//depot/Lab03_N/DS/security/cryptoapi/cryptsvc/keysvr.cpp#9 - edit change 6380 (text)
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <svcs.h> // SVCS_
#include <ntsecapi.h>
#include <wincrypt.h>
#include <wintrust.h>
#include <wintrustp.h>
#include <userenv.h>
#include <lmcons.h>
#include <certca.h>
#include "keysvc.h"
#include "keysvr.h"
#include "pfx.h"
#include "cryptui.h"
#include "lenroll.h"
#include "cryptmsg.h"
#include "unicode.h"
#include "unicode5.h"
#include <crypt.h>
#define KEYSVC_DEFAULT_ENDPOINT TEXT("\\pipe\\keysvc")
#define KEYSVC_DEFAULT_PROT_SEQ TEXT("ncacn_np")
#define MAXPROTSEQ 20
#define ARRAYSIZE(rg) (sizeof(rg) / sizeof((rg)[0]))
void *MyAlloc(size_t len) { return LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, len); }
void MyFree(void *p) { LocalFree(p); }
void MyRpcRevertToSelfEx(RPC_BINDING_HANDLE hRPCBinding) { RPC_STATUS rpcStatus; rpcStatus = RpcRevertToSelfEx((RPC_BINDING_HANDLE)hRPCBinding); if (RPC_S_OK != rpcStatus) { MyLogErrorMessage(rpcStatus, MSG_KEYSVC_REVERT_TO_SELF_FAILED); } }
void MyRevertToSelf() { if (!RevertToSelf()) { MyLogErrorMessage(GetLastError(), MSG_KEYSVC_REVERT_TO_SELF_FAILED); } }
DWORD StartKeyService( VOID ) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
DWORD StopKeyService( VOID ) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
DWORD AllocAndAssignString( IN PKEYSVC_UNICODE_STRING pUnicodeString, OUT LPWSTR *ppwsz ) { DWORD dwErr = 0;
if ((NULL != pUnicodeString->Buffer) && (0 != pUnicodeString->Length)) { if ((pUnicodeString->Length > pUnicodeString->MaximumLength) || (pUnicodeString->Length & 1) || (pUnicodeString->MaximumLength & 1)) { dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Ret; }
if (NULL == (*ppwsz = (LPWSTR)MyAlloc(pUnicodeString->MaximumLength + sizeof(WCHAR)))) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto Ret; } memcpy(*ppwsz, pUnicodeString->Buffer, pUnicodeString->Length); } Ret: return dwErr; }
// key service functions
ULONG s_KeyrOpenKeyService( /* [in] */ handle_t /*hRPCBinding*/, /* [in] */ KEYSVC_TYPE /*OwnerType*/, /* [in] */ PKEYSVC_UNICODE_STRING /*pOwnerName*/, /* [in] */ ULONG /*ulDesiredAccess*/, /* [in] */ PKEYSVC_BLOB /*pAuthentication*/, /* [in, out] */ PKEYSVC_BLOB * /*ppReserved*/, /* [out] */ KEYSVC_HANDLE * /*phKeySvc*/) { return ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }
ULONG s_KeyrEnumerateProviders( /* [in] */ handle_t hRPCBinding, /* [in] */ KEYSVC_HANDLE /*hKeySvc*/, /* [in, out] */ PKEYSVC_BLOB * /*ppReserved*/, /* [in, out] */ ULONG *pcProviderCount, /* [in, out][size_is(,*pcProviderCount)] */ PKEYSVC_PROVIDER_INFO *ppProviders) { return ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }
ULONG s_KeyrCloseKeyService( /* [in] */ handle_t /*hRPCBinding*/, /* [in] */ KEYSVC_HANDLE /*hKeySvc*/, /* [in, out] */ PKEYSVC_BLOB * /*ppReserved*/) { return ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }
ULONG s_KeyrGetDefaultProvider( /* [in] */ handle_t hRPCBinding, /* [in] */ KEYSVC_HANDLE /*hKeySvc*/, /* [in] */ ULONG ulProvType, /* [in] */ ULONG /*ulFlags*/, /* [in, out] */ PKEYSVC_BLOB * /*ppReserved*/, /* [out] */ ULONG *pulDefType, /* [out] */ PKEYSVC_PROVIDER_INFO *ppProvider) { return ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }
ULONG s_KeyrEnroll( /* [in] */ handle_t /*hRPCBinding*/, /* [in] */ BOOL /*fKeyService*/, /* [in] */ ULONG /*ulPurpose*/, /* [in] */ PKEYSVC_UNICODE_STRING /*pAcctName*/, /* [in] */ PKEYSVC_UNICODE_STRING /*pCALocation*/, /* [in] */ PKEYSVC_UNICODE_STRING /*pCAName*/, /* [in] */ BOOL /*fNewKey*/, /* [in] */ PKEYSVC_CERT_REQUEST_PVK_NEW /*pKeyNew*/, /* [in] */ PKEYSVC_BLOB __RPC_FAR /*pCert*/, /* [in] */ PKEYSVC_CERT_REQUEST_PVK_NEW /*pRenewKey*/, /* [in] */ PKEYSVC_UNICODE_STRING /*pHashAlg*/, /* [in] */ PKEYSVC_UNICODE_STRING /*pDesStore*/, /* [in] */ ULONG /*ulStoreFlags*/, /* [in] */ PKEYSVC_CERT_ENROLL_INFO /*pRequestInfo*/, /* [in] */ ULONG /*ulFlags*/, /* [out][in] */ PKEYSVC_BLOB __RPC_FAR * /*ppReserved*/, /* [out] */ PKEYSVC_BLOB __RPC_FAR * /*ppPKCS7Blob*/, /* [out] */ PKEYSVC_BLOB __RPC_FAR * /*ppHashBlob*/, /* [out] */ ULONG __RPC_FAR * /*pulStatus*/) { return ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }
ULONG s_KeyrEnumerateAvailableCertTypes(
/* [in] */ handle_t hRPCBinding, /* [in] */ KEYSVC_HANDLE /*hKeySvc*/, /* [in, out] */ PKEYSVC_BLOB * /*ppReserved*/, /* [out][in] */ ULONG *pcCertTypeCount, /* [in, out][size_is(,*pcCertTypeCount)] */ PKEYSVC_UNICODE_STRING *ppCertTypes)
{ DWORD dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; HCERTTYPE hType = NULL; DWORD cTypes = 0; DWORD cTrustedTypes = 0; DWORD i; LPWSTR *awszTrustedTypes = NULL; DWORD cbTrustedTypes = 0; PKEYSVC_UNICODE_STRING awszResult = NULL; LPWSTR wszCurrentName;
__try { *pcCertTypeCount = 0; *ppCertTypes = NULL;
dwErr = CAEnumCertTypes(CT_FIND_LOCAL_SYSTEM | CT_ENUM_MACHINE_TYPES, &hType); if(dwErr != S_OK) { goto Ret; } cTypes = CACountCertTypes(hType);
awszTrustedTypes = (LPWSTR *)MyAlloc(sizeof(LPWSTR)*cTypes); if(awszTrustedTypes == NULL) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto Ret; } while(hType) { HCERTTYPE hNextType = NULL; LPWSTR *awszTypeName = NULL; dwErr = CAGetCertTypeProperty(hType, CERTTYPE_PROP_DN, &awszTypeName); if((dwErr == S_OK) && (awszTypeName)) { if(awszTypeName[0]) { dwErr = CACertTypeAccessCheck(hType, NULL); if(dwErr == S_OK) { // SECURITY: can awszTypeName be very large (perhaps the hacker managed to get into the DS and muck with template names).
// Should we disable allocs over a certain value?
awszTrustedTypes[cTrustedTypes] = (LPWSTR)MyAlloc((wcslen(awszTypeName[0])+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); if(awszTrustedTypes[cTrustedTypes]) { wcscpy(awszTrustedTypes[cTrustedTypes], awszTypeName[0]); cbTrustedTypes += (wcslen(awszTypeName[0])+1)*sizeof(WCHAR); cTrustedTypes++; } }
} CAFreeCertTypeProperty(hType, awszTypeName); } dwErr = CAEnumNextCertType(hType, &hNextType); if(dwErr != S_OK) { break; } CACloseCertType(hType); hType = hNextType; }
cbTrustedTypes += sizeof(KEYSVC_UNICODE_STRING)*cTrustedTypes; awszResult = (PKEYSVC_UNICODE_STRING)MyAlloc(cbTrustedTypes); if(awszResult == NULL) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto Ret; } wszCurrentName = (LPWSTR)(&awszResult[cTrustedTypes]); for(i=0; i < cTrustedTypes; i++) { wcscpy(wszCurrentName, awszTrustedTypes[i]); // BUGBUG: we're truncating the template name here. Might be better to filter this out? Are there any security issues here?
