// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1995.
// File: negotiat.cxx
// Contents:
// Classes:
// Functions:
// History: 11-15-95 RichardW Created for Cairo
// 07-25-96 RichardW Added SNEGO support
// 06-24-97 MikeSw Modified for SPNEGO
#include <lsapch.hxx>
extern "C" { #include <align.h>
#include <lm.h>
#include <dsgetdc.h>
#include <cryptdll.h>
#include <spmgr.h>
#include "sesmgr.h"
#include "spinit.h"
#include "negotiat.hxx"
#include <stdio.h>
// Possible states for the Accept and Init calls.
#define LATER_CALL_BIT 2
// This define controls the proposed MA behavior v. the existing MA
// behavior
// This defines the minimum buffer that spnego can use, when
// fragment-to-fit is requested. This is 5 bytes, enough in
// BER to encode the start of a 64K buffer. The five bytes,
// for the curious, are:
// 0x60 0x8x 0xLL 0xLL 0xLL
// or application[0], and four bytes of length specifier.
ULONG NegpUseSpnego = 1; ULONG NegpUseSnegoServer = 0; ULONG SyncTest = 0;
SECPKG_FUNCTION_TABLE NegTable = { NULL, NULL, NegCallPackage, NegLogoffNotify, NegCallPackage, // UNTRUSTED Is the same!
NegCallPackagePassthrough, NULL, NegLogonUserEx2, NegInitialize, NegShutdown, NegGetInfo, NegAcceptCredentials, NegAcquireCredentialsHandle, NegQueryCredentialsAttributes, NegFreeCredentialsHandle, NegSaveCredentials, NegGetCredentials, NegDeleteCredentials, NegInitLsaModeContext, NegAcceptLsaModeContext, NegDeleteLsaModeContext, NegApplyControlToken, NegGetUserInfo, NegGetExtendedInformation, NegQueryContextAttributes, NULL };
// Microsoft Security Mechanisms OID Branch:
// iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) microsoft(311)
// security(2)
// mechanisms(2)
// Loopback Detect (9)
// <RPCID> - The RPC Id is stuck here, e.g.
// NTLM (10)
// SSL (12)
UCHAR NegSpnegoMechEncodedOid[] = { 0x06, 0x7, 0x2b, 0x6,0x1,0x5,0x5,0x2}; ObjectID NegSpnegoMechOid; UCHAR NegMSMechanismsOid[] = { 0x06, 0x0a, // DER prefix
0x2b, 0x06, 0x01, 0x04, 0x01, 0x82, 0x37, 0x02, 0x02, 0x00 };
const UCHAR NegKerberosOid[] = { 0x06, 0x09, // DER prefix
0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x12, 0x01, 0x02, 0x02 };
const UCHAR NegKerberosLegacyOid[] = { 0x06, 0x09, // DER prefix
0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x82, 0xf7, 0x12, 0x01, 0x02, 0x02 };
UNICODE_STRING NegLocalHostName_U ; WCHAR NegLocalHostName[] = L"localhost"; DWORD_PTR NegPackageId; DWORD_PTR NtlmPackageId = NEG_INVALID_PACKAGE; ObjectID NegNtlmMechOid ;
WCHAR NegPackageName[] = NEGOSSP_NAME ; WCHAR NegPackageComment[] = TEXT("Microsoft Package Negotiator"); NT_PRODUCT_TYPE NegProductType;
// computer names (protected by NegComputerNamesLock)
UNICODE_STRING NegNetbiosComputerName_U; UNICODE_STRING NegDnsComputerName_U; LIST_ENTRY NegPackageList; LIST_ENTRY NegCredList; LIST_ENTRY NegDefaultCredList ; RTL_RESOURCE NegLock; PLSAP_SECURITY_PACKAGE NegLsaPackage ; LIST_ENTRY NegLoopbackList ; LIST_ENTRY NegLogonSessionList ; RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION NegLogonSessionListLock ; RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION NegTrustListLock ; PNEG_TRUST_LIST NegTrustList ; LARGE_INTEGER NegTrustTime ; RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION NegComputerNamesLock; RTL_RESOURCE NegCredListLock; PVOID NegNotifyHandle; DWORD NegPackageCount; PUCHAR NegBlob; DWORD NegBlobSize; DWORD NegOptions; ULONG NegMachineState; BOOL NegUplevelDomain ; ULONG NegNegotiationControl = 1 ; HANDLE NegRegistryWatchEvent ; WCHAR NegComputerName[ DNS_MAX_NAME_LENGTH ];
typedef struct _NEG_CONTEXT_REQ_MAP { #define NEG_CONFIG_REQUIRED 0x00000001
#define NEG_CONFIG_OPTIONAL 0x00000002
ULONG Level ; ULONG ConfigFlags ; ULONG ContextReq ; ULONG PackageFlag ; } NEG_CONTEXT_REQ_MAP, * PNEG_CONTEXT_REQ_MAP ;
VOID NegpNotifyNetworkProviders( IN PUNICODE_STRING UserName, IN PSECPKG_PRIMARY_CRED PrimaryCred );
// Primary and secondary credentials used for LocalSystem
SECPKG_PRIMARY_CRED NegPrimarySystemCredentials;
extern "C" SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY NegpValidateBuffer( PUCHAR Buffer, ULONG Length ) { UCHAR Test ; ULONG ClaimedLength ; ULONG ByteCount ; ULONG i ;
if ( Length == 0 ) { return STATUS_SUCCESS ; } //
// This does a poor man's validation of the BER encoded SNEGO buffer
// First, make sure the first byte is a BER value for Context Specific
Test = Buffer[0] & 0xC0 ;
if ( (Test != 0x80 ) && (Test != 0x40 ) ) { DebugLog(( DEB_ERROR, "Neg: Buffer does not lead off with 'Context' or 'Application' specific\n")); goto Bad_Buffer ; }
// Now, check the claimed size in the header with the size we were passed:
Buffer++ ; ClaimedLength = 0 ;
if (*Buffer & 0x80) { ByteCount = *Buffer++ & 0x7f;
for (i = 0; i < ByteCount ; i++ ) { ClaimedLength <<= 8; ClaimedLength += *Buffer++; } } else { ByteCount = 0; ClaimedLength = *Buffer++; }
if ( (ClaimedLength + 2 + ByteCount) != Length ) { DebugLog(( DEB_ERROR, "Neg: Packet claimed length %x, actual length is %x\n", ClaimedLength + 2 + ByteCount, Length ));
goto Bad_Buffer ; }
// Function: NegpFindPackage
// Synopsis: Scans the list of negotiable packages for a package id
// Arguments: [PackageId] --
// History: 8-13-96 RichardW Created
// Notes:
PNEG_PACKAGE NegpFindPackage( ULONG_PTR PackageId ) { PNEG_PACKAGE Scan;
Scan = (PNEG_PACKAGE) NegPackageList.Flink ;
while ( Scan != (PNEG_PACKAGE) &NegPackageList ) { if ( Scan->LsaPackage->dwPackageID == PackageId ) { break; }
Scan = (PNEG_PACKAGE) Scan->List.Flink ;
if ( Scan != (PNEG_PACKAGE) &NegPackageList ) { return( Scan ); }
return( NULL ); }
// Function: NegpFindPackageByName
// Synopsis: Scans the list of negotiable packages for a package name
// Arguments: [PackageId] --
// History: 8-13-96 RichardW Created
// Notes:
Scan = (PNEG_PACKAGE) NegPackageList.Flink ;
while ( Scan != (PNEG_PACKAGE) &NegPackageList ) { if ( RtlEqualUnicodeString( &Scan->LsaPackage->Name, PackageName, TRUE // case insensitive
)) { break; }
Scan = (PNEG_PACKAGE) Scan->List.Flink ;
if ( Scan != (PNEG_PACKAGE) &NegPackageList ) { return( Scan ); }
return( NULL ); }
// Function: NegpFindPackageByOid
// Synopsis: Locates a security package by OID.
// Arguments: [Id] --
// History: 4-23-97 RichardW Created
// Notes:
PNEG_PACKAGE NegpFindPackageByOid( ObjectID Id ) { PNEG_PACKAGE Scan ; PLIST_ENTRY List ; ULONG i ;
List = NegPackageList.Flink ; Scan = NULL ;
while ( List != &NegPackageList ) { Scan = CONTAINING_RECORD( List, NEG_PACKAGE, List );
if ( NegpCompareOid( Id, Scan->ObjectId ) == 0 ) { break; }
List = List->Flink ; Scan = NULL ; }
return Scan ; }
ULONG NegGetPackageCaps( ULONG ContextReq ) { ULONG PackageCap = 0; PNEG_CONTEXT_REQ_MAP Scan ;
Scan = NegContextReqMap ;
while ( Scan->ContextReq ) { if ( Scan->ConfigFlags & NEG_CONFIG_REQUIRED ) { if ( (Scan->ContextReq & ContextReq ) != 0 ) { PackageCap |= Scan->PackageFlag ; } } else if ( Scan->ConfigFlags & NEG_CONFIG_OPTIONAL ) { if ( NegNegotiationControl >= Scan->Level ) { if ( ( Scan->ContextReq & ContextReq ) != 0 ) { PackageCap |= Scan->PackageFlag ; } } else { PackageCap |= 0 ; } }
Scan++ ; }
return PackageCap ;
// Function: NegPackageLoad
// Synopsis: Called by LSA whenever a package is loaded
// Arguments: [p] --
// History: 7-30-96 RichardW Created
// Notes:
if ( Notify->EventClass != NOTIFY_CLASS_PACKAGE_CHANGE ) { return( 0 ); }
Load = ( PSECPKG_EVENT_PACKAGE_CHANGE ) Notify->EventData ;
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_NEG, "Package Change Event %d: %ws (%p) \n", Load->ChangeType, Load->PackageName.Buffer, Load->PackageId ));
if ( Load->PackageId == NegPackageId ) { DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_NEG, "Skipping own load notification\n"));
NegLsaPackage = SpmpLocatePackage( NegPackageId );
return( 0 ); }
// If this is a package load, add the package to our list:
if ( Load->ChangeType == SECPKG_PACKAGE_CHANGE_LOAD ) { Info = NULL ;
LsaPackage = SpmpLookupPackage( &Load->PackageName );
if (LsaPackage == NULL) { return( 0 ); }
if ( !( LsaPackage->fCapabilities & SECPKG_FLAG_NEGOTIABLE ) ) { return( 0 ); }
// If the package supports SP_INFO, query it to see if it has an
// OID to use in negotiation.
if ( LsaPackage->fPackage & SP_INFO ) { Status = LsapGetExtendedPackageInfo( LsaPackage, SecpkgGssInfo, &Info );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { Info = NULL ; }
// Make sure that the claimed OID doesn't conflict with
// someone already loaded.
if ( Info ) { ClaimedOid = NegpDecodeObjectId( Info->Info.GssInfo.EncodedId, Info->Info.GssInfo.EncodedIdLength );
RtlCopyMemory( Prefix, Info->Info.GssInfo.EncodedId, Info->Info.GssInfo.EncodedIdLength );
PrefixLength = Info->Info.GssInfo.EncodedIdLength ;
// note whether the primary GSS Oid is the kerberos Oid.
// This allows us to swap the order of the Primary Oid with the legacy Oid
// later on.
if ( (Info->Info.GssInfo.EncodedIdLength == sizeof(NegKerberosOid)) && (memcmp(Info->Info.GssInfo.EncodedId, NegKerberosOid, sizeof(NegKerberosOid)) == 0 ) ) { fKerberosPackage = TRUE; }
LsapFreeLsaHeap( Info ); if (ClaimedOid == NULL) { Info = NULL; } else if ( NegpFindPackageByOid( ClaimedOid ) ) { NegpFreeObjectId( ClaimedOid );
return 0 ; } }
// Check if the package has any additional OIDs to support, or to compensate
// for a spnego encoding problem.
Status = LsapGetExtendedPackageInfo( LsaPackage, SecpkgExtraOids, &Info );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { Info = NULL ; }
LocalInfo.Class = SecpkgMutualAuthLevel ; LocalInfo.Info.MutualAuthLevel.MutualAuthLevel = NegNegotiationControl ;
LsapSetExtendedPackageInfo( LsaPackage, SecpkgMutualAuthLevel, &LocalInfo );
// If no ID, and Info is NULL, skip it.
if ( (LsaPackage->dwRPCID == SECPKG_ID_NONE) && (ClaimedOid == NULL ) ) { if( Info != NULL ) { LsapFreeLsaHeap( Info ); }
return( 0 ); }
if ( ( Info != NULL ) && ( Info->Class == SecpkgExtraOids ) ) { ExtraOidsCount = Info->Info.ExtraOids.OidCount ;
Package = (PNEG_PACKAGE) LsapAllocateLsaHeap( sizeof( NEG_PACKAGE ) );
if ( Package ) { Package->LsaPackage = LsaPackage ; Package->Flags = NEG_PACKAGE_INBOUND | NEG_PACKAGE_OUTBOUND ;
if ( LsaPackage->fPackage & SP_PREFERRED ) { Package->Flags |= NEG_PREFERRED ; }
if ( LsaPackage->dwRPCID == RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT ) { Package->Flags |= NEG_NT4_COMPAT ;
NtlmPackageId = Load->PackageId;
// Cheap and sleazy way of loading the necessary information
// into the logon session, once we have all the packages loaded.
NegLsaPolicyChangeCallback( PolicyNotifyDnsDomainInformation );
Package->TokenSize = LsaPackage->TokenSize ; Package->PackageFlags = LsaPackage->fCapabilities ; Package->PrefixLen = PrefixLength ; RtlCopyMemory( Package->Prefix, Prefix, PrefixLength );
// add slack space for negotiate header.
NegLsaPackage->TokenSize = max( (LsaPackage->TokenSize+128), NegLsaPackage->TokenSize );
DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "Loaded package %ws\n", Load->PackageName.Buffer ));
if ( ClaimedOid ) { Package->ObjectId = ClaimedOid ;
NegDumpOid( "Package claimed OID", Package->ObjectId ); } else {
NegMSMechanismsOid[ 0xb ] = (UCHAR) LsaPackage->dwRPCID ;
Package->ObjectId = NegpDecodeObjectId( NegMSMechanismsOid, sizeof( NegMSMechanismsOid ) );
NegDumpOid( "Assigned package OID", Package->ObjectId );
if ( Package->Flags & NEG_NT4_COMPAT ) { NegNtlmMechOid = NegpDecodeObjectId( NegMSMechanismsOid, sizeof( NegMSMechanismsOid ) ); }
InsertTailList( &NegPackageList, &Package->List );
NegPackageCount ++;
if ( ExtraOidsCount ) { Package->Flags |= NEG_PACKAGE_HAS_EXTRAS ;
DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "Creating extra packages for %ws\n", Load->PackageName.Buffer ));
for ( i = 0 ; i < ExtraOidsCount ; i++ ) { ClaimedOid = NegpDecodeObjectId( Info->Info.ExtraOids.Oids[ i ].OidValue, Info->Info.ExtraOids.Oids[ i ].OidLength );
if ( !NegpFindPackageByOid( ClaimedOid )) { //
// If no one else has used this OID, allow it.
NegDumpOid( "Package claimed extra OID", ClaimedOid );
ExtraPackage = (PNEG_PACKAGE) LsapAllocateLsaHeap( sizeof( NEG_PACKAGE ) );
if ( ExtraPackage ) { ExtraPackage->LsaPackage = Package->LsaPackage ; ExtraPackage->ObjectId = ClaimedOid ; ExtraPackage->RealPackage = Package ; ExtraPackage->Flags = NEG_PACKAGE_EXTRA_OID ;
if ( Info->Info.ExtraOids.Oids[ i ].OidAttributes & SECPKG_CRED_INBOUND ) { ExtraPackage->Flags |= NEG_PACKAGE_INBOUND ; }
if ( Info->Info.ExtraOids.Oids[ i ].OidAttributes & SECPKG_CRED_OUTBOUND ) { ExtraPackage->Flags |= NEG_PACKAGE_OUTBOUND ; }
ExtraPackage->TokenSize = Package->TokenSize ; ExtraPackage->PackageFlags = Package->PackageFlags ;
RtlCopyMemory( ExtraPackage->Prefix, Info->Info.ExtraOids.Oids[ i ].OidValue, Info->Info.ExtraOids.Oids[ i ].OidLength );
ExtraPackage->PrefixLen = Info->Info.ExtraOids.Oids[ i ].OidLength ;
// **** NOTE: ****
// For legacy compatibility reasons,
// the broken Kerberos package Oid is re-ordered ahead
// of the correct Oid value. The was done in order
// to avoid an extra round-trip when communicating with
// Win2000 machines. The negotiate protocol itself
// recovers with additional round-trips; however,
// Wininet is unable to reliably handle such a
// circumstance.
if( fKerberosPackage && (Info->Info.ExtraOids.Oids[ i ].OidLength == sizeof(NegKerberosLegacyOid)) && (memcmp(Info->Info.ExtraOids.Oids[ i ].OidValue, NegKerberosLegacyOid, sizeof(NegKerberosLegacyOid)) == 0) ) { ObjectID SwapOid;
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_NEG, "Re-ordering legacy Kerberos Oid\n"));
SwapOid = Package->ObjectId;
Package->ObjectId = ExtraPackage->ObjectId; ExtraPackage->ObjectId = SwapOid; }
InsertTailList( &NegPackageList, &ExtraPackage->List );
NegPackageCount ++;
} else { //
// Free the OID, skip this extra package
NegpFreeObjectId( ClaimedOid ); } } else { //
// Free it
NegpFreeObjectId( ClaimedOid ); }
} NegUnlockList();
if( Info != NULL ) { LsapFreeLsaHeap( Info ); Info = NULL; }
} else { //
// It's either a select or an unload:
Package = NegpFindPackage( Load->PackageId );
// if we don't have this package (it may not have been negotiable)
// return now.
if (Package == NULL) { return(0); }
if ( Load->ChangeType == SECPKG_PACKAGE_CHANGE_SELECT ) { Package->Flags |= NEG_PREFERRED ; } else { NegWriteLockList();
RemoveEntryList( &Package->List );
NegpFreeObjectId( Package->ObjectId );
LsapFreeLsaHeap( Package );
} }
return( 0 );
// Function: NegpParseBuffers
// Synopsis: Parse out juicy bits
// Arguments: [pMessage] --
// [pToken] --
// [pEmpty] --
// History: 8-19-96 RichardW Created
// Notes:
SECURITY_STATUS NegpParseBuffers( PSecBufferDesc pMessage, BOOL Map, PSecBuffer * pToken, PSecBuffer * pEmpty) { ULONG i; SECURITY_STATUS scRet ; PSecBuffer pFirstBlank = NULL; PSecBuffer pWholeMessage = NULL; PSecBuffer pFirstToken = NULL;
scRet = SEC_E_OK ;
for (i = 0 ; i < pMessage->cBuffers ; i++ ) { if ( (pMessage->pBuffers[i].BufferType & (~SECBUFFER_ATTRMASK)) == SECBUFFER_TOKEN ) { pWholeMessage = &pMessage->pBuffers[i];
if ( pFirstToken == NULL ) { pFirstToken = pWholeMessage; }
if ( Map ) { scRet = LsapMapClientBuffer( pWholeMessage, pWholeMessage ); }
if (pFirstBlank) { break; } } else if ( (pMessage->pBuffers[i].BufferType & (~SECBUFFER_ATTRMASK)) == SECBUFFER_EMPTY ) { pFirstBlank = &pMessage->pBuffers[i]; if (pWholeMessage) { break; } } }
if (pToken) { // *pToken = pWholeMessage;
// NTBUG: 405976
// down-level RDR supplies 2 SECBUFFER_TOKEN buffers, the second
// one containing creds. Insure we return the first one.
*pToken = pFirstToken; }
if (pEmpty) { *pEmpty = pFirstBlank; }
return( scRet );
// Function: NegInitialize
// Synopsis: Initialize the built in negotiate package
// Arguments: [dwProtocol] --
// [dwPackageID] --
// [pParameters] --
// [pPkgFunctions] --
// History: 7-26-96 RichardW Created
// Notes: This package must be the last package, since it must query
// the others to find out their capabilities.
NegPackageId = dwPackageID;
Status = RtlInitializeCriticalSection( &NegComputerNamesLock );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { return Status ; }
NegNotifyHandle = LsaIRegisterNotification( NegPackageLoad, 0, NOTIFIER_TYPE_NOTIFY_EVENT, NOTIFY_CLASS_PACKAGE_CHANGE, 0, 0, 0 );
InitializeListHead( &NegDefaultCredList );
InitializeListHead( &NegLoopbackList );
InitializeListHead( &NegLogonSessionList );
Status = RtlInitializeCriticalSection( &NegLogonSessionListLock );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { return Status ; }
Status = RtlInitializeCriticalSection( &NegTrustListLock );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { return Status ; }
RtlInitUnicodeString( &NegLocalHostName_U, NegLocalHostName );
__try {
RtlInitializeResource( &NegLock ); Status = STATUS_SUCCESS ; } __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { Status = GetExceptionCode(); }
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { return Status ; }
InitializeListHead( &NegPackageList );
__try { RtlInitializeResource( &NegCredListLock ); Status = STATUS_SUCCESS ; } __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { Status = GetExceptionCode(); }
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { return Status ; }
InitializeListHead( &NegCredList );
NegPackageCount = 0;
NegSpnegoMechOid = NegpDecodeObjectId(NegSpnegoMechEncodedOid, sizeof(NegSpnegoMechEncodedOid)); if (NegSpnegoMechOid == NULL) { return(STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES); }
NegMachineState = pParameters->MachineState;
if ( ( pParameters->DomainSid != NULL ) && ( pParameters->DnsDomainName.Length != 0 ) ) { NegUplevelDomain = TRUE ; }
// Ignore the status - if we don't get a callback, then we can't support
// dynamic domain change. If it succeeds, then great.
