Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Routines implementing the common logic for persisting the authz policy.
This file contains routine called by the core logic to submit changes. It also contains routines that are called by the particular providers to find out information about the changed objects.
Cliff Van Dyke (cliffv) 9-May-2001
#include "pch.hxx"
DWORD WINAPI AzpeCreateObject( IN AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE AzpeParentHandle, IN ULONG ChildObjectType, IN LPCWSTR ChildObjectNameString, IN GUID *ChildObjectGuid OPTIONAL, IN ULONG lPersistFlags, OUT AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE *AzpeChildHandle );
VOID WINAPI AzpeObjectFinished( IN AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE AzpeObjectHandle, IN DWORD WinStatus );
DWORD WINAPI AzpeGetProperty( IN AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE AzpeObjectHandle, IN ULONG lPersistFlags, IN ULONG PropertyId, OUT PVOID *PropertyValue );
DWORD WINAPI AzpeGetDeltaArray( IN AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE AzpeObjectHandle, IN ULONG PropertyId, OUT PULONG DeltaArrayCount, OUT PAZP_DELTA_ENTRY **DeltaArray );
// Routines to return a single field of an object
DWORD WINAPI AzpeObjectType( IN AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE AzpeObjectHandle );
GUID * WINAPI AzpePersistenceGuid( IN AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE AzpeObjectHandle );
BOOLEAN WINAPI AzpeIsParentWritable( IN AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE AzpeObjectHandle );
BOOLEAN WINAPI AzpeUpdateChildren( IN AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE AzpeObjectHandle );
BOOLEAN WINAPI AzpeCanCreateChildren( IN AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE AzpeCanCreateChildren );
// Routines to change an object
DWORD WINAPI AzpeSetProperty( IN AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE AzpeObjectHandle, IN ULONG lPersistFlags, IN ULONG PropertyId, IN PVOID PropertyValue );
DWORD WINAPI AzpeSetObjectOptions( IN AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE AzpeObjectHandle, IN ULONG lPersistFlags, IN ULONG ObjectOptions );
DWORD WINAPI AzpeAddPropertyItemGuid( IN AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE AzpeObjectHandle, IN ULONG lPersistFlags, IN ULONG PropertyId, IN GUID *ObjectGuid );
DWORD WINAPI AzpeAddPropertyItemGuidString( IN AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE AzpeObjectHandle, IN ULONG lPersistFlags, IN ULONG PropertyId, IN WCHAR *ObjectGuidString );
VOID WINAPI AzpeSetProviderData( IN AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE AzpeObjectHandle, IN PVOID ProviderData );
PVOID WINAPI AzpeGetProviderData( IN AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE AzpeObjectHandle );
PVOID WINAPI AzpeAllocateMemory( IN SIZE_T Size );
VOID WINAPI AzpeFreeMemory ( IN PVOID Buffer );
BOOLEAN WINAPI AzpeIsParentWritable( IN AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE AzpeObjectHandle ); BOOLEAN WINAPI AzpeUpdateChildren( IN AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE AzpeObjectHandle );
BOOLEAN WINAPI AzpeCanCreateChildren( IN AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE AzpeObjectHandle ); BOOL WINAPI AzpeAzStoreIsBatchUpdateMode( IN AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE hObject ); AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE WINAPI AzpeGetAuthorizationStore( IN AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE hObject ); //
// Define the Azrole info structure to pass to the providers
// Routines exported by azroles to the provider
AzpeCreateObject, AzpeObjectFinished, AzpeGetProperty, AzpeGetDeltaArray, AzpeGetSecurityDescriptorFromCache, AzpeObjectType, AzpeDirtyBits, AzpePersistenceGuid, AzpeParentOfChild, AzpeSetProperty, AzpeSetObjectOptions, AzpeAddPropertyItemSid, AzpeAddPropertyItemGuid, AzpeAddPropertyItemGuidString, AzpeSetProviderData, AzpeGetProviderData, AzpeSetSecurityDescriptorIntoCache, AzpeAllocateMemory, AzpeFreeMemory, //
// These routines available for Version 2 and higher only
AzpeIsParentWritable, AzpeUpdateChildren, AzpeCanCreateChildren, AzpeAzStoreIsBatchUpdateMode, AzpeGetAuthorizationStore
// The enumeration context describes the current state of an enumeration
// through the list of all the objects in the authz policy database
typedef struct _AZP_PERSIST_ENUM_CONTEXT {
// Stack Index
// The enumeration walks the tree of objects. While enumerating child objects,
// the context of the parent object enumeration is kept on the stack of contexts.
LONG StackIndex; #define AZ_PERSIST_MAX_INDEX 4
// Object to return on the first call to AzpPersistEnumNext
// Pointer to the current Generic Child Head being enumerated
// Variables for remembering the last object that was returned
// These are maintained to allow us to detect if that object was deleted.
PGENERIC_OBJECT PreviousObject; PGENERIC_OBJECT_HEAD PreviousGenericChildHead; ULONG PreviousEnumContext;
DWORD AzpPersistEnumOpen( IN PGENERIC_OBJECT GenericObject, OUT PVOID *PersistEnumContext ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine begins an enumeration of the objects in the authz policy database from GenericObject
On entry, AzGlResource must be locked exclusive.
GenericObject - Specifies the object that is being queried
PersistEnumContext - Returns a context that can be passed to AzpPersistEnumNext. This context must be closed by calling AzPersistClose.
Return Value:
NO_ERROR - The operation was successful ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY - not enough memory Other status codes
// Allocate memory for the context
ASSERT( AzpIsLockedExclusive( &AzGlResource ) );
Context = (PAZP_PERSIST_ENUM_CONTEXT) AzpAllocateHeap( sizeof(*Context), "PEENUMCX" );
if ( Context == NULL ) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
RtlZeroMemory( Context, sizeof(*Context) );
// Initialize it
Context->GenericObject = GenericObject; Context->StackIndex = -1;
// Return the context to the caller
*PersistEnumContext = Context; return NO_ERROR;
DWORD AzpPersistEnumNext( IN PVOID PersistEnumContext, OUT PGENERIC_OBJECT *GenericObject ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine returns the next object in the list of all objects in the authz policy database.
The caller may feel free to delete the returned object and its children. However, the caller should not delete any other objects.
On entry, AzGlResource must be locked exclusive.
PersistEnumContext - A context describing the current state of the enumeration
GenericObject - Returns a pointer to an next object. There is no reference on this object
Return Value:
NO_ERROR - The operation was successful (a GenericObject was returned) ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS - No more items were available for enumeration
Other status codes
--*/ { DWORD WinStatus; PGENERIC_OBJECT PreviousObject = NULL;
ASSERT( AzpIsLockedExclusive( &AzGlResource ) );
// If this is the first call,
// return the AzAuthorizationStore itself.
if ( Context->PreviousObject == NULL ) { *GenericObject = Context->GenericObject; Context->PreviousObject = *GenericObject; Context->PreviousGenericChildHead = NULL; Context->PreviousEnumContext = NULL; return NO_ERROR; }
// Detect if the previously returned object was deleted by the caller
if ( Context->PreviousGenericChildHead == NULL ) { PreviousObject = Context->GenericObject; } else {
WinStatus = ObEnumObjects( Context->PreviousGenericChildHead, TRUE, // return deleted objects
FALSE, // Don't refresh the cache
&Context->PreviousEnumContext, &PreviousObject );
if ( WinStatus != NO_ERROR ) { if ( WinStatus != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS ) { return WinStatus; } PreviousObject = NULL; } }
// If the previously returned object wasn't deleted by the caller,
// process its children.
if ( Context->PreviousObject == PreviousObject ) {
// Only push onto the stack if the current object can have children
if ( Context->PreviousObject->ChildGenericObjectHead != NULL ) {
if ( Context->StackIndex+1 >= AZ_PERSIST_MAX_INDEX ) { ASSERT(FALSE); return ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; }
Context->StackIndex++; Context->GenericChildHead[Context->StackIndex] = Context->PreviousObject->ChildGenericObjectHead; Context->EnumerationContext[Context->StackIndex] = 0; } }
// Loop until we find another object to return
for (;;) {
// Don't return pseudo objects to the caller.
if ( Context->GenericChildHead[Context->StackIndex]->ObjectType != OBJECT_TYPE_SID ) { ULONG PreviousEnumContext;
// Get the next object from the current list
PreviousEnumContext = Context->EnumerationContext[Context->StackIndex];
WinStatus = ObEnumObjects( Context->GenericChildHead[Context->StackIndex], TRUE, // return deleted objects
FALSE, // Don't refresh the cache
&Context->EnumerationContext[Context->StackIndex], GenericObject );
// If that worked,
// remember the object that was found and return it to the caller
if ( WinStatus == NO_ERROR ) { Context->PreviousObject = *GenericObject; Context->PreviousGenericChildHead = Context->GenericChildHead[Context->StackIndex]; Context->PreviousEnumContext = PreviousEnumContext; return NO_ERROR; } if ( WinStatus != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS ) { return WinStatus; } }
// Move on to the next set of sibling object types.
Context->EnumerationContext[Context->StackIndex] = 0; if ( Context->GenericChildHead[Context->StackIndex]->SiblingGenericObjectHead != NULL ) { Context->GenericChildHead[Context->StackIndex] = Context->GenericChildHead[Context->StackIndex]->SiblingGenericObjectHead; continue; }
// There are no more sibling object types for the same parent.
// Continue the enumeration of the parent objects
if ( Context->StackIndex == 0 ) { return ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS; }
} }
VOID AzpPersistEnumClose( IN PVOID PersistEnumContext ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine returns free any resources consumed by the PersistEnumContext.
On entry, AzGlResource must be locked exclusive.
PersistEnumContext - A context describing the current state of the enumeration
Return Value:
NO_ERROR - The operation was successful ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY - not enough memory Other status codes
--*/ { ASSERT( AzpIsLockedExclusive( &AzGlResource ) ); AzpFreeHeap( PersistEnumContext ); }
// Operation being reconciled
typedef enum _RECONCILE_TYPE { IsOpen, // AzPersistOpen
PreUpdateCache, // AzPersistUpdateCache (prior to calling provider), AzPersistUpdateChildrenCache
IsUpdateCache, // AzPersistUpdateCache
IsUpdateChildCache, // AzPersisUpdateChildrenCache
IsRefresh // AzPersistRefresh
DWORD AzpPersistReconcileDeltaArray( IN PGENERIC_OBJECT GenericObject, IN PGENERIC_OBJECT_LIST GenericObjectList, IN RECONCILE_TYPE ReconType ) /*++
Routine Description:
Implements AzpPersistReconcile for a single generic object list
On entry, AzGlResource must be locked exclusive. PersistCritSect must be locked. (unless this is a refresh)
GenericObject - Specifies the object in the cache that is to be reconciled
GenericObjectList - Specifies the delta array to reconcile.
ReconType - Specifies the routine that called the persistence provider
Return Value:
NO_ERROR - The operation was successful ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY - not enough memory Other status codes
--*/ { DWORD SavedWinStatus = NO_ERROR; DWORD WinStatus;
ULONG Index; ULONG DeltaIndex; PAZP_DELTA_ENTRY DeltaEntry;
// Skip back links
if ( GenericObjectList->IsBackLink ) { goto Cleanup; }
// Ensure each entry in the delta array has an entry in the object list
for ( DeltaIndex=0; DeltaIndex<GenericObjectList->DeltaArray.UsedCount; DeltaIndex++ ) {
// If the entry corresponds to an "add",
// do an "add" to the object list.
DeltaEntry = (PAZP_DELTA_ENTRY)GenericObjectList->DeltaArray.Array[DeltaIndex];
if ( DeltaEntry->DeltaFlags & AZP_DELTA_ADD ) { PAZP_STRING StringToAdd; AZP_STRING SidString; ULONG Flags = AZP_FLAGS_RECONCILE;
// Compute the parameters to ObAddPropertyItem
if ( DeltaEntry->DeltaFlags & AZP_DELTA_SID ) { AzpInitSid( &SidString, DeltaEntry->Sid ); StringToAdd = &SidString; } else { AzPrint(( AZD_REF, "AzpPersistReconcileOne (by guid): " )); AzpDumpGuid( AZD_REF, &DeltaEntry->Guid ); AzPrint(( AZD_REF, "\n" )); Flags |= AZP_FLAGS_BY_GUID; StringToAdd = (PAZP_STRING) &DeltaEntry->Guid; }
// Add the property item
WinStatus = ObAddPropertyItem( GenericObject, GenericObjectList, Flags, StringToAdd );
// We ignore links that have already been updated.
// During the update child cache routine, we want to ignore objects that exist in the store
// but not yet in the cache since the user has not called an update on the entire policy cache
if ( (WinStatus != NO_ERROR && WinStatus != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) && ((ReconType != IsUpdateChildCache) || (ReconType == IsUpdateChildCache && WinStatus != ERROR_NOT_FOUND)) ) {
AzPrint(( AZD_REF, "AzpPersistReconcileOne: ObAddPropertyItem failed %ld\n", WinStatus )); SavedWinStatus = WinStatus; } } }
// Remove entries from the object list that should no longer exist
for ( Index=0; Index<GenericObjectList->GenericObjects.UsedCount; ) {
PGENERIC_OBJECT LinkedToGenericObject; DWORD DeltaFlags; GUID *Guid;
// Determine if the object is in the DeltaArray
LinkedToGenericObject = (PGENERIC_OBJECT)(GenericObjectList->GenericObjects.Array[Index]);
if ( LinkedToGenericObject->ObjectType == OBJECT_TYPE_SID ) { DeltaFlags = AZP_DELTA_SID; Guid = (GUID *)&LinkedToGenericObject->ObjectName->ObjectName; } else { DeltaFlags = 0; Guid = &LinkedToGenericObject->PersistenceGuid; }
if ( ObLookupDelta( DeltaFlags, Guid, &GenericObjectList->DeltaArray, &DeltaIndex ) ) {
// Found it.
// If the entry is an "add" entry,
// this is one we added above,
// just move to the next entry.
