Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Routines implementing a cache of domains and the DC for that domain.
Cliff Van Dyke (cliffv) 29-June-2001
#include "pch.hxx"
#include <dsgetdc.h>
#include <lmcons.h>
#include <lmapibuf.h>
#include <windns.h>
// Structure definitions
// A cached domain
typedef struct _AZP_DOMAIN {
// Link to the next domain for this AzAuthorizationStore
// Access is serialized by the AzAuthorizationStore->DomainCritSect
// Reference count in this structure
// Access is serialized by Interlocked increment/decrement
LONG ReferenceCount;
// Name of the domain represented by this structure
// Access is serialized by the AZP_DOMAIN->DomainCritSect
// In the case of InitializeFromName we do not have the DNS domain name.
// The boolean is used to distinguish the two cases.
AZP_STRING DomainName; BOOLEAN IsDnsDomainName;
// A DCs in that domain
// Access is serialized by the AZP_DOMAIN->DomainCritSect
// A boolean indicating that the domain is down and the time when it went down.
// Access is serialized by the AZP_DOMAIN->DomainCritSect
BOOLEAN DomainIsDown; LARGE_INTEGER DomainDownStartTime;
PVOID AzpReferenceDomain( IN PAZP_AZSTORE AzAuthorizationStore, IN LPWSTR DomainName, IN BOOLEAN IsDnsDomainName ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine finds the domain structure for a domain. If none exists, it is allocated.
AzAuthorizationStore - The AzAuthorizationStore object for the authz policy database.
DomainName - Name of the domain being referenced.
IsDnsDomainName - Whether this is really a DNS Domain name or NetBios Name. When we have a token avalaible we have the DNS Domain name. If not, in the case in which we have initialized the context from Name we only have a NetBios name.
Return Value:
Returns a pointer to the referenced domain object. The pointer must be dereference by calling AzpDereferenceDomain.
NULL: memory could not be allocated for the domain.
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status; PAZP_DOMAIN Domain = NULL; PLIST_ENTRY ListEntry; AZP_STRING DomainNameString;
// Initialization
ASSERT( AzAuthorizationStore->GenericObject.ObjectType == OBJECT_TYPE_AZAUTHSTORE ); ASSERT( AzAuthorizationStore->DomainCritSectInitialized );
AzpInitString( &DomainNameString, DomainName ); SafeEnterCriticalSection( &AzAuthorizationStore->DomainCritSect );
// Walk the list finding an existing domain.
for ( ListEntry = AzAuthorizationStore->Domains.Flink ; ListEntry != &AzAuthorizationStore->Domains ; ListEntry = ListEntry->Flink) {
Domain = CONTAINING_RECORD( ListEntry, AZP_DOMAIN, Next );
if ( AzpEqualStrings( &DomainNameString, &Domain->DomainName )) {
// Reference the domain
InterlockedIncrement( &Domain->ReferenceCount ); AzPrint(( AZD_DOMREF, "0x%lx %ws (%ld): Domain ref\n", Domain, Domain->DomainName.String, Domain->ReferenceCount ));
// Move it to the front of the list
RemoveEntryList( &Domain->Next ); InsertHeadList( &AzAuthorizationStore->Domains, &Domain->Next );
break; }
Domain = NULL; }
// If we didn't find one,
// allocate one.
if ( Domain == NULL ) {
Domain = (PAZP_DOMAIN) AzpAllocateHeap( sizeof(AZP_DOMAIN) + DomainNameString.StringSize, "DMDOM" );
if ( Domain != NULL ) {
// Initialize the domain
RtlZeroMemory( Domain, sizeof(*Domain) );
// Initialize the client context critical section
Status = SafeInitializeCriticalSection( &Domain->DomainCritSect, SAFE_DOMAIN );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { AzpFreeHeap( Domain ); Domain = NULL;
} else {
RtlCopyMemory( (Domain+1), DomainNameString.String, DomainNameString.StringSize );
Domain->DomainName = DomainNameString; Domain->DomainName.String = (LPWSTR)(Domain+1); Domain->IsDnsDomainName = IsDnsDomainName;
// One to return to the caller.
