Copyright (c) 2000,2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implementation of the properties dialog which allows the user to create a new credential or edit an old one. Author:
Environment: WinXP
// Include files
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <winbase.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <windns.h>
#include <shellapi.h>
#include <wincrui.h>
#include <htmlhelp.h>
#include <wincred.h>
#include <credp.h>
#include <comctrlp.h>
#include <scuisupp.h>
#include <shfusion.h>
#include "switches.h"
#include "Dlg.h"
#include "Res.h"
#include "KRDlg.h"
#include "keymgr.h"
#include "testaudit.h"
// character length of buffer to contain localized description string for
// the credential being created/edited
BOOL g_fPswChanged; // password window touched by user
extern BOOL g_fReloadList;
Return the help string associated with the UI element passed by ID as input.
UINT C_AddKeyDlg::MapID(UINT uiID) { switch(uiID) { case 1003: return IDH_CUIUSER; case 1005: return IDH_CUIPSW; case 1010: return IDH_CUIVIEW; case IDOK: return IDH_CLOSE; case IDCANCEL: return IDH_DCANCEL; case IDD_ADDCRED: return IDH_ADDCRED; case IDC_TARGET_NAME: return IDH_TARGETNAME; case IDC_OLD_PASSWORD: return IDH_OLDPASSWORD; case IDC_NEW_PASSWORD: return IDH_NEWPASSWORD; case IDC_CONFIRM_PASSWORD: return IDH_CONFIRM; case IDD_KEYRING: return IDH_KEYRING; case IDC_KEYLIST: return IDH_KEYLIST; case IDC_NEWKEY: return IDH_NEW; case IDC_EDITKEY: return IDH_EDIT; case IDC_DELETEKEY: return IDH_DELETE; case IDC_CHANGE_PASSWORD: return IDH_CHANGEPASSWORD; default: return IDS_NOHELP; } }
// C_AddKeyDlg
// Constructor.
// parameters:
// hwndParent parent window for the dialog (may be NULL)
// hInstance instance handle of the parent window (may be NULL)
// lIDD dialog template id
// pfnDlgProc pointer to the function that will process messages for
// the dialog. if it is NULL, the default dialog proc
// will be used.
// returns:
// Nothing.
C_AddKeyDlg::C_AddKeyDlg( HWND hwndParent, HINSTANCE hInstance, LONG lIDD, DLGPROC pfnDlgProc // = NULL
) : C_Dlg(hwndParent, hInstance, lIDD, pfnDlgProc) { m_hInst = hInstance; } // C_AddKeyDlg::C_AddKeyDlg
Fill properties dialog fields with values taken from the currently selected credential.
void C_AddKeyDlg::EditFillDialog(void) { TCHAR szTitle[CRED_MAX_STRING_LENGTH + 1]; // buffer to hold window title string
ASSERT(g_pExistingCred); if (NULL == g_pExistingCred) return;
// Set up persistence in the UI
g_dwPersist = g_pExistingCred->Persist; g_dwType = g_pExistingCred->Type;
// Enable the change password stuff only on domain password creds
switch (g_pExistingCred->Type) { case CRED_TYPE_DOMAIN_PASSWORD: CHECKPOINT(1,"Keymgr: Edit - Password cred edit"); ShowWindow(m_hwndChgPsw,SW_NORMAL); ShowWindow(m_hwndPswLbl,SW_NORMAL); //deliberate fallthrough
case CRED_TYPE_DOMAIN_CERTIFICATE: CHECKPOINT(2,"keymgr: Edit - Certificate cred edit"); LoadString ( m_hInst, IDS_TITLE, szTitle, 200 ); SendMessage(m_hDlg,WM_SETTEXT,0,(LPARAM) szTitle); break; case CRED_TYPE_GENERIC: // generic cred not supported yet
break; case CRED_TYPE_DOMAIN_VISIBLE_PASSWORD: // passport cred should not get this far.