LsaIRegisterPolicyChangeNotificationCallback( NegLsaPolicyChangeCallback, PolicyNotifyDnsDomainInformation );
LsaIRegisterNotification( NegParamChange, 0, NOTIFIER_TYPE_NOTIFY_EVENT, NOTIFY_CLASS_REGISTRY_CHANGE, 0, 0, 0 ); //
// get the product type for loopback logic.
if (!RtlGetNtProductType( &NegProductType ) ) { NegProductType = NtProductWinNt; }
err = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Lsa"), 0, KEY_READ, &LsaKey );
if ( err == 0 ) { NegpReadRegistryParameters( LsaKey );
RegCloseKey( LsaKey ); }
return(S_OK); }
VOID NegpReadRegistryParameters( HKEY LsaKey ) { DWORD size ; DWORD type ; int err ;
// These values are not MP sensitive, so we just blast the new value
// into them.
size = sizeof( DWORD );
err = RegQueryValueEx( LsaKey, TEXT("NegotiationLevel"), NULL, &type, (LPBYTE) &NegNegotiationControl, &size );
if ( err != 0 ) { NegNegotiationControl = NEG_NEGLEVEL_COMPATIBILITY ; }
size = sizeof( DWORD );
err = RegQueryValueEx( LsaKey, TEXT("NegotiationLogLevel"), NULL, &type, (LPBYTE) &NegEventLogLevel, &size );
if ( err ) { NegEventLogLevel = (1 << EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE ) | (1 << EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE ) ; } }
// Function: NegGetInfo
// Synopsis: Negotiate Package GetInfo call
// Arguments: [pInfo] --
// History: 7-26-96 RichardW Created
// Notes:
pInfo->wVersion = 1; pInfo->wRPCID = NEGOSSP_RPCID ;
pInfo->Name = NEGOSSP_NAME; pInfo->Comment = NegPackageComment;
return(S_OK); }
// Function: NegAcceptCredentials
// Synopsis: Notification of a logon
// Arguments: [LogonType] --
// [UserName] --
// [PrimaryCred] --
// [SupplementalCreds] --
// History: 7-30-96 RichardW Created
// Notes:
if (RtlEqualLuid(&PrimaryCred->LogonId, &SystemId)) { //
// Stash away the LocalSystem credentials to use
// for NetworkService logons later on.
RtlEnterCriticalSection( &NegComputerNamesLock );
Status = NegpCopyCredsToBuffer(PrimaryCred, NULL, &NegPrimarySystemCredentials, NULL);
return Status;
} else if (LogonType == Service) { LUID LocalServiceId = LOCALSERVICE_LUID; LUID NetworkServiceId = NETWORKSERVICE_LUID;
// Notify the network providers of the logon. Don't notify
// for SYSTEM, LocalService, or NetworkService.
if (!RtlEqualLuid(&PrimaryCred->LogonId, &LocalServiceId) && !RtlEqualLuid(&PrimaryCred->LogonId, &NetworkServiceId)) { NegpNotifyNetworkProviders(UserName, PrimaryCred); } }
return SEC_E_OK; }
// Function: NegpNotifyNetworkProviders
// Synopsis: Notifies network providers of a logon
// Effects:
// Arguments: [UserName] --
// [PrimaryCred] --
// Requires:
// Returns: Nothing since this is an advisory service to
// other network providers.
// Notes:
VOID NegpNotifyNetworkProviders( IN PUNICODE_STRING UserName, IN PSECPKG_PRIMARY_CRED PrimaryCred ) { MSV1_0_INTERACTIVE_LOGON OldLogon; MSV1_0_INTERACTIVE_LOGON NewLogon; static HMODULE s_hMprDll = NULL; PLOGON_NOTIFY pfLogonNotify = NULL; LPWSTR lpLogonScripts = NULL; DWORD dwStatus;
if (s_hMprDll == NULL) { s_hMprDll = LoadLibrary(L"mpr.dll"); }
if (s_hMprDll != NULL) { pfLogonNotify = (PLOGON_NOTIFY) GetProcAddress(s_hMprDll, "WNetLogonNotify");
if (pfLogonNotify != NULL) { NewLogon.MessageType = MsV1_0InteractiveLogon; NewLogon.LogonDomainName = PrimaryCred->DomainName; NewLogon.UserName = *UserName; NewLogon.Password = PrimaryCred->Password;
RtlCopyMemory(&OldLogon, &NewLogon, sizeof(NewLogon));
dwStatus = pfLogonNotify(L"Windows NT Network Provider", &PrimaryCred->LogonId, L"MSV1_0:Interactive", &NewLogon, L"MSV1_0:Interactive", &OldLogon, L"SvcCtl", // StationName
NULL, // StationHandle
&lpLogonScripts); // LogonScripts
if (dwStatus == NO_ERROR) { LocalFree(lpLogonScripts); } } } }
// Function: NegpCopyCredsToBuffer
// Synopsis: Copies primary and supplemental creds into the supplied
// buffers
// Effects:
// Arguments: [PrimaryCred] --
// [SupplementalCred] --
// [PrimaryCredCopy] --
// [SupplementalCredCopy] --
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes: Leaves the SID and LUID blank. It is the caller's
// responsibility to fill these fields in.
if (PrimaryCredCopy) { Status = LsapDuplicateString(&PrimaryCredCopy->DomainName, &PrimaryCred->DomainName);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto ErrorExit; }
Status = LsapDuplicateString(&PrimaryCredCopy->DownlevelName, &PrimaryCred->DownlevelName);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto ErrorExit; }
Status = LsapDuplicateString(&PrimaryCredCopy->Password, &PrimaryCred->Password);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto ErrorExit; }
if (SupplementalCredCopy) { Status = LsapDuplicateString(&SupplementalCredCopy->PackageName, &SupplementalCred->PackageName);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto ErrorExit; }
SupplementalCredCopy->Credentials = (PUCHAR) (SupplementalCredCopy + 1);
RtlCopyMemory(SupplementalCredCopy, SupplementalCred->Credentials, SupplementalCred->CredentialSize);
return Status;
if (PrimaryCredCopy) { LsapFreeLsaHeap(PrimaryCredCopy->DomainName.Buffer); RtlZeroMemory(&PrimaryCredCopy->DomainName, sizeof(UNICODE_STRING));
LsapFreeLsaHeap(PrimaryCredCopy->DownlevelName.Buffer); RtlZeroMemory(&PrimaryCredCopy->DownlevelName, sizeof(UNICODE_STRING));
LsapFreeLsaHeap(PrimaryCredCopy->Password.Buffer); RtlZeroMemory(&PrimaryCredCopy->Password, sizeof(UNICODE_STRING)); }
return Status; }
// Function: NegpCaptureSuppliedCreds
// Synopsis: Captures a SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_EX structure from
// the client
// Effects:
// Arguments: AuthorizationData - Client address of auth data
// PackageList - List of packages from the auth data.
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes:
NTSTATUS NegpCaptureSuppliedCreds( IN PVOID AuthorizationData, OUT PNEG_PACKAGE ** ReturnedPackageList, OUT PULONG ReturnedPackageCount, OUT PBOOL ExplicitCreds, OUT PBOOL DomainExplicitCreds ) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_EXW IdentityEx = {0}; SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_W * Identity; PSTR PackageList = NULL; UNICODE_STRING PackageString = {0}; ULONG PackageListLength; ULONG CharSize = sizeof(WCHAR); ULONG Index; ULONG PackageCount; ULONG PackageIndex; ULONG ExclusionIndex ; ULONG FinalIndex ; ULONG PossiblePackageCount ; ULONG i, j; PNEG_PACKAGE * LocalPackageList = NULL; PNEG_PACKAGE * ExclusionList = NULL ; PNEG_PACKAGE * FinalList = NULL ; PNEG_PACKAGE Package ; PLIST_ENTRY List ; PNEG_PACKAGE PackageScan ; UNICODE_STRING TempString; PWSTR Scan, EndPoint, Comma ;
*ReturnedPackageList = NULL; *ReturnedPackageCount = 0;
*ExplicitCreds = FALSE ; *DomainExplicitCreds = FALSE ;
// First capture the base structure
Status = LsapCopyFromClientBuffer( NULL, sizeof(SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_W), &IdentityEx, AuthorizationData ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR,"Failed to copy auth data from %p client address: 0x%x\n", AuthorizationData, Status )); *ExplicitCreds = TRUE ; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; goto Cleanup; }
// Check if this is the right structure
if (IdentityEx.Version != SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_VERSION) { Identity = (PSEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_W) &IdentityEx ;
if ( (Identity->UserLength > 0 ) || (Identity->DomainLength > 0 ) || (Identity->PasswordLength > 0 || Identity->Password != NULL) ) { *ExplicitCreds = TRUE ;
if( Identity->DomainLength ) { *DomainExplicitCreds = TRUE; } } goto Cleanup; }
// Copy the whole data structure now
Status = LsapCopyFromClientBuffer( NULL, sizeof(SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_EXW), &IdentityEx, AuthorizationData ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR,"Failed to copy auth data from %p client address: 0x%x\n", AuthorizationData, Status )); *ExplicitCreds = TRUE ; //
// Mask this error, as it may have been data for another package.
Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; goto Cleanup; }
// Check to see if this contains a list of packages
if (IdentityEx.Flags & SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_ANSI) { CharSize = sizeof(CHAR); }
// If there was no packge list in the data, return now.
if ( ( IdentityEx.UserLength > 0 ) || ( IdentityEx.DomainLength > 0 ) || ( IdentityEx.PasswordLength > 0 || IdentityEx.Password != NULL ) ) { *ExplicitCreds = TRUE ;
if( IdentityEx.DomainLength ) { *DomainExplicitCreds = TRUE; } }
if ((IdentityEx.Length < sizeof(SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_EXW)) || (IdentityEx.PackageList == NULL) || (IdentityEx.PackageListLength == 0)) { Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; goto Cleanup; }
if ( (IdentityEx.PackageListLength + 1) * CharSize < IdentityEx.PackageListLength ) { //
// Passed size is too large (we rolled over)
Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER ; goto Cleanup ; }
// Capture the package list itself
SafeAllocaAllocate(PackageList, CharSize * (IdentityEx.PackageListLength + 1));
if (PackageList == NULL) { Status = SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; goto Cleanup; }
Status = LsapCopyFromClientBuffer( NULL, CharSize * IdentityEx.PackageListLength, PackageList, IdentityEx.PackageList ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR,"Failed to copy package list\n")); goto Cleanup; }
// Conver the package list into a useable form, including changing
// character sets.
if (CharSize == sizeof(CHAR)) { ((LPSTR)PackageList)[IdentityEx.PackageListLength] = '\0'; if ( !RtlCreateUnicodeStringFromAsciiz( &PackageString, PackageList ) ) { goto Cleanup; } } else { ((LPWSTR)PackageList)[IdentityEx.PackageListLength] = L'\0'; RtlInitUnicodeString( &PackageString, (LPWSTR) PackageList ); PackageList = NULL; }
// Scan through counting for ',' separators to get a count of packages.
PackageCount = 1; for (Index = 0; Index < PackageString.Length / sizeof(WCHAR) ; Index++ ) { if (PackageString.Buffer[Index] == L',') { PackageCount++; } }
// If there was nothing in the list, continue as if it wasn't there
if (PackageCount == 0) { Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; goto Cleanup; }
// Allocate the package list
SafeAllocaAllocate(LocalPackageList, PackageCount * sizeof(PNEG_PACKAGE));
if (LocalPackageList == NULL) { Status = SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; goto Cleanup; }
SafeAllocaAllocate(ExclusionList, PackageCount * sizeof(PNEG_PACKAGE));
if ( ExclusionList == NULL ) { Status = SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY ; goto Cleanup ; }
// Now go through the string of packages and build the list
PackageIndex = 0; ExclusionIndex = 0; TempString.Buffer = PackageString.Buffer; TempString.Length = 0; TempString.MaximumLength = PackageString.MaximumLength;
Index = 0; Scan = PackageString.Buffer ; EndPoint = Scan + (PackageString.Length / sizeof( WCHAR ));
while ( Scan < EndPoint ) { Comma = wcschr( Scan, L',' );
if ( Comma ) { *Comma = L'\0' ; } if ( *Scan == L'!' ) { //
// This entry is an exclusion. Skip past the ! char,
// and try to find a package
Scan++ ;
if ( Scan != Comma ) { RtlInitUnicodeString( &TempString, Scan );
ExclusionList[ ExclusionIndex ] = NegpFindPackageByName( &TempString );
if ( ExclusionList[ ExclusionIndex ] != NULL ) { ExclusionIndex++ ; } } } else { //
// This entry is a request. Try to find the package
RtlInitUnicodeString( &TempString, Scan );
LocalPackageList[ PackageIndex ] = NegpFindPackageByName( &TempString );
if ( LocalPackageList[ PackageIndex ] != NULL ) { PackageIndex++ ; }
if ( Comma ) { *Comma = L','; Scan = Comma + 1 ; } else { Scan = EndPoint ; } }
// Now, we have two lists. We have an ExclusionList, of packages that the caller
// does not want, and a package list, a list of things that the caller does want.
// Merge the list according to the requests
PossiblePackageCount = NegPackageCount ; FinalIndex = 0 ; FinalList = (PNEG_PACKAGE *) LsapAllocateLsaHeap( PossiblePackageCount * sizeof( PNEG_PACKAGE ) );
if ( FinalList == NULL ) { Status = SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY ; goto Cleanup ; }
for ( i = 0 ; i < PackageIndex ; i++ ) { //
// Pick a package off the request list
Package = LocalPackageList[ i ];
// Scan through the exclusion list, see if we need to skip it.
for ( j = 0 ; j < ExclusionIndex ; j++ ) { if ( Package == ExclusionList[ j ] ) { break; } }
if ( j < ExclusionIndex ) { //
// if we broke out of the loop, we found this on the exclusion list.
// skip it by continuing the for-i loop.
continue; }
// Ok, this package is not excluded. So add it to the final list
FinalList[ FinalIndex ] = Package; FinalIndex++ ;
// See if this package has "extra" packages by the same name with
// other OIDs associated with it
if ( (Package->Flags & NEG_PACKAGE_HAS_EXTRAS) != 0 ) { //
// Ok, there are a set of packages associated with this package. Walk the
// package list, and stick the extras into this one.
List = NegPackageList.Flink ;
while ( List != &NegPackageList ) { PackageScan = CONTAINING_RECORD( List, NEG_PACKAGE, List );
if ( PackageScan->RealPackage == Package ) { FinalList[ FinalIndex ] = PackageScan ; FinalIndex++ ; }
List = List->Flink ; }
if ( (PackageIndex == 0) && (ExclusionIndex != 0 ) ) { //
// Only an exclusion list was provided. Walk all the packages,
// and add those that are not excluded.
for (List = NegPackageList.Flink; List != &NegPackageList; List = List->Flink) { PackageScan = CONTAINING_RECORD( List, NEG_PACKAGE, List );
if ( ( PackageScan->Flags & NEG_PACKAGE_EXTRA_OID ) != 0 ) { Package = PackageScan->RealPackage ; } else { Package = PackageScan ; }
for ( i = 0 ; i < ExclusionIndex ; i++ ) { if ( Package == ExclusionList[ i ] ) { break; } }
if ( i < ExclusionIndex ) { continue; }
FinalList[ FinalIndex ] = PackageScan ; FinalIndex++ ;
NegUnlockList(); }
// If no packages succeeded, return an error
if (PackageIndex == 0) { Status = SEC_E_SECPKG_NOT_FOUND; goto Cleanup; } *ReturnedPackageCount = FinalIndex; *ReturnedPackageList = FinalList; FinalList = NULL;
if (PackageList != NULL) {
if (PackageString.Buffer != NULL) { RtlFreeUnicodeString( &PackageString ); } } else {
SafeAllocaFree(PackageString.Buffer); }
SafeAllocaFree(LocalPackageList); SafeAllocaFree(ExclusionList);
if ( FinalList != NULL ) { LsapFreeLsaHeap( FinalList ); }
return(Status); }
// Function: NegpBuildPackageList
// Synopsis: Builds the list of packages for the caller
// Effects:
// Arguments:
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes:
NTSTATUS NegpBuildPackageList( IN ULONG_PTR LogonPackageId, IN ULONG fCredentials, OUT PNEG_PACKAGE ** ReturnedPackageList, OUT PULONG ReturnedPackageCount ) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PNEG_PACKAGE Package; PNEG_PACKAGE ClientNegPackage = NULL; PNEG_PACKAGE *PackageList = NULL; PLIST_ENTRY Scan ; ULONG PackageIndex = 0; ULONG PackageMask ;
*ReturnedPackageList = NULL; *ReturnedPackageCount = 0;
PackageList = (PNEG_PACKAGE *) LsapAllocateLsaHeap(NegPackageCount * sizeof(PNEG_PACKAGE)); if (PackageList == NULL) { Status = SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; goto Cleanup; }
// Find the client's logon package
Scan = NegPackageList.Flink ;
Package = (PNEG_PACKAGE) NegPackageList.Flink ;
while ( Scan != &NegPackageList ) { Package = CONTAINING_RECORD( Scan, NEG_PACKAGE, List );
if (Package->LsaPackage->dwPackageID == LogonPackageId) { ClientNegPackage = Package; break; } Scan = Scan->Flink ;
// Compute a mask of package flags to use as part of the selection
// process. This is currently based on the credential use flags passed in
PackageMask = 0 ;
if ( fCredentials & SECPKG_CRED_INBOUND ) { PackageMask |= NEG_PACKAGE_INBOUND ; }
if ( fCredentials & SECPKG_CRED_OUTBOUND ) { PackageMask |= NEG_PACKAGE_OUTBOUND ; }
// Build the list of packages, with the logon package first
if ( ClientNegPackage ) { PackageList[ PackageIndex ] = ClientNegPackage ; PackageIndex = 1; }
Scan = NegPackageList.Flink ;
while ( Scan != &NegPackageList ) { Package = CONTAINING_RECORD( Scan, NEG_PACKAGE, List );
// ClientNegPackage has already been processed, skip it
if ( Package != ClientNegPackage ) { //
// Make sure that the package flags support the request.
if ( (Package->Flags & PackageMask ) == PackageMask ) { PackageList[PackageIndex] = Package; PackageIndex++; }
Scan = Scan->Flink ; }
*ReturnedPackageList = PackageList; PackageList = NULL; *ReturnedPackageCount = PackageIndex; Cleanup: if (PackageList != NULL) { LsapFreeLsaHeap(PackageList); } return(Status);
// Function: NegpCheckForDuplicateCreds
// Synopsis: Check to see if this is a duplicate of another
// credential
// Effects:
// Arguments:
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes:
BOOLEAN NegpCheckForDuplicateCreds( IN PNEG_CREDS * Credential ) { PLIST_ENTRY Next; PNEG_CREDS MatchCred; PNEG_CREDS LocalCred = *Credential;
for (Next = NegCredList.Flink; Next != &NegCredList; Next = Next->Flink ) { MatchCred = CONTAINING_RECORD( Next, NEG_CREDS, List );
if(!( MatchCred->ClientProcessId == LocalCred->ClientProcessId ) ) { continue; }
if(!RtlEqualLuid( &MatchCred->ClientLogonId, &LocalCred->ClientLogonId ) ) { continue; }
// Check if this credential has the same credentials
// as the one we just created. Make sure they are both
// from user or kernel mode (don't mix'n'match)
if ( ( MatchCred->Count == LocalCred->Count ) && ( MatchCred->Flags == LocalCred->Flags ) && ( (MatchCred->Flags & NEGCRED_DUP_MASK ) == (LocalCred->Flags & NEGCRED_DUP_MASK ) ) ) { if ( !RtlEqualMemory( MatchCred->Creds, LocalCred->Creds, LocalCred->Count * sizeof( NEG_CRED_HANDLE ) ) ) { ULONG i ;
DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "Same Process, same count, differing handles?\n" )); for ( i = 0 ; i < LocalCred->Count ; i++ ) { DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, " %d: new <%p : %p> existing (%p : %p)\n", i, LocalCred->Creds[i].Handle.dwLower, LocalCred->Creds[i].Handle.dwUpper, MatchCred->Creds[i].Handle.dwLower, MatchCred->Creds[i].Handle.dwUpper ));
} } else { ULONG_PTR PackageId; ULONG i ;
NegWriteLockCreds( MatchCred );
if( MatchCred->RefCount == 0 ) { NegUnlockCreds( MatchCred ); continue; }
MatchCred->RefCount++ ;
NegUnlockCreds( MatchCred ); NegUnlockCredList();
// blot out the handle so the refcount is kept in sync
// with what the underlying packages believe.
