Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
Module Name:
LSA Utility functions header
Larry Zhu (Lzhu) May 1, 2001
Revision History:
--*/ #ifndef _LSAUTIL_HXX_
#define _LSAUTIL_HXX_
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <align.h>
namespace LSA_NS {
enum ELsaExceptionCode { kInvalid, kIncorrectSymbols, kExitOnControlC, };
LPCTSTR StripPathFromFileName( IN LPCTSTR pszFile );
ULONG GetStructFieldVerbose( IN ULONG64 addrStructBase, IN PCSTR pszStructTypeName, IN PCSTR pszStructFieldName, IN ULONG BufferSize, OUT PVOID Buffer);
ULONG GetStructPtrFieldVerbose( IN ULONG64 addrStructBase, IN PCSTR pszStructTypeName, IN PCSTR pszStructFieldName, OUT PULONG64 Buffer);
PCSTR ReadStructStrField( IN ULONG64 addrStructBase, IN PCSTR pszStructTypeName, IN PCSTR pszStructStringFieldName);
PCWSTR ReadStructWStrField( IN ULONG64 addrStructBase, IN PCSTR pszStructTypeName, IN PCSTR pszStructWStringFieldName); BOOL WINAPI LsaLookupAccountNameA( IN LPCSTR lpSystemName, IN LPCSTR lpAccountName, OUT PSID Sid, IN OUT LPDWORD cbSid, OUT LPSTR ReferencedDomainName, IN OUT LPDWORD cbReferencedDomainName, OUT PSID_NAME_USE peUse );
BOOL WINAPI LsaLookupAccountSidA( IN LPCSTR lpSystemName, IN PSID Sid, OUT LPSTR Name, IN OUT LPDWORD cbName, OUT LPSTR ReferencedDomainName, IN OUT LPDWORD cbReferencedDomainName, OUT PSID_NAME_USE peUse );
void LocalPrintGuid(IN const GUID *pGuid);
BOOL IsAddressInNonePAEKernelAddressSpace(IN ULONG64 addr);
HRESULT HResultFromWin32(IN DWORD dwError);
HRESULT GetLastErrorAsHResult(void);
BOOLEAN IsEmpty(IN PCSTR pszArgs);
void debugPrintHandle(IN HANDLE handle);
NTSTATUS NtStatusFromWin32(IN DWORD dwError);
NTSTATUS GetLastErrorAsNtStatus(void);
HRESULT ProcessKnownOptions(IN PCSTR pszArgs OPTIONAL);
HRESULT ProcessHelpRequest(IN PCSTR pszArgs OPTIONAL);
LARGE_INTEGER ULONG642LargeInteger( IN ULONG64 value );
VOID ShowSystemTimeAsLocalTime( IN PCSTR pszBanner, IN ULONG64 ul64Time );
void handleLsaException( IN ELsaExceptionCode eExceptionCode, IN PCSTR pszMsg, OPTIONAL IN PCSTR pszSymHint OPTIONAL );
HRESULT GetFileNamePart(IN PCSTR pszFullPath, OUT PCSTR *ppszFileName);
void debugPrintHex(IN const void* buffer, IN ULONG cbBuffer);
#define LSA_NONE 0x00
#define LSA_WARN 0x01
#define LSA_ERROR 0x02
#define LSA_LOG 0x04
#define LSA_LOG_MORE 0x08
#define LSA_LOG_ALL 0x10
inline void debugPrintLevel(IN ULONG ulLevel) { PCSTR pszText = NULL;
switch (ulLevel) { case LSA_WARN: pszText = "[warn] "; break;
case LSA_ERROR: pszText = "[error] "; break;
case LSA_LOG: pszText = "[log] "; break;
case LSA_LOG_MORE: pszText = "[more] "; break;
case LSA_LOG_ALL: pszText = "[all] "; break;
default: pszText = kstrInvalid; break; }
OutputDebugStringA(pszText); }
inline void debugPrintf(IN PCSTR pszFmt, ...) { CHAR szBuffer[4096] = {0};
OutputDebugStringA(g_Globals.pszDbgPrompt ? g_Globals.pszDbgPrompt : kstrEmptyA);
va_list pArgs;
va_start(pArgs, pszFmt);