ASSERT(0); break; default: // type data bad
ASSERT(0); break; } // Write targetname to the UI
SendMessage(m_hwndTName, WM_SETTEXT,0,(LPARAM) g_pExistingCred->TargetName);
// Write username to the UI - take directly from the existing cred
if (!Credential_SetUserName(m_hwndCred,g_pExistingCred->UserName)) { // make a copy of the original username
_tcsncpy(m_szUsername,g_pExistingCred->UserName,CRED_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH); m_szUsername[CRED_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH] = 0; }
Compose the UI string which describes the type and persistence of the credential being created or edited. Write the text to the text control on the dialog.
void C_AddKeyDlg::ShowDescriptionText(DWORD dwtype, DWORD Persist) { WCHAR szMsg[DESCBUFFERLEN + 1]; WCHAR szTemp[DESCBUFFERLEN + 1]; INT iRem = DESCBUFFERLEN; // remaining space in the buffer
CHECKPOINT(3,"Keymgr: Edit - Show description on prop dialog"); memset(szMsg,0,sizeof(szMsg)); if ((dwtype != CRED_TYPE_DOMAIN_PASSWORD) && (dwtype != CRED_TYPE_DOMAIN_CERTIFICATE)) { // A generic credential - not currently supported
LoadString ( m_hInst, IDS_DESCAPPCRED, szTemp, DESCBUFFERLEN ); wcsncpy(szMsg,szTemp,DESCBUFFERLEN); szMsg[DESCBUFFERLEN] = 0; iRem -= wcslen(szMsg); } else { // a domain-type credential
// Show usage local machine versis domain
if (Persist != CRED_PERSIST_ENTERPRISE) { // either local persist or session persist creds show this string
CHECKPOINT(12,L"Keymgr: Edit - Show properties of non-enterprise persist cred"); LoadString ( m_hInst, IDS_DESCLOCAL, szTemp, DESCBUFFERLEN ); } else { // enterprise persistence - if you have a roaming profile, etc...
CHECKPOINT(13,L"Keymgr: Edit - Show properties of enterprise persist cred"); LoadString ( m_hInst, IDS_DESCBASE, szTemp, DESCBUFFERLEN ); } wcsncpy(szMsg,szTemp,DESCBUFFERLEN); szMsg[DESCBUFFERLEN] = 0; iRem -= wcslen(szMsg); }
// String: until you log off -or- until you delete it
if (Persist == CRED_PERSIST_SESSION) { // until you log off
CHECKPOINT(18,L"Keymgr: Edit - Show properties of session cred"); LoadString ( m_hInst, IDS_PERSISTLOGOFF, szTemp, DESCBUFFERLEN ); } else { // until you delete it
CHECKPOINT(19,L"Keymgr: Edit - Show properties of non-session cred"); LoadString ( m_hInst, IDS_PERSISTDELETE, szTemp, DESCBUFFERLEN ); }
iRem -= wcslen(szTemp); if (0 < iRem) wcsncat(szMsg,szTemp,iRem); szMsg[DESCBUFFERLEN] = 0; SendMessage(m_hwndDescription, WM_SETTEXT,0,(LPARAM) szMsg); return;
// OnInitDialog
// Dialog control and data initialization.
// parameters:
// hwndDlg window handle of the dialog box
// hwndFocus window handle of the control that will receive focus
// returns:
// TRUE if the system should set the default keyboard focus
// FALSE if the keyboard focus is set by this app
BOOL C_AddKeyDlg::OnInitDialog( HWND hwndDlg, HWND hwndFocus ) { C_Dlg::OnInitDialog(hwndDlg, hwndFocus);
m_hDlg = hwndDlg;
// get control handles, used for various purposes by other member fns
m_hwndCred = GetDlgItem(m_hDlg,IDC_CRED); m_hwndTName = GetDlgItem(m_hDlg,IDC_TARGET_NAME); m_hwndChgPsw = GetDlgItem(m_hDlg,IDC_CHGPSW); m_hwndPswLbl = GetDlgItem(m_hDlg,IDC_DOMAINPSWLABEL); m_hwndDescription = GetDlgItem(m_hDlg,IDC_DESCRIPTION);
// Initialize the cred control to show all usable authenticators
if (!Credential_InitStyle(m_hwndCred,CRS_USERNAMES | CRS_CERTIFICATES | CRS_SMARTCARDS)) { return FALSE; } // Establish limits on string lengths from the user
// Show dummy password for edited credential
if (m_bEdit) { Credential_SetPassword(m_hwndCred,L"********"); } // Set up the allowable persistence options depending on the type of user session
// Set the default persistence unless overriden by a cred read on edit
g_dwType = CRED_TYPE_DOMAIN_PASSWORD; g_dwPersist = GetPersistenceOptions(CRED_TYPE_DOMAIN_PASSWORD);
// By default, hide all optional controls. These will be enabled as appropriate
ShowWindow(m_hwndChgPsw,SW_HIDE); ShowWindow(m_hwndPswLbl,SW_HIDE);
// If editing an existing credential, fill dialog fields with existing data
// will also override type and persistence globals
if (m_bEdit) { EditFillDialog(); }
g_fPswChanged = FALSE; // password so far unedited
ShowDescriptionText(g_dwType,g_dwPersist); return TRUE; // On exit from OnInitDialog, g_szTargetName holds the currently selected
// credential's old name, undecorated (having had a null dropped before
// the suffix)
} // end C_AddKeyDlg::OnInitDialog
Pro forma OnDestroyDialog()
BOOL C_AddKeyDlg::OnDestroyDialog( void ) { return TRUE; }
// OnAppMessage
BOOL C_AddKeyDlg::OnAppMessage( UINT uMessage, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { return TRUE; }
On a help request event, get the control ID, map it to a help string, and present this as a tooltip over the control.