PackageId = GetCurrentPackageId();
for ( i = 0 ; i < LocalCred->Count ; i++ ) { if( (LocalCred->Creds[i].Flags & NEG_CREDHANDLE_EXTRA_OID) == 0 ) { WLsaFreeCredHandle( &LocalCred->Creds[i].Handle ); }
LocalCred->Creds[i].Handle.dwLower = NEG_INVALID_PACKAGE; LocalCred->Creds[i].Handle.dwUpper = NEG_INVALID_PACKAGE; }
SetCurrentPackageId( PackageId );
NegpReleaseCreds( LocalCred, FALSE );
*Credential = MatchCred ;
return TRUE; } } }
NegUnlockCredList( );
return FALSE;
SECURITY_STATUS NegpAcquireCredHandle( PSECURITY_STRING psPrincipal, ULONG fCredentials, PLUID pLogonID, PVOID pvAuthData, PVOID pvGetKeyFn, PVOID pvGetKeyArgument, PULONG_PTR pdwHandle, PTimeStamp ptsExpiry) {
NEG_CRED_HANDLE Creds[ NEG_MECH_LIMIT ]; PNEG_CRED_HANDLE pCreds = NULL; DWORD i = 0; ULONG Index, ExtraCredFlags = 0; BOOL FreeCreds = FALSE; PNEG_PACKAGE Package; PNEG_PACKAGE ClientNegPackage = NULL; PNEG_PACKAGE * AuthPackageList = NULL; ULONG AuthPackageCount = 0; SECURITY_STATUS scRet = STATUS_SUCCESS; TimeStamp Expiry = { 0 };
PNEG_CREDS pNegCreds = NULL ; ULONG_PTR PackageId; SECPKG_CLIENT_INFO ClientInfo; PLSA_CALL_INFO CallInfo ; PLSAP_LOGON_SESSION LogonSession = NULL; PNEG_LOGON_SESSION NegLogonSession = NULL ; PSession pSession ; TimeStamp MinExpiry = { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x7FFFFFFF }; PLUID ClientLogonId; ULONG_PTR ClientPackage = -1; ULONG_PTR ClientDefaultPackage = -1; BOOL ExplicitCreds = FALSE ; BOOL DomainExplicitCreds = FALSE ; LUID LocalSystem = SYSTEM_LUID ; BOOLEAN EnableLoopback = TRUE; DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "NegAcquireCredentialsHandle: Get a Negotiate CredHandle:\n"));
// Determine caller info
scRet = LsapGetClientInfo(&ClientInfo); if (!NT_SUCCESS(scRet)) { goto Cleanup; }
CallInfo = LsapGetCurrentCall();
pSession = GetCurrentSession();
// Get the callers Logon ID so we can determine what package to try first
if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(pLogonID) && ((pLogonID->LowPart != 0) || (pLogonID->HighPart != 0))) { ClientLogonId = pLogonID; } else { ClientLogonId = &ClientInfo.LogonId; }
// Now find out what package logged this user on
NegLogonSession = NegpLocateLogonSession( ClientLogonId );
if ( NegLogonSession == NULL ) { LogonSession = LsapLocateLogonSession( ClientLogonId ); if (LogonSession != NULL) { PLSAP_SECURITY_PACKAGE LsaPackage ; BOOLEAN LocalAccount;
ClientPackage = LogonSession->CreatingPackage; LocalAccount = RtlEqualUnicodeString( &LogonSession->AuthorityName, &MachineName, TRUE ); LsapReleaseLogonSession( LogonSession );
// If this was done by an old style package, that is,
// an NT4 style auth pkg, *or* some one calling MSV in
// the old fashioned way, reset the value to the negotiate
// ID to allow full negotiation range.
LsaPackage = SpmpLocatePackage( ClientPackage );
if ( LsaPackage ) { if ( ( LsaPackage->fPackage & SPM_AUTH_PKG_FLAG ) != 0 ) { ClientPackage = NegPackageId ; } else if ( !LocalAccount && LsaPackage->dwRPCID == NTLMSP_RPCID ) { //
// On NTLM generated ASC contexts, make sure that we can still
// use kerberos, if appropriate. This allows constrained delegation
// to work.
DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "Switching NTLM ASC session to unknown\n")); ClientPackage = NEG_INVALID_PACKAGE; ExtraCredFlags |= NEGCRED_ALLOW_NTLM; } } } } else { ClientPackage = NegLogonSession->DefaultPackage ;
NegpDerefLogonSession( NegLogonSession );
NegLogonSession = NULL ; }
ClientDefaultPackage = ClientPackage;
// If authentication data was passed in, capture it now to see
// if it includes a subset of the packages to use.
if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(pvAuthData)) { ClientPackage = NEG_INVALID_PACKAGE ;
scRet = NegpCaptureSuppliedCreds( pvAuthData, &AuthPackageList, &AuthPackageCount, &ExplicitCreds, &DomainExplicitCreds ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(scRet)) { NegUnlockList(); goto Cleanup; } }
// turn off loopback detection when:
// 1. explicit credentials were supplied.
// 2. Product is domain controller, and client is local system account
// (this will cause system->system to auth using machine account.)
if( ExplicitCreds ) { EnableLoopback = FALSE; }
if (!RtlEqualLuid( ClientLogonId, &LocalSystem )) { if( ClientPackage == NegPackageId ) { ExplicitCreds = TRUE ; } } else { if( NegProductType == NtProductLanManNt ) { EnableLoopback = FALSE; } }
// Build the list of packages that we'll call to get credentials
if (AuthPackageCount == 0) { scRet = NegpBuildPackageList( ClientPackage, fCredentials, &AuthPackageList, &AuthPackageCount );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(scRet)) { NegUnlockList(); goto Cleanup; } }
if ( AuthPackageCount < NEG_MECH_LIMIT ) { pCreds = Creds; ZeroMemory( Creds, sizeof(Creds) ); } else {
SafeAllocaAllocate(pCreds, NegPackageCount * sizeof(NEG_CRED_HANDLE));
if ( !pCreds ) { NegUnlockList();
scRet = SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; goto Cleanup; } }
i = 0;
for (Index = 0; Index < AuthPackageCount ; Index++ ) { BOOLEAN SkipAcquire = FALSE;
PackageId = GetCurrentPackageId();
ULONG_PTR ThisPackageId = (ULONG_PTR)AuthPackageList[Index]->LsaPackage->dwPackageID; DWORD j;
// mask off the DEFAULT flag, since only we understand it
// skip calling the package if there are multiple aliases (oids)
// that point to the same underlying package.
// note: NegpReleaseCreds() duplicate handle values are ignored
// during credential release.
for( j = 0 ; j < i ; j ++ ) { if( pCreds[j].Handle.dwLower == ThisPackageId ) { CopyMemory( &pCreds[i].Handle, &pCreds[j].Handle, sizeof(pCreds[i].Handle) );
SkipAcquire = TRUE; break; } }
if( !SkipAcquire ) { scRet = WLsaAcquireCredHandle( psPrincipal, &AuthPackageList[Index]->LsaPackage->Name, fCredentials & ( SECPKG_CRED_BOTH), pLogonID, pvAuthData, pvGetKeyFn, pvGetKeyArgument, &pCreds[i].Handle, &Expiry );
pCreds[i].Flags = 0;
} else {
// no need to AddCredHandle(), as, that would put us out of sync with
// the underlying package ref count.
scRet = SEC_E_OK; }
SetCurrentPackageId( PackageId );
if ( NT_SUCCESS( scRet ) ) { if( !SkipAcquire ) { DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_NEG, " Added %p:%p, %ws\n", pCreds[i].Handle.dwUpper, pCreds[i].Handle.dwLower, AuthPackageList[Index]->LsaPackage->Name.Buffer )); } else { DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_NEG, " Skipped %p:%p, %ws (duplicate)\n", pCreds[i].Handle.dwUpper, pCreds[i].Handle.dwLower, AuthPackageList[Index]->LsaPackage->Name.Buffer )); }
if ( Expiry.QuadPart < MinExpiry.QuadPart ) { MinExpiry.QuadPart = Expiry.QuadPart ; }
pCreds[i].Package = AuthPackageList[Index];
i++; } else { DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_NEG, "Failed %x to get a cred handle for %ws\n", scRet, AuthPackageList[Index]->LsaPackage->Name.Buffer )); }
if ( i == 0 ) { //
// Did not get any subordinate credentials, return an error now
scRet = SEC_E_NO_CREDENTIALS; goto Cleanup; }
// Now, allocate our cred structure, and copy all the found cred handles
// into it.
pNegCreds = (PNEG_CREDS) LsapAllocateLsaHeap( sizeof( NEG_CREDS ) + sizeof( NEG_CRED_HANDLE ) * ( i - ANYSIZE_ARRAY ) );
if ( pNegCreds == NULL) { scRet = SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; goto Cleanup; }
FreeCreds = TRUE ;
pNegCreds->Count = i; pNegCreds->Flags = ExtraCredFlags ; pNegCreds->Tag = NEGCRED_TAG ; pNegCreds->DefaultPackage = ClientDefaultPackage;
if ( fCredentials & NEGOTIATE_ALLOW_NTLM ) { pNegCreds->Flags |= NEGCRED_ALLOW_NTLM ; }
if ( fCredentials & NEGOTIATE_NEG_NTLM ) { pNegCreds->Flags |= NEGCRED_NEG_NTLM ; }
// WARNING: Change to w2k behavior. Enabling loopback detection
// to switch to NTLM
if ( EnableLoopback ) { pNegCreds->Flags |= NEGCRED_NTLM_LOOPBACK ; }
pNegCreds->ClientLogonId = *ClientLogonId ;
pNegCreds->ClientProcessId = ClientInfo.ProcessID;
pNegCreds->Expiry = MinExpiry ;
RtlCopyMemory( pNegCreds->Creds, pCreds, i * sizeof( NEG_CRED_HANDLE ) );
if ( ( CallInfo->CallInfo.Attributes & SECPKG_CALL_KERNEL_MODE ) != 0 ) { pNegCreds->Flags |= NEGCRED_KERNEL_CALLER ; }
if ( ExplicitCreds ) { pNegCreds->Flags |= NEGCRED_EXPLICIT_CREDS ;
if( DomainExplicitCreds ) { pNegCreds->Flags |= NEGCRED_DOMAIN_EXPLICIT_CREDS ; } }
// If this isn't a duplicate, return
// a new credential
if (!NegpCheckForDuplicateCreds( &pNegCreds )) {
// Finish creating the credential
scRet = RtlInitializeCriticalSection( &pNegCreds->CredLock );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( scRet ) ) { goto Cleanup ; }
pNegCreds->RefCount = 1;
InsertTailList( &NegCredList, &pNegCreds->List );
NegUnlockCredList(); }
*pdwHandle = (ULONG_PTR) pNegCreds ;
*ptsExpiry = pNegCreds->Expiry;
scRet = SEC_E_OK;
FreeCreds = FALSE ;
if (!NT_SUCCESS(scRet)) { //
// Free all the handles. Because the WLsa calls set the package
// ID make sure we always reset it.
PackageId = GetCurrentPackageId();
while ( i-- ) { if( (pCreds[i].Flags & NEG_CREDHANDLE_EXTRA_OID) == 0 ) { WLsaFreeCredHandle( &pCreds[i].Handle ); }
SetCurrentPackageId( PackageId ); } }
if ( FreeCreds ) { if ( pNegCreds ) { LsapFreeLsaHeap( pNegCreds ); } }
if (pCreds != Creds) { SafeAllocaFree(pCreds); }
if (AuthPackageList != NULL) { LsapFreeLsaHeap(AuthPackageList); }
DsysAssert( NegLogonSession == NULL );
DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "NegAcquireCredentialsHandle: returned 0x%x\n", scRet)); return(scRet); }
// Function: NegAcquireCredentialsHandle
// Synopsis: Acquire a Negotiate credential handle
// Arguments: [psPrincipal] --
// [fCredentials] --
// [pLogonID] --
// [pvAuthData] --
// [pvGetKeyFn] --
// [pvGetKeyArgument] --
// [pdwHandle] --
// [ptsExpiry] --
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Algorithm:
// History: 7-26-96 RichardW Created
// Notes:
SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY NegAcquireCredentialsHandle( PSECURITY_STRING psPrincipal, ULONG fCredentials, PLUID pLogonID, PVOID pvAuthData, PVOID pvGetKeyFn, PVOID pvGetKeyArgument, PULONG_PTR pdwHandle, PTimeStamp ptsExpiry) {
return NegpAcquireCredHandle( psPrincipal, fCredentials, pLogonID, pvAuthData, pvGetKeyFn, pvGetKeyArgument, pdwHandle, ptsExpiry );
// Function: SpQueryCredentialsAttributes
// Synopsis: Implements QueryCredentialsAttributes by passing off to the
// first package that we got a cred handle from.
// Arguments: [dwCredHandle] --
// [dwAttribute] --
// [Buffer] --
// History: 9-17-96 RichardW Created
// Notes:
SECURITY_STATUS NegQueryCredentialsAttributes( LSA_SEC_HANDLE dwCredHandle, ULONG dwAttribute, PVOID Buffer) { PNEG_CREDS Creds; SECURITY_STATUS Status; ULONG_PTR PackageId ; CredHandle TempCredHandle;
Creds = (PNEG_CREDS) dwCredHandle ;
NegReadLockCreds( Creds ); TempCredHandle = Creds->Creds[0].Handle; NegUnlockCreds( Creds );
PackageId = GetCurrentPackageId();
Status = WLsaQueryCredAttributes( &TempCredHandle, dwAttribute, Buffer );
SetCurrentPackageId( PackageId );
return( Status ); }
// Function: NegpReleaseCreds
// Synopsis: Releases credential storage when ref count goes to zero
// Arguments: [pCreds] --
// History: 8-12-96 RichardW Created
// Notes:
VOID NegpReleaseCreds( PNEG_CREDS pCreds, BOOLEAN CleanupCall ) { BOOL NoLock = FALSE ;
// Remove it from the list:
if ( pCreds->List.Flink ) { RemoveEntryList( &pCreds->List ); DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "Releasing credentials %p\n", pCreds )); } else { NoLock = TRUE ; DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "Releasing credentials %p (dups or lockless)\n", pCreds )); }
if ( !NoLock ) { NegUnlockCreds( pCreds );
RtlDeleteCriticalSection( &pCreds->CredLock ); }
// free the embedded package creds.
if( !CleanupCall ) { ULONG_PTR PackageId; DWORD i;
// Free all associated handles:
i = pCreds->Count;
PackageId = GetCurrentPackageId();
while ( i-- ) { if (((pCreds->Creds[i].Flags & NEG_CREDHANDLE_EXTRA_OID) == 0) && (pCreds->Creds[i].Handle.dwLower != 0) && (pCreds->Creds[i].Handle.dwLower != SPMGR_PKG_ID ) ) { NTSTATUS scRet;
scRet = WLsaFreeCredHandle( &pCreds->Creds[i].Handle );
if( !NT_SUCCESS(scRet) ) { DebugLog(( DEB_ERROR, "Failed freeing credential %p:%p %x\n", pCreds->Creds[i].Handle.dwUpper, pCreds->Creds[i].Handle.dwLower, scRet ));
//DsysAssert( NT_SUCCESS(scRet) );
} }
SetCurrentPackageId( PackageId ); } }
LsapFreeLsaHeap( pCreds ); }
// Function: NegFreeCredentialsHandle
// Synopsis: Release a negotiate cred handle
// Arguments: [dwHandle] --
// History: 7-26-96 RichardW Created
// Notes:
SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY NegFreeCredentialsHandle( LSA_SEC_HANDLE dwHandle ) { PNEG_CREDS pCreds; ULONG DereferenceCount = 1; BOOLEAN CleanupCall = FALSE;
if(LsapGetCallInfo(&CallInfo)) { //
// nego internally calls NegFreeCredentialsHandle, so, insure
// the refcount is always non-zero.
// realistically speaking, the callcount is only > 1 on cleanup
// disposition, but there is no reason to potentially destabilize
// this already tenuous issue.
if( CallInfo.CallCount ) { DereferenceCount = CallInfo.CallCount; }
CleanupCall = ( (CallInfo.Attributes & SECPKG_CALL_CLEANUP) != 0 ); }
pCreds = (PNEG_CREDS) dwHandle ;
NegWriteLockCreds( pCreds );
ASSERT( pCreds->RefCount >= DereferenceCount );
pCreds->RefCount -= DereferenceCount;
if ( pCreds->RefCount == 0 ) { NegUnlockCreds( pCreds );
NegWriteLockCredList(); NegWriteLockCreds( pCreds );
if( pCreds->RefCount == 0 ) { NegpReleaseCreds( pCreds, CleanupCall ); } else { NegUnlockCreds( pCreds ); }
} else { NegUnlockCreds( pCreds ); }
return( SEC_E_OK ); }
// Function: NegpCreateContext
// Synopsis: Creates and zeroes a context
// Arguments: (none)
// History: 10-05-96 RichardW Created
// Notes:
PNEG_CONTEXT NegpCreateContext( VOID ) { PNEG_CONTEXT Context ;
Context = (PNEG_CONTEXT) LsapAllocatePrivateHeap( sizeof( NEG_CONTEXT ) );
if ( Context ) { ZeroMemory( Context, sizeof( NEG_CONTEXT ) );
Context->CheckMark = NEGCONTEXT_CHECK ;
Context->Flags |= NEG_CONTEXT_UPLEVEL ; }
return( Context ); }
// Function: NegpDeleteContext
// Synopsis: Free the data behind a context
// Arguments: [Context] --
// History: 10-05-96 RichardW Created
// Notes:
VOID NegpDeleteContext( PNEG_CONTEXT Context ) { ULONG_PTR PackageId;
if ( !Context ) { return ; }
DsysAssert( Context->CheckMark == NEGCONTEXT_CHECK );
if (Context->CheckMark != NEGCONTEXT_CHECK ) { return; }
if ( Context->Target.Buffer ) { LsapFreePrivateHeap( Context->Target.Buffer ); }
if ( Context->Check && Context->Buffer ) { Context->Check->Finish( & Context->Buffer ); }
if ( Context->MappedBuffer.pvBuffer != NULL) { LsapFreeLsaHeap( Context->MappedBuffer.pvBuffer ); }
if ( Context->Message ) { LsapFreeLsaHeap( Context->Message ); }
if ( ( Context->Handle.dwLower != 0 ) && ( Context->Handle.dwLower != SPMGR_PKG_ID ) ) { PackageId = GetCurrentPackageId();
WLsaDeleteContext( &Context->Handle ); SetCurrentPackageId(PackageId); }
// If we referenced the credential, free it now.
if (Context->Creds != NULL) { NegFreeCredentialsHandle((ULONG_PTR) Context->Creds); } if (Context->SupportedMechs != NULL) { if ((Context->Flags & NEG_CONTEXT_FREE_EACH_MECH)) { NegpFreeMechList(Context->SupportedMechs); } else { LsapFreeLsaHeap(Context->SupportedMechs); } }
DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "Deleting context %x\n", Context ));
LsapFreePrivateHeap( Context );
// Function: NegpFindPackageForOid
// Synopsis: Returns index for a package matching the OID passed in
// Arguments: [Creds] --
// [Oid] --
// History: 9-25-96 RichardW Created
// Notes:
ULONG_PTR NegpFindPackageForOid( PNEG_CREDS Creds, ObjectID Oid) { ULONG i;
NegDumpOid( "Compare Mechanism", Oid );
for ( i = 0 ; i < Creds->Count ; i++ ) { if ( NegpCompareOid( Oid, Creds->Creds[i].Package->ObjectId ) == 0 ) { return( i ); }
// Function: NegBreakoutOnExplictCredentials
// Synopsis:
// Effects: Some errors from kerberos are not going to be continuable through NTLM.
// For example, trying to use net use /smartcard could return a whole class of
// errors we shouldn't be downgrading on..
// Arguments:
// History: 4/15/2002 Todds Created
// Notes:
return FALSE; }
// Function: NegBuildRequestToken
// Synopsis: Generates a NegotiateRequest token, for either client or server
// side inits. Generates a NEG_CONTEXT and the token to be sent
// to the other side.
