// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1991 - 1992
// File: sphelp.c
// Contents: Security Package Helper functions (see isecpkg.doc)
// Functions LsapUnloadPackage
// LsapAllocate
// LsapFree
// LsapClientAllocate
// LsapCopyToClient
// LsapCopyFromClient
// LsapClientFree
// LsapOpenClientProcess
// LsapOpenClientThread
// LsapDuplicateHandle
// LsapGetWindow
// LsapCreateThread
// LsapMapClientBuffer
// Notes: By defining TRACK_MEM, we will track all use of memory
// allocated through the LsapAllocate. DBG_MEM will track
// memory leaks.
// History: 20 May 92 RichardW Created
#include <lsapch.hxx>
extern "C" { #include "sesmgr.h"
#include "klpcstub.h"
extern LSA_CALL_INFO LsapDefaultCallInfo ;
ULONG_PTR LsapUserModeLimit ;
// private heaps defines.
// HEAP_HEADER should always be size even multiple of heap allocation granularity
typedef struct { HANDLE hHeap; SIZE_T Magic; } HEAP_HEADER_LSA, *PHEAP_HEADER_LSA;
#define HEAP_COUNT_MAX 32
#define HEAP_MAGIC_TAG 0x66677766
LSA_SECPKG_FUNCTION_TABLE LsapSecpkgFunctionTable = { LsapCreateLogonSession, LsapDeleteLogonSession, LsapAddCredential, LsapGetCredentials, LsapDeleteCredential, LsapAllocateLsaHeap, LsapFreeLsaHeap, LsapAllocateClientBuffer, LsapFreeClientBuffer, LsapCopyToClientBuffer, LsapCopyFromClientBuffer, LsapImpersonateClient, LsapUnloadPackage, LsapDuplicateHandle, NULL, // LsapSaveSupplementalCredentials,
LsapCreateThread, LsapGetClientInfo, LsaIRegisterNotification, LsaICancelNotification, LsapMapClientBuffer, LsapCreateToken, LsapAuditLogon, LsaICallPackage, LsaIFreeReturnBuffer, LsapGetCallInfo, LsaICallPackageEx, LsaCreateSharedMemory, LsaAllocateSharedMemory, LsaFreeSharedMemory, LsaDeleteSharedMemory, LsaOpenSamUser, NULL, // LsaGetUserCredentials
LsaGetUserAuthData, LsaCloseSamUser, LsaConvertAuthDataToToken, LsaClientCallback, LsapUpdateCredentials, LsaGetAuthDataForUser, LsaCrackSingleName, LsaIAuditAccountLogon, LsaICallPackagePassthrough, CrediRead, CrediReadDomainCredentials, CrediFreeCredentials, LsaProtectMemory, LsaUnprotectMemory, LsapOpenTokenByLogonId, LsaExpandAuthDataForDomain, LsapAllocatePrivateHeap, LsapFreePrivateHeap, LsapCreateTokenEx, CrediWrite };
// Function: LsapOpenCaller
// Synopsis: Opens the calling process
// Effects:
// Arguments: phProcess -- receives handle to process
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes:
NTSTATUS LsapOpenCaller( IN OUT PSession pSession ) { HANDLE hProcess; NTSTATUS Status; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; CLIENT_ID ClientId; PVOID Ignored ;
ClientId.UniqueThread = NULL; ClientId.UniqueProcess = (HANDLE) LongToHandle(pSession->dwProcessID);
InitializeObjectAttributes( &ObjectAttributes, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL );
Status = NtOpenProcess( &hProcess, PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE | // Duplicate Handles
PROCESS_VM_READ | // Read memory
PROCESS_VM_WRITE, // Write memory
&ObjectAttributes, &ClientId );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "Did not open process %08x, error %08x\n", pSession->dwProcessID, Status));
return( Status ); }
pSession->hProcess = hProcess;
Status = NtQueryInformationProcess( hProcess, ProcessSessionInformation, &pSession->SessionId, sizeof( ULONG ), NULL );
#if _WIN64
Status = NtQueryInformationProcess( hProcess, ProcessWow64Information, &Ignored, sizeof( Ignored ), NULL );
if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { if ( Ignored != 0 ) { pSession->fSession |= SESFLAG_WOW_PROCESS ; } } #endif
return( STATUS_SUCCESS ); }
// Function: CheckCaller
// Synopsis: Checks if calling process has been opened, opens if it
// hasn't.
// Effects:
// Arguments: pSession - Current session
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes:
NTSTATUS CheckCaller( IN PSession pSession ) { NTSTATUS Status;
if (!pSession->hProcess) { Status = LsapOpenCaller(pSession); if (FAILED(Status)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "Could not open client (%x)\n", Status)); return(Status); }
// Function: LsapUnloadPackage
// Synopsis: Unloads the calling package in case of catastrophic problems
// Effects: Unloads the DLL that generated this call.
// Arguments:
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes: Calling thread is terminated through a special exception.