DeltaEntry = (PAZP_DELTA_ENTRY)GenericObjectList->DeltaArray.Array[DeltaIndex];
if ( DeltaEntry->DeltaFlags & AZP_DELTA_ADD ) { Index++; continue; } }
// Link should be removed
// Either there was no entry in the DeltaArray (or the entry is a "remove" entry
// Remove the links in both directions
ObRemoveObjectListLink( GenericObject, GenericObjectList, Index );
// Clear the bit that got us here
GenericObject->PersistDirtyBits &= ~GenericObjectList->DirtyBit;
// Free entries from the delta arrays that were added by the persist provider.
ObFreeDeltaArray( &GenericObjectList->DeltaArray, FALSE );
return SavedWinStatus;
DWORD AzpPersistReconcileOne( IN PGENERIC_OBJECT GenericObject, IN RECONCILE_TYPE ReconType, IN BOOLEAN OpenFailed ) /*++
Routine Description:
Implements AzpPersistReconcile for a single object.
On entry, AzGlResource must be locked exclusive. PersistCritSect must be locked. (unless this is a refresh)
GenericObject - Specifies the object in the cache that is to be reconciled
ReconType - Specifies the routine that called the persistence provider
OpenFailed - TRUE if the open call to the persistence provider failed.
Return Value:
NO_ERROR - The operation was successful ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY - not enough memory Other status codes
--*/ { DWORD WinStatus;
DWORD SavedWinStatus = NO_ERROR;
ULONG DirtyBits; PGENERIC_OBJECT_LIST GenericObjectList;
// Initialization
ASSERT( AzpIsLockedExclusive( &AzGlResource ) ); ASSERT( ReconType == IsRefresh || ReconType == PreUpdateCache || AzpIsCritsectLocked( &GenericObject->AzStoreObject->PersistCritSect ) );
AzPrint(( AZD_PERSIST, "AzpPersistReconcileOne: %ws %ld 0x%lx 0x%lx\n", GenericObject->ObjectName == NULL ? NULL : GenericObject->ObjectName->ObjectName.String, GenericObject->ObjectType, GenericObject->PersistDirtyBits, GenericObject->DirtyBits ));
if ( ReconType == IsOpen ) { ASSERT( GenericObject->DirtyBits == 0 || GenericObject->ObjectType == OBJECT_TYPE_AZAUTHSTORE); }
// If the provider didn't create this object, then the object doesn't exist in the store.
if ( (GenericObject->PersistDirtyBits & AZ_DIRTY_CREATE) == 0 ) {
// Never delete cached objects if the persistence provider failed.
// The provider may have bailed before processing the object.
// If an object is abosultely clean, then we should just let it stay there.
if ( OpenFailed ) { goto Cleanup; }
if ( ReconType == IsOpen ) { ASSERT( GenericObject->PersistDirtyBits & AZ_DIRTY_CREATE ); }
// If the app didn't create this object either,
// then the object should be deleted from the cache,
// Unless it already has been marked for deletion.
// This is also not marked for deletion if the children of AzApplication/AzScope
// are being loaded into cache
// NOTE: other attributes might be dirty. This simply reflects the fact
// that during reconciliation a delete overides a modification.
if ( (GenericObject->DirtyBits & AZ_DIRTY_CREATE) == 0 ) {
// Mark the entry (and its child objects) as deleted
// We do this since other threads may have references to the objects.
// We want to ensure those threads know the objects are deleted.
ObMarkObjectDeleted( GenericObject );
GenericObject = NULL; // Don't reference this again
goto Cleanup;
// If the provider created this object,
// and successfully set all of the attributes it knows about,
// clean up the attributes.
} else if ((GenericObject->Flags & GENOBJ_FLAGS_PERSIST_OK) != 0 ) {
// Never bother updating objects if the persistence provider failed and this
// is AzInitialize. We'll delete the attributes soon anyway.
if ( OpenFailed ) { goto Cleanup; }
// Compute the properties that were neither written by
// the provider nor by the application.
DirtyBits = 0xFFFFFFFF & (~GenericObject->DirtyBits) & (~GenericObject->PersistDirtyBits);
// All such properties should be set to their default value
WinStatus = ObSetPropertyToDefault( GenericObject, DirtyBits );
if ( WinStatus != NO_ERROR ) {
SavedWinStatus = WinStatus; AzPrint(( AZD_CRITICAL, "AzpPersistReconcile: Cannot refresh object: %ws %ld\n", GenericObject->ObjectName->ObjectName.String, WinStatus )); // Continue processing
// Fix up all of the links from this object
// Walk all of the GenericObjectLists rooted on by this object
for ( GenericObjectList = GenericObject->GenericObjectLists; GenericObjectList != NULL; GenericObjectList = GenericObjectList->NextGenericObjectList ) {
// Reconcile this individual object list entry.
WinStatus = AzpPersistReconcileDeltaArray( GenericObject, GenericObjectList, ReconType );
if ( WinStatus != NO_ERROR ) {
SavedWinStatus = WinStatus; // ASSERT(FALSE);
Cleanup: //
// If the object wasn't deleted,
// clean it up.
if ( GenericObject != NULL ) {
// Clear any bits the provider left lying around
GenericObject->PersistDirtyBits = 0; GenericObject->Flags &= !GENOBJ_FLAGS_PERSIST_OK;
// Indicate whether the cache entry needs to be refreshed.
// If the provider didn't successfully update the cache,
// leave the refresh bit alone.
// If the caller IsOpen,
// we don't care since we'll be deleting the cache shortly.
// If the caller IsUpdateCache,
// we haven't changed the state one way or another.
// The cache is guaranteed to not be worse than it was before. But that's
// all we can say.
// If the caller IsRefresh,
// that bit was set when we were called so we leave it set.
if ( OpenFailed ) { /* Drop through */
// If we detected an error,
// mark the item as needing refreshed since the current state of the cache is bogus.
} else if ( SavedWinStatus != NO_ERROR ) {
GenericObject->Flags |= GENOBJ_FLAGS_REFRESH_ME;
// Otherwise, the cache entry is known to match the underlying store
} else {
GenericObject->Flags &= ~GENOBJ_FLAGS_REFRESH_ME; }
// Free entries from the delta arrays that were added by the persist provider.
for ( GenericObjectList = GenericObject->GenericObjectLists; GenericObjectList != NULL; GenericObjectList = GenericObjectList->NextGenericObjectList ) {
ObFreeDeltaArray( &GenericObjectList->DeltaArray, FALSE );
} }
return SavedWinStatus; }
DWORD AzpPersistReconcile( IN PGENERIC_OBJECT GenericObject, IN RECONCILE_TYPE ReconType, IN BOOLEAN OpenFailed ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine reconciles any inconsistencies in the cache that were left around by the persistence provider during the initial population of the cache or during a periodic cache update.
Examples, are given in the code below. However, the philosophy is the persistence providers shouldn't have to worry about ordering issues and naming issues. For instance, they should be able to link to objects that are not yet in the cache. They should be able to create an object with the same name as a deleted object.
On entry, AzGlResource must be locked exclusive.
GenericObject - Specifies the object that is being queried
ReconType - Specifies the routine that called the persistence provider
OpenFailed - TRUE if the open call to the persistence provider failed.
Return Value:
NO_ERROR - The operation was successful ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY - not enough memory Other status codes
--*/ { DWORD WinStatus; DWORD SavedWinStatus = NO_ERROR;
PVOID EnumContext = NULL; PGENERIC_OBJECT NextGenericObject; BOOL FixMoreNames = TRUE; PNEW_OBJECT_NAME NewObjectName; PLIST_ENTRY ListEntry; PAZP_AZSTORE AzAuthorizationStore = GenericObject->AzStoreObject;
// Prepare to enumerate all of the objects in the cache
ASSERT( AzpIsLockedExclusive( &AzGlResource ) );
WinStatus = AzpPersistEnumOpen( GenericObject, &EnumContext );
if ( WinStatus != NO_ERROR ) { SavedWinStatus = WinStatus; goto Cleanup; }
// If this call is from UpdateChildrenCache, we donot want to call AzpPersistReconcileOne
// on the parent object, but only on its children
if ( ReconType == IsUpdateChildCache ) {
WinStatus = AzpPersistEnumNext( EnumContext, &NextGenericObject );
if ( WinStatus != NO_ERROR) { if ( WinStatus != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS ) { SavedWinStatus = WinStatus; } goto Cleanup; }
ASSERT( NextGenericObject == GenericObject );
// Loop through each object
for (;;) {
// Get the next object
WinStatus = AzpPersistEnumNext( EnumContext, &NextGenericObject );
if ( WinStatus != NO_ERROR) { if ( WinStatus != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS ) { SavedWinStatus = WinStatus; } break; }
// Reconcile that one object
WinStatus = AzpPersistReconcileOne( NextGenericObject, ReconType, OpenFailed );
if ( WinStatus != NO_ERROR ) { SavedWinStatus = WinStatus; AzPrint(( AZD_CRITICAL, "AzpPersistReconcile: Cannot reconcile object: %ws %ld %ld\n", NextGenericObject->ObjectName == NULL ? NULL : NextGenericObject->ObjectName->ObjectName.String, NextGenericObject->ObjectType, WinStatus )); // Continue processing
// Loop attempting to fix up any name conflicts.
// Keep looping as long as a pass fixed at least one name
// Don't fix name comflicts if we're just cleaning up.
while ( ReconType != PreUpdateCache && FixMoreNames ) {
FixMoreNames = FALSE;
// Loop handling each conflicting name
for ( ListEntry = AzAuthorizationStore->NewNames.Flink; ListEntry != &AzAuthorizationStore->NewNames; ) {
NewObjectName = CONTAINING_RECORD( ListEntry, NEW_OBJECT_NAME, Next ); // Entry might be deleted below
ListEntry = ListEntry->Flink;
// Try to set the name
WinStatus = ObSetProperty( NewObjectName->GenericObject, AZP_FLAGS_RECONCILE, AZ_PROP_NAME, &NewObjectName->ObjectName );
if ( WinStatus == NO_ERROR ) { ObFreeNewName( NewObjectName ); FixMoreNames = TRUE; }
// If we couldn't fix all of the collided names,
// return the problem to the caller.
if ( SavedWinStatus == NO_ERROR && !IsListEmpty( &AzAuthorizationStore->NewNames ) ) {
Cleanup: if ( EnumContext != NULL ) { AzpPersistEnumClose( EnumContext ); }
// Free the list of conflicting names
while ( !IsListEmpty( &AzAuthorizationStore->NewNames ) ) {
ListEntry = RemoveHeadList( &AzAuthorizationStore->NewNames );
NewObjectName = CONTAINING_RECORD( ListEntry, NEW_OBJECT_NAME, Next );
ObFreeNewName( NewObjectName );
} return SavedWinStatus; }
// List of providers that are built into azroles.dll
struct { LPWSTR PolicyUrlPrefix; AZ_PERSIST_PROVIDER_INITIALIZE ProviderInitRoutine; } AzGlInternalProviders[] = { #ifdef USE_INTERNAL_MSXML
{ AZ_XML_PROVIDER_NAME, XmlProviderInitialize }, #endif // USE_INTERNAL_MSXML
{ AZ_AD_PROVIDER_NAME, AdProviderInitialize }, }; #define INTERNAL_PROVIDER_COUNT (sizeof(AzGlInternalProviders)/sizeof(AzGlInternalProviders[0]))
DWORD AzpPersistDetermineProvider( IN PAZP_AZSTORE AzAuthorizationStore ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine determines which provider to use for a particular Policy URL.
AzAuthorizationStore - A pointer to the authorization store object the provider is needed for The PolicyUrl should already have been set. On successfull return, the ProviderInfo and ProviderDll will be properly set.