// Effects: Lots of work
// Arguments: [ServerSideInit] --
// [Creds] --
// [pszTargetName] --
// [fContextReq] --
// [TargetDataRep] --
// [ServerMechs] --
// [pContext] --
// [pOutput] --
// History: 9-30-96 RichardW Created
// Notes:
SECURITY_STATUS NegBuildRequestToken( IN BOOL ServerSideInit, IN PNEG_CREDS Creds, IN PSECURITY_STRING pszTargetName, IN ULONG fContextReq, IN ULONG TargetDataRep, IN struct MechTypeList *ServerMechs, IN PSECURITY_STRING NegotiateHint, OUT PNEG_CONTEXT * pContext, OUT PSecBufferDesc pOutput, PTimeStamp ptsExpiry) { InitialNegToken Request ; SECURITY_STATUS scRet ; SECURITY_STATUS scRetPrior = STATUS_SUCCESS; struct MechTypeList CommonMechs[ NEG_MECH_LIMIT ]; struct MechTypeList *MechList = CommonMechs; ULONG MatchingPackages[ NEG_MECH_LIMIT ]; struct MechTypeList *pMechs ; struct MechTypeList *SourceMechs = NULL; PVOID SourceMechsToFree = NULL ; ULONG MechCount ; ULONG i ; ULONG_PTR CredIndex ; PNEG_CONTEXT Context = NULL ; PSession pSession ; SecPkgCredentials_NamesW Names ; DWORD NameLength ; ANSI_STRING NarrowName = {0}; PSession pClientClone ; ULONG_PTR PackageId ; PNEG_PACKAGE Package ; SecBuffer DesiredToken = { 0 } ; SecBuffer InputBuffer ; SecBufferDesc DTDescription ; SecBufferDesc DTInput ; SecBufferDesc NullInput = { 0 }; PSecBuffer pToken ; CtxtHandle InitialHandle ; ASN1octetstring_t EncodedData = {0}; SECURITY_STATUS Result ; ULONG PackageReq = 0 ; BOOL DirectSecurityPacket = FALSE ; BOOL UseHint = FALSE ; BOOL HintPresent = FALSE ; ULONG PackageReqFlags ; BOOL BufferSizeReset = FALSE ; BOOL OrderByMech = FALSE ; BOOL MechListReordered = FALSE ; CredHandle TempCredHandle; PNEG_PACKAGE LastPackage = NULL ; LUID SystemLuid = SYSTEM_LUID; BOOLEAN fLocalSystem = FALSE; PLSA_CALL_INFO CallInfo ;
// Make sure there is an output buffer
scRet = NegpParseBuffers( pOutput, TRUE, &pToken, NULL );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( scRet ) ) { DebugLog(( DEB_ERROR, "NegBuildRequestToken failed to map buffers, %x\n", scRet )); goto Cleanup ; }
// If there is no output buffer, fail now
if (pToken == NULL) { scRet = SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN; DebugLog((DEB_ERROR,"NegBuildRequestToken no output token\n")); goto Cleanup; }
CallInfo = LsapGetCurrentCall();
if ( !ServerSideInit ) {
if ( CallInfo->CallInfo.Attributes & SECPKG_CALL_KERNEL_MODE ) { //
// Mask off the mutual bit for now
PackageReq = NegGetPackageCaps( fContextReq & (~(ISC_REQ_MUTUAL_AUTH)) ); } else { PackageReq = NegGetPackageCaps( fContextReq ); } } else { PackageReq = 0xFFFFFFFF ; }
// First, gather up the mechanisms that the other guys supports. If
// we don't know, assume all of ours:
if ( ServerMechs ) { SourceMechs = ServerMechs ; } else { scRet = NegpBuildMechListFromCreds( Creds, PackageReq, (ServerSideInit ? SECPKG_CRED_INBOUND : SECPKG_CRED_OUTBOUND ), &SourceMechs );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(scRet) ) { return( scRet ); } //
// Save a copy of this pointer. The list may be rearranged later, but
// we need to free this "original" pointer.
SourceMechsToFree = SourceMechs ; }
// Initialize some pointers so we know if we need to free anything.
DesiredToken.pvBuffer = NULL ; Context = NULL ;
// if we're honoring server hints, then go by the mech list
OrderByMech = ( ( NegOptions & NEGOPT_HONOR_SERVER_PREF ) != 0 );
// Special case the local loopback to use NTLM. Analyze the target name. If it
// is an SPN, and it is our hostname in there, rearrange the mech list to put
// NTLM first (note, for local case, NTLM will essentially dup the token). This
// function cannot fail.
if (((Creds->Flags & NEGCRED_NTLM_LOOPBACK) != 0)) { if ( NegpRearrangeMechsIfNeccessary( &SourceMechs, pszTargetName, &DirectSecurityPacket ) ) { OrderByMech = TRUE ; MechListReordered = TRUE ; } }
// Scan through the list, building up the list of common mechanisms.
// Also, maintain a count, and determine the first matching package to
// generate our desired token. Depending on local configuration, we
// will either honor the server's preferences, or our own.
pMechs = SourceMechs ;
MechCount = 0;
NegReadLockCreds( Creds );
// BUGUG: check for supported options for the context requirements.
if ( OrderByMech ) { //
// Walk the server list first.
while ( pMechs ) { CredIndex = NegpFindPackageForOid( Creds, pMechs->value );
if ( CredIndex != NEG_INVALID_PACKAGE ) { CommonMechs[ MechCount ].value = Creds->Creds[ CredIndex ].Package->ObjectId ;
CommonMechs[ MechCount ].next = &CommonMechs[ MechCount + 1 ];
MatchingPackages[ MechCount] = (ULONG) CredIndex; MechCount ++ ;
if (MechCount == NEG_MECH_LIMIT) { break; } }
pMechs = pMechs->next ; } } else { //
// Walk the local cred list first:
for ( i = 0 ; i < Creds->Count ; i++ ) { pMechs = SourceMechs ;
while ( pMechs ) { if ( NegpCompareOid( pMechs->value, Creds->Creds[ i ].Package->ObjectId ) == 0 ) { CommonMechs[ MechCount ].value = Creds->Creds[ i ].Package->ObjectId ;
CommonMechs[ MechCount ].next = &CommonMechs[ MechCount + 1 ];
MatchingPackages[ MechCount] = i;
break; }
// Note: Right now, the limit on protocols is 16. We may need to
// increase that.
if (MechCount == NEG_MECH_LIMIT) { break; }
pMechs = pMechs->next ; } } }
// Ok, at this point, we have the desired security package (cred handle)
// in MatchingPackage, MechCount contains the number of mechs in common.
// Note: These can be zero, that is that we have no mechs in common.
NegUnlockCreds( Creds );
if ( MechCount == 0 ) { //
// No common packages:
DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "No common packages\n"));
goto Cleanup ; }
// Patch up list:
CommonMechs[ MechCount - 1 ].next = NULL ;
// Start assembling request token:
ZeroMemory( &Request, sizeof( Request ) );
// Create the negotiate context
Context = NegpCreateContext() ;
if ( !Context ) { scRet = SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY ;
goto Cleanup ;
if ( !ServerSideInit ) {
// Store target name away
scRet = LsapDuplicateString2( &Context->Target, pszTargetName );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( scRet ) ) { goto Cleanup ; }
// Use the supplied mechs. If these were passed from the server,
// make sure we don't free them before using them.
if ( Context->SupportedMechs ) { DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_NEG, "Context %p already has MechList ?\n", Context )); }
if ( ( SourceMechs == ServerMechs ) || ( MechListReordered ) ) { Context->SupportedMechs = NegpCopyMechList(MechList); if (Context->SupportedMechs == NULL) { scRet = SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; goto Cleanup; } Context->Flags |= NEG_CONTEXT_FREE_EACH_MECH; } else {
Context->SupportedMechs = SourceMechs; SourceMechs = NULL; }
if ( fContextReq & ISC_REQ_MUTUAL_AUTH ) { Context->Flags |= NEG_CONTEXT_MUTUAL_AUTH ; } }
if (Context->Creds == NULL) { Context->Creds = Creds ;
// Reference the credentials so they don't go away unexpectedly
NegUnlockCreds(Creds); }
PackageReqFlags = fContextReq | ISC_REQ_MUTUAL_AUTH ; PackageReqFlags &= (~(ISC_REQ_ALLOCATE_MEMORY ));
if( RtlEqualLuid( &Creds->ClientLogonId, &SystemLuid ) ) { fLocalSystem = TRUE; }
i = 0; do { UseHint = FALSE ; HintPresent = FALSE ;
Context->CredIndex = MatchingPackages[i] ;
NegReadLockCreds( Creds );
Package = Creds->Creds[ MatchingPackages[i] ].Package ;
if ( NegNegotiationControl < NEG_NEGLEVEL_NO_DOWNGRADE ) { //
// If we're allowing downgrade, if the next package is
// the NT4 compatibility package, and we are not
// responding to a server list of mechs, and we haven't
// reordered the list specifically to use NTLM for loopback,
// go direct
if ( ( (Package->Flags & NEG_NT4_COMPAT ) != 0 ) && ( ServerMechs == NULL ) && ( (Creds->Flags & NEGCRED_NEG_NTLM ) == 0 ) && ( !MechListReordered ) ) { DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "Dropping back to pure NTLM\n" )); DirectSecurityPacket = TRUE ; } }
// Now, divergent behavior. For a server side request token, we need to
// grab some hint data. On a client side request, we ping the desired
// mechanism to generate a "hopeful" blob for the server.
if ( ServerSideInit ) { NTSTATUS TempStatus;
if ( Creds->ServerBufferLength == 0 ) {
DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "Gathering up server name for hint\n" ));
// We need to query credential handle 0 to find out
// what the name of the person is, so that we can send it
// back in the hints. However, just calling querycredattributes
// would make the package write the data to the client process,
// when we need it here. So, we swap out our session, and substitute
// a clone of the client session, with the INPROC flag set. The
// helpers will check for this flag, and do a little dance to
// keep the memory local.
pSession = GetCurrentSession();
TempStatus = CloneSession( pSession, &pClientClone, SESFLAG_INPROC );
// WARNING: This code block has the braces only in NT builds, not
// in Win9x builds. Balance them carefully if you modify this portion.
if ( NT_SUCCESS( TempStatus ) ) { SpmpReferenceSession( pClientClone );
SetCurrentSession( pClientClone );
PackageId = GetCurrentPackageId();
// Make a copy of the handle because we can't hold a lock
// while calling outside the Negotiate package.
TempCredHandle = Creds->Creds[0].Handle;
TempStatus = WLsaQueryCredAttributes( &TempCredHandle, SECPKG_CRED_ATTR_NAMES, &Names );
SetCurrentPackageId( PackageId ); NegReadLockCreds( Creds);
if ( NT_SUCCESS( TempStatus ) ) { UNICODE_STRING TempString;
RtlInitUnicodeString( &TempString, Names.sUserName );
TempStatus = RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString( &NarrowName, &TempString, TRUE // allocate destination
); if (NT_SUCCESS(TempStatus)) {
Request.negToken.u.negTokenInit.bit_mask |= NegTokenInit_negHints_present ;
Request.negToken.u.negTokenInit.negHints.hintName = NarrowName.Buffer ;
Request.negToken.u.negTokenInit.negHints.bit_mask |= hintName_present;
LsapFreeLsaHeap( Names.sUserName ); }
// Ignore failures from above because it was really only a hint.
SetCurrentSession( pSession );
// Deref and clean up clone session
SpmpDereferenceSession( pClientClone );
} }
NegUnlockCreds( Creds ); } else { CredHandle TempCredHandle;
// Make a copy of the handle because we can't hold a lock
// while calling outside the Negotiate package.
TempCredHandle = Creds->Creds[0].Handle;
// Client side call. Here, we call down to the desired package,
// and have it generate a blob to be encoded and sent over to the
// server.
if ( DesiredToken.pvBuffer ) { //
// If we're coming through this loop again, free the current buffer
// and allocate one of appropriate size for the current package.
LsapFreeLsaHeap( DesiredToken.pvBuffer ); }
DesiredToken.pvBuffer = LsapAllocateLsaHeap( Package->TokenSize ); if (DesiredToken.pvBuffer == NULL) { scRet = SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; goto Cleanup; } DesiredToken.cbBuffer = Package->TokenSize ; DesiredToken.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN ;
DTDescription.ulVersion = SECBUFFER_VERSION ; DTDescription.cBuffers = 1; DTDescription.pBuffers = &DesiredToken ;
// If negotiation information was provided, use it
if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(NegotiateHint) && (NegotiateHint->Length != 0) && ( NegNegotiationControl < NEG_NEGLEVEL_COMPATIBILITY )) { DTInput.cBuffers = 1; DTInput.pBuffers = &InputBuffer; InputBuffer.pvBuffer = NegotiateHint->Buffer; InputBuffer.cbBuffer = NegotiateHint->Length; InputBuffer.BufferType = SECBUFFER_NEGOTIATION_INFO; HintPresent = TRUE ; } else { DTInput.cBuffers = 0; DTInput.pBuffers = 0; HintPresent = FALSE ;
InitialHandle.dwUpper = 0; InitialHandle.dwLower = 0;
DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "Getting initial token from preferred package '%ws'\n", Package->LsaPackage->Name.Buffer ));
PackageId = GetCurrentPackageId();
RetryWithHintPoint: //
// This goto label is used for retry with hint in low security setting, and
// retry with a larger buffer in the case where kerberos exceeds its max token
// value.
// Move this into a local. The WLsaInit code will blot out the cred handle
// for the secur32.dll if the context changes.
TempCredHandle = Creds->Creds[ MatchingPackages[i] ].Handle ; LastPackage = Creds->Creds[ MatchingPackages[ i ] ].Package ;
if( NT_SUCCESS( scRetPrior ) || (TempCredHandle.dwLower != Creds->Creds[ MatchingPackages[i-1] ].Handle.dwLower) ) {
scRet = WLsaInitContext(&TempCredHandle, &InitialHandle, pszTargetName, PackageReqFlags, 0, TargetDataRep, (UseHint ? &DTInput : &NullInput ), 0, &Context->Handle, &DTDescription, &Context->Attributes, ptsExpiry, &Context->Mapped, &Context->MappedBuffer );
scRetPrior = scRet; }
SetCurrentPackageId( PackageId );
DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "WLsaInitContext( %ws, %ws ) returned %x\n", pszTargetName->Buffer, Creds->Creds[ MatchingPackages[i] ].Package->LsaPackage->Name.Buffer, scRet ));
Context->CallCount++ ;
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( scRet ) ) { DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "Failed %x getting token from preferred package '%ws'\n", scRet, Package->LsaPackage->Name.Buffer ));
if ( ( scRet == STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL ) && ( BufferSizeReset == FALSE ) ) { LsapFreeLsaHeap( DesiredToken.pvBuffer );
// This is technically not multi thread safe, but this is a comparatively
// rare event. The buffer size will never be set less than the original
// claimed size from the package, so at worst, we'll get stuck in this realloc
// loop twice.
if ( DesiredToken.cbBuffer > Package->TokenSize ) { Package->TokenSize = DesiredToken.cbBuffer ; }
DesiredToken.pvBuffer = LsapAllocateLsaHeap( DesiredToken.cbBuffer );
if ( DesiredToken.pvBuffer == NULL ) { scRet = SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY ; } else { BufferSizeReset = TRUE ;
scRetPrior = STATUS_SUCCESS; goto RetryWithHintPoint ; }
if ( (HintPresent) && (!(UseHint)) && ( ( scRet == SEC_E_TARGET_UNKNOWN ) || ( scRet == STATUS_NO_TRUST_SAM_ACCOUNT ) || ( scRet == STATUS_NO_LOGON_SERVERS ) ) && (NegNegotiationControl < NEG_NEGLEVEL_COMPATIBILITY ) ) { DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "Retrying with hint name %ws\n", NegotiateHint->Buffer )); UseHint = TRUE ;
scRetPrior = STATUS_SUCCESS; goto RetryWithHintPoint ; }
if ( DesiredToken.pvBuffer ) { LsapFreeLsaHeap( DesiredToken.pvBuffer );
DesiredToken.pvBuffer = NULL ; }
} else { //
// On success, check for a null session indication. If we got a "null
// session" from the security package, then we need to make sure that it
// is not uplevel, if NTLM is enabled on the machine.
if ( ( Context->Attributes & ISC_RET_NULL_SESSION ) != 0 ) { if ( NtlmPackageId != NEG_INVALID_PACKAGE ) { //
// NTLM is enabled. If this is not NTLM, blow away the context
// until we get to NTLM. First, override the returned status with
// a "special" status code that will get us through the retry logic
// below. Then, delete the existing context.
if ( (Creds->Creds[ MatchingPackages[ i ] ].Package->Flags & NEG_NT4_COMPAT) == 0 ) { scRet = SEC_E_BAD_PKGID ;
WLsaDeleteContext( &Context->Handle ); Context->Attributes = 0 ; } } } }
Context->LastStatus = scRet ; Context->Flags |= NEG_CONTEXT_PACKAGE_CALLED; }
// If the packages failed, take it out of the list
if (!NT_SUCCESS(scRet)) { MechList = CommonMechs[i].next; MechCount--;
// kerberos can authoritatively return STATUS_WRONG_PASSWORD
// if the creds were not valid. No reason to continue at that point.
// Smartcard errors w/ explicit credentials should also not
// try the downgrade to NTLM...
if ((Creds->Flags & NEGCRED_EXPLICIT_CREDS ) != 0) { if (NegBreakoutOnExplictCredentials( scRet, Creds->Flags )) { DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "Status code %x from Initialize causing us to break out\n", scRet )); break; } }
if (( NegNegotiationControl > NEG_NEGLEVEL_NO_SECURITY ) && ( ( Creds->Flags & NEGCRED_EXPLICIT_CREDS ) == 0 ) && ( ( Creds->Flags & NEGCRED_ALLOW_NTLM ) == 0 ) ) { BOOL BreakOut ; BOOL Downgrade = TRUE;
// Ok, we need to do some advance filtering on the
// return status, to see if we should progress or not.
switch ( scRet ) { //
// Special case for null session going to NTLM:
case SEC_E_BAD_PKGID: BreakOut = FALSE ; break;
// DFS currently does initial session setup as SYSTEM.
// until DFS is fixed to call as user, allow no_such_user
// from SYSTEM context.
case STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER: { if( fLocalSystem ) { BreakOut = FALSE ; break; }
Downgrade = FALSE; BreakOut = TRUE; break; }
// If we truly logged on with NTLM, keep going
if (Creds->DefaultPackage == NtlmPackageId ) { BreakOut = FALSE; } else { BreakOut = TRUE; } break; }
default: BreakOut = TRUE ; break; }
DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "Status code %x causing us to %s\n", scRet, (BreakOut ? "break out" : "continue") ));
if ( BreakOut ) { NegpReportEvent( EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, NEGOTIATE_DOWNGRADE_DETECTED, CATEGORY_NEGOTIATE, scRet, 2, pszTargetName, &LastPackage->LsaPackage->Name );
if( Downgrade ) { //
// Tell the caller the explicit reason for the failure since
// NTLM might very well have suceeded.
break; } } }
} while (!NT_SUCCESS(scRet) && (MechCount != 0));
DebugLog((DEB_ERROR,"No packages could initialize\n")); goto Cleanup; }
if ( MechCount == 0 ) { NegpReportEvent( EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, NEGOTIATE_INVALID_SERVER, CATEGORY_NEGOTIATE, 0, 1, pszTargetName );
// No common packages:
DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "No common packages\n"));
goto Cleanup ; }
if ( LastPackage ) { NegpReportEvent( EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, NEGOTIATE_PACKAGE_SELECTED, CATEGORY_NEGOTIATE, 0, 2, pszTargetName, &LastPackage->LsaPackage->Name ); }
if ( !DirectSecurityPacket ) { Request.negToken.choice = negTokenInit_chosen ;
Request.negToken.u.negTokenInit.mechTypes = MechList ; Request.negToken.u.negTokenInit.bit_mask |= NegTokenInit_mechTypes_present ;
// Okay, now we have all the pieces. Assemble the token:
if ( DesiredToken.pvBuffer ) { Request.negToken.u.negTokenInit.mechToken.length = DesiredToken.cbBuffer ; Request.negToken.u.negTokenInit.mechToken.value = (PUCHAR) DesiredToken.pvBuffer ;
Request.negToken.u.negTokenInit.bit_mask |= NegTokenInit_mechToken_present ;
// Add in the SPNEGO mechanism id
Request.spnegoMech = NegSpnegoMechOid;
Result = SpnegoPackData( &Request, InitialNegToken_PDU, &(EncodedData.length), &(EncodedData.value));
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Result) ) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "Failed to encode data: %d\n", Result ));
scRet = Result; goto Cleanup ;
} } else { EncodedData.length = DesiredToken.cbBuffer ; EncodedData.value = (PUCHAR) DesiredToken.pvBuffer ;
DesiredToken.pvBuffer = NULL ; }
// Okay, got the token into a contiguous mass. Package it up for the caller
if ( fContextReq & ISC_REQ_ALLOCATE_MEMORY ) { //
// Easy: The caller asked for us to allocate memory for them, so
// let the LSA do it.
pToken->pvBuffer = EncodedData.value ; pToken->cbBuffer = EncodedData.length ; EncodedData.value = NULL;
} else { //
// The caller has a buffer that we're supposed to use. Make sure we
// can fit.
if ( (ULONG) EncodedData.length < pToken->cbBuffer ) { RtlCopyMemory( pToken->pvBuffer, EncodedData.value, EncodedData.length );
pToken->cbBuffer = EncodedData.length ;
} else if ( ( ( fContextReq & ISC_REQ_FRAGMENT_TO_FIT ) != 0 ) && ( pToken->cbBuffer >= SPNEGO_MINIMUM_BUFFER ) ) { //
// Ok, we need to whack the context to indicate that we are
// fragmenting, and return only what the caller can handle.
Context->Message = EncodedData.value ; Context->TotalSize = EncodedData.length ; Context->Flags |= NEG_CONTEXT_FRAGMENTING ;
// set this to NULL so it doesn't get freed later
EncodedData.value = NULL ; RtlCopyMemory( pToken->pvBuffer, Context->Message, pToken->cbBuffer );
Context->CurrentSize = pToken->cbBuffer ; } else { DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "Supplied buffer is too small\n" ));
goto Cleanup ; } }
// We have created the token, encoded it, and stuck it in a return buffer.
