// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995 - 1999
// File: pkiasn1.cpp
// Contents: PKI ASN.1 support functions.
// Functions: PkiAsn1Encode
// PkiAsn1Decode
// PkiAsn1SetEncodingRule
// PkiAsn1GetEncodingRule
// PkiAsn1ReverseBytes
// PkiAsn1AllocAndReverseBytes
// PkiAsn1GetOctetString
// PkiAsn1SetHugeInteger
// PkiAsn1FreeHugeInteger
// PkiAsn1GetHugeInteger
// PkiAsn1SetHugeUINT
// PkiAsn1GetHugeUINT
// PkiAsn1SetBitString
// PkiAsn1GetBitString
// PkiAsn1SetBitStringWithoutTrailingZeroes
// PkiAsn1GetIA5String
// PkiAsn1SetUnicodeConvertedToIA5String
// PkiAsn1FreeUnicodeConvertedToIA5String
// PkiAsn1GetIA5StringConvertedToUnicode
// PkiAsn1GetBMPString
// PkiAsn1SetAny
// PkiAsn1GetAny
// PkiAsn1EncodeInfoEx
// PkiAsn1EncodeInfo
// PkiAsn1DecodeAndAllocInfo
// PkiAsn1AllocStructInfoEx
// PkiAsn1DecodeAndAllocInfoEx
// PkiAsn1ToObjectIdentifier
// PkiAsn1FromObjectIdentifier
// PkiAsn1ToUTCTime
// PkiAsn1FromUTCTime
// PkiAsn1ToGeneralizedTime
// PkiAsn1FromGeneralizedTime
// PkiAsn1ToChoiceOfTime
// PkiAsn1FromChoiceOfTime
// The Get functions decrement *plRemainExtra and advance
// *ppbExtra. When *plRemainExtra becomes negative, the functions continue
// with the length calculation but stop doing any copies.
// The functions don't return an error for a negative *plRemainExtra.
// According to the <draft-ietf-pkix-ipki-part1-10.txt> :
// For UTCTime. Where YY is greater than or equal to 50, the year shall
// be interpreted as 19YY. Where YY is less than
// 50, the year shall be interpreted as 20YY.
// History: 23-Oct-98 philh created
#include "global.hxx"
#include <dbgdef.h>
// All the *pvInfo extra stuff needs to be aligned
#define INFO_LEN_ALIGN(Len) ((Len + 7) & ~7)
// UTCTime in X.509 certs are represented using a 2-digit year
// field (yuk! but true).
// According to IETF draft, YY years greater or equal than this are
// to be interpreted as 19YY; YY years less than this are 20YY. Sigh.
#define MAGICYEAR 50
#define YEARFIRST 1950
#define YEARLAST 2049
inline BOOL my_isdigit( char ch) { return (ch >= '0') && (ch <= '9'); }
// Asn1 Encode function. The encoded output is allocated and must be freed
// by calling PkiAsn1FreeEncoded().
ASN1error_e WINAPI PkiAsn1Encode( IN ASN1encoding_t pEnc, IN void *pvAsn1Info, IN ASN1uint32_t id, OUT BYTE **ppbEncoded, OUT DWORD *pcbEncoded ) { ASN1error_e Asn1Err;
Asn1Err = ASN1_Encode( pEnc, pvAsn1Info, id, ASN1ENCODE_ALLOCATEBUFFER, NULL, // pbBuf
0 // cbBufSize
if (ASN1_SUCCEEDED(Asn1Err)) { Asn1Err = ASN1_SUCCESS; *ppbEncoded = pEnc->buf; *pcbEncoded = pEnc->len; } else { *ppbEncoded = NULL; *pcbEncoded = 0; } return Asn1Err; }
// Asn1 Encode function. The encoded output isn't allocated.
// If pbEncoded is NULL, does a length only calculation.
ASN1error_e WINAPI PkiAsn1Encode2( IN ASN1encoding_t pEnc, IN void *pvAsn1Info, IN ASN1uint32_t id, OUT OPTIONAL BYTE *pbEncoded, IN OUT DWORD *pcbEncoded ) { ASN1error_e Asn1Err; DWORD cbEncoded;
if (NULL == pbEncoded) cbEncoded = 0; else cbEncoded = *pcbEncoded;
if (0 == cbEncoded) { // Length only calculation
Asn1Err = ASN1_Encode( pEnc, pvAsn1Info, id, ASN1ENCODE_ALLOCATEBUFFER, NULL, // pbBuf
0 // cbBufSize
if (ASN1_SUCCEEDED(Asn1Err)) { if (pbEncoded) Asn1Err = ASN1_ERR_OVERFLOW; else Asn1Err = ASN1_SUCCESS; cbEncoded = pEnc->len; PkiAsn1FreeEncoded(pEnc, pEnc->buf); } } else { Asn1Err = ASN1_Encode( pEnc, pvAsn1Info, id, ASN1ENCODE_SETBUFFER, pbEncoded, cbEncoded );
if (ASN1_SUCCEEDED(Asn1Err)) { Asn1Err = ASN1_SUCCESS; cbEncoded = pEnc->len; } else if (ASN1_ERR_OVERFLOW == Asn1Err) { // Re-do as length only calculation
Asn1Err = PkiAsn1Encode2( pEnc, pvAsn1Info, id, NULL, // pbEncoded
&cbEncoded ); if (ASN1_SUCCESS == Asn1Err) Asn1Err = ASN1_ERR_OVERFLOW; } else cbEncoded = 0; }
*pcbEncoded = cbEncoded; return Asn1Err; }
// Asn1 Decode function. The allocated, decoded structure, **pvAsn1Info, must
// be freed by calling PkiAsn1FreeDecoded().