NTSTATUS NTAPI LsapUnloadPackage( VOID ) { ULONG_PTR PackageId; PSession pSession = GetCurrentSession();
PackageId = GetCurrentPackageId();
pSession->fSession |= SESFLAG_UNLOADING;
RaiseException((ULONG) SEC_E_BAD_PKGID, 0, 0, NULL);
BOOLEAN LsapHeapInitialize( IN BOOLEAN Server ) { if( !Server ) { NT_PRODUCT_TYPE ProductType;
if ( RtlGetNtProductType( &ProductType ) && (ProductType == NtProductServer || ProductType == NtProductLanManNt) ) { Server = TRUE; } }
if ( Server ) { SYSTEM_INFO si; DWORD Heaps; DWORD i, cHeapsCreated; RTL_HEAP_PARAMETERS HeapParameters; ULONG Value;
GetSystemInfo( &si );
if( si.dwNumberOfProcessors == 0 ) { Heaps = 1; } else if( si.dwNumberOfProcessors > HEAP_COUNT_MAX ) { Heaps = HEAP_COUNT_MAX; } else { Heaps = si.dwNumberOfProcessors; }
ZeroMemory( &HeapParameters, sizeof(HeapParameters) ); HeapParameters.Length = sizeof(HeapParameters); HeapParameters.DeCommitTotalFreeThreshold = 8 * LsapPageSize ;
cHeapsCreated = 0;
for( i = 0 ; i < Heaps ; i++ ) { gHeaps[ cHeapsCreated ] = RtlCreateHeap( HEAP_GROWABLE, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, &HeapParameters );
if( gHeaps[ cHeapsCreated ] != NULL ) {
// enable low-frag heap.
Value = 2;
HeapSetInformation( gHeaps[ cHeapsCreated ], HeapCompatibilityInformation, &Value, sizeof(Value) );
cHeapsCreated++; } }
gcHeaps = cHeapsCreated;
// enable low-frag heap on process heap.
Value = 2;
HeapSetInformation( GetProcessHeap(), HeapCompatibilityInformation, &Value, sizeof(Value) ); }
if( gHeaps[ 0 ] == NULL ) { gHeaps[ 0 ] = RtlProcessHeap(); gcHeaps = 1; }
return TRUE; }
// Function: LsapAllocateLsaHeap
// Synopsis: Allocates memory on process heap
// Effects:
// Arguments: cbMemory -- Size of block needed
// Requires:
// Returns: ptr to memory
// Notes: if DBGMEM or TRACK_MEM defined, extra work is done for
// tracking purposes.
// Can raise the exception STATUS_NO_MEMORY
// Per object reuse rules of C2 and above, we zero any memory
// allocated through this function
PVOID NTAPI LsapAllocateLsaHeap( IN ULONG cbMemory ) { return(RtlAllocateHeap( RtlProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, cbMemory )); }
// Function: LsapFreeLsaHeap
// Synopsis: Frees memory allocated by LsapAllocateLsaHeap
// Effects:
// Arguments: pvMemory
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes:
void NTAPI LsapFreeLsaHeap( IN PVOID pvMemory ) { RtlFreeHeap( RtlProcessHeap(), 0, pvMemory );
// Function: LsapAllocatePrivateHeap
// Synopsis: Allocates memory on private heap(s)
// Effects:
// Arguments: cbMemory -- Size of block needed
// Requires:
// Returns: ptr to memory
// Per object reuse rules of C2 and above, we zero any memory
// allocated through this function
PVOID NTAPI LsapAllocatePrivateHeap( IN SIZE_T cbMemory ) { HANDLE hHeap;
hHeap = LsapGetCurrentHeap();
if( hHeap == NULL ) { static ULONG heapindex; ULONG LocalHeapIndex;
LocalHeapIndex = (ULONG)InterlockedIncrement( (PLONG)&heapindex ); LocalHeapIndex %= gcHeaps;
hHeap = gHeaps[ LocalHeapIndex ];
LsapSetCurrentHeap( hHeap ); }
memory = (PHEAP_HEADER_LSA)RtlAllocateHeap( hHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, cbMemory+sizeof(HEAP_HEADER_LSA) );
if( memory != NULL ) {
memory->hHeap = hHeap; memory->Magic = (unsigned char*)HEAP_MAGIC_TAG-(unsigned char*)hHeap;
return ( (unsigned char*)memory+sizeof(HEAP_HEADER_LSA) ); }
DebugLog((DEB_ERROR,"LsapAllocatePrivateHeap: %p failed allocate %lu bytes\n", hHeap, cbMemory));
return NULL; }
PVOID NTAPI LsapAllocatePrivateHeapNoZero( IN SIZE_T cbMemory ) { HANDLE hHeap;
hHeap = LsapGetCurrentHeap();
if( hHeap == NULL ) { static ULONG heapindex; ULONG LocalHeapIndex;
LocalHeapIndex = (ULONG)InterlockedIncrement( (PLONG)&heapindex ); LocalHeapIndex %= gcHeaps;
hHeap = gHeaps[ LocalHeapIndex ];
LsapSetCurrentHeap( hHeap ); }
memory = (PHEAP_HEADER_LSA)RtlAllocateHeap( hHeap, 0, cbMemory+sizeof(HEAP_HEADER_LSA) );
if( memory != NULL ) { memory->hHeap = hHeap; memory->Magic = (unsigned char*)HEAP_MAGIC_TAG-(unsigned char*)hHeap;
return ( (unsigned char*)memory+sizeof(HEAP_HEADER_LSA) ); }
DebugLog((DEB_ERROR,"LsapAllocatePrivateHeapNoZero: %p failed allocate %lu bytes\n", hHeap, cbMemory));
return NULL; }
// Function: LsapFreePrivateHeap
// Synopsis: Frees memory allocated by LsapAllocatePrivateHeap
// Effects:
// Arguments: pvMemory
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes:
void NTAPI LsapFreePrivateHeap( IN PVOID pvMemory ) { PHEAP_HEADER_LSA HeapEntry;
if( pvMemory == NULL ) { return ; }
HeapEntry = (PHEAP_HEADER_LSA)((unsigned char*)pvMemory-sizeof(HEAP_HEADER_LSA));
if( HeapEntry->Magic + ((unsigned char*)HeapEntry->hHeap) != (unsigned char*)HEAP_MAGIC_TAG ) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "LsapFreePrivateHeap tried to free %p from wrong heap\n", pvMemory));
DsysAssert( pvMemory == NULL ); return; }
RtlFreeHeap( HeapEntry->hHeap, 0, HeapEntry );
// Function: LsapClientAllocate
// Synopsis: Allocates memory in client process
// Effects:
// Arguments: cbMemory -- Size of block to allocate
// Requires:
// Returns: pointer to memory in client address space
// Notes: pointer is not valid in this process, only in client
PVOID NTAPI LsapClientAllocate( IN ULONG cbMemory ) { NTSTATUS Status; PSession pSession; void * pClientMemory = NULL; SIZE_T cbMem = cbMemory; PLSA_CALL_INFO CallInfo ;
CallInfo = LsapGetCurrentCall();
pSession = GetCurrentSession() ;
if ( pSession == NULL ) { pSession = pDefaultSession ; }
if ( CallInfo == NULL ) { CallInfo = &LsapDefaultCallInfo ; }
if (FAILED(CheckCaller(pSession))) { return(NULL); }
// If the INPROC flag is set, allocate out of the heap. The copy functions
// will also honor this.