awszResult[i].Length = (WORD)(((wcslen(awszTrustedTypes[i]) + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR)) & 0xFFFF); awszResult[i].MaximumLength = awszResult[i].Length; awszResult[i].Buffer = wszCurrentName; wszCurrentName += wcslen(awszTrustedTypes[i]) + 1; }
*pcCertTypeCount = cTrustedTypes; *ppCertTypes = awszResult; awszResult = NULL; dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS;
} __except ( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { dwErr = _exception_code(); } Ret: __try { if(awszTrustedTypes) { for(i=0; i < cTrustedTypes; i++) { if(awszTrustedTypes[i]) { MyFree(awszTrustedTypes[i]); } } MyFree(awszTrustedTypes); } if(awszResult) { MyFree(awszResult); } } __except ( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } return dwErr; }
ULONG s_KeyrEnumerateCAs(
/* [in] */ handle_t hRPCBinding, /* [in] */ KEYSVC_HANDLE /*hKeySvc*/, /* [in, out] */ PKEYSVC_BLOB * /*ppReserved*/, /* [in] */ ULONG ulFlags, /* [out][in] */ ULONG *pcCACount, /* [in, out][size_is(,*pcCACount)] */ PKEYSVC_UNICODE_STRING *ppCAs)
{ DWORD dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; HCAINFO hCA = NULL; DWORD cCAs = 0; DWORD cTrustedCAs = 0; DWORD i; LPWSTR *awszTrustedCAs = NULL; DWORD cbTrustedCAs = 0; PKEYSVC_UNICODE_STRING awszResult = NULL; LPWSTR wszCurrentName;
__try { *pcCACount = 0; *ppCAs = NULL;
dwErr = CAEnumFirstCA(NULL, ulFlags, &hCA);
if(dwErr != S_OK) { goto Ret; } cCAs = CACountCAs(hCA);
awszTrustedCAs = (LPWSTR *)MyAlloc(sizeof(LPWSTR)*cCAs); if(awszTrustedCAs == NULL) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto Ret; } while(hCA) { HCAINFO hNextCA = NULL; LPWSTR *awszCAName = NULL; dwErr = CAGetCAProperty(hCA, CA_PROP_NAME, &awszCAName); if((dwErr == S_OK) && (awszCAName)) { if(awszCAName[0]) { dwErr = CAAccessCheck(hCA, NULL); if(dwErr == S_OK) { awszTrustedCAs[cTrustedCAs] = (LPWSTR)MyAlloc((wcslen(awszCAName[0])+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); if(awszTrustedCAs[cTrustedCAs]) { wcscpy(awszTrustedCAs[cTrustedCAs], awszCAName[0]); cbTrustedCAs += (wcslen(awszCAName[0])+1)*sizeof(WCHAR); cTrustedCAs++; } }
} CAFreeCAProperty(hCA, awszCAName); } dwErr = CAEnumNextCA(hCA, &hNextCA); if(dwErr != S_OK) { break; } CACloseCA(hCA); hCA = hNextCA; }
cbTrustedCAs += sizeof(KEYSVC_UNICODE_STRING)*cTrustedCAs; awszResult = (PKEYSVC_UNICODE_STRING)MyAlloc(cbTrustedCAs); if(awszResult == NULL) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto Ret; } wszCurrentName = (LPWSTR)(&awszResult[cTrustedCAs]); for(i=0; i < cTrustedCAs; i++) { wcscpy(wszCurrentName, awszTrustedCAs[i]); // BUGBUG: we're truncating the template name here. Might be better to filter this out? Are there any security issues here?
