Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
Module Name:
LSA Constant Strings.
Larry Zhu (Lzhu) May 1, 2001
Revision History:
--*/ #include "precomp.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "lsacstr.hxx"
namespace LSA_NS {
PCTSTR kstrEmpty = _T(""); PCSTR kstrEmptyA = (""); PCSTR kstrNewLine = ("\n"); PCSTR kstrStrLn = ("%s\n"); PCSTR kstr2StrLn = ("%s%s\n"); PCSTR kstrLsaDbgPrompt = ("lsaexts> "); PCSTR kstrSpace = (" "); PCSTR kstr2Spaces = (" "); PCSTR kstr4Spaces = (" "); PCSTR kstr8Spaces = (" "); PCSTR kstrNullPtrA = ("(null)"); PCWSTR kstrNullPtrW = (L"(null)"); PCSTR kstrInvalid = ("Invalid");
// Format strings used to dump SID
PCSTR kstrSidNameFmt = ("(%s: %s\\%s)"); PCSTR kstrSdNmFmt = ("%s: %s\\%s"); PCSTR kstrSidFmt = ("%wZ"); PCSTR kstrShowSecBuffer = ("SecBuffer: ");
PCSTR kstrExitOnControlC = ("Exit on Control C");
// some type names
PCSTR kstrClBk = ("_SPMCallbackAPI"); PCSTR kstrLkpPkgArgs = ("_LSAP_LOOKUP_PACKAGE_ARGS"); PCSTR kstrSA = ("_SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES"); PCSTR kstrSid = ("_SID"); PCSTR kstrPrtMsg = ("_PORT_MESSAGE"); PCSTR kstrSecBuffer = ("_SecBuffer"); PCSTR kstrSecBuffDesc = ("_SecBufferDesc"); PCSTR kstrSpmApiMsg = ("_SPM_API_MESSAGE"); PCSTR kstrSpmCptCntxt = ("_SPMAcceptContextAPI"); PCSTR kstrSpmLpcMsg = ("_SPM_LPC_MESSAGE"); PCSTR kstrSpmNtCntxt = ("_SPMInitSecContextAPI"); PCSTR kstrSpmLpcApi = ("_SPMLPCAPI"); PCSTR kstrListEntry = ("_LIST_ENTRY"); PCSTR kstrLHT = ("_LARGE_HANDLE_TABLE"); PCSTR kstrSHT = ("_SMALL_HANDLE_TABLE"); PCSTR kstrCtxtData = ("ContextData"); PCSTR kstrNext = ("Next"); PCSTR kstrFlink = ("Flink"); PCSTR kstrNextFlink = ("Next.Flink"); PCSTR kstrList = ("List"); PCSTR kstrListFlink = ("List.Flink"); PCSTR kstrSbData = ("sbData"); PCSTR kstrVoidStar = ("void*");
// misc
PCSTR kstrSbdWrn = ("Only 16 buffers are printed, the buffer descriptor may be wrong\n"); PCSTR kstrIncorrectSymbols = ("*************************************************************************\n" "*** ***\n" "*** ***\n" "*** Your debugger is not using the correct symbols ***\n" "*** ***\n" "*** In order for this command to work properly, your symbol path ***\n" "*** must point to .pdb files that have full type information. ***\n" "*** ***\n" "*** Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not ***\n" "*** contain the required information. Contact the group that ***\n" "*** provided you with these symbols if you need this command to ***\n" "*** work. ***\n" "*** ***\n" "*** ***\n" "*************************************************************************\n"); PCSTR kstrCheckSym = ("try \"dt -x %s\" to check for required type information\n");
} // LSA_NS