if ( pSession->fSession & SESFLAG_INPROC ) { pClientMemory = LsapAllocateLsaHeap( (ULONG) cbMem );
return( pClientMemory ); }
if ( CallInfo->Flags & CALL_FLAG_KERNEL_POOL ) { if ( ( CallInfo->Flags & CALL_FLAG_KMAP_USED ) != 0 ) {
pClientMemory = LsapAllocateFromKsecBuffer( CallInfo->KMap, (ULONG) cbMem );
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_HELPERS, "[%x] LsapClientAllocate(%d) = %p in KMap %p\n", pSession->dwProcessID, cbMem, pClientMemory, CallInfo->KMap ));
return pClientMemory ; } }
Status = NtAllocateVirtualMemory(pSession->hProcess, &pClientMemory, 0, &cbMem, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "[%x] Could not allocate client memory (%x)\n", pSession->dwProcessID, Status));
pClientMemory = NULL; }
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_HELPERS, "[%x] LsapClientAllocate(%d) = %p\n", pSession->dwProcessID, cbMemory, pClientMemory));
if ( pClientMemory ) { // Save pointer so that FreeContextBuffer will use
// correct 'free' function.
if(CallInfo->Allocs < MAX_BUFFERS_IN_CALL) { CallInfo->Buffers[ CallInfo->Allocs++ ] = pClientMemory ; } }
return(pClientMemory); }
// Function: LsapCopyToClient
// Synopsis: Copies data into client process
// Effects:
// Arguments: pLocalMemory -- pointer to data in this process
// pClientMemory -- pointer to destination in client process
// cbMemory -- how much to copy
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes:
NTSTATUS NTAPI LsapCopyToClient( IN PVOID pLocalMemory, OUT PVOID pClientMemory, IN ULONG cbMemory ) { NTSTATUS Status; PSession pSession; PLSA_CALL_INFO CallInfo; PKSEC_LSA_MEMORY_HEADER Header ; ULONG i ; ULONG_PTR Basis ; ULONG_PTR Limit ; BOOL Tried = FALSE ;
if (cbMemory == 0) { return(STATUS_SUCCESS); }
pSession = GetCurrentSession();
if ( !pSession ) { pSession = pDefaultSession ; }
CallInfo = LsapGetCurrentCall();
if ( ( pLocalMemory == NULL ) || ( pClientMemory == NULL ) ) { return STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION ; }
if (FAILED(Status = CheckCaller(pSession))) { return(Status); }
// Cases for a direct copy:
// - The current session is the default session
// - This is an inproc call
// - We're using a KMap buffer
if (CallInfo && CallInfo->Flags & CALL_FLAG_KERNEL_POOL ) {
Header = CallInfo->KMap ;
if ( (ULONG_PTR) pClientMemory > LsapUserModeLimit ) { //
// Someone is trying to deal with a pool address directly.
// we can handle this if it was copied into the KMap already
for ( i = 0 ; i < Header->MapCount ; i++ ) { Limit = (ULONG_PTR) Header->PoolMap[ i ].Pool + Header->PoolMap[ i ].Size ;
if ( ((ULONG_PTR) pClientMemory >= (ULONG_PTR) Header->PoolMap[ i ].Pool ) && ( (ULONG_PTR) pClientMemory < Limit ) ) { //
// Found an overlap, this is promising. Check the bounds:
Basis = (ULONG_PTR) pClientMemory - (ULONG_PTR) Header->PoolMap[ i ].Pool ;
if ( Basis + cbMemory <= Header->PoolMap[ i ].Size ) { //
// Found it!
