// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1995.
// File: negsupp.cxx
// Contents: General (both win9x and nt) functions
// Classes:
// Functions:
// History: 02-09-00 RichardW Created - split from negotiat.cxx
#include <lsapch.hxx>
extern "C" { #include <align.h>
#include <lm.h>
#include <dsgetdc.h>
#include <cryptdll.h>
#include <spmgr.h>
#include "sesmgr.h"
#include "spinit.h"
#include "negotiat.hxx"
#include <stdio.h>
BOOL fSPNEGOModuleStarted = FALSE;
SECURITY_STATUS SpnegoInitAsn( IN OUT ASN1encoding_t * pEnc, IN OUT ASN1decoding_t * pDec ) { ASN1error_e Asn1Err; SECURITY_STATUS SecStatus = SEC_E_OK;
if (!fSPNEGOModuleStarted) { RtlEnterCriticalSection( &NegLogonSessionListLock ); if (!fSPNEGOModuleStarted) { SPNEGO_Module_Startup(); fSPNEGOModuleStarted = TRUE; } RtlLeaveCriticalSection( &NegLogonSessionListLock ); }
if (pEnc != NULL) { Asn1Err = ASN1_CreateEncoder( SPNEGO_Module, pEnc, NULL, // pbBuf
0, // cbBufSize
NULL // pParent
); } else { Asn1Err = ASN1_CreateDecoder( SPNEGO_Module, pDec, NULL, // pbBuf
0, // cbBufSize
NULL // pParent
); }
if (ASN1_SUCCESS != Asn1Err) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "Failed to init ASN1: 0x%x\n",Asn1Err)); SecStatus = SpnegoAsnErrorToSecStatus( Asn1Err ); goto Cleanup; }
return SecStatus; }
VOID SpnegoTermAsn( IN ASN1encoding_t pEnc, IN ASN1decoding_t pDec ) { if (pEnc != NULL) { ASN1_CloseEncoder(pEnc); } else if (pDec != NULL) { ASN1_CloseDecoder(pDec); }
SECURITY_STATUS SpnegoAsnErrorToSecStatus( IN ASN1error_e Asn1Err ) { switch( Asn1Err ) { case ASN1_SUCCESS: { return SEC_E_OK; }
case ASN1_ERR_MEMORY: { return SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; } default: { return SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN; } } }
SECURITY_STATUS SpnegoUnpackData( IN PUCHAR Data, IN ULONG DataSize, IN ULONG PduValue, OUT PVOID * DecodedData ) { ULONG OldPduValue; ASN1decoding_t pDec = NULL; ASN1error_e Asn1Err; SECURITY_STATUS SecStatus;
if ((DataSize == 0) || (Data == NULL)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR,"Trying to unpack NULL data\n")); return SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN; }
SecStatus = SpnegoInitAsn( NULL, &pDec // we are decoding
); if (!NT_SUCCESS(SecStatus)) { return SecStatus; }
*DecodedData = NULL; Asn1Err = ASN1_Decode( pDec, DecodedData, PduValue, ASN1DECODE_SETBUFFER, (BYTE *) Data, DataSize );
if (!ASN1_SUCCEEDED(Asn1Err)) { SecStatus = SpnegoAsnErrorToSecStatus( Asn1Err ); if ((ASN1_ERR_BADARGS == Asn1Err) || (ASN1_ERR_EOD == Asn1Err)) { DebugLog((DEB_TRACE,"More input required to decode data %d.\n",PduValue)); } else { DebugLog((DEB_WARN,"Failed to decode data: %d\n", Asn1Err )); } *DecodedData = NULL; }
SpnegoTermAsn(NULL, pDec);
return SecStatus;
SECURITY_STATUS SpnegoPackData( IN PVOID Data, IN ULONG PduValue, OUT PULONG DataSize, OUT PUCHAR * MarshalledData ) { PUCHAR Buffer = NULL; ASN1encoding_t pEnc = NULL; ASN1error_e Asn1Err; SECURITY_STATUS SecStatus;
SecStatus = SpnegoInitAsn( &pEnc, // we are encoding
NULL ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(SecStatus)) { return SecStatus; }
// Encode the data type.
Asn1Err = ASN1_Encode( pEnc, Data, PduValue, ASN1ENCODE_ALLOCATEBUFFER, NULL, // pbBuf
0 // cbBufSize
if (!ASN1_SUCCEEDED(Asn1Err)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR,"Failed to encode data: %d\n",Asn1Err)); SecStatus = SpnegoAsnErrorToSecStatus( Asn1Err ); goto Cleanup; } else { //
// when the oss compiler was used the allocation routines were configurable.
// therefore, the encoded data could just be free'd using our
// deallocator. in the new model we cannot configure the allocation routines
// for encoding.