ASN1error_e WINAPI PkiAsn1Decode( IN ASN1decoding_t pDec, OUT void **ppvAsn1Info, IN ASN1uint32_t id, IN const BYTE *pbEncoded, IN DWORD cbEncoded ) { ASN1error_e Asn1Err;
*ppvAsn1Info = NULL; Asn1Err = ASN1_Decode( pDec, ppvAsn1Info, id, ASN1DECODE_SETBUFFER, (BYTE *) pbEncoded, cbEncoded ); if (ASN1_SUCCEEDED(Asn1Err)) Asn1Err = ASN1_SUCCESS; else { if (ASN1_ERR_BADARGS == Asn1Err) Asn1Err = ASN1_ERR_EOD; *ppvAsn1Info = NULL; } return Asn1Err; }
// Asn1 Decode function. The allocated, decoded structure, **pvAsn1Info, must
// be freed by calling PkiAsn1FreeDecoded().
// For a successful decode, *ppbEncoded is advanced
// past the decoded bytes and *pcbDecoded is decremented by the number
// of decoded bytes.
ASN1error_e WINAPI PkiAsn1Decode2( IN ASN1decoding_t pDec, OUT void **ppvAsn1Info, IN ASN1uint32_t id, IN OUT BYTE **ppbEncoded, IN OUT DWORD *pcbEncoded ) { ASN1error_e Asn1Err;
*ppvAsn1Info = NULL; Asn1Err = ASN1_Decode( pDec, ppvAsn1Info, id, ASN1DECODE_SETBUFFER, *ppbEncoded, *pcbEncoded ); if (ASN1_SUCCEEDED(Asn1Err)) { Asn1Err = ASN1_SUCCESS; *ppbEncoded += pDec->len; *pcbEncoded -= pDec->len; } else { if (ASN1_ERR_BADARGS == Asn1Err) Asn1Err = ASN1_ERR_EOD; *ppvAsn1Info = NULL; } return Asn1Err; }
// Asn1 Set/Get encoding rules functions
ASN1error_e WINAPI PkiAsn1SetEncodingRule( IN ASN1encoding_t pEnc, IN ASN1encodingrule_e eRule ) { ASN1optionparam_s OptParam;
OptParam.eOption = ASN1OPT_CHANGE_RULE; OptParam.eRule = eRule;
return ASN1_SetEncoderOption(pEnc, &OptParam); }
ASN1encodingrule_e WINAPI PkiAsn1GetEncodingRule( IN ASN1encoding_t pEnc ) { ASN1error_e Asn1Err; ASN1encodingrule_e eRule; ASN1optionparam_s OptParam; OptParam.eOption = ASN1OPT_GET_RULE;
Asn1Err = ASN1_GetEncoderOption(pEnc, &OptParam); if (ASN1_SUCCEEDED(Asn1Err)) eRule = OptParam.eRule; else eRule = ASN1_BER_RULE_DER;
return eRule; }
// Reverses a buffer of bytes in place
void WINAPI PkiAsn1ReverseBytes( IN OUT PBYTE pbIn, IN DWORD cbIn ) { // reverse in place
PBYTE pbLo; PBYTE pbHi; BYTE bTmp;
if (0 == cbIn) return;
for (pbLo = pbIn, pbHi = pbIn + cbIn - 1; pbLo < pbHi; pbHi--, pbLo++) { bTmp = *pbHi; *pbHi = *pbLo; *pbLo = bTmp; } }
// Reverses a buffer of bytes to a new buffer. PkiAsn1Free() must be
// called to free allocated bytes.
PBYTE WINAPI PkiAsn1AllocAndReverseBytes( IN PBYTE pbIn, IN DWORD cbIn ) { PBYTE pbOut; PBYTE pbSrc; PBYTE pbDst; DWORD cb;
if (NULL == (pbOut = (PBYTE)PkiAsn1Alloc(cbIn))) return NULL;
for (pbSrc = pbIn, pbDst = pbOut + cbIn - 1, cb = cbIn; cb > 0; cb--) *pbDst-- = *pbSrc++; return pbOut; }
// Get Octet String
void WINAPI PkiAsn1GetOctetString( IN ASN1uint32_t Asn1Length, IN ASN1octet_t *pAsn1Value, IN DWORD dwFlags, OUT PCRYPT_DATA_BLOB pInfo, IN OUT BYTE **ppbExtra, IN OUT LONG *plRemainExtra ) { #ifndef MSASN1_SUPPORTS_NOCOPY
dwFlags &= ~CRYPT_DECODE_NOCOPY_FLAG; #endif
if (dwFlags & CRYPT_DECODE_NOCOPY_FLAG) { if (*plRemainExtra >= 0) { pInfo->cbData = Asn1Length; pInfo->pbData = pAsn1Value; } } else { LONG lRemainExtra = *plRemainExtra; BYTE *pbExtra = *ppbExtra; LONG lAlignExtra; LONG lData; lData = (LONG) Asn1Length; lAlignExtra = INFO_LEN_ALIGN(lData); lRemainExtra -= lAlignExtra; if (lRemainExtra >= 0) { if (lData > 0) { pInfo->pbData = pbExtra; pInfo->cbData = (DWORD) lData; memcpy(pbExtra, pAsn1Value, lData); } else memset(pInfo, 0, sizeof(*pInfo)); pbExtra += lAlignExtra; } *plRemainExtra = lRemainExtra; *ppbExtra = pbExtra; } }
// Set/Free/Get HugeInteger
// For PkiAsn1SetHugeInteger, PkiAsn1FreeHugeInteger must be called to free
// the allocated Asn1Value.