__try { RtlCopyMemory( (PUCHAR) Header + (Header->PoolMap[ i ].Offset + Basis), pLocalMemory, cbMemory );
Status = STATUS_SUCCESS ; } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = GetExceptionCode(); } }
Tried = TRUE ; break;
} }
if ( !Tried ) { Status = STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION ; } } else if ( LsapIsBlockInKMap( CallInfo->KMap, pClientMemory ) ) { __try {
RtlCopyMemory( pClientMemory, pLocalMemory, cbMemory );
Status = STATUS_SUCCESS ; } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = GetExceptionCode(); } } else {
Status = NtWriteVirtualMemory(pSession->hProcess, pClientMemory, pLocalMemory, cbMemory, NULL); }
} else if ( (pSession->dwProcessID == pDefaultSession->dwProcessID) || (pSession->fSession & SESFLAG_INPROC) || (CallInfo->Flags & CALL_FLAG_KMAP_USED ) ) { __try {
RtlCopyMemory( pClientMemory, pLocalMemory, cbMemory );
Status = STATUS_SUCCESS ; } __except ( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { Status = GetExceptionCode(); } } else {
Status = NtWriteVirtualMemory( pSession->hProcess, pClientMemory, pLocalMemory, cbMemory, NULL); }
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_HELPERS, "[%x] LsapCopyToClient(%p, %p, %d) = %x\n", pSession->dwProcessID, pLocalMemory, pClientMemory, cbMemory, Status ));
return(Status); }
// Function: LsapCopyFromClient
// Synopsis: Copies memory from client to this process
// Effects:
// Arguments: pClientMemory -- Pointer to data in client space
// pLocalMemory -- Pointer to destination in this process
// cbMemory -- How much
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes:
NTSTATUS NTAPI LsapCopyFromClient( IN PVOID pClientMemory, OUT PVOID pLocalMemory, IN ULONG cbMemory ) { NTSTATUS Status; PSession pSession; PLSA_CALL_INFO CallInfo ; PKSEC_LSA_MEMORY_HEADER Header ; ULONG i ; ULONG_PTR Basis ; ULONG_PTR Limit ; BOOL Tried = FALSE ;
if (cbMemory == 0) { return(STATUS_SUCCESS); }
if ( ( pClientMemory == NULL ) || ( pLocalMemory == NULL ) ) { return STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION ; }
pSession = GetCurrentSession();
if ( pSession == NULL ) { pSession = pDefaultSession ; }
CallInfo = LsapGetCurrentCall();
if (FAILED(Status = CheckCaller(pSession))) { return(Status); }
if (CallInfo && CallInfo->Flags & CALL_FLAG_KERNEL_POOL ) { Header = CallInfo->KMap ;
if ( (ULONG_PTR) pClientMemory > LsapUserModeLimit ) { //
// Someone is trying to deal with a pool address directly.
// we can handle this if it was copied into the KMap already
for ( i = 0 ; i < Header->MapCount ; i++ ) { Limit = (ULONG_PTR) Header->PoolMap[ i ].Pool + Header->PoolMap[ i ].Size ;
if ( ((ULONG_PTR) pClientMemory >= (ULONG_PTR) Header->PoolMap[ i ].Pool ) && ( (ULONG_PTR) pClientMemory < Limit ) ) { //
// Found an overlap, this is promising. Check the bounds:
Basis = (ULONG_PTR) pClientMemory - (ULONG_PTR) Header->PoolMap[ i ].Pool ;
if ( Basis + cbMemory <= Header->PoolMap[ i ].Size ) { //
// Found it!
__try { RtlCopyMemory( pLocalMemory, (PUCHAR) Header + (Header->PoolMap[ i ].Offset + Basis), cbMemory );
Status = STATUS_SUCCESS ; } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = GetExceptionCode(); } }
Tried = TRUE ; break; } }
if ( !Tried ) { Status = STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION ; }
} else if ( LsapIsBlockInKMap( CallInfo->KMap, pClientMemory ) ) { __try {
RtlCopyMemory( pLocalMemory, pClientMemory, cbMemory );
Status = STATUS_SUCCESS ; } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = GetExceptionCode(); } } else { Status = NtReadVirtualMemory(pSession->hProcess, pClientMemory, pLocalMemory, cbMemory, NULL); }
} else if ( (pSession->dwProcessID == pDefaultSession->dwProcessID) || (pSession->fSession & SESFLAG_INPROC ) ) { __try { RtlCopyMemory( pLocalMemory, pClientMemory, cbMemory );
Status = STATUS_SUCCESS ; } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = GetExceptionCode(); } } else { Status = NtReadVirtualMemory(pSession->hProcess, pClientMemory, pLocalMemory, cbMemory, NULL); }
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_HELPERS, "[%x] LsapCopyFromClient(%p, %p, %d) = %x\n", pSession->dwProcessID, pClientMemory, pLocalMemory, cbMemory, Status));
return(Status); }
// Function: LsapClientFree
// Synopsis: Frees memory allocated in client space
// Effects:
// Arguments: pClientMemory -- pointer to memory to free
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes:
NTSTATUS NTAPI LsapClientFree( IN PVOID pClientMemory ) { NTSTATUS Status; SIZE_T cbMem = 0; PSession pSession; PLSA_CALL_INFO CallInfo ;
CallInfo = LsapGetCurrentCall(); if ( CallInfo == NULL ) { CallInfo = &LsapDefaultCallInfo ; }
if (!pClientMemory) { return(STATUS_SUCCESS); }
pSession = GetCurrentSession();
if ( pSession == NULL ) { pSession = pDefaultSession ; }
if (FAILED(Status = CheckCaller(pSession))) { return(Status); }
if ( pSession->fSession & SESFLAG_INPROC ) { LsapFreeLsaHeap( pClientMemory );
return( STATUS_SUCCESS ); }
#if DBG
if ( pSession->dwProcessID == pDefaultSession->dwProcessID ) { DebugLog(( DEB_ERROR, "Freeing VM in LSA: %x\n", pClientMemory )); } #endif
Status = NtFreeVirtualMemory(pSession->hProcess, &pClientMemory, &cbMem, MEM_RELEASE);
if ( pClientMemory ) { ULONG i;
// Remove this pointer from our list.