_vsnprintf(szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer) - 1, pszFmt, pArgs);
va_end(pArgs); }
inline PCSTR IoctlErrorStatusToStr(IN PCSTR pszPad, IN ULONG err) { static CHAR szBuf[1024] = {0};
#define BRANCH_AND_PRINT(x) \
\ do { \ if (x == err) { \ _snprintf(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf) - 1, "%s%s", pszPad, #x); \ return szBuf; \ } \ } while (0)
_snprintf(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf) - 1, "%s%#x", pszPad, err);
return szBuf; }
BOOL IsPtr64WithVoidStar(void);
inline ULONG64 toPtr(IN ULONG64 addr) { static BOOL bIsPtr64 = IsPtr64WithVoidStar();
if (!bIsPtr64) {
addr = static_cast<ULONG>(addr); }
return addr; }
inline ULONG GetPtrSize(void) { static ULONG cbPtrSize = 0;
if (!cbPtrSize) {
cbPtrSize = IsPtr64WithVoidStar() ? sizeof(ULONG64) : sizeof(ULONG); }
return cbPtrSize; }
inline ULONG ReadPtrSize(void) { static ULONG cbPtrSize = GetPtrSize();
if (!cbPtrSize) {
throw "ReadPtrSize failed"; }
return cbPtrSize; }
inline ULONG GetPtrWithVoidStar(IN ULONG64 Addr, IN ULONG64* pPointer) { return GetFieldData(Addr, kstrVoidStar, NULL, sizeof(ULONG64), (PVOID) pPointer); }
inline PCSTR EasyStr(IN PCSTR pszName) { return pszName ? pszName : kstrNullPtrA; }
inline void HandleIoctlErrors(IN PCSTR pszBanner, IN ULONG ErrorCode) { if (SYMBOL_TYPE_INFO_NOT_FOUND == ErrorCode) {
throw kIncorrectSymbols;
} else if (ErrorCode) {
DBG_LOG(LSA_ERROR, ("%s: Ioctl failed with error code %s\n", EasyStr(pszBanner), EasyStr(IoctlErrorStatusToStr(kstrEmptyA, ErrorCode))));
throw "Ioctl failed"; } }
inline ULONG64 ReadPtrWithVoidStar(IN ULONG64 Addr) { ULONG64 Pointer = 0;
HandleIoctlErrors("ReadPtrWithVoidStar", GetFieldData(Addr, kstrVoidStar, NULL, sizeof(ULONG64), &Pointer));
return Pointer; }
inline ULONG64 ReadStructPtrField(IN ULONG64 addrStructBase, IN PCSTR pszStructTypeName, IN PCSTR pszStructFieldName) { ULONG64 addr = 0;
DBG_LOG(LSA_LOG, ("ReadStructPtrField %s %#I64x %s\n", EasyStr(pszStructTypeName), addrStructBase, EasyStr(pszStructFieldName)));
HandleIoctlErrors("ReadStructPtrField", GetStructPtrFieldVerbose(addrStructBase, pszStructTypeName, pszStructFieldName, &addr));
return toPtr(addr); }
inline ULONG64 ForwardAdjustPtrAddr(IN ULONG64 addr) { static ULONG uPtrSize = ReadPtrSize();
ULONG64 alignedPtrAddr = addr;
// Only 64bit machines have alignment requirement
if (uPtrSize == sizeof(ULONG64)) {
alignedPtrAddr = ROUND_UP_COUNT(addr, sizeof(ULONG64)); // ((addr + uPtrSize - 1) / uPtrSize) * uPtrSize;
if (alignedPtrAddr != addr) {
DBG_LOG(LSA_LOG, ("ForwardAdjustPtrAddr adjusted addr from %#I64x to %#I64x\n", addr, alignedPtrAddr)); } }
return alignedPtrAddr; }
inline ULONG64 ReadPtrVar(IN ULONG64 addr) { static uPtrSize = ReadPtrSize();
ULONG64 value = 0; ULONG errorCode = 0;
// Assume 64 bit machine has alignment requirement for pointers
if (uPtrSize == sizeof(ULONG64)) {
ULONG64 alignedAddr = addr;