BOOL WINAPI PkiAsn1SetHugeInteger( IN PCRYPT_INTEGER_BLOB pInfo, OUT ASN1uint32_t *pAsn1Length, OUT ASN1octet_t **ppAsn1Value ) { if (pInfo->cbData > 0) { if (NULL == (*ppAsn1Value = PkiAsn1AllocAndReverseBytes( pInfo->pbData, pInfo->cbData))) { *pAsn1Length = 0; return FALSE; } } else *ppAsn1Value = NULL; *pAsn1Length = pInfo->cbData; return TRUE; }
void WINAPI PkiAsn1FreeHugeInteger( IN ASN1octet_t *pAsn1Value ) { // Only for BYTE reversal
PkiAsn1Free(pAsn1Value); }
void WINAPI PkiAsn1GetHugeInteger( IN ASN1uint32_t Asn1Length, IN ASN1octet_t *pAsn1Value, IN DWORD dwFlags, OUT PCRYPT_INTEGER_BLOB pInfo, IN OUT BYTE **ppbExtra, IN OUT LONG *plRemainExtra ) { // Since bytes need to be reversed, always need to do a copy (dwFlags = 0)
PkiAsn1GetOctetString(Asn1Length, pAsn1Value, 0, pInfo, ppbExtra, plRemainExtra); if (*plRemainExtra >= 0 && pInfo->cbData > 0) PkiAsn1ReverseBytes(pInfo->pbData, pInfo->cbData); }
// Set/Free/Get Huge Unsigned Integer
// Set inserts a leading 0x00 before reversing. Note, any extra leading
// 0x00's are removed by ASN1 before ASN.1 encoding.
// Get removes a leading 0x00 if present, after reversing.
// PkiAsn1FreeHugeUINT must be called to free the allocated Asn1Value.
// PkiAsn1FreeHugeUINT has been #define'd to PkiAsn1FreeHugeInteger.
BOOL WINAPI PkiAsn1SetHugeUINT( IN PCRYPT_UINT_BLOB pInfo, OUT ASN1uint32_t *pAsn1Length, OUT ASN1octet_t **ppAsn1Value ) { BOOL fResult; DWORD cb = pInfo->cbData; BYTE *pb; DWORD i;
if (cb > 0) { if (NULL == (pb = (BYTE *) PkiAsn1Alloc(cb + 1))) goto ErrorReturn; *pb = 0x00; for (i = 0; i < cb; i++) pb[1 + i] = pInfo->pbData[cb - 1 - i]; cb++; } else pb = NULL; fResult = TRUE; CommonReturn: *pAsn1Length = cb; *ppAsn1Value = pb; return fResult; ErrorReturn: cb = 0; fResult = FALSE; goto CommonReturn; }
void WINAPI PkiAsn1GetHugeUINT( IN ASN1uint32_t Asn1Length, IN ASN1octet_t *pAsn1Value, IN DWORD dwFlags, OUT PCRYPT_UINT_BLOB pInfo, IN OUT BYTE **ppbExtra, IN OUT LONG *plRemainExtra ) { // Check for and advance past a leading 0x00.
if (Asn1Length > 1 && *pAsn1Value == 0) { pAsn1Value++; Asn1Length--; } PkiAsn1GetHugeInteger( Asn1Length, pAsn1Value, dwFlags, pInfo, ppbExtra, plRemainExtra ); }
// Set/Get BitString
void WINAPI PkiAsn1SetBitString( IN PCRYPT_BIT_BLOB pInfo, OUT ASN1uint32_t *pAsn1BitLength, OUT ASN1octet_t **ppAsn1Value ) { if (pInfo->cbData) { *ppAsn1Value = pInfo->pbData; assert(pInfo->cUnusedBits <= 7); *pAsn1BitLength = pInfo->cbData * 8 - pInfo->cUnusedBits; } else { *ppAsn1Value = NULL; *pAsn1BitLength = 0; } }
static const BYTE rgbUnusedAndMask[8] = {0xFF, 0xFE, 0xFC, 0xF8, 0xF0, 0xE0, 0xC0, 0x80};
void WINAPI PkiAsn1GetBitString( IN ASN1uint32_t Asn1BitLength, IN ASN1octet_t *pAsn1Value, IN DWORD dwFlags, OUT PCRYPT_BIT_BLOB pInfo, IN OUT BYTE **ppbExtra, IN OUT LONG *plRemainExtra ) { #ifndef MSASN1_SUPPORTS_NOCOPY
dwFlags &= ~CRYPT_DECODE_NOCOPY_FLAG; #endif
if (dwFlags & CRYPT_DECODE_NOCOPY_FLAG && 0 == (Asn1BitLength % 8)) { if (*plRemainExtra >= 0) { pInfo->cbData = Asn1BitLength / 8; pInfo->cUnusedBits = 0; pInfo->pbData = pAsn1Value; } } else { LONG lRemainExtra = *plRemainExtra; BYTE *pbExtra = *ppbExtra; LONG lAlignExtra; LONG lData; DWORD cUnusedBits; lData = (LONG) Asn1BitLength / 8; cUnusedBits = Asn1BitLength % 8; if (cUnusedBits) { cUnusedBits = 8 - cUnusedBits; lData++; } lAlignExtra = INFO_LEN_ALIGN(lData); lRemainExtra -= lAlignExtra; if (lRemainExtra >= 0) { if (lData > 0) { pInfo->pbData = pbExtra; pInfo->cbData = (DWORD) lData; pInfo->cUnusedBits = cUnusedBits; memcpy(pbExtra, pAsn1Value, lData); if (cUnusedBits) *(pbExtra + lData - 1) &= rgbUnusedAndMask[cUnusedBits]; } else memset(pInfo, 0, sizeof(*pInfo)); pbExtra += lAlignExtra; } *plRemainExtra = lRemainExtra; *ppbExtra = pbExtra; } }
// Set BitString Without Trailing Zeroes
void WINAPI PkiAsn1SetBitStringWithoutTrailingZeroes( IN PCRYPT_BIT_BLOB pInfo, OUT ASN1uint32_t *pAsn1BitLength, OUT ASN1octet_t **ppAsn1Value ) { DWORD cbData; DWORD cUnusedBits;
cbData = pInfo->cbData; cUnusedBits = pInfo->cUnusedBits; assert(cUnusedBits <= 7);
if (cbData) { BYTE *pb;
// Until we find a nonzero byte (starting with the last byte),
// decrement cbData. For the last byte don't look at any unused bits.