// We have created the context record, and it is ready. We're done!
if ( !DirectSecurityPacket ) { *pContext = Context ; Context = NULL;
scRet = SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED ; } else { DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "Replacing handle, current status is %x\n", scRet ));
LsapChangeHandle( HandleReplace, NULL, &Context->Handle );
*pContext = NULL ;
Context->Handle.dwLower = 0 ; Context->Handle.dwUpper = 0 ;
// Context will be freed during cleanup.
if ( !ServerMechs ) { //
// No server mechs means we allocated and used one based on our
// cred handle. Free it.
if (SourceMechs != NULL) { if ( MechListReordered ) { LsapFreeLsaHeap( SourceMechsToFree ); } else { LsapFreeLsaHeap( SourceMechs ); } } }
if (EncodedData.value != NULL) { LsapFreeLsaHeap(EncodedData.value); }
if ( DesiredToken.pvBuffer ) { LsapFreeLsaHeap( DesiredToken.pvBuffer ); }
if ( Context ) { NegpDeleteContext( Context ); }
if (NarrowName.Buffer != NULL) { RtlFreeAnsiString(&NarrowName); }
return( scRet ); }
// Function: NegGenerateInitialToken
// Synopsis: Client side init
// Arguments: [dwCreds] --
// [Target] --
// [fContextReq] --
// [TargetDataRep] --
// [pInput] --
// [pdwNewContext] --
// [pOutput] --
// [pfContextAttr] --
// [ptsExpiry] --
// [pfMapContext] --
// [pContextData] --
// History: 9-30-96 RichardW Created
// Notes:
SECURITY_STATUS NegGenerateInitialToken( ULONG_PTR dwCreds, PSECURITY_STRING Target, ULONG fContextReq, ULONG TargetDataRep, PSecBufferDesc pInput, PULONG_PTR pdwNewContext, PSecBufferDesc pOutput, PULONG pfContextAttr, PTimeStamp ptsExpiry, PBYTE pfMapContext, PSecBuffer pContextData) { SECURITY_STATUS scRet; PSecBuffer Buffer; PNEG_CREDS Creds; PNEG_CONTEXT Context;
// Initialize stuff:
Creds = (PNEG_CREDS) dwCreds ;
// Fall through to common code with normal initial token:
scRet = NegBuildRequestToken( FALSE, Creds, Target, fContextReq, TargetDataRep, NULL, NULL, &Context, pOutput, ptsExpiry );
if ( NT_SUCCESS( scRet ) ) { //
// Successfully built token. Set flags:
*pfMapContext = FALSE ;
if ( Context ) { *pdwNewContext = (DWORD_PTR) Context ; }
return( scRet ); }
// Function: NegGenerateServerRequest
// Synopsis: Server side init
// Arguments: [dwCreds] --
// [fContextReq] --
// [TargetDataRep] --
// [pInput] --
// [pdwNewContext] --
// [pOutput] --
// [pfContextAttr] --
// [ptsExpiry] --
// [pfMapContext] --
// [pContextData] --
// History: 9-30-96 RichardW Created
// Notes:
SECURITY_STATUS NegGenerateServerRequest( ULONG_PTR dwCreds, ULONG fContextReq, ULONG TargetDataRep, PSecBufferDesc pInput, PULONG_PTR pdwNewContext, PSecBufferDesc pOutput, PULONG pfContextAttr, PTimeStamp ptsExpiry, PBYTE pfMapContext, PSecBuffer pContextData) { SECURITY_STATUS scRet; PSecBuffer Buffer; PNEG_CREDS Creds; PNEG_CONTEXT Context;
// Initialize stuff:
Creds = (PNEG_CREDS) dwCreds ;
// Fall through to common code with normal initial token:
scRet = NegBuildRequestToken( TRUE, Creds, NULL, fContextReq, TargetDataRep, NULL, NULL, &Context, pOutput, ptsExpiry );
if ( NT_SUCCESS( scRet ) ) { //
// Successfully built token. Set flags:
*pfContextAttr = ( fContextReq & ASC_REQ_ALLOCATE_MEMORY ? ASC_RET_ALLOCATED_MEMORY : 0 ) ;
*pfMapContext = FALSE ;
*pdwNewContext = (DWORD_PTR) Context ; }
return( scRet ); }
// Function: NegCrackServerRequestAndReply
// Synopsis: Client side Init with Neg token from the server
// Arguments: [dwCreds] --
// [Target] --
// [fContextReq] --
// [TargetDataRep] --
// [pInput] --
// [pdwNewContext] --
// [pOutput] --
// [pfContextAttr] --
// [ptsExpiry] --
// [pfMapContext] --
// [pContextData] --
// History: 9-30-96 RichardW Created
// Notes:
SECURITY_STATUS NegCrackServerRequestAndReply( ULONG_PTR dwCreds, PSECURITY_STRING Target, ULONG fContextReq, ULONG TargetDataRep, PSecBufferDesc pInput, PULONG_PTR pdwNewContext, PSecBufferDesc pOutput, PULONG pfContextAttr, PTimeStamp ptsExpiry, PBYTE pfMapContext, PSecBuffer pContextData) { SECURITY_STATUS scRet; struct InitialNegToken * Request = NULL ; ASN1octetstring_t EncodedData; ULONG Pdu = InitialNegToken_PDU; PSecBuffer Buffer; struct MechTypeList *pMechs = NULL; PNEG_CREDS Creds ; PNEG_CONTEXT Context = NULL ; UNICODE_STRING NegotiateHint = {0}; ANSI_STRING AnsiHint = {0};
RtlInitUnicodeString( &NegotiateHint, NULL );
// Initialize stuff:
// First, verify the input buffer contains a Request token, and crack it.
scRet = NegpParseBuffers( pInput, TRUE, &Buffer, NULL );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( scRet ) ) { DebugLog(( DEB_ERROR, "NegCrackServerRequestAndReply Failed to map buffers, %x\n", scRet )); goto Cleanup; }
if ( !Buffer ) { DebugLog(( DEB_ERROR, "NegCrackServerRequestAndReply failed to map buffers (NULL)\n")); scRet = SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN; goto Cleanup; }
Creds = (PNEG_CREDS) dwCreds ;
EncodedData.value = (PUCHAR) Buffer->pvBuffer ; EncodedData.length = Buffer->cbBuffer ; Request = NULL ;
scRet = SpnegoUnpackData( EncodedData.value, EncodedData.length, Pdu, (PVOID *)&Request);
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(scRet) ) { goto Cleanup; }
// This function only handles Request tokens. If we ended up with a reply,
// then the server is in trouble, or we are...
if ( (Pdu != InitialNegToken_PDU) || (Request->negToken.choice == negTokenTarg_chosen) || NegpCompareOid( Request->spnegoMech, NegSpnegoMechOid) ) { scRet = SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN; goto Cleanup; }
// Okay, the server has sent us a list of the packages that he supports,
// possibly some hints as well. We need to go through the list, and figure
// our common subset. At the same time, we need to select the one that we
// want to use, preferably the same as the first one from the server.
if ((Request->negToken.u.negTokenInit.bit_mask & NegTokenInit_mechTypes_present) != 0) { pMechs = Request->negToken.u.negTokenInit.mechTypes ; }
// Get the negotation hint out.
if ((Request->negToken.u.negTokenInit.bit_mask & NegTokenInit_negHints_present) != 0) { if ((Request->negToken.u.negTokenInit.negHints.bit_mask & hintName_present) != 0) { RtlInitString( &AnsiHint, Request->negToken.u.negTokenInit.negHints.hintName ); scRet = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &NegotiateHint, &AnsiHint, TRUE // allocate destination
); if (!NT_SUCCESS(scRet)) { scRet= SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; goto Cleanup; } } }
// Fall through to common code with normal initial token:
scRet = NegBuildRequestToken( FALSE, // not server side
Creds, Target, fContextReq, TargetDataRep, pMechs, &NegotiateHint, &Context, pOutput, ptsExpiry );
if ( Request ) { SpnegoFreeData( Pdu, Request ); } if (NegotiateHint.Buffer != NULL) { RtlFreeUnicodeString(&NegotiateHint); }
if ( NT_SUCCESS( scRet ) ) { //
// Successfully built token. Set flags:
*pfMapContext = FALSE ;
*pdwNewContext = (DWORD_PTR) Context ; }
return( scRet ); }
// Function: NegpCrackRequest
// Synopsis: Crack a Request package, and, based on the creds, determine
// what is supported.
// Arguments: [Creds] -- Creds to compare against
// [Request] -- Request to crack
// [MechIndex] -- selected package
// [MechList] -- Receives mech list from request
// [pPackage] -- Package pointer
// History: 9-25-96 RichardW Created
// Notes: Creds must be locked
SECURITY_STATUS NegpCrackRequest( IN PNEG_CREDS Creds, IN NegotiationToken * Request, OUT PULONG_PTR MechIndex, OUT struct MechTypeList ** MechList, OUT PNEG_PACKAGE * pPackage, OUT NEG_MATCH * pDesiredMatch) { DWORD i; DWORD j; ULONG MatchingPackage = (ULONG) -1; struct MechTypeList *pMechs; PNEG_PACKAGE Package; NEG_MATCH DesiredMatch; ULONG MechCount ;
pMechs = Request->u.negTokenInit.mechTypes ;
// First, support the "standard" by going through the whole list,
// and determining which ones we support.
Package = NULL ;
DesiredMatch = MatchUnknown ;
// For each mechanism, see if we have it in the creds. If we have it,
// mark it as acceptible. If this is the first acceptible mech, capture
// it as the now preferred mechanism.
while ( pMechs ) { NegDumpOid( "Incoming Mechanism", pMechs->value );
for ( i = 0 ; i < Creds->Count ; i++ ) { NegDumpOid( "Comparing to Mechanism", Creds->Creds[i].Package->ObjectId );
if ( NegpCompareOid( pMechs->value, Creds->Creds[i].Package->ObjectId ) == 0 ) { if ( !Package ) { Package = Creds->Creds[i].Package ;
if ( DesiredMatch == MatchUnknown ) { DesiredMatch = PreferredSucceed ; } else { DesiredMatch = MatchSucceed ; }
MatchingPackage = i; break;
} }
pMechs = pMechs->next ;
if ( DesiredMatch == MatchUnknown ) { DesiredMatch = MatchFailed ; }
*MechIndex = MatchingPackage ;
*pPackage = Package ;
*MechList = Request->u.negTokenInit.mechTypes ;
*pDesiredMatch = DesiredMatch ;
return( 0 ); }
// Function: NegHandleSubsequentClientRequest
// Synopsis: Handles a client request after the initial NegTokenInit
// Arguments:
// History: 5-26-97 MikeSw Created
// Notes:
SECURITY_STATUS NegHandleSubsequentClientRequest( ULONG_PTR dwCreds, PNEG_CONTEXT Context, ULONG fContextReq, ULONG TargetDataRep, ULONG Pdu, NegotiationToken * Request, PULONG_PTR pdwNewContext, PSecBufferDesc pOutput, PULONG pfContextAttr, PTimeStamp ptsExpiry, PBYTE pfMapContext, PSecBuffer pContextData ) { SECURITY_STATUS scRet = SEC_E_OK; PNEG_CREDS Creds ; NegotiationToken Reply; CredHandle TempCredHandle; CtxtHandle TempHandle; SecBufferDesc AcceptBufferDesc; SecBuffer AcceptBuffer; SecBufferDesc ResponseBufferDesc; SecBuffer ResponseBuffer; SecBuffer MappedBuffer; PSecBuffer pToken; BOOLEAN MappedContext; ULONG_PTR PackageId; ASN1octetstring_t EncodedData; SECURITY_STATUS Result; PNEG_PACKAGE Package ;
EncodedData.value = NULL; EncodedData.length = 0;
RtlZeroMemory( &ResponseBuffer, sizeof(SecBuffer) );
RtlZeroMemory( &MappedBuffer, sizeof(SecBuffer) );
// The negotiation context should have been created during the first call
// to AcceptSecurityContext, so if it isn't present this is an
// error.
if (Context == NULL) { scRet = SEC_E_INVALID_HANDLE; goto Cleanup; }
// Verify that there is an output token to return something in.
scRet = NegpParseBuffers( pOutput, TRUE, &pToken, NULL );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( scRet ) ) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "NegHandleSubsequentClientRequest failed to map output, %x\n", scRet)); goto Cleanup; }
if (pToken == NULL) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "NegHandleSubsequentClientRequest failed to map output (NULL)\n")); scRet = SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN; goto Cleanup; }
// Verify the creds passed in
Creds = (PNEG_CREDS) dwCreds ;
if (Creds == NULL) { Creds = Context->Creds; } else if (Creds != Context->Creds) { DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_NEG, "Bad context handle passed to Accept: 0x%p instead of 0x%p\n", Creds, Context->Creds )); scRet = SEC_E_INVALID_HANDLE; goto Cleanup; }
// if the security token area is empty, but the mechListMIC is
// present, then the client has completed (and we should have,
// also), and we should verify the mechListMIC.
if ( ( ( Request->u.negTokenTarg.responseToken.length == 0 ) && ( ( Context->Flags & NEG_CONTEXT_UPLEVEL ) != 0 ) ) || ( Request->u.negTokenTarg.bit_mask == 0 ) ) { //
// Check the MIC:
Request = NULL;
if ( Context->LastStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { return SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN ; }
if (Context->Mapped) { *pfMapContext = Context->Mapped; *pContextData = Context->MappedBuffer; RtlZeroMemory( &Context->MappedBuffer, sizeof(SecBuffer) ); }
// Whack the output handle with the one returned from the
// package.
LsapChangeHandle( HandleReplace, NULL, &Context->Handle );
Context->Handle.dwLower = 0 ; Context->Handle.dwUpper = 0 ;
pToken->cbBuffer = 0 ;
*ptsExpiry = Context->Expiry ;
Context = NULL ;
// Get the locked information out of the credentials
TempCredHandle = Creds->Creds[ Context->CredIndex ].Handle; Package = Creds->Creds[Context->CredIndex].Package;
// Build the input to AcceptSecurityContext
if ( Request->u.negTokenTarg.responseToken.length != 0 ) { AcceptBuffer.pvBuffer = Request->u.negTokenTarg.responseToken.value; AcceptBuffer.cbBuffer = Request->u.negTokenTarg.responseToken.length; Context->Flags |= NEG_CONTEXT_UPLEVEL ; } else if ( Request->u.negTokenTarg.mechListMIC.length != 0 ) { AcceptBuffer.pvBuffer = Request->u.negTokenTarg.mechListMIC.value ; AcceptBuffer.cbBuffer = Request->u.negTokenTarg.mechListMIC.length ; }
AcceptBufferDesc.ulVersion = SECBUFFER_VERSION ; AcceptBufferDesc.cBuffers = 1; AcceptBufferDesc.pBuffers = &AcceptBuffer ;
ResponseBuffer.cbBuffer = Package->LsaPackage->TokenSize ; ResponseBuffer.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN ;
SafeAllocaAllocate(ResponseBuffer.pvBuffer, ResponseBuffer.cbBuffer);
if ( ResponseBuffer.pvBuffer == NULL ) { scRet = SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY ;
goto Cleanup ; }
ResponseBufferDesc.ulVersion = SECBUFFER_VERSION ; ResponseBufferDesc.cBuffers = 1; ResponseBufferDesc.pBuffers = &ResponseBuffer ;
if ((Context->Flags & NEG_CONTEXT_PACKAGE_CALLED) != 0) { TempHandle = Context->Handle ; } else { TempHandle.dwUpper = TempHandle.dwLower = 0; }
PackageId = GetCurrentPackageId();
// Call the package. Note that if the package has already mapped the
// context we don't want it overwriting the existing mapping. Hence,
// don't pass in the real value.
scRet = WLsaAcceptContext( &TempCredHandle, &TempHandle, &AcceptBufferDesc, (fContextReq & (~(ASC_REQ_ALLOCATE_MEMORY))), TargetDataRep, &Context->Handle, &ResponseBufferDesc, &Context->Attributes, &Context->Expiry, &MappedContext, &MappedBuffer );
#if DBG
NegReadLockCreds( Creds );
DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "WLsaAcceptContext( %ws ) returned %x\n", Creds->Creds[ Context->CredIndex ].Package->LsaPackage->Name.Buffer, scRet ));
NegUnlockCreds(Creds); #endif
Context->CallCount++ ;
SetCurrentPackageId( PackageId );
// Done with request data
Request = NULL;
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( scRet ) ) { DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "Neg Failure from package %d, %#x\n", Context->CredIndex, scRet ));
DsysAssert( scRet != SEC_E_INVALID_HANDLE )
goto Cleanup; }
Context->LastStatus = scRet ;
// Build the output token, another NegTokenTarg.
Reply.choice = negTokenTarg_chosen; Reply.u.negTokenTarg.bit_mask = negResult_present; if (ResponseBuffer.cbBuffer != 0) { Reply.u.negTokenTarg.bit_mask |= responseToken_present; }
Reply.u.negTokenTarg.responseToken.value = (PUCHAR) ResponseBuffer.pvBuffer; Reply.u.negTokenTarg.responseToken.length = (int) ResponseBuffer.cbBuffer;
// Fill in the negotation result field. In addition, fill in any
// context mapping data.
if ( MappedContext ) { DsysAssert( !Context->Mapped );
Context->Mapped = TRUE ; Context->MappedBuffer = MappedBuffer ;
RtlZeroMemory( &MappedBuffer, sizeof(SecBuffer) ); }
// generate the MIC on the last blob
if ( scRet == SEC_E_OK ) { //
// Once the mic is generated, the
// list of mechs is no longer needed.
if ( Context->SupportedMechs ) { DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "Freeing mech list for %p\n", Context ));
if ((Context->Flags & NEG_CONTEXT_FREE_EACH_MECH)) { NegpFreeMechList(Context->SupportedMechs); } else { LsapFreeLsaHeap(Context->SupportedMechs); }
Context->SupportedMechs = NULL ; } }
if ( Context->LastStatus == SEC_E_OK ) { Reply.u.negTokenTarg.negResult = accept_completed; } else { Reply.u.negTokenTarg.negResult = accept_incomplete; }
if (scRet == SEC_E_OK) { if (Context->Mapped) { *pfMapContext = Context->Mapped; *pContextData = Context->MappedBuffer; RtlZeroMemory( &Context->MappedBuffer, sizeof(SecBuffer) ); } else if (MappedContext) { *pfMapContext = TRUE; *pContextData = MappedBuffer; RtlZeroMemory( &MappedBuffer, sizeof(SecBuffer) ); } }
*ptsExpiry = Context->Expiry; *pfContextAttr = Context->Attributes;
// Encode reply token:
Result = SpnegoPackData( &Reply, NegotiationToken_PDU, &(EncodedData.length), &(EncodedData.value));
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Result)) { scRet = Result; goto Cleanup; }
DsysAssert( NT_SUCCESS(NegpValidateBuffer( EncodedData.value, EncodedData.length ) ) );
if ( fContextReq & ASC_REQ_ALLOCATE_MEMORY ) { pToken->pvBuffer = EncodedData.value ;
EncodedData.value = NULL ;
pToken->cbBuffer = EncodedData.length ;
} else { if ( pToken->cbBuffer >= (ULONG) EncodedData.length ) { RtlCopyMemory( pToken->pvBuffer, EncodedData.value, EncodedData.length );
pToken->cbBuffer = EncodedData.length ;
} else if ( ( ( fContextReq & ASC_REQ_FRAGMENT_TO_FIT ) != 0 ) && ( pToken->cbBuffer >= SPNEGO_MINIMUM_BUFFER ) ) { //
// Ok, we need to whack the context to indicate that we are
// fragmenting, and return only what the caller can handle.
Context->Message = EncodedData.value ; Context->TotalSize = EncodedData.length ; Context->Flags |= NEG_CONTEXT_FRAGMENTING ;
// set this to NULL so it doesn't get freed later
EncodedData.value = NULL ; RtlCopyMemory( pToken->pvBuffer, Context->Message, pToken->cbBuffer );
Context->CurrentSize = pToken->cbBuffer ; } else { scRet = SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY ;
goto Cleanup ; } }
if (scRet == SEC_E_OK) { //
// Whack the output handle with the one returned from the
// package.
LsapChangeHandle( HandleReplace, NULL, &Context->Handle );
Context->Handle.dwLower = 0 ; Context->Handle.dwUpper = 0 ;
Context = NULL ;
} else { //
// Make sure we never say that we mapped when we are in the
// intermediate state.
DsysAssert( !(*pfMapContext) ); }
Cleanup: if (EncodedData.value != NULL) { LsapFreeLsaHeap(EncodedData.value); }
if (MappedBuffer.pvBuffer != NULL) { LsapFreeLsaHeap(MappedBuffer.pvBuffer); }
return(scRet); }
// Function: NegHandleClientRequest
// Synopsis: Handles a call to AcceptSecurityContext other than an
// initial one with no input. This routine either figures our
// what package to call or calls a package already selected to
// do the Accept.