for(i = 0; i < CallInfo->Allocs; i++) { if(CallInfo->Buffers[i] == pClientMemory) { if(i < CallInfo->Allocs - 1) { memcpy(&CallInfo->Buffers[i], &CallInfo->Buffers[i+1], sizeof(PVOID) * (CallInfo->Allocs - i - 1)); } CallInfo->Allocs--; break; } } }
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_HELPERS, "[%x] LsapClientFree(%x) == %x\n", pSession->dwProcessID, pClientMemory, Status));
return(Status); }
// Function: LsapDuplicateHandle
// Synopsis: Duplicates a handle to an NT object into the calling process
// Effects: A new handle is generated, referencing the object
// Arguments: hObject -- handle to the object
// hNewObject -- New handle valid in calling process
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes:
NTSTATUS NTAPI LsapDuplicateHandle( IN HANDLE hObject, OUT PHANDLE phNewObject )
{ NTSTATUS Status; PSession pSession;
pSession = GetCurrentSession();
if ( pSession == NULL ) { pSession = pDefaultSession ; }
if (Status = CheckCaller(pSession)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "CheckCaller returned %d\n", Status)); return(Status); }
Status = NtDuplicateObject( NtCurrentProcess(), hObject, pSession->hProcess, phNewObject, 0, 0, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS);
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_HELPERS, "[%x] LsapDupHandle(%x, %x (@%x)) = %x\n", pSession->dwProcessID, hObject, *phNewObject, phNewObject, Status));
return(Status); }
// Function: LsapImpersonateClient
// Synopsis: Impersonate the client of the API call.
// Arguments: (none)
// History: 6-05-95 RichardW Created
// Notes: Threads should call RevertToSelf() when done.
NTSTATUS NTAPI LsapImpersonateClient( VOID ) { PSession pSession; PLSA_CALL_INFO CallInfo ; PSPM_LPC_MESSAGE pApiMessage; NTSTATUS Status;
CallInfo = LsapGetCurrentCall() ;
if ( CallInfo->InProcCall ) { if ( CallInfo->InProcToken ) { Status = NtSetInformationThread( NtCurrentThread(), ThreadImpersonationToken, (PVOID) &CallInfo->InProcToken, sizeof(HANDLE) ); } else { Status = RtlImpersonateSelf(SecurityImpersonation); } } else { pSession = GetCurrentSession() ;
if ( !pSession ) { pSession = pDefaultSession ; }
Status = NtImpersonateClientOfPort( pSession->hPort, (PPORT_MESSAGE) CallInfo->Message); }
return(Status); }
// Function: LsapDuplicateString
// Synopsis:
// Effects:
// Arguments:
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes:
{ pDest->Length = 0; if (pSrc == NULL) { pDest->Buffer = NULL; pDest->MaximumLength = 0; return(STATUS_SUCCESS); }
pDest->Buffer = (LPWSTR) LsapAllocateLsaHeap(pSrc->Length + sizeof(WCHAR)); if (pDest->Buffer) { pDest->MaximumLength = pSrc->Length + sizeof(WCHAR); RtlCopyMemory( pDest->Buffer, pSrc->Buffer, pSrc->Length ); pDest->Buffer[pSrc->Length/sizeof(WCHAR)] = L'\0'; pDest->Length = pSrc->Length; return(STATUS_SUCCESS);
} else { pDest->MaximumLength = 0; return(STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES); } }
Same as LsapDuplicateString(), but uses LsapPrivateHeap routines.
--*/ { pDest->Length = 0; if (pSrc == NULL) { pDest->Buffer = NULL; pDest->MaximumLength = 0; return(STATUS_SUCCESS); }
pDest->Buffer = (LPWSTR) LsapAllocatePrivateHeap(pSrc->Length + sizeof(WCHAR)); if (pDest->Buffer) { pDest->MaximumLength = pSrc->Length + sizeof(WCHAR); RtlCopyMemory( pDest->Buffer, pSrc->Buffer, pSrc->Length ); pDest->Buffer[pSrc->Length/sizeof(WCHAR)] = L'\0'; pDest->Length = pSrc->Length; return(STATUS_SUCCESS);
} else { pDest->MaximumLength = 0; return(STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES); } }
// Function: LsapFreeString
// Synopsis: Frees a string allocated by LsapDuplicateString
// Effects:
// Arguments: String - Optionally points to a UNICODE_STRING
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes:
VOID LsapFreeString( IN OPTIONAL PUNICODE_STRING String ) { if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(String) && String->Buffer != NULL) { LsapFreeLsaHeap(String->Buffer); String->Buffer = NULL; } }
// Function: LsapThreadBase
// Synopsis: Thread start routine
// Effects: Sets up all the TLS data for a thread, then executes
// the "real" base function.
// Arguments:
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes:
void LsapThreadBase( PLSAP_THREAD_START pThread) { NTSTATUS Status; PSession pSession; LSAP_THREAD_START tStart = *pThread;
SetCurrentSession( pDefaultSession );
SpmpReferenceSession( pDefaultSession );
// Initialize Session information:
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "Thread start @%x\n", tStart.lpStart));
// If this is a debug build, all threads are started in a protective
// try-except block. For retail, only threads started by packages
// will be run this way. Retail builds, we assume that the SPM is
// debugged and running correctly, and threads started this way can
// be trusted.
