NULL );
if (!bAceApplicable) { break; }
// Optimize the common case instead of calling a subroutine.
if (1 == LocalTypeListLength) { //
// Grant access bits that have not already been denied.
LocalTypeList->CurrentGranted |= (((PCOMPOUND_ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) Ace)->Mask & ~LocalTypeList->CurrentDenied);
// A grant ace is considered static only if PrincipalSelf sid
// is not found in the ace.
if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(LocalCachingTypeList) && (0 == LocalCachingFlags)) { LocalCachingTypeList->CurrentGranted |= (((PCOMPOUND_ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) Ace)->Mask & ~LocalCachingTypeList->CurrentDenied); } } else { //
// Propagate grant bits down the tree starting at the root.
AuthzpAddAccessTypeList( LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, 0, ((PCOMPOUND_ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) Ace)->Mask, AuthzUpdateCurrentGranted );
// A grant ace is considered static only if PrincipalSelf sid
// is not found in the ace.
if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(LocalCachingTypeList) && (0 == LocalCachingFlags)) { AuthzpAddAccessTypeList( LocalCachingTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, 0, ((PCOMPOUND_ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) Ace)->Mask, AuthzUpdateCurrentGranted ); } }
// Check if the effective ace sid is present in the client context
// and is enabled or enabled for deny only. S-1-5-A is replaced by
// the principal sid supplied by the caller. In future, Creator
// Owner will be replaced by the owner sid in the primary security
// descriptor.
bAceApplicable = AuthzpSidApplicable( SidCount, pSidAttr, pSidHash, AuthzAceSid(Ace), pRequest->PrincipalSelfSid, pOwnerSid, TRUE, &LocalCachingFlags );
// Record the presence of a Deny ace as well as the caching
// flags for this ace into the global flags.
*pCachingFlags |= (LocalCachingFlags | AUTHZ_DENY_ACE_PRESENT);
// If the ace is applicable or principal self sid is present then
// deny the access bits to the cached access check results. We
// take a pessimistic view and assume that the principal self sid
// will be applicable in the next access check.
if ((bAceApplicable || (0 != LocalCachingFlags)) && (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(LocalCachingTypeList))) { //
// Optimize the common case instead of calling a subroutine.
if (1 == LocalTypeListLength) { //
// Deny access bits that have not already been granted.
LocalCachingTypeList->CurrentDenied |= (((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask & ~LocalCachingTypeList->CurrentGranted); } else { //
// Propagate deny bits down the tree starting at the root.
AuthzpAddAccessTypeList( LocalCachingTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, 0, ((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask, AuthzUpdateCurrentDenied ); } }
if (!bAceApplicable) { break; }
// Optimize the common case instead of calling a subroutine.
if (1 == LocalTypeListLength) { //
// Deny access bits that have not already been granted.
LocalTypeList->CurrentDenied |= (((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask & ~LocalTypeList->CurrentGranted); } else { //
// Propagate deny bits down the tree starting at the root.
AuthzpAddAccessTypeList( LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, 0, ((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask, AuthzUpdateCurrentDenied ); }
// Check if the effective ace sid is present in the client context
// and is enabled or enabled for deny only. S-1-5-A is replaced by
// the principal sid supplied by the caller. In future, Creator
// Owner will be replaced by the owner sid in the primary security
// descriptor.
bAceApplicable = AuthzpSidApplicable( SidCount, pSidAttr, pSidHash, AuthzCallbackAceSid(Ace), pRequest->PrincipalSelfSid, pOwnerSid, TRUE, &LocalCachingFlags );
// Record the presence of a dynamic Deny ace as well as the caching
// flags for this ace into the global flags.
*pCachingFlags |= (LocalCachingFlags | AUTHZ_DYNAMIC_DENY_ACE_PRESENT);
// If the ace is applicable or principal self sid is present then
// deny the access bits to the cached access check results. We
// take a pessimistic view and assume that the principal self sid
// will be applicable in the next access check.
if ((bAceApplicable || (0 != LocalCachingFlags)) && (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(LocalCachingTypeList))) { //
// Optimize the common case instead of calling a subroutine.
if (1 == LocalTypeListLength) { //
// Deny access bits that have not already been granted.
LocalCachingTypeList->CurrentDenied |= (((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask & ~LocalCachingTypeList->CurrentGranted); } else { //
// Propagate deny bits down the tree starting at the root.
AuthzpAddAccessTypeList( LocalCachingTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, 0, ((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask, AuthzUpdateCurrentDenied ); } }
if (!bAceApplicable) { break; }
if (1 == LocalTypeListLength) { //
// If the all the bits from this ace have already been granted
// or denied, then there is no need to evaluate this callback ace.
if (0 == ((((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask) & ~(LocalTypeList->CurrentGranted | LocalTypeList->CurrentDenied))) { break; } } else { //
// We have an object type list. Compute whether we need to break
// out early.
bCallbackMayApply = AuthzpIsAccessMaskApplicable( LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, 0, ((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask );
if (!bCallbackMayApply) { break; }
bAceApplicable = FALSE;
// Make a call to the resource manager to get his opinion. His
// evaluation is returned in bAceApplicalble.
// Note: The return value of the callback is used to decide whether
// the API failed/succeeded. On a failure, we exit out of access
// check. On success, we check the boolean returned by
// bAceApplicable to decide whether to use the current ace.
if (!((*(pCC->pResourceManager->pfnDynamicAccessCheck)) ( (AUTHZ_CLIENT_CONTEXT_HANDLE) pCC, Ace, pRequest->OptionalArguments, &bAceApplicable ))) { return FALSE; }
if (!bAceApplicable) { break; }
// Optimize the common case instead of calling a subroutine.
if (1 == LocalTypeListLength) { //
// Deny access bits that have not already been granted.
LocalTypeList->CurrentDenied |= (((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask & ~LocalTypeList->CurrentGranted); } else { //
// Propagate deny bits down the tree starting at the root.
AuthzpAddAccessTypeList( LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, 0, ((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask, AuthzUpdateCurrentDenied ); }
// Check if the effective ace sid is present in the client context
// and is enabled or enabled for deny only. S-1-5-A is replaced by
// the principal sid supplied by the caller. In future, Creator
// Owner will be replaced by the owner sid in the primary security
// descriptor.
bAceApplicable = AuthzpSidApplicable( SidCount, pSidAttr, pSidHash, AuthzObjectAceSid(Ace), pRequest->PrincipalSelfSid, pOwnerSid, TRUE, &LocalCachingFlags );
// Record the presence of a Deny ace as well as the caching
// flags for this ace into the global flags.
*pCachingFlags |= (LocalCachingFlags | AUTHZ_DENY_ACE_PRESENT);
ObjectTypeInAce = RtlObjectAceObjectType(Ace);
// If the ace is applicable or principal self sid is present then
// deny the access bits to the cached access check results. We
// take a pessimistic view and assume that the principal self sid
// will be applicable in the next access check.
if ((bAceApplicable || (0 != LocalCachingFlags)) && (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(LocalCachingTypeList))) { //
// An object type ace with a NULL Object Type guid is the same
// as a normal ace.
if (!AUTHZ_NON_NULL_PTR(ObjectTypeInAce)) { //
// Optimize the common case instead of calling a subroutine.
if (1 == LocalTypeListLength) { //
// Deny access bits that have not already been granted.
LocalCachingTypeList->CurrentDenied |= (((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask & ~LocalCachingTypeList->CurrentGranted); } else { //
// Propagate deny bits down the tree starting at the root.
AuthzpAddAccessTypeList( LocalCachingTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, 0, ((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask, AuthzUpdateCurrentDenied ); } }
// So, it is a true object type ace. Proceed only if we are doing
// access check on a object type list.
else if (ObjectTypeListPresent) { //
// Look for a matching object type guid that matches the one in
// the ace.
if (AuthzpObjectInTypeList( ObjectTypeInAce, LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, &Index ) ) { //
// Propagate deny bits down the tree starting at the
// index at which the guids matched. Deny bits are
// propagated to all the ancestors as well.
AuthzpAddAccessTypeList( LocalCachingTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, Index, ((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask, AuthzUpdateCurrentDenied ); } } }
if (!bAceApplicable) { break; }
// An object type ace with a NULL Object Type guid is the same as a
// normal ace.
if (!AUTHZ_NON_NULL_PTR(ObjectTypeInAce)) { //
// Optimize the common case instead of calling a subroutine.
if (1 == LocalTypeListLength) { //
// Deny access bits that have not already been granted.
LocalTypeList->CurrentDenied |= (((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask & ~LocalTypeList->CurrentGranted); } else { //
// Propagate deny bits down the tree starting at the root.
AuthzpAddAccessTypeList( LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, 0, ((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask, AuthzUpdateCurrentDenied ); } }
// So, it is a true object type ace. Proceed only if we are doing
// access check on a object type list.
else if (ObjectTypeListPresent) { //
// Look for a matching object type guid that matches the one in
// the ace.
if (AuthzpObjectInTypeList( ObjectTypeInAce, LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, &Index ) ) { //
// Propagate deny bits down the tree starting at the
// index at which the guids matched. Deny bits are
// propagated to all the ancestors as well.
AuthzpAddAccessTypeList( LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, Index, ((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask, AuthzUpdateCurrentDenied ); } }
// Check if the effective ace sid is present in the client context
// and is enabled or enabled for deny only. S-1-5-A is replaced by
// the principal sid supplied by the caller. In future, Creator
// Owner will be replaced by the owner sid in the primary security
// descriptor.
bAceApplicable = AuthzpSidApplicable( SidCount, pSidAttr, pSidHash, AuthzObjectAceSid(Ace), pRequest->PrincipalSelfSid, pOwnerSid, TRUE, &LocalCachingFlags );
// Record the presence of a dynamic Deny ace as well as the caching
// flags for this ace into the global flags.
*pCachingFlags |= (LocalCachingFlags | AUTHZ_DYNAMIC_DENY_ACE_PRESENT);
ObjectTypeInAce = RtlObjectAceObjectType(Ace);
// If the ace is applicable or principal self sid is present then
// deny the access bits to the cached access check results. We
// take a pessimistic view and assume that the principal self sid
// will be applicable in the next access check.
if ((bAceApplicable || (0 != LocalCachingFlags)) && (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(LocalCachingTypeList))) { //
// An object type ace with a NULL Object Type guid is the same
// as a normal ace.
if (!AUTHZ_NON_NULL_PTR(ObjectTypeInAce)) { //
// Optimize the common case instead of calling a subroutine.
if (1 == LocalTypeListLength) { //
// Deny access bits that have not already been granted.
LocalCachingTypeList->CurrentDenied |= (((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask & ~LocalCachingTypeList->CurrentGranted); } else { //
// Propagate deny bits down the tree starting at the root.
AuthzpAddAccessTypeList( LocalCachingTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, 0, ((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask, AuthzUpdateCurrentDenied ); } }
// So, it is a true object type ace. Proceed only if we are doing
// access check on a object type list.
else if (ObjectTypeListPresent) { //
// Look for a matching object type guid that matches the one in
// the ace.
if (AuthzpObjectInTypeList( ObjectTypeInAce, LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, &Index ) ) { //
// Propagate deny bits down the tree starting at the
// index at which the guids matched. Deny bits are
// propagated to all the ancestors as well.
AuthzpAddAccessTypeList( LocalCachingTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, Index, ((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask, AuthzUpdateCurrentDenied ); } } }
if (!bAceApplicable) { break; }
bAceApplicable = FALSE;
// An object type ace with a NULL Object Type guid is the same as a
// normal ace.
if (!AUTHZ_NON_NULL_PTR(ObjectTypeInAce)) { if (1 == LocalTypeListLength) { //
// If the all the bits from this ace have already been granted
// or denied, then there is no need to evaluate this callback ace.
if (0 == ((((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask) & ~(LocalTypeList->CurrentGranted | LocalTypeList->CurrentDenied))) { break; } } else { //
// We have an object type list. Compute whether we need to break
// out early.
bCallbackMayApply = AuthzpIsAccessMaskApplicable( LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, 0, ((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask );
if (!bCallbackMayApply) { break; } }
// Make a call to the resource manager to get his opinion. His
// evaluation is returned in bAceApplicalble.
// Note: The return value of the callback is used to decide whether
// the API failed/succeeded. On a failure, we exit out of access
// check. On success, we check the boolean returned by
// bAceApplicable to decide whether to use the current ace.
if (!((*(pCC->pResourceManager->pfnDynamicAccessCheck)) ( (AUTHZ_CLIENT_CONTEXT_HANDLE) pCC, Ace, pRequest->OptionalArguments, &bAceApplicable ))) { return FALSE; }
if (!bAceApplicable) { break; }
// Optimize the common case instead of calling a subroutine.
if (1 == LocalTypeListLength) { //
// Deny access bits that have not already been granted.
LocalTypeList->CurrentDenied |= (((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask & ~LocalTypeList->CurrentGranted); } else { //
// Propagate deny bits down the tree starting at the root.
AuthzpAddAccessTypeList( LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, 0, ((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask, AuthzUpdateCurrentDenied ); } }
// So, it is a true object type ace. Proceed only if we are doing
// access check on a object type list.
else if (ObjectTypeListPresent) { //
// Look for a matching object type guid that matches the one in
// the ace.
if (AuthzpObjectInTypeList( ObjectTypeInAce, LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, &Index ) ) { //
// We have an object type list. Compute whether we need to break
// out early.
bCallbackMayApply = AuthzpIsAccessMaskApplicable( LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, Index, ((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask );
if (!bCallbackMayApply) { break; }
// Make a call to the resource manager to get his opinion. His
// evaluation is returned in bAceApplicalble.
// Note: The return value of the callback is used to decide whether
// the API failed/succeeded. On a failure, we exit out of access
// check. On success, we check the boolean returned by
// bAceApplicable to decide whether to use the current ace.
if (!((*(pCC->pResourceManager->pfnDynamicAccessCheck)) ( (AUTHZ_CLIENT_CONTEXT_HANDLE) pCC, Ace, pRequest->OptionalArguments, &bAceApplicable ))) { return FALSE; }
if (!bAceApplicable) { break; }
// Propagate deny bits down the tree starting at the
// index at which the guids matched. Deny bits are
// propagated to all the ancestors as well.
AuthzpAddAccessTypeList( LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, Index, ((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask, AuthzUpdateCurrentDenied ); } }
default: break; } }
return TRUE; }
#if 0
BOOL AuthzpSidApplicableOrig( IN DWORD SidCount, IN PSID_AND_ATTRIBUTES pSidAttr, IN PSID pAceSid, IN PSID PrincipalSelfSid, IN PSID CreatorOwnerSid, IN BOOL DenyAce, OUT PDWORD pCachingFlags )
Routine description:
This routine decides whether the ace is applicable to the client context.
SidCount - Number of sids in the pSidAttrArray
pSidAttr - Sid and attributes against which the ace sid should be compared.
pAceSid - Sid in the ace.
PrincipalSelfSid - To replace the ace sid if the ace sid is Principal Self Sid (S-1-5-A).
CreatorOwnerSid - To replace the ace sid if the ace sid is Creator Owner sid (S-1-3-0). This will not be used in the current implementation but will come in effect once we do single instancing.
DenyAce - Boolean specifying whether the ace is a deny ace.
Return Value:
A value of TRUE is returned if the effective sid is found in the client context and (is enabled OR enabled for deny only for deny aces). FALSE otherwise.
{ DWORD i = 0; PISID MatchSid = NULL; PSID pSid = pAceSid; DWORD SidLen = RtlLengthSid(pAceSid);
// If the principal ace sid is principal self sid and Principal self sid
// has been provided then use it.
if (AUTHZ_EQUAL_SID(pSid, pAuthzPrincipalSelfSid, SidLen)) { //
// Record the presence of a principal self sid in this ace.
if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(PrincipalSelfSid)) { pSid = PrincipalSelfSid; SidLen = RtlLengthSid(pSid); } else { return FALSE; } }
// Single instance security descriptor code
else if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(CreatorOwnerSid) && AUTHZ_EQUAL_SID(pSid, pAuthzCreatorOwnerSid, SidLen)) { pSid = CreatorOwnerSid; SidLen = RtlLengthSid(pSid); }
// Loop thru the sids to find a match.
for (i = 0; i < SidCount; i++, pSidAttr++) { MatchSid = (PISID) pSidAttr->Sid;
if (AUTHZ_EQUAL_SID(pSid, MatchSid, SidLen)) { //
// Return TRUE if
// a. the sid is enabled OR
// b the sid is enabled for deny only and the ace is a Deny ace.
// Else
// return FALSE.
if (FLAG_ON(pSidAttr->Attributes, SE_GROUP_ENABLED) || (DenyAce && FLAG_ON(pSidAttr->Attributes, SE_GROUP_USE_FOR_DENY_ONLY)) ) {
wprintf(L"Applicable sid = %x, %x, %x, %x, %x, %x, %x\n", ((DWORD *) MatchSid)[0], ((DWORD *) MatchSid)[1], ((DWORD *) MatchSid)[2], ((DWORD *) MatchSid)[3], ((DWORD *) MatchSid)[4], ((DWORD *) MatchSid)[5], ((DWORD *) MatchSid)[1]); #endif
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; } }
return FALSE; } #endif
#define AUTHZ_SID_HASH_BYTE(s) ((UCHAR)(((PISID)s)->SubAuthority[((PISID)s)->SubAuthorityCount - 1]))
Routine Description
Initializes the SID hash table. Arguments
pSidAttr - array of sids to store in hash. SidCount - number of sids in array. pHash - pointer to the sid hash table. Return Value
{ ULONG i = 0; ULONG PositionBit = 0; BYTE HashByte = 0;
// Zero the table.
if (pSidAttr == NULL) { return; }
// Can only hash the number of sids that each table entry can hold
for (i = 0; i < SidCount; i++) { //
// HashByte is last byte in SID.
