Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Routines implementing the Scope object
Cliff Van Dyke (cliffv) 11-Apr-2001
#include "pch.hxx"
DWORD AzpScopeInit( IN PGENERIC_OBJECT ParentGenericObject, IN PGENERIC_OBJECT ChildGenericObject ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is a worker routine for AzScopeCreate. It does any object specific initialization that needs to be done.
On entry, AzGlResource must be locked exclusively.
ParentGenericObject - Specifies the parent object to add the child object onto. The reference count has been incremented on this object.
ChildGenericObject - Specifies the newly allocated child object. The reference count has been incremented on this object.
Return Value:
NO_ERROR - The operation was successful ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY - not enough memory Other exception status codes
--*/ { DWORD WinStatus = NO_ERROR; PAZP_SCOPE Scope = (PAZP_SCOPE) ChildGenericObject;
// Initialization
ASSERT( AzpIsLockedExclusive( &AzGlResource ) );
// Sanity check the parent
ASSERT( ParentGenericObject->ObjectType == OBJECT_TYPE_APPLICATION ); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( ParentGenericObject );
// Initialize the lists of child objects
// Let the generic object manager know all of the types of children we support
ChildGenericObject->ChildGenericObjectHead = &Scope->Tasks;
// List of child Tasks
ObInitGenericHead( &Scope->Tasks, OBJECT_TYPE_TASK, ChildGenericObject, &Scope->Groups );
// List of child groups
ObInitGenericHead( &Scope->Groups, OBJECT_TYPE_GROUP, ChildGenericObject, &Scope->Roles );
// List of child roles
ObInitGenericHead( &Scope->Roles, OBJECT_TYPE_ROLE, ChildGenericObject, &ChildGenericObject->AzpSids );
// List of child AzpSids
ObInitGenericHead( &ChildGenericObject->AzpSids, OBJECT_TYPE_SID, ChildGenericObject, NULL );
// If the parent application object's parent AzAuthorizationStore object supports delegation,
// then the scope object supports the following options:
if ( CHECK_DELEGATION_SUPPORT( (PGENERIC_OBJECT) ParentGenericObject->AzStoreObject ) == NO_ERROR ) {
ChildGenericObject->IsAclSupported = TRUE; ChildGenericObject->IsSACLSupported = TRUE; }
// If the provider does not support Lazy load, set the AreChildrenLoaded to
// TRUE. Else leave it as FALSE. This will be set to true during the call
// to AzPersistUpdateChildrenCache
if ( !(ParentGenericObject->AzStoreObject)->ChildLazyLoadSupported ) {
ChildGenericObject->AreChildrenLoaded = TRUE;
} else {
ChildGenericObject->AreChildrenLoaded = FALSE;
return WinStatus; }
VOID AzpScopeFree( IN PGENERIC_OBJECT GenericObject ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is a worker routine for Scope object free. It does any object specific cleanup that needs to be done.
On entry, AzGlResource must be locked exclusively.
GenericObject - Specifies a pointer to the object to be deleted.
Return Value:
--*/ { // PAZP_SCOPE Scope = (PAZP_SCOPE) GenericObject;
// Initialization
ASSERT( AzpIsLockedExclusive( &AzGlResource ) );
// Free any local strings
DWORD WINAPI AzScopeCreate( IN AZ_HANDLE ApplicationHandle, IN LPCWSTR ScopeName, IN DWORD Reserved, OUT PAZ_HANDLE ScopeHandle ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine adds a scope into the scope of the specified application. It also sets Scope object specific optional characteristics using the parent Application object's parent AzAuthorizationStore object.
ApplicationHandle - Specifies a handle to the application.
ScopeName - Specifies the name of the scope to add.
Reserved - Reserved. Must by zero.
ScopeHandle - Return a handle to the scope. The caller must close this handle by calling AzCloseHandle.