Return Value:
NO_ERROR - The operation was successful ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER - The policy URL cannot identify the provider Other status codes
--*/ { DWORD WinStatus;
ULONG Index; ULONG UrlPrefixLength; AZ_PERSIST_PROVIDER_INITIALIZE ProviderInitRoutine = NULL; PAZPE_PROVIDER_INFO ProviderInfo; LPWSTR PolicyUrl = AzAuthorizationStore->PolicyUrl.String; LPWSTR KeyName = NULL; HKEY KeyHandle = NULL; HMODULE DllHandle = NULL;
// Initialization
ASSERT( AzAuthorizationStore->PolicyUrl.String != NULL ); ASSERT( AzAuthorizationStore->ProviderInfo == NULL ); ASSERT( AzAuthorizationStore->ProviderDll == NULL );
// Loop through the internal providers finding the one specified
for ( Index=0; Index<INTERNAL_PROVIDER_COUNT; Index++ ) {
UrlPrefixLength = (ULONG) wcslen(AzGlInternalProviders[Index].PolicyUrlPrefix);
// Check if the prefix of the provider matches the passed in URL
if (_wcsnicmp( AzGlInternalProviders[Index].PolicyUrlPrefix, PolicyUrl, UrlPrefixLength) == 0) {
// Ensure the next character is a :
if ( UrlPrefixLength == 0 || PolicyUrl[UrlPrefixLength] == L':' ) { ProviderInitRoutine = AzGlInternalProviders[Index].ProviderInitRoutine; break; } }
// If we didn't find an internal provider,
// load one
if ( ProviderInitRoutine == NULL ) { LPWSTR ColonPtr; ULONG KeyNameLen; DWORD ValueType; WCHAR ProviderDll[MAX_PATH+1]; DWORD ProviderDllSize;
// Determin the length of the name of the registry key
ColonPtr = wcschr( PolicyUrl, L':' );
if ( ColonPtr == NULL ) { WinStatus = ERROR_BAD_PROVIDER; goto Cleanup; }
UrlPrefixLength = (ULONG)(ColonPtr - PolicyUrl); KeyNameLen = AZ_REGISTRY_PROVIDER_KEY_NAME_LEN + 1 + UrlPrefixLength + 1;
// Build the name of the registry key
SafeAllocaAllocate( KeyName, KeyNameLen * sizeof(WCHAR) );
if ( KeyName == NULL ) { WinStatus = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto Cleanup; }
AzPrint(( AZD_PERSIST, "AzpPersistDetermineProvider: Open Provider reg key at 'HKLM\\%ws'\n", KeyName ));
// Open the registry key
WinStatus = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, KeyName, 0, KEY_READ, &KeyHandle );
if ( WinStatus != NO_ERROR ) { AzPrint(( AZD_CRITICAL, "AzpPersistDetermineProvider: Cannot open Provider reg key at 'HKLM\\%ws' %ld\n", KeyName, WinStatus )); if ( WinStatus == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) { WinStatus = ERROR_BAD_PROVIDER; } goto Cleanup; }
// Read the name of the provider dll
ProviderDllSize = sizeof(ProviderDll);
WinStatus = RegQueryValueEx( KeyHandle, AZ_REGISTRY_PROVIDER_DLL_VALUE_NAME, NULL, &ValueType, (LPBYTE)ProviderDll, &ProviderDllSize );
if ( WinStatus != NO_ERROR ) {
AzPrint(( AZD_CRITICAL, "AzpPersistDetermineProvider: Cannot open Provider reg value at 'HKLM\\%ws\\%ws' %ld\n", KeyName, AZ_REGISTRY_PROVIDER_DLL_VALUE_NAME, WinStatus ));
if ( WinStatus == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) { WinStatus = ERROR_BAD_PROVIDER; } goto Cleanup; }
// Load the library
DllHandle = LoadLibrary( ProviderDll );
if ( DllHandle == NULL ) {
WinStatus = GetLastError();
AzPrint(( AZD_CRITICAL, "AzpPersistDetermineProvider: Cannot load libary '%ws' %ld\n", ProviderDll, WinStatus ));
goto Cleanup; }
// Get the address of the provider init routine
if ( ProviderInitRoutine == NULL ) {
WinStatus = GetLastError();
AzPrint(( AZD_CRITICAL, "AzpPersistDetermineProvider: libary '%ws' does not export '%s': %ld\n", ProviderDll, AZ_PERSIST_PROVIDER_INITIALIZE_NAME, WinStatus ));
goto Cleanup; }
// A provider has been found
// Ask the provider for the provider info
WinStatus = ProviderInitRoutine( &AzGlAzrolesInfo, &ProviderInfo );
if ( WinStatus != NO_ERROR ) { goto Cleanup; }
// Ensure the provider info is a version we understand
if ( ProviderInfo->ProviderInfoVersion < AZPE_PROVIDER_INFO_VERSION_1 ) { WinStatus = ERROR_UNKNOWN_REVISION; goto Cleanup; }
// Return the information to the caller
AzAuthorizationStore->ProviderInfo = ProviderInfo; AzAuthorizationStore->ProviderDll = DllHandle; DllHandle = NULL; WinStatus = NO_ERROR;
// Free locally used resources
Cleanup: SafeAllocaFree( KeyName ); if ( KeyHandle != NULL ) { RegCloseKey( KeyHandle ); } if ( DllHandle != NULL ) { FreeLibrary( DllHandle ); } return WinStatus;
DWORD AzPersistOpen( IN PAZP_AZSTORE AzAuthorizationStore, IN BOOL CreatePolicy ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine open the authz policy database. This routine also reads the policy database into cache.
On Success, the caller should call AzPersistClose to free any resources consumed by the open.
This routine routes the request to the correct provider.
On entry, AzGlResource must be locked exclusive. This routine temporarily drops the AzGlResource while waiting for updates to complete.
AzAuthorizationStore - Specifies the policy database that is to be read.
CreatePolicy - TRUE if the policy database is to be created. FALSE if the policy database already exists
Return Value:
NO_ERROR - The operation was successful ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY - not enough memory ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS - CreatePolicy is TRUE and the policy already exists ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND - CreatePolicy is FALSE and the policy does not already exist Other status codes
--*/ { DWORD WinStatus; DWORD TempWinStatus; DWORD lPersistFlags; BOOLEAN CritSectLocked = FALSE; BOOLEAN ResourceLocked = TRUE; LPWSTR pwszTargetMachine=NULL;
// Compute the flags
// Drop the global crit sect across the call to the provider to ensure on
// UpdateCache that it doesn't lock out AccessCheck calls while it hits the wire
// Grab the Persistence crit sect maintaining locking order
ASSERT( AzpIsLockedExclusive( &AzGlResource ) ); AzpUnlockResource( &AzGlResource ); ResourceLocked = FALSE; SafeEnterCriticalSection( &AzAuthorizationStore->PersistCritSect ); CritSectLocked = TRUE;
// Determine which provider to use
WinStatus = AzpPersistDetermineProvider( AzAuthorizationStore );
if ( WinStatus != NO_ERROR ) { goto Cleanup; }
// Call the appropriate provider
WinStatus = AzAuthorizationStore->ProviderInfo->AzPersistOpen( AzAuthorizationStore->PolicyUrl.String, (AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE)AzAuthorizationStore, lPersistFlags, CreatePolicy, &AzAuthorizationStore->PersistContext, &pwszTargetMachine );
if ( WinStatus == NO_ERROR && pwszTargetMachine ) {
// target machine name is returned
// add it to the authorization store object, which will be freed when
// authorization store object is freed
AzpInitString(&AzAuthorizationStore->TargetMachine, pwszTargetMachine); }
// Restore the lock now that we're out of the provider
AzpLockResourceExclusive( &AzGlResource ); ResourceLocked = TRUE;
// Ensure the provider set the version
// If we didn't create the underlying store,
// Turn off the dirty bits.
// (AZ_DIRTY_CREATE was set when the object was created. But the object really isn't dirty.)
if ( !CreatePolicy ) { AzAuthorizationStore->GenericObject.DirtyBits = 0; } else { //
// Major and minor versions are not to be set externally. But they always need
// to be persisted in the authorization store object. We thus set these bits dirty.
// This will make sure that these two properties are persisted upon submit.
// Now that the entire cache has been updated from the store
// fix up any issues in the cache.
TempWinStatus = AzpPersistReconcile( (PGENERIC_OBJECT)AzAuthorizationStore, IsOpen, WinStatus != NO_ERROR );
if ( WinStatus == NO_ERROR ) { WinStatus = TempWinStatus; }
// If we created the store,
// set the default AZ_PROP_APPLY_STORE_SACL based on whether the caller has the privilege
if ( CreatePolicy ) { AzAuthorizationStore->GenericObject.ApplySacl = AzAuthorizationStore->HasSecurityPrivilege; }
Cleanup: if ( !ResourceLocked ) { AzpLockResourceExclusive( &AzGlResource ); } ASSERT( AzpIsLockedExclusive( &AzGlResource ) ); if ( CritSectLocked ) { SafeLeaveCriticalSection( &AzAuthorizationStore->PersistCritSect ); } return WinStatus; }
DWORD AzPersistUpdateCache( IN PAZP_AZSTORE AzAuthorizationStore ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine updates the cache to reflect the current authz policy database.
This routine routes the request to the correct provider.
On entry, AzGlResource must be locked exclusive. This routine temporarily drops the AzGlResource while waiting for other updates to complete.
AzAuthorizationStore - Specifies the policy database that is to be read.
Return Value:
NO_ERROR - The operation was successful ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY - not enough memory ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS - CreatePolicy is TRUE and the policy already exists ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND - CreatePolicy is FALSE and the policy does not already exist Other status codes
--*/ { DWORD WinStatus; DWORD TempWinStatus = NO_ERROR; BOOLEAN CritSectLocked = FALSE;
// Provider decides what to update. It passes back that information
// via the flag.
ULONG ulEffectiveUpdateFlag = 0;
// Walk the cache cleaning up from any previous failed attempt.
WinStatus = AzpPersistReconcile( (PGENERIC_OBJECT)AzAuthorizationStore, PreUpdateCache, TRUE );
if ( WinStatus != NO_ERROR ) { goto Cleanup; }
// Drop the global crit sect across the call to the provider to ensure on
// UpdateCache that it doesn't lock out AccessCheck calls while it hits the wire
// Grab the Persistence crit sect maintaining locking order
ASSERT( AzpIsLockedExclusive( &AzGlResource ) ); AzpUnlockResource( &AzGlResource ); SafeEnterCriticalSection( &AzAuthorizationStore->PersistCritSect ); CritSectLocked = TRUE;
// Call the appropriate provider
// The peristence provider will drop
WinStatus = AzAuthorizationStore->ProviderInfo->AzPersistUpdateCache( AzAuthorizationStore->PersistContext, AZPE_FLAGS_PERSIST_UPDATE_CACHE, &ulEffectiveUpdateFlag);
// Restore the lock now that we're out of the provider
AzpLockResourceExclusive( &AzGlResource );
// Now that the entire cache has been updated from the store
// If the store has been deleted, ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND is returned. In this case,
// the cache needs to cleaned up completely.
// fix up any issues in the cache.
if ( (AZPE_FLAG_CACHE_UPDATE_STORE_LEVEL & ulEffectiveUpdateFlag) || (WinStatus != NO_ERROR) ) { TempWinStatus = AzpPersistReconcile( (PGENERIC_OBJECT)AzAuthorizationStore, IsUpdateCache, (WinStatus != NO_ERROR && WinStatus != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) ); }
if ( WinStatus == NO_ERROR ) { WinStatus = TempWinStatus; }
Cleanup: ASSERT( AzpIsLockedExclusive( &AzGlResource ) ); if ( CritSectLocked ) { SafeLeaveCriticalSection( &AzAuthorizationStore->PersistCritSect ); } return WinStatus; }
DWORD AzPersistUpdateChildrenCache( IN OUT PGENERIC_OBJECT GenericObject ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine updates the child objects (upto one level) under the object specified.
The request is routed to the relevant provider.
On entry, the global resource must be locked exclusive
GenericObject - Object whose children need to be updated (one-level only)
Return Value:
NO_ERROR - The operation was successful ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY - not enough memory Other status codes
--*/ { DWORD WinStatus = 0; DWORD TempWinStatus = 0; BOOLEAN bCritSectLocked = FALSE;
PAZP_AZSTORE AzAuthorizationStore = (PAZP_AZSTORE) GenericObject->AzStoreObject;
// Validate that the provider supports lazy load
ASSERT( AzAuthorizationStore->ProviderInfo->ProviderInfoVersion >= AZPE_PROVIDER_INFO_VERSION_2 );
// If the parent object has not been submitted as yet, then no children exist for it.
// Simply return NO_ERROR
if ( (GenericObject->DirtyBits & AZ_DIRTY_CREATE) != 0 ) {
return NO_ERROR; }
WinStatus = AzpPersistReconcile( GenericObject, PreUpdateCache, TRUE );
if ( WinStatus != NO_ERROR ) { goto Cleanup; }
AzpUnlockResource( &AzGlResource );
// Grab the Persistence crit sect maintaining locking order
SafeEnterCriticalSection( &AzAuthorizationStore->PersistCritSect ); bCritSectLocked = TRUE;
// If the children have already been loaded by another thread, then
// skip this
if ( GenericObject->AreChildrenLoaded ) { //
// Grab the lock back
AzpLockResourceExclusive( &AzGlResource );
goto Cleanup; }
// Call the appropriate provider
WinStatus = AzAuthorizationStore->ProviderInfo->AzPersistUpdateChildrenCache( AzAuthorizationStore->PersistContext, (AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE) GenericObject, AZPE_FLAGS_PERSIST_UPDATE_CHILDREN_CACHE );
// Restore the lock, now that we are out of the provider
AzpLockResourceExclusive( &AzGlResource );
if ( WinStatus == NO_ERROR ) {
// Set the flag on the generic object that its children have been loaded
// and this object is no longer closed
GenericObject->AreChildrenLoaded = TRUE; GenericObject->ObjectClosed = FALSE;
// Now that the cache has been updated from the store
// fix up any issues in the cache.
TempWinStatus = AzpPersistReconcile( GenericObject, IsUpdateChildCache, WinStatus != NO_ERROR );
if ( WinStatus == NO_ERROR ) { WinStatus = TempWinStatus; }
if ( bCritSectLocked ) { SafeLeaveCriticalSection( &AzAuthorizationStore->PersistCritSect ); }
return WinStatus; }
VOID AzPersistClose( IN PAZP_AZSTORE AzAuthorizationStore ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine closes the authz policy database storage handles. This routine routes the request to the correct provider.
On entry, AzGlResource must be locked exclusive.
AzAuthorizationStore - Specifies the policy database that is to be read.
Return Value:
--*/ {
// If the store wasn't successfully opened,
// we're done.
if ( AzAuthorizationStore->PersistContext == NULL ) { return; }
// Grab the persist engine crit sect maintaining locking order
// The provider uses PersistCritSect to serialize access to many of its structures.
ASSERT( AzpIsLockedExclusive( &AzGlResource ) ); AzpUnlockResource( &AzGlResource ); SafeEnterCriticalSection( &AzAuthorizationStore->PersistCritSect ); AzpLockResourceExclusive( &AzGlResource );
// Call the appropriate provider
ASSERT( AzpIsLockedExclusive( &AzGlResource ) );
AzAuthorizationStore->ProviderInfo->AzPersistClose( AzAuthorizationStore->PersistContext );
AzAuthorizationStore->PersistContext = NULL; SafeLeaveCriticalSection( &AzAuthorizationStore->PersistCritSect ); }
DWORD AzPersistSubmit( IN PGENERIC_OBJECT GenericObject, IN BOOLEAN DeleteMe ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine submits changes made to the authz policy database. This routine routes the request to the correct provider.
If the object is being created, the GenericObject->PersistenceGuid field will be zero on input. Upon successful creation, this routine will set PersistenceGuid to non-zero. Upon failed creation, this routine will leave PersistenceGuid as zero.
On entry, AzGlResource must be locked exclusive. This routine temporarily drops the AzGlResource while waiting for updates to complete.
GenericObject - Specifies the object in the database that is to be updated in the underlying store.
DeleteMe - TRUE if the object and all of its children are to be deleted. FALSE if the object is to be updated.
Return Value:
NO_ERROR - The operation was successful ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY - not enough memory Other status codes
--*/ { DWORD WinStatus = NO_ERROR;
// Grab the persist engine crit sect maintaining locking order
// The PersistCritSect must be locked since we want to ensure that AzpPersistReconcile
// doesn't have to deal with a changing database.