HashByte = AUTHZ_SID_HASH_BYTE(pSidAttr[i].Sid); //
// Position indicates the location of this SID in pSidAttr.
PositionBit = 1 << i; //
// Store the position bit in the low hash indexed by the low order bits of the HashByte
pHash[(HashByte & AUTHZ_SID_HASH_LOW_MASK)] |= PositionBit; //
// Store the position bit in the high hash indexed by the high order bits of the HashByte
pHash[AUTHZ_SID_HASH_HIGH + ((HashByte & AUTHZ_SID_HASH_HIGH_MASK) >> 4)] |= PositionBit; } }
BOOL AuthzpSidApplicable( IN DWORD SidCount, IN PSID_AND_ATTRIBUTES pSidAttr, IN PAUTHZI_SID_HASH_ENTRY pHash, IN PSID pAceSid, IN PSID PrincipalSelfSid, IN PSID CreatorOwnerSid, IN BOOL DenyAce, OUT PDWORD pCachingFlags )
Routine description:
This routine decides whether the ace is applicable to the client context.
SidCount - Number of sids in the pSidAttrArray
pSidAttr - Sid and attributes against which the ace sid should be compared.
pHash - Hash table of the pSidAttr array. pAceSid - Sid in the ace.
PrincipalSelfSid - To replace the ace sid if the ace sid is Principal Self Sid (S-1-5-A).
CreatorOwnerSid - To replace the ace sid if the ace sid is Creator Owner sid (S-1-3-0). This will not be used in the current implementation but will come in effect once we do single instancing.
DenyAce - Boolean specifying whether the ace is a deny ace.
Return Value:
A value of TRUE is returned if the effective sid is found in the client context and (is enabled OR enabled for deny only for deny aces). FALSE otherwise.
// If the principal ace sid is principal self sid and Principal self sid
// has been provided then use it.
if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(PrincipalSelfSid)) { SidLen = RtlLengthSid(pAceSid);
if ((SidLen == AuthzpPrincipalSelfSidLen) && (AUTHZ_EQUAL_SID(pAceSid, pAuthzPrincipalSelfSid, SidLen))) { //
// Record the presence of a principal self sid in this ace.
pAceSid = PrincipalSelfSid; SidLen = RtlLengthSid(pAceSid); } }
// Index into pHash by the last byte of the SID. The resulting value (SidPositionBitMap)
// indicates the locations of SIDs in a corresponding SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES array that match
// that last byte.
HashByte = AUTHZ_SID_HASH_BYTE(pAceSid); SidPositionBitMap = AUTHZ_SID_HASH_LOOKUP(pHash, HashByte); SidLen = RtlLengthSid(pAceSid); ByteOffset = 0;
while (0 != SidPositionBitMap) { ByteToExamine = (UCHAR)SidPositionBitMap;
while (ByteToExamine) { //
// Get the first nonzero bit in ByteToExamine
BitIndex = AuthzpByteToIndexLookupTable[ByteToExamine]; //
// Find the PSID_AND_ATTRIBUTES to which the bit refers.
pSA = &pSidAttr[ByteOffset + BitIndex];
if (AUTHZ_EQUAL_SID(pAceSid, pSA->Sid, SidLen)) { if ((FLAG_ON(pSA->Attributes, SE_GROUP_ENABLED)) || (DenyAce && FLAG_ON(pSA->Attributes, SE_GROUP_USE_FOR_DENY_ONLY))) { return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// Turn the current bit off and try the next SID.
ByteToExamine ^= (1 << BitIndex); }
ByteOffset = ByteOffset + sizeof(UCHAR); SidPositionBitMap = SidPositionBitMap >> sizeof(UCHAR); } //
// If a matching sid was not found in the pHash and there are SIDS in pSidAttr which did not
// get placed in pHash, then search those SIDS for a match.
for (i = AUTHZI_SID_HASH_ENTRY_NUM_BITS; i < SidCount; i++) { pSA = &pSidAttr[i];
if (AUTHZ_EQUAL_SID(pAceSid, pSA->Sid, SidLen)) { if ((FLAG_ON(pSA->Attributes, SE_GROUP_ENABLED)) || (DenyAce && FLAG_ON(pSA->Attributes, SE_GROUP_USE_FOR_DENY_ONLY))) { return TRUE; }
return FALSE; } }
return FALSE; }
Routine description:
This routine does a MaximumAllowed access check. It is called if any of the following is TRUE 1. RM has requested for caching 2. DesiredAccessMask has MAXIMUM_ALLOWED turned on. 3. ObjectTypeList is present and pReply->ResultList has a length > 1
pCC - Pointer to the client context.
pRequest - Access request specifies the desired access mask, principal self sid, the object type list strucutre (if any).
pSecurityDescriptor - Primary security descriptor to be used for access checks. The owner sid for the object is picked from this one. A NULL DACL in this security descriptor represents a NULL DACL for the entire object. A NULL SACL in this security descriptor is treated the same way as an EMPTY SACL.
OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray - The caller may optionally specify a list of security descriptors. NULL ACLs in these security descriptors are treated as EMPTY ACLS and the ACL for the entire object is the logical concatenation of all the ACLs.
OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount - Number of optional security descriptors This does not include the Primary security descriptor.
pReply - To return the results of access check call.
phAccessCheckResults - To return a handle to cached results of the access check call.
LocalTypeList - Internal object type list structure used to hold intermediate results.
LocalCachingTypeList - Internal object type list structure used to hold intermediate results for static granted bits.
LocalTypeListLength - Length of the array represnting the object.
Return Value:
A value of TRUE is returned if the routine is successful. Otherwise, a value of FALSE is returned. In the failure case, error value may be retrieved using GetLastError().
{ ACCESS_MASK PreviouslyGrantedAccess = 0; DWORD CachingFlags = 0; DWORD i = 0; BOOL b = TRUE; PACL pAcl = NULL;
// Owner is always granted READ_CONTROL and WRITE_DAC.
if (AuthzpOwnerSidInClientContext(pCC, pSecurityDescriptor)) { PreviouslyGrantedAccess |= (WRITE_DAC | READ_CONTROL); }
// Take ownership privilege grants WRITE_OWNER.
// SecurityPrivilege grants ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY.
SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS); return TRUE; }
pAcl = RtlpDaclAddrSecurityDescriptor((PISECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) pSecurityDescriptor);
// NULL Dacl is synonymous with Full Control.
for (i = 0; i < LocalTypeListLength; i++) { LocalTypeList[i].CurrentGranted |= PreviouslyGrantedAccess;
if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(LocalCachingTypeList)) { LocalCachingTypeList[i].CurrentGranted |= PreviouslyGrantedAccess; } } } else { for (i = 0; i < LocalTypeListLength; i++) { LocalTypeList[i].CurrentGranted |= PreviouslyGrantedAccess;
if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(LocalCachingTypeList)) { LocalCachingTypeList[i].CurrentGranted |= PreviouslyGrantedAccess; } }
b = AuthzpMaximumAllowedAccessCheck( pCC, pRequest, pSecurityDescriptor, OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray, OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount, LocalTypeList, LocalCachingTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, 0 != pRequest->ObjectTypeListLength, &CachingFlags );
if (!b) { goto Cleanup; } }
// If the caller asked for caching then allocate a handle, store the results
// of the static access check in it and insert it into the list of handles.
if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(phAccessCheckResults)) { b = AuthzpCacheResults( Flags, pCC, LocalCachingTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, pSecurityDescriptor, OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray, OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount, CachingFlags, phAccessCheckResults );
if (!b) goto Cleanup; }
AuthzpFillReplyFromParameters( pRequest, pReply, LocalTypeList );
return b; }
Routine description:
This routine fills in the reply structure wih the results of access check supplied by LocalTypeList.
pRequest - Access request specifies the desired access mask, principal self sid, the object type list strucutre (if any).
pReply - The reply structure to fill.
LocalTypeList - Internal object type list structure used to hold intermediate results. This is used to fill the reply structure.
Return Value:
{ ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess = 0; ACCESS_MASK RelevantAccess = 0; DWORD i = 0;
if (FLAG_ON(pRequest->DesiredAccess, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED)) { DesiredAccess = pRequest->DesiredAccess & ~(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED); for (i = 0; i < pReply->ResultListLength; i++) { if (FLAG_ON(DesiredAccess, ~(LocalTypeList[i].CurrentGranted)) || (0 == LocalTypeList[i].CurrentGranted)) { pReply->GrantedAccessMask[i] = 0; pReply->Error[i] = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; } else { pReply->GrantedAccessMask[i] = LocalTypeList[i].CurrentGranted & RelevantAccess; pReply->Error[i] = ERROR_SUCCESS; } } } else { for (i = 0; i < pReply->ResultListLength; i++) { if (FLAG_ON(pRequest->DesiredAccess, ~(LocalTypeList[i].CurrentGranted))) { pReply->GrantedAccessMask[i] = 0; pReply->Error[i] = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; } else { pReply->GrantedAccessMask[i] = pRequest->DesiredAccess & RelevantAccess; pReply->Error[i] = ERROR_SUCCESS; } } }
BOOL AuthzpNormalAccessCheckWithoutCaching( IN PAUTHZI_CLIENT_CONTEXT pCC, IN PAUTHZ_ACCESS_REQUEST pRequest, IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray OPTIONAL, IN DWORD OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount, IN OUT PAUTHZ_ACCESS_REPLY pReply, IN OUT PIOBJECT_TYPE_LIST LocalTypeList, IN DWORD LocalTypeListLength )
Routine description:
This routine does a normal access check. If desired access is denied at any point then it stops acl evaluation.
pCC - Pointer to the client context.
pRequest - Access request specifies the desired access mask, principal self sid, the object type list strucutre (if any).
pSecurityDescriptor - Primary security descriptor to be used for access checks. The owner sid for the object is picked from this one. A NULL DACL in this security descriptor represents a NULL DACL for the entire object. A NULL SACL in this security descriptor is treated the same way as an EMPTY SACL.
OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray - The caller may optionally specify a list of security descriptors. NULL ACLs in these security descriptors are treated as EMPTY ACLS and the ACL for the entire object is the logical concatenation of all the ACLs.
OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount - Number of optional security descriptors This does not include the Primary security descriptor.
pReply - The reply structure to return the results.
LocalTypeList - Internal object type list structure used to hold intermediate results.
LocalTypeListLength - Length of the array represnting the object.
Return Value:
A value of TRUE is returned if the routine is successful. Otherwise, a value of FALSE is returned. In the failure case, error value may be retrieved using GetLastError().
{ ACCESS_MASK Remaining = pRequest->DesiredAccess; PACL pAcl = NULL; BOOL b = TRUE;
// Check for SeSecurityPrivilege.
SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS); return TRUE; } }
// Ownership of the object grants READ_CONTROL and WRITE_DAC.
if (FLAG_ON(Remaining, (READ_CONTROL | WRITE_DAC)) && AuthzpOwnerSidInClientContext(pCC, pSecurityDescriptor)) { Remaining &= ~(WRITE_DAC | READ_CONTROL); }
// SeTakeOwnership privilege grants WRITE_OWNER.
pAcl = RtlpDaclAddrSecurityDescriptor((PISECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) pSecurityDescriptor);
// Null acl represents FULL CONTROL.
if (!AUTHZ_NON_NULL_PTR(pAcl)) { Remaining = 0; }
// If we have been granted access at this point then acl evaluation is not
// needed.
if (0 == Remaining) { AuthzpFillReplyStructure( pReply, ERROR_SUCCESS, pRequest->DesiredAccess );
SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS); return TRUE; }
// Do the access check with the non-restricted part of the client context.
b = AuthzpNormalMultipleSDAccessCheck( pCC, pCC->Sids, pCC->SidCount, pCC->SidHash, Remaining, pRequest, pSecurityDescriptor, OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray, OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount, LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength );
if (!b) { return FALSE; }
wprintf(L"Remaining = %x, LocalTypeList = %x\n", Remaining, LocalTypeList->Remaining); #endif
if (0 != LocalTypeList->Remaining) { AuthzpFillReplyStructure( pReply, ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, 0 );
SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS); return TRUE; }
// If the client context is resticted then even the resticted part has to
// grant all the access bits that were asked.
if (AUTHZ_TOKEN_RESTRICTED(pCC)) { b = AuthzpNormalMultipleSDAccessCheck( pCC, pCC->RestrictedSids, pCC->RestrictedSidCount, pCC->RestrictedSidHash, Remaining, pRequest, pSecurityDescriptor, OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray, OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount, LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength );
if (!b) { return FALSE; }
if (0 != LocalTypeList->Remaining) { AuthzpFillReplyStructure( pReply, ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, 0 );
SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS); return TRUE; } }
// If we made it till here then all access bits have been granted.
AuthzpFillReplyStructure( pReply, ERROR_SUCCESS, pRequest->DesiredAccess );
SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS); return TRUE; }
Routine description:
This routine loops thru all the security descriptors and calls AuthzpNormalAccessCheck.
pCC - Pointer to the client context.
pSidAttr - Sids and attributes array to compare ace sids.
SidCount - Number of elements in the array.
Remaining - Access bits that are yet to be granted.
pRequest - Access request specifies the desired access mask, principal self sid, the object type list strucutre (if any).
pSecurityDescriptor - Primary security descriptor to be used for access checks. The owner sid for the object is picked from this one. A NULL DACL in this security descriptor represents a NULL DACL for the entire object. A NULL SACL in this security descriptor is treated the same way as an EMPTY SACL.
OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray - The caller may optionally specify a list of security descriptors. NULL ACLs in these security descriptors are treated as EMPTY ACLS and the ACL for the entire object is the logical concatenation of all the ACLs.
OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount - Number of optional security descriptors This does not include the Primary security descriptor.
LocalTypeList - Internal object type list structure used to hold intermediate results.
LocalTypeListLength - Length of the array represnting the object.
Return Value:
A value of TRUE is returned if the routine is successful. Otherwise, a value of FALSE is returned. In the failure case, error value may be retrieved using GetLastError().
{ PSID pOwnerSid = RtlpOwnerAddrSecurityDescriptor((PISECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) pSecurityDescriptor); PACL pAcl = RtlpDaclAddrSecurityDescriptor((PISECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) pSecurityDescriptor); BOOL b = TRUE; DWORD i = 0;
b = AuthzpNormalAccessCheck( pCC, pSidAttr, SidCount, pSidHash, Remaining, pRequest, pAcl, pOwnerSid, LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength );
if (!b) { return FALSE; }
for (i = 0; i < OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount; i++) { pAcl = RtlpDaclAddrSecurityDescriptor((PISECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray[i]);
if (!AUTHZ_NON_NULL_PTR(pAcl)) { continue; }
b = AuthzpNormalAccessCheck( pCC, pSidAttr, SidCount, pSidHash, LocalTypeList->Remaining, pRequest, pAcl, pOwnerSid, LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength );
if (!b) { break; } }
return b; }
Routine description:
This routine determines if client context is the owner of the given object.
pCC - Pointer to the client context.
pSecurityDescriptor - To supply the owner sid for the object.
Return Value:
A value of TRUE is returned if the owner sid in the security descriptor is present in the normal part (as well as the restricted part, if it exists).
{ PSID pOwnerSid = RtlpOwnerAddrSecurityDescriptor(pSecurityDescriptor); BOOL b = TRUE;
// Check if the sid exists in the normal part of the token.
b = AuthzpSidApplicable( pCC->SidCount, pCC->Sids, pCC->SidHash, pOwnerSid, NULL, NULL, FALSE, NULL );
if (!b) { return FALSE; }
// If the token is restricted then the sid must exist in the restricted part
// of the token.
b = AuthzpSidApplicable( pCC->RestrictedSidCount, pCC->RestrictedSids, pCC->RestrictedSidHash, pOwnerSid, NULL, NULL, FALSE, NULL );
return b; }
return TRUE; }
Routine description:
This routine loops thru the acl till we are denied some access bit that the caller asked for or the acl is exhausted.
pCC - Pointer to the client context.
pSidAttr - Sids and attributes array to compare ace sids.
SidCount - Number of elements in the array.
Remaining - Access bits that are yet to be granted.
pRequest - Access request specifies the desired access mask, principal self sid, the object type list strucutre (if any).
pAcl - Dacl against which the access check will be performed.
LocalTypeList - Internal object type list structure used to hold intermediate results.
LocalCachingTypeList - Internal object type list structure used to hold intermediate results for static granted bits.
LocalTypeListLength - Length of the array represnting the object.
Return Value:
A value of TRUE is returned if the routine is successful. Otherwise, a value of FALSE is returned. In the failure case, error value may be retrieved using GetLastError().
