// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1997.
// File: thdpool.c
// Contents: Home of the SPM thread pool
// Classes:
// Functions:
// History: 6-08-93 RichardW Created
#include <lsapch.hxx>
// Local Prototypes:
typedef enum _LSAP_TASK_STATUS { TaskNotQueued, TaskQueued, TaskUnknown } LSAP_TASK_STATUS ;
#define LockQueue(q) EnterCriticalSection(&((q)->Lock))
#define UnlockQueue(q) LeaveCriticalSection(&((q)->Lock))
// Function: InitializeTaskQueue
// Synopsis: Initialize a Queue Structure
// Arguments: [pQueue] --
// [Type] --
// History: 11-10-95 RichardW Created
// Notes:
RtlZeroMemory( pQueue, sizeof(LSAP_TASK_QUEUE) );
InitializeListHead( &pQueue->pTasks );
pQueue->Type = Type;
pQueue->hSemaphore = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 0, POOL_SEM_LIMIT, NULL);
if (!pQueue->hSemaphore) { return FALSE; }
if ( FALSE == InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount( &pQueue->Lock, LsaTuningParameters.CritSecSpinCount )) { NtClose( pQueue->hSemaphore ); pQueue->hSemaphore = NULL ; return FALSE; } FlagInfo.Inherit = FALSE ; FlagInfo.ProtectFromClose = TRUE ;
NtSetInformationObject( pQueue->hSemaphore, ObjectHandleFlagInformation, &FlagInfo, sizeof( FlagInfo ) );
pQueue->StartSync = CreateEvent( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL );
if ( pQueue->StartSync == NULL ) { DebugLog(( DEB_ERROR, "Could not create start sync event\n" ));
NtClose( pQueue->hSemaphore ); pQueue->hSemaphore = NULL;
DeleteCriticalSection( &pQueue->Lock );
return FALSE ; }
return( TRUE ); }
// Function: InitializeThreadPool
// Synopsis: Initializes necessary data for the thread pool
// Arguments: (none)
// History: 7-13-93 RichardW Created
// Notes:
BOOL InitializeThreadPool(void) { if (!InitializeTaskQueue(&GlobalQueue, QueueShared)) { return( FALSE ); }
return(TRUE); }
// Function: QueueAssociateThread
// Synopsis: Associates the thread with the queue
// Arguments: [pQueue] --
// History: 11-09-95 RichardW Created
// Notes:
VOID QueueAssociateThread( PLSAP_TASK_QUEUE pQueue) { PSession pSession;
LockQueue( pQueue );
pQueue->TotalThreads++ ;
// Update the statistics:
if ( pQueue->MaxThreads < pQueue->TotalThreads ) { pQueue->MaxThreads = pQueue->TotalThreads ; }
UnlockQueue( pQueue ); }
// Function: QueueDisassociateThread
// Synopsis: Disconnects a thread and a queue
// Arguments: [pQueue] --
// [pLastThread] -- OPTIONAL flag indicating last thread of queue
// History: 11-09-95 RichardW Created
// Notes:
BOOL QueueDisassociateThread( PLSAP_TASK_QUEUE pQueue, BOOLEAN * pLastThread) { PSession pSession;
LockQueue( pQueue );
DsysAssert(pQueue->TotalThreads > 0);
if ( pQueue->TotalThreads == 1 ) { if ( pLastThread ) { *pLastThread = TRUE ;
// If the queue is being run down, set the
// event since we are the last thread
if ( pQueue->Type == QueueZombie ) { SetEvent( pQueue->StartSync ); } }
if ( pQueue->Tasks ) { //
// Make sure that we never have more tasks queued
// to a zombie
DsysAssert( pQueue->Type != QueueZombie );
UnlockQueue( pQueue );
return FALSE ; } }
UnlockQueue( pQueue );
return TRUE ; }
// Function: DequeueAnyTask
// Synopsis: Returns a task from this queue or any shared, if available
// Arguments: [pQueue] --
// Requires: pQueue must be locked!