BOOL C_AddKeyDlg::OnHelpInfo(LPARAM lp) {
HELPINFO* pH; INT iMapped; pH = (HELPINFO *) lp; HH_POPUP stPopUp; RECT rcW; UINT gID;
gID = pH->iCtrlId; iMapped = MapID(gID);
CHECKPOINT(5,"Keymgr: Edit - Add dialog OnHelpInfo"); if (iMapped == 0) return TRUE; if (IDS_NOHELP != iMapped) {
memset(&stPopUp,0,sizeof(stPopUp)); stPopUp.cbStruct = sizeof(HH_POPUP); stPopUp.hinst = g_hInstance; stPopUp.idString = iMapped; stPopUp.pszText = NULL; stPopUp.clrForeground = -1; stPopUp.clrBackground = -1; stPopUp.rcMargins.top = -1; stPopUp.rcMargins.bottom = -1; stPopUp.rcMargins.left = -1; stPopUp.rcMargins.right = -1; // bug 393244 - leave NULL to allow HHCTRL.OCX to get font information of its own,
// which it needs to perform the UNICODE to multibyte conversion. Otherwise,
// HHCTRL must convert using this font without charset information.
stPopUp.pszFont = NULL; if (GetWindowRect((HWND)pH->hItemHandle,&rcW)) { stPopUp.pt.x = (rcW.left + rcW.right) / 2; stPopUp.pt.y = (rcW.top + rcW.bottom) / 2; } else stPopUp.pt = pH->MousePos; HtmlHelp((HWND) pH->hItemHandle,NULL,HH_DISPLAY_TEXT_POPUP,(DWORD_PTR) &stPopUp); } return TRUE; }
// OnCommand
// Route WM_COMMAND message to appropriate handlers.
// parameters:
// wNotifyCode code describing action that has occured
// wSenderId id of the control sending the message, if the message
// is from a dialog
// hwndSender window handle of the window sending the message if the
// message is not from a dialog
// returns:
// TRUE if the message was processed completely
// FALSE if Windows is to process the message
BOOL C_AddKeyDlg::OnCommand( WORD wNotifyCode, WORD wSenderId, HWND hwndSender ) { BOOL fHandled = FALSE; // indicate message handled
switch (wSenderId) { case IDC_CRED: { if (wNotifyCode == CRN_PASSWORDCHANGE) { g_fPswChanged = TRUE; } } break; case IDOK: if (BN_CLICKED == wNotifyCode) { OnOK( ); fHandled = TRUE; } break; case IDC_CHGPSW: { OnChangePassword(); //EndDialog(IDCANCEL); do not cancel out of properties dialog
break; }
case IDCANCEL: if (BN_CLICKED == wNotifyCode) { EndDialog(IDCANCEL); fHandled = TRUE; } break;
} // switch
return fHandled;
} // C_AddKeyDlg::OnCommand
// OnOK
// Validate user name, synthesize computer name, and destroy dialog.
// parameters:
// None.
// returns:
// Nothing.
void C_AddKeyDlg::OnOK( ) { LONG_PTR j,lCType; TCHAR szMsg[MAX_STRING_SIZE + 1]; TCHAR szTitle[MAX_STRING_SIZE + 1]; TCHAR szUser[FULLNAMEMAXLENGTH + 1]; // in from dialog
TCHAR szPsw[PWLEN + 1]; // in from dialog
TCHAR *pszNewTarget; // in from dialog
TCHAR *pszTrimdName; // mod'd in from dialog
DWORD dwFlags = 0; // in from dialog
CREDENTIAL stCredential; // local copy of cred
UINT cbPassword; BOOL bResult; BOOL IsCertificate = FALSE; BOOL fDeleteOldCred = FALSE; BOOL fRenameCred = FALSE; BOOL fPsw = FALSE;
ASSERT(::IsWindow(m_hwnd)); szPsw[0]= 0; szUser[0] = 0;
// Start with a blank cred if this is not an edit, else make a copy of existing one
if ((m_bEdit) && (g_pExistingCred)) memcpy((void *) &stCredential,(void *) g_pExistingCred,sizeof(CREDENTIAL)); else memset((void *) &stCredential,0,sizeof(CREDENTIAL)); pszNewTarget = (TCHAR *) malloc((CRED_MAX_GENERIC_TARGET_NAME_LENGTH + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (NULL == pszNewTarget) { return; } pszNewTarget[0] = 0;
// Get Username from the cred control - find out if is a certificate by
// IsMarshalledName().