awszResult[i].Length = (WORD)(((wcslen(awszTrustedCAs[i]) + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR)) & 0xFFFF); awszResult[i].MaximumLength = awszResult[i].Length; awszResult[i].Buffer = wszCurrentName; wszCurrentName += wcslen(awszTrustedCAs[i]) + 1; }
*pcCACount = cTrustedCAs; *ppCAs = awszResult; awszResult = NULL; dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS;
} __except ( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { dwErr = _exception_code(); } Ret: __try { if(awszTrustedCAs) { for(i=0; i < cTrustedCAs; i++) { if(awszTrustedCAs[i]) { MyFree(awszTrustedCAs[i]); } } MyFree(awszTrustedCAs); } if(awszResult) { MyFree(awszResult); } } __except ( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } return dwErr; }
ULONG s_KeyrEnroll_V2 (/* [in] */ handle_t hRPCBinding, /* [in] */ BOOL fKeyService, /* [in] */ ULONG ulPurpose, /* [in] */ ULONG ulFlags, /* [in] */ PKEYSVC_UNICODE_STRING pAcctName, /* [in] */ PKEYSVC_UNICODE_STRING pCALocation, /* [in] */ PKEYSVC_UNICODE_STRING pCAName, /* [in] */ BOOL fNewKey, /* [in] */ PKEYSVC_CERT_REQUEST_PVK_NEW_V2 pKeyNew, /* [in] */ PKEYSVC_BLOB __RPC_FAR pCert, /* [in] */ PKEYSVC_CERT_REQUEST_PVK_NEW_V2 pRenewKey, /* [in] */ PKEYSVC_UNICODE_STRING pHashAlg, /* [in] */ PKEYSVC_UNICODE_STRING pDesStore, /* [in] */ ULONG ulStoreFlags, /* [in] */ PKEYSVC_CERT_ENROLL_INFO pRequestInfo, /* [in] */ ULONG /*ulReservedFlags*/, /* [out][in] */ PKEYSVC_BLOB __RPC_FAR * /*ppReserved*/, /* [out][in] */ PKEYSVC_BLOB __RPC_FAR *ppRequest, /* [out] */ PKEYSVC_BLOB __RPC_FAR *ppPKCS7Blob, /* [out] */ PKEYSVC_BLOB __RPC_FAR *ppHashBlob, /* [out] */ ULONG __RPC_FAR *pulStatus) { CERT_REQUEST_PVK_NEW KeyNew; CERT_REQUEST_PVK_NEW RenewKey; DWORD cbExtensions; PBYTE pbExtensions = NULL; PCERT_REQUEST_PVK_NEW pTmpRenewKey = NULL; PCERT_REQUEST_PVK_NEW pTmpKeyNew = NULL; LPWSTR pwszProv = NULL; LPWSTR pwszCont = NULL; LPWSTR pwszRenewProv = NULL; LPWSTR pwszRenewCont = NULL; LPWSTR pwszDesStore = NULL; LPWSTR pwszAttributes = NULL; LPWSTR pwszFriendly = NULL; LPWSTR pwszDescription = NULL; LPWSTR pwszUsage = NULL; LPWSTR pwszCALocation = NULL; LPWSTR pwszCertDNName = NULL; LPWSTR pwszCAName = NULL; LPWSTR pwszHashAlg = NULL; CERT_BLOB CertBlob; CERT_BLOB *pCertBlob = NULL; CERT_BLOB PKCS7Blob; CERT_BLOB HashBlob; CERT_ENROLL_INFO EnrollInfo; DWORD dwErr = 0; HANDLE hRequest = *ppRequest; KEYSVC_BLOB ReservedBlob; BOOL fCreateRequest = 0 == (ulFlags & (CRYPTUI_WIZ_SUBMIT_ONLY | CRYPTUI_WIZ_FREE_ONLY)); BOOL fFreeRequest = 0 == (ulFlags & (CRYPTUI_WIZ_CREATE_ONLY | CRYPTUI_WIZ_SUBMIT_ONLY)); BOOL fSubmitRequest = 0 == (ulFlags & (CRYPTUI_WIZ_CREATE_ONLY | CRYPTUI_WIZ_FREE_ONLY));
__try { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
memset(&KeyNew, 0, sizeof(KeyNew)); memset(&RenewKey, 0, sizeof(RenewKey)); memset(&EnrollInfo, 0, sizeof(EnrollInfo)); memset(&PKCS7Blob, 0, sizeof(PKCS7Blob)); memset(&HashBlob, 0, sizeof(HashBlob)); memset(&CertBlob, 0, sizeof(CertBlob)); memset(&ReservedBlob, 0, sizeof(ReservedBlob));
*ppPKCS7Blob = NULL; *ppHashBlob = NULL;
BOOL fValidInput = TRUE;
fValidInput &= fCreateRequest || fSubmitRequest || fFreeRequest;
case CRYPTUI_WIZ_SUBMIT_ONLY: case CRYPTUI_WIZ_FREE_ONLY: fValidInput &= NULL != *ppRequest; break; case 0: default: ; }