ASSERT( AzpIsLockedExclusive( &AzGlResource ) ); AzpUnlockResource( &AzGlResource ); SafeEnterCriticalSection( &GenericObject->AzStoreObject->PersistCritSect ); AzpLockResourceExclusive( &AzGlResource );
// Only persist dirty objects
if ( GenericObject->DirtyBits != 0 || DeleteMe ) {
// Call the appropriate provider
WinStatus = GenericObject->AzStoreObject->ProviderInfo->AzPersistSubmit( GenericObject->AzStoreObject->PersistContext, (AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE)GenericObject, AZPE_FLAGS_PERSIST_SUBMIT, DeleteMe );
if ( WinStatus != NO_ERROR ) { //
// Submit somehow fails, we need to remember that we are not in good
// shape with the store. So any access should refresh it.
GenericObject->Flags |= GENOBJ_FLAGS_REFRESH_ME; goto Cleanup; }
// Ensure the provider created a GUID
if ( (GenericObject->DirtyBits & AZ_DIRTY_CREATE) != 0 && GenericObject->ObjectType != OBJECT_TYPE_AZAUTHSTORE && !DeleteMe ) { ASSERT( !IsEqualGUID( GenericObject->PersistenceGuid, AzGlZeroGuid ) ); }
// Ensure the provider didn't change the cache.
ASSERT( GenericObject->PersistDirtyBits == 0 );
// Clean up the list of deltas
// Walk all of the GenericObjectLists rooted on by this object
for ( GenericObjectList = GenericObject->GenericObjectLists; GenericObjectList != NULL; GenericObjectList = GenericObjectList->NextGenericObjectList ) {
// If there is a list of deltas,
// delete it
if ( GenericObjectList->DeltaArray.UsedCount != 0 ) { ASSERT( !GenericObjectList->IsBackLink ); ASSERT( (GenericObject->DirtyBits & GenericObjectList->DirtyBit) != 0 ); ObFreeDeltaArray( &GenericObjectList->DeltaArray, TRUE ); }
// Turn off the dirty bits
GenericObject->DirtyBits = 0;
Cleanup: SafeLeaveCriticalSection( &GenericObject->AzStoreObject->PersistCritSect ); return WinStatus;
VOID AzPersistAbort( IN PGENERIC_OBJECT GenericObject ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine aborts changes made to the authz policy database. This routine routes the request to the correct provider.
On entry, AzGlResource must be locked exclusive.
GenericObject - Specifies the object in the database that is to be updated in the underlying store.
Return Value:
NO_ERROR - The operation was successful ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY - not enough memory Other status codes
--*/ { PGENERIC_OBJECT_LIST GenericObjectList; BOOLEAN WasCreated;
ASSERT( AzpIsLockedExclusive( &AzGlResource ) );
// Clean up the list of deltas
// ... The changes where aborted.
// Walk all of the GenericObjectLists rooted on by this object
for ( GenericObjectList = GenericObject->GenericObjectLists; GenericObjectList != NULL; GenericObjectList = GenericObjectList->NextGenericObjectList ) {
// If there is a list of deltas,
// delete it
if ( GenericObjectList->DeltaArray.UsedCount != 0 ) { ASSERT( !GenericObjectList->IsBackLink ); ASSERT( (GenericObject->DirtyBits & GenericObjectList->DirtyBit) != 0 ); ObFreeDeltaArray( &GenericObjectList->DeltaArray, TRUE ); }
// Turn off the dirty bits
// ... The changes where aborted.
WasCreated = (( GenericObject->DirtyBits & AZ_DIRTY_CREATE ) != 0); GenericObject->DirtyBits = 0;
// Update the cache to match the real object
// If we were trying to persist a creation of the object,
// delete the object from the cache.
if ( WasCreated ) {
// Mark the entry (and its child objects) as deleted
// We do this since other threads may have references to the objects.
// We want to ensure those threads know the objects are deleted.
ObMarkObjectDeleted( GenericObject );
} else {
// Refresh the cache
// Ignore the status code
(VOID) AzPersistRefresh( GenericObject );
} }
DWORD AzPersistRefresh( IN PGENERIC_OBJECT GenericObject ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine updates the attributes of the object from the policy database.
This routine routes the request to the correct provider.
On entry, AzGlResource must be locked exclusive.
GenericObject - Specifies the object in the database whose cache entry is to be updated The GenericObject->PersistenceGuid field should be non-zero on input.
Return Value:
NO_ERROR - The operation was successful ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY - not enough memory Other status codes
--*/ { DWORD WinStatus; DWORD TempWinStatus;
// Grab the persist engine crit sect maintaining locking order
// The PersistCritSect must be locked since we want to ensure that AzpPersistReconcile
// doesn't have to deal with a changing database.
ASSERT( AzpIsLockedExclusive( &AzGlResource ) ); AzpUnlockResource( &AzGlResource ); SafeEnterCriticalSection( &GenericObject->AzStoreObject->PersistCritSect );
// Mark the object that it needs to be refreshed
// so that it'll be refreshed later if we're not successful this time
GenericObject->Flags |= GENOBJ_FLAGS_REFRESH_ME;
// Clear any bits the provider left lying around
GenericObject->PersistDirtyBits = 0; GenericObject->Flags &= !GENOBJ_FLAGS_PERSIST_OK;
// Call the appropriate provider
WinStatus = GenericObject->AzStoreObject->ProviderInfo->AzPersistRefresh( GenericObject->AzStoreObject->PersistContext, (AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE)GenericObject, AZPE_FLAGS_PERSIST_REFRESH );
// Provider should return WinStatus
// ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(WinStatus) );
// Restore the lock now that we're out of the provider
AzpLockResourceExclusive( &AzGlResource );
// If the provider couldn't find the object,
// that's OK. Reconcile will delete the cache entry.
if ( WinStatus == ERROR_NOT_FOUND ) { WinStatus = NO_ERROR; }
// Reconcile this one object
TempWinStatus = AzpPersistReconcileOne( GenericObject, IsRefresh, WinStatus != NO_ERROR ); // Operation status
if ( TempWinStatus != NO_ERROR ) {
if ( WinStatus == NO_ERROR ) { WinStatus = TempWinStatus; }
AzPrint(( AZD_CRITICAL, "AzpPersistReconcile: Cannot reconcile object: %ws %ld\n", GenericObject->ObjectName->ObjectName.String, TempWinStatus )); // Continue processing
SafeLeaveCriticalSection( &GenericObject->AzStoreObject->PersistCritSect ); return WinStatus;
DWORD WINAPI AzSubmit( IN AZ_HANDLE AzHandle, IN DWORD Flags, IN DWORD Reserved ) /*++
Routine Description:
Submit the changes made to the object via the *Create, *SetProperty, or *SetPropertyItem APIs.
On failure, any changes made to the object are undone.
AzHandle - Passes in the handle to be updated.
Flags - Specifies flags that control the behavior of AzInitialize AZ_SUBMIT_FLAG_ABORT: Abort the operation instead of commiting it
Reserved - Reserved. Must by zero.
Return Value:
NO_ERROR - The operation was successful.
ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE - The passed in handle was invalid
--*/ { DWORD WinStatus;
PGENERIC_OBJECT ReferencedGenericObject = NULL; PGENERIC_OBJECT GenericObject = (PGENERIC_OBJECT) AzHandle; DWORD ObjectType;
// Grab the global lock
// Only for the authorization store case do we modify anything.
AzpLockResourceExclusive( &AzGlResource );
// Validate the input parameters
if ( Reserved != 0 ) { AzPrint(( AZD_INVPARM, "AzCloseHandle: Reserved != 0\n" )); WinStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Cleanup; }
// Determine the type of the object
WinStatus = ObGetHandleType( GenericObject, FALSE, // Don't allow deleted objects
&ObjectType );
if ( WinStatus != NO_ERROR ) { goto Cleanup; }
// Validate the passed in handle
WinStatus = ObReferenceObjectByHandle( GenericObject, FALSE, // Don't allow deleted objects
TRUE, // Refresh the cache
ObjectType );
if ( WinStatus != NO_ERROR ) { goto Cleanup; }
ReferencedGenericObject = GenericObject;
// If we've been asked to abort the changes,
// do so
if ( Flags & AZ_SUBMIT_FLAG_ABORT ) {
// Call the worker routine to abort the operation
AzPersistAbort( GenericObject );
// Submit the changes
} else {
// Submit the change
// On failure, leave the object dirty
WinStatus = AzPersistSubmit( GenericObject, FALSE );
if ( WinStatus != NO_ERROR ) { goto Cleanup; }
WinStatus = NO_ERROR;
// Free locally used resources
if ( ReferencedGenericObject != NULL ) { ObDereferenceObject( ReferencedGenericObject ); }
// Drop the global lock
AzpUnlockResource( &AzGlResource );
return WinStatus;
// Various functions that are callable by the provider.
// These Azpe* routines are the only routines callable by the provider.
// They are typically thin wrappers around other routines in the core.
DWORD AzpeCreateObject( IN AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE AzpeParentHandle, IN ULONG ChildObjectType, IN LPCWSTR ChildObjectNameString, IN GUID *ChildObjectGuid, IN ULONG lPersistFlags, OUT AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE *AzpeChildHandle ) /*++
Routine Description:
The provider should call AzpeCreateObject to create an object in the AzRoles object cache. It should only be called from a thread processing a call to AzPersistOpen, AzPersistUpdateCache, AzPersistUpdateChildrenCache or AzPersistRefresh.
AzpeParentHandle - Specifies a handle to the object that is the parent of the object to create.
ChildObjectType - Specifies the type of the object to create. This should be one of the OBJECT_TYPE_* defines. See the section entitled AzpeObjectType for a list of valid object types. OBJECT_TYPE_AZAUTHSTORE is not valid.
ChildObjectNameString - Specifies the name of the object to create.
ChildObjectGuid - Specifies the Persistence Guid of the object to create.
lPersistFlags - Specifies a bit mask describing the operation. The provider should pass the same flags that were passed to it by AzRoles when AzRoles called the AzPersist*.
AzpeChildHandle - On success, returns a handle to the newly created object. The provider must call AzpeObjectFinished to close this handle.
Return Value:
NO_ERROR - The operation was successful ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY - not enough memory ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS - lPersistFlags is invalid.
--*/ { DWORD WinStatus; PGENERIC_OBJECT ParentGenericObject = (PGENERIC_OBJECT)AzpeParentHandle; PGENERIC_OBJECT_HEAD GenericChildHead;
AZP_STRING ChildObjectName;
// Ensure the provider didn't pass bogus parameters
if ( ChildObjectType >= OBJECT_TYPE_COUNT ) { ASSERT( ChildObjectType < OBJECT_TYPE_COUNT ); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// Initialization
AzpLockResourceExclusive( &AzGlResource ); AzpInitString( &ChildObjectName, ChildObjectNameString );
// Find child object head data structure from parent object
for ( GenericChildHead = ParentGenericObject->ChildGenericObjectHead; GenericChildHead != NULL; GenericChildHead = GenericChildHead->SiblingGenericObjectHead ) {
if ( GenericChildHead->ObjectType == ChildObjectType ) {
// Found object type head
break; } }
if ( GenericChildHead == NULL ) {
AzPrint(( AZD_INVPARM, "AzpeCreateObject: Cannot find Object Head: %ld: %ld\n", ParentGenericObject->ObjectType, ChildObjectType ));
goto Cleanup; }
// Actually create the object
WinStatus = ObCreateObject( ParentGenericObject, GenericChildHead, ChildObjectType, &ChildObjectName, ChildObjectGuid, lPersistFlags | AZP_FLAGS_BY_GUID, (PGENERIC_OBJECT *)AzpeChildHandle );
Cleanup: AzpUnlockResource( &AzGlResource );
return WinStatus; }
DWORD AzpeSetProperty( IN AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE AzpeObjectHandle, IN ULONG lPersistFlags, IN ULONG PropertyId, IN PVOID PropertyValue ) /*++
Routine Description:
The provider should call AzpeSetProperty to set the value of a scalar property in the AzRoles object cache. It should only be called from a thread processing a call to AzPersistOpen, AzPersistUpdateCache, AzPersistUpdateChildrenCache or AzPersistRefresh.
This operation is silently ignored if the application has already modified this property and has not yet submitted the change.
The provider should not call AzpeSetProperty for values that it hasn't actually stored. That is, the provider should make no assumption about the default values of the properties.
AzpeSetProperty does not bounds check, length check, or value check the PropertyValue. The provider maintains the definitive copy of the authorization policy. AzRoles simply maintains a cache of that authorization policy.
AzpeObjectHandle - Specifies a handle to the object.
lPersistFlags - Specifies a bit mask describing the operation. The provider should pass the same flags that were passed to it by AzRoles when AzRoles called the AzPersist*.
PropertyId - Specifies the property ID of the property to set. This should be one of the AZ_PROP_* defines. See the section entitled PropertyId parameter for a list of valid values.
PropertyValue - Specifies a pointer to the buffer containing the property. For properties that are strings, the pointer is of type LPWSTR. For properties that are LONGs, the pointer is of type PULONG. For properties that are Booleans, the pointer is of type PBOOL.
Return Value:
NO_ERROR - The operation was successful ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS - lPersistFlags is invalid. ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER - Property ID is invalid ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY - not enough memory
--*/ { DWORD WinStatus;
PGENERIC_OBJECT_LIST GenericObjectList; ULONG ObjectType;
// Ensure the provider didn't pass bogus flags
// Ensure the provider is only getting a scalar property
WinStatus = ObMapPropIdToObjectList( (PGENERIC_OBJECT)AzpeObjectHandle, PropertyId, &GenericObjectList, &ObjectType );
if ( WinStatus == NO_ERROR ) { AzPrint(( AZD_INVPARM, "AzpeSetProperty: Property ID for non-scalar: %ld\n", PropertyId )); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// Actually set the property
AzpLockResourceExclusive( &AzGlResource ); WinStatus = ObSetProperty( (PGENERIC_OBJECT)AzpeObjectHandle, lPersistFlags, PropertyId, PropertyValue);
AzpUnlockResource( &AzGlResource );
return WinStatus; }
DWORD AzpeSetObjectOptions( IN AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE AzpeObjectHandle, IN ULONG lPersistFlags, IN ULONG ObjectOptions ) /*++
Routine Description:
The provider should call AzpeSetObjectOptions to tell AzRoles about optional characteristics of the object. It should be called from a thread processing a call to AzPersistOpen, AzPersistUpdateCache, or AzPersistUpdateChildrenCache, AzPersistRefresh for each object read from the authorization database. It should be called from a thread processing a call to AzPersistSubmit for each newly created object.