pb = pInfo->pbData + cbData - 1; if (0 == (*pb & rgbUnusedAndMask[cUnusedBits])) { cUnusedBits = 0; cbData--; pb--;
for ( ; 0 < cbData && 0 == *pb; cbData--, pb--) ; } }
if (cbData) { BYTE b;
// Determine the number of unused bits in the last byte. Treat any
// trailing zeroes as unused.
b = *(pInfo->pbData + cbData - 1); assert(b); if (cUnusedBits) b = (BYTE) (b >> cUnusedBits); for (; 7 > cUnusedBits && 0 == (b & 0x01); cUnusedBits++) { b = b >> 1; } assert(b & 0x01); assert(cUnusedBits <= 7);
*ppAsn1Value = pInfo->pbData; *pAsn1BitLength = cbData * 8 - cUnusedBits; } else { *ppAsn1Value = NULL; *pAsn1BitLength = 0; } }
// Get IA5 String
void WINAPI PkiAsn1GetIA5String( IN ASN1uint32_t Asn1Length, IN ASN1char_t *pAsn1Value, IN DWORD dwFlags, OUT LPSTR *ppsz, IN OUT BYTE **ppbExtra, IN OUT LONG *plRemainExtra ) { LONG lRemainExtra = *plRemainExtra; BYTE *pbExtra = *ppbExtra; LONG lAlignExtra; LONG lData;
lData = (LONG) Asn1Length; lAlignExtra = INFO_LEN_ALIGN(lData + 1); lRemainExtra -= lAlignExtra; if (lRemainExtra >= 0) { if (lData > 0) memcpy(pbExtra, pAsn1Value, lData); *(pbExtra + lData) = 0; *ppsz = (LPSTR) pbExtra; pbExtra += lAlignExtra; } *plRemainExtra = lRemainExtra; *ppbExtra = pbExtra; }
// Set/Free/Get Unicode mapped to IA5 String
BOOL WINAPI PkiAsn1SetUnicodeConvertedToIA5String( IN LPWSTR pwsz, OUT ASN1uint32_t *pAsn1Length, OUT ASN1char_t **ppAsn1Value ) { BOOL fResult; LPSTR psz = NULL; int cchUTF8; int cchWideChar; int i;
cchWideChar = wcslen(pwsz); if (cchWideChar == 0) { *pAsn1Length = 0; *ppAsn1Value = 0; return TRUE; } // Check that the input string contains valid IA5 characters
for (i = 0; i < cchWideChar; i++) { if (pwsz[i] > 0x7F) { SetLastError((DWORD) CRYPT_E_INVALID_IA5_STRING); *pAsn1Length = (unsigned int) i; goto InvalidIA5; } }
cchUTF8 = WideCharToUTF8( pwsz, cchWideChar, NULL, // lpUTF8Str
0 // cchUTF8
if (cchUTF8 <= 0) goto ErrorReturn; if (NULL == (psz = (LPSTR) PkiAsn1Alloc(cchUTF8))) goto ErrorReturn; cchUTF8 = WideCharToUTF8( pwsz, cchWideChar, psz, cchUTF8 ); *ppAsn1Value = psz; *pAsn1Length = cchUTF8; fResult = TRUE; goto CommonReturn;
ErrorReturn: *pAsn1Length = 0; InvalidIA5: *ppAsn1Value = NULL; fResult = FALSE; CommonReturn: return fResult; }
void WINAPI PkiAsn1FreeUnicodeConvertedToIA5String( IN ASN1char_t *pAsn1Value ) { PkiAsn1Free(pAsn1Value); }
void WINAPI PkiAsn1GetIA5StringConvertedToUnicode( IN ASN1uint32_t Asn1Length, IN ASN1char_t *pAsn1Value, IN DWORD dwFlags, OUT LPWSTR *ppwsz, IN OUT BYTE **ppbExtra, IN OUT LONG *plRemainExtra ) { LONG lRemainExtra = *plRemainExtra; BYTE *pbExtra = *ppbExtra; LONG lAlignExtra; LONG lData; int cchWideChar;
cchWideChar = UTF8ToWideChar( (LPSTR) pAsn1Value, Asn1Length, NULL, // lpWideCharStr
0 // cchWideChar
); if (cchWideChar > 0) lData = cchWideChar * sizeof(WCHAR); else lData = 0; lAlignExtra = INFO_LEN_ALIGN(lData + sizeof(WCHAR)); lRemainExtra -= lAlignExtra; if (lRemainExtra >= 0) { if (lData > 0) UTF8ToWideChar(pAsn1Value, Asn1Length, (LPWSTR) pbExtra, cchWideChar); memset(pbExtra + lData, 0, sizeof(WCHAR)); *ppwsz = (LPWSTR) pbExtra; pbExtra += lAlignExtra; } *plRemainExtra = lRemainExtra; *ppbExtra = pbExtra; }
// Get BMP String
void WINAPI PkiAsn1GetBMPString( IN ASN1uint32_t Asn1Length, IN ASN1char16_t *pAsn1Value, IN DWORD dwFlags, OUT LPWSTR *ppwsz, IN OUT BYTE **ppbExtra, IN OUT LONG *plRemainExtra ) { LONG lRemainExtra = *plRemainExtra; BYTE *pbExtra = *ppbExtra; LONG lAlignExtra; LONG lData;
lData = (LONG) Asn1Length * sizeof(WCHAR); lAlignExtra = INFO_LEN_ALIGN(lData + sizeof(WCHAR)); lRemainExtra -= lAlignExtra; if (lRemainExtra >= 0) { if (lData > 0) memcpy(pbExtra, pAsn1Value, lData); memset(pbExtra + lData, 0, sizeof(WCHAR)); *ppwsz = (LPWSTR) pbExtra; pbExtra += lAlignExtra; } *plRemainExtra = lRemainExtra; *ppbExtra = pbExtra; }