{ DWORD i = 0; DWORD AceCount = 0; DWORD Index = 0; DWORD Ignore = 0; PVOID Ace = NULL; GUID * ObjectTypeInAce = NULL; BOOL ObjectTypeListPresent = (0 != pRequest->ObjectTypeListLength); BOOL bAceApplicable = FALSE;
for (i = 0; i < LocalTypeListLength; i++) { LocalTypeList[i].Remaining = Remaining; }
AceCount = pAcl->AceCount;
for (i = 0, Ace = FirstAce(pAcl); (i < AceCount) && (LocalTypeList[0].Remaining != 0); i++, Ace = NextAce(Ace)) { //
// Skip INHERIT_ONLY aces.
if (FLAG_ON(((PACE_HEADER) Ace)->AceFlags, INHERIT_ONLY_ACE)) { continue; }
switch (((PACE_HEADER) Ace)->AceType) {
// Check if the effective ace sid is present in the client context
// and is enabled. S-1-5-A is replaced by the principal sid
// supplied by the caller. In future, Creator Owner will be replaced
// by the owner sid in the primary security descriptor.
if (!AuthzpSidApplicable( SidCount, pSidAttr, pSidHash, AuthzAceSid(Ace), pRequest->PrincipalSelfSid, pOwnerSid, FALSE, &Ignore )) { break; }
wprintf(L"Allowed access Mask = %x\n", ((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask); #endif
// Optimize the common case instead of calling a subroutine.
if (1 == LocalTypeListLength) { //
// Clear the granted bits from the remaining.
LocalTypeList->Remaining &= ~((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask; } else { //
// Clear off the granted bits from the remaining for the entire
// tree.
AuthzpAddAccessTypeList( LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, 0, ((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask, AuthzUpdateRemaining ); }
// Check if the effective ace sid is present in the client context
// and is enabled. S-1-5-A is replaced by the principal sid
// supplied by the caller. In future, Creator Owner will be replaced
// by the owner sid in the primary security descriptor.
if (!AuthzpSidApplicable( SidCount, pSidAttr, pSidHash, AuthzAceSid(Ace), pRequest->PrincipalSelfSid, pOwnerSid, FALSE, &Ignore )) { break; }
// If the all the bits granted by this ace have already been granted
// or denied, then there is no need to evaluate this callback ace.
if (0 == (LocalTypeList->Remaining & ((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask)) { break; }
bAceApplicable = FALSE;
// Make a call to the resource manager to get his opinion. His
// evaluation is returned in bAceApplicalble.
// Note: The return value of the callback is used to decide whether
// the API failed/succeeded. On a failure, we exit out of access
// check. On success, we check the boolean returned by
// bAceApplicable to decide whether to use the current ace.
if (!((*(pCC->pResourceManager->pfnDynamicAccessCheck)) ( (AUTHZ_CLIENT_CONTEXT_HANDLE) pCC, Ace, pRequest->OptionalArguments, &bAceApplicable ))) { return FALSE; }
if (!bAceApplicable) { break; }
// Optimize the common case instead of calling a subroutine.
if (1 == LocalTypeListLength) { //
// Clear the granted bits from the remaining.
LocalTypeList->Remaining &= ~((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask; } else { //
// Clear off the granted bits from the remaining for the entire
// tree.
AuthzpAddAccessTypeList( LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, 0, ((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask, AuthzUpdateRemaining ); }
if (!AUTHZ_NON_NULL_PTR(pCC->Server)) { break; }
if (!AuthzpSidApplicable( SidCount, pSidAttr, pSidHash, RtlCompoundAceClientSid(Ace), pRequest->PrincipalSelfSid, pOwnerSid, FALSE, &Ignore ) || !AuthzpSidApplicable( pCC->Server->SidCount, pCC->Server->Sids, pCC->Server->SidHash, RtlCompoundAceServerSid(Ace), NULL, NULL, FALSE, &Ignore )) { break; }
// Optimize the common case instead of calling a subroutine.
if (1 == LocalTypeListLength) { //
// Clear the granted bits from the remaining.
LocalTypeList->Remaining &= ~((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask; } else { //
// Clear off the granted bits from the remaining for the entire
// tree.
AuthzpAddAccessTypeList( LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, 0, ((PCOMPOUND_ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) Ace)->Mask, AuthzUpdateRemaining ); }
// Check if the effective ace sid is present in the client context
// and is enabled or enabled for deny only. S-1-5-A is replaced by
// the principal sid supplied by the caller. In future, Creator
// Owner will be replaced by the owner sid in the primary security
// descriptor.
if (!AuthzpSidApplicable( SidCount, pSidAttr, pSidHash, AuthzAceSid(Ace), pRequest->PrincipalSelfSid, pOwnerSid, TRUE, &Ignore )) { break; }
wprintf(L"Allowed access Mask = %x\n", ((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask); #endif
// If any of the remaining bits are denied by this ace, exit early.
if (LocalTypeList->Remaining & ((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask) { return TRUE; }
// Check if the effective ace sid is present in the client context
// and is enabled or enabled for deny only. S-1-5-A is replaced by
// the principal sid supplied by the caller. In future, Creator
// Owner will be replaced by the owner sid in the primary security
// descriptor.
if (!AuthzpSidApplicable( SidCount, pSidAttr, pSidHash, AuthzCallbackAceSid(Ace), pRequest->PrincipalSelfSid, pOwnerSid, TRUE, &Ignore )) { break; }
// If none of the bits denied by this ace are desired, then
// there is no need to evaluate this callback ace.
if (0 == (LocalTypeList->Remaining & ((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask)) { break; }
bAceApplicable = FALSE;
// Make a call to the resource manager to get his opinion. His
// evaluation is returned in bAceApplicalble.
// Note: The return value of the callback is used to decide whether
// the API failed/succeeded. On a failure, we exit out of access
// check. On success, we check the boolean returned by
// bAceApplicable to decide whether to use the current ace.
if (!((*(pCC->pResourceManager->pfnDynamicAccessCheck)) ( (AUTHZ_CLIENT_CONTEXT_HANDLE) pCC, Ace, pRequest->OptionalArguments, &bAceApplicable ))) { return FALSE; }
if (!bAceApplicable) { break; }
// Exit early.
return TRUE;
case ACCESS_ALLOWED_OBJECT_ACE_TYPE: ObjectTypeInAce = RtlObjectAceObjectType(Ace);
if ((ObjectTypeInAce) && (0 == pRequest->ObjectTypeListLength)) { break; }
// Check if the effective ace sid is present in the client context
// and is enabled. S-1-5-A is replaced by the principal sid
// supplied by the caller. In future, Creator Owner will be replaced
// by the owner sid in the primary security descriptor.
if (!AuthzpSidApplicable( SidCount, pSidAttr, pSidHash, RtlObjectAceSid(Ace), pRequest->PrincipalSelfSid, pOwnerSid, FALSE, &Ignore )) { break; } //
// An object type ace with a NULL Object Type guid is the same as a
// normal ace.
if (!AUTHZ_NON_NULL_PTR(ObjectTypeInAce)) { //
// Optimize the common case instead of calling a subroutine.
if (1 == LocalTypeListLength) { //
// Clear the granted bits from the remaining.
LocalTypeList->Remaining &= ~((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask; } else { //
// Clear off the granted bits from the remaining for the entire
// tree.
AuthzpAddAccessTypeList( LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, 0, ((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask, AuthzUpdateRemaining );
} }
// So, it is a true object type ace. Proceed only if we are doing
// access check on a object type list.
else if (ObjectTypeListPresent) { //
// Look for a matching object type guid that matches the one in
// the ace.
if (AuthzpObjectInTypeList( ObjectTypeInAce, LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, &Index ) ) { //
// Clear off the granted bits from the remaining for the
// subtree starting at the matched Index.
AuthzpAddAccessTypeList( LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, Index, ((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE)Ace)->Mask, AuthzUpdateRemaining );
} }
// Check if the effective ace sid is present in the client context
// and is enabled. S-1-5-A is replaced by the principal sid
// supplied by the caller. In future, Creator Owner will be replaced
// by the owner sid in the primary security descriptor.
if (!AuthzpSidApplicable( SidCount, pSidAttr, pSidHash, AuthzObjectAceSid(Ace), pRequest->PrincipalSelfSid, pOwnerSid, FALSE, &Ignore )) { break; }
bAceApplicable = FALSE;
ObjectTypeInAce = RtlObjectAceObjectType(Ace);
// An object type ace with a NULL Object Type guid is the same as a
// normal ace.
if (!AUTHZ_NON_NULL_PTR(ObjectTypeInAce)) { //
// If none of the bits granted by this ace are desired, then
// there is no need to evaluate this callback ace.
if (0 == (LocalTypeList->Remaining & ((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask)) { break; }
// Make a call to the resource manager to get his opinion. His
// evaluation is returned in bAceApplicalble.
// Note: The return value of the callback is used to decide whether
// the API failed/succeeded. On a failure, we exit out of access
// check. On success, we check the boolean returned by
// bAceApplicable to decide whether to use the current ace.
if (!((*(pCC->pResourceManager->pfnDynamicAccessCheck)) ( (AUTHZ_CLIENT_CONTEXT_HANDLE) pCC, Ace, pRequest->OptionalArguments, &bAceApplicable ))) { return FALSE; }
if (!bAceApplicable) { break; }
// Optimize the common case instead of calling a subroutine.
if (1 == LocalTypeListLength) { //
// Clear the granted bits from the remaining.
LocalTypeList->Remaining &= ~((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask; } else { //
// Clear off the granted bits from the remaining for the entire
// tree.
AuthzpAddAccessTypeList( LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, 0, ((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask, AuthzUpdateRemaining ); } }
// So, it is a true object type ace. Proceed only if we are doing
// access check on a object type list.
else if (ObjectTypeListPresent) { //
// Look for a matching object type guid that matches the one in
// the ace.
if (AuthzpObjectInTypeList( ObjectTypeInAce, LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, &Index ) ) { //
// If none of the bits granted by this ace are desired, then
// there is no need to evaluate this callback ace.
if (0 == (LocalTypeList[Index].Remaining & ((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask)) { break; }
// Make a call to the resource manager to get his opinion. His
// evaluation is returned in bAceApplicalble.
// Note: The return value of the callback is used to decide whether
// the API failed/succeeded. On a failure, we exit out of access
// check. On success, we check the boolean returned by
// bAceApplicable to decide whether to use the current ace.
if (!((*(pCC->pResourceManager->pfnDynamicAccessCheck)) ( (AUTHZ_CLIENT_CONTEXT_HANDLE) pCC, Ace, pRequest->OptionalArguments, &bAceApplicable ))) { return FALSE; }
if (!bAceApplicable) { break; }
// Clear off the granted bits from the remaining for the
// subtree starting at the matched Index.
AuthzpAddAccessTypeList( LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, Index, ((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE)Ace)->Mask, AuthzUpdateRemaining ); } }
// Check if the effective ace sid is present in the client context
// and is enabled or enabled for deny only. S-1-5-A is replaced by
// the principal sid supplied by the caller. In future, Creator
// Owner will be replaced by the owner sid in the primary security
// descriptor.
if (!AuthzpSidApplicable( SidCount, pSidAttr, pSidHash, AuthzObjectAceSid(Ace), pRequest->PrincipalSelfSid, pOwnerSid, TRUE, &Ignore )) { break; } ObjectTypeInAce = RtlObjectAceObjectType(Ace);
// An object type ace with a NULL Object Type guid is the same as a
// normal ace.
if (!AUTHZ_NON_NULL_PTR(ObjectTypeInAce)) { //
// If any of the remaining bits are denied by this ace, exit
// early.
if (LocalTypeList->Remaining & ((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask) { return TRUE; } }
// Look for a matching object type guid that matches the one in
// the ace.
if (AuthzpObjectInTypeList( ObjectTypeInAce, LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, &Index )) { //
// If any of the remaining bits are denied by this ace, exit
// early.
if (LocalTypeList[Index].Remaining & ((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask) { return TRUE; } }
// Check if the effective ace sid is present in the client context
// and is enabled or enabled for deny only. S-1-5-A is replaced by
// the principal sid supplied by the caller. In future, Creator
// Owner will be replaced by the owner sid in the primary security
// descriptor.
if (!AuthzpSidApplicable( SidCount, pSidAttr, pSidHash, AuthzObjectAceSid(Ace), pRequest->PrincipalSelfSid, pOwnerSid, TRUE, &Ignore )) { break; } bAceApplicable = FALSE;
ObjectTypeInAce = RtlObjectAceObjectType(Ace);
// An object type ace with a NULL Object Type guid is the same as a
// normal ace.
if (!AUTHZ_NON_NULL_PTR(ObjectTypeInAce)) { //
// If none of the bits denied by this ace are desired, then
// there is no need to evaluate this callback ace.
if (0 == (LocalTypeList->Remaining & ((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask)) { break; }
// Make a call to the resource manager to get his opinion. His
// evaluation is returned in bAceApplicalble.
// Note: The return value of the callback is used to decide whether
// the API failed/succeeded. On a failure, we exit out of access
// check. On success, we check the boolean returned by
// bAceApplicable to decide whether to use the current ace.
if (!((*(pCC->pResourceManager->pfnDynamicAccessCheck)) ( (AUTHZ_CLIENT_CONTEXT_HANDLE) pCC, Ace, pRequest->OptionalArguments, &bAceApplicable ))) { return FALSE; }
if (!bAceApplicable) { break; }
// Exit early.
return TRUE; }
// Look for a matching object type guid that matches the one in
// the ace.
if (AuthzpObjectInTypeList( ObjectTypeInAce, LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, &Index )) { //
// If none of the bits granted by this ace are desired, then
// there is no need to evaluate this callback ace.
if (0 == (LocalTypeList[Index].Remaining & ((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask)) { break; }
// Make a call to the resource manager to get his opinion. His
// evaluation is returned in bAceApplicalble.
// Note: The return value of the callback is used to decide whether
// the API failed/succeeded. On a failure, we exit out of access
// check. On success, we check the boolean returned by
// bAceApplicable to decide whether to use the current ace.
if (!((*(pCC->pResourceManager->pfnDynamicAccessCheck)) ( (AUTHZ_CLIENT_CONTEXT_HANDLE) pCC, Ace, pRequest->OptionalArguments, &bAceApplicable ))) { return FALSE; }
if (!bAceApplicable) { break; }
// Exit early.
return TRUE;
default: break; } }
return TRUE; }
Routine description:
This routine calls AuthzpQuickNormalAccessCheck on regular part as well as restricted part (if it exists).
Access granted = AccessGranted(Sids) [&& AccessGranted(RestrictedSids) for restricted tokens]
pCC - Pointer to the client context.
pAH - Pointer to the authz handle structure.
pRequest - Access request specifies the desired access mask, principal self sid, the object type list strucutre (if any). pReply - The reply structure to return the results.
LocalTypeList - Internal object type list structure used to hold intermediate results.
LocalTypeListLength - Length of the array represnting the object.
Return Value:
A value of TRUE is returned if the routine is successful. Otherwise, a value of FALSE is returned. In the failure case, error value may be retrieved using GetLastError().
{ BOOL b = TRUE; ACCESS_MASK Remaining = pRequest->DesiredAccess & ~pAH->GrantedAccessMask[0];
// Do the access check with the non-restricted part of the client context.
b = AuthzpAllowOnlyNormalMultipleSDAccessCheck( pCC, pCC->Sids, pCC->SidCount, pCC->SidHash, Remaining, pRequest, pAH->pSecurityDescriptor, pAH->OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray, pAH->OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount, LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength );
if (!b) { return FALSE; }
// If some access bits were not granted then no access bits will be granted.
if (0 != LocalTypeList->Remaining) { AuthzpFillReplyStructure( pReply, ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, 0 );
SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS); return TRUE; }
// Do the access check with the restricted part of the client context if
// it exists.
if (AUTHZ_TOKEN_RESTRICTED(pCC)) { b = AuthzpAllowOnlyNormalMultipleSDAccessCheck( pCC, pCC->RestrictedSids, pCC->RestrictedSidCount, pCC->RestrictedSidHash, Remaining, pRequest, pAH->pSecurityDescriptor, pAH->OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray, pAH->OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount, LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength );
if (!b) { return FALSE; }
// Make sure that all the bits are granted by the restricted part too.
if (0 != LocalTypeList->Remaining) { AuthzpFillReplyStructure( pReply, ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, 0 );
SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS); return TRUE; } }
AuthzpFillReplyStructure( pReply, ERROR_SUCCESS, pRequest->DesiredAccess );
return TRUE; }
BOOL AuthzpAllowOnlyNormalMultipleSDAccessCheck( IN PAUTHZI_CLIENT_CONTEXT pCC, IN PSID_AND_ATTRIBUTES pSidAttr, IN DWORD SidCount, IN PAUTHZI_SID_HASH_ENTRY pSidHash, IN ACCESS_MASK Remaining, IN PAUTHZ_ACCESS_REQUEST pRequest, IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray OPTIONAL, IN DWORD OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount, IN OUT PIOBJECT_TYPE_LIST LocalTypeList, IN DWORD LocalTypeListLength )
Routine description:
This routine loops thru all the security descriptors and calls AuthzpAllowOnlyNormalSingleAclAccessCheck.
pCC - Pointer to the client context.
pSidAttr - Sids and attributes array to compare ace sids.
SidCount - Number of elements in the array.
Remaining - Access bits that are yet to be granted.
pRequest - Access request specifies the desired access mask, principal self sid, the object type list strucutre (if any).
pSecurityDescriptor - Primary security descriptor to be used for access checks. The owner sid for the object is picked from this one. A NULL DACL in this security descriptor represents a NULL DACL for the entire object. A NULL SACL in this security descriptor is treated the same way as an EMPTY SACL.
OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray - The caller may optionally specify a list of security descriptors. NULL ACLs in these security descriptors are treated as EMPTY ACLS and the ACL for the entire object is the logical concatenation of all the ACLs.
OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount - Number of optional security descriptors This does not include the Primary security descriptor.
LocalTypeList - Internal object type list structure used to hold intermediate results.
LocalTypeListLength - Length of the array represnting the object.
Return Value:
A value of TRUE is returned if the routine is successful. Otherwise, a value of FALSE is returned. In the failure case, error value may be retrieved using GetLastError().
{ PACL pAcl = RtlpDaclAddrSecurityDescriptor((PISECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) pSecurityDescriptor); BOOL b = TRUE; DWORD i = 0;
b = AuthzpAllowOnlyNormalSingleAclAccessCheck( pCC, pSidAttr, SidCount, pSidHash, Remaining, pRequest, pAcl, LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength );
if (!b) { return FALSE; }
for (i = 0; i < OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount; i++) { pAcl = RtlpDaclAddrSecurityDescriptor((PISECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray[i]);
if (!AUTHZ_NON_NULL_PTR(pAcl)) { return TRUE; }
b = AuthzpAllowOnlyNormalSingleAclAccessCheck( pCC, pSidAttr, SidCount, pSidHash, LocalTypeList->Remaining, pRequest, pAcl, LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength );
if (!b) { break; } }
return b; }
Routine description:
This routine evaluates only those Grant aces that have principal self sid or are callback aces. Deny aces can not exist in the acl unless the resource manager messed up with the assumption and changed the security descriptors.
pCC - Pointer to the client context.
pSidAttr - Sids and attributes array to compare ace sids.
SidCount - Number of elements in the array.
Remaining - Access bits that are yet to be granted.
pRequest - Access request specifies the desired access mask, principal self sid, the object type list strucutre (if any).
pAcl - Dacl against which the accesscheck will be preformed.
LocalTypeList - Internal object type list structure used to hold intermediate results.
LocalTypeListLength - Length of the array represnting the object.
Return Value:
A value of TRUE is returned if the routine is successful. Otherwise, a value of FALSE is returned. In the failure case, error value may be retrieved using GetLastError().
{ BOOL ObjectTypeListPresent = (0 != pRequest->ObjectTypeListLength); DWORD i = 0; DWORD Index = 0; DWORD AceCount = 0; GUID * ObjectTypeInAce = NULL; PVOID Ace = NULL; PSID pSid = NULL; BOOL bAceApplicable = FALSE;
for (i = 0; i < LocalTypeListLength; i++) { LocalTypeList[i].Remaining = Remaining; }
AceCount = pAcl->AceCount;
for (i = 0, Ace = FirstAce(pAcl); i < AceCount; i++, Ace = NextAce(Ace)) { //
// Skip INHERIT_ONLY aces.
if (FLAG_ON(((PACE_HEADER) Ace)->AceFlags, INHERIT_ONLY_ACE)) { continue; }
switch (((PACE_HEADER) Ace)->AceType) { case ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE:
// We have determined that only dynamic aces should be evaluated.
// For non-callback aces, the dynamic factor arises from Principal
// self sid. Skip the ace if the ace sid is not Principal Self sid.
if (!AUTHZ_IS_PRINCIPAL_SELF_SID(&((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->SidStart)) { break; }
// Check if the caller supplied Principal self sid is present in the
// client context and is enabled.
if (!AuthzpAllowOnlySidApplicable( SidCount, pSidAttr, pSidHash, pRequest->PrincipalSelfSid )) { break; }
// Optimize the common case instead of calling a subroutine.
if (1 == LocalTypeListLength) { //
// Clear the granted bits from the remaining.
LocalTypeList->Remaining &= ~((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask; } else { //
// Clear off the granted bits from the remaining for the entire
// tree.
AuthzpAddAccessTypeList( LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, 0, ((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask, AuthzUpdateRemaining ); }
if (!AUTHZ_NON_NULL_PTR(pCC->Server)) { break; }
// We have determined that only dynamic aces should be evaluated.
// For non-callback aces, the dynamic factor arises from Principal
// self sid. Skip the ace if the ace sid is not Principal Self sid.
if (!AUTHZ_IS_PRINCIPAL_SELF_SID(RtlCompoundAceClientSid(Ace))) { break; }
if (!AuthzpAllowOnlySidApplicable( SidCount, pSidAttr, pSidHash, pRequest->PrincipalSelfSid ) || !AuthzpAllowOnlySidApplicable( pCC->Server->SidCount, pCC->Server->Sids, pCC->Server->SidHash, RtlCompoundAceServerSid(Ace) )) { break; }
// Optimize the common case instead of calling a subroutine.
if (1 == LocalTypeListLength) { //
// Clear the granted bits from the remaining.
LocalTypeList->Remaining &= ~((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask; } else { //
// Clear off the granted bits from the remaining for the entire
// tree.
AuthzpAddAccessTypeList( LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, 0, ((PCOMPOUND_ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) Ace)->Mask, AuthzUpdateRemaining ); }
// We have determined that only dynamic aces should be evaluated.
// For non-callback aces, the dynamic factor arises from Principal
// self sid. Skip the ace if the ace sid is not Principal Self sid.
if (!AUTHZ_IS_PRINCIPAL_SELF_SID(RtlObjectAceSid(Ace))) { break; }
// Check if the caller supplied Principal self sid is present in the
// client context and is enabled.
if (!AuthzpAllowOnlySidApplicable( SidCount, pSidAttr, pSidHash, pRequest->PrincipalSelfSid )) { break; }
ObjectTypeInAce = RtlObjectAceObjectType(Ace);
// An object type ace with a NULL Object Type guid is the same as a
// normal ace.
if (!AUTHZ_NON_NULL_PTR(ObjectTypeInAce)) { //
// Optimize the common case instead of calling a subroutine.
if (1 == LocalTypeListLength) { //
// Clear the granted bits from the remaining.
LocalTypeList->Remaining &= ~((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask; } else { //
// Propagate grant bits down the tree starting at the root.
AuthzpAddAccessTypeList( LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, 0, ((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask, AuthzUpdateRemaining ); } }
// So, it is a true object type ace. Proceed only if we are doing
// access check on a object type list.
else if (ObjectTypeListPresent) { //
// Look for a matching object type guid that matches the one in
// the ace.
if (AuthzpObjectInTypeList( ObjectTypeInAce, LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, &Index ) ) { //
// Clear off the granted bits from the remaining for the
// subtree starting at the matched Index.
AuthzpAddAccessTypeList( LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, Index, ((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask, AuthzUpdateRemaining );
} }
// If the ace sid is Principal Self, replace it with the caller
// supplied Principal sid.
if (!AUTHZ_IS_PRINCIPAL_SELF_SID(&(((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->SidStart))) { pSid = (PSID) &(((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->SidStart); } else { pSid = pRequest->PrincipalSelfSid; }
// Check if the effective ace sid is present in the client context
// and is enabled.
if (!AuthzpAllowOnlySidApplicable( SidCount, pSidAttr, pSidHash, pSid )) { break; }
bAceApplicable = FALSE;
// If the all the bits granted by this ace have already been granted
// or denied, then there is no need to evaluate this callback ace.
if (0 == (LocalTypeList->Remaining & ((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask)) { break; }
// Make a call to the resource manager to get his opinion. His
// evaluation is returned in bAceApplicalble.
// Note: The return value of the callback is used to decide whether
// the API failed/succeeded. On a failure, we exit out of access
// check. On success, we check the boolean returned by
// bAceApplicable to decide whether to use the current ace.
if (!((*(pCC->pResourceManager->pfnDynamicAccessCheck)) ( (AUTHZ_CLIENT_CONTEXT_HANDLE) pCC, Ace, pRequest->OptionalArguments, &bAceApplicable ))) { return FALSE; }
if (!bAceApplicable) { break; }
// Optimize the common case instead of calling a subroutine.
if (1 == LocalTypeListLength) { //
// Clear the granted bits from the remaining.
LocalTypeList->Remaining &= ~((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask; } else { //
// Clear off the granted bits from the remaining for the entire
// tree.
AuthzpAddAccessTypeList( LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, 0, ((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask, AuthzUpdateRemaining ); }
// If the ace sid is Principal Self, replace it with the caller
// supplied Principal sid.
if (!AUTHZ_IS_PRINCIPAL_SELF_SID(RtlObjectAceSid(Ace))) { pSid = RtlObjectAceSid(Ace); } else { pSid = pRequest->PrincipalSelfSid; }
// Check if the effective ace sid is present in the client context
// and is enabled.
if (!AuthzpAllowOnlySidApplicable( SidCount, pSidAttr, pSidHash, pSid )) { break; }
bAceApplicable = FALSE;
ObjectTypeInAce = RtlObjectAceObjectType(Ace);
// An object type ace with a NULL Object Type guid is the same as a
// normal ace.
if (!AUTHZ_NON_NULL_PTR(ObjectTypeInAce)) { //
// If the all the bits granted by this ace have already been granted
// or denied, then there is no need to evaluate this callback ace.
if (0 == (LocalTypeList->Remaining & ((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask)) { break; }
// Make a call to the resource manager to get his opinion. His
// evaluation is returned in bAceApplicalble.
// Note: The return value of the callback is used to decide whether
// the API failed/succeeded. On a failure, we exit out of access
// check. On success, we check the boolean returned by
// bAceApplicable to decide whether to use the current ace.
if (!((*(pCC->pResourceManager->pfnDynamicAccessCheck)) ( (AUTHZ_CLIENT_CONTEXT_HANDLE) pCC, Ace, pRequest->OptionalArguments, &bAceApplicable ))) { return FALSE; }
if (!bAceApplicable) { break; }
// Optimize the common case instead of calling a subroutine.
if (1 == LocalTypeListLength) { //
// Clear the granted bits from the remaining.
LocalTypeList->Remaining &= ~((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask; } else { //
// Propagate grant bits down the tree starting at the root.
AuthzpAddAccessTypeList( LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, 0, ((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask, AuthzUpdateRemaining ); } }
// So, it is a true object type ace. Proceed only if we are doing
// access check on a object type list.
else if (ObjectTypeListPresent) { //
// Look for a matching object type guid that matches the one in
// the ace.
if (AuthzpObjectInTypeList( ObjectTypeInAce, LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, &Index ) ) { //
// If the all the bits granted by this ace are not desired, then
// there is no need to evaluate this callback ace.
if (0 == (LocalTypeList[Index].Remaining & ((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask)) { break; }
// Make a call to the resource manager to get his opinion. His
// evaluation is returned in bAceApplicalble.
// Note: The return value of the callback is used to decide whether
// the API failed/succeeded. On a failure, we exit out of access
// check. On success, we check the boolean returned by
// bAceApplicable to decide whether to use the current ace.
if (!((*(pCC->pResourceManager->pfnDynamicAccessCheck)) ( (AUTHZ_CLIENT_CONTEXT_HANDLE) pCC, Ace, pRequest->OptionalArguments, &bAceApplicable ))) { return FALSE; }
if (!bAceApplicable) { break; }
// Propagate grant bits down the tree starting at the
// index at which the guids matched.
// In the case when this is the last of the siblings to be
// granted access, the parent also is granted access.
AuthzpAddAccessTypeList( LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, Index, ((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask, AuthzUpdateRemaining ); } }
return TRUE; }
Routine description:
This routine determine whether the given ace sid is present in the client context and is enabled.
SidCount - Number of sids in the pSidAttrArray
pSidAttr - Sid and attributes against which the ace sid should be compared.
pAceSid - Sid in the ace.
Return Value:
A value of TRUE is returned if the effective sid is found in the client context and is enabled. FALSE otherwise.
{ DWORD i = 0; DWORD SidLen = 0; PISID MatchSid = NULL;
if (!ARGUMENT_PRESENT(pSid)) { return FALSE; }
SidLen = RtlLengthSid(pSid);
// Loop thru the sids and return TRUE is a match is found and the sid
// is enabled.
for (i = 0; i < SidCount; i++, pSidAttr++) { MatchSid = (PISID) pSidAttr->Sid;
if (AUTHZ_EQUAL_SID(pSid, MatchSid, SidLen)) { if (FLAG_ON(pSidAttr->Attributes, SE_GROUP_ENABLED)) { return TRUE; }
return FALSE; } }
return FALSE; }
Routine description:
This routine calls AuthzpQuickMaximumAllowedAccessCheck on normal part (as well as restricted part if it exists).
pCC - Pointer to the client context.
pAH - Pointer to the authz handle structure.
pRequest - Access request specifies the desired access mask, principal self sid, the object type list strucutre (if any).
pReply - The reply structure to return the results.
LocalTypeList - Internal object type list structure used to hold intermediate results.
LocalTypeListLength - Length of the array represnting the object.
Return Value:
A value of TRUE is returned if the routine is successful. Otherwise, a value of FALSE is returned. In the failure case, error value may be retrieved using GetLastError().
{ BOOL b = FALSE; BOOL ObjectTypeListPresent = (0 != pRequest->ObjectTypeListLength);
// Do the access check with the non-restricted part of the client context.
b = AuthzpAllowOnlyMaximumAllowedMultipleSDAccessCheck( pCC, pRequest, pAH->pSecurityDescriptor, pAH->OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray, pAH->OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount, LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, ObjectTypeListPresent, FALSE );
if (!b) { return FALSE; }
// Do the access check with the restricted part of the client context if
// it exists.
if (AUTHZ_TOKEN_RESTRICTED(pCC)) { b = AuthzpAllowOnlyMaximumAllowedMultipleSDAccessCheck( pCC, pRequest, pAH->pSecurityDescriptor, pAH->OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray, pAH->OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount, LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, ObjectTypeListPresent, TRUE ); }
return b; }
BOOL AuthzpAllowOnlyMaximumAllowedMultipleSDAccessCheck( IN PAUTHZI_CLIENT_CONTEXT pCC, IN PAUTHZ_ACCESS_REQUEST pRequest, IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray OPTIONAL, IN DWORD OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount OPTIONAL, IN OUT PIOBJECT_TYPE_LIST LocalTypeList, IN DWORD LocalTypeListLength, IN BOOL ObjectTypeListPresent, IN BOOL Restricted )
Routine description:
This routine call AuthzpAllowOnlyMaximumAllowedSingleAclAccessCheck for all given security descriptors.
pCC - Pointer to the client context.
pRequest - Access request specifies the desired access mask, principal self sid, the object type list strucutre (if any).
pSecurityDescriptor - Primary security descriptor to be used for access checks. The owner sid for the object is picked from this one. A NULL DACL in this security descriptor represents a NULL DACL for the entire object. A NULL SACL in this security descriptor is treated the same way as an EMPTY SACL.
OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray - The caller may optionally specify a list of security descriptors. NULL ACLs in these security descriptors are treated as EMPTY ACLS and the ACL for the entire object is the logical concatenation of all the ACLs.
OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount - Number of optional security descriptors This does not include the Primary security descriptor.
LocalTypeList - Internal object type list structure used to hold intermediate results.
LocalTypeListLength - Length of the array represnting the object.
ObjectTypeListPresent - Whether the called supplied an object type list.
Restricted - Whether this is an access check on the restricted part of the client context.
Return Value:
A value of TRUE is returned if the routine is successful. Otherwise, a value of FALSE is returned. In the failure case, error value may be retrieved using GetLastError().
{ DWORD i = 0; DWORD j = 0; DWORD SidCount = 0; BOOL b = TRUE; PSID_AND_ATTRIBUTES pSidAttr = NULL; PACL pAcl = NULL; PSID pOwnerSid = RtlpOwnerAddrSecurityDescriptor((PISECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) pSecurityDescriptor); PAUTHZI_SID_HASH_ENTRY pSidHash = NULL;
if (Restricted) { //
// Access granted is a bitwise AND of both (normal & restricted) part
// of the client context.
for (j = 0; j < LocalTypeListLength; j++) { LocalTypeList[j].Remaining = LocalTypeList[j].CurrentGranted; LocalTypeList[j].CurrentGranted = 0; }
pSidAttr = pCC->RestrictedSids; SidCount = pCC->RestrictedSidCount; pSidHash = pCC->RestrictedSidHash; } else { pSidAttr = pCC->Sids; SidCount = pCC->SidCount; pSidHash = pCC->SidHash; }
pAcl = RtlpDaclAddrSecurityDescriptor((PISECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) pSecurityDescriptor);
b = AuthzpAllowOnlyMaximumAllowedSingleAclAccessCheck( pCC, pSidAttr, SidCount, pSidHash, pRequest, pAcl, pOwnerSid, LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, ObjectTypeListPresent );
if (!b) { return FALSE; }
for (i = 0; i < OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount; i++) { pAcl = RtlpDaclAddrSecurityDescriptor((PISECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray[i]);
if (!AUTHZ_NON_NULL_PTR(pAcl)) { continue; }
b = AuthzpAllowOnlyMaximumAllowedSingleAclAccessCheck( pCC, pSidAttr, SidCount, pSidHash, pRequest, pAcl, pOwnerSid, LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, ObjectTypeListPresent );
if (!b) { break; } }
return b; }
BOOL AuthzpAllowOnlyMaximumAllowedSingleAclAccessCheck( IN PAUTHZI_CLIENT_CONTEXT pCC, IN PSID_AND_ATTRIBUTES pSidAttr, IN DWORD SidCount, IN PAUTHZI_SID_HASH_ENTRY pSidHash, IN PAUTHZ_ACCESS_REQUEST pRequest, IN PACL pAcl, IN PSID pOwnerSid, IN OUT PIOBJECT_TYPE_LIST LocalTypeList, IN DWORD LocalTypeListLength, IN BOOL ObjectTypeListPresent )
Routine description:
This routine loops thru the entire acl and evaluates only those Grant aces that have principal self sid in them or are callback aces.
pCC - Pointer to the client context.
pSidAttr - Sids and attributes array to compare ace sids.