AzpeObjectHandle - Specifies a handle to the object.
lPersistFlags - Specifies a bit mask describing the operation. The provider should pass the same flags that were passed to it by AzRoles when AzRoles called the AzPersist*.
ObjectOptions - Specifies a bit mask containing one or more of the following bits:
AZPE_OPTIONS_WRITABLE (0x1) - If this bit is set, then the current user can write this object. This corresponds to the Writable method on the various objects.
AZPE_OPTIONS_SUPPORTS_DACL (0x2) - If this bit is set, then the provider supports setting AZ_PROP_POLICY_READERS and AZ_PROP_POLICY_ADMINS on this object. This bit should only be specified if the object type is OBJECT_TYPE_AZAUTHSTORE, OBJECT_TYPE_APPLICATION or OBJECT_TYPE_SCOPE.
AZPE_OPTIONS_SUPPORTS_DELEGATION (0x4) If this bit is set, then the provider supports setting AZ_PROP_DELEGATED_POLICY_USERS on this object. This bit should only be specified if the object type is OBJECT_TYPE_AZAUTHSTORE or OBJECT_TYPE_APPLICATION.
AZPE_OPTIONS_SUPPORTS_SACL (0x8) - If this bit is set, then the provider supports setting AZ_PROP_APPLY_STORE_SACL on this object. This bit should only be specified if the object type is OBJECT_TYPE_AZAUTHSTORE, OBJECT_TYPE_APPLICATION or OBJECT_TYPE_SCOPE.
AZPE_OPTIONS_HAS_SECURITY_PRIVILEGE (0x10) - If this bit is set, then the current user has SE_SECURITY_PRIVILEGE on the machine containing the store.
AZPE_OPTIONS_SUUPORTS_LAZY_LOAD (0x20) - If this bit is set, then the provider supports lazy load for children
AZPE_OPTIONS_CREATE_CHILDREN - If this bit is set, then the current user can create children for this object. Currently, user only for AzScope objects.
Return Value:
NO_ERROR - The operation was successful ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS - lPersistFlags is invalid.
--*/ { PGENERIC_OBJECT GenericObject = (PGENERIC_OBJECT)AzpeObjectHandle;
// Ensure the provider didn't pass bogus flags
if ( (lPersistFlags & ~AZPE_FLAGS_PERSIST_MASK) != 0) { ASSERT( FALSE ); return ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS; }
if ( (ObjectOptions & ~AZPE_OPTIONS_VALID_MASK) != 0) { AzPrint(( AZD_INVPARM, "AzpeSetObjectOptions: bad options mask 0x%lx\n", ObjectOptions )); ASSERT( FALSE ); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
AzpLockResourceExclusive( &AzGlResource );
// Mark the object as writable
GenericObject->IsWritable = (( ObjectOptions & AZPE_OPTIONS_WRITABLE ) != 0);
// Mark whether the object support a DACL
if ( IsContainerObject( GenericObject->ObjectType )) { GenericObject->IsAclSupported = (( ObjectOptions & AZPE_OPTIONS_SUPPORTS_DACL ) != 0); } else { GenericObject->IsAclSupported = FALSE; }
// Mark whether the object support a SACL
if ( IsContainerObject( GenericObject->ObjectType )) { GenericObject->IsSACLSupported = (( ObjectOptions & AZPE_OPTIONS_SUPPORTS_SACL ) != 0); } else { GenericObject->IsSACLSupported = FALSE; }
// Load delegation support flag
if ( IsDelegatorObject( GenericObject->ObjectType ) ) { GenericObject->IsDelegationSupported = (( ObjectOptions & AZPE_OPTIONS_SUPPORTS_DELEGATION ) != 0); } else { GenericObject->IsDelegationSupported = FALSE; }
// Mark whether the current user has SE_SECURITY_PRIVILEGE on the store server
if ( GenericObject->ObjectType == OBJECT_TYPE_AZAUTHSTORE ) { ((PAZP_AZSTORE)GenericObject)->HasSecurityPrivilege = (( ObjectOptions & AZPE_OPTIONS_HAS_SECURITY_PRIVILEGE ) != 0);
// If the provider supports lazy load for children
((PAZP_AZSTORE)GenericObject)->ChildLazyLoadSupported = ((ObjectOptions & AZPE_OPTIONS_SUPPORTS_LAZY_LOAD) != 0); }
// Mark if the AzScope object children can be created
if ( IsContainerObject(GenericObject->ObjectType) ) { GenericObject->CanCreateChildren = ((ObjectOptions & AZPE_OPTIONS_CREATE_CHILDREN) != 0); }
AzpUnlockResource( &AzGlResource ); return NO_ERROR; }
VOID AzpeObjectFinished( IN AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE AzpeObjectHandle, IN DWORD WinStatus ) /*++
Routine Description:
The provider should call AzpeObjectFinished to indicate that it is finished updating the cache for a particular object. It should only be called from a thread processing a call to AzPersistOpen, AzPersistUpdateCache, AzPersistUpdateChildrenCache, or AzPersistRefresh.
AzpeObjectHandle - Specifies a handle to the object.
WinStatus - Specifies whether the provider successfully set all attributes of the object. If all attributes were set, specify NO_ERROR. If not all attributes were set, specify an appropriate status code.
Return Value:
--*/ { PGENERIC_OBJECT GenericObject = (PGENERIC_OBJECT)AzpeObjectHandle;
// Initialization
AzpLockResourceExclusive( &AzGlResource );
// Should no longer ASSERT on this condition.
//ASSERT( WinStatus == NO_ERROR );
ASSERT( (GenericObject->Flags & GENOBJ_FLAGS_PERSIST_OK) == 0 );
// Indicate that the provider has blessed the object
if ( WinStatus == NO_ERROR ) { GenericObject->Flags |= GENOBJ_FLAGS_PERSIST_OK;
// Providers don't call AzpeCreateObject for the authorization store object.
// So ensure the dirty bit gets set.
//ASSERT( (GenericObject->PersistDirtyBits & AZ_DIRTY_CREATE) != 0 || GenericObject->ObjectType == OBJECT_TYPE_AZAUTHSTORE );
GenericObject->PersistDirtyBits |= AZ_DIRTY_CREATE; }
// If this isn't the authorization store object,
// the provider got this handle from AzpeCreateObject,
// so dereference it.
if ( GenericObject->ObjectType != OBJECT_TYPE_AZAUTHSTORE ) { ObDereferenceObject( GenericObject ); }
AzpUnlockResource( &AzGlResource ); }
DWORD AzpeGetProperty( IN AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE AzpeObjectHandle, IN ULONG lPersistFlags, IN ULONG PropertyId, OUT PVOID *PropertyValue ) /*++
Routine Description:
The provider should call AzpeGetProperty to determine the value of scalar properties for a particular object. It should only be called from a thread processing a call to AzPersistSubmit.
AzpeObjectHandle - Specifies a handle to the object.
lPersistFlags - Specifies a bit mask describing the operation. The provider should pass the same flags that were passed to it by AzRoles when AzRoles called the AzPersist*.
PropertyId - Specifies the property ID of the property to get. This should be one of the AZ_PROP_* defines. See the section entitled PropertyId parameter for a list of valid values.
PropertyValue - On success, returns a pointer to the buffer containing the property. The provider should free this buffer using AzpeFreeMemory. For properties that are strings, the returned pointer is of type LPWSTR. For properties that are LONGs, the returned pointer is of type PULONG. For properties that are Booleans, the returned pointer is of type PBOOL.
Return Value:
NO_ERROR - The operation was successful ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY - not enough memory ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS - lPersistFlags is invalid. ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER - PropertyId is invalid.
--*/ { DWORD WinStatus; PGENERIC_OBJECT_LIST GenericObjectList; ULONG ObjectType;
// Ensure the provider didn't pass bogus flags
if ( (lPersistFlags & ~AZPE_FLAGS_PERSIST_SUBMIT) != 0) { ASSERT( FALSE ); return ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS; }
// Ensure the provider is only getting a scalar property
WinStatus = ObMapPropIdToObjectList( (PGENERIC_OBJECT)AzpeObjectHandle, PropertyId, &GenericObjectList, &ObjectType );
if ( WinStatus == NO_ERROR ) { AzPrint(( AZD_INVPARM, "AzpeGetProperty: Property ID for non-scalar: %ld\n", PropertyId )); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// Go get the property value
AzpLockResourceExclusive( &AzGlResource );
WinStatus = ObGetProperty( (PGENERIC_OBJECT)AzpeObjectHandle, lPersistFlags | AZP_FLAGS_BY_GUID, // use guid from persist store if apply
PropertyId, PropertyValue);
AzpUnlockResource( &AzGlResource );
return WinStatus; }
DWORD AzpeGetDeltaArray( IN AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE AzpeObjectHandle, IN ULONG PropertyId, OUT PULONG DeltaArrayCount, OUT PAZP_DELTA_ENTRY **DeltaArray ) /*++
Routine Description:
The provider should call AzpeObjectFinished to determine the value of non-scalar properties for a particular object. It should only be called from a thread processing a call to AzPersistSubmit.
AzpeObjectHandle - Specifies a handle to the object.
lPersistFlags - Specifies a bit mask describing the operation. The provider should pass the same flags that were passed to it by AzRoles when AzRoles called the AzPersist*.
PropertyId - Specifies the property ID of the property to get. This should be one of the AZ_PROP_* defines. See the section entitled PropertyId parameter for a list of valid values.
DeltaArrayCount - On success, returns the number of elements in DeltaArray. The returned value may be zero if no changes have been made to the property.
DeltaArray - On success, returns a pointers to the delta array. This pointer need not be freed. The pointer is only valid until the persistence provider returns from the AzPersistSubmit call. The returned value may be NULL if no changes have been made to the property.
Return Value:
NO_ERROR - The operation was successful ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER - PropertyId is invalid.
--*/ { DWORD WinStatus;
PGENERIC_OBJECT_LIST GenericObjectList; ULONG ObjectType;
// Map to the generic object list
WinStatus = ObMapPropIdToObjectList( (PGENERIC_OBJECT)AzpeObjectHandle, PropertyId, &GenericObjectList, &ObjectType );
if ( WinStatus != NO_ERROR ) { AzPrint(( AZD_INVPARM, "AzpeGetDeltaArray: invalid prop id %ld\n", PropertyId )); return WinStatus; }
// Return the delta array from the object list
*DeltaArrayCount = GenericObjectList->DeltaArray.UsedCount; *DeltaArray = (PAZP_DELTA_ENTRY *)GenericObjectList->DeltaArray.Array;
return NO_ERROR;
DWORD AzpeObjectType( IN AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE AzpeObjectHandle ) /*++
Routine Description:
The routine returns the object type for a particular object
AzpeObjectHandle - Specifies a handle to the objec
Return Value: Returns the object type of the object. This will be one of the OBJECT_TYPE_* defines.
--*/ { return ((PGENERIC_OBJECT)AzpeObjectHandle)->ObjectType; }
DWORD AzpeDirtyBits( IN AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE AzpeObjectHandle ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine returns a bit mask of the dirty bits for a particular object. Each bit corresponds to a property that has been modified by the application. It should only be called from a thread processing a call to AzPersistSubmit.
The dirty bits are object type specific. The provider should determine the object type of the object then should map each dirty bit to the corresponding property ID. If the property ID corresponds to a scalar, the provider should call AzpeGetProperty to get the value of the property. If the property ID corresponds to a list, the provider should call AzpeGetDeltaArray to get a description of what values where added to and removed from the property. See the section entitled PropertyId Parameter for details.
Each PropertyId maps to a single AZ_DIRTY_* dirty bit as returned from AzpeDirtyBits. The #define names exist on a one-to-one basis. That is AZ_PROP_NAME is the property ID for AZ_DIRTY_NAME.
There is one special dirty bit, AZ_DIRTY_CREATE. That bit is set if the object was created by the application.
If AzpeDirtyBits returns a bit the provider doesn't understand, the provider should fail the AzPersistSubmit call.
AzpeObjectHandle - Specifies a handle to the object.
Return Value:
Returns a bit mask specifying which properties where changed on the object. These bits are the AZ_DIRTY_* defines.
--*/ { return ((PGENERIC_OBJECT)AzpeObjectHandle)->DirtyBits; }
GUID * AzpePersistenceGuid( IN AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE AzpeObjectHandle ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine returns a pointer to the location of the persistence GUID in the AzRoles cache. The provider may read the returned location as long as the AzpeObjectHandle is valid. The provider may only modify the returned location while processing an AzPersistSubmit call and then only if the AZ_DIRTY_CREATE bit was set.
AzpeObjectHandle - Specifies a handle to the object.
Return Value:
Returns a pointer to the location of the persistence GUID in the AzRoles cache.
--*/ { return &((PGENERIC_OBJECT)AzpeObjectHandle)->PersistenceGuid; }
BOOLEAN AzpeIsParentWritable( IN AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE AzpeObjectHandle ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine returns the IsWritable property of the object's parent
AzpeObjectHandle - Specifies a handle to the object
Return Value:
BOOLEAN value indicating the IsWritable property of the parent
--*/ { return (BOOLEAN)(ParentOfChild((PGENERIC_OBJECT)AzpeObjectHandle)->IsWritable); }
BOOLEAN AzpeCanCreateChildren( IN AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE AzpeObjectHandle ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine returns the CanCreateChildren property of the object's parent
AzpeObjectHandle - Specifies a handle to the object
Return Value:
BOOLEAN value indicating the IsWritable property of the parent
--*/ { return (BOOLEAN)(ParentOfChild((PGENERIC_OBJECT)AzpeObjectHandle)->CanCreateChildren); }
BOOLEAN AzpeUpdateChildren( IN AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE AzpeObjectHandle ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine returns TRUE if the children of the object need to be updated into cache
AzpeObjectHandle - Specifies a handle to the object
Return Value:
BOOLEAN value indicating if the children of the object need to be updated into the cache
--*/ { BOOLEAN retVal = FALSE;
if ( ((PGENERIC_OBJECT)AzpeObjectHandle)->ObjectType == OBJECT_TYPE_SCOPE || ((PGENERIC_OBJECT)AzpeObjectHandle)->ObjectType == OBJECT_TYPE_APPLICATION ) {
retVal = ((PGENERIC_OBJECT)AzpeObjectHandle)->AreChildrenLoaded; }
return retVal; }
AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE AzpeParentOfChild( IN AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE AzpeObjectHandle ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine returns a handle to the parent of a particular object. The provider may use this parent handle as long as AzpeObjectHandle is valid.