#if DBG == 0
if (tStart.dwPackageID != SPMGR_ID) #endif
{ __try { tStart.lpStart(tStart.lpParm); } __except (SP_EXCEPTION) { Status = GetExceptionCode(); Status = SPException(Status, tStart.dwPackageID); } } #if DBG == 0
else { tStart.lpStart(tStart.lpParm); } #endif
pSession = GetCurrentSession();
SpmpDereferenceSession( pSession );
if ( pSession != pDefaultSession ) { DebugLog(( DEB_ERROR, "Thread completing in session other than default!\n" )); }
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "Thread exit\n" ));
// Function: LsapCreateThread
// Synopsis: Creates a thread with all the proper Tls stuff
// Effects:
// Arguments: same as CreateThread
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes:
pThread = (PLSAP_THREAD_START) LsapAllocatePrivateHeap(sizeof(LSAP_THREAD_START)); if (pThread == NULL) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "LsapCreateThread, memory allocation failed.\n")); SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); return(NULL); }
pThread->lpStart = lpStart; pThread->lpParm = lpvThreadParm; pThread->dwPackageID = GetCurrentPackageId();
hThread = CreateThread( lpSA, cbStack, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) LsapThreadBase, pThread, fCreate, lpTID );
if( hThread == NULL ) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "LsapCreateThread, failed thread creation (%lu)\n", GetLastError()));
LsapFreePrivateHeap( pThread ); }
return hThread; }
// Function: LsapGetClientInfo
// Synopsis:
// Effects:
// Arguments:
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes:
NTSTATUS NTAPI LsapGetClientInfo( OUT PSECPKG_CLIENT_INFO ClientInfo ) { PSession pSession = GetCurrentSession(); PPORT_MESSAGE pMessage; HANDLE ClientToken; NTSTATUS Status; NTSTATUS ExtraStatus ; TOKEN_STATISTICS TokenStats; ULONG TokenStatsSize = sizeof(TOKEN_STATISTICS); PLSA_CALL_INFO CallInfo ; HANDLE Thread = NULL ; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES NullAttributes = { 0 }; KERNEL_USER_TIMES Times ;
RtlZeroMemory( ClientInfo, sizeof(SECPKG_CLIENT_INFO) );
if ( !pSession ) { pSession = pDefaultSession ; }
// First, fill in the easy stuff from the session record. If we are
// running with the LSA session then we want to ignore the LPC message
// because it may be referring to somebody elses message (we may be
// being called on behalf of someone doing authenticated RPC in response
// to an LPC request)
CallInfo = LsapGetCurrentCall();
if ( CallInfo ) { ClientInfo->ProcessID = CallInfo->CallInfo.ProcessId ; ClientInfo->ThreadID = CallInfo->CallInfo.ThreadId ;
if (((pSession->fSession & SESFLAG_TCB_PRIV) != 0) || ((pSession->fSession & SESFLAG_KERNEL) != 0)) { ClientInfo->HasTcbPrivilege = TRUE; } else { ClientInfo->HasTcbPrivilege = FALSE; }
if(CallInfo->CachedTokenInfo) { ClientInfo->LogonId = CallInfo->LogonId; ClientInfo->Restricted = CallInfo->Restricted; ClientInfo->Impersonating = CallInfo->Impersonating; ClientInfo->ImpersonationLevel = CallInfo->ImpersonationLevel;
Status = LsapImpersonateClient();
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { if ( Status == STATUS_BAD_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL ) { Status = NtOpenThread( &Thread, THREAD_QUERY_INFORMATION, &NullAttributes, &CallInfo->Message->pmMessage.ClientId ); } else if ( ( Status == STATUS_REPLY_MESSAGE_MISMATCH ) || ( Status == STATUS_INVALID_CID ) || ( Status == STATUS_PORT_DISCONNECTED ) ) { //
// This is a special status returned by the LPC layer to indicate
// that the client thread has disappeared, or the process is
// terminating. Set a flag to indicate this:
CallInfo->CallInfo.Attributes |= SECPKG_CALL_THREAD_TERM ; //
// Check the process. If the process has started to exit, set that
// flag as well.
ExtraStatus = NtQueryInformationProcess( pSession->hProcess, ProcessTimes, &Times, sizeof( Times ), NULL );
if ( NT_SUCCESS( ExtraStatus ) ) { if ( Times.ExitTime.QuadPart != 0 ) { ClientInfo->ClientFlags |= SECPKG_CLIENT_PROCESS_TERMINATED ; CallInfo->CallInfo.Attributes |= SECPKG_CALL_PROCESS_TERM ; } }
DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE, "Client %x.%x has terminated\n", ClientInfo->ProcessID, ClientInfo->ThreadID ));
} else { Thread = NtCurrentThread(); }
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DebugLog((DEB_WARN,"Failed to impersonate client: 0x%x\n",Status)); return(Status); }
Status = NtOpenThreadToken( Thread, TOKEN_QUERY, TRUE, // use LSA security context
&ClientToken ); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ClientInfo->Restricted = ( IsTokenRestricted(ClientToken) != 0 );
Status = NtQueryInformationToken( ClientToken, TokenStatistics, (PVOID) &TokenStats, TokenStatsSize, &TokenStatsSize ); NtClose(ClientToken); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ClientInfo->LogonId = TokenStats.AuthenticationId; ClientInfo->Impersonating = (TokenStats.TokenType == TokenPrimary) ? FALSE : TRUE; if( ClientInfo->Impersonating ) { ClientInfo->ImpersonationLevel = TokenStats.ImpersonationLevel; } else { ClientInfo->ImpersonationLevel = SecurityImpersonation; } } } RevertToSelf(); if ( Thread != NtCurrentThread() ) { NtClose( Thread ); }
if(NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { CallInfo->LogonId = ClientInfo->LogonId; CallInfo->Restricted = ClientInfo->Restricted; CallInfo->Impersonating = ClientInfo->Impersonating; CallInfo->ImpersonationLevel = ClientInfo->ImpersonationLevel; CallInfo->CachedTokenInfo = TRUE; }
} else { ClientInfo->ProcessID = GetCurrentProcessId(); ClientInfo->ThreadID = GetCurrentThreadId(); ClientInfo->HasTcbPrivilege = TRUE; ClientInfo->Impersonating = FALSE; ClientInfo->ImpersonationLevel = SecurityImpersonation; ClientInfo->LogonId = SystemLogonId; return(STATUS_SUCCESS); } }
// Function: LsapGetCallInfo
// Synopsis: Gets call information
// Arguments: [Info] --
// History: 10-06-96 RichardW Created
// Notes:
CallInfo = LsapGetCurrentCall() ;
if ( CallInfo ) { *Info = CallInfo->CallInfo ; if ( CallInfo->InProcCall ) { Info->Attributes |= SECPKG_CALL_IN_PROC ; }
return TRUE ; } else { Info->ProcessId = GetCurrentProcessId(); Info->ThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId(); Info->Attributes = SECPKG_CALL_IN_PROC | SECPKG_CALL_IS_TCB ; Info->CallCount = 0;
return TRUE; } }
// Function: LsapMapClientBuffer
// Synopsis: Maps a client's SecBuffer into the caller's address space
// Effects: Clears the SECBUFFER_UNMAPPED field of the BufferType of
// the return SecBuffer
// Arguments:
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes: Doesn't modify pOutput until the end, so it is o.k. to pass
// the same thing for pInput and pOutput.