// One for being in the linked list
Domain->ReferenceCount = 2;
InsertHeadList( &AzAuthorizationStore->Domains, &Domain->Next ); }
} }
SafeLeaveCriticalSection( &AzAuthorizationStore->DomainCritSect ); return (PVOID) Domain; }
VOID AzpDereferenceDomain( IN PVOID DomainHandle ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine decrements the reference count on the domain object. If the reference count reaches zero, the object is deleted.
DomainHandle - Handle to the domain to dereference
Return Value:
--*/ { PAZP_DOMAIN Domain = (PAZP_DOMAIN) DomainHandle; ULONG RefCount;
// Decrement the reference count
RefCount = InterlockedDecrement( &Domain->ReferenceCount ); AzPrint(( AZD_DOMREF, "0x%lx %ws (%ld): Domain deref\n", Domain, Domain->DomainName.String, Domain->ReferenceCount ));
// If the object is no longer referenced,
// delete it.
if ( RefCount == 0 ) {
if ( Domain->Dc != NULL ) { AzpDereferenceDc( Domain->Dc ); }
SafeDeleteCriticalSection( &Domain->DomainCritSect ); AzpFreeHeap( Domain );
} }
VOID AzpUnlinkDomains( IN PAZP_AZSTORE AzAuthorizationStore ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine unlinks all of the domains from the AzAuthorizationStore.
AzAuthorizationStore - The AzAuthorizationStore object for the authz policy database.
Return Value:
--*/ {
// Initialization
ASSERT( AzAuthorizationStore->GenericObject.ObjectType == OBJECT_TYPE_AZAUTHSTORE ); ASSERT( AzAuthorizationStore->DomainCritSectInitialized ); SafeEnterCriticalSection( &AzAuthorizationStore->DomainCritSect );
// Free the list of domains
while ( !IsListEmpty( &AzAuthorizationStore->Domains ) ) { PLIST_ENTRY ListEntry; PAZP_DOMAIN Domain;
// Remove the entry from the list
ListEntry = RemoveHeadList( &AzAuthorizationStore->Domains );
Domain = CONTAINING_RECORD( ListEntry, AZP_DOMAIN, Next );
ASSERT( Domain->ReferenceCount == 1 ); AzpDereferenceDomain( Domain );
SafeLeaveCriticalSection( &AzAuthorizationStore->DomainCritSect ); }
DWORD AzpLdapErrorToWin32Error( IN ULONG LdapStatus ) /*++
Routine Description:
Map Ldap Error to Win 32 error.
Be a little bit more specific than LdapMapErrorToWin32
LdapStatus - LdapStatus code to map.
Return Value:
Corresponding win 32 status code
--*/ {
// Return a consistent status code for DC down
switch ( LdapStatus ) { case LDAP_SERVER_DOWN : case LDAP_UNAVAILABLE : case LDAP_BUSY: return ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN;
default: return LdapMapErrorToWin32( LdapStatus ); } }
DWORD AzpAllocateDc( IN PAZP_STRING DcName, OUT PAZP_DC *RetDc ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine allocates a PAZP_DC structure and binds to the DC
DcName - Name of the Dc to allocate the structure for
RetDc - Returns a pointer to a structure representing a DC. The caller should dereference this structure by calling AzpDereferenceDc
Return Value:
Status of the operation:
NO_ERROR: a DcName has been returned. The caller should try the named DC. If the DC is expected to be down, the caller should call this routine again.
ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN: No DC could be found.
Others: resource errors. etc.