alignedAddr = ForwardAdjustPtrAddr(addr);
if (alignedAddr != addr) {
DBG_LOG(LSA_WARN, ("Adjust pointer address %#I64x to 8 byte boundary %#I64x\n", addr, alignedAddr)); }
addr = alignedAddr; }
HandleIoctlErrors("ReadPtrVar", GetPtrWithVoidStar(addr, &value));
return toPtr(value); }
inline UCHAR ReadUCHARVar(IN ULONG64 addr) { UCHAR value = 0;
if (!ReadMemory(addr, &value, sizeof(value), NULL)) {
DBG_LOG(LSA_ERROR, ("Can not ReadUCHARVar at %#I64x\n", addr));
throw "ReadUCHARVar failed"; }
return value; }
inline USHORT ReadUSHORTVar(IN ULONG64 addr) { USHORT value = 0;
if (!ReadMemory(addr, &value, sizeof(value), NULL)) {
DBG_LOG(LSA_ERROR, ("Can not ReadUSHORTVar at %#I64x\n", addr));
throw "ReadUSHORTVar failed"; }
return value; }
inline ULONG ReadULONGVar(IN ULONG64 addr) { ULONG value = 0;
if (!ReadMemory(addr, &value, sizeof(value), NULL)) {
DBG_LOG(LSA_ERROR, ("Can not ReadULONGVar at %#I64x\n", addr));
throw "ReadULONGVar failed"; }
return value; }
inline ULONG64 ReadULONG64Var(IN ULONG64 addr) { ULONG64 value = 0;
if (!ReadMemory(addr, &value, sizeof(value), NULL)) {
DBG_LOG(LSA_ERROR, ("Can not ReadULONG64Var at %#I64x\n", addr));
throw "ReadULONG64Var failed"; }
return value; }
inline ULONG ReadTypeSize(IN PCSTR pszTypeName) { ULONG typeSize = 0;
typeSize = GetTypeSize(pszTypeName);
DBG_LOG(LSA_LOG, ("Read type size of \"%s\"\n", EasyStr(pszTypeName)));
if (!typeSize) {
DBG_LOG(LSA_ERROR, ("Can not GetTypeSize on %s\n", EasyStr(pszTypeName)));
throw "ReadTypeSize failed\n"; }
return typeSize; }
inline ULONG ReadFieldOffset(IN PCSTR pszTypeName, IN PCSTR pszFieldName) { ULONG fieldOffset = 0;
DBG_LOG(LSA_LOG, ("Read field offset of \"%s\" from \"%s\"\n", EasyStr(pszFieldName), EasyStr(pszTypeName)));
HandleIoctlErrors("ReadFieldOffset", GetFieldOffset(pszTypeName, pszFieldName, &fieldOffset));
return fieldOffset; }
inline void ReadStructField(IN ULONG64 addrStructBase, IN PCSTR pszStructTypeName, IN PCSTR pszStructFieldName, IN ULONG fieldSize, OUT void* pFieldValue) { DBG_LOG(LSA_LOG, ("ReadStructField %s %#I64x %s\n", EasyStr(pszStructTypeName), addrStructBase, EasyStr(pszStructFieldName)));
HandleIoctlErrors("ReadStructField", GetStructFieldVerbose(addrStructBase, pszStructTypeName, pszStructFieldName, fieldSize, pFieldValue)); }
inline void LsaReadMemory(IN ULONG64 addr, IN ULONG cbBuffer, OUT void* buffer) { if (!ReadMemory(addr, buffer, cbBuffer, NULL)) {
DBG_LOG(LSA_ERROR, ("Unable to read %#x bytes from memory location %#I64x\n", cbBuffer, toPtr(addr)));
throw "LsaReadMemory failed"; } }
// Used to read in value of a short (<= 8 bytes) fields
// This is essentially the same as GetShortField with one difference that
// it throws exceptions on failures
inline ULONG64 ReadShortField(IN ULONG64 TypeAddress, IN PCSTR pszName, IN USHORT StoreAddress) { static ULONG64 SavedAddress = 0; static PCSTR pszSavedName = NULL; static ULONG ReadPhysical = 0;