// Set/Get "Any" DER BLOB
void WINAPI PkiAsn1SetAny( IN PCRYPT_OBJID_BLOB pInfo, OUT ASN1open_t *pAsn1 ) { memset(pAsn1, 0, sizeof(*pAsn1)); pAsn1->encoded = pInfo->pbData; pAsn1->length = pInfo->cbData; }
void WINAPI PkiAsn1GetAny( IN ASN1open_t *pAsn1, IN DWORD dwFlags, OUT PCRYPT_OBJID_BLOB pInfo, IN OUT BYTE **ppbExtra, IN OUT LONG *plRemainExtra ) { #ifndef MSASN1_SUPPORTS_NOCOPY
dwFlags &= ~CRYPT_DECODE_NOCOPY_FLAG; #endif
if (dwFlags & CRYPT_DECODE_NOCOPY_FLAG) { if (*plRemainExtra >= 0) { pInfo->cbData = pAsn1->length; pInfo->pbData = (BYTE *) pAsn1->encoded; } } else { LONG lRemainExtra = *plRemainExtra; BYTE *pbExtra = *ppbExtra; LONG lAlignExtra; LONG lData; lData = (LONG) pAsn1->length; lAlignExtra = INFO_LEN_ALIGN(lData); lRemainExtra -= lAlignExtra; if (lRemainExtra >= 0) { if (lData > 0) { pInfo->pbData = pbExtra; pInfo->cbData = (DWORD) lData; memcpy(pbExtra, pAsn1->encoded, lData); } else memset(pInfo, 0, sizeof(*pInfo)); pbExtra += lAlignExtra; } *plRemainExtra = lRemainExtra; *ppbExtra = pbExtra; } }
// Encode an ASN1 formatted info structure.
// If CRYPT_ENCODE_ALLOC_FLAG is set, allocate memory for pbEncoded and
// return *((BYTE **) pvEncoded) = pbAllocEncoded. Otherwise,
// pvEncoded points to byte array to be updated.
BOOL WINAPI PkiAsn1EncodeInfoEx( IN ASN1encoding_t pEnc, IN ASN1uint32_t id, IN void *pvAsn1Info, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN OPTIONAL PCRYPT_ENCODE_PARA pEncodePara, OUT OPTIONAL void *pvEncoded, IN OUT DWORD *pcbEncoded ) { BOOL fResult; ASN1error_e Asn1Err; DWORD cbEncoded;
if (dwFlags & CRYPT_ENCODE_ALLOC_FLAG) { BYTE *pbEncoded; BYTE *pbAllocEncoded; PFN_CRYPT_ALLOC pfnAlloc;
PkiAsn1SetEncodingRule(pEnc, ASN1_BER_RULE_DER); Asn1Err = PkiAsn1Encode( pEnc, pvAsn1Info, id, &pbEncoded, &cbEncoded );
if (ASN1_SUCCESS != Asn1Err) { *((void **) pvEncoded) = NULL; goto Asn1EncodeError; }
pfnAlloc = PkiGetEncodeAllocFunction(pEncodePara); if (NULL == (pbAllocEncoded = (BYTE *) pfnAlloc(cbEncoded))) { PkiAsn1FreeEncoded(pEnc, pbEncoded); *((void **) pvEncoded) = NULL; goto OutOfMemory; } memcpy(pbAllocEncoded, pbEncoded, cbEncoded); *((BYTE **) pvEncoded) = pbAllocEncoded; PkiAsn1FreeEncoded(pEnc, pbEncoded); } else { cbEncoded = *pcbEncoded; PkiAsn1SetEncodingRule(pEnc, ASN1_BER_RULE_DER); Asn1Err = PkiAsn1Encode2( pEnc, pvAsn1Info, id, (BYTE *) pvEncoded, &cbEncoded );
if (ASN1_SUCCESS != Asn1Err) { if (ASN1_ERR_OVERFLOW == Asn1Err) goto LengthError; else goto Asn1EncodeError; } }
fResult = TRUE; CommonReturn: *pcbEncoded = cbEncoded; return fResult;
ErrorReturn: fResult = FALSE; goto CommonReturn; TRACE_ERROR(OutOfMemory) SET_ERROR(LengthError, ERROR_MORE_DATA) SET_ERROR_VAR(Asn1EncodeError, PkiAsn1ErrToHr(Asn1Err)) }
// Encode an ASN1 formatted info structure
BOOL WINAPI PkiAsn1EncodeInfo( IN ASN1encoding_t pEnc, IN ASN1uint32_t id, IN void *pvAsn1Info, OUT OPTIONAL BYTE *pbEncoded, IN OUT DWORD *pcbEncoded ) { return PkiAsn1EncodeInfoEx( pEnc, id, pvAsn1Info, 0, // dwFlags
NULL, // pEncodePara
pbEncoded, pcbEncoded ); }
// Decode into an allocated, ASN1 formatted info structure
BOOL WINAPI PkiAsn1DecodeAndAllocInfo( IN ASN1decoding_t pDec, IN ASN1uint32_t id, IN const BYTE *pbEncoded, IN DWORD cbEncoded, OUT void **ppvAsn1Info ) { BOOL fResult; ASN1error_e Asn1Err;
*ppvAsn1Info = NULL; if (ASN1_SUCCESS != (Asn1Err = PkiAsn1Decode( pDec, ppvAsn1Info, id, pbEncoded, cbEncoded ))) goto Asn1DecodeError; fResult = TRUE; CommonReturn: return fResult;
ErrorReturn: *ppvAsn1Info = NULL; fResult = FALSE; goto CommonReturn; SET_ERROR_VAR(Asn1DecodeError, PkiAsn1ErrToHr(Asn1Err)) }
// Call the callback to convert the ASN1 structure into the 'C' structure.