SidCount - Number of elements in the array.
pRequest - Access request specifies the desired access mask, principal self sid, the object type list strucutre (if any).
pAcl - Sacl to be used to make the decision about audit generation.
pOwnerSid - The owner sid in the primary security descriptor. This will be needed after we implement single instancing.
LocalTypeList - Internal object type list structure used to hold intermediate results.
LocalTypeListLength - Length of the array represnting the object.
ObjectTypeListPresent - Whether the called supplied an object type list.
Return Value:
A value of TRUE is returned if the routine is successful. Otherwise, a value of FALSE is returned. In the failure case, error value may be retrieved using GetLastError().
{ DWORD AceCount = 0; DWORD i = 0; DWORD Index = 0; PVOID Ace = NULL; GUID * ObjectTypeInAce = NULL; BOOL bAceApplicable = FALSE; BOOL bCallbackMayApply = FALSE; PSID pSid = NULL;
AceCount = pAcl->AceCount;
for (i = 0, Ace = FirstAce(pAcl); i < AceCount; i++, Ace = NextAce(Ace)) { //
// Skip INHERIT_ONLY aces.
if (FLAG_ON(((PACE_HEADER) Ace)->AceFlags, INHERIT_ONLY_ACE)) { continue; }
switch (((PACE_HEADER) Ace)->AceType) {
// We have determined that only dynamic aces should be evaluated.
// For non-callback aces, the dynamic factor arises from Principal
// self sid. Skip the ace if the ace sid is not Principal Self sid.
if (!AUTHZ_IS_PRINCIPAL_SELF_SID(&((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->SidStart)) { break; }
// Check if the caller supplied Principal self sid is present in the
// client context and is enabled.
if (!AuthzpAllowOnlySidApplicable( SidCount, pSidAttr, pSidHash, pRequest->PrincipalSelfSid )) { break; }
// Optimize the common case instead of calling a subroutine.
if (1 == LocalTypeListLength) { //
// Grant access bits that have not already been denied.
LocalTypeList->CurrentGranted |= (((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask & ~LocalTypeList->CurrentDenied); } else { //
// Propagate grant bits down the tree starting at the root.
AuthzpAddAccessTypeList( LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, 0, ((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask, AuthzUpdateCurrentGranted ); }
if (!AUTHZ_NON_NULL_PTR(pCC->Server)) { break; }
// We have determined that only dynamic aces should be evaluated.
// For non-callback aces, the dynamic factor arises from Principal
// self sid. Skip the ace if the ace sid is not Principal Self sid.
if (!AUTHZ_IS_PRINCIPAL_SELF_SID(RtlCompoundAceClientSid(Ace))) { break; }
if (!AuthzpAllowOnlySidApplicable( SidCount, pSidAttr, pSidHash, pRequest->PrincipalSelfSid ) || !AuthzpAllowOnlySidApplicable( pCC->Server->SidCount, pCC->Server->Sids, pCC->Server->SidHash, RtlCompoundAceServerSid(Ace) )) { break; }
// Optimize the common case instead of calling a subroutine.
if (1 == LocalTypeListLength) { //
// Grant access bits that have not already been denied.
LocalTypeList->CurrentGranted |= (((PCOMPOUND_ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) Ace)->Mask & ~LocalTypeList->CurrentDenied); } else { //
// Propagate grant bits down the tree starting at the root.
AuthzpAddAccessTypeList( LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, 0, ((PCOMPOUND_ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) Ace)->Mask, AuthzUpdateCurrentGranted ); }
// We have determined that only dynamic aces should be evaluated.
// For non-callback aces, the dynamic factor arises from Principal
// self sid. Skip the ace if the ace sid is not Principal Self sid.
if (!AUTHZ_IS_PRINCIPAL_SELF_SID(RtlObjectAceSid(Ace))) { break; }
// Check if the caller supplied Principal self sid is present in the
// client context and is enabled.
if (!AuthzpAllowOnlySidApplicable( SidCount, pSidAttr, pSidHash, pRequest->PrincipalSelfSid )) { break; }
ObjectTypeInAce = RtlObjectAceObjectType(Ace);
// An object type ace with a NULL Object Type guid is the same as a
// normal ace.
if (!AUTHZ_NON_NULL_PTR(ObjectTypeInAce)) { //
// Optimize the common case instead of calling a subroutine.
if (1 == LocalTypeListLength) { //
// Grant access bits that have not already been denied.
LocalTypeList->CurrentGranted |= (((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask & ~LocalTypeList->CurrentDenied); } else { //
// Propagate grant bits down the tree starting at the root.
AuthzpAddAccessTypeList( LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, 0, ((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask, AuthzUpdateCurrentGranted ); } }
// So, it is a true object type ace. Proceed only if we are doing
// access check on a object type list.
else if (ObjectTypeListPresent) { //
// Look for a matching object type guid that matches the one in
// the ace.
if (AuthzpObjectInTypeList( ObjectTypeInAce, LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, &Index ) ) { //
// Propagate grant bits down the tree starting at the
// index at which the guids matched.
// In the case when this is the last of the siblings to be
// granted access, the parent also is granted access.
AuthzpAddAccessTypeList( LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, Index, ((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask, AuthzUpdateCurrentGranted ); } }
// If the ace sid is Principal Self, replace it with the caller
// supplied Principal sid.
if (!AUTHZ_IS_PRINCIPAL_SELF_SID(&((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->SidStart)) { pSid = (PSID) &(((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->SidStart); } else { pSid = pRequest->PrincipalSelfSid; }
// Check if the effective ace sid is present in the client context
// and is enabled.
if (!AuthzpAllowOnlySidApplicable( SidCount, pSidAttr, pSidHash, pSid )) { break; }
if (1 == LocalTypeListLength) { //
// If the all the bits granted by this ace have already been granted
// or denied, then there is no need to evaluate this callback ace.
if (0 == ((((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask) & ~(LocalTypeList->CurrentGranted | LocalTypeList->CurrentDenied))) { break; } } else { //
// We have an object type list. Compute whether we need to break
// out early.
bCallbackMayApply = AuthzpIsAccessMaskApplicable( LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, 0, ((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask );
if (!bCallbackMayApply) { break; }
bAceApplicable = FALSE;
// Make a call to the resource manager to get his opinion. His
// evaluation is returned in bAceApplicalble.
// Note: The return value of the callback is used to decide whether
// the API failed/succeeded. On a failure, we exit out of access
// check. On success, we check the boolean returned by
// bAceApplicable to decide whether to use the current ace.
if (!((*(pCC->pResourceManager->pfnDynamicAccessCheck)) ( (AUTHZ_CLIENT_CONTEXT_HANDLE) pCC, Ace, pRequest->OptionalArguments, &bAceApplicable ))) { return FALSE; }
if (!bAceApplicable) { break; }
// Optimize the common case instead of calling a subroutine.
if (1 == LocalTypeListLength) { //
// Clear the granted bits from the remaining.
LocalTypeList->CurrentGranted |= (((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask & ~LocalTypeList->CurrentDenied); } else { //
// Propagate grant bits down the tree starting at the root.
AuthzpAddAccessTypeList( LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, 0, ((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask, AuthzUpdateCurrentGranted ); }
// If the ace sid is Principal Self, replace it with the caller
// supplied Principal sid.
if (!AUTHZ_IS_PRINCIPAL_SELF_SID(RtlObjectAceSid(Ace))) { pSid = RtlObjectAceSid(Ace); } else { pSid = pRequest->PrincipalSelfSid; }
// Check if the effective ace sid is present in the client context
// and is enabled.
if (!AuthzpAllowOnlySidApplicable( SidCount, pSidAttr, pSidHash, pSid )) { break; }
bAceApplicable = FALSE;
ObjectTypeInAce = RtlObjectAceObjectType(Ace);
// An object type ace with a NULL Object Type guid is the same as a
// normal ace.
if (!AUTHZ_NON_NULL_PTR(ObjectTypeInAce)) { if (1 == LocalTypeListLength) { //
// If the all the bits granted by this ace have already been
// granted, then there is no need to evaluate this callback
// ace.
if (0 == ((~LocalTypeList->CurrentGranted) & (((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask & ~LocalTypeList->CurrentDenied))) { break; }
} else { //
// We have an object type list. Compute whether we need to break
// out early.
bCallbackMayApply = AuthzpIsAccessMaskApplicable( LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, 0, ((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask );
if (!bCallbackMayApply) { break; } }
// Make a call to the resource manager to get his opinion. His
// evaluation is returned in bAceApplicalble.
// Note: The return value of the callback is used to decide whether
// the API failed/succeeded. On a failure, we exit out of access
// check. On success, we check the boolean returned by
// bAceApplicable to decide whether to use the current ace.
if (!((*(pCC->pResourceManager->pfnDynamicAccessCheck)) ( (AUTHZ_CLIENT_CONTEXT_HANDLE) pCC, Ace, pRequest->OptionalArguments, &bAceApplicable ))) { return FALSE; }
if (!bAceApplicable) { break; }
// Optimize the common case instead of calling a subroutine.
if (1 == LocalTypeListLength) { //
// Grant access bits that have not already been denied.
LocalTypeList->CurrentGranted |= (((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask & ~LocalTypeList->CurrentDenied); } else { //
// Propagate grant bits down the tree starting at the root.
AuthzpAddAccessTypeList( LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, 0, ((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask, AuthzUpdateCurrentGranted ); } }
// So, it is a true object type ace. Proceed only if we are doing
// access check on a object type list.
else if (ObjectTypeListPresent) { //
// Look for a matching object type guid that matches the one in
// the ace.
if (AuthzpObjectInTypeList( ObjectTypeInAce, LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, &Index ) ) { //
// We have an object type list. Compute whether we need to break
// out early.
bCallbackMayApply = AuthzpIsAccessMaskApplicable( LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, Index, ((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask );
if (!bCallbackMayApply) { break; }
// Make a call to the resource manager to get his opinion. His
// evaluation is returned in bAceApplicalble.
// Note: The return value of the callback is used to decide whether
// the API failed/succeeded. On a failure, we exit out of access
// check. On success, we check the boolean returned by
// bAceApplicable to decide whether to use the current ace.
if (!((*(pCC->pResourceManager->pfnDynamicAccessCheck)) ( (AUTHZ_CLIENT_CONTEXT_HANDLE) pCC, Ace, pRequest->OptionalArguments, &bAceApplicable ))) { return FALSE; }
if (!bAceApplicable) { break; }
// Propagate grant bits down the tree starting at the
// index at which the guids matched.
// In the case when this is the last of the siblings to be
// granted access, the parent also is granted access.
AuthzpAddAccessTypeList( LocalTypeList, LocalTypeListLength, Index, ((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask, AuthzUpdateCurrentGranted ); } }
default: break; } }
return TRUE; }
BOOL AuthzpObjectInTypeList ( IN GUID *ObjectType, IN PIOBJECT_TYPE_LIST ObjectTypeList, IN DWORD ObjectTypeListLength, OUT PDWORD ReturnedIndex )
Routine description:
This routine searches an ObjectTypeList to determine if the specified object type is in the list. It returns the index of the node if a match is found.
ObjectType - Object Type guid to search for.
ObjectTypeList - The object type list to search in.
ObjectTypeListLength - Number of elements in ObjectTypeList.
ReturnedIndex - Index to the element ObjectType was found in.
Return Value:
A value of TRUE is returned if the routine is successful. Otherwise, a value of FALSE is returned. In the failure case, error value may be retrieved using GetLastError().
{ DWORD Index = 0; GUID * LocalObjectType = NULL;
for (Index = 0; Index < ObjectTypeListLength; Index++) { LocalObjectType = &ObjectTypeList[Index].ObjectType;
if (RtlpIsEqualGuid(ObjectType, LocalObjectType)) { *ReturnedIndex = Index; return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
VOID AuthzpUpdateParentTypeList( IN OUT PIOBJECT_TYPE_LIST ObjectTypeList, IN DWORD ObjectTypeListLength, IN DWORD StartIndex )
This routine updates the Access fields of the parent object of the specified object.
The "remaining" field of a parent object is the logical OR of the remaining field of all of its children.
The CurrentGranted field of the parent is the collection of bits granted to every one of its children..
The CurrentDenied fields of the parent is the logical OR of the bits denied to any of its children.
This routine takes an index to one of the children and updates the remaining field of the parent (and grandparents recursively).
ObjectTypeList - The object type list to update.
ObjectTypeListLength - Number of elements in ObjectTypeList
StartIndex - Index to the "child" element whose parents are to be updated.
Return Value:
{ DWORD Index = 0; DWORD ParentIndex = 0; DWORD Level = 0; ACCESS_MASK NewRemaining = 0; ACCESS_MASK NewCurrentDenied = 0; ACCESS_MASK NewCurrentGranted = 0xFFFFFFFF;
// If the target node is at the root,
// we're all done.
if (-1 == ObjectTypeList[StartIndex].ParentIndex) { return; }
// Get the index to the parent that needs updating and the level of
// the siblings.
ParentIndex = ObjectTypeList[StartIndex].ParentIndex; Level = ObjectTypeList[StartIndex].Level;
// Loop through all the children.
for (Index = ParentIndex + 1; Index < ObjectTypeListLength; Index++) {
// By definition, the children of an object are all those entries
// immediately following the target. The list of children (or
// grandchildren) stops as soon as we reach an entry the has the
// same level as the target (a sibling) or lower than the target
// (an uncle).
if (ObjectTypeList[Index].Level <= ObjectTypeList[ParentIndex].Level) { break; }
// Only handle direct children of the parent.
if (ObjectTypeList[Index].Level != Level) { continue; }
// Compute the new bits for the parent.
NewRemaining |= ObjectTypeList[Index].Remaining; NewCurrentGranted &= ObjectTypeList[Index].CurrentGranted; NewCurrentDenied |= ObjectTypeList[Index].CurrentDenied;
// If we've not changed the access to the parent,
// we're done.
if ((NewRemaining == ObjectTypeList[ParentIndex].Remaining) && (NewCurrentGranted == ObjectTypeList[ParentIndex].CurrentGranted) && (NewCurrentDenied == ObjectTypeList[ParentIndex].CurrentDenied)) { return; }
// Change the parent.
ObjectTypeList[ParentIndex].Remaining = NewRemaining; ObjectTypeList[ParentIndex].CurrentGranted = NewCurrentGranted; ObjectTypeList[ParentIndex].CurrentDenied = NewCurrentDenied;
// Go update the grand parents.
AuthzpUpdateParentTypeList( ObjectTypeList, ObjectTypeListLength, ParentIndex ); }
VOID AuthzpAddAccessTypeList ( IN OUT PIOBJECT_TYPE_LIST ObjectTypeList, IN DWORD ObjectTypeListLength, IN DWORD StartIndex, IN ACCESS_MASK AccessMask, IN ACCESS_MASK_FIELD_TO_UPDATE FieldToUpdate )
Routine Description:
This routine grants the specified AccessMask to all of the objects that are descendents of the object specified by StartIndex.
The Access fields of the parent objects are also recomputed as needed.
For example, if an ACE granting access to a Property Set is found, that access is granted to all the Properties in the Property Set.
ObjectTypeList - The object type list to update.
ObjectTypeListLength - Number of elements in ObjectTypeList
StartIndex - Index to the target element to update.
AccessMask - Mask of access to grant to the target element and all of its decendents
FieldToUpdate - Indicate which fields to update in object type list
Updation cases:
A / \ / \ B E / \ / \ C D F G
Consider an object type list of length 7, with two property sets, each with two properties. In array form this is represented as {(A, 0), (B, 1), (C, 2), (D, 2), (E, 1), (F, 2), (G, 2)}
The following diagrams explain access granted/denied at each node.
Access may be granted because of one (or more) of the following reasons: a = Access granted by an ace on the node ca = Access granted by ORing of the children pa = Access granted by an ancestor
Access may be denied because of one (or more) of the following reasons.
d = Access explicitly denied by an ace on the node cd = Access explicitly denied by child, grandchild, etc pd = Access explicitly denied by an ancestor id = Access implicitly denied because no ace was applicable
case 1: case 2: case 3: Deny D Deny B Grant B Grant A Grant E Grant F Grant D Grant G
cd cd ca / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ cd pa d a a ca / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ pa d pa pa pd pd pa pa pa pa a a
case 4: case 5: case 6: Grant A Grant C Grant B Deny B Grant D Grant F Deny F Grant F Grant G Deny A
a ca id / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ pa pa ca ca a id / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ pa pa pa pa a a a a pa pa a id
Return Value:
{ DWORD Index; ACCESS_MASK OldRemaining; ACCESS_MASK OldCurrentGranted; ACCESS_MASK OldCurrentDenied; BOOL AvoidParent = FALSE;
// Update the requested field.
// Always handle the target entry.