--*/ { DWORD WinStatus; PAZP_DC Dc = NULL;
ULONG LdapStatus; LDAP *LdapHandle = NULL;
// Initialize the LDAP connection
LdapHandle = ldap_init( DcName->String, LDAP_PORT );
if ( LdapHandle == NULL ) { LdapStatus = LdapGetLastError(); AzPrint(( AZD_ACCESS, "AzpAllocateDc: ldap_init failed on %ws: %ld: %s\n", DcName->String, LdapStatus, ldap_err2stringA( LdapStatus )));
WinStatus = AzpLdapErrorToWin32Error( LdapStatus ); goto Cleanup; }
// Set our default options
WinStatus = AzpADSetDefaultLdapOptions( LdapHandle, DcName->String );
if (WinStatus != NO_ERROR) { AzPrint(( AZD_AD, "AzpAllocateDc: AzpADSetDefaultLdapOptions failed on %ws: %ld\n", DcName->String, WinStatus ));
goto Cleanup; }
// Bind to the DC
LdapStatus = ldap_bind_s( LdapHandle, NULL, // No DN of account to authenticate as
NULL, // Default credentials
if ( LdapStatus != LDAP_SUCCESS ) {
AzPrint(( AZD_ACCESS, "AzpAllocateDc: ldap_bind failed on %ws: %ld: %s\n", DcName->String, LdapStatus, ldap_err2stringA( LdapStatus )));
WinStatus = AzpLdapErrorToWin32Error(LdapStatus); goto Cleanup; }
// Allocate the structure
Dc = (PAZP_DC) AzpAllocateHeap( sizeof(AZP_DC) + DcName->StringSize, "DMDC" );
if ( Dc == NULL ) { WinStatus = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto Cleanup; }
// Fill it in
RtlCopyMemory( (Dc+1), DcName->String, DcName->StringSize );
Dc->DcName = *DcName; Dc->DcName.String = (LPWSTR)(Dc+1);
Dc->LdapHandle = LdapHandle; LdapHandle = NULL;
// One to return to the caller.
Dc->ReferenceCount = 1; AzPrint(( AZD_DOMREF, "0x%lx %ws (%ld): DC Allocaote\n", Dc, Dc->DcName.String, Dc->ReferenceCount ));
// Return it to the caller
*RetDc = Dc; Dc = NULL; WinStatus = NO_ERROR;
Cleanup: if ( LdapHandle != NULL ) { LdapStatus = ldap_unbind( LdapHandle );
ASSERT( LdapStatus == LDAP_SUCCESS ); } return WinStatus; }
DWORD AzpGetDc( IN PAZP_AZSTORE AzAuthorizationStore, IN PVOID DomainHandle, IN OUT PULONG Context, OUT PAZP_DC *RetDc ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine returns the DC for the domain represented by DomainHandle.
AzAuthorizationStore - The AzAuthorizationStore object for the authz policy database.
DomainHandle - A handle to the domain to find a DC for
Context - Specifies the context indicating how hard this routine has tried to find a DC. The caller should call the routine in a loop. On the first call, the caller should pass in a pointer DWORD set to zero. On subsequent calls, the caller should pass in the value returned on the previous pass.
RetDc - Returns a pointer to a structure representing a DC. The caller should dereference this structure by calling AzpDereferenceDc
Return Value:
Status of the operation:
NO_ERROR: a DcName has been returned. The caller should try the named DC. If the DC is expected to be down, the caller should call this routine again.
ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN: No DC could be found.
Others: resource errors. etc.
--*/ { DWORD WinStatus;
PAZP_DOMAIN Domain = (PAZP_DOMAIN) DomainHandle; ULONG DsGetDcFlags;
PDOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO DomainControllerInfo = NULL; AZP_STRING CapturedString;
// Initialization
ASSERT( AzAuthorizationStore->GenericObject.ObjectType == OBJECT_TYPE_AZAUTHSTORE ); ASSERT( AzAuthorizationStore->DomainCritSectInitialized );
AzpInitString( &CapturedString, NULL ); SafeEnterCriticalSection( &Domain->DomainCritSect ); *RetDc = NULL;
// If the domain is down,
// check to see if it is time to try again.
if ( Domain->DomainIsDown ) {
// If we haven't waited long enough,
// fail immediately.
if ( !AzpTimeHasElapsed( &Domain->DomainDownStartTime, AzAuthorizationStore->DomainTimeout ) ) {
WinStatus = ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN; goto Cleanup;
// If we have waited long enough,
// try again to find a DC.
if ( Domain->Dc != NULL ) { AzpDereferenceDc( Domain->Dc ); // No use trying this stale DC
Domain->Dc = NULL; } Domain->DomainIsDown = FALSE; }
// Loop through the various states internally so our caller doesn't need to
for ( ; *Context <= 2 ; (*Context)++ ) {
// If this is the first call,
// return the cached DC name.
if ( *Context == 0 ) {
// If there is no cached value,
// continue the loop to look harder.
if ( Domain->Dc == NULL ) { continue; }
// On the second call, use DsGetDcName.