if (Credential_GetUserName(m_hwndCred,szUser,FULLNAMEMAXLENGTH)) { IsCertificate = CredIsMarshaledCredential(szUser); }
// fetch password/PIN into szPsw. set fPsw if value is valid
fPsw = Credential_GetPassword(m_hwndCred,szPsw,CRED_MAX_STRING_LENGTH);
// Check to see that both name and psw are not missing
if ( wcslen ( szUser ) == 0 && wcslen ( szPsw ) == 0 ) { LoadString ( m_hInst, IDS_ADDFAILED, szMsg, MAX_STRING_SIZE ); LoadString ( m_hInst, IDS_APP_NAME, szTitle, MAX_STRING_SIZE ); MessageBox ( m_hDlg, szMsg, szTitle, MB_OK ); free(pszNewTarget); return; } // If the user has typed a \\server style target name, strip the leading hacks
j = SendMessage(m_hwndTName,WM_GETTEXT,CRED_MAX_GENERIC_TARGET_NAME_LENGTH,(LPARAM)pszNewTarget); ASSERT(j); pszTrimdName = pszNewTarget; while (*pszTrimdName == TCHAR('\\')) pszTrimdName++;
// Now have:
// pszTrimdName
// uzUser
// szPsw
// fPsw
// If target name edited, will need to rename
// If type changed or psw edited, psw blob will be removed/replaced
// If type changed, will need to remove old cred
if ((m_bEdit) && (g_pExistingCred)) {
CHECKPOINT(4,"Keymgr: Edit - OnOK for add/prop dialog"); if (0 != _tcscmp(pszTrimdName,g_szTargetName)) fRenameCred = TRUE; // Note that currently DOMAIN_VISIBLE_PASSWORD creds cannot be edited
// or created, so there is no handler for those types.
if (g_pExistingCred->Type == CRED_TYPE_GENERIC) { lCType = CRED_TYPE_GENERIC; } else { if (IsCertificate) lCType = CRED_TYPE_DOMAIN_CERTIFICATE; else lCType = CRED_TYPE_DOMAIN_PASSWORD; }
// If the type of the cred changes, you can't save the psw info
if ((DWORD)lCType != g_pExistingCred->Type) { dwFlags &= ~CRED_PRESERVE_CREDENTIAL_BLOB; fDeleteOldCred = TRUE; } else { dwFlags |= CRED_PRESERVE_CREDENTIAL_BLOB; }
// You also don't save the psw info if the user changed it explicitly
if (g_fPswChanged) { dwFlags &= ~CRED_PRESERVE_CREDENTIAL_BLOB; } #if TESTAUDIT
if (dwFlags & CRED_PRESERVE_CREDENTIAL_BLOB) { CHECKPOINT(21,L"Keymgr: Edit - Saving a cred preserving the old psw (rename)"); } else { CHECKPOINT(20,L"Keymgr: Edit - Saving a cred while not preserving the old password"); } #endif
} else { // if is a certificate marshalled name is cert or generic
// if not is generic or domain
if (IsCertificate) { lCType = CRED_TYPE_DOMAIN_CERTIFICATE; } else { lCType = CRED_TYPE_DOMAIN_PASSWORD; } } // Save credential. If certificate type, do not include a psw blob.
// After save, if the name had changed, rename the cred
stCredential.UserName = szUser; stCredential.Type = (DWORD) lCType; // If not an edit, fill in targetname, else do rename later
if (!m_bEdit) { stCredential.TargetName = pszTrimdName; } stCredential.Persist = g_dwPersist; // fill credential blob data with nothing if the cred control UI has
// disabled the password box. Otherwise supply psw information if
// the user has edited the box contents.