// If we've not actually changed the bits, early out.
switch (FieldToUpdate) { case AuthzUpdateRemaining:
OldRemaining = ObjectTypeList[StartIndex].Remaining; ObjectTypeList[StartIndex].Remaining = OldRemaining & ~AccessMask;
if (OldRemaining == ObjectTypeList[StartIndex].Remaining) { return; }
case AuthzUpdateCurrentGranted:
OldCurrentGranted = ObjectTypeList[StartIndex].CurrentGranted; ObjectTypeList[StartIndex].CurrentGranted |= AccessMask & ~ObjectTypeList[StartIndex].CurrentDenied;
if (OldCurrentGranted == ObjectTypeList[StartIndex].CurrentGranted) {
// We can't simply return here.
// We have to visit our children. Consider the case where there
// was a previous deny ACE on a child. That deny would have
// propagated up the tree to this entry. However, this allow ACE
// needs to be added all of the children that haven't been
// explictly denied.
AvoidParent = TRUE; }
case AuthzUpdateCurrentDenied:
OldCurrentDenied = ObjectTypeList[StartIndex].CurrentDenied; ObjectTypeList[StartIndex].CurrentDenied |= AccessMask & ~ObjectTypeList[StartIndex].CurrentGranted;
if (OldCurrentDenied == ObjectTypeList[StartIndex].CurrentDenied) { return; }
default: return; }
// Go update parent of the target.
if (!AvoidParent) { AuthzpUpdateParentTypeList( ObjectTypeList, ObjectTypeListLength, StartIndex ); }
// Loop handling all children of the target.
for (Index = StartIndex + 1; Index < ObjectTypeListLength; Index++) {
// By definition, the children of an object are all those entries
// immediately following the target. The list of children (or
// grandchildren) stops as soon as we reach an entry the has the
// same level as the target (a sibling) or lower than the target
// (an uncle).
if (ObjectTypeList[Index].Level <= ObjectTypeList[StartIndex].Level) { break; }
// Grant access to the children
switch (FieldToUpdate) { case AuthzUpdateRemaining:
ObjectTypeList[Index].Remaining &= ~AccessMask;
case AuthzUpdateCurrentGranted:
ObjectTypeList[Index].CurrentGranted |= AccessMask & ~ObjectTypeList[Index].CurrentDenied;
case AuthzUpdateCurrentDenied:
ObjectTypeList[Index].CurrentDenied |= AccessMask & ~ObjectTypeList[Index].CurrentGranted;
default: return; } } }
BOOL AuthzpCacheResults( IN DWORD Flags, IN PAUTHZI_CLIENT_CONTEXT pCC, IN PIOBJECT_TYPE_LIST LocalCachingTypeList, IN DWORD LocalTypeListLength, IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray OPTIONAL, IN DWORD OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount, IN DWORD CachingFlags, OUT PAUTHZ_ACCESS_CHECK_RESULTS_HANDLE phAccessCheckResults )
Routine description:
This routine allocates a handle node, stores the results of static access check in it and inserts it into the list of handles.
pCC - Pointer to the client context.
LocalCachingTypeList - Internal object type list structure used to hold intermediate results for static granted bits.
LocalTypeListLength - Length of the array represnting the object.
pSecurityDescriptor - Primary security descriptor to be used for access checks.
OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray - The caller may optionally specify a list of security descriptors. NULL ACLs in these security descriptors are treated as EMPTY ACLS and the ACL for the entire object is the logical concatenation of all the ACLs.
OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount - Number of optional security descriptors This does not include the Primary security descriptor.
CachingFlags - Flags that will be stored in the caching handle.
phAccessCheckResults - To return the newly allocated handle.
Return Value:
A value of TRUE is returned if the routine is successful. Otherwise, a value of FALSE is returned. In the failure case, error value may be retrieved using GetLastError().
{ DWORD i = 0; DWORD Size = 0; DWORD SDSize = 0; DWORD SDArraySize = 0; ULONG LengthNeeded = 0; PAUTHZI_HANDLE pHandle = NULL; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PUCHAR pWrite = NULL; BOOL b = TRUE;
Size = PtrAlignSize((LocalTypeListLength - 1) * sizeof(ACCESS_MASK) + sizeof(AUTHZI_HANDLE));
// If we are going to copy the SDs we will need some space for the pointers.
if (!FLAG_ON(Flags, AUTHZ_ACCESS_CHECK_NO_DEEP_COPY_SD)) { SDSize = PtrAlignSize(RtlLengthSecurityDescriptor(pSecurityDescriptor)); SDArraySize = PtrAlignSize(sizeof(ULONG_PTR) * OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount); for (i = 0; i < OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount; i++) { SDArraySize += PtrAlignSize(RtlLengthSecurityDescriptor(OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray[i])); } }
pHandle = (PAUTHZI_HANDLE) AuthzpAlloc(Size + SDSize + SDArraySize);
if (FLAG_ON(Flags, AUTHZ_ACCESS_CHECK_NO_DEEP_COPY_SD)) { pHandle->pSecurityDescriptor = pSecurityDescriptor; pHandle->OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray = OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray; } else { //
// Put the primary SD immediately after the pHandle
pWrite = ((PUCHAR)pHandle + Size); pHandle->pSecurityDescriptor = (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) pWrite; LengthNeeded = SDSize;
Status = RtlMakeSelfRelativeSD( pSecurityDescriptor, pHandle->pSecurityDescriptor, &LengthNeeded );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { b = FALSE; goto Cleanup; }
pWrite += PtrAlignSize(LengthNeeded);
// After the primary SD we put the Optional SD array
if (OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount == 0) { pHandle->OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray = NULL; } else { pHandle->OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray = (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *) pWrite; pWrite += (sizeof(ULONG_PTR) * OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount);
for (i = 0; i < OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount; i++) { //
// After the array put in each optional SD, and point an array element at the SD
pHandle->OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray[i] = pWrite;
LengthNeeded = PtrAlignSize(RtlLengthSecurityDescriptor(OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray[i]));
Status = RtlMakeSelfRelativeSD( OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray[i], pHandle->OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray[i], &LengthNeeded );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { b = FALSE; goto Cleanup; } pWrite += PtrAlignSize(LengthNeeded); } } }
ASSERT(((PUCHAR)pHandle + Size + SDSize + SDArraySize) == pWrite);
pHandle->Flags = CachingFlags; pHandle->pAuthzClientContext = pCC; pHandle->ResultListLength = LocalTypeListLength; pHandle->OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount = OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount;
// Store the static access check results in the handle.
for (i = 0; i < LocalTypeListLength; i++) { pHandle->GrantedAccessMask[i] = LocalCachingTypeList[i].CurrentGranted; }
pHandle->next = pCC->AuthzHandleHead; pCC->AuthzHandleHead = pHandle;
*phAccessCheckResults = (AUTHZ_ACCESS_CHECK_RESULTS_HANDLE) pHandle;
Cleanup: if (!b) { AuthzpFreeNonNull(pHandle); SetLastError(RtlNtStatusToDosError(Status)); } return b; }
BOOL AuthzpDefaultAccessCheck( IN AUTHZ_CLIENT_CONTEXT_HANDLE pAuthzClientContext, IN PACE_HEADER pAce, IN PVOID pArgs OPTIONAL, IN OUT PBOOL pbAceApplicable )
Routine description:
This routine is the default function to be used for callback aces if none has been specified by the resource manager.
Returns AceApplicable = TRUE for DENY aces. FALSE for Grant and audit aces.
Arguments: Ignores all arguments other than pAce->AceType.
Return Value:
A value of TRUE is returned if the routine is successful. Otherwise, a value of FALSE is returned. In the failure case, error value may be retrieved using GetLastError().
*pbAceApplicable = FALSE;
*pbAceApplicable = TRUE;
default: SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
Routine description:
This routine decides whether an audit needs to be generated. It is called at the end of the access check.
pCC - Pointer to the client context.
pRequest - Access request specifies the desired access mask, principal self sid, the object type list strucutre (if any).
pAuditEvent - Audit info to be in case we decide to generate an audit.
pSecurityDescriptor - Primary security descriptor to be used for access checks. The owner sid for the object is picked from this one. A NULL DACL in this security descriptor represents a NULL DACL for the entire object. A NULL SACL in this security descriptor is treated the same way as an EMPTY SACL.
OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray - The caller may optionally specify a list of security descriptors. NULL ACLs in these security descriptors are treated as EMPTY ACLS and the ACL for the entire object is the logical concatenation of all the ACLs.
OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount - Number of optional security descriptors This does not include the Primary security descriptor.
pReply - The reply structure holding the results of the access check.
LocalTypeList - Internal object type list structure used to hold intermediate results.
LocalTypeListLength - Length of the array represnting the object.
Return Value:
A value of TRUE is returned if the routine is successful. Otherwise, a value of FALSE is returned. In the failure case, error value may be retrieved using GetLastError().
{ BOOL b = FALSE; BOOL bGenerateAudit = FALSE; BOOL bGenerateSuccessAudit = FALSE; BOOL bGenerateFailureAudit = FALSE;
// if the caller is interested in the whole object
// generate a normal audit
// else
// generate an audit for the entire tree - DS style
if ((1 == pReply->ResultListLength) && (NULL == pRequest->ObjectTypeList)) { b = AuthzpExamineSacl( pCC, pRequest, pSecurityDescriptor, OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray, OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount, pReply, &bGenerateAudit );
if (!b) { return FALSE; }
if (bGenerateAudit) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == pReply->Error[0]) { LocalTypeList->Flags |= AUTHZ_OBJECT_SUCCESS_AUDIT; b = AuthzpCreateAndLogAudit( AUTHZ_OBJECT_SUCCESS_AUDIT, pCC, pAuditEvent, (PAUTHZI_RESOURCE_MANAGER)pCC->pResourceManager, LocalTypeList, pRequest, pReply ); } else { LocalTypeList->Flags |= AUTHZ_OBJECT_FAILURE_AUDIT; b = AuthzpCreateAndLogAudit( AUTHZ_OBJECT_FAILURE_AUDIT, pCC, pAuditEvent, (PAUTHZI_RESOURCE_MANAGER)pCC->pResourceManager, LocalTypeList, pRequest, pReply ); } } } else { b = AuthzpExamineSaclForObjectTypeList( pCC, pRequest, pSecurityDescriptor, OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray, OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount, pReply, LocalTypeList, &bGenerateSuccessAudit, &bGenerateFailureAudit );
if (!b) { return FALSE; }
if (bGenerateSuccessAudit) { b = AuthzpCreateAndLogAudit( AUTHZ_OBJECT_SUCCESS_AUDIT, pCC, pAuditEvent, (PAUTHZI_RESOURCE_MANAGER)pCC->pResourceManager, LocalTypeList, pRequest, pReply ); } if (bGenerateFailureAudit) { b = AuthzpCreateAndLogAudit( AUTHZ_OBJECT_FAILURE_AUDIT, pCC, pAuditEvent, (PAUTHZI_RESOURCE_MANAGER)pCC->pResourceManager, LocalTypeList, pRequest, pReply ); } }
return b; }
BOOL AuthzpExamineSacl( IN PAUTHZI_CLIENT_CONTEXT pCC, IN PAUTHZ_ACCESS_REQUEST pRequest, IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray OPTIONAL, IN DWORD OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount, IN PAUTHZ_ACCESS_REPLY pReply, OUT PBOOL pbGenerateAudit )
Routine description:
This routine loops thru the entire list of security descriptors and call AuthzpExamineSingleSacl for each security descriptor.
Called in one of the following cases: - the caller has not passed in an object type list - the caller has passed in an object type list and asked for access at the root of the tree instead of the whole tree.
pCC - Pointer to the client context.
pRequest - Access request specifies the desired access mask, principal self sid, the object type list strucutre (if any).
pSecurityDescriptor - Primary security descriptor to be used for access checks. The owner sid for the object is picked from this one. A NULL DACL in this security descriptor represents a NULL DACL for the entire object. A NULL SACL in this security descriptor is treated the same way as an EMPTY SACL.
OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray - The caller may optionally specify a list of security descriptors. NULL ACLs in these security descriptors are treated as EMPTY ACLS and the ACL for the entire object is the logical concatenation of all the ACLs.
OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount - Number of optional security descriptors This does not include the Primary security descriptor.
pReply - The reply structure holding the results of the access check.
pbGenerateAudit - To return whether an audit needs to be generated.
Return Value:
A value of TRUE is returned if the routine is successful. Otherwise, a value of FALSE is returned. In the failure case, error value may be retrieved using GetLastError().
{ PACL pAcl = NULL; PSID pOwnerSid = NULL; BOOL b = FALSE; BOOL bMaximumFailed = FALSE; UCHAR AuditMaskType = SUCCESSFUL_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG; ACCESS_MASK AccessMask = 0; DWORD i = 0;
if (0 == pReply->GrantedAccessMask[0]) { AuditMaskType = FAILED_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG;
if (FLAG_ON(pRequest->DesiredAccess, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED)) { bMaximumFailed = TRUE; }
AccessMask = pRequest->DesiredAccess; } else { AccessMask = pReply->GrantedAccessMask[0]; }
pAcl = RtlpSaclAddrSecurityDescriptor((PISECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) pSecurityDescriptor); pOwnerSid = RtlpOwnerAddrSecurityDescriptor((PISECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) pSecurityDescriptor);
b = AuthzpExamineSingleSacl( pCC, pRequest, AccessMask, pAcl, pOwnerSid, AuditMaskType, bMaximumFailed, pReply, pbGenerateAudit );
if (!b) { return FALSE; }
for (i = 0; (i < OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount) && (!*pbGenerateAudit); i++) { pAcl = RtlpSaclAddrSecurityDescriptor((PISECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray[i]);
b = AuthzpExamineSingleSacl( pCC, pRequest, AccessMask, pAcl, pOwnerSid, AuditMaskType, bMaximumFailed, pReply, pbGenerateAudit );
if (!b) { break; } }
return b; }
Routine description:
This routine walk the sacl till we hit an ace that is applicable for the access check result.
pCC - Pointer to the client context.
pRequest - Access request specifies the desired access mask, principal self sid, the object type list structure (if any).
AccessMask - Desired access mask in case of failure, Granted access mask in case of success
pAcl - The sacl against which granted/desired access bits will be matched
pOwnerSid - Need for single instance work later on
pReply - Results of the access check.
AuditMaskType - SUCCESSFUL_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG if access check succeeded FAILED_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG otherwise
bMaximumFailed - Whether the caller asked for MaximumAllowed and access check failed
pbGenerateAudit - To return whether an audit should be generated
Return Value:
A value of TRUE is returned if the routine is successful. Otherwise, a value of FALSE is returned. In the failure case, error value may be retrieved using GetLastError().
{ DWORD AceCount = 0; DWORD i = 0; PVOID Ace = NULL; BOOL bAceApplicable = FALSE; DWORD Ignore = 0; BOOL bIsAnonymous = FALSE;
// Ignore NULL as well as Empty sacls.
if ((!ARGUMENT_PRESENT(pAcl)) || (0 == (AceCount = pAcl->AceCount))) { return TRUE; }
// Check if this is Anonymous. We audit Anonymous when we see an ACE for
// Anonymous as well as Everyone.
if (AUTHZ_EQUAL_SID(pCC->Sids[0].Sid, pAuthzAnonymousSid, AuthzpAnonymousSidLen)) { bIsAnonymous = TRUE; }
for (i = 0, Ace = FirstAce(pAcl); i < AceCount; i++, Ace = NextAce(Ace)) { //
// We are not interested in the ace if one of the following is true
// - inherit only ace
// - AuditMaskType does not match
// - AccessMask has no matching bits with the Mask in the acl and
// we are not looking for a MaximumAllowed failure audit
if (FLAG_ON(((PACE_HEADER) Ace)->AceFlags, INHERIT_ONLY_ACE) || !FLAG_ON(((PACE_HEADER) Ace)->AceFlags, AuditMaskType) || (!FLAG_ON(((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask, AccessMask) && !bMaximumFailed)) { continue; }
switch(((PACE_HEADER) Ace)->AceType) { case SYSTEM_AUDIT_ACE_TYPE:
// Check if the effective ace sid is present in the client context
// and is enabled or enabled for deny only if FAILED_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG
// is on. S-1-5-A is replaced by the principal sid supplied by the
// caller. In future, Creator Owner will be replaced by the owner
// sid in the primary security descriptor.
bAceApplicable = AuthzpSidApplicable( pCC->SidCount, pCC->Sids, pCC->SidHash, AuthzAceSid(Ace), pRequest->PrincipalSelfSid, pOwnerSid, FLAG_ON(((PACE_HEADER) Ace)->AceFlags, FAILED_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG), &Ignore );
// The AceSid may not be directly applicable. However, if the user
// is Anonymous, and the ACE is applicable to Everyone, we use this
// ACE is SACL evaluation.
if (!bAceApplicable) { if (bIsAnonymous) { if (!AUTHZ_EQUAL_SID(AuthzAceSid(Ace), pAuthzEveryoneSid, AuthzpEveryoneSidLen)) { break; } } else { break; }
*pbGenerateAudit = TRUE; if (NULL != pReply->SaclEvaluationResults) { pReply->SaclEvaluationResults[0] |= (pReply->Error[0] == ERROR_SUCCESS ? AUTHZ_GENERATE_SUCCESS_AUDIT : AUTHZ_GENERATE_FAILURE_AUDIT); }
return TRUE;
// Check if the effective ace sid is present in the client context
// and is enabled or enabled for deny only if FAILED_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG
// is on. S-1-5-A is replaced by the principal sid supplied by the
// caller. In future, Creator Owner will be replaced by the owner
// sid in the primary security descriptor.
bAceApplicable = AuthzpSidApplicable( pCC->SidCount, pCC->Sids, pCC->SidHash, AuthzCallbackAceSid(Ace), pRequest->PrincipalSelfSid, pOwnerSid, FLAG_ON(((PACE_HEADER) Ace)->AceFlags, FAILED_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG), &Ignore );
// The AceSid may not be directly applicable. However, if the user
// is Anonymous, and the ACE is applicable to Everyone, we use this
// ACE is SACL evaluation.
if (!bAceApplicable) { if (bIsAnonymous) { if (!AUTHZ_EQUAL_SID(AuthzCallbackAceSid(Ace), pAuthzEveryoneSid, AuthzpEveryoneSidLen)) { break; } } else { break; }
if (!bAceApplicable) { break; }
bAceApplicable = FALSE;
// Make a call to the resource manager to get his opinion. His
// evaluation is returned in bAceApplicalble.