AzpeObjectHandle - Specifies a handle to the object.
Return Value:
Returns a handle to the parent of a particular object. If AzpeObjectHandle is for an authorization store object, NULL is returned.
--*/ {
return (AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE)ParentOfChild((PGENERIC_OBJECT)AzpeObjectHandle); }
DWORD AzpeAddPropertyItemSid( IN AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE AzpeObjectHandle, IN ULONG lPersistFlags, IN ULONG PropertyId, IN PSID Sid ) /*++
Routine Description:
The provider should call AzpeAddPropertyItemSid to set the value of a SID list property in the AzRoles object cache. It should be called once from each SID in the SID list. It should only be called from a thread processing a call to AzPersistOpen, AzPersistUpdateCache, AzPersistUpdateChildrenCache or AzPersistRefresh.
This routine may also be called from a thread processing AzPersistSubmit if the submitted AZ_PROP_POLICY_ADMINS list is empty. In that case, the provider should default the AZ_PROP_POLICY_ADMINS list to the owner of the submitted file and should tell AzRoles who that own is by either calling AzpeSetSecurityDescriptorIntoCache or AzpeAddPropertyItemSid.
AzpeObjectHandle - Specifies a handle to the object.
lPersistFlags - Specifies a bit mask describing the operation. The provider should pass the same flags that were passed to it by AzRoles when AzRoles called the AzPersist*.
PropertyId - Specifies the property ID of the property to set. This should be one of the AZ_PROP_* defines. See the section entitled PropertyId parameter for a list of valid values.
Sid - Specifies a pointer to the SID to add to the Sid list
Return Value:
NO_ERROR - The operation was successful ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS - lPersistFlags is invalid. ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER - Property ID is invalid or the Sid is syntactically invalid. ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY - not enough memory
--*/ { DWORD WinStatus;
PGENERIC_OBJECT GenericObject = (PGENERIC_OBJECT)AzpeObjectHandle; PGENERIC_OBJECT_LIST GenericObjectList; ULONG ObjectType; AZP_STRING SidString;
// Ensure the provider didn't pass bogus flags
if ( (lPersistFlags & ~AZPE_FLAGS_PERSIST_MASK) != 0) { ASSERT( FALSE ); return ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS; }
// Handle calls from submit.
if ( lPersistFlags & AZPE_FLAGS_PERSIST_SUBMIT ) {
// Submit is only allowed for Policy admins
// .. on the authorization store object
// .. if there is no an empty policy admins list
if ( PropertyId != AZ_PROP_POLICY_ADMINS || GenericObject->ObjectType != OBJECT_TYPE_AZAUTHSTORE && GenericObject->PolicyAdmins.GenericObjects.UsedCount == 0 ) {
AzPrint(( AZD_INVPARM, "AzpeAddPropertyItemSid: called from submit: %ld %ld %ld\n", PropertyId, GenericObject->ObjectType, GenericObject->PolicyAdmins.GenericObjects.UsedCount ));
// Treat this as though it came from reconcile.
// That ensure the cache really gets updated but the dirty bits don't
// Initialization
AzpLockResourceExclusive( &AzGlResource );
// Validate the Property ID
WinStatus = ObMapPropIdToObjectList( GenericObject, PropertyId, &GenericObjectList, &ObjectType );
if ( WinStatus != NO_ERROR ) { AzPrint(( AZD_INVPARM, "AzpeAddPropertyItemSid: invalid prop id %ld\n", PropertyId )); goto Cleanup; }
// Validate a passed in SID
if ( !RtlValidSid( Sid ) ) { AzPrint(( AZD_INVPARM, "AzpeAddPropertyItemSid: SID not valid\n" )); WinStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Cleanup; }
// Add the property item
AzpInitSid( &SidString, Sid ); WinStatus = ObAddPropertyItem( GenericObject, GenericObjectList, lPersistFlags, &SidString );
Cleanup: AzpUnlockResource( &AzGlResource );
return WinStatus; }
DWORD AzpeAddPropertyItemGuid( IN AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE AzpeObjectHandle, IN ULONG lPersistFlags, IN ULONG PropertyId, IN GUID *ObjectGuid ) /*++
Routine Description:
The provider should call AzpeAddPropertyItemGuid to set the value of a property that is a list of other object in the AzRoles object cache. It should be called once from each object in the list. It should only be called from a thread processing a call to AzPersistOpen, AzPersistUpdateCache, AzPersistUpdateChildrenCache or AzPersistRefresh.
AzpeObjectHandle - Specifies a handle to the object.
lPersistFlags - Specifies a bit mask describing the operation. The provider should pass the same flags that were passed to it by AzRoles when AzRoles called the AzPersist*.
PropertyId - Specifies the property ID of the property to set. This should be one of the AZ_PROP_* defines. See the section entitled PropertyId parameter for a list of valid values.
ObjectGuid - Specifies the persistence GUID of the object in the list.
Return Value:
NO_ERROR - The operation was successful ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS - lPersistFlags is invalid. ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER - Property ID is invalid ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY - not enough memory
--*/ { DWORD WinStatus;
PGENERIC_OBJECT_LIST GenericObjectList; ULONG ObjectType;
// Ensure the provider didn't pass bogus flags
// Validate the Property ID
WinStatus = ObMapPropIdToObjectList( (PGENERIC_OBJECT)AzpeObjectHandle, PropertyId, &GenericObjectList, &ObjectType );
if ( WinStatus != NO_ERROR ) { AzPrint(( AZD_INVPARM, "AzpeAddPropertyItemGuid: invalid prop id %ld\n", PropertyId )); return WinStatus; }
AzpLockResourceExclusive( &AzGlResource );
WinStatus = ObAddPropertyItem( (PGENERIC_OBJECT)AzpeObjectHandle, GenericObjectList, lPersistFlags | AZP_FLAGS_BY_GUID, (PAZP_STRING)ObjectGuid);
AzpUnlockResource( &AzGlResource );
return WinStatus; }
DWORD AzpeAddPropertyItemGuidString( IN AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE AzpeObjectHandle, IN ULONG lPersistFlags, IN ULONG PropertyId, IN WCHAR *ObjectGuidString ) /*++
Routine Description:
AzpeAddPropertyItemGuidString is identical to AzpeAddPropertyItemGuid except it takes the GUID as an LPWSTR. The provider may call whichever function is more convenient.
AzpeObjectHandle - Specifies a handle to the object.
lPersistFlags - Specifies a bit mask describing the operation. The provider should pass the same flags that were passed to it by AzRoles when AzRoles called the AzPersist*.
PropertyId - Specifies the property ID of the property to set. This should be one of the AZ_PROP_* defines. See the section entitled PropertyId parameter for a list of valid values.
ObjectGuidString - Specifies the persistence GUID of the object in the list.
Return Value:
NO_ERROR - The operation was successful ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS - lPersistFlags is invalid. ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER - Property ID is invalid ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY - not enough memory
--*/ { DWORD dwErr; GUID ObjectGuid;
// Convert the string to a GUID
ASSERT(NULL != ObjectGuidString);
dwErr = UuidFromString(ObjectGuidString, &ObjectGuid); if (S_OK != dwErr) { goto Cleanup; }
// Use the routine that takes a binary GUID
dwErr = AzpeAddPropertyItemGuid( AzpeObjectHandle, lPersistFlags, PropertyId, &ObjectGuid );
Cleanup: return dwErr; }
PVOID AzpeGetProviderData( IN AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE AzpeObjectHandle ) /*++
Routine Description:
AzpeGetProviderData returns a pointer to buffer previously stored by AzpeSetProviderData. The provider is responsible for providing any synchronization for the data. The provider should only access the data from a thread processing a call to one of the AzPersist* routines.
AzpeObjectHandle - Specifies a handle to the object.
Return Value:
A pointer to the data the provider previously passed into AzpeSetProviderData
--*/ { return ((PGENERIC_OBJECT)AzpeObjectHandle)->ProviderData; }
VOID AzpeSetProviderData( IN AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE AzpeObjectHandle, IN PVOID ProviderData ) /*++
Routine Description:
It may be convenient for the provider to store some provider specific data on each object. AzpeSetProviderData stores a pointer to that data in the AzRoles cache. Azoles will automatically delete the pointed to data when it deletes the cache entry.
The provider may clear a previously stored pointer by specifying NULL as ProviderData.
The provider is responsible for providing any synchronization for the data. The provider should only access the data from a thread processing a call to one of the AzPersist* routines.
AzpeObjectHandle - Specifies a handle to the object.
ProviderData - Specifies a pointer to data to be stored by the provider. The buffer should have been allocated using AzpeAllocateMemory. AzRoles will delete this data when the cache entry is deleted by using AzpeFreeMemory.
Return Value:
--*/ { ((PGENERIC_OBJECT)AzpeObjectHandle)->ProviderData = ProviderData; }
VOID AzpeFreeMemory( IN PVOID Buffer ) /*++
Routine Description
The provider must use AzpeFreeMemory to free memory allocated by AzpeAllocateMemory, AzpeGetProperty, and AzpeGetSecurityDescriptorFromCache.
Buffer - Specifies a pointer to the buffer to be free. If NULL, the call is silently ignored.
Return Value
--*/ { if ( Buffer != NULL ) { AzpFreeHeap( Buffer ); } }
PVOID AzpeAllocateMemory( IN SIZE_T Size ) /*++
Routine Description:
The provider may call AzpeAllocateMemory to allocate memory. The provider must use AzpeAllocateMemory to allocate memory passed to AzpeSetProviderData and returned in the pwszTargetMachine parameter to AzPersistOpen. The provider may use AzpeAllocateMemory for other memory allocation. The provider must not have any memory allocated after it returns from AzPersistClose.
Size - Size in bytes of the memory to allocate.
Return Values:
Returns a pointer to the allocated memory. NULL - Not enough memory
--*/ {
return AzpAllocateHeap( Size, "AZPEALOC" ); }
Routine Description:
AzpSdToPolicy parses a security descriptor and determines which ACEs correspond to AZ_PROP_POLICY_ADMINS, AZ_PROP_POLICY_READERS, and AZ_PROP_DELEGATED_POLICY_USERS properties. For each such Sid, the routine calls a callback routine to tell the caller about the sid.
It also determines whether AZ_PORP_APPLY_STORE_SACL is TRUE or FALSE by inspecting the SACL. After determining the value, the routine calls a callback routine to tell the caller the value.
pSD - The current security descriptor for the object on the object in the store
pAdminRights - Rights for admins (Mask and Flags)
pReaderRights - Rights for readers (Mask and Flags). Specify NULL if the readers list need not be added. (For instance, for AzPersistSubmit as described above.)
pDelegatedUserRights - An optional parameter specifying the delegated user's rights (Mask and Flags)
pSaclRights - Specifies the rights to put on the SACL
CallbackRoutine - Address of the routine to call for each policy sid.
Context - Context to pass to the callback routine.
lPersistFlags - Internal flags These flags are passed to the callback routine but are otherwise unused.
Return Values:
NO_ERROR - The operation was successful ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY - not enough memory Other values returned from CallbackRoutine
--*/ {
DWORD WinStatus = 0;
PACL pDacl; BOOL bDaclPresent; BOOL bDaclDefaulted;
PACL pSacl; BOOL bSaclPresent; BOOL bSaclDefaulted;
ULONG lUserType; ULONG i;
BOOL bPolicyAdmin; BOOL bPolicyReader; BOOL bDelegatedPolicyUser;
BOOL ApplySacl;
// Validation
// If the caller is interested, do the DACL
if ( pAdminRights || pReaderRights || pDelegatedUserRights) {
// Retrive the DACL information. From this, the SIDs will
// extracted for each ACE, and loaded into the policy readers/
// admins and delegators list property accordingly.
// All inherited ACEs will be discarded
if ( !GetSecurityDescriptorDacl(pSD, &bDaclPresent, &pDacl, &bDaclDefaulted ) ) { WinStatus = GetLastError(); goto Cleanup; }
if( !bDaclPresent || (pDacl == NULL) ) {
WinStatus = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; goto Cleanup; }
// We now need the ACL information from the DACL
if ( !GetAclInformation( pDacl, &AclInfo, sizeof( ACL_SIZE_INFORMATION ), AclSizeInformation ) ) {
WinStatus = GetLastError(); goto Cleanup; }
// Loop through all the SIDs in the ACEs adding each one to the appropriate
// user type. Ignore all inherited ACEs
for ( i = 0; i < AclInfo.AceCount; i++ ) {
if ( GetAce( pDacl, i, (PVOID *)&pAce ) ) {
ASSERT( pAce != NULL );
pAceHeader = (PACE_HEADER) pAce;
// Allowed ACEs should only be added
if ( pAceHeader->AceType == ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE || pAceHeader->AceType == ACCESS_ALLOWED_OBJECT_ACE_TYPE ) {
// Pick up the AzRoles policy aces. Ignore inherited ACEs
if ( !(pAceHeader->AceFlags & INHERITED_ACE) ) {
bDelegatedPolicyUser = pDelegatedUserRights != NULL && !(pAce->Mask ^ pDelegatedUserRights->lUserRightsMask) && (pAceHeader->AceFlags == pDelegatedUserRights->lUserRightsFlags);
bPolicyAdmin = pAdminRights != NULL && !(pAce->Mask ^ pAdminRights->lUserRightsMask) && (pAceHeader->AceFlags & INHERIT_ONLY_ACE) == 0;
bPolicyReader = pReaderRights != NULL && !(pAce->Mask ^ pReaderRights->lUserRightsMask) && (pAceHeader->AceFlags & pReaderRights->lUserRightsFlags) == pReaderRights-> lUserRightsFlags && (pAceHeader->AceFlags & INHERIT_ONLY_ACE) == 0;
if ( bPolicyAdmin || bPolicyReader || bDelegatedPolicyUser ) {
pSid = (PSID)&pAce->SidStart;
if ( bDelegatedPolicyUser ) {
pSid = RtlObjectAceSid( pAce );
} else if ( bPolicyAdmin ) {
} else {
if ( IsValidSid( pSid ) ) {
WinStatus = (*CallbackRoutine)( Context, lPersistFlags, lUserType, pSid );
if ( WinStatus != NO_ERROR ) {
goto Cleanup; }
} // if ( IsValidSid( pSid )
} // if AzRoles policy ace
} // if not inherited
} // if GetAce
} // for ( i=0; i<AceCount; i++ )
// If the caller is interested, do the SACL
if ( pSaclRights ) {
// Retrive the SACL information.