if (fPsw) { if (g_fPswChanged) { #ifdef LOUDLY
OutputDebugString(L"Storing new password data\n"); #endif
cbPassword = wcslen(szPsw) * sizeof(TCHAR); stCredential.CredentialBlob = (unsigned char *)szPsw; stCredential.CredentialBlobSize = cbPassword; } #ifdef LOUDLY
else { OutputDebugString(L"No password data stored.\n"); } #endif
bResult = CredWrite(&stCredential,dwFlags); SecureZeroMemory(szPsw,sizeof(szPsw)); // delete psw local copy
if ( bResult != TRUE ) { #ifdef LOUDLY
WCHAR szw[200]; DWORD dwE = GetLastError(); swprintf(szw,L"CredWrite failed. Last Error is %x\n",dwE); OutputDebugString(szw); #endif
AdviseUser(); free(pszNewTarget); return; } // Delete old credential only if type has changed
// Otherwise if name changed, do a rename of the cred
// If the old cred is deleted, rename is obviated
if (fDeleteOldCred) { #ifdef LOUDLY
OutputDebugString(L"CredDelete called\n"); #endif
CHECKPOINT(7,"Keymgr: Edit - OnOK - deleting old cred (type changed)"); CredDelete(g_szTargetName,(ULONG) g_pExistingCred->Type,0); g_fReloadList = TRUE; } else if (fRenameCred) { CHECKPOINT(8,"Keymgr: Edit - OnOK - renaming current cred, same type"); bResult = CredRename(g_szTargetName, pszTrimdName, (ULONG) stCredential.Type,0); g_fReloadList = TRUE; #ifdef LOUDLY
OutputDebugString(L"CredRename called\n"); #endif
if (!bResult) { // bugbug: How can rename fail?
// If it does, what would you tell the user?
LoadString ( m_hInst, IDS_RENAMEFAILED, szMsg, MAX_STRING_SIZE ); LoadString ( m_hInst, IDS_APP_NAME, szTitle, MAX_STRING_SIZE ); MessageBox ( m_hDlg, szMsg, szTitle, MB_OK ); free(pszNewTarget); return; } } #if TESTAUDIT
if (stCredential.Type == CRED_TYPE_DOMAIN_PASSWORD) CHECKPOINT(16,"Keymgr: Edit - Saving password cred"); if (stCredential.Type == CRED_TYPE_DOMAIN_CERTIFICATE) CHECKPOINT(17,"Keymgr: Edit - Saving certificate cred"); #endif
free(pszNewTarget); EndDialog(IDOK); } // C_AddKeyDlg::OnOK
void C_AddKeyDlg::OnChangePassword() { CHECKPOINT(10,"Keymgr: Edit - Changing password on the domain for the cred"); C_ChangePasswordDlg CPdlg(m_hDlg, g_hInstance, IDD_CHANGEPASSWORD, NULL); CPdlg.m_szDomain[0] = 0; CPdlg.m_szUsername[0] = 0; CPdlg.DoModal((LPARAM)&CPdlg); }
void C_AddKeyDlg::AdviseUser(void) { DWORD dwErr; TCHAR szMsg[MAX_STRING_SIZE]; TCHAR szTitle[MAX_STRING_SIZE]; dwErr = GetLastError(); CHECKPOINT(11,"Keymgr: Edit - Add/Edit failed: Show error message box to user");
if (dwErr == ERROR_NO_SUCH_LOGON_SESSION) { LoadString ( m_hInst, IDS_NOLOGON, szMsg, MAX_STRING_SIZE ); LoadString ( m_hInst, IDS_APP_NAME, szTitle, MAX_STRING_SIZE ); MessageBox ( m_hDlg, szMsg, szTitle, MB_OK ); // return leaving credential dialog up
return; } else if (dwErr == ERROR_BAD_USERNAME) { LoadString ( m_hInst, IDS_BADUNAME, szMsg, MAX_STRING_SIZE ); LoadString ( m_hInst, IDS_APP_NAME, szTitle, MAX_STRING_SIZE ); MessageBox ( m_hDlg, szMsg, szTitle, MB_OK ); // return leaving credential dialog up
return; } else if (dwErr == ERROR_INVALID_PASSWORD) { LoadString ( m_hInst, IDS_BADPASSWORD, szMsg, MAX_STRING_SIZE ); LoadString ( m_hInst, IDS_APP_NAME, szTitle, MAX_STRING_SIZE ); MessageBox ( m_hDlg, szMsg, szTitle, MB_OK ); // return leaving credential dialog up
LoadString ( m_hInst, IDS_ADDFAILED, szMsg, MAX_STRING_SIZE ); LoadString ( m_hInst, IDS_APP_NAME, szTitle, MAX_STRING_SIZE ); MessageBox ( m_hDlg, szMsg, szTitle, MB_OK ); // return leaving credential dialog up
return; } }