// History: 11-09-95 RichardW Created
// Notes:
if ( !IsListEmpty(&pQueue->pTasks) ) { pTask = (PLSAP_THREAD_TASK) RemoveHeadList(&pQueue->pTasks);
pQueue->Tasks --;
// Reset the pointers. This is required by the recovery logic
// in the Enqueue function below.
pTask->Next.Flink = NULL ; pTask->Next.Blink = NULL ;
return( pTask ); }
// No pending on primary queue. Check secondaries:
if (pQueue->Type == QueueShared) { pShared = pQueue->pShared;
while ( pShared ) { PLSAP_TASK_QUEUE pPrev; DWORD WaitStatus;
// We need to wait now to change the semaphore count
WaitStatus = WaitForSingleObject(pShared->hSemaphore, 0);
LockQueue( pShared );
if ((WaitStatus == WAIT_OBJECT_0) && !IsListEmpty(&pShared->pTasks) ) { pTask = (PLSAP_THREAD_TASK) RemoveHeadList(&pShared->pTasks);
UnlockQueue( pShared ); // Unlock shared queue
return( pTask ); }
pPrev = pShared;
pShared = pShared->pNext;
UnlockQueue( pPrev ); } }
return( NULL ); }
// Function: WaitForThreadTask
// Synopsis: Function called by queue waiters
// Arguments: [pQueue] -- Queue to wait on
// [TimeOut] -- timeout in seconds
// History: 11-10-95 RichardW Created
// Notes:
LockQueue( pQueue );
pTask = DequeueAnyTask( pQueue );
if (pTask) { UnlockQueue( pQueue );
return( pTask ); }
// No pending anywhere.
if (TimeOut == 0) { UnlockQueue( pQueue );
return( NULL ); }
// Principal of the loop: We do this loop so long as we were awakened
// by the semaphore being released. If there was no task to pick up, then
// we go back and wait again. We return NULL only after a timeout, or an
// error.
do { pQueue->IdleThreads++;
UnlockQueue( pQueue );
WaitResult = WaitForSingleObject( pQueue->hSemaphore, TimeOut );
LockQueue( pQueue );
// In between the wait returning and the lock succeeding, another
// thread might have queued up a request.
DsysAssert(pQueue->IdleThreads > 0); pQueue->IdleThreads--;
// In between the wait returning and the lock succeeding, another
// thread might have queued up a request, so don't blindly
// bail out. Check the pending count, and skip over this
// exit path if something is there
if ( pQueue->Tasks == 0 ) { if (WaitResult != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { UnlockQueue( pQueue ); if ( WaitResult == WAIT_FAILED ) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "Error on waiting for semaphore, %d\n", GetLastError())); } return( NULL ); } }
// If the queue type is reset to Zombie, then this queue is
// being killed. Return NULL immediately. If we're the last
// thread, set the event so the thread deleting the queue will
// wake up in a timely fashion.
if ( pQueue->Type == QueueZombie ) { UnlockQueue( pQueue );
return NULL ; }
pTask = DequeueAnyTask( pQueue );
if (pTask) { UnlockQueue( pQueue );
return( pTask ); }
// Track number of times we woke up but didn't have anything to do
pQueue->MissedTasks ++ ;
} while ( WaitResult != WAIT_TIMEOUT );
UnlockQueue( pQueue );
return( NULL ); }
// Function: SpmPoolThreadBase
// Synopsis: New Pool Thread Base
// Arguments: [pvQueue] -- OPTIONAL queue to use
// History: 11-09-95 RichardW Created
// Notes:
DWORD SpmPoolThreadBase( PVOID pvSession) { PLSAP_THREAD_TASK pTask; PLSAP_TASK_QUEUE pQueue; PSession pSession; BOOLEAN ShrinkWS = FALSE; DWORD dwResult; DWORD Timeout; PSession ThreadSession ; PSession OriginalSession ;
OriginalSession = GetCurrentSession();
if ( pvSession ) { ThreadSession = (PSession) pvSession ;
SpmpReferenceSession( ThreadSession );
SetCurrentSession( ThreadSession ); } else { ThreadSession = OriginalSession ;
SpmpReferenceSession( ThreadSession ); }
pQueue = ThreadSession->SharedData->pQueue ;
if (!pQueue) { pQueue = &GlobalQueue; }
QueueAssociateThread( pQueue );
// Share pool threads have short lifespans. Dedicated single, or
// single read threads have infinite life span.
if (pQueue->Type == QueueShared) { Timeout = LsaTuningParameters.ThreadLifespan * 1000; } else { //
// If we are the dedicated thread for this queue, the timeout
// is infinite. If we are a temporary thread, the timeout is
// the subqueue
if ( ThreadSession->ThreadId != GetCurrentThreadId() ) { Timeout = LsaTuningParameters.SubQueueLifespan ; } else { Timeout = INFINITE ; } }
if ( pQueue->StartSync ) { DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE, "ThreadPool: Signaling start event\n" )); //
// If a queue was passed in, the caller of CreateXxxQueue is blocked
// waiting for us to strobe the start sync event.