// Effects:
// Arguments:
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes:
SECURITY_STATUS NegHandleClientRequest( ULONG_PTR dwCreds, PNEG_CONTEXT pContext, ULONG fContextReq, ULONG TargetDataRep, PSecBufferDesc pInput, PULONG_PTR pdwNewContext, PSecBufferDesc pOutput, PULONG pfContextAttr, PTimeStamp ptsExpiry, PBYTE pfMapContext, PSecBuffer pContextData ) { PNEG_CREDS Creds ; PNEG_CONTEXT Context ; SECURITY_STATUS scRet ; SECURITY_STATUS MapStatus ; NegotiationToken * Request = NULL ; InitialNegToken * InitialRequest = NULL; NegotiationToken Response = {0}; ASN1octetstring_t EncodedData ; SECURITY_STATUS Result ; ULONG Pdu = InitialNegToken_PDU; PSecBuffer Buffer ; PSecBuffer pToken ; PNEG_PACKAGE Package; NEG_MATCH DesiredMatch; SecBufferDesc AcceptBufferDesc; SecBuffer AcceptBuffer; SecBufferDesc ResponseBufferDesc; SecBuffer ResponseBuffer; SecBuffer UserResponseBuffer; // use user buffer for in-place operations if large enough
struct MechTypeList *MechList = NULL; CtxtHandle TempHandle; struct _enum1 * Results; ULONG_PTR PackageId; BOOLEAN CredentialReferenced = FALSE;
// Initialize stuff:
ResponseBuffer.pvBuffer = NULL;
Creds = (PNEG_CREDS) dwCreds ; Context = pContext ;
if ( ( Creds == NULL ) && ( Context != NULL ) ) { Creds = Context->Creds ; }
// First, verify the input buffer contains a Request token, and crack it.
scRet = NegpParseBuffers( pInput, TRUE, &Buffer, NULL );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( scRet ) ) { DebugLog(( DEB_ERROR, "NegHandleClientRequest failed to map input buffers, %x\n", scRet )); return( scRet ); }
if ( Buffer == NULL ) { DebugLog(( DEB_ERROR, "NegHandleClientRequest failed to map input buffers (NULL)\n" )); return SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN; }
// Verify that we have an output buffer
scRet = NegpParseBuffers( pOutput, TRUE, &pToken, NULL );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( scRet ) ) { DebugLog(( DEB_ERROR, "NegHandleClientRequest failed to map output buffers (NULL)\n" )); goto Cleanup ; }
// We need a return token
if (pToken == NULL) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR,"No output token for NegHandleClientRequest\n")); scRet = SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN; goto Cleanup; }
// Compatibility:
// If we get a zero length blob, and the context has completed,
// it means we're dealing with old clients
if ( ( Buffer->cbBuffer == 0 ) && ( Context ) ) { pToken->cbBuffer = 0 ;
if ( Context->LastStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { return SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN ; }
if (Context->Mapped) { *pfMapContext = Context->Mapped; *pContextData = Context->MappedBuffer; RtlZeroMemory( &Context->MappedBuffer, sizeof(SecBuffer) ); }
// Whack the output handle with the one returned from the
// package.
LsapChangeHandle( HandleReplace, NULL, &Context->Handle );
Context->Handle.dwLower = 0 ; Context->Handle.dwUpper = 0 ;
*ptsExpiry = Context->Expiry ;
pToken->cbBuffer = 0 ;
Context = NULL ;
EncodedData.value = (PUCHAR) Buffer->pvBuffer ; EncodedData.length = Buffer->cbBuffer ; Request = NULL ;
Result = SpnegoUnpackData( EncodedData.value, EncodedData.length, Pdu, (PVOID *)&InitialRequest);
// If unable, try it as a second-pass.
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Result) ) { Pdu = NegotiationToken_PDU; Result = SpnegoUnpackData( EncodedData.value, EncodedData.length, Pdu, (PVOID *)&Request);
// if the token didn't match either, give up now.
return Result; } } else { Request = &InitialRequest->negToken; }
// This function only handles Negotiation tokens. If we ended up with
// anything else, something is wrong.
if ( (Pdu != NegotiationToken_PDU) && (Pdu != InitialNegToken_PDU) ) { scRet = SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN ;
goto Cleanup ; }
// If this is an initial request, verify the OID
if (InitialRequest != NULL) { if (NegpCompareOid( NegSpnegoMechOid, InitialRequest->spnegoMech )) { scRet = SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN; goto Cleanup; } }
// Check to see if we already called Accept once on a package. If so,
// we want to use the existing context handle.
if ( Request->choice == negTokenTarg_chosen ) { scRet = NegHandleSubsequentClientRequest( dwCreds, pContext, fContextReq, TargetDataRep, Pdu, Request, pdwNewContext, pOutput, pfContextAttr, ptsExpiry, pfMapContext, pContextData );
if (InitialRequest != NULL) { SpnegoFreeData( Pdu, InitialRequest ); } else if ( Request ) { SpnegoFreeData( Pdu, Request ); }
return scRet; }
// Ok, we have a request blob. Figure out what they want,
NegReadLockCreds( Creds );
scRet = NegpCrackRequest( Creds, Request, & PackageId, & MechList, & Package, & DesiredMatch );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( scRet ) ) {
NegUnlockCreds( Creds );
goto Cleanup ; }
if (DesiredMatch == MatchFailed) { //
// There were no common packages, so return an error.
NegUnlockCreds( Creds );
DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE, "No common packages for negotiator\n"));
scRet = SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN; goto Cleanup; }
DsysAssert( Package != NULL );
// Found a common package. Was it the first one in the request
// list? If so, then check for a desired token and pass it down
// to the other package
DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "Common Package is %ws\n", Package->LsaPackage->Name.Buffer ));
Response.choice = negTokenTarg_chosen ; Response.u.negTokenTarg.supportedMech = Package->ObjectId ; Response.u.negTokenTarg.bit_mask |= supportedMech_present | negResult_present;
if ( !Context ) { Context = NegpCreateContext();
if ( !Context ) { NegUnlockCreds( Creds );
goto Cleanup ; } }
// Save away the mechlist for the mic at the end
if ( Context->SupportedMechs ) { if ((Context->Flags & NEG_CONTEXT_FREE_EACH_MECH)) { NegpFreeMechList(Context->SupportedMechs); } else { LsapFreeLsaHeap(Context->SupportedMechs); }
Context->SupportedMechs = NegpCopyMechList(MechList); if (Context->SupportedMechs == NULL) { NegUnlockCreds(Creds); scRet = SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; goto Cleanup ; } Context->Flags |= NEG_CONTEXT_FREE_EACH_MECH; DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "Adding mech list for %p\n", Context));
// Reference the credentials so they don't go away before we
// finish with the context.
if (Context->Creds == NULL) { Context->Creds = Creds ;
NegUnlockCreds(Creds); NegWriteLockCreds(Creds);
NegUnlockCreds(Creds); NegReadLockCreds(Creds); }
Context->CredIndex = PackageId ;
if ( ( DesiredMatch == PreferredSucceed ) && ( Request->u.negTokenInit.bit_mask & NegTokenInit_mechToken_present ) ) { CredHandle TempCredHandle;
DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "Desired Package match with token!\n"));
TempHandle = Context->Handle ;
PackageId = GetCurrentPackageId();
TempCredHandle = Creds->Creds[ Context->CredIndex ].Handle;
// Unlock the credentials while we make the call
// Build up a buffer for accept
AcceptBuffer.pvBuffer = Request->u.negTokenInit.mechToken.value; AcceptBuffer.cbBuffer = Request->u.negTokenInit.mechToken.length; AcceptBuffer.BufferType = SECBUFFER_READONLY | SECBUFFER_TOKEN ;
AcceptBufferDesc.ulVersion = SECBUFFER_VERSION ; AcceptBufferDesc.cBuffers = 1; AcceptBufferDesc.pBuffers = &AcceptBuffer ;
ResponseBufferDesc.ulVersion = SECBUFFER_VERSION ; ResponseBufferDesc.cBuffers = 1;
if( pToken->cbBuffer >= Package->LsaPackage->TokenSize ) { UserResponseBuffer.cbBuffer = pToken->cbBuffer; UserResponseBuffer.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN ;
UserResponseBuffer.pvBuffer = pToken->pvBuffer;
ResponseBufferDesc.pBuffers = &UserResponseBuffer ; } else { ResponseBuffer.cbBuffer = Package->LsaPackage->TokenSize ; ResponseBuffer.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN ;
ResponseBuffer.pvBuffer = LsapAllocateLsaHeap( ResponseBuffer.cbBuffer );
if ( ResponseBuffer.pvBuffer == NULL ) { scRet = SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY ;
goto Cleanup ; }
ResponseBufferDesc.pBuffers = &ResponseBuffer ; }
scRet = WLsaAcceptContext( &TempCredHandle, &TempHandle, &AcceptBufferDesc, (fContextReq & (~(ASC_REQ_ALLOCATE_MEMORY))), SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP, &Context->Handle, &ResponseBufferDesc, &Context->Attributes, &Context->Expiry, &Context->Mapped, &Context->MappedBuffer );
SetCurrentPackageId( PackageId );
Context->CallCount++ ;
DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "WLsaAcceptContext( %ws ) returned %x\n", Creds->Creds[ Context->CredIndex ].Package->LsaPackage->Name.Buffer, scRet ));
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( scRet ) ) { DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "Neg Failure from package %ws, %#x\n", Package->LsaPackage->Name.Buffer, scRet ));
if( ResponseBuffer.pvBuffer ) { LsapFreeLsaHeap( ResponseBuffer.pvBuffer ); }
goto Cleanup ;
// Now: push that info back out to our caller,
Context->LastStatus = scRet ;
// Mark the context to indicate that we already called
// AcceptSecurityContext once.
// Set the response pointers up so they get folded in to the
// response packet
Response.u.negTokenTarg.responseToken.length = ResponseBufferDesc.pBuffers[0].cbBuffer ; Response.u.negTokenTarg.responseToken.value = (PUCHAR) ResponseBufferDesc.pBuffers[0].pvBuffer ;
Response.u.negTokenTarg.bit_mask |= responseToken_present ;
*ptsExpiry = Context->Expiry; *pfContextAttr = Context->Attributes;
if (scRet == STATUS_SUCCESS) { Response.u.negTokenTarg.negResult = accept_completed;
// Generate a MIC here
// Get rid of the mech list now, since
// it has been mic'd. As it were.
if ( Context->SupportedMechs ) { DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "Freeing mech list for %p\n", Context ));
NegpFreeMechList( Context->SupportedMechs );
Context->SupportedMechs = NULL ; }
} else { DsysAssert((scRet == SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED) || (scRet == SEC_I_COMPLETE_NEEDED) || (scRet == SEC_I_COMPLETE_AND_CONTINUE)) Response.u.negTokenTarg.negResult = accept_incomplete; }
// Fall through to rest of handling
} else { //
// We have a common package, but either there is no desired token
// present, or the common package was not the desired one. The
// selected package is in the structure already, so we don't have
// to do anything here.
DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "Common package has no token\n")); Response.u.negTokenTarg.negResult = accept_incomplete; }
NegUnlockCreds( Creds );
// Assemble reply token:
EncodedData.value = 0 ; EncodedData.length = 0 ;
Result = SpnegoPackData( &Response, NegotiationToken_PDU, &(EncodedData.length), &(EncodedData.value));
// Clean up:
if ( ResponseBuffer.pvBuffer ) { LsapFreeLsaHeap( ResponseBuffer.pvBuffer );
ResponseBuffer.pvBuffer = NULL ; }
if (InitialRequest != NULL) { SpnegoFreeData( Pdu, InitialRequest ); InitialRequest = NULL; Request = NULL; } else if ( Request ) { SpnegoFreeData( Pdu, Request ); Request = NULL; }
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Result) ) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "Failed to encode data: %d\n", Result ));
scRet = Result; goto Cleanup ;
} else { if ( fContextReq & ASC_REQ_ALLOCATE_MEMORY ) { pToken->pvBuffer = EncodedData.value ;
EncodedData.value = NULL ; pToken->cbBuffer = EncodedData.length ;
} else { if ( pToken->cbBuffer >= (ULONG) EncodedData.length ) { RtlCopyMemory( pToken->pvBuffer, EncodedData.value, EncodedData.length );
pToken->cbBuffer = EncodedData.length ; } else if ( ( ( fContextReq & ASC_REQ_FRAGMENT_TO_FIT ) != 0 ) && ( pToken->cbBuffer >= SPNEGO_MINIMUM_BUFFER ) ) { //
// Ok, we need to whack the context to indicate that we are
// fragmenting, and return only what the caller can handle.
Context->Message = EncodedData.value ; Context->TotalSize = EncodedData.length ; Context->Flags |= NEG_CONTEXT_FRAGMENTING ;
// set this to NULL so it doesn't get freed later
EncodedData.value = NULL ; RtlCopyMemory( pToken->pvBuffer, Context->Message, pToken->cbBuffer );
Context->CurrentSize = pToken->cbBuffer ; } else { scRet = SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY ;
goto Cleanup ; } }
// If the context has been mapped by the underlying package,
// get out of the way:
if ( scRet == SEC_E_OK ) { if ( Context->Mapped ) { *pfContextAttr = Context->Attributes ;
if ( fContextReq & ASC_REQ_ALLOCATE_MEMORY ) {
} *ptsExpiry = Context->Expiry ; *pfMapContext = Context->Mapped ; *pContextData = Context->MappedBuffer ;
// Set this to NULL so we don't later try
// to free it.
Context->MappedBuffer.pvBuffer = NULL ;
LsapChangeHandle( HandleReplace, NULL, &Context->Handle );
Context->Handle.dwLower = 0 ; Context->Handle.dwUpper = 0 ;
if ( !pContext ) { //
// If we created this context during this call, get
// rid of it now
NegpDeleteContext( Context ); } Context = NULL ; } else { *pdwNewContext = (DWORD_PTR) Context ; }
if ( EncodedData.value ) { LsapFreeLsaHeap( EncodedData.value ); }
return( scRet );
if (InitialRequest != NULL) { SpnegoFreeData( Pdu, InitialRequest ); } else if ( Request ) { SpnegoFreeData( Pdu, Request ); }
if ( Context ) { if ( Context->Handle.dwLower ) { WLsaDeleteContext( &Context->Handle ); Context->Handle.dwLower = 0; }
if ( pContext == NULL ) { NegpDeleteContext( Context ); } }
return( scRet ); }
// Function: NegHandleServerReply
// Synopsis: Handles a subsequent call to InitializeSecurityContext
// Effects:
// Arguments:
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes:
SECURITY_STATUS NegHandleServerReply( ULONG_PTR dwCreds, PNEG_CONTEXT pContext, PSECURITY_STRING Target, ULONG fContextReq, ULONG TargetDataRep, PSecBufferDesc pInput, PULONG_PTR pdwNewContext, PSecBufferDesc pOutput, PULONG pfContextAttr, PTimeStamp ptsExpiry, PBYTE pfMapContext, PSecBuffer pContextData) { SECURITY_STATUS scRet; NegotiationToken * Reply = NULL ; NegotiationToken Request; ASN1octetstring_t EncodedData = {0}; SECURITY_STATUS Result; ULONG Pdu = NegotiationToken_PDU; PSecBuffer Buffer; struct MechTypeList *pMechs; PNEG_CREDS Creds; PNEG_CONTEXT Context ; ULONG_PTR PackageIndex ; PNEG_PACKAGE Package ; SecBuffer InitBuffer ; SecBufferDesc InitBufferDesc ; ULONG_PTR PackageId ; PCtxtHandle pInitHandle ; CtxtHandle TempHandle = { 0, 0 }; ULONG LocalContextReq = fContextReq; ULONG LocalContextAttr = 0 ; BOOLEAN ClientFinished = FALSE; BOOLEAN ServerFinished = FALSE; SecBuffer OutputToken = {0}; SecBufferDesc OutputDescription ; PSecBuffer OutputBuffer = NULL; CredHandle TempCredHandle ;
RtlZeroMemory( &Request, sizeof(NegotiationToken) ); RtlZeroMemory( &OutputToken, sizeof(SecBuffer) );
// Find the token buffer:
scRet = NegpParseBuffers( pInput, TRUE, &Buffer, NULL );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( scRet ) ) { DebugLog(( DEB_ERROR, "NegHandleServerReply failed to map input buffers, %x\n", scRet )); return( scRet ); }
if ( !Buffer ) { DebugLog(( DEB_ERROR, "NegHandleServerReply failed to map input buffers (NULL)\n" )); return( SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN ); }
scRet = NegpParseBuffers( pOutput, TRUE, &OutputBuffer, NULL ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(scRet)) { DebugLog(( DEB_ERROR, "NegHandleServerReply failed to map output buffers, %x\n", scRet )); goto HSR_ErrorReturn; }
// Get the credential handle. If it wasn't passed in, use the one from
// the context.
if (dwCreds != 0) { Creds = (PNEG_CREDS) dwCreds ; } else { Creds = pContext->Creds; }
Context = pContext ;
NegpValidContext( Context );
// Decode the reply token:
EncodedData.value = (PUCHAR) Buffer->pvBuffer ; EncodedData.length = Buffer->cbBuffer ; Reply = NULL ;
Result = SpnegoUnpackData( EncodedData.value, EncodedData.length, Pdu, (PVOID *)&Reply);
// Reset the encoded data value so we don't free it accidentally
EncodedData.value = NULL;
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Result) ) { DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "Unknown token from server: %d\n", Result ));
scRet = Result; goto HSR_ErrorReturn ; }
if ( Reply->choice != negTokenTarg_chosen ) { DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "Found Request token, expecting Reply token\n" ));
goto HSR_ErrorReturn ; }
if ((Reply->u.negTokenTarg.bit_mask & negResult_present) != 0) { if (Reply->u.negTokenTarg.negResult == reject) { DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_NEG,"Server rejected\n")); scRet = SEC_E_LOGON_DENIED; goto HSR_ErrorReturn; } if (Reply->u.negTokenTarg.negResult == accept_completed) { ServerFinished = TRUE; } }
// Ok, see what the server sent us. In an ideal world, the server will send
// us a preferred, chosen token.
InitBuffer.pvBuffer = NULL ; InitBuffer.cbBuffer = 0 ; InitBuffer.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN ;
InitBufferDesc.ulVersion = SECBUFFER_VERSION ; InitBufferDesc.cBuffers = 1 ; InitBufferDesc.pBuffers = &InitBuffer ;
if ( Reply->u.negTokenTarg.bit_mask & supportedMech_present ) { NegReadLockCreds( Creds );
PackageIndex = NegpFindPackageForOid( Creds, Reply->u.negTokenTarg.supportedMech );
if ( PackageIndex == NEG_INVALID_PACKAGE ) { NegUnlockCreds( Creds );
NegDumpOid( "Invalid OID returned by server", Reply->u.negTokenTarg.supportedMech );
goto HSR_ErrorReturn ; }
Package = Creds->Creds[ PackageIndex ].Package ; NegUnlockCreds( Creds );
DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "Server supports %ws!\n", Package->LsaPackage->Name.Buffer ));
if ( Reply->u.negTokenTarg.bit_mask & responseToken_present ) { //
// Oh boy! A Token too!
InitBuffer.pvBuffer = Reply->u.negTokenTarg.responseToken.value ; InitBuffer.cbBuffer = (ULONG) Reply->u.negTokenTarg.responseToken.length ;
Context->Flags |= NEG_CONTEXT_UPLEVEL ;
} else if ( Reply->u.negTokenTarg.bit_mask & NegTokenTarg_mechListMIC_present ) { InitBuffer.pvBuffer = Reply->u.negTokenTarg.mechListMIC.value ; InitBuffer.cbBuffer = Reply->u.negTokenTarg.mechListMIC.length ; }
} else { //
// If we haven't settled on a package yet, we need a mechanism.
if ((Context->Flags & NEG_CONTEXT_PACKAGE_CALLED ) == 0) { //
// No token specified, nor preferred mechanism. Find the first
// acceptible package in the returned list
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_NEG, "No preferred mech from the server?\n"));
DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "We must drop into GSS only mode for this to work\n"));
DebugLog(( DEB_ERROR, "No preferred mech from server, not handled yet\n"));
return( SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN ); }
NegReadLockCreds( Creds );
Package = Creds->Creds[ Context->CredIndex ].Package ; PackageIndex = Context->CredIndex; NegUnlockCreds( Creds );
if ( Reply->u.negTokenTarg.bit_mask & responseToken_present ) { //
// Oh boy! A Token too!
InitBuffer.pvBuffer = Reply->u.negTokenTarg.responseToken.value ; InitBuffer.cbBuffer = (ULONG) Reply->u.negTokenTarg.responseToken.length ;
Context->Flags |= NEG_CONTEXT_UPLEVEL ;
} else if ( Reply->u.negTokenTarg.bit_mask & NegTokenTarg_mechListMIC_present ) { InitBuffer.pvBuffer = Reply->u.negTokenTarg.mechListMIC.value ; InitBuffer.cbBuffer = Reply->u.negTokenTarg.mechListMIC.length ; }
DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "Calling package %ws\n", Package->LsaPackage->Name.Buffer ));
// Call into the package, possibly again, possibly the first time, and
// let the package have at it.
if ( (Context->CredIndex != PackageIndex) && ((Context->Flags & NEG_CONTEXT_PACKAGE_CALLED) != 0) ) { DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "Switched packages, package %ws not selected anymore\n", Creds->Creds[Context->CredIndex].Package->LsaPackage->Name.Buffer ));
// Got to delete the context:
PackageId = GetCurrentPackageId();
WLsaDeleteContext( &Context->Handle );
SetCurrentPackageId( PackageId ); Context->Flags &= ~NEG_CONTEXT_PACKAGE_CALLED;
// Clean up the context information in the handle
if ( Context->MappedBuffer.pvBuffer != NULL) { LsapFreeLsaHeap( Context->MappedBuffer.pvBuffer );
Context->MappedBuffer.pvBuffer = NULL; Context->MappedBuffer.cbBuffer = 0; } Context->Mapped = FALSE;
// Reset the last status to make sure we call Initailize again.