// On the third call, use DsGetDcName withforce.
} else {
if (Domain->IsDnsDomainName) { DsGetDcFlags = DS_IS_DNS_NAME | DS_IP_REQUIRED; } else {; //
// Make sure that this is NT5 domain or higher.
// Free the values from the previous iteration
if ( DomainControllerInfo != NULL ) { NetApiBufferFree( DomainControllerInfo ); DomainControllerInfo = NULL; }
if ( Dc != NULL ) { AzpDereferenceDc( Dc ); Dc = NULL; }
AzpFreeString( &CapturedString );
// Find a DC in the user's account domain
WinStatus = DsGetDcName( NULL, Domain->DomainName.String, NULL, // No guid
NULL, // No site,
DsGetDcFlags, &DomainControllerInfo );
if ( WinStatus != NO_ERROR ) {
// If the DC is down,
// DsGetDcName never lies,
// but map obnoxious status codes to a more likeable one
if ( WinStatus == WSAEHOSTUNREACH || WinStatus == ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN ) {
break; } goto Cleanup; }
// Capture the DC name into a string structure.
AzpFreeString( &CapturedString );
WinStatus = AzpCaptureString( &CapturedString, DomainControllerInfo->DomainControllerName + 2, DNS_MAX_NAME_LENGTH, FALSE ); // Null not OK
if ( WinStatus != NO_ERROR ) { goto Cleanup; }
// If the DC name is the same as the previous name,
// continue looping to try harder to find a DC.
if ( Domain->Dc != NULL && AzpEqualStrings( &CapturedString, &Domain->Dc->DcName) ) {
WinStatus = ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN; continue; }
// Allocate a structure representing the DC
WinStatus = AzpAllocateDc( &CapturedString, &Dc );
if ( WinStatus != NO_ERROR ) { if ( WinStatus == ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN ) { continue; } goto Cleanup; }
// Swap the old/new Dcs
TempDc = Domain->Dc; Domain->Dc = Dc; Dc = TempDc;
// Return the found DC to the caller.
ASSERT( Domain->Dc != NULL ); ASSERT( Domain->Dc->DcName.StringSize != 0 );
InterlockedIncrement( &Domain->Dc->ReferenceCount ); AzPrint(( AZD_DOMREF, "0x%lx %ws (%ld): DC ref\n", Domain->Dc, Domain->Dc->DcName.String, Domain->Dc->ReferenceCount ));
*RetDc = Domain->Dc; WinStatus = NO_ERROR; goto Cleanup;
// No DC can be found via any mechanism
// Set the negative cache to indicate so.
Domain->DomainIsDown = TRUE; GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( (PFILETIME)&Domain->DomainDownStartTime ); WinStatus = ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN;
Cleanup: if ( DomainControllerInfo != NULL ) { NetApiBufferFree( DomainControllerInfo ); }
AzpFreeString( &CapturedString );
if ( Dc != NULL ) { AzpDereferenceDc( Dc ); Dc = NULL; }
SafeLeaveCriticalSection( &Domain->DomainCritSect ); return WinStatus; }
VOID AzpDereferenceDc( IN PAZP_DC Dc ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine decrements the reference count on the DC object. If the reference count reaches zero, the object is deleted.
Dc - Pointer to the DC to dereference
Return Value:
--*/ { ULONG RefCount;
// Decrement the reference count
RefCount = InterlockedDecrement( &Dc->ReferenceCount ); AzPrint(( AZD_DOMREF, "0x%lx %ws (%ld): DC deref\n", Dc, Dc->DcName.String, Dc->ReferenceCount ));
// If the object is no longer referenced,
// delete it.
if ( RefCount == 0 ) { if ( Dc->LdapHandle != NULL ) { ULONG LdapStatus; LdapStatus = ldap_unbind( Dc->LdapHandle );
ASSERT( LdapStatus == LDAP_SUCCESS ); } AzpFreeHeap( Dc ); } }