ULONG Err = 0;
FIELD_INFO flds = {reinterpret_cast<UCHAR*>(const_cast<PSTR>(pszName)), NULL, 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_FULL_NAME, 0, NULL}; SYM_DUMP_PARAM Sym = { sizeof (SYM_DUMP_PARAM), reinterpret_cast<UCHAR*>(const_cast<PSTR>(pszSavedName)), DBG_DUMP_NO_PRINT | ((StoreAddress & 2) ? DBG_DUMP_READ_PHYSICAL : 0), SavedAddress, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, &flds };
if (StoreAddress) {
Sym.sName = reinterpret_cast<UCHAR*>(const_cast<PSTR>(pszName)); Sym.nFields = 0; pszSavedName = pszName; Sym.addr = SavedAddress = TypeAddress; ReadPhysical = (StoreAddress & 2);
if (!SavedAddress) {
throw "Invalid arguments to ReadShortField"; }
Err = Ioctl(IG_DUMP_SYMBOL_INFO, &Sym, Sym.size);
DBG_LOG(LSA_LOG, ("Save address %s %#I64x\n", EasyStr(pszName), TypeAddress));
HandleIoctlErrors("ReadShortField (save address) failed", Err);
return 0; // zero on success
} else {
Sym.Options |= ReadPhysical ? DBG_DUMP_READ_PHYSICAL : 0; }
Err = Ioctl(IG_DUMP_SYMBOL_INFO, &Sym, Sym.size);
DBG_LOG(LSA_LOG, ("Read %s %#I64x %s\n", EasyStr(pszSavedName), SavedAddress, EasyStr(pszName)));
HandleIoctlErrors("ReadShortField (read value) failed", Err);
return flds.address; }
inline ULONG ReadTypeSizeInArray(IN PCSTR pszType) { ULONG cbOneItem = 0; ULONG cbTwoItems = 0; CHAR szTypeTmp[256] = {0};
DBG_LOG(LSA_LOG, ("ReadTypeSizeInArray %s\n", pszType));
cbOneItem = GetTypeSize(pszType);
if (_snprintf(szTypeTmp, sizeof(szTypeTmp) - 1, "%s[2]", pszType) < 0) {
throw "ReadTypeSizeInArray failed with insufficient buffer"; }
cbTwoItems = GetTypeSize(szTypeTmp); cbOneItem = cbTwoItems - cbOneItem;
if (!cbOneItem) {
dprintf("Unable to read type size in array for %s\n", pszType); throw "ReadTypeSizeInArray failed"; }
return cbOneItem; }
inline ULONG64 ReadPtrField(IN PCSTR Field) { return toPtr(ReadShortField(0, Field, 0)); }
inline void ExitIfControlC(void) { if (CheckControlC()) {
throw kExitOnControlC; } }
// This func is not thread safe
inline PCSTR PtrToStr(IN ULONG64 addr) { static CHAR szBuffer[64] = {0};
if (!addr) {
return kstrNullPtrA; }
_snprintf(szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer) - 1, "%#I64x", addr);
return szBuffer; }
// This func is not thread safe because it calls PtrToStr which is not
// thread safe
inline PCSTR GetSymbolStr(IN ULONG64 addr, IN PCSTR pszBuffer) { ExitIfControlC();
// null
if (!addr) {
return kstrNullPtrA; }
// No symbols resolved, return address
if (!pszBuffer || !*pszBuffer) {
return PtrToStr(addr); }
// Return symbols
return pszBuffer; }
inline void PrintPtrWithSymbolsLn(IN PCSTR pszBanner, IN ULONG64 addr) { CHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH] = {0}; ULONG64 Disp = 0;
GetSymbol(addr, szBuffer, &Disp); dprintf(kstr2StrLn, pszBanner, GetSymbolStr(addr, szBuffer)); }
inline void PrintSpaces(IN LONG cSpaces) { for (LONG i = 0; i < cSpaces; i++) {
dprintf(kstrSpace); } }
} // LSA_NS