Return Value:
NO_ERROR - The operation was successful
ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS - An object by that name already exists
--*/ { //
// Call the common routine to do most of the work
return ObCommonCreateObject( (PGENERIC_OBJECT) ApplicationHandle, OBJECT_TYPE_APPLICATION, &(((PAZP_APPLICATION)ApplicationHandle)->Scopes), OBJECT_TYPE_SCOPE, ScopeName, Reserved, (PGENERIC_OBJECT *) ScopeHandle );
DWORD WINAPI AzScopeOpen( IN AZ_HANDLE ApplicationHandle, IN LPCWSTR ScopeName, IN DWORD Reserved, OUT PAZ_HANDLE ScopeHandle ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine opens a scope into the scope of the specified application.
ApplicationHandle - Specifies a handle to the application.
ScopeName - Specifies the name of the scope to open
Reserved - Reserved. Must by zero.
ScopeHandle - Return a handle to the scope. The caller must close this handle by calling AzCloseHandle.
Return Value:
NO_ERROR - The operation was successful
ERROR_NOT_FOUND - There is no scope by that name
--*/ { DWORD WinStatus = 0;
// Call the common routine to do most of the work
WinStatus = ObCommonOpenObject( (PGENERIC_OBJECT) ApplicationHandle, OBJECT_TYPE_APPLICATION, &(((PAZP_APPLICATION)ApplicationHandle)->Scopes), OBJECT_TYPE_SCOPE, ScopeName, Reserved, (PGENERIC_OBJECT *) ScopeHandle );
if ( WinStatus == NO_ERROR ) {
// Load the children if the Scope object has already been submitted to
// the store
if ( !((PGENERIC_OBJECT) *ScopeHandle)->AreChildrenLoaded ) {
// Grab the global resource lock
AzpLockResourceExclusive( &AzGlResource );
WinStatus = AzPersistUpdateChildrenCache( (PGENERIC_OBJECT) *ScopeHandle );
AzpUnlockResource( &AzGlResource );
if ( WinStatus != NO_ERROR ) {
// Derefence the scope handle and return nothing to the caller
AzCloseHandle( (PGENERIC_OBJECT)*ScopeHandle, 0 ); *ScopeHandle = NULL; } } }
return WinStatus; }
DWORD WINAPI AzScopeEnum( IN AZ_HANDLE ApplicationHandle, IN DWORD Reserved, IN OUT PULONG EnumerationContext, OUT PAZ_HANDLE ScopeHandle ) /*++
Routine Description:
Enumerates all of the scopes for the specified application.
ApplicationHandle - Specifies a handle to the application.
Reserved - Reserved. Must by zero.
EnumerationContext - Specifies a context indicating the next scope to return On input for the first call, should point to zero. On input for subsequent calls, should point to the value returned on the previous call. On output, returns a value to be passed on the next call.
ScopeHandle - Returns a handle to the next scope object. The caller must close this handle by calling AzCloseHandle.
Return Value:
NO_ERROR - The operation was successful (a handle was returned)
ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS - No more items were available for enumeration
--*/ { //
// Call the common routine to do most of the work
return ObCommonEnumObjects( (PGENERIC_OBJECT) ApplicationHandle, OBJECT_TYPE_APPLICATION, &(((PAZP_APPLICATION)ApplicationHandle)->Scopes), EnumerationContext, Reserved, (PGENERIC_OBJECT *) ScopeHandle );
DWORD WINAPI AzScopeDelete( IN AZ_HANDLE ApplicationHandle, IN LPCWSTR ScopeName, IN DWORD Reserved ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine deletes a scope from the scope of the specified application. Also deletes any child objects of ScopeName.
ApplicationHandle - Specifies a handle to the application.
ScopeName - Specifies the name of the scope to delete.
Reserved - Reserved. Must by zero.
Return Value:
NO_ERROR - The operation was successful
ERROR_NOT_FOUND - An object by that name cannot be found
--*/ { //
// Call the common routine to do most of the work
return ObCommonDeleteObject( (PGENERIC_OBJECT) ApplicationHandle, OBJECT_TYPE_APPLICATION, &(((PAZP_APPLICATION)ApplicationHandle)->Scopes), OBJECT_TYPE_SCOPE, ScopeName, Reserved );
DWORD AzpScopeGetProperty( IN PGENERIC_OBJECT GenericObject, IN ULONG Flags, IN ULONG PropertyId, OUT PVOID *PropertyValue ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is the Scope specific worker routine for AzGetProperty. It does any object specific property gets.