// so we do not have to go and change every place where a free
// of an encoded buffer is done, use our allocator to allocate a new buffer,
// then copy the encoded data to it, and free the buffer that was allocated by
// the encoding engine.
*MarshalledData = (PUCHAR)LsapAllocateLsaHeap(pEnc->len); if (*MarshalledData == NULL) { SecStatus = SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; *DataSize = 0; } else { RtlCopyMemory(*MarshalledData, pEnc->buf, pEnc->len); *DataSize = pEnc->len;
//DebugLog((DEB_ERROR,"encoded pdu size: %d\n",pEnc->len));
//PrintBytes(pEnc->buf, pEnc->len);
ASN1_FreeEncoded(pEnc, pEnc->buf); }
Cleanup: SpnegoTermAsn(pEnc, NULL);
return SecStatus; }
VOID SpnegoFreeData( IN ULONG PduValue, IN PVOID Data ) { ASN1decoding_t pDec = NULL;
if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(Data)) { SECURITY_STATUS SecStatus; SecStatus = SpnegoInitAsn( NULL, &pDec // this is a decoded structure
if ( NT_SUCCESS(SecStatus) ) { ASN1_FreeDecoded(pDec, Data, PduValue);
SpnegoTermAsn(NULL, pDec); } }
// Function: NegpFreeObjectId
// Synopsis: Frees an object ID structure created by us
// Arguments: [Id] -- Id to free
// History: 8-09-96 RichardW Created
// Notes:
VOID NegpFreeObjectId( ObjectID Id) { ObjectID Next;
while (Id) {
Next = Id->next;
LsapFreeLsaHeap( Id );
Id = Next ;
} ;
// Function: NegpFreeMechList
// Synopsis: Frees a Mechlist created by NecpCopyMechList
// Arguments: [Id] -- Id to free
// History: 8-09-96 RichardW Created
// Notes:
VOID NegpFreeMechList( struct MechTypeList *MechList) { struct MechTypeList *Next;
Next = MechList; while (Next != NULL) {
Next = Next->next ;
} while ( Next );
// Function: NegpDecodeObjectId
// Synopsis: Create an Object ID struct from a BER encoded Object ID
// Arguments: [Id] --
// [Len] --
// History: 8-09-96 RichardW Created
// Notes:
ObjectID NegpDecodeObjectId( PUCHAR Id, DWORD Len) { ObjectID Root; ObjectID Tail; ObjectID Current; DWORD i, j; DWORD value;
if ( Len < 3 ) { return( NULL ); }
// Check for BER type OBJECT_ID
if ( Id[ 0 ] != 0x06 ) { return( NULL ); }
if ( Id[ 1 ] > 127 ) { return( NULL ); }
Root = (struct ASN1objectidentifier_s *) LsapAllocateLsaHeap( sizeof( struct ASN1objectidentifier_s ) );
Tail = (struct ASN1objectidentifier_s *) LsapAllocateLsaHeap( sizeof( struct ASN1objectidentifier_s ) );
if ( !Root || !Tail ) { if ( Root ) { LsapFreeLsaHeap( Root ); }
if ( Tail ) { LsapFreeLsaHeap( Tail ); }
return( NULL ); }
Root->value = (WORD) Id[2] / 40 ;
Tail->value = (WORD) Id[2] % 40 ;
Root->next = Tail ;
i = 3 ;
while ( i < Len ) { j = 0;
value = Id[ i ] & 0x7F ;
while ( Id[i] & 0x80 ) { value <<= 7;
if ( (i >= Len) || ( j > sizeof( ULONG ) ) ) { NegpFreeObjectId( Root );
return( NULL ); }
value |= Id[ i ] & 0x7F ; }
Current = (struct ASN1objectidentifier_s *) LsapAllocateLsaHeap( sizeof( struct ASN1objectidentifier_s ) );
if ( Current ) { Current->value = value ; Current->next = NULL ;
Tail->next = Current ;
Tail = Current ;
} else { NegpFreeObjectId( Root );
return( NULL ); }
return( Root );
// Function: NegpCompareOid
// Synopsis: Standard compare function for OIDs:
// Arguments: [A] --
// [B] --
// Returns: < 0 if A is "less than" B
// > 0 if A is "greater than" B
// 0 if A equals B
// History: 8-22-96 RichardW Created
// Notes:
int NegpCompareOid( ObjectID A, ObjectID B) { while ( A ) { if ( A->value < B->value ) { return( -1 ); } if ( A->value > B->value ) { return( 1 ); }
A = A->next ;
B = B->next ;
if ( ( A == NULL ) && ( B == NULL ) ) { return( 0 ); }
if ( !B ) { return( 1 ); }
if ( !A ) { return( -1 ); } }
// Never reached
return( 0 ); }
// Function: NegpDumpOid
// Synopsis: Debug-only dumper
// Arguments: [Banner] --
// [Id] --
// History: 9-17-96 RichardW Created
// Notes:
VOID NegpDumpOid( PSTR Banner, ObjectID Id ) { CHAR Oid[128]; PSTR Next; int Count;
Next = Oid;
while ( Id ) { Count = sprintf(Next, "%d.", Id->value );
Next += Count;
Id = Id->next; }
DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "%s: %s\n", Banner, Oid ));
// Function: NegpBuildMechListFromCreds
// Synopsis: Builds a MechList from a credential struct
// Arguments: [Creds] -- Creds
// [fPackageReq]
// [MechList] -- Constructed mechlist
// History: 9-27-96 RichardW Created
// Notes: Returned MechList should be freed in a single call to LsapFreeHeap
SECURITY_STATUS NegpBuildMechListFromCreds( PNEG_CREDS Creds, ULONG fPackageReq, ULONG MechAttributes, struct MechTypeList ** MechList) { struct MechTypeList *pMechs = NULL; ULONG iCred, iMech = 0 ; SECURITY_STATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PNEG_PACKAGE Package ;
NegReadLockCreds( Creds );
if ( Creds->Count != 0 ) {
pMechs = (struct MechTypeList *) LsapAllocateLsaHeap( sizeof( struct MechTypeList ) * ( Creds->Count) );
if ( pMechs ) { for ( iCred = 0 ; iCred < Creds->Count ; iCred++ ) { Package = Creds->Creds[ iCred ].Package ;
if ( (Package->PackageFlags & fPackageReq) != fPackageReq) { continue; } pMechs[ iMech ].next = &pMechs[ iMech + 1 ];
pMechs[ iMech ].value = Package->ObjectId ;
iMech++ ;
if ( iMech != 0 ) { pMechs[ iMech - 1 ].next = NULL ; }
} else { Status = SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; } }
NegUnlockCreds( Creds );
*MechList = pMechs; return( Status );
// Function: NegpCopyObjectId
// Synopsis: Duplicates an ObjectId
// Arguments: [ObjectId] = Object Id to copy
// History: 9-27-96 RichardW Created
// Notes: Returned ObjectId should be freed with NegpFreeObjectId
ObjectID NegpCopyObjectId( IN ObjectID Id ) { ObjectID RootId = NULL; ObjectID NewId = NULL; ObjectID LastId = NULL; ObjectID NextId = NULL;
NextId = Id; while (NextId != NULL) { NewId = (struct ASN1objectidentifier_s *) LsapAllocateLsaHeap(sizeof(struct ASN1objectidentifier_s)); if (NewId == NULL) { goto Cleanup; } NewId->next = NULL; NewId->value = NextId->value;
if (RootId == NULL) { RootId = NewId; }
if (LastId != NULL) { LastId->next = NewId; } LastId = NewId; NextId= NextId->next; } return(RootId);
Cleanup: if (RootId != NULL) { NegpFreeObjectId(RootId); } return(NULL);
// Function: NegpCopyMechList
// Synopsis: Duplicates a MechList
// Arguments: [Creds] -- Creds
// History: 9-27-96 RichardW Created
// Notes: Returned MechList should be freed with NegpFreeMechList
struct MechTypeList * NegpCopyMechList( struct MechTypeList *MechList) { struct MechTypeList *pMechs; struct MechTypeList *NextMech; ULONG i, Count;
Count = 0; NextMech = MechList; while (NextMech != NULL) { Count++; NextMech = NextMech->next; }
if (Count == 0) { return(NULL); }
pMechs = (struct MechTypeList *) LsapAllocateLsaHeap( sizeof( struct MechTypeList ) * Count );
if ( pMechs == NULL ) { goto Cleanup; }
RtlZeroMemory( pMechs, sizeof(struct MechTypeList) * Count );
i = 0;
NextMech = MechList; while (NextMech != NULL) { pMechs[i].value = NegpCopyObjectId(NextMech->value); if (pMechs[i].value == NULL) { goto Cleanup; } pMechs[i].next = NULL; if (i != 0) { pMechs[i-1].next = &pMechs[i]; } NextMech = NextMech->next; i++; }
return( pMechs ); Cleanup: if (pMechs != NULL) { NegpFreeMechList (pMechs); } return(NULL);
int Neg_der_read_length( unsigned char **buf, LONG *bufsize, LONG * headersize ) { unsigned char sf; LONG ret;
if (*bufsize < 1) return(-1); *headersize = 0; sf = *(*buf)++; (*bufsize)--; (*headersize)++; if (sf & 0x80) { if ((sf &= 0x7f) > ((*bufsize)-1)) return(-1); if (sf > sizeof(LONG)) return (-1); ret = 0; for (; sf; sf--) { ret = (ret<<8) + (*(*buf)++); (*bufsize)--; (*headersize)++; } } else { ret = sf; }
return(ret); }