SetEvent( pQueue->StartSync ); }
while ( TRUE ) { pTask = WaitForThreadTask( pQueue, Timeout );
if ( pTask ) { SetCurrentSession( pTask->pSession );
dwResult = pTask->pFunction(pTask->pvParameter);
#if DBG
RtlCheckForOrphanedCriticalSections( NtCurrentThread() ); #endif
SetCurrentSession( ThreadSession );
// The session in this task was referenced during the AssignThread call.
// This dereference cleans that up.
LsapFreePrivateHeap( pTask ); } else {
// We can never leave the queue empty of threads if
// there are still tasks pending. QueueDisassociateThread
// will fail if there are tasks pending. In that case,
// skip up to the top of the loop again.
if ( !QueueDisassociateThread( pQueue, &ShrinkWS ) ) { continue; } //
// Now that we are not part of that queue, reset our thread session
SpmpDereferenceSession( ThreadSession );
SetCurrentSession( OriginalSession );
if ( LsaTuningParameters.Options & TUNE_TRIM_WORKING_SET ) { if (ShrinkWS) { SetProcessWorkingSetSize( GetCurrentProcess(), (SIZE_T)(-1), (SIZE_T)(-1) ); } }
DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE, "No tasks pending on queue %x, thread exiting\n", pQueue ));
return( 0 ); } }
return( 0 ); }
// Function: EnqueueThreadTask
// Synopsis: Enqueue a task, update counts, etc.
// Arguments: [pTask] -- Task to add
// History: 7-13-93 RichardW Created
// Notes:
LSAP_TASK_STATUS EnqueueThreadTask( PLSAP_TASK_QUEUE pQueue, PLSAP_THREAD_TASK pTask, BOOLEAN fUrgent) { BOOLEAN NeedMoreThreads = FALSE; HANDLE hQueueSem ; HANDLE hParentSem = NULL ; PLSAP_TASK_QUEUE pThreadQueue = NULL; PSession pSession = NULL;
if ( pQueue->Type == QueueZombie ) { UnlockQueue( pQueue );
return TaskNotQueued ; }
if (fUrgent) { InsertHeadList( &pQueue->pTasks, &pTask->Next ); } else { InsertTailList( &pQueue->pTasks, &pTask->Next ); }
pQueue->Tasks++; pQueue->QueuedCounter++;
if ( pQueue->Tasks > pQueue->TaskHighWater ) { pQueue->TaskHighWater = pQueue->Tasks ; }
if (pQueue->Type == QueueShared) { if ((pQueue->Tasks > pQueue->IdleThreads) && (pQueue->TotalThreads < MAX_POOL_THREADS_HARD)) { NeedMoreThreads = TRUE; pThreadQueue = pQueue; }
hParentSem = NULL ; } else if (pQueue->Type == QueueShareRead ) { DsysAssert( pQueue->pOriginal );
// Here's the race potential. If the queue we have has no idle thread,
// then make sure there is an idle thread at the parent queue, otherwise
// we can deadlock (e.g. this call is in response to the job being executed
// by the dedicated thread. Of course, this can also be a problem correctly
// determining the parent queue's status, since locks should always flow down,
// not up. So, if the number of jobs that we have pending exceeds the number
// of idle threads, *always*, regardless of the other queue's real state or
// total threads, queue up another thread.
if ( pQueue->Tasks > pQueue->IdleThreads ) { NeedMoreThreads = TRUE ;
pSession = pTask->pSession ;
if ( pQueue->TotalThreads < MAX_SUBQUEUE_THREADS ) { pThreadQueue = pQueue ; } else { pThreadQueue = pQueue->pOriginal; } }
// This is a safe read. The semaphore is not subject to change after creation,
// and the worst that can happen is a bad handle.
hParentSem = pQueue->pOriginal->hSemaphore ; }
hQueueSem = pQueue->hSemaphore ;
UnlockQueue( pQueue );
// Kick our semaphore.