On entry, AzGlResource must be locked shared.
GenericObject - Specifies a pointer to the object to be queried
Flags - ignored
PropertyId - Specifies which property to return.
PropertyValue - Specifies a pointer to return the property in. The returned pointer must be freed using AzFreeMemory. The returned value and type depends in PropertyId.
Return Value:
Status of the operation
--*/ { DWORD WinStatus = NO_ERROR;
*PropertyValue = NULL;
// Initialization
ASSERT( AzpIsLockedShared( &AzGlResource ) );
// Return any object specific attribute
switch ( PropertyId ) {
// if the scope can be deleted (already has bizrule defined)
if ( AzpScopeCanBeDelegated(GenericObject, TRUE) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
*PropertyValue = AzpGetUlongProperty( 1 ); } else {
*PropertyValue = AzpGetUlongProperty( 0 ); }
// if bizrule attributes under the scope can be created/modified
if ( GenericObject->IsWritable && GenericObject->PolicyAdmins.GenericObjects.UsedCount == 0 ) {
// scope has not been delegated and is writable.
// for XML store that doesn't support delegation, PolicyAdmins should be empty
*PropertyValue = AzpGetUlongProperty( 1);
} else { //
// scope is not writable, or already been delegated
*PropertyValue = AzpGetUlongProperty(0); }
default: AzPrint(( AZD_INVPARM, "AzScopeGetProperty: invalid prop id %ld\n", PropertyId )); WinStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
return WinStatus; }
DWORD AzpScopeCanBeDelegated( IN PGENERIC_OBJECT GenericObject, IN BOOL bLockedShared ) /*
Routine Description:
This routine determines if the scope passed in can be delegated. The logic here is to check if there is any task object under the scope that has bizrules defined. If there is task with bizrule, the scope cannot be delegated; otherwise, it can.
Note that the scope may not be loaded in cache yet (with the lazy bit set), in which case, this routine will load the scope first then perform the check.
GenericObject - pointer to the scope object
bLockedShared - TRUE if the global resource is shared
ERROR_SUCCESS if the scope can be delegated
ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED if the scope cannot be delegated
other error if cannot determine */ { DWORD WinStatus = NO_ERROR;
// check input
if ( GenericObject == NULL || GenericObject->ObjectType != OBJECT_TYPE_SCOPE ) {
WinStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Cleanup; }
if ( GenericObject->PolicyAdmins.GenericObjects.UsedCount != 0 ) { //
// this scope is already delegated
WinStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto Cleanup; }
PAZP_SCOPE Scope = (PAZP_SCOPE)GenericObject;
// check if we need to load the scope first
if ( !(GenericObject->AreChildrenLoaded) ) {
if ( bLockedShared ) {
// Grab the resource exclusively
AzpLockResourceSharedToExclusive( &AzGlResource ); }
WinStatus = AzPersistUpdateChildrenCache( GenericObject );
if ( bLockedShared ) {
AzpLockResourceExclusiveToShared( &AzGlResource ); }
if ( WinStatus != NO_ERROR ) {
goto Cleanup; }
PLIST_ENTRY ListEntry; BOOL BizRuleTaskFound = FALSE;
for ( ListEntry = Scope->Tasks.Head.Flink ; ListEntry != &(Scope->Tasks.Head) ; ListEntry = ListEntry->Flink ) {
// Grab a pointer to the next task to process
// check if there is bizrule defined in this task
if ( Task->BizRule.String != NULL || Task->BizRuleLanguage.String != NULL || Task->BizRuleImportedPath.String != NULL ) {
BizRuleTaskFound = TRUE; break; } }
if ( BizRuleTaskFound ) { //
// there are bizrule defined.
return WinStatus; }