// If CRYPT_DECODE_ALLOC_FLAG is set allocate memory for the 'C'
// structure and call the callback initially to get the length and then
// a second time to update the allocated 'C' structure.
// Allocated structure is returned:
// *((void **) pvStructInfo) = pvAllocStructInfo
BOOL WINAPI PkiAsn1AllocStructInfoEx( IN void *pvAsn1Info, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN OPTIONAL PCRYPT_DECODE_PARA pDecodePara, IN PFN_PKI_ASN1_DECODE_EX_CALLBACK pfnDecodeExCallback, OUT OPTIONAL void *pvStructInfo, IN OUT DWORD *pcbStructInfo ) { BOOL fResult; LONG lRemainExtra; DWORD cbStructInfo;
if (NULL == pvStructInfo || (dwFlags & CRYPT_DECODE_ALLOC_FLAG)) { cbStructInfo = 0; lRemainExtra = 0; } else { cbStructInfo = *pcbStructInfo; lRemainExtra = (LONG) cbStructInfo; }
if (!pfnDecodeExCallback( pvAsn1Info, dwFlags & ~CRYPT_DECODE_ALLOC_FLAG, pDecodePara, pvStructInfo, &lRemainExtra )) goto DecodeCallbackError;
if (dwFlags & CRYPT_DECODE_ALLOC_FLAG) { void *pv; PFN_CRYPT_ALLOC pfnAlloc = PkiGetDecodeAllocFunction(pDecodePara);
assert(0 > lRemainExtra); lRemainExtra = -lRemainExtra; cbStructInfo = (DWORD) lRemainExtra;
if (NULL == (pv = pfnAlloc(cbStructInfo))) goto OutOfMemory; if (!pfnDecodeExCallback( pvAsn1Info, dwFlags & ~CRYPT_DECODE_ALLOC_FLAG, pDecodePara, pv, &lRemainExtra )) { PFN_CRYPT_FREE pfnFree = PkiGetDecodeFreeFunction(pDecodePara); pfnFree(pv); goto DecodeCallbackError; } *((void **) pvStructInfo) = pv; assert(0 <= lRemainExtra); }
if (0 <= lRemainExtra) { cbStructInfo = cbStructInfo - (DWORD) lRemainExtra; } else { cbStructInfo = cbStructInfo + (DWORD) -lRemainExtra; if (pvStructInfo) { SetLastError((DWORD) ERROR_MORE_DATA); fResult = FALSE; goto CommonReturn; } }
fResult = TRUE; CommonReturn: *pcbStructInfo = cbStructInfo; return fResult;
ErrorReturn: if (dwFlags & CRYPT_DECODE_ALLOC_FLAG) *((void **) pvStructInfo) = NULL; cbStructInfo = 0; fResult = FALSE; goto CommonReturn; TRACE_ERROR(DecodeCallbackError) TRACE_ERROR(OutOfMemory) }
// Decode the ASN1 formatted info structure and call the callback
// function to convert the ASN1 structure to the 'C' structure.
// If CRYPT_DECODE_ALLOC_FLAG is set allocate memory for the 'C'
// structure and call the callback initially to get the length and then
// a second time to update the allocated 'C' structure.
// Allocated structure is returned:
// *((void **) pvStructInfo) = pvAllocStructInfo
BOOL WINAPI PkiAsn1DecodeAndAllocInfoEx( IN ASN1decoding_t pDec, IN ASN1uint32_t id, IN const BYTE *pbEncoded, IN DWORD cbEncoded, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN OPTIONAL PCRYPT_DECODE_PARA pDecodePara, IN PFN_PKI_ASN1_DECODE_EX_CALLBACK pfnDecodeExCallback, OUT OPTIONAL void *pvStructInfo, IN OUT DWORD *pcbStructInfo ) { BOOL fResult; void *pvAsn1Info = NULL;
if (!PkiAsn1DecodeAndAllocInfo( pDec, id, pbEncoded, cbEncoded, &pvAsn1Info )) goto Asn1DecodeError;
fResult = PkiAsn1AllocStructInfoEx( pvAsn1Info, dwFlags, pDecodePara, pfnDecodeExCallback, pvStructInfo, pcbStructInfo ); CommonReturn: PkiAsn1FreeInfo(pDec, id, pvAsn1Info); return fResult;
ErrorReturn: if (dwFlags & CRYPT_DECODE_ALLOC_FLAG) *((void **) pvStructInfo) = NULL; *pcbStructInfo = 0; fResult = FALSE; goto CommonReturn; TRACE_ERROR(Asn1DecodeError) }
// Convert the ascii string ("1.2.9999") to ASN1's Object Identifier
// represented as an array of unsigned longs.