// Note: The return value of the callback is used to decide whether
// the API failed/succeeded. On a failure, we exit out of access
// check. On success, we check the boolean returned by
// bAceApplicable to decide whether to use the current ace.
if (!((*(pCC->pResourceManager->pfnDynamicAccessCheck)) ( (AUTHZ_CLIENT_CONTEXT_HANDLE) pCC, Ace, pRequest->OptionalArguments, &bAceApplicable ))) { return FALSE; }
if (!bAceApplicable) { break; }
*pbGenerateAudit = TRUE; if (NULL != pReply->SaclEvaluationResults) { pReply->SaclEvaluationResults[0] |= (pReply->Error[0] == ERROR_SUCCESS ? AUTHZ_GENERATE_SUCCESS_AUDIT : AUTHZ_GENERATE_FAILURE_AUDIT); }
return TRUE;
default: break; } }
return TRUE; }
BOOL AuthzpExamineSaclForObjectTypeList( IN PAUTHZI_CLIENT_CONTEXT pCC, IN PAUTHZ_ACCESS_REQUEST pRequest, IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray OPTIONAL, IN DWORD OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount, IN OUT PAUTHZ_ACCESS_REPLY pReply, IN OUT PIOBJECT_TYPE_LIST LocalTypeList, OUT PBOOL pbGenerateSuccessAudit, OUT PBOOL pbGenerateFailureAudit )
Routine description:
This routine walks thru the entire list of security descriptors and calls AuthzpExamineSingleSaclForObjectTypeList for each security descriptor. Called when an object type list is passed and the caller has asked for the results at each node.
pCC - Pointer to the client context.
pRequest - Access request specifies the desired access mask, principal self sid, the object type list strucutre (if any).
pSecurityDescriptor - Primary security descriptor to be used for access checks. The owner sid for the object is picked from this one. A NULL DACL in this security descriptor represents a NULL DACL for the entire object. A NULL SACL in this security descriptor is treated the same way as an EMPTY SACL.
OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray - The caller may optionally specify a list of security descriptors. NULL ACLs in these security descriptors are treated as EMPTY ACLS and the ACL for the entire object is the logical concatenation of all the ACLs.
OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount - Number of optional security descriptors This does not include the Primary security descriptor.
pReply - The reply structure to return the results.
LocalTypeList - Internal object type list structure used to hold intermediate results.
LocalTypeListLength - Length of the array represnting the object.
pbGenerateSuccessAudit - Returns whether a success audit should be generated.
pbGenerateFailureAudit - Returns whether a failure audit should be generated.
Return Value:
A value of TRUE is returned if the routine is successful. Otherwise, a value of FALSE is returned. In the failure case, error value may be retrieved using GetLastError().
{ PACL pAcl = NULL; PSID pOwnerSid = NULL; BOOL b = FALSE; DWORD i = 0;
pAcl = RtlpSaclAddrSecurityDescriptor((PISECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) pSecurityDescriptor); pOwnerSid = RtlpOwnerAddrSecurityDescriptor((PISECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) pSecurityDescriptor);
b = AuthzpExamineSingleSaclForObjectTypeList( pCC, pRequest, pAcl, pOwnerSid, pReply, LocalTypeList, pbGenerateSuccessAudit, pbGenerateFailureAudit );
if (!b) { return FALSE; }
for (i = 0; i < OptionalSecurityDescriptorCount; i++) { pAcl = RtlpSaclAddrSecurityDescriptor((PISECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) OptionalSecurityDescriptorArray[i]);
b = AuthzpExamineSingleSaclForObjectTypeList( pCC, pRequest, pAcl, pOwnerSid, pReply, LocalTypeList, pbGenerateSuccessAudit, pbGenerateFailureAudit );
if (!b) { break; } }
return b; }
BOOL AuthzpExamineSingleSaclForObjectTypeList( IN PAUTHZI_CLIENT_CONTEXT pCC, IN PAUTHZ_ACCESS_REQUEST pRequest, IN PACL pAcl, IN PSID pOwnerSid, IN PAUTHZ_ACCESS_REPLY pReply, IN OUT PIOBJECT_TYPE_LIST LocalTypeList, OUT PBOOL pbGenerateSuccessAudit, OUT PBOOL pbGenerateFailureAudit )
Routine description:
This routine walk thru the entire sacl and mark those nodes in the tree that need be dumped to the audit log. It colors the whole subtree including the node at which the ace is applicable. A normal ace is applicable at the root of the tree.
Arguments: pCC - Pointer to the client context to be audited.
pRequest - Access request specifies the desired access mask, principal self sid, the object type list strucutre (if any).
pAcl - Sacl to be used to make the decision about audit generation.
pOwnerSid - The owner sid in the primary security descriptor. This will be needed after we implement single instancing.
pReply - Supplies a pointer to a reply structure used to return the results.
LocalTypeList - Internal object type list structure used to hold intermediate results.
pbGenerateSuccessAudit - Returns whether a success audit should be generated.
pbGenerateFailureAudit - Returns whether a failure audit should be generated.
Return Value:
A value of TRUE is returned if the routine is successful. Otherwise, a value of FALSE is returned. In the failure case, error value may be retrieved using GetLastError().
{ DWORD AceCount = 0; DWORD i = 0; DWORD Ignore = 0; DWORD Index = 0; PVOID Ace = NULL; GUID * ObjectTypeInAce = NULL; BOOL bAceApplicable = FALSE; BOOL bIsAnonymous = FALSE;
// Ignore NULL as well as Empty sacls.
if ((!ARGUMENT_PRESENT(pAcl)) || (0 == (AceCount = pAcl->AceCount))) { return TRUE; }
// Check if this is Anonymous. We audit Anonymous when we see an ACE for
// Anonymous as well as Everyone.
if (AUTHZ_EQUAL_SID(pCC->Sids[0].Sid, pAuthzAnonymousSid, AuthzpAnonymousSidLen)) { bIsAnonymous = TRUE; }
for (i = 0, Ace = FirstAce(pAcl); i < AceCount; i++, Ace = NextAce(Ace)) { //
// Skip INHERIT_ONLY aces.
if (FLAG_ON(((PACE_HEADER) Ace)->AceFlags, INHERIT_ONLY_ACE)) { continue; }
switch(((PACE_HEADER) Ace)->AceType) { case SYSTEM_AUDIT_ACE_TYPE:
// Check if the effective ace sid is present in the client context
// and is enabled or enabled for deny only if FAILED_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG
// is on. S-1-5-A is replaced by the principal sid supplied by the
// caller. In future, Creator Owner will be replaced by the owner
// sid in the primary security descriptor.
bAceApplicable = AuthzpSidApplicable( pCC->SidCount, pCC->Sids, pCC->SidHash, AuthzAceSid(Ace), pRequest->PrincipalSelfSid, pOwnerSid, FLAG_ON(((PACE_HEADER) Ace)->AceFlags, FAILED_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG), &Ignore );
// The AceSid may not be directly applicable. However, if the user
// is Anonymous, and the ACE is applicable to Everyone, we use this
// ACE is SACL evaluation.
if (!bAceApplicable) { if (bIsAnonymous) { if (!AUTHZ_EQUAL_SID(AuthzAceSid(Ace), pAuthzEveryoneSid, AuthzpEveryoneSidLen)) { break; } } else { break; }
// We have found an ace that is applicable. Walk the tree to decide
// if an audit should be generated. Also, mark the nodes that need
// be dumped to the audit log.
AuthzpSetAuditInfoForObjectType( pReply, LocalTypeList, 0, ((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask, pRequest->DesiredAccess, ((PACE_HEADER) Ace)->AceFlags, pbGenerateSuccessAudit, pbGenerateFailureAudit );
// Check if the effective ace sid is present in the client context
// and is enabled or enabled for deny only if FAILED_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG
// is on. S-1-5-A is replaced by the principal sid supplied by the
// caller. In future, Creator Owner will be replaced by the owner
// sid in the primary security descriptor.
bAceApplicable = AuthzpSidApplicable( pCC->SidCount, pCC->Sids, pCC->SidHash, AuthzAceSid(Ace), pRequest->PrincipalSelfSid, pOwnerSid, FLAG_ON(((PACE_HEADER) Ace)->AceFlags, FAILED_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG), &Ignore );
// The AceSid may not be directly applicable. However, if the user
// is Anonymous, and the ACE is applicable to Everyone, we use this
// ACE is SACL evaluation.
if (!bAceApplicable) { if (bIsAnonymous) { if (!AUTHZ_EQUAL_SID(AuthzAceSid(Ace), pAuthzEveryoneSid, AuthzpEveryoneSidLen)) { break; } } else { break; }
bAceApplicable = FALSE;
// Make a call to the resource manager to get his opinion. His
// evaluation is returned in bAceApplicalble.
// Note: The return value of the callback is used to decide whether
// the API failed/succeeded. On a failure, we exit out of access
// check. On success, we check the boolean returned by
// bAceApplicable to decide whether to use the current ace.
if (!((*(pCC->pResourceManager->pfnDynamicAccessCheck)) ( (AUTHZ_CLIENT_CONTEXT_HANDLE) pCC, Ace, pRequest->OptionalArguments, &bAceApplicable ))) { return FALSE; }
if (!bAceApplicable) { break; }
// We have found an ace that is applicable. Walk the tree to decide
// if an audit should be generated. Also, mark the nodes that need
// be dumped to the audit log.
AuthzpSetAuditInfoForObjectType( pReply, LocalTypeList, 0, ((PKNOWN_ACE) Ace)->Mask, pRequest->DesiredAccess, ((PACE_HEADER) Ace)->AceFlags, pbGenerateSuccessAudit, pbGenerateFailureAudit );
// Check if the effective ace sid is present in the client context
// and is enabled or enabled for deny only if FAILED_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG
// is on. S-1-5-A is replaced by the principal sid supplied by the
// caller. In future, Creator Owner will be replaced by the owner
// sid in the primary security descriptor.
bAceApplicable = AuthzpSidApplicable( pCC->SidCount, pCC->Sids, pCC->SidHash, RtlObjectAceSid(Ace), pRequest->PrincipalSelfSid, pOwnerSid, FLAG_ON(((PACE_HEADER) Ace)->AceFlags, FAILED_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG), &Ignore );
// The AceSid may not be directly applicable. However, if the user
// is Anonymous, and the ACE is applicable to Everyone, we use this
// ACE is SACL evaluation.
if (!bAceApplicable) { if (bIsAnonymous) { if (!AUTHZ_EQUAL_SID(RtlObjectAceSid(Ace), pAuthzEveryoneSid, AuthzpEveryoneSidLen)) { break; } } else { break; }
ObjectTypeInAce = RtlObjectAceObjectType(Ace);
Index = 0;
if (AUTHZ_NON_NULL_PTR(ObjectTypeInAce)) { //
// Look for a matching object type guid that matches the one in
// the ace.
if (!AuthzpObjectInTypeList( ObjectTypeInAce, LocalTypeList, pReply->ResultListLength, &Index )) { break; } }
// We have found an ace that is applicable. Walk the tree to decide
// if an audit should be generated. Also, mark the nodes that need
// be dumped to the audit log.
AuthzpSetAuditInfoForObjectType( pReply, LocalTypeList, Index, ((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask, pRequest->DesiredAccess, ((PACE_HEADER) Ace)->AceFlags, pbGenerateSuccessAudit, pbGenerateFailureAudit );
// Check if the effective ace sid is present in the client context
// and is enabled or enabled for deny only if FAILED_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG
// is on. S-1-5-A is replaced by the principal sid supplied by the
// caller. In future, Creator Owner will be replaced by the owner
// sid in the primary security descriptor.
bAceApplicable = AuthzpSidApplicable( pCC->SidCount, pCC->Sids, pCC->SidHash, AuthzObjectAceSid(Ace), pRequest->PrincipalSelfSid, pOwnerSid, FLAG_ON(((PACE_HEADER) Ace)->AceFlags, FAILED_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG), &Ignore );
// The AceSid may not be directly applicable. However, if the user
// is Anonymous, and the ACE is applicable to Everyone, we use this
// ACE is SACL evaluation.
if (!bAceApplicable) { if (bIsAnonymous) { if (!AUTHZ_EQUAL_SID(AuthzObjectAceSid(Ace), pAuthzEveryoneSid, AuthzpEveryoneSidLen)) { break; } } else { break; }
bAceApplicable = FALSE;
// Make a call to the resource manager to get his opinion. His
// evaluation is returned in bAceApplicalble.
// Note: The return value of the callback is used to decide whether
// the API failed/succeeded. On a failure, we exit out of access
// check. On success, we check the boolean returned by
// bAceApplicable to decide whether to use the current ace.
if (!((*(pCC->pResourceManager->pfnDynamicAccessCheck)) ( (AUTHZ_CLIENT_CONTEXT_HANDLE) pCC, Ace, pRequest->OptionalArguments, &bAceApplicable ))) { return FALSE; }
if (!bAceApplicable) { break; }
ObjectTypeInAce = RtlObjectAceObjectType(Ace);
Index = 0;
if (AUTHZ_NON_NULL_PTR(ObjectTypeInAce)) { //
// Look for a matching object type guid that matches the one in
// the ace.
if (!AuthzpObjectInTypeList( ObjectTypeInAce, LocalTypeList, pReply->ResultListLength, &Index )) { break; } }
// We have found an ace that is applicable. Walk the tree to decide
// if an audit should be generated. Also, mark the nodes that need
// be dumped to the audit log.
AuthzpSetAuditInfoForObjectType( pReply, LocalTypeList, Index, ((PKNOWN_OBJECT_ACE) Ace)->Mask, pRequest->DesiredAccess, ((PACE_HEADER) Ace)->AceFlags, pbGenerateSuccessAudit, pbGenerateFailureAudit );
default: break; } }
return TRUE; }
VOID AuthzpSetAuditInfoForObjectType( IN PAUTHZ_ACCESS_REPLY pReply, IN OUT PIOBJECT_TYPE_LIST LocalTypeList, IN DWORD StartIndex, IN ACCESS_MASK AceAccessMask, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccessMask, IN UCHAR AceFlags, OUT PBOOL pbGenerateSuccessAudit, OUT PBOOL pbGenerateFailureAudit )
Routine description:
This routine propagates the audit decision up and down the subtree starting at StartIndex.
pReply - This has been filled by access check at this point. We just read the values to make audit decision.
LocalTypeList - Decision to audit a node is stored into Flags corresponding member of this array.
StartIndex - The index in the array at which the coloring should start.
AceAccessMask - Access mask in the audit ace.
DesiredAccessMask - Desired access mask in the access request.
AceFlags - AceFlags member of the ace header. We are interested in the audit flags.
pbGenerateSuccessAudit - Returns whether a success audit should be generated.
pbGenerateFailureAudit - Returns whether a failure audit should be generated.
Return Value:
{ DWORD i = StartIndex; LONG ParentIndex; LONG ChildIndex;
do { //
// ChildIndex will always be the index of the last object in the list
// that we examined.
ChildIndex = i;
// Store the decision to audit in the local type list if there is a
// match of access bits.
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == pReply->Error[i]) { if (FLAG_ON(AceFlags, SUCCESSFUL_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG) && FLAG_ON(pReply->GrantedAccessMask[i], AceAccessMask)) { *pbGenerateSuccessAudit = TRUE; LocalTypeList[i].Flags |= AUTHZ_OBJECT_SUCCESS_AUDIT; if (NULL != pReply->SaclEvaluationResults) { pReply->SaclEvaluationResults[i] |= AUTHZ_GENERATE_SUCCESS_AUDIT; } } } else { //
// Failure audit is generated even if the bits do not match if the
// caller asked for MAXIMUM_ALLOWED.
if (FLAG_ON(AceFlags, FAILED_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG) && FLAG_ON(DesiredAccessMask, (AceAccessMask | MAXIMUM_ALLOWED))) { *pbGenerateFailureAudit = TRUE; LocalTypeList[i].Flags |= AUTHZ_OBJECT_FAILURE_AUDIT; if (NULL != pReply->SaclEvaluationResults) { pReply->SaclEvaluationResults[i] |= AUTHZ_GENERATE_FAILURE_AUDIT; } }
// Stop the traversal when the list is exhausted or when we have hit a
// sibling of the starting node.