ReleaseSemaphore( hQueueSem, 1, NULL );
// Kick the parent semaphore
if ( hParentSem ) { ReleaseSemaphore( hParentSem, 1, NULL ); }
if (NeedMoreThreads) { HANDLE hThread; DWORD tid;
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_QUEUE, "Queue %x needs more threads\n", pQueue));
// Increment the number of threads now so we don't create more threads
// while we wait for the first one to be created.
InterlockedIncrement( &pThreadQueue->ReqThread );
// If the queue is a dedicated queue, supply the session from the task.
// if the queue is a shared (global) queue, pass in NULL:
hThread = LsapCreateThread( NULL, 0, SpmPoolThreadBase,
(pThreadQueue->Type == QueueShareRead ? pThreadQueue->OwnerSession : NULL ),
0, &tid);
// Check for failure
if (hThread == NULL) { //
// This is extremely painful. The thread creation attempt
// failed, but because of the nature of the queue, we don't
// know if it was picked up and executed, or it was dropped,
// or anything about it.
return TaskUnknown ; } else { NtClose(hThread); } }
return TaskQueued ; }
// Function: SpmAssignThread
// Synopsis: Assigns a task to a thread pool thread.
// Arguments: [pFunction] -- Function to execute
// [pvParameter] -- Parameter to function
// [pSession] -- Session to execute as
// History: 11-24-93 RichardW Created
// Notes:
PVOID LsapAssignThread( LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE pFunction, PVOID pvParameter, PSession pSession, BOOLEAN fUrgent) { PLSAP_THREAD_TASK pTask; PLSAP_TASK_QUEUE pQueue; LSAP_TASK_STATUS TaskStatus ;
pTask = (PLSAP_THREAD_TASK) LsapAllocatePrivateHeap( sizeof( LSAP_THREAD_TASK ) );
if (!pTask) { return( NULL ); }
pTask->pFunction = pFunction; pTask->pvParameter = pvParameter; pTask->pSession = pSession;
if ( pSession->SharedData->pQueue ) { LockSession(pSession); if( pSession->SharedData->pQueue ) { pQueue = pSession->SharedData->pQueue; } else { pQueue = &GlobalQueue; } UnlockSession(pSession); } else { pQueue = &GlobalQueue; }
// Reference the session so that it will never go away while a thread
// is working on this task. The worker function will deref the session.
SpmpReferenceSession( pSession );
TaskStatus = EnqueueThreadTask( pQueue, pTask, fUrgent );
if ( ( TaskStatus == TaskQueued ) || ( TaskStatus == TaskUnknown ) ) { return pTask ; }
if ( TaskStatus == TaskNotQueued ) { //
// Failed, therefore deref this session.
SpmpDereferenceSession( pSession ); LsapFreePrivateHeap( pTask ); }
return NULL ; }
// Function: CreateSubordinateQueue
// Synopsis: Create a Queue hanging off an original queue.
// Arguments: [pQueue] --
// [pOriginalQueue] --
// History: 11-17-95 RichardW Created
// Notes:
BOOL CreateSubordinateQueue( PSession pSession, PLSAP_TASK_QUEUE pOriginalQueue ) { HANDLE hThread; DWORD tid; PLSAP_TASK_QUEUE pQueue ;
pQueue = (LSAP_TASK_QUEUE *) LsapAllocatePrivateHeap( sizeof( LSAP_TASK_QUEUE ) );
if ( !pQueue ) { return FALSE ; }
DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_QUEUE, "Creating sub queue %x\n", pQueue ));
if (InitializeTaskQueue( pQueue, QueueShareRead )) { hThread = LsapCreateThread(NULL, 0, SpmPoolThreadBase, pSession, CREATE_SUSPENDED, &pSession->ThreadId);
if (hThread == NULL) { NtClose( pQueue->StartSync ); NtClose( pQueue->hSemaphore ); RtlDeleteCriticalSection( &pQueue->Lock ); LsapFreePrivateHeap( pQueue ); pQueue = NULL;
return FALSE; } else { LockQueue( pQueue ); LockQueue( pOriginalQueue );
pQueue->pNext = pOriginalQueue->pShared;
pOriginalQueue->pShared = pQueue;
pQueue->pOriginal = pOriginalQueue; pQueue->OwnerSession = pSession ;
UnlockQueue( pOriginalQueue ); UnlockQueue( pQueue );
pSession->SharedData->pQueue = pQueue ;
ResumeThread( hThread ); NtClose( hThread );