NTSTATUS LsapMapClientBuffer( IN PSecBuffer pInput, OUT PSecBuffer pOutput ) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS ; SecBuffer Output ; Output = *pInput ; PLSA_CALL_INFO CallInfo = LsapGetCurrentCall();
// If the buffer is already mapped or it doesn't exist (is NULL) we
// are done.
if (!(pInput->BufferType & SECBUFFER_UNMAPPED) || (!pInput->cbBuffer)) { return( STATUS_SUCCESS ); } else { Output.BufferType &= ~SECBUFFER_UNMAPPED; }
if ( pInput->BufferType & SECBUFFER_KERNEL_MAP ) { //
// This one is already in process space
if ( ( CallInfo->CallInfo.Attributes & SECPKG_CALL_KERNEL_MODE ) == 0 ) { //
// If this call did not come from kernel mode with
// the kernel-pool flag set, then this is an attempted
// hack on the LSA. Reject it.
} else { //
// The buffer is already in memory. Mark the call as
// using kernel-pool memory, so we allocate correctly
// on the return.
CallInfo->Flags |= CALL_FLAG_KERNEL_POOL ; DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_SPECIAL, "Kernel Pool Map at %p [%x,%x]\n", Output.pvBuffer, Output.BufferType, Output.cbBuffer )); }
} else { Output.pvBuffer = LsapAllocateLsaHeap( Output.cbBuffer );
if ( Output.pvBuffer != NULL ) { Status = LsapCopyFromClient( pInput->pvBuffer, Output.pvBuffer, Output.cbBuffer );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { //
LsapFreeLsaHeap(Output.pvBuffer); }
} else {
if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { *pOutput = Output ; }
return( Status ); }
// Function: LsaICallPackage
// Synopsis: Function to call another security package
// Effects:
// Arguments:
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes:
extern "C" NTSTATUS LsaICallPackage( IN PUNICODE_STRING AuthenticationPackage, IN PVOID ProtocolSubmitBuffer, IN ULONG SubmitBufferLength, OUT PVOID *ProtocolReturnBuffer, OUT PULONG ReturnBufferLength, OUT PNTSTATUS ProtocolStatus ) { return LsaICallPackageEx( AuthenticationPackage, ProtocolSubmitBuffer, // client buffer base is same as local buffer
ProtocolSubmitBuffer, SubmitBufferLength, ProtocolReturnBuffer, ReturnBufferLength, ProtocolStatus );
// Function: LsaICallPackageEx
// Synopsis: Function to call another security package
// Effects:
// Arguments:
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes:
extern "C" NTSTATUS LsaICallPackageEx( IN PUNICODE_STRING AuthenticationPackage, IN PVOID ClientBufferBase, IN PVOID ProtocolSubmitBuffer, IN ULONG SubmitBufferLength, OUT PVOID *ProtocolReturnBuffer, OUT PULONG ReturnBufferLength, OUT PNTSTATUS ProtocolStatus ) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PLSAP_SECURITY_PACKAGE Package; PSession OldSession; ULONG_PTR OldPackageId;
Package = SpmpLookupPackageAndRequest( AuthenticationPackage, SP_ORDINAL_CALLPACKAGE );
if (Package == NULL) { DebugLog((DEB_WARN,"LsapCallPackage failed: package %wZ not found\n", AuthenticationPackage )); Status = STATUS_NO_SUCH_PACKAGE; goto Cleanup; }
// Set the session to be the LSA's so calls to allocate memory
// will allocate in the correct process
OldSession = GetCurrentSession(); SetCurrentSession( pDefaultSession );
// Set the package id
OldPackageId = GetCurrentPackageId();
// Call into the security package.