if (FALSE == fValidInput) { dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Ret; }
// if enrolling for a service account then need to logon and load profile
if (0 != pAcctName->Length) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; goto Ret; }
// assign all the values in the passed in structure to the
// temporary structure
KeyNew.dwSize = sizeof(CERT_REQUEST_PVK_NEW); KeyNew.dwProvType = pKeyNew->ulProvType; if (0 != (dwErr = AllocAndAssignString(&pKeyNew->Provider, &pwszProv))) goto Ret; KeyNew.pwszProvider = pwszProv; KeyNew.dwProviderFlags = pKeyNew->ulProviderFlags; if (0 != (dwErr = AllocAndAssignString(&pKeyNew->KeyContainer, &pwszCont))) goto Ret; KeyNew.pwszKeyContainer = pwszCont; KeyNew.dwKeySpec = pKeyNew->ulKeySpec; KeyNew.dwGenKeyFlags = pKeyNew->ulGenKeyFlags; KeyNew.dwEnrollmentFlags = pKeyNew->ulEnrollmentFlags; KeyNew.dwSubjectNameFlags = pKeyNew->ulSubjectNameFlags; KeyNew.dwPrivateKeyFlags = pKeyNew->ulPrivateKeyFlags; KeyNew.dwGeneralFlags = pKeyNew->ulGeneralFlags;
pTmpKeyNew = &KeyNew;
if (pCert->cb) { // if necessary assign the cert to be renewed values
// temporary structure
CertBlob.cbData = pCert->cb; CertBlob.pbData = pCert->pb;
pCertBlob = &CertBlob; }
if (CRYPTUI_WIZ_CERT_RENEW == ulPurpose) { // assign all the values in the passed in structure to the
// temporary structure
RenewKey.dwSize = sizeof(CERT_REQUEST_PVK_NEW); RenewKey.dwProvType = pRenewKey->ulProvType; if (0 != (dwErr = AllocAndAssignString(&pRenewKey->Provider, &pwszRenewProv))) goto Ret; RenewKey.pwszProvider = pwszRenewProv; RenewKey.dwProviderFlags = pRenewKey->ulProviderFlags; if (0 != (dwErr = AllocAndAssignString(&pRenewKey->KeyContainer, &pwszRenewCont))) goto Ret; RenewKey.pwszKeyContainer = pwszRenewCont; RenewKey.dwKeySpec = pRenewKey->ulKeySpec; RenewKey.dwGenKeyFlags = pRenewKey->ulGenKeyFlags; RenewKey.dwEnrollmentFlags = pRenewKey->ulEnrollmentFlags; RenewKey.dwSubjectNameFlags = pRenewKey->ulSubjectNameFlags; RenewKey.dwPrivateKeyFlags = pRenewKey->ulPrivateKeyFlags; RenewKey.dwGeneralFlags = pRenewKey->ulGeneralFlags;
pTmpRenewKey = &RenewKey; }
// For SUBMIT and FREE operations, hRequest is an IN parameter.
if (0 != ((CRYPTUI_WIZ_SUBMIT_ONLY | CRYPTUI_WIZ_FREE_ONLY) & ulFlags)) { memcpy(&hRequest, (*ppRequest)->pb, sizeof(hRequest)); }
// check if the destination cert store was passed in
if (0 != (dwErr = AllocAndAssignString(pDesStore, &pwszDesStore))) goto Ret;
// copy over the request info
EnrollInfo.dwSize = sizeof(EnrollInfo); if (0 != (dwErr = AllocAndAssignString(&pRequestInfo->UsageOID, &pwszUsage))) goto Ret; EnrollInfo.pwszUsageOID = pwszUsage;
if (0 != (dwErr = AllocAndAssignString(&pRequestInfo->CertDNName, &pwszCertDNName))) goto Ret; EnrollInfo.pwszCertDNName = pwszCertDNName;
// cast the cert extensions
EnrollInfo.dwExtensions = pRequestInfo->cExtensions; cbExtensions = (sizeof(CERT_EXTENSIONS)+sizeof(PCERT_EXTENSIONS)) * pRequestInfo->cExtensions; for (DWORD dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < pRequestInfo->cExtensions; dwIndex++) { cbExtensions += sizeof(CERT_EXTENSION) * pRequestInfo->prgExtensions[dwIndex]->cExtension; }
EnrollInfo.prgExtensions = (PCERT_EXTENSIONS *)MyAlloc(cbExtensions); if (NULL == EnrollInfo.prgExtensions) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto Ret; }