// Returns TRUE for a successful conversion.
BOOL WINAPI PkiAsn1ToObjectIdentifier( IN LPCSTR pszObjId, IN OUT ASN1uint16_t *pCount, OUT ASN1uint32_t rgulValue[] ) { BOOL fResult = TRUE; unsigned short c = 0; LPSTR psz = (LPSTR) pszObjId; char ch;
if (psz) { ASN1uint16_t cMax = *pCount; ASN1uint32_t *pul = rgulValue; while ((ch = *psz) != '\0' && c++ < cMax) { *pul++ = (ASN1uint32_t)atol(psz); while (my_isdigit(ch = *psz++)) ; if (ch != '.') break; } if (ch != '\0') fResult = FALSE; } *pCount = c; return fResult; }
// Convert from ASN1's Object Identifier represented as an array of
// unsigned longs to an ascii string ("1.2.9999").
// Returns TRUE for a successful conversion
BOOL WINAPI PkiAsn1FromObjectIdentifier( IN ASN1uint16_t Count, IN ASN1uint32_t rgulValue[], OUT LPSTR pszObjId, IN OUT DWORD *pcbObjId ) { BOOL fResult = TRUE; LONG lRemain;
if (pszObjId == NULL) *pcbObjId = 0;
lRemain = (LONG) *pcbObjId; if (Count == 0) { if (--lRemain > 0) pszObjId++; } else { char rgch[36]; LONG lData; ASN1uint32_t *pul = rgulValue; for (; Count > 0; Count--, pul++) { _ltoa(*pul, rgch, 10); lData = strlen(rgch); lRemain -= lData + 1; if (lRemain >= 0) { if (lData > 0) { memcpy(pszObjId, rgch, lData); pszObjId += lData; } *pszObjId++ = '.'; } } }
if (lRemain >= 0) { *(pszObjId -1) = '\0'; *pcbObjId = *pcbObjId - (DWORD) lRemain; } else { *pcbObjId = *pcbObjId + (DWORD) -lRemain; if (pszObjId) { SetLastError((DWORD) ERROR_MORE_DATA); fResult = FALSE; } }
return fResult; }
// Adjust FILETIME for timezone.
// Returns FALSE iff conversion failed.
static BOOL AdjustFileTime( IN OUT LPFILETIME pFileTime, IN ASN1int16_t mindiff, IN ASN1bool_t utc ) { if (utc || mindiff == 0) return TRUE;
BOOL fResult; SYSTEMTIME stmDiff; FILETIME ftmDiff; short absmindiff;
memset(&stmDiff, 0, sizeof(stmDiff)); // Note: FILETIME is 100 nanoseconds interval since January 1, 1601
stmDiff.wYear = 1601; stmDiff.wMonth = 1; stmDiff.wDay = 1;
absmindiff = (short)( mindiff > 0 ? mindiff : -mindiff ); stmDiff.wHour = absmindiff / 60; stmDiff.wMinute = absmindiff % 60; if (stmDiff.wHour >= 24) { stmDiff.wDay += stmDiff.wHour / 24; stmDiff.wHour %= 24; }
// Note, FILETIME is only 32 bit aligned. __int64 is 64 bit aligned.
if ((fResult = SystemTimeToFileTime(&stmDiff, &ftmDiff))) { unsigned __int64 uTime; unsigned __int64 uDiff;
memcpy(&uTime, pFileTime, sizeof(uTime)); memcpy(&uDiff, &ftmDiff, sizeof(uDiff));
if (mindiff > 0) uTime += uDiff; else uTime -= uDiff;
memcpy(pFileTime, &uTime, sizeof(*pFileTime)); } return fResult; }
// Convert FILETIME to ASN1's UTCTime.
// Returns TRUE for a successful conversion
BOOL WINAPI PkiAsn1ToUTCTime( IN LPFILETIME pFileTime, OUT ASN1utctime_t *pAsn1Time ) { BOOL fRet; SYSTEMTIME t;
memset(pAsn1Time, 0, sizeof(*pAsn1Time)); if (!FileTimeToSystemTime(pFileTime, &t)) goto FileTimeToSystemTimeError; if (t.wYear < YEARFIRST || t.wYear > YEARLAST) goto YearRangeError;
pAsn1Time->year = (ASN1uint8_t) (t.wYear % 100); pAsn1Time->month = (ASN1uint8_t) t.wMonth; pAsn1Time->day = (ASN1uint8_t) t.wDay; pAsn1Time->hour = (ASN1uint8_t) t.wHour; pAsn1Time->minute = (ASN1uint8_t) t.wMinute; pAsn1Time->second = (ASN1uint8_t) t.wSecond; pAsn1Time->universal = TRUE;
fRet = TRUE; CommonReturn: return fRet;
ErrorReturn: fRet = FALSE; goto CommonReturn; TRACE_ERROR(FileTimeToSystemTimeError) TRACE_ERROR(YearRangeError) }
// Convert from ASN1's UTCTime to FILETIME.
// Returns TRUE for a successful conversion
BOOL WINAPI PkiAsn1FromUTCTime( IN ASN1utctime_t *pAsn1Time, OUT LPFILETIME pFileTime ) { BOOL fRet; SYSTEMTIME t; memset(&t, 0, sizeof(t));
t.wYear = (WORD)( pAsn1Time->year >= MAGICYEAR ? (1900 + pAsn1Time->year) : (2000 + pAsn1Time->year) ); t.wMonth = pAsn1Time->month; t.wDay = pAsn1Time->day; t.wHour = pAsn1Time->hour; t.wMinute = pAsn1Time->minute; t.wSecond = pAsn1Time->second;
if (!SystemTimeToFileTime(&t, pFileTime)) goto SystemTimeToFileTimeError; fRet = AdjustFileTime( pFileTime, pAsn1Time->diff, pAsn1Time->universal ); CommonReturn: return fRet;
ErrorReturn: fRet = FALSE; goto CommonReturn; TRACE_ERROR(SystemTimeToFileTimeError) }
// Convert FILETIME to ASN1's GeneralizedTime.