Status = Package->FunctionTable.CallPackage( NULL, ProtocolSubmitBuffer, ClientBufferBase, SubmitBufferLength, ProtocolReturnBuffer, ReturnBufferLength, ProtocolStatus );
// Restore the original package id
// Restore our original session
SetCurrentSession( OldSession );
// Function: LsaICallPackagePassthrough
// Synopsis: Function to call another security package for pass-through request
// Effects:
// Arguments:
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes:
extern "C" NTSTATUS LsaICallPackagePassthrough( IN PUNICODE_STRING AuthenticationPackage, IN PVOID ClientBufferBase, IN PVOID ProtocolSubmitBuffer, IN ULONG SubmitBufferLength, OUT PVOID *ProtocolReturnBuffer, OUT PULONG ReturnBufferLength, OUT PNTSTATUS ProtocolStatus ) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PLSAP_SECURITY_PACKAGE Package; PSession OldSession;
Package = SpmpLookupPackageAndRequest( AuthenticationPackage, SP_ORDINAL_CALLPACKAGE );
if (Package == NULL) { DebugLog((DEB_WARN,"LsapCallPackage failed: package %wZ not found\n", AuthenticationPackage )); Status = STATUS_NO_SUCH_PACKAGE; goto Cleanup; }
// Set the session to be the LSA's so calls to allocate memory
// will allocate in the correct process
OldSession = GetCurrentSession(); SetCurrentSession( pDefaultSession );
Status = Package->FunctionTable.CallPackagePassthrough( NULL, ProtocolSubmitBuffer, ClientBufferBase, SubmitBufferLength, ProtocolReturnBuffer, ReturnBufferLength, ProtocolStatus );
// Restore our original session
SetCurrentSession( OldSession );
extern "C" VOID LsaIFreeReturnBuffer( IN PVOID Buffer ) /*++
Routine Description:
Some of the LSA authentication services allocate memory buffers to hold returned information. This service is used to free those buffers when no longer needed.
Buffer - Supplies a pointer to the return buffer to be freed.
Return Status:
STATUS_SUCCESS - Indicates the service completed successfully.
Others - returned by NtFreeVirtualMemory().
SIZE_T Length;
Length = 0;
DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_HELPERS, "LsaIFreeReturnBuffer - freeing VM at %x\n", Buffer )); if (((ULONG_PTR) Buffer & 0xfff) != 0) { DbgPrint("Freeing non-page address: %p\n",Buffer); DbgBreakPoint(); }
NtFreeVirtualMemory( NtCurrentProcess(), &Buffer, &Length, MEM_RELEASE );
NTSTATUS LsaClientCallback( PCHAR Callback, ULONG_PTR Argument1, ULONG_PTR Argument2, PSecBuffer Input, PSecBuffer Output ) { PSession Session ; ULONG Type ;
Session = GetCurrentSession();
if ( !Session ) { Session = pDefaultSession ; } if ( !Session->hPort && ((Session->fSession & SESFLAG_DEFAULT) == 0) ) { return SEC_E_INVALID_HANDLE ; }
if ( (ULONG_PTR) Callback < 0x00010000 ) { Type = SPM_CALLBACK_PACKAGE ; } else { Type = SPM_CALLBACK_EXPORT ; }
return LsapClientCallback( Session, Type, Callback, (PVOID) Argument1, (PVOID) Argument2, Input, Output ); }
// Function: LsapUpdateCredentials
// Synopsis: This function provides a mechanism for one package to notify
// another package that the credentials for a logon session
// have changed.
// Effects:
// Arguments: PrimaryCredentials - Primary information about the user.
// All fields may be NULL but the LogonId
// Credentials - Array of credentials for different packages
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes:
NTSTATUS LsapUpdateCredentials( IN PSECPKG_PRIMARY_CRED PrimaryCredentials, IN OPTIONAL PSECPKG_SUPPLEMENTAL_CRED_ARRAY Credentials ) { return(LsapUpdateCredentialsWorker( (SECURITY_LOGON_TYPE) 0, // no logon type
NULL, // no account name
PrimaryCredentials, Credentials )); }
// Function: LsapUpdateCredentialsWorker
// Synopsis: Worker function for updated credentials - calls all package
// with specified credentials
// Effects:
// Arguments:
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes:
NTSTATUS LsapUpdateCredentialsWorker( IN SECURITY_LOGON_TYPE LogonType, IN PUNICODE_STRING AccountName, IN PSECPKG_PRIMARY_CRED PrimaryCredentials, IN OPTIONAL PSECPKG_SUPPLEMENTAL_CRED_ARRAY Credentials ) { NTSTATUS Status; ULONG_PTR CurrentPackageId; PLSAP_SECURITY_PACKAGE SupplementalPackage; SupplementalPackage = SpmpIteratePackagesByRequest( NULL, SP_ORDINAL_ACCEPTCREDS );
CurrentPackageId = GetCurrentPackageId(); while (SupplementalPackage) {
if (SupplementalPackage->dwPackageID != CurrentPackageId) { ULONG Index; PSECPKG_SUPPLEMENTAL_CRED SuppCreds;
// For all packages, do the accept call so the
// package can associate the credentials with
// the logon session.
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_WAPI, "Whacking package %ws with %x:%x = %wZ\n", SupplementalPackage->Name.Buffer, PrimaryCredentials->LogonId.HighPart, PrimaryCredentials->LogonId.LowPart, AccountName));
SetCurrentPackageId( SupplementalPackage->dwPackageID );
// Find any supplmental credentials
SuppCreds = NULL; if (Credentials != NULL) { for (Index = 0; Index < Credentials->CredentialCount ; Index++ ) { if (RtlEqualUnicodeString( &Credentials->Credentials[Index].PackageName, &SupplementalPackage->Name, TRUE)) { SuppCreds = &Credentials->Credentials[Index]; break; }
} }
__try { Status = SupplementalPackage->FunctionTable.AcceptCredentials( LogonType, AccountName, PrimaryCredentials, SuppCreds ); } __except (SP_EXCEPTION) { Status = GetExceptionCode(); Status = SPException(Status, SupplementalPackage->dwPackageID); }
// Note: if an exception occurs, we don't fail the logon, we just
// do the magic on the package that blew. If the package blows,
// the other packages may succeed, and so the user may not be able
// to use that provider.
SupplementalPackage = SpmpIteratePackagesByRequest( SupplementalPackage, SP_ORDINAL_ACCEPTCREDS );