} while ((i < pReply->ResultListLength) && (LocalTypeList[i].Level > LocalTypeList[StartIndex].Level));
// Now propagate the audit bits up through to the parents.
for (ChildIndex; ChildIndex > 0; ChildIndex--) { ParentIndex = LocalTypeList[ChildIndex].ParentIndex; LocalTypeList[ParentIndex].Flags |= LocalTypeList[ChildIndex].Flags; if (pReply->SaclEvaluationResults) { pReply->SaclEvaluationResults[ParentIndex] |= pReply->SaclEvaluationResults[ChildIndex]; } } }
Routine description:
This routine verifies arguments for the cached access check call.
pAH - Pointer to the authz handle structure.
pRequest - Access request specifies the desired access mask, principal self sid, the object type list strucutre (if any).
pReply - Supplies a pointer to a reply structure used to return the results
Return Value:
A value of TRUE is returned if the routine is successful. Otherwise, a value of FALSE is returned. In the failure case, error value may be retrieved using GetLastError().
// The caller can specify one of the two values for Reply->ResultListLength
// a. 1 - representing the whole object.
// b. pRequest->ObjectTypeListLength - for every node in the type list.
if ((1 != pReply->ResultListLength) && (pReply->ResultListLength != pRequest->ObjectTypeListLength)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
VOID AuthzpFillReplyStructureFromCachedGrantedAccessMask( IN OUT PAUTHZ_ACCESS_REPLY pReply, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, IN PACCESS_MASK GrantedAccessMask )
Routine description:
This routine fills the reply structure from the granted access mask array in the cache.
pReply - The reply structure to fill.
DesiredAccess - Access mask desired.
GrantedAccessMask - Array of granted masks from the cache.
Return Value:
{ DWORD i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < pReply->ResultListLength; i++) { if (FLAG_ON(DesiredAccess, ~(GrantedAccessMask[i]))) { pReply->GrantedAccessMask[i] = 0; pReply->Error[i] = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; } else { pReply->GrantedAccessMask[i] = DesiredAccess; pReply->Error[i] = ERROR_SUCCESS; } } }
Routine Description
This references an AUTHZ_AUDIT_EVENT_TYPE_HANDLE. The handle is referenced whenever it is used in a situation where it will be 'unused.' For instance, when an audit is placed on the audit queue, we reference hAET. When we take that audit off of the queue, we deref hAET. This allows the user to not have to concern himself with sync issues revolving around the implementation of the hAET. Arguments
hAET - the AUTHZ_AUDIT_EVENT_TYPE_HANDLE to reference. Return Value
Boolean: TRUE on success, FALSE on fail. Extended information is available with GetLastError(). --*/
Routine Description
Dereferences and AUTHZ_AUDIT_EVENT_TYPE_HANDLE. Arguments
hAET - handle to dereference.
Return Value
Boolean: TRUE on success, FALSE on fail. Extended information is available with GetLastError(). --*/
Refs = InterlockedDecrement(&pAAETO->RefCount); ASSERT(Refs >= 0);
if (Refs == 0) { b = AuthzpUnregisterAuditEvent((PAUDIT_HANDLE)&(pAAETO->hAudit));
// If we fail because the server is busy, then try once more.
// We don't want to sit here forever, however.
if (!b && (RPC_S_SERVER_TOO_BUSY == GetLastError())) { Sleep(10000); b = AuthzpUnregisterAuditEvent((PAUDIT_HANDLE)&(pAAETO->hAudit)); }
// Don't assert if the server was simply too busy (which usually
// indicates that we are shutting down).
if (!b && (RPC_S_SERVER_TOO_BUSY != GetLastError())) { ASSERT(L"AuthzpUnregisterAuditEvent failed for reason != server busy" && FALSE); } AuthzpFree(hAET); }
return b; }
BOOL AuthzpEveryoneIncludesAnonymous( OUT PBOOL pbInclude )
Routine Description:
This routine checks to see if we should include Everyone Sid in Anonymous contexts. The reg key under system\currentcontrolset\Control\Lsa\ AnonymousIncludesEveryone indicates whether or not to include the group. If the value is zero (or doesn't exist), we restrict Anonymous context by not giving it the Everyone Sid.
bInclude - TRUE if Everyone Sid should be in the context, false otherwise.
Return Value:
Boolean: TRUE on success, FALSE on fail. Extended information is available with GetLastError(). --*/ { NTSTATUS NtStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; UNICODE_STRING KeyName = {0}; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes = {0}; HANDLE KeyHandle = NULL; UCHAR Buffer[100]; PKEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION KeyValueInformation = (PKEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION) Buffer; ULONG KeyValueLength = 100; ULONG ResultLength = 0; PULONG Flag = NULL; BOOL b = TRUE;
*pbInclude = FALSE;
// Open the Lsa key in the registry
RtlInitUnicodeString( &KeyName, L"\\Registry\\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Lsa" );
InitializeObjectAttributes( &ObjectAttributes, &KeyName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, 0, NULL );
NtStatus = NtOpenKey( &KeyHandle, KEY_READ, &ObjectAttributes );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { b = FALSE; goto Cleanup; }
RtlInitUnicodeString( &KeyName, L"EveryoneIncludesAnonymous" );
NtStatus = NtQueryValueKey( KeyHandle, &KeyName, KeyValuePartialInformation, KeyValueInformation, KeyValueLength, &ResultLength );
if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) {
// Check that the data is the correct size and type - a ULONG.
if ((KeyValueInformation->DataLength >= sizeof(ULONG)) && (KeyValueInformation->Type == REG_DWORD)) {
Flag = (PULONG) KeyValueInformation->Data;
if (*Flag != 0 ) { *pbInclude = TRUE; } }
} NtClose(KeyHandle);
return b; }
BOOL AuthzpConstructRegistryPolicyPerUserAuditing( IN PTOKEN_AUDIT_POLICY pPolicy, OUT PULONGLONG pRegPolicy )
Routine Description:
This constructs a per user policy suitable for setting in the registry key. Arguments:
pPolicy - the policy to convert into the registry setting. pRegPolicy - the registry format of the policy. Return Value:
Boolean: TRUE on success, FALSE on fail. Extended information is available with GetLastError(). **/
{ ULONG i; ULONGLONG RegPolicy = 0; DWORD PolicyBits; DWORD Category;
*pRegPolicy = 0;
// For each policy entry in the array, extract the 4 legal policy bits
// and place them in the proper nibble in the 64bit registry policy.
for (i = 0; i < pPolicy->PolicyCount; i++) { PolicyBits = pPolicy->Policy[i].PolicyMask; Category = pPolicy->Policy[i].Category; ASSERT(Category <= POLICY_AUDIT_EVENT_TYPE_COUNT);
if (Category > POLICY_AUDIT_EVENT_TYPE_COUNT) { return FALSE; } //
// 4 bits per category.
RegPolicy |= ((ULONGLONG)PolicyBits << (4 * Category)); }
*pRegPolicy = RegPolicy;
return TRUE; }
BOOL AuthzpConstructPolicyPerUserAuditing( IN ULONGLONG RawPolicy, OUT PTOKEN_AUDIT_POLICY pTokenPolicy, IN OUT PULONG TokenPolicyLength )
Routine Description
This constructs a human parsable audit policy (policy appropriate for passing to NtSetTokenInformation). It converts the raw registry policy into a TOKEN_AUDIT_POLICY. Arguments
RawPolicy - a 64 bit quantity describing a user's audit policy settings. pTokenPolicy - points to memory that receives a more presentable form of the RawPolicy. TokenPolicyLength - The length of the pTokenPolicy buffer. Receives the necessary length in the case that the buffer is insufficient.
Return Value
Appropriate NTSTATUS value.
{ ULONG i; ULONG j; ULONG PolicyBits; ULONG CategoryCount; ULONG LengthNeeded; //
// First calculate the number of category settings in the RawPolicy
// This will reveal if we have enough space to construct the pTokenPolicy.
for (CategoryCount = 0, i = 0; i < POLICY_AUDIT_EVENT_TYPE_COUNT; i++) { if ((RawPolicy >> (4 * i)) & VALID_AUDIT_POLICY_BITS) { CategoryCount++; } }
// Check if the passed buffer is large enough.
if (*TokenPolicyLength < LengthNeeded) { *TokenPolicyLength = LengthNeeded; SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); return FALSE; }
*TokenPolicyLength = LengthNeeded;
// Build the policy.
pTokenPolicy->PolicyCount = CategoryCount;
for (j = 0, i = 0; i < POLICY_AUDIT_EVENT_TYPE_COUNT; i++) { PolicyBits = (ULONG)((RawPolicy >> (4 * i)) & VALID_AUDIT_POLICY_BITS); if (PolicyBits) { pTokenPolicy->Policy[j].Category = i; pTokenPolicy->Policy[j].PolicyMask = PolicyBits; j++; } }
return TRUE; }
BOOL AuthzpInitializeAuditParamsV( IN DWORD dwFlags, OUT PAUDIT_PARAMS pParams, IN OUT PSID* ppUserSid, IN PCWSTR SubsystemName, IN USHORT AuditId, IN USHORT NumParams, IN va_list arglist ) /*++
Routine Description:
Initialize the AUDIT_PARAMS structure based on the passed data.
dwFlags - control flags. one or more of the following: APF_AuditSuccess AUTHZP_INIT_PARAMS_SKIP_HEADER AUTHZP_INIT_PARAMS_SOURCE_INFO pParams - pointer to AUDIT_PARAMS structure to be initialized the size of pParams->Parameters member must be big enough to hold NumParams elements. The caller must allocate memory for this structure and its members.
ppUserSid - pointer to user sid. This sid is referenced by the first parameter (index 0) in AUDIT_PARAMS structure. If dwFlags contains the AUTHZP_INIT_PARAMS_SKIP_HEADER flag, this parameter is completely ignored. If a NULL sid is passed in, the function will allocate the sid. The caller should free this by calling LocalFree *after* freeing the AUDIT_PARAMS structure. If a non-NULL sid is passed in the function will just use the passed-in value and not allocate anything..
SubsystemName - name of Subsystem that is generating audit
ap - The format of the variable arg portion is as follows: <one of APT_ * flags> <zero or more values>
APT_String <pointer to null terminated string>
Flags: AP_Filespec : treats the string as a filename APT_Ulong <ulong value> [<object-type-index>] Flags: AP_FormatHex : number appears in hex in eventlog AP_AccessMask: number is treated as an access-mask Index to object type must follow
APT_Pointer <pointer/handle> 32 bit on 32 bit systems and 64 bit on 64 bit systems
APT_Sid <pointer to sid>
APT_Luid <Luid> APT_Guid <pointer to guid> APT_LogonId [<logon-id>] Flags: AP_PrimaryLogonId : logon-id is captured from the process token. No need to specify one.
AP_ClientLogonId : logon-id is captured from the thread token. No need to specify one. no flags : need to supply a logon-id
APT_ObjectTypeList <ptr to obj type list> <obj-type-index> Index to object type must be specified
APT_Time <filetime>
Return Value: TRUE on success FALSE otherwise
call GetLastError() to retrieve the errorcode, which will be one of the following:
ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER if one of the params is incorrect
{ DWORD dwError = NO_ERROR; BOOL fResult = TRUE; USHORT i; AUDIT_PARAM_TYPE ParamType; AUDIT_PARAM* pParam; LUID Luid; LUID AuthIdThread = {0}; LUID AuthIdProcess = {0}; BOOL bGotTokenInfo = FALSE; BOOL bGotThreadTokenInfo = FALSE; BOOL fImpersonating=TRUE; FILETIME FileTime; ULONG TypeFlags; ULONG ParamFlags; ULONG ObjectTypeIndex; ULONG ObjectTypeIndexAdjustment = 0; PSID pUserSid = NULL; if (!FLAG_ON(dwFlags, AUTHZP_INIT_PARAMS_SKIP_HEADER)) { //
// the first two params are always fixed. thus the total number
// is 2 + the passed number.
if (*ppUserSid == NULL) { if (!AuthzpGetThreadTokenInfo( &pUserSid, &AuthIdThread )) { dwError = GetLastError();
if (dwError == ERROR_NO_TOKEN) { fImpersonating = FALSE; dwError = NO_ERROR; } else { goto Cleanup; } }
bGotThreadTokenInfo = TRUE;
if (!fImpersonating) { if (!AuthzpGetProcessTokenInfo( &pUserSid, &AuthIdProcess )) { dwError = GetLastError(); goto Cleanup; }
bGotTokenInfo = TRUE; } }
pParams->Length = 0; pParams->Count = NumParams+AUTHZP_NUM_FIXED_HEADER_PARAMS; pParam = pParams->Parameters; pParams->Flags = dwFlags & APF_ValidFlags; // strip out any flags that were intended for this API's
// consumption (AUTHZP_INIT_PARAMS_*)
// the first param is always the sid of the user in thread token
// if thread is not impersonating, sid in the primary token is used.
pParam->Type = APT_Sid; pParam->Data0 = (ULONG_PTR) (pUserSid ? pUserSid : *ppUserSid);
// the second param is always the sub-system name "Security"
pParam->Type = APT_String; if (FLAG_ON(dwFlags, AUTHZP_INIT_PARAMS_SOURCE_DS)) { pParam->Data0 = (ULONG_PTR) L"DS"; } else { pParam->Data0 = (ULONG_PTR) L"Security"; }
// Since we have prepended 2 parameters, any ObjectTypeIndex calculation
// must reflect this offset.
ObjectTypeIndexAdjustment += 2; } else { //
// We are not initializing the params with the first 2 params
// as the SID and the Security string.
pParams->Length = 0; pParams->Count = NumParams; pParam = pParams->Parameters; pParams->Flags = dwFlags & APF_ValidFlags; // strip out any flags that were intended for this API's
// consumption (AUTHZP_INIT_PARAMS_*)
// Create information for eventlog to parse this event properly.
// We prepend 4 parameters to the final AUDIT_PARAMS structure.
pParam->Type = APT_String; pParam->Data0 = (ULONG_PTR) SubsystemName; pParams->Count++; pParam++;
pParam->Type = APT_Ulong; pParam->Data0 = (ULONG_PTR) AuditId; pParams->Count++; pParam++;
// Since we have prepended 2 parameters, any ObjectTypeIndex calculation
// must reflect this offset.
ObjectTypeIndexAdjustment += 2; }
// now initialize the rest using the var-arg portion
for (i = 0; i < NumParams; i++, pParam++) { TypeFlags = va_arg(arglist, ULONG);
ParamType = ApExtractType(TypeFlags); ParamFlags = ApExtractFlags(TypeFlags); pParam->Type = ParamType;
switch( ParamType ) { default: dwError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; case APT_Pointer: case APT_String: case APT_Sid: case APT_Guid: pParam->Data0 = (ULONG_PTR) va_arg(arglist, PVOID); break; case APT_Ulong: pParam->Data0 = va_arg(arglist, ULONG);
// in case of an access-mask, store the object-type index
// This is because, the meaning of the access-mask bits
// cannot be determined without knowing the object type.
if (ParamFlags & AP_AccessMask) { ObjectTypeIndex = va_arg(arglist, ULONG); //
// The object-type-index:
// - must have been specified earlier
// - must be specified as a string.
if ( ( ObjectTypeIndex >= i ) || ( pParams->Parameters[ObjectTypeIndex].Type != APT_String ) ) { dwError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { pParam->Data1 = ObjectTypeIndex + ObjectTypeIndexAdjustment; } } pParam->Flags = ParamFlags; break; case APT_Luid: Luid = va_arg(arglist, LUID); pParam->Data0 = Luid.LowPart; pParam->Data1 = Luid.HighPart; break; case APT_LogonId: if (ParamFlags & AP_PrimaryLogonId) { //
// use the captured process token info
if (!bGotTokenInfo) { if (!AuthzpGetProcessTokenInfo( NULL, &AuthIdProcess )) { dwError = GetLastError(); goto Cleanup; } bGotTokenInfo = TRUE; } pParam->Data0 = AuthIdProcess.LowPart; pParam->Data1 = AuthIdProcess.HighPart; } else if (ParamFlags & AP_ClientLogonId) { //
// use the captured thread token info
if (!bGotThreadTokenInfo) { if (!AuthzpGetThreadTokenInfo( NULL, &AuthIdThread )) { dwError = GetLastError();
if (dwError == ERROR_NO_TOKEN) { fImpersonating = FALSE; dwError = NO_ERROR; } else { goto Cleanup; } }
bGotThreadTokenInfo = TRUE; } pParam->Data0 = AuthIdThread.LowPart; pParam->Data1 = AuthIdThread.HighPart; } else { //
// no flag is specified, use the supplied logon-id
Luid = va_arg(arglist, LUID); pParam->Data0 = Luid.LowPart; pParam->Data1 = Luid.HighPart; } break;
case APT_ObjectTypeList: pParam->Data0 = (ULONG_PTR) va_arg(arglist, AUDIT_OBJECT_TYPES*); //
// index of object type
pParam->Data1 = va_arg(arglist, ULONG) + ObjectTypeIndexAdjustment; break;
case APT_Time: FileTime = va_arg(arglist, FILETIME); pParam->Data0 = FileTime.dwLowDateTime; pParam->Data1 = FileTime.dwHighDateTime; break; }
if (dwError != NO_ERROR) { break; } }
if ( dwError != NO_ERROR ) { SetLastError( dwError ); fResult = FALSE;
if (pUserSid) { AuthzpFree(pUserSid); } } else { if (ppUserSid && *ppUserSid == NULL) { *ppUserSid = pUserSid; } }
return fResult; }