// Returns TRUE for a successful conversion
BOOL WINAPI PkiAsn1ToGeneralizedTime( IN LPFILETIME pFileTime, OUT ASN1generalizedtime_t *pAsn1Time ) { BOOL fRet; SYSTEMTIME t;
memset(pAsn1Time, 0, sizeof(*pAsn1Time)); if (!FileTimeToSystemTime(pFileTime, &t)) goto FileTimeToSystemTimeError; pAsn1Time->year = t.wYear; pAsn1Time->month = (ASN1uint8_t) t.wMonth; pAsn1Time->day = (ASN1uint8_t) t.wDay; pAsn1Time->hour = (ASN1uint8_t) t.wHour; pAsn1Time->minute = (ASN1uint8_t) t.wMinute; pAsn1Time->second = (ASN1uint8_t) t.wSecond; pAsn1Time->millisecond = t.wMilliseconds; pAsn1Time->universal = TRUE;
fRet = TRUE; CommonReturn: return fRet;
ErrorReturn: fRet = FALSE; goto CommonReturn; TRACE_ERROR(FileTimeToSystemTimeError) }
// Convert from ASN1's GeneralizedTime to FILETIME.
// Returns TRUE for a successful conversion
BOOL WINAPI PkiAsn1FromGeneralizedTime( IN ASN1generalizedtime_t *pAsn1Time, OUT LPFILETIME pFileTime ) { BOOL fRet; SYSTEMTIME t; memset(&t, 0, sizeof(t));
t.wYear = pAsn1Time->year; t.wMonth = pAsn1Time->month; t.wDay = pAsn1Time->day; t.wHour = pAsn1Time->hour; t.wMinute = pAsn1Time->minute; t.wSecond = pAsn1Time->second; t.wMilliseconds = pAsn1Time->millisecond;
if (!SystemTimeToFileTime(&t, pFileTime)) goto SystemTimeToFileTimeError; fRet = AdjustFileTime( pFileTime, pAsn1Time->diff, pAsn1Time->universal ); CommonReturn: return fRet;
ErrorReturn: fRet = FALSE; goto CommonReturn; TRACE_ERROR(SystemTimeToFileTimeError) }
// Convert FILETIME to ASN1's UTCTime or GeneralizedTime.
// If 1950 < FILETIME < 2005, then UTCTime is chosen. Otherwise,
// GeneralizedTime is chosen. GeneralizedTime values shall not include
// fractional seconds.
// Returns TRUE for a successful conversion
BOOL WINAPI PkiAsn1ToChoiceOfTime( IN LPFILETIME pFileTime, OUT WORD *pwChoice, OUT ASN1generalizedtime_t *pGeneralTime, OUT ASN1utctime_t *pUtcTime ) { BOOL fRet; SYSTEMTIME t;
if (!FileTimeToSystemTime(pFileTime, &t)) goto FileTimeToSystemTimeError; if (t.wYear < YEARFIRST || t.wYear >= YEARFIRSTGENERALIZED) { *pwChoice = PKI_ASN1_GENERALIZED_TIME_CHOICE; memset(pGeneralTime, 0, sizeof(*pGeneralTime)); pGeneralTime->year = t.wYear; pGeneralTime->month = (ASN1uint8_t) t.wMonth; pGeneralTime->day = (ASN1uint8_t) t.wDay; pGeneralTime->hour = (ASN1uint8_t) t.wHour; pGeneralTime->minute = (ASN1uint8_t) t.wMinute; pGeneralTime->second = (ASN1uint8_t) t.wSecond; pGeneralTime->universal = TRUE; } else { *pwChoice = PKI_ASN1_UTC_TIME_CHOICE; memset(pUtcTime, 0, sizeof(*pUtcTime)); pUtcTime->year = (ASN1uint8_t) (t.wYear % 100); pUtcTime->month = (ASN1uint8_t) t.wMonth; pUtcTime->day = (ASN1uint8_t) t.wDay; pUtcTime->hour = (ASN1uint8_t) t.wHour; pUtcTime->minute = (ASN1uint8_t) t.wMinute; pUtcTime->second = (ASN1uint8_t) t.wSecond; pUtcTime->universal = TRUE; }
fRet = TRUE; CommonReturn: return fRet;
ErrorReturn: fRet = FALSE; *pwChoice = 0; memset(pGeneralTime, 0, sizeof(*pGeneralTime)); memset(pUtcTime, 0, sizeof(*pUtcTime)); goto CommonReturn; TRACE_ERROR(FileTimeToSystemTimeError) }
// Convert from ASN1's UTCTime or GeneralizedTime to FILETIME.
// Returns TRUE for a successful conversion.
// Note, in asn1hdr.h, UTCTime has same typedef as GeneralizedTime.
BOOL WINAPI PkiAsn1FromChoiceOfTime( IN WORD wChoice, IN ASN1generalizedtime_t *pGeneralTime, IN ASN1utctime_t *pUtcTime, OUT LPFILETIME pFileTime ) { if (PKI_ASN1_UTC_TIME_CHOICE == wChoice) { return PkiAsn1FromUTCTime(pUtcTime, pFileTime); } else return PkiAsn1FromGeneralizedTime(pGeneralTime, pFileTime); }