// Use it to determine AZ_PORP_APPLY_STORE_SACL
if ( !GetSecurityDescriptorSacl(pSD, &bSaclPresent, &pSacl, &bSaclDefaulted ) ) { WinStatus = GetLastError(); goto Cleanup; }
// If there is a SACL,
// determine if we have put explicit ACEs in the SACL.
// If so, set ApplySacl TRUE
ApplySacl = FALSE;
if( bSaclPresent && pSacl != NULL ) {
// We now need the ACL information from the SACL
if ( !GetAclInformation( pSacl, &AclInfo, sizeof( ACL_SIZE_INFORMATION ), AclSizeInformation ) ) {
WinStatus = GetLastError(); goto Cleanup; }
// Loop through all ACEs
for ( i = 0; i < AclInfo.AceCount; i++ ) {
pAce = NULL;
if ( GetAce( pSacl, i, (PVOID *)&pAce ) ) {
ASSERT( pAce != NULL );
pAceHeader = (PACE_HEADER) pAce;
// Ignore non-audit ACEs and
// Ignore inherited ACEs
if ( pAceHeader->AceType != SYSTEM_AUDIT_ACE_TYPE || (pAceHeader->AceFlags & INHERITED_ACE) != 0 ) { continue; }
// If this is the explicit ACE we inserted,
// the consider that the ApplySacl property is true for this object.
pSid = (PSID)&pAce->SidStart;
if ( RtlEqualSid( pSid, AzGlWorldSid ) && pAce->Mask == pSaclRights->lUserRightsMask ) {
ApplySacl = TRUE; break; } } } }
// Tell the caller the whether an explicit SACL was applied
WinStatus = (*CallbackRoutine)( Context, lPersistFlags, AZ_PROP_APPLY_STORE_SACL, (PSID)&ApplySacl );
if ( WinStatus != NO_ERROR ) { goto Cleanup; } }
WinStatus = NO_ERROR;
// Free local resources
return WinStatus; }
// Context for AzpeGetSecurityDescriptorFromCache
typedef struct _AZP_GET_ACL_CONTEXT_ENTRY {
ULONG PropertyId; // Property Id for this policy
// Policy Rights as specified by the caller.
// NULL implies the caller isn't interested
// Delta array containing the merged data from the existing Security Descriptor
// plus the deltas added by the application
AZP_PTR_ARRAY ResultDeltaArray;
typedef struct _AZP_GET_ACL_CONTEXT {
// One entry for admins, readers, and delegators
DWORD AzpAddSidsToAcl( IN PAZP_PTR_ARRAY DeltaArray, IN DWORD AceFlags, IN ACCESS_MASK Mask, IN OUT PACL pDacl, IN GUID *pDelegatedObjectGuid ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine adds the SIDs in the passed SID array into the ACL with the given mask.
pSids - The array of SIDs that need to be added to the ACL
Mask - The mask used in each ace
pDacl - Pointer to the ACL
pDelegatedObjectGuid - GUID of the object this ACL will be placed on
Return Values:
NO_ERROR - The SIDs were added successfully
Other Status codes
--*/ {
DWORD WinStatus = 0; ULONG i = 0; BOOL bResult = FALSE;
// Validation
AZASSERT( DeltaArray != NULL ); AZASSERT( pDacl != NULL );
for ( i = 0; i < DeltaArray->UsedCount; i++ ) {
PAZP_DELTA_ENTRY DeltaEntry = (PAZP_DELTA_ENTRY)DeltaArray->Array[i]; ASSERT( DeltaEntry->DeltaFlags & AZP_DELTA_SID ); ASSERT( DeltaEntry->DeltaFlags & AZP_DELTA_ADD );
if ( pDelegatedObjectGuid == NULL ) {
bResult = AddAccessAllowedAceEx( pDacl, ACL_REVISION, AceFlags, Mask, DeltaEntry->Sid ); } else {
bResult = AddAccessAllowedObjectAce( pDacl, ACL_REVISION_DS, AceFlags, Mask, pDelegatedObjectGuid, NULL, DeltaEntry->Sid ); }
if ( !bResult ) {
WinStatus = GetLastError(); goto Cleanup; } }
WinStatus = NO_ERROR;
return WinStatus;
DWORD AzpGetSdWorker( IN PVOID Context, IN ULONG lPersistFlags, IN ULONG PropertyId, IN PSID Sid ) /*++
Routine Description:
Worker routine for AzpeGetSecurityDescriptorFromCache. This is a callback routine for AzpSdToPolicy. It is called for each policy SID and simply remembers the list of sids
Context - Context from AzpeSetSecurityDescriptorIntoCache. In this case, the context is a pointer to a AZP_GET_ACL_CONTEXT structure.
lPersistFlags - Internal flags
PropertyId - AZ_PROP_* identifying the right granted to the Sid.
Sid - Specifies the Sid the right is granted to.
Return Values:
NO_ERROR - The operation was successful Other errors from AzpeAddPropertyItemSid.
// AZ_PROP_APPLY_STORE_SACL is a boolean.
// There is nothing to merge.
// Find the context entry for this policy
for ( PolicyIndex=0; PolicyIndex<AZP_GET_ACL_CONTEXT_COUNT; PolicyIndex++ ) {
// If the property ID matches,
// use it.
ContextEntry = &RealContext->ContextEntry[PolicyIndex];
if ( ContextEntry->PropertyId == PropertyId ) { break; }
if ( PolicyIndex == AZP_GET_ACL_CONTEXT_COUNT ) { ASSERT( PolicyIndex != AZP_GET_ACL_CONTEXT_COUNT ); return NO_ERROR; }
// If the caller isn't interested in this right,
// we're done.
if ( ContextEntry->ppPolicyRights == NULL ) { return NO_ERROR; }
// Add this sid to the list of Sids for this policy
AzpInitSid( &SidString, Sid );
return ObAddDeltaToArray( AZP_DELTA_SID | AZP_DELTA_ADD, (GUID *)&SidString, &ContextEntry->ResultDeltaArray, TRUE ); // Discard entries that are deletions
Routine Description:
AzpeGetSecurityDescriptorFromCache is a support routine for the AZ_PROP_POLICY_ADMINS, AZ_PROP_POLICY_READERS, AZ_PROP_DELEGATED_POLICY_USERS, and AZ_PROP_APPLY_STORE_SACL properties. The routine reads the deltas to those properties from the object cache and builds a DACL and SACL corresponding to that policy.
The provider may choose to call AzpeGetDeltaArray for each of those properties if the provider's security model does not match that provided by this routine.
This routine should only be called from a thread processing a call to AzPersistSubmit.
The caller should only call this routine if the security descriptor should be written. Specifically, if the object was just created (the AZ_DIRTY_CREATE dirty bits is set for the object) or if the dirty bit for the properties mentioned above are set. AzpeGetSecurityDescriptorFromCache process the DACL and SACL separately. The caller should also. The caller should only specify the DACL specific parameters to this routine if the DACL is to be written. The caller should only specify the SACL specific parameter to this routine if the SACL is to be written.
If the AZ_DIRTY_CREATE bit is not set, then the previous security descriptor from the object needs to be passed to AzpeGetSecurityDescriptorFromCache. Again, the DACL should only be read if the DACL changed (as indicated by the dirty bits). The SACL should only be read if the SACL changed (as indicated by the dirty bits). Otherwise, the security descriptor read may fail because the caller has no access.
The returned security descriptor has the SE_DACL_PROTECTED if an only if the DACL is to be marked as protected.
The caller should not pass the generic access bit GENERIC_READ, GENERIC_WRITE, or GENERIC_EXECUTE to this routine. This routine needs to do bit mask comparisons with the access mask on the ACLs on the security descriptor. It cannot interpret the generic bits. Instead, pass the object specific mask such as FILE_GENERIC_READ.
AzpeObjectHandle - Handle to object whose ACLs will be read
lPersistFlags - Internal flags
ppPolicyAdminRights - Rights for policy admins. Specifies a NULL terminated array of pointers to AZP_POLICY_USER_RIGHTS structures. Each structure specifies an ACE to add to the DACL for each policy admin. The first element of the array must be the one passed to AzpeSetSecurityDescriptorIntoCache.
ppPolicyReaderRights - Rights for policy readers Specifies a NULL terminated array of pointers to AZP_POLICY_USER_RIGHTS structures. Each structure specifies an ACE to add to the DACL for each policy reader. The first element of the array must be the one passed to AzpeSetSecurityDescriptorIntoCache.
ppDelegatedPolicyUsersRights - Rights for delegated users Specifies a NULL terminated array of pointers to AZP_POLICY_USER_RIGHTS structures. Each structure specifies an ACE to add to the DACL for each delegated policy user. The first element of the array must be the one passed to AzpeSetSecurityDescriptorIntoCache.
pDelegatedObjectGuid - GUID for an object on which the delegated users will have read access on
pDelegatedUsersAttributeRights - the rights that needs to be granted to the delegated users for the attribute whoese guid is given by the next parameter. pAttributeGuid - the attribute that will grant special access to the delegated attribute users, pSaclRights - Specifies the rights to put on the SACL
OldSd - Specifies the existing security descriptor for the object Specify NULL for a newly created object.
NewSd - Returns the new self relative security descriptor for the object. The returned buffer should be freed using AzpeFreeHeap.