Context->LastStatus = SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED;
// Don't modify TempHandle which is already set to 0,0
} else { TempHandle = Context->Handle ; }
if ( Context->LastStatus == SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED ) { BOOLEAN LocalContextMapped = FALSE; SecBuffer LocalContextData = {0,0,NULL};
PackageId = GetCurrentPackageId();
// Client side call. Here, we call down to the desired package,
// and have it generate a blob to be encoded and sent over to the
// server.
OutputToken.pvBuffer = NULL; OutputToken.cbBuffer = 0; OutputToken.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN ;
OutputDescription.ulVersion = SECBUFFER_VERSION ; OutputDescription.cBuffers = 1; OutputDescription.pBuffers = &OutputToken ; LocalContextReq |= ISC_REQ_ALLOCATE_MEMORY ; LocalContextAttr = 0;
TempCredHandle = Creds->Creds[ PackageIndex ].Handle ;
scRet = WLsaInitContext(&TempCredHandle, &TempHandle, &Context->Target, LocalContextReq, 0, TargetDataRep, &InitBufferDesc, 0, &Context->Handle, &OutputDescription, &LocalContextAttr, ptsExpiry, &LocalContextMapped, &LocalContextData );
DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "Subsequent call to WLsaInitContext( %ws ) returned %x\n", Creds->Creds[ PackageIndex ].Package->LsaPackage->Name.Buffer, scRet ));
SetCurrentPackageId( PackageId );
Context->CallCount++ ; Context->LastStatus = scRet;
if (!NT_SUCCESS(scRet)) { goto HSR_ErrorReturn; }
if (NT_SUCCESS(scRet) && LocalContextMapped) { if (Context->Mapped) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR,"Package tried to map a context twice!\n")); scRet = SEC_E_INTERNAL_ERROR; LsapFreeLsaHeap(LocalContextData.pvBuffer); goto HSR_ErrorReturn;
} Context->Mapped = LocalContextMapped; Context->MappedBuffer = LocalContextData; Context->Expiry = *ptsExpiry ; }
} else {
DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "Package did not need to be called again.\n"));
if (OutputBuffer != NULL ) { OutputBuffer->cbBuffer = 0; }
if ( Reply != NULL ) { SpnegoFreeData( Pdu, Reply );
Reply = NULL ; }
// Build reply buffer:
Request.choice = negTokenTarg_chosen; Request.u.negTokenTarg.bit_mask = 0 ;
// If there was an output buffer, package it up to ship back to the server.
if ((OutputToken.cbBuffer != 0) && (OutputToken.pvBuffer != NULL)) { if (ServerFinished) { NegpReportEvent( EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, NEGOTIATE_UNBALANCED_EXCHANGE, CATEGORY_NEGOTIATE, 0, 2, Target, &Creds->Creds[PackageIndex].Package->LsaPackage->Name );
DebugLog((DEB_ERROR,"Server finished but client sending back data\n")); scRet = SEC_E_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto HSR_ErrorReturn; }
// mechSpecInfo is evil, try to take it out.
Request.u.negTokenTarg.bit_mask = responseToken_present; Request.u.negTokenTarg.responseToken.value = (PUCHAR) OutputToken.pvBuffer; Request.u.negTokenTarg.responseToken.length = (int) OutputToken.cbBuffer;
// Compute the MIC of the mechList, so that the other
// guy knows we weren't tampered on the wire
if ( scRet == STATUS_SUCCESS ) { //
// not yet
if ( ( OutputToken.cbBuffer != 0 ) ) { //
// Encode request token:
EncodedData.value = 0 ; EncodedData.length = 0 ;
Result = SpnegoPackData( &Request, NegotiationToken_PDU, &(EncodedData.length), &(EncodedData.value));
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Result) ) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "Failed to encode data: %d\n", Result ));
scRet = Result; goto HSR_ErrorReturn ;
} else { if ( fContextReq & ISC_REQ_ALLOCATE_MEMORY ) { OutputBuffer->pvBuffer = EncodedData.value ; OutputBuffer->cbBuffer = EncodedData.length ;
*pfContextAttr = LocalContextAttr;
EncodedData.value = NULL ;
} else { if ( OutputBuffer->cbBuffer >= (ULONG) EncodedData.length ) { RtlCopyMemory( OutputBuffer->pvBuffer, EncodedData.value, EncodedData.length );
*pfContextAttr = LocalContextAttr & ~ISC_RET_ALLOCATED_MEMORY; OutputBuffer->cbBuffer = EncodedData.length ; } else if ( ( ( fContextReq & ISC_REQ_FRAGMENT_TO_FIT ) != 0 ) && ( OutputBuffer->cbBuffer >= SPNEGO_MINIMUM_BUFFER ) ) { //
// Ok, we need to whack the context to indicate that we are
// fragmenting, and return only what the caller can handle.
Context->Message = EncodedData.value ; Context->TotalSize = EncodedData.length ; Context->Flags |= NEG_CONTEXT_FRAGMENTING ;
// set this to NULL so it doesn't get freed later
EncodedData.value = NULL ; RtlCopyMemory( OutputBuffer->pvBuffer, Context->Message, OutputBuffer->cbBuffer );
Context->CurrentSize = OutputBuffer->cbBuffer ; } else { scRet = SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY ;
goto HSR_ErrorReturn ; } }
} } else { if ( OutputBuffer ) { OutputBuffer->cbBuffer = 0 ; }
if ( scRet == STATUS_SUCCESS ) { if ( ( Context->Flags & NEG_CONTEXT_FRAGMENTING ) || ( ServerFinished == FALSE ) ) { scRet = SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED ; } else { ClientFinished = TRUE ; }
// On success, we push the handle back to the client. From this point on,
// the selected package is in charge.
if ( ClientFinished ) { //
// If the data was mapped by the package the first time make sure
// we copy it down now.
*pfContextAttr = Context->Attributes ;
*ptsExpiry = Context->Expiry ;
if (Context->Mapped) { *pfMapContext = Context->Mapped; *pContextData = Context->MappedBuffer;
// Set these to FALSE & NULL so we don't try to
// free them later.
Context->MappedBuffer.pvBuffer = NULL; }
LsapChangeHandle( HandleReplace, NULL, &Context->Handle );
Context->Handle.dwLower = 0 ; Context->Handle.dwUpper = 0 ;
if ( pContext == NULL ) { NegpDeleteContext( Context ); }
// NegpDeleteContext( Context );
if ( OutputToken.pvBuffer ) { LsapFreeLsaHeap(OutputToken.pvBuffer); OutputToken.pvBuffer = NULL ; }
if ( EncodedData.value ) { LsapFreeLsaHeap( EncodedData.value ); }
if ( Reply ) { SpnegoFreeData( Pdu, Reply ); }
return( scRet );
SECURITY_STATUS NegAddFragmentToContext( PNEG_CONTEXT Context, PSecBuffer Fragment ) { if ( Fragment->cbBuffer <= (Context->TotalSize - Context->CurrentSize) ) {
RtlCopyMemory( Context->Message + Context->CurrentSize, Fragment->pvBuffer, Fragment->cbBuffer );
Context->CurrentSize += Fragment->cbBuffer ;
if ( Context->CurrentSize == Context->TotalSize ) { Context->Flags &= (~(NEG_CONTEXT_FRAGMENTING)); return STATUS_SUCCESS ; }
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_FRAG, "Adding %i to context %p (%i remains) \n", Fragment->cbBuffer, Context, (Context->TotalSize - Context->CurrentSize)));
SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY NegCreateContextFromFragment( LSA_SEC_HANDLE dwCredHandle, LSA_SEC_HANDLE dwCtxtHandle, PSecBuffer Buffer, ULONG fContextReq, ULONG TargetDataRep, PLSA_SEC_HANDLE pdwNewContext, PSecBufferDesc pOutput, PULONG pfContextAttr ) { NEG_CONTEXT * Context ; NEG_CREDS * Creds ; LONG ExpectedSize ; LONG HeaderSize ; PUCHAR Message ; LONG MessageSize ; SECURITY_STATUS scRet ; PSecBuffer OutBuf ; ObjectID DecodedOid = NULL; NTSTATUS Status;
Creds = (NEG_CREDS *) dwCredHandle ;
if ( Buffer->cbBuffer > MAXLONG ) { return SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN ; } if ( Buffer->cbBuffer <= 1 ) { return SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN ; }
Message = (PUCHAR) Buffer->pvBuffer ;
if ( (*Message != 0xa0 ) && (*Message != 0x60 ) ) { return SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN ; }
MessageSize = Buffer->cbBuffer ;
Message++ ; MessageSize -- ;
ExpectedSize = Neg_der_read_length( &Message, &MessageSize, &HeaderSize );
if ( ExpectedSize > 0 ) { //
// Header size + 1 since we already incremented above
ExpectedSize += HeaderSize + 1; }
if ( ExpectedSize < 0 ) { return SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN ; }
if ( (ULONG) ExpectedSize < Buffer->cbBuffer ) { return SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN ; }
// Get the OID from the token, if possible, to see if it is for SPNEGO
Status = NegpGetTokenOid( (PUCHAR) Buffer->pvBuffer, Buffer->cbBuffer, &DecodedOid );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return(Status); }
// Check for spnego
if (NegpCompareOid( DecodedOid, NegSpnegoMechOid ) != 0) { NegpFreeObjectId(DecodedOid); return(SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN); } NegpFreeObjectId(DecodedOid);
if ( (ULONG) ExpectedSize == Buffer->cbBuffer ) { *pdwNewContext = 0 ;
return SEC_E_OK ; }
Context = NegpCreateContext();
if ( !Context ) { return SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY ; }
Context->Message = (PUCHAR) LsapAllocateLsaHeap( ExpectedSize ) ;
if ( !Context->Message ) { NegpDeleteContext( Context );
Context->CurrentSize = 0 ; Context->TotalSize = ExpectedSize ;
scRet = NegAddFragmentToContext( Context, Buffer );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( scRet ) ) { NegpDeleteContext( Context ); } else { *pdwNewContext = (LSA_SEC_HANDLE) Context ;
DsysAssert( scRet != SEC_E_OK );
NegpParseBuffers( pOutput, FALSE, &OutBuf, NULL );
if ( OutBuf ) { OutBuf->cbBuffer = 0 ; }
Context->Creds = Creds ;
// Reference the credentials so they don't go away unexpectedly
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_FRAG, "Context %p is a frag \n", Context)); DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_FRAG, "Total %i : Current %i \n", Context->TotalSize, Context->CurrentSize )); }
return scRet ;
// Function: NegInitLsaModeContext
// Synopsis: Initialize a client side context
// Arguments: [dwCredHandle] --
// [dwCtxtHandle] --
// [pszTargetName] --
// [fContextReq] --
// [TargetDataRep] --
// [pInput] --
// [pdwNewContext] --
// [pOutput] --
// [pfContextAttr] --
// [ptsExpiry] --
// [pfMapContext] --
// [pContextData] --
// History: 7-26-96 RichardW Created
// Notes:
SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY NegInitLsaModeContext( LSA_SEC_HANDLE dwCredHandle, LSA_SEC_HANDLE dwCtxtHandle, PSECURITY_STRING pszTargetName, ULONG fContextReq, ULONG TargetDataRep, PSecBufferDesc pInput, PLSA_SEC_HANDLE pdwNewContext, PSecBufferDesc pOutput, PULONG pfContextAttr, PTimeStamp ptsExpiry, PBYTE pfMapContext, PSecBuffer pContextData) { SECURITY_STATUS scRet = SEC_E_OK; PSecBuffer Buffer = NULL; SecBuffer LocalBuffer = {0}; PSecBuffer OutBuf = NULL; PNEG_CONTEXT Context = NULL; ULONG PackageIndex ; ULONG CallState ;
CallState = 0 ;
if ( dwCtxtHandle ) { CallState |= LATER_CALL_BIT ; }
scRet = NegpParseBuffers( pInput, FALSE, &Buffer, NULL );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( scRet ) ) { DebugLog(( DEB_ERROR, "NegInitLsaModeContext failed to map input buffers, %x\n", scRet )); return scRet ; }
if ( ( Buffer != NULL ) && ( Buffer->cbBuffer != 0 ) ) { CallState |= BUFFER_PRESENT_BIT ; }
switch ( CallState ) { case FIRST_CALL_WITH_INPUT: //
// Initial case: Server initiated blob, may be
// fragmented
scRet = NegCreateContextFromFragment( dwCredHandle, dwCtxtHandle, Buffer, fContextReq, TargetDataRep, pdwNewContext, pOutput, pfContextAttr );
if ( scRet == SEC_E_OK ) { Context = (PNEG_CONTEXT) *pdwNewContext ;
if ( Context ) { //
// final
*pdwNewContext = 0 ;
LocalBuffer.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN ; LocalBuffer.cbBuffer = Context->TotalSize ; LocalBuffer.pvBuffer = Context->Message ;
// Reset frag buffer to NULL - this will be
// freed when the call completes by the LSA wrappers.
// hence the ChangeBuffer call below:
Context->Message = NULL ;
LsapChangeBuffer( Buffer, &LocalBuffer );
// Get rid of the context - we have the whole
// message
NegpDeleteContext( Context ); } } else if ( NT_SUCCESS( scRet ) ) { //
// building a context, so return now
break; }
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( scRet ) ) { //
// Check the package in use. It is possible that we are being
// sent the context token from a totally separate package and
// are being asked to dispatch to the appropriate package.
scRet = NegpDetermineTokenPackage( dwCredHandle, Buffer, &PackageIndex );
} else { PackageIndex = (ULONG) -1 ; }
if ( PackageIndex != (ULONG) -1 ) { CtxtHandle TempCtxtHandle = {0}; CtxtHandle TempInputCtxtHandle = {0}; CredHandle TempCredHandle; PNEG_CREDS Creds = (PNEG_CREDS) dwCredHandle;
NegpReportEvent( EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, NEGOTIATE_RAW_PACKET, CATEGORY_NEGOTIATE, 0, 1, &Creds->Creds[PackageIndex].Package->LsaPackage->Name );
// Call into another package to do the accept
NegReadLockCreds(Creds); TempCredHandle = Creds->Creds[PackageIndex].Handle; NegUnlockCreds(Creds);
DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "Got a blob directly for package %x\n", TempCredHandle.dwLower ));
scRet = WLsaInitContext( &TempCredHandle, &TempInputCtxtHandle, pszTargetName, fContextReq, 0, TargetDataRep, pInput, 0, &TempCtxtHandle, pOutput, pfContextAttr, ptsExpiry, pfMapContext, pContextData );
if (NT_SUCCESS(scRet)) { LsapChangeHandle( HandleReplace, NULL, &TempCtxtHandle ); } } else { scRet = NegCrackServerRequestAndReply( dwCredHandle, pszTargetName, fContextReq | ISC_REQ_MUTUAL_AUTH, TargetDataRep, pInput, pdwNewContext, pOutput, pfContextAttr, ptsExpiry, pfMapContext, pContextData );
// if we couldn't parse it, try to go without the hint:
if ( scRet != SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN ) { break; } DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "Unidentified token, trying without it\n" ));
// First call, but server has provided some hints as to
// what to do.
scRet = NegGenerateInitialToken( dwCredHandle, pszTargetName, fContextReq, TargetDataRep, pInput, pdwNewContext, pOutput, pfContextAttr, ptsExpiry, pfMapContext, pContextData);
DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "NegGenerateInitialToken returned %x\n", scRet ));
// Subsequent call, with a context working and
// a blob from the server. May be fragmented
if ( NegpIsValidContext( dwCtxtHandle ) ) { //
// See if we're doing fragment reassembly:
Context = (PNEG_CONTEXT) dwCtxtHandle ;
if ( Context->Flags & NEG_CONTEXT_FRAGMENTING ) { scRet = NegAddFragmentToContext( Context, Buffer );
// More trips needed to construct the fragments.
if (scRet == SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED) { NegpParseBuffers( pOutput, FALSE, &OutBuf, NULL );
if ( OutBuf ) { OutBuf->cbBuffer = 0 ; } return scRet; } else if ( scRet != SEC_E_OK ) { return scRet ; }
// That was the final blob. Reset the message
// to be the whole thing
LocalBuffer.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN ; LocalBuffer.cbBuffer = Context->TotalSize ; LocalBuffer.pvBuffer = Context->Message ;
// Reset frag buffer to NULL - this will be
// freed when the call completes by the LSA wrappers.
// hence the ChangeBuffer call below:
Context->Message = NULL ;
scRet = LsapChangeBuffer( Buffer, &LocalBuffer );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( scRet ) ) { return scRet ; }
// Fall through to the normal processing
} else { return SEC_E_INVALID_HANDLE; }
if (NegpIsValidContext(dwCtxtHandle)) {
scRet = NegHandleServerReply( dwCredHandle, (PNEG_CONTEXT) dwCtxtHandle, pszTargetName, fContextReq, TargetDataRep, pInput, pdwNewContext, pOutput, pfContextAttr, ptsExpiry, pfMapContext, pContextData );
} else { scRet = SEC_E_INVALID_HANDLE ; }
// No data from the server,
if ( NegpIsValidContext( dwCtxtHandle ) ) { //
// See if we're doing fragment reassembly:
Context = (PNEG_CONTEXT) dwCtxtHandle ;
if ( ( Context->Flags & NEG_CONTEXT_FRAGMENTING ) && ( fContextReq & ISC_REQ_FRAGMENT_TO_FIT ) ) { //
// Pull the next chunk off the stored context:
scRet = NegpParseBuffers( pOutput, FALSE, &Buffer, NULL );
if ( ( Buffer != NULL ) && ( NT_SUCCESS( scRet ) ) ) { Buffer->cbBuffer = min( Buffer->cbBuffer, (Context->TotalSize - Context->CurrentSize) );
RtlCopyMemory( Buffer->pvBuffer, Context->Message + Context->CurrentSize, Buffer->cbBuffer );
Context->CurrentSize += Buffer->cbBuffer ;
if ( Context->CurrentSize == Context->TotalSize ) { //
// Sent the whole thing
Context->Flags &= (~(NEG_CONTEXT_FRAGMENTING) ); Context->TotalSize = 0 ; Context->CurrentSize = 0 ; LsapFreeLsaHeap( Context->Message ); Context->Message = NULL ;
scRet = Context->LastStatus ;
if ( scRet == SEC_E_OK ) { *pfMapContext = Context->Mapped;
*pContextData = Context->MappedBuffer;
*pfContextAttr = Context->Attributes ;
RtlZeroMemory( &Context->MappedBuffer, sizeof(SecBuffer) );
LsapChangeHandle( HandleReplace, NULL, &Context->Handle );
Context->Handle.dwLower = 0xFFFFFFFF ; } } else { scRet = SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED ; } } else { DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_NEG, "NegInitLsaModeContext: No buffer found (1)\n" )); scRet = SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN ; } } else { //
// Last round trip for signed blobs:
if ( Context->LastStatus == SEC_E_OK ) { *pfMapContext = Context->Mapped;
*pContextData = Context->MappedBuffer;
*pfContextAttr = Context->Attributes ;
RtlZeroMemory( &Context->MappedBuffer, sizeof(SecBuffer) );
scRet = NegpParseBuffers( pOutput, FALSE, &Buffer, NULL );
if ( Buffer && NT_SUCCESS( scRet ) ) { Buffer->cbBuffer = 0 ; }
scRet = SEC_E_OK ;
LsapChangeHandle( HandleReplace, NULL, &Context->Handle );
Context->Handle.dwLower = 0xFFFFFFFF ; } else { DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "NegInitLsaModeContext: Signed exchange not ok\n" )); scRet = SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN ; } } } else { scRet = SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN ; } break;
default: DsysAssert( FALSE ); scRet = SEC_E_INTERNAL_ERROR ; }
return scRet ; }
SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY NegMoveContextToUser( LSA_SEC_HANDLE dwCtxtHandle, PSecBuffer pContextBuffer ) { return( SEC_E_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION ); }
// Function: NegDeleteLsaModeContext
// Synopsis: Deletes the LSA portion of the context
// Arguments: [dwCtxtHandle] --
// History: 9-24-96 RichardW Created
// Notes:
SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY NegDeleteLsaModeContext( LSA_SEC_HANDLE dwCtxtHandle) { SECURITY_STATUS scRet = SEC_E_INVALID_HANDLE; PNEG_CONTEXT Context; PSession pSession = GetCurrentSession();
Context = (PNEG_CONTEXT) dwCtxtHandle ;
__try { if (NegpIsValidContext( Context )) { //
// If the session is being run down, don't call WLsaDeleteContext,
// it will complicate things (that entry may already have been
// deleted.
if ( pSession->fSession & SESFLAG_CLEANUP ) { Context->Handle.dwLower = 0 ; Context->Handle.dwUpper = 0 ; }
NegpDeleteContext( Context ); scRet = SEC_E_OK ; } } __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) {}
return( scRet ); }
SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY NegApplyControlToken( LSA_SEC_HANDLE dwCtxtHandle, PSecBufferDesc pInput) { return(SEC_E_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION); }
VOID SEC_ENTRY NegLogoffNotify( PLUID pLogonId ) { NegpDerefLogonSessionById( pLogonId ); }
#define TOKEN_MATCHES(_buf_,_oid_,_oidlen_) \
(((_buf_)->cbBuffer >= (_oidlen_)) && \ RtlEqualMemory( \ (_buf_)->pvBuffer, \ (_oid_), \ (_oidlen_) \ ))
// Function:
// Synopsis:
// Effects:
// Arguments:
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes:
* Copyright 1993 by OpenVision Technologies, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, * provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in * supporting documentation, and that the name of OpenVision not be used * in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software * without specific, written prior permission. OpenVision makes no * representations about the suitability of this software for any * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * * OPENVISION DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO * EVENT SHALL OPENVISION BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF * USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */
NTSTATUS NegpGetTokenOid( IN PUCHAR Buf, OUT ULONG BufSize, OUT ObjectID * ObjectId ) { UCHAR sf; ULONG TokenSize; ULONG OidLength;
// Check for the encoding indicator
if (BufSize < 2) { return SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN; }
if ( (*Buf == 0x60) || (*Buf == 0xa0) ) { Buf++; } else { return SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN; }
sf = *(Buf)++;
if (sf & 0x80) { if ((sf &= 0x7f) > ((BufSize)-1)) { return(SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN); } if (sf > sizeof(ULONG)) { return (SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN); } TokenSize = 0; for (; sf; sf--) { TokenSize = (TokenSize<<8) + (*(Buf)++); (BufSize)--; } } else { TokenSize = sf; }
if ((--BufSize == 0) || *Buf != 0x06) { return(SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN); } if (--BufSize == 0) { return(SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN); } OidLength = *(Buf+1) + 2; // two extra for OID tag & length field
// Now buf should point to the encoded oid
*ObjectId = NegpDecodeObjectId(Buf,OidLength); if (ObjectId == NULL) { return(SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN); }
// Function: NegpDetermineTokenPackage
// Synopsis: Determines the package that generated an initial
// context token
// Effects:
// Arguments: CredHandle - handle to the server's credentials
// InitialToken -Initial context token from client
// Package - NULL if spnego, otherwise the package
// that generated the token.