// Wait for the thread to signal the event, so that
// we know it's ready
WaitForSingleObject( pQueue->StartSync, INFINITE );
NtClose( pQueue->StartSync ); pQueue->StartSync = NULL ;
return TRUE; } }
LsapFreePrivateHeap( pQueue ); return FALSE; }
// Function: DeleteSubordinateQueue
// Synopsis:
// Effects:
// Arguments: [pQueue] --
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Algorithm:
// History: 8-05-96 RichardW Created
// Notes:
BOOL DeleteSubordinateQueue( PLSAP_TASK_QUEUE pQueue, ULONG Flags) { PLSAP_TASK_QUEUE pOriginal; PLSAP_THREAD_TASK pTask ; DWORD dwResult ; PLIST_ENTRY List ; PSession ThreadSession = GetCurrentSession(); OBJECT_HANDLE_FLAG_INFORMATION FlagInfo ;
// Lock it
DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE, "Deleting queue %x\n", pQueue ));
LockQueue( pQueue );
if ( pQueue->pShared ) { pOriginal = pQueue->pOriginal ;
LockQueue( pOriginal );
// Unlink Queue from parent:
if ( pOriginal->pShared != pQueue ) { PLSAP_TASK_QUEUE pScan = pOriginal->pShared;
LockQueue( pScan );
while ( pScan->pNext && (pScan->pNext != pQueue) ) { pScan = pScan->pNext; }
if ( pScan->pNext ) { pScan->pNext = pQueue->pNext ; }
UnlockQueue( pScan ); } else { pOriginal->pShared = pQueue->pNext; }
pQueue->pNext = NULL ;
// Done with parent
UnlockQueue( pOriginal );
// Drain queue by removing all the tasks.
while ( !IsListEmpty( &pQueue->pTasks ) ) { List = RemoveHeadList( &pQueue->pTasks );
pQueue->Tasks-- ;
// A synchronous drain will have this thread execute
// all remaining tasks.
if ( Flags & DELETEQ_SYNC_DRAIN ) { SpmpReferenceSession(pTask->pSession);
SetCurrentSession( pTask->pSession );
dwResult = pTask->pFunction(pTask->pvParameter);
SetCurrentSession( ThreadSession );
LsapFreePrivateHeap( pTask ); } else { //
// Otherwise, send them to the global queue to be
// executed by other threads
EnqueueThreadTask( &GlobalQueue, pTask, FALSE ); } }
// Now, kill off all the threads
pQueue->Type = QueueZombie ;
// We might be executing on our own worker thread. If there are
// more than one thread associated with this queue, we also
// need to do the sync.
if ( ( pQueue->OwnerSession != ThreadSession ) || ( pQueue->TotalThreads > 1 ) ) { //
// We are not a worker thread. Sync with the other
// threads to clean up:
pQueue->StartSync = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL );
// Kick the semaphore for all the threads that need it
// (all of them if we aren't a worker thread, or n-1 if
// we are:
ReleaseSemaphore( pQueue->hSemaphore, (pQueue->OwnerSession == ThreadSession ? pQueue->TotalThreads - 1 : pQueue->TotalThreads), NULL );
UnlockQueue( pQueue );
// if we failed to create an event, then we may cause an invalid handle
// problem in the client threads. Sleep a little to let the other threads
// go (hopefully), then close the semaphore and let the error handling
// in the threads deal with it.
if ( pQueue->StartSync ) { WaitForSingleObjectEx( pQueue->StartSync, INFINITE, FALSE );
// Synchronize with the last thread to own the queue:
LockQueue( pQueue );
NtClose( pQueue->StartSync ); pQueue->StartSync = NULL ; } else { //
// kludge up a retry loop:
int i = 50 ;
while ( i && pQueue->TotalThreads ) { Sleep( 100 ); i-- ; }
// If they're still there, forget it. Return FALSE. Leak.
if ( pQueue->TotalThreads ) { return FALSE ; } } }
// At this point, we close the queue down:
FlagInfo.Inherit = FALSE ; FlagInfo.ProtectFromClose = FALSE ;
NtSetInformationObject( pQueue->hSemaphore, ObjectHandleFlagInformation, &FlagInfo, sizeof( FlagInfo ) );
NtClose( pQueue->hSemaphore );
UnlockQueue( pQueue );
RtlDeleteCriticalSection( &pQueue->Lock );
LsapFreePrivateHeap( pQueue );
return( TRUE ); }