Return Values:
NO_ERROR - The ACLs were got successfully ERROR_EMPTY - The PolicyAdmins list was empty. AzpeGetSecurityDescriptorFromCache added the CreatorOwner Sid to the DACL a admin. The provider should apply that DACL then re-read the DACL to determine the actual PolicyAdmin. The provider should tell AzRole about the actual AZ_PROP_POLICY_ADMINS by calling AzpeSetSecurityDescriptorIntoCache or by calling AzpeAddPropertyItemSid for the actual creator/owner returned in the read DACL
Other status codes
--*/ { DWORD WinStatus;
ULONG PolicyIndex; ULONG DeltaIndex; ULONG RightsCountIndex;
AZP_STRING SidString; ULONG SidSize;
BOOLEAN UpdateDacl = (ppPolicyAdminRights != NULL || ppPolicyReaderRights != NULL || ppDelegatedPolicyUsersRights != NULL); DWORD DaclSize; PACL TempDacl = NULL;
DWORD SaclSize; PACL TempSacl = NULL;
SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR TempSd; ULONG ObjectType = AzpeObjectType(AzpeObjectHandle);
BOOL SetCreatorOwner = FALSE;
// Initialization
// Build a table since each of the three policies are handled the same way
ASSERT( AzpeObjectHandle != NULL ); RtlZeroMemory( &Context, sizeof(Context) ); Context.ContextEntry[AZP_GET_ACL_CONTEXT_ADMINS].PropertyId = AZ_PROP_POLICY_ADMINS; Context.ContextEntry[AZP_GET_ACL_CONTEXT_ADMINS].ppPolicyRights = ppPolicyAdminRights; Context.ContextEntry[AZP_GET_ACL_CONTEXT_READERS].PropertyId = AZ_PROP_POLICY_READERS; Context.ContextEntry[AZP_GET_ACL_CONTEXT_READERS].ppPolicyRights = ppPolicyReaderRights; Context.ContextEntry[AZP_GET_ACL_CONTEXT_DELEGATORS].PropertyId = AZ_PROP_DELEGATED_POLICY_USERS; Context.ContextEntry[AZP_GET_ACL_CONTEXT_DELEGATORS].ppPolicyRights = ppDelegatedPolicyUsersRights;
// Ensure the provider didn't pass bogus parameters
if ( (lPersistFlags & ~AZPE_FLAGS_PERSIST_SUBMIT) != 0) { ASSERT( FALSE ); WinStatus = ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS; goto Cleanup; }
// Initialize the local security descriptor
if ( !InitializeSecurityDescriptor( &TempSd, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION) ) { WinStatus = GetLastError(); goto Cleanup; }
// Get the Sids from the existing security descriptor on the object
// Call AzpGetSdWorker for each sid in the Security Descriptor
if ( OldSd != NULL ) { WinStatus = AzpSdToPolicy( OldSd, ppPolicyAdminRights ? ppPolicyAdminRights[0] : NULL, ppPolicyReaderRights ? ppPolicyReaderRights[0] : NULL, ppDelegatedPolicyUsersRights ? ppDelegatedPolicyUsersRights[0] : NULL, NULL, // No need to determine previous state of boolean
AzpGetSdWorker, &Context, // Context
lPersistFlags );
if ( WinStatus != NO_ERROR ) { goto Cleanup; } }
// If the caller asked for one,
// Build the DACL
if ( UpdateDacl ) {
// Get the Sids that the application submitted
// Do it for each policy
for ( PolicyIndex=0; PolicyIndex<AZP_GET_ACL_CONTEXT_COUNT; PolicyIndex++ ) { ULONG SubmittedDeltaArrayCount; PAZP_DELTA_ENTRY *SubmittedDeltaArray;
// If the caller isn't asking for this policy,
// move to the next one
ContextEntry = &Context.ContextEntry[PolicyIndex]; if ( ContextEntry->ppPolicyRights == NULL ) { continue; }
// Get the submitted delta array from the object
WinStatus = AzpeGetDeltaArray( AzpeObjectHandle, ContextEntry->PropertyId, &SubmittedDeltaArrayCount, &SubmittedDeltaArray );
if ( WinStatus != NO_ERROR ) { ASSERT( FALSE ); goto Cleanup; }
// Add each Submitted delta entry to passed in delta array
for ( DeltaIndex=0; DeltaIndex<SubmittedDeltaArrayCount; DeltaIndex++ ) {
ASSERT( SubmittedDeltaArray[DeltaIndex]->DeltaFlags & AZP_DELTA_SID ); ASSERT( (SubmittedDeltaArray[DeltaIndex]->DeltaFlags & AZP_DELTA_PERSIST_PROVIDER) == 0 );
AzpInitSid( &SidString, SubmittedDeltaArray[DeltaIndex]->Sid );
WinStatus = ObAddDeltaToArray( SubmittedDeltaArray[DeltaIndex]->DeltaFlags, (GUID *)&SidString, &ContextEntry->ResultDeltaArray, TRUE ); // Discard entries that are deletions
if ( WinStatus != NO_ERROR ) { goto Cleanup; }
} }
// If the caller wants the list of admins,
// and the AdminSids list is empty,
// and this is the authorization store object (and thus doesn't inherit PolicyAdmins),
// create one with just the creator/owner in it
if ( ppPolicyAdminRights != NULL && Context.ContextEntry[AZP_GET_ACL_CONTEXT_ADMINS].ResultDeltaArray.UsedCount == 0 && ObjectType == OBJECT_TYPE_AZAUTHSTORE ) {
AzpInitSid( &SidString, AzGlCreatorOwnerSid );
WinStatus = ObAddDeltaToArray( AZP_DELTA_SID | AZP_DELTA_ADD, (GUID *)&SidString, &Context.ContextEntry[AZP_GET_ACL_CONTEXT_ADMINS].ResultDeltaArray, TRUE ); // Discard entries that are deletions
if ( WinStatus != NO_ERROR ) { goto Cleanup; }
SetCreatorOwner = TRUE; }
// Compute the size of the DACL
// Do it for each policy
DaclSize = sizeof( ACL );
for ( PolicyIndex=0; PolicyIndex<AZP_GET_ACL_CONTEXT_COUNT; PolicyIndex++ ) { ULONG i;
// If the caller isn't asking for this policy,
// move to the next one
ContextEntry = &Context.ContextEntry[PolicyIndex]; if ( ContextEntry->ppPolicyRights == NULL ) { continue; }
// Determine the size of the ACLS after adding these ACEs
for ( i = 0; i < ContextEntry->ResultDeltaArray.UsedCount; i++ ) { PAZP_DELTA_ENTRY DeltaEntry = (PAZP_DELTA_ENTRY)ContextEntry->ResultDeltaArray.Array[i];
ASSERT( DeltaEntry->DeltaFlags & AZP_DELTA_SID ); ASSERT( DeltaEntry->DeltaFlags & AZP_DELTA_ADD );
SidSize = GetLengthSid( DeltaEntry->Sid );
// We have one right count for delegate user's attribute specific ACE
if ( PolicyIndex == AZP_GET_ACL_CONTEXT_DELEGATORS && pDelegatedUsersAttributeRights != NULL && pAttributeGuid != NULL ) { DaclSize += sizeof( ACE_HEADER ) + sizeof ( ACCESS_MASK ) + SidSize + + sizeof (ULONG) // For object ACE flags
+ sizeof( GUID ); // For attribute GUID
} for ( RightsCountIndex = 0; ContextEntry->ppPolicyRights[RightsCountIndex] != NULL; RightsCountIndex++ ) {
DaclSize += sizeof( ACE_HEADER ) + sizeof ( ACCESS_MASK ) + SidSize;
if ( ContextEntry->ppPolicyRights[RightsCountIndex]->lUserRightsFlags & INHERIT_ONLY_ACE ) {
DaclSize += sizeof (ULONG) // For object ACE flags
+ sizeof( GUID ); // For object GUID
} } } }
// Allocate a temporary buffer for the DACL
SafeAllocaAllocate( TempDacl, DaclSize )
if ( TempDacl == NULL ) { WinStatus = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto Cleanup; }
// Fill in the DACL
if ( !InitializeAcl( TempDacl, DaclSize, ACL_REVISION ) ) { WinStatus = GetLastError(); goto Cleanup; }
for ( PolicyIndex=0; PolicyIndex<AZP_GET_ACL_CONTEXT_COUNT; PolicyIndex++ ) {
// If the caller isn't asking for this policy,
// move to the next one
ContextEntry = &Context.ContextEntry[PolicyIndex]; if ( ContextEntry->ppPolicyRights == NULL ) { continue; }
// If there are no Sids to add,
// move on to the next one
if ( ContextEntry->ResultDeltaArray.UsedCount == 0 ) { continue; }
// Loop for each right to add
for ( RightsCountIndex = 0; ContextEntry->ppPolicyRights[RightsCountIndex] != NULL; RightsCountIndex++ ) {
PAZP_POLICY_USER_RIGHTS pPolicyRights = ContextEntry->ppPolicyRights[RightsCountIndex];
WinStatus = AzpAddSidsToAcl( &ContextEntry->ResultDeltaArray, pPolicyRights->lUserRightsFlags, pPolicyRights->lUserRightsMask, TempDacl, (pPolicyRights->lUserRightsFlags & INHERIT_ONLY_ACE) ? pDelegatedObjectGuid:NULL );
if ( WinStatus != NO_ERROR ) { goto Cleanup; }
// If we are processing delegators and the caller
// asks us to put delegated users' attribute rights
if ( PolicyIndex == AZP_GET_ACL_CONTEXT_DELEGATORS && pDelegatedUsersAttributeRights != NULL && pAttributeGuid != NULL ) { WinStatus = AzpAddSidsToAcl( &ContextEntry->ResultDeltaArray, pDelegatedUsersAttributeRights->lUserRightsFlags, pDelegatedUsersAttributeRights->lUserRightsMask, TempDacl, pAttributeGuid );
if ( WinStatus != NO_ERROR ) { goto Cleanup; } } }
// Add the DACL to the security descriptor
if ( !SetSecurityDescriptorDacl( &TempSd, TRUE, TempDacl, FALSE ) ) {
WinStatus = GetLastError(); goto Cleanup; }
// If this is the authorization store object, and
// the caller isn't asking for the SD of the "container" object for delegators,
// mark the SD as protected so azroles has absolute control of the DACL.
if ( ObjectType == OBJECT_TYPE_AZAUTHSTORE && (ppPolicyAdminRights != NULL || ppPolicyReaderRights != NULL) ) {
TempSd.Control |= SE_DACL_PROTECTED;
} }
// If the caller asked for one, Build the SACL
// Only container objects can have a SACL
if ( pSaclRights && IsContainerObject( ObjectType ) ) {
// Only apply a SACL if one is configured
if ( ((PGENERIC_OBJECT)AzpeObjectHandle)->ApplySacl ) {
// Determine the size of the SACL
SaclSize = sizeof(ACL) + sizeof(ACE_HEADER) + sizeof(ACCESS_MASK) + AzGlWorldSidSize;
// Allocate a buffer for the SACL
SafeAllocaAllocate( TempSacl, SaclSize );
if ( TempSacl == NULL ) { WinStatus = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto Cleanup; }
// Initialize the SACL
if ( !InitializeAcl( TempSacl, SaclSize, ACL_REVISION ) ) { WinStatus = GetLastError(); goto Cleanup; }
if ( !AddAuditAccessAceEx( TempSacl, ACL_REVISION, pSaclRights->lUserRightsFlags, pSaclRights->lUserRightsMask, AzGlWorldSid, TRUE, // Audit Success
TRUE )) { // Audit Failure
WinStatus = GetLastError(); goto Cleanup; }
// Add the SACL to the security descriptor
// The SACL is never protected
if ( !SetSecurityDescriptorSacl( &TempSd, TRUE, TempSacl, FALSE ) ) {
WinStatus = GetLastError(); goto Cleanup; } }
// Return a self relative SD back to the caller.
WinStatus = AzpConvertAbsoluteSDToSelfRelative( &TempSd, NewSd );
if ( WinStatus != NO_ERROR ) { goto Cleanup; }
// Tell the caller that he needs to re-read the security descriptor
if ( SetCreatorOwner ) { WinStatus = ERROR_EMPTY; }
// Free the temporary resultant delta array
for ( PolicyIndex=0; PolicyIndex<AZP_GET_ACL_CONTEXT_COUNT; PolicyIndex++ ) {
// If the caller isn't asking for this policy,
// move to the next one
ContextEntry = &Context.ContextEntry[PolicyIndex];
ASSERT( ContextEntry->ResultDeltaArray.UsedCount == 0 || ContextEntry->ppPolicyRights != NULL );
ObFreeDeltaArray( &ContextEntry->ResultDeltaArray, TRUE ); // FreeAllEntries
SafeAllocaFree( TempDacl ) SafeAllocaFree( TempSacl )
return WinStatus; }
DWORD AzpSetSdWorker( IN PVOID Context, IN ULONG lPersistFlags, IN ULONG PropertyId, IN PSID Sid ) /*++
Routine Description:
Worker routine for AzpeSetSecurityDescriptorIntoCache. It is a callback routine for AzpSdToPolicy. It is called for each policy SID and simply call AzpeAddPropertyItemSid for the SID.
Context - Context from AzpeSetSecurityDescriptorIntoCache In this case, the context is the AzpeObjectHandle.
lPersistFlags - Internal flags
PropertyId - AZ_PROP_* identifying the right granted to the Sid.
Sid - Specifies the Sid the right is granted to.
Return Values:
NO_ERROR - The operation was successful Other errors from AzpeAddPropertyItemSid.
--*/ {
// For AZ_PROP_APPLY_STORE_SACL, call AzpeSetProperty.
if ( PropertyId == AZ_PROP_APPLY_STORE_SACL ) {
return AzpeSetProperty( (AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE)Context, lPersistFlags, PropertyId, Sid );
// For all other property IDs, simply add the sid to the cache
} else {
return AzpeAddPropertyItemSid( (AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE)Context, lPersistFlags, PropertyId, Sid ); }
Routine Description:
AzpeSetSecurityDescriptorIntoCache is a support routine for the AZ_PROP_POLICY_ADMINS, AZ_PROP_POLICY_READERS, AZ_PROP_DELEGATED_POLICY_USERS, and AZ_PROP_APPLY_STORE_SACL properties. It inspects the security descriptor for the object and set each of the above properties based on the ACEs found.
The routine walks the DACL of the security descriptor for an object then calls AzpeAddPropertyItemSid for each non-inherited ACE. The provider may choose to call AzpeAddPropertyItemSid itself if the provider's security model does not match that provided by this routine.
The routine also walks the SACL of the security descriptor and calls AzpeSetProperty setting AZ_PROP_APPLY_STORE_SACL to TRUE or FALSE depending on whether there is a non-inherited ACE specifying the rights passed in pSaclRights.
This routine should only be called from a thread processing a call to AzPersistOpen, AzPersistUpdateCache, AzPersistUpdateChildrenCache or AzPersistRefresh.
This routine may also be called from a thread processing AzPersistSubmit if the submitted AZ_PROP_POLICY_ADMINS list is empty. In that case, the provider should default the AZ_PROP_POLICY_ADMINS list to the owner of the submitted file and should tell AzRoles who that own is by either calling AzpeSetSecurityDescriptorIntoCache or AzpeAddPropertyItemSid.
AzpeObjectHandle - Pointer to object whose policy admins and readers needs to be loaded.
pSD - The current security descriptor for the object on the object in the store
lPersistFlags - Internal flags
pAdminRights - Rights for admins (Mask and Flags)
pReaderRights - Rights for readers (Mask and Flags). Specify NULL if the readers list need not be added. (For instance, for AzPersistSubmit as described above.)
pDelegatedUserRights - An optional parameter specifying the delegated user's rights (Mask and Flags)
pSaclRights - Specifies the rights for the SACL. By convention the provider should specify a mask consisting of all the access bits indicating modification to the policy store. For instance, DELETE|WRITE_DAC|WRITE_OWNER|FILE_GENERIC_WRITE, would be appropriate for a file based store.
The parameter should be NULL if AZ_PROP_APPLY_STORE_SACL isn't being set into the cache. For instance, when caller doesn't have SE_SECURITY_PRIVILEGE or during AzPersistSubmit if the submitted AZ_PROP_POLICY_ADMINS list is empty.
Return Values:
NO_ERROR - The operation was successful ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS - lPersistFlags is invalid. ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER - Property ID is invalid ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY - not enough memory
--*/ { //
// Validation
ASSERT( AzpeObjectHandle != NULL );
// Ensure the provider didn't pass bogus flags
if ( (lPersistFlags & ~AZPE_FLAGS_PERSIST_MASK) != 0) { ASSERT( FALSE ); return ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS; }
// Call AzpSetSdWorker for each sid in the Security Descriptor
return AzpSdToPolicy( pSD, pAdminRights, pReaderRights, pDelegatedUserRights, pSaclRights, AzpSetSdWorker, AzpeObjectHandle, // Context
lPersistFlags );
BOOL AzpeAzStoreIsBatchUpdateMode( IN AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE hObject ) /*++
Determines if the az store is initialized with a batch update flag. This flag is set if the store is created to update massive amount of objects.
hObject - the object handle
Return Values:
True if the initialization flag has that bit set.
--*/ { PAZP_AZSTORE pAzStore = (PAZP_AZSTORE)( ((PGENERIC_OBJECT)hObject)->AzStoreObject ); return (pAzStore->InitializeFlag & AZ_AZSTORE_FLAG_BATCH_UPDATE); }
AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE AzpeGetAuthorizationStore( IN AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE hObject ) /*++
Get the store handle from any object
hObject - the object handle
Return Values:
Returns the object's store handle
--*/ { return (AZPE_OBJECT_HANDLE)( ((PGENERIC_OBJECT)hObject)->AzStoreObject ); }