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes:
NTSTATUS NegpDetermineTokenPackage( IN ULONG_PTR CredHandle, IN PSecBuffer InitialToken, OUT PULONG PackageIndex ) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; ULONG Index; PNEG_CREDS Credentials = (PNEG_CREDS) CredHandle; ObjectID DecodedOid = NULL; int Length ; PUCHAR Buffer ; LONG Header ; LONG Size ; ULONG_PTR Package ;
*PackageIndex = (ULONG) -1;
// Get the OID from the token, if possible
Status = NegpGetTokenOid( (PUCHAR) InitialToken->pvBuffer, InitialToken->cbBuffer, &DecodedOid );
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN;
// First check for spnego
if (NegpCompareOid( DecodedOid, NegSpnegoMechOid ) == 0) { Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { //
// Try the oid for each mech in the credential
Package = NegpFindPackageForOid( Credentials, DecodedOid );
if ( Package != NEG_INVALID_PACKAGE ) { *PackageIndex = (ULONG) Package ; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS ; } else { Status = SEC_E_SECPKG_NOT_FOUND ; }
NegUnlockCreds(Credentials); } NegpFreeObjectId(DecodedOid); } else { if (TOKEN_MATCHES(InitialToken,NTLMSSP_SIGNATURE,sizeof(NTLMSSP_SIGNATURE))) { //
// Find the NTLM package in the list of packages
NegReadLockCreds(Credentials); for (Index = 0; Index < Credentials->Count ; Index++ ) { if (Credentials->Creds[Index].Package->LsaPackage->dwRPCID == NTLMSP_RPCID) { *PackageIndex = Index; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; } }
// If we didn't find ntlm, return invalid token.
if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { return Status; } }
Size = InitialToken->cbBuffer ; Buffer = (PUCHAR) InitialToken->pvBuffer ; Buffer ++ ;
Length = Neg_der_read_length( &Buffer, &Size, &Header );
if ( Length > 0 ) { //
// Could be kerb, could be snego. Poke a little to find out
if ( (*Buffer & 0xC0) == 0x40 ) { NegReadLockCreds(Credentials); for (Index = 0; Index < Credentials->Count ; Index++ ) { if (Credentials->Creds[Index].Package->LsaPackage->dwRPCID == RPC_C_AUTHN_GSS_KERBEROS) { *PackageIndex = Index; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; } }
// If we didn't find kerberos, return invalid token.
SECURITY_STATUS NegGetExpectedBufferLength( IN PSecBuffer Buffer, IN OUT PLONG ExpectedBuffer ) { SECURITY_STATUS Status; LONG ExpectedSize = 0;
PUCHAR Message ; LONG MessageSize ; LONG HeaderSize ;
*ExpectedBuffer = 0;
if ( Buffer->cbBuffer > MAXLONG ) { DsysAssert(FALSE); return SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN ; }
if ( Buffer->cbBuffer <= 1 ) { DsysAssert(FALSE); return SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN ; }
Message = (PUCHAR) Buffer->pvBuffer ;
if ( (*Message != 0xa0 ) && (*Message != 0x60 ) && (*Message != 0xa1 ) ) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "Missing ASN encoding in NegGetExpectedBufferLength\n")); return SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN ; }
MessageSize = Buffer->cbBuffer ;
Message++ ; MessageSize -- ; ExpectedSize = Neg_der_read_length( &Message, &MessageSize, &HeaderSize );
if ( ExpectedSize > 0 ) { //
// Header size + 1 since we already incremented above
ExpectedSize += HeaderSize + 1; } if ( ExpectedSize < 0 ) { return SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN ; } DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_FRAG, "Expected Size %i :: Buffer %i\n\n", ExpectedSize, MessageSize )); if ( (ULONG) ExpectedSize < Buffer->cbBuffer ) { DsysAssert(FALSE); return SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN ; }
if ( (ULONG) ExpectedSize == Buffer->cbBuffer ) { DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_FRAG, "We have the complete buffer\n")); return S_OK; }
*ExpectedBuffer = ExpectedSize;
SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY NegAcceptLsaModeContext( LSA_SEC_HANDLE dwCredHandle, LSA_SEC_HANDLE dwCtxtHandle, PSecBufferDesc pInput, ULONG fContextReq, ULONG TargetDataRep, PLSA_SEC_HANDLE pdwNewContext, PSecBufferDesc pOutput, PULONG pfContextAttr, PTimeStamp ptsExpiry, PBYTE pfMapContext, PSecBuffer pContextData) { SECURITY_STATUS scRet = STATUS_SUCCESS; ULONG PackageIndex = 0; PSecBuffer Buffer; SecBufferDesc LocalDesc ; SecBuffer LocalBuffer ; PSecBuffer OutBuf = NULL; PNEG_CONTEXT Context = NULL ; PNEG_CREDS Cred ; PNEG_CREDS AltCreds ; PLIST_ENTRY Scan ; BOOL LocalUseSpnego ; ULONG CallState ; LONG ExpectedSize ;
CallState = 0 ;
if ( dwCtxtHandle ) { CallState |= LATER_CALL_BIT ; }
scRet = NegpParseBuffers( pInput, FALSE, &Buffer, NULL );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( scRet ) ) { DebugLog(( DEB_ERROR, "NegAcceptLsaModeContext failed to map input buffers, %x\n", scRet )); return scRet ; }
if ( ( Buffer != NULL ) && ( Buffer->cbBuffer != 0 ) ) { CallState |= BUFFER_PRESENT_BIT ; }
ULONG_PTR PackageId = GetCurrentPackageId();
DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "AcceptLsaModeContext( %x, %x )\n", dwCredHandle, dwCtxtHandle ));
ptsExpiry->QuadPart = (LONGLONG) MAXLONGLONG;
switch ( CallState ) { case FIRST_CALL_NO_INPUT:
scRet = NegGenerateServerRequest( dwCredHandle, fContextReq, TargetDataRep, pInput, pdwNewContext, pOutput, pfContextAttr, ptsExpiry, pfMapContext, pContextData ); break;
// Determine if this is a fragment, and if so, is it the
// last fragment:
scRet = NegCreateContextFromFragment( dwCredHandle, dwCtxtHandle, Buffer, fContextReq, TargetDataRep, pdwNewContext, pOutput, pfContextAttr );
*pfMapContext = FALSE ;
if ( scRet == SEC_E_OK ) { Context = (PNEG_CONTEXT) *pdwNewContext ;
if ( Context ) { //
// final
*pdwNewContext = 0 ;
LocalBuffer.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN ; LocalBuffer.cbBuffer = Context->TotalSize ; LocalBuffer.pvBuffer = Context->Message ;
// Reset frag buffer to NULL - this will be
// freed when the call completes by the LSA wrappers.
// hence the ChangeBuffer call below:
Context->Message = NULL ;
LsapChangeBuffer( Buffer, &LocalBuffer );
// Get rid of the context - we have the whole
// message
NegpDeleteContext( Context ); } } else if ( NT_SUCCESS( scRet ) ) { //
// building a context, so return now
return scRet ; }
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( scRet ) ) { //
// Check the package in use. It is possible that we are being
// sent the context token from a totally separate package and
// are being asked to dispatch to the appropriate package.
scRet = NegpDetermineTokenPackage( dwCredHandle, Buffer, &PackageIndex );
} else { PackageIndex = (ULONG) -1 ; }
// Older clients will send data that returns an error
if (!NT_SUCCESS(scRet) || (PackageIndex == (ULONG) -1)) {
scRet = NegHandleClientRequest( dwCredHandle, NULL, fContextReq, TargetDataRep, pInput, pdwNewContext, pOutput, pfContextAttr, ptsExpiry, pfMapContext, pContextData );
} else { CtxtHandle TempCtxtHandle = {0}; CtxtHandle TempInputCtxtHandle = {0}; CredHandle TempCredHandle; PNEG_CREDS Creds = (PNEG_CREDS) dwCredHandle;
NegpReportEvent( EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, NEGOTIATE_RAW_PACKET, CATEGORY_NEGOTIATE, 0, 1, &Creds->Creds[PackageIndex].Package->LsaPackage->Name );
// Call into another package to do the accept
NegReadLockCreds(Creds); TempCredHandle = Creds->Creds[PackageIndex].Handle; NegUnlockCreds(Creds);
DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "Got a blob directly for package %x\n", TempCredHandle.dwLower ));
PackageId = GetCurrentPackageId();
scRet = WLsaAcceptContext( &TempCredHandle, &TempInputCtxtHandle, pInput, fContextReq, TargetDataRep, &TempCtxtHandle, pOutput, pfContextAttr, ptsExpiry, pfMapContext, pContextData );
if (Context) { Context->CallCount++ ; }
if (NT_SUCCESS(scRet)) { LsapChangeHandle( HandleReplace, NULL, &TempCtxtHandle ); } }
DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "Missing Input Buffer?\n"));
Context = (PNEG_CONTEXT) dwCtxtHandle ;
if ( !NegpIsValidContext( dwCtxtHandle ) ) { return SEC_E_INVALID_HANDLE ; }
if ( Context->Flags & NEG_CONTEXT_FRAGMENTING ) { scRet = NegAddFragmentToContext( Context, Buffer );
// More trips needed to reconstruct the fragment.
if (scRet == SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED) { NegpParseBuffers( pOutput, FALSE, &OutBuf, NULL );
if ( OutBuf ) { OutBuf->cbBuffer = 0 ; } return scRet; } else if ( scRet != SEC_E_OK ) { return scRet ; }
// That was the final blob. Reset the message
// to be the whole thing
LocalBuffer.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN ; LocalBuffer.cbBuffer = Context->TotalSize ; LocalBuffer.pvBuffer = Context->Message ;
// Reset frag buffer to NULL - this will be
// freed when the call completes by the LSA wrappers.
// hence the ChangeBuffer call below:
Context->Message = NULL ; Context->Flags &= ~NEG_CONTEXT_FRAGMENTING; Context->TotalSize = 0; Context->CurrentSize = 0; scRet = LsapChangeBuffer( Buffer, &LocalBuffer );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( scRet ) ) { return scRet ; }
// Fall through to the normal processing
} else { //
// There's a chance that we're restarting the authentication.
// Check on the size of the input buffer compared to the der
// header
scRet = NegGetExpectedBufferLength( Buffer, &ExpectedSize );
if ( scRet == SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED ) { *pfMapContext = FALSE ;
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_FRAG, "%p needs to re-gather fragments\n", Context)); Context->TotalSize = ExpectedSize; Context->Flags |= NEG_CONTEXT_FRAGMENTING; Context->Message = (PUCHAR) LsapAllocateLsaHeap( ExpectedSize ) ;
if ( !Context->Message ) { NegpDeleteContext( Context ); return SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY ; } scRet = NegAddFragmentToContext( Context, Buffer );
DsysAssert(scRet == SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED);
NegpParseBuffers( pOutput, FALSE, &OutBuf, NULL );
if ( OutBuf ) { OutBuf->cbBuffer = 0 ; }
return scRet;
} else if (!NT_SUCCESS( scRet )) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "NegGetExpectedBufferLength failed %x\n", scRet)); return scRet; } //
// Fall through to normal processing.
scRet = NegHandleClientRequest( dwCredHandle, (PNEG_CONTEXT) dwCtxtHandle, fContextReq, TargetDataRep, pInput, pdwNewContext, pOutput, pfContextAttr, ptsExpiry, pfMapContext, pContextData );
DsysAssert(FALSE); scRet = SEC_E_INTERNAL_ERROR ; break; }
return scRet ;
NTSTATUS NegCallPackage( IN PLSA_CLIENT_REQUEST ClientRequest, IN PVOID ProtocolSubmitBuffer, IN PVOID ClientBufferBase, IN ULONG SubmitBufferLength, OUT PVOID *ProtocolReturnBuffer, OUT PULONG ReturnBufferLength, OUT PNTSTATUS ProtocolStatus ) { PULONG_PTR MessageTypePtr ; NEGOTIATE_MESSAGES Messages ;
if ( SubmitBufferLength < sizeof( ULONG_PTR ) ) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER ; }
MessageTypePtr = (PULONG_PTR) ProtocolSubmitBuffer ;
if ( *MessageTypePtr >= NegCallPackageMax ) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER ; }
switch ( *MessageTypePtr ) { case NegEnumPackagePrefixes: return NegEnumPackagePrefixesCall( ClientRequest, ProtocolSubmitBuffer, ClientBufferBase, SubmitBufferLength, ProtocolReturnBuffer, ReturnBufferLength, ProtocolStatus ); break; case NegGetCallerName: return NegGetCallerNameCall( ClientRequest, ProtocolSubmitBuffer, ClientBufferBase, SubmitBufferLength, ProtocolReturnBuffer, ReturnBufferLength, ProtocolStatus ); break; default: DsysAssert( FALSE ); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED ;
} }
NTSTATUS NegCallPackageUntrusted( IN PLSA_CLIENT_REQUEST ClientRequest, IN PVOID ProtocolSubmitBuffer, IN PVOID ClientBufferBase, IN ULONG SubmitBufferLength, OUT PVOID *ProtocolReturnBuffer, OUT PULONG ReturnBufferLength, OUT PNTSTATUS ProtocolStatus ) { return( SEC_E_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION ); }
NTSTATUS NegCallPackagePassthrough( IN PLSA_CLIENT_REQUEST ClientRequest, IN PVOID ProtocolSubmitBuffer, IN PVOID ClientBufferBase, IN ULONG SubmitBufferLength, OUT PVOID *ProtocolReturnBuffer, OUT PULONG ReturnBufferLength, OUT PNTSTATUS ProtocolStatus ) { return( SEC_E_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION ); }
SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY NegSystemLogon( PSECURITY_STRING pName, DWORD cbKey, PBYTE pbKey, DWORD * pdwHandle, PTimeStamp ptsExpiry) { return(SEC_E_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION); }
SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY NegGetUserInfo( PLUID pLogonId, ULONG fFlags, PSecurityUserData * ppUserInfo) { return(SEC_E_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION); }
// Function: NegSaveCredentials
// Synopsis: Store credentials (not supported)
// Arguments: [dwCredHandle] --
// [CredType] --
// [pCredentials] --
// History: 7-26-96 RichardW Created
// Notes:
SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY NegSaveCredentials( LSA_SEC_HANDLE dwCredHandle, PSecBuffer pCredentials) { return(SEC_E_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION); }
// Function: NegGetCredentials
// Synopsis: Get Credentials (not supported)
// Arguments: [dwCredHandle] --
// [CredType] --
// [pCredentials] --
// History: 7-26-96 RichardW Created
// Notes:
SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY NegGetCredentials( LSA_SEC_HANDLE dwCredHandle, PSecBuffer pCredentials) { return(SEC_E_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION); }
// Function: NegDeleteCredentials
// Synopsis: Delete stored creds (not supported)
// Arguments: [dwCredHandle] --
// [CredType] --
// [pKey] --
// History: 7-26-96 RichardW Created
// Notes:
SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY NegDeleteCredentials( LSA_SEC_HANDLE dwCredHandle, PSecBuffer pKey) { return(SEC_E_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION); }
switch ( Class ) { case SecpkgContextThunks: Thunks = (PSECPKG_EXTENDED_INFORMATION) LsapAllocateLsaHeap( sizeof( SECPKG_EXTENDED_INFORMATION ) + sizeof( DWORD )); if ( Thunks ) { Thunks->Class = SecpkgContextThunks; Thunks->Info.ContextThunks.InfoLevelCount = 2 ; Thunks->Info.ContextThunks.Levels[0] = SECPKG_ATTR_PACKAGE_INFO; Thunks->Info.ContextThunks.Levels[1] = SECPKG_ATTR_SIZES ; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS ; } else { Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY ; } *ppInformation = Thunks ;
default: *ppInformation = NULL ; Status = STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS ; break; }
return Status ; }
// Function: NegQueryContextAttributes
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [ContextHandle] --
// [ContextAttribute] --
// [Buffer] --
// Returns:
// Notes:
NTSTATUS NegQueryContextAttributes( IN LSA_SEC_HANDLE ContextHandle, IN ULONG ContextAttribute, IN OUT PVOID Buffer) { SecPkgContext_NegotiationInfoW NegInfo = {0}; SecPkgContext_Sizes Sizes ; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PNEG_CONTEXT Context = (PNEG_CONTEXT) ContextHandle ; SECPKG_CALL_INFO CallInfo ; SecPkgInfoW PackageInfo ;
LsapGetCallInfo( &CallInfo );
switch ( ContextAttribute ) { case SECPKG_ATTR_NEGOTIATION_INFO :
if ( CallInfo.Attributes & SECPKG_CALL_KERNEL_MODE ) { Status = LsapCopyFromClient( Buffer, &NegInfo, sizeof( NegInfo ) ); }
if ( (Context->Flags & NEG_CONTEXT_NEGOTIATING) != 0 ) { NegInfo.NegotiationState = SECPKG_NEGOTIATION_IN_PROGRESS ; } else { NegInfo.NegotiationState = SECPKG_NEGOTIATION_OPTIMISTIC ; }
if ( NegInfo.NegotiationState == SECPKG_NEGOTIATION_OPTIMISTIC ) { if ( ( CallInfo.Attributes & SECPKG_CALL_KERNEL_MODE ) == 0 ) { Status = WLsaQueryPackageInfo( &Context->Creds->Creds[ Context->CredIndex ].Package->LsaPackage->Name, &NegInfo.PackageInfo ); } else {
// For kernel mode callers, we can't return the package info
// this way due to VM risks. So, we just put the package ID
// into the pointer, and ksec looks it up in kernel space.
PackageInfo.wRPCID = (WORD) Context->Creds->Creds[ Context->CredIndex ].Package->LsaPackage->dwRPCID; PackageInfo.fCapabilities = Context->Creds->Creds[ Context->CredIndex ].Package->LsaPackage->fCapabilities ; PackageInfo.cbMaxToken = Context->Creds->Creds[ Context->CredIndex ].Package->LsaPackage->TokenSize ;
Status = LsapCopyToClient( &PackageInfo, NegInfo.PackageInfo, sizeof( PackageInfo ) ); } }
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = LsapCopyToClient( &NegInfo, Buffer, sizeof( NegInfo ) ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (( NegInfo.PackageInfo != NULL ) && ( ( CallInfo.Attributes & SECPKG_CALL_KERNEL_MODE ) == 0 ) ) { LsapClientFree(NegInfo.PackageInfo); } } }
return Status ;
case SECPKG_ATTR_SIZES: Sizes.cbMaxToken = NegLsaPackage->TokenSize ; Sizes.cbMaxSignature = 64 ; Sizes.cbBlockSize = 8 ; Sizes.cbSecurityTrailer = 64 ;
Status = LsapCopyToClient( &Sizes, Buffer, sizeof( Sizes ) );
return Status ;