pbExtensions = (PBYTE)(EnrollInfo.prgExtensions + EnrollInfo.dwExtensions); for (DWORD dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < EnrollInfo.dwExtensions; dwIndex++) { EnrollInfo.prgExtensions[dwIndex] = (PCERT_EXTENSIONS)pbExtensions; pbExtensions += sizeof(CERT_EXTENSIONS); EnrollInfo.prgExtensions[dwIndex]->cExtension = pRequestInfo->prgExtensions[dwIndex]->cExtension; EnrollInfo.prgExtensions[dwIndex]->rgExtension = (PCERT_EXTENSION)pbExtensions; pbExtensions += sizeof(CERT_EXTENSION) * EnrollInfo.prgExtensions[dwIndex]->cExtension; for (DWORD dwSubIndex = 0; dwSubIndex < EnrollInfo.prgExtensions[dwIndex]->cExtension; dwSubIndex++) { EnrollInfo.prgExtensions[dwIndex]->rgExtension[dwSubIndex].pszObjId = pRequestInfo->prgExtensions[dwIndex]->rgExtension[dwSubIndex].pszObjId; EnrollInfo.prgExtensions[dwIndex]->rgExtension[dwSubIndex].fCritical = pRequestInfo->prgExtensions[dwIndex]->rgExtension[dwSubIndex].fCritical;
EnrollInfo.prgExtensions[dwIndex]->rgExtension[dwSubIndex].Value.cbData = pRequestInfo->prgExtensions[dwIndex]->rgExtension[dwSubIndex].cbData;
EnrollInfo.prgExtensions[dwIndex]->rgExtension[dwSubIndex].Value.pbData = pRequestInfo->prgExtensions[dwIndex]->rgExtension[dwSubIndex].pbData; } }
EnrollInfo.dwPostOption = pRequestInfo->ulPostOption; if (0 != (dwErr = AllocAndAssignString(&pRequestInfo->FriendlyName, &pwszFriendly))) goto Ret; EnrollInfo.pwszFriendlyName = pwszFriendly; if (0 != (dwErr = AllocAndAssignString(&pRequestInfo->Description, &pwszDescription))) goto Ret; EnrollInfo.pwszDescription = pwszDescription;
if (0 != (dwErr = AllocAndAssignString(&pRequestInfo->Attributes, &pwszAttributes))) goto Ret;
if (0 != (dwErr = AllocAndAssignString(pHashAlg, &pwszHashAlg))) goto Ret; if (0 != (dwErr = AllocAndAssignString(pCALocation, &pwszCALocation))) goto Ret; if (0 != (dwErr = AllocAndAssignString(pCAName, &pwszCAName))) goto Ret;
// call the local enrollment API
__try { dwErr = LocalEnrollNoDS(ulFlags, pwszAttributes, NULL, fKeyService, ulPurpose, FALSE, 0, NULL, 0, pwszCALocation, pwszCAName, pCertBlob, pTmpRenewKey, fNewKey, pTmpKeyNew, pwszHashAlg, pwszDesStore, ulStoreFlags, &EnrollInfo, &PKCS7Blob, &HashBlob, pulStatus, &hRequest); } __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { // TODO: convert to Winerror
dwErr = GetExceptionCode(); }
if( dwErr != 0 ) goto Ret;
// Assign OUT parameters based on what kind of request we've just made.
// Possible requests are:
// 1) CREATE only // Assign "ppRequest" to contain a HANDLE to the cert request.
// 2) SUBMIT only // Assign "ppPKCS7Blob" and "ppHashBlob" to the values returned from LocalEnrollNoDS()
// 3) FREE only // No need to assign OUT params.
// 4) Complete (all 3).
switch (ulFlags & (CRYPTUI_WIZ_CREATE_ONLY | CRYPTUI_WIZ_SUBMIT_ONLY | CRYPTUI_WIZ_FREE_ONLY)) { case CRYPTUI_WIZ_CREATE_ONLY: // We've done the request creation portion of a 3-stage request,
// assign the "request" out parameter now:
if (NULL == (*ppRequest = (KEYSVC_BLOB*)MyAlloc(sizeof(KEYSVC_BLOB)+ sizeof(hRequest)))) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto Ret; } (*ppRequest)->cb = sizeof(hRequest); (*ppRequest)->pb = (BYTE*)(*ppRequest) + sizeof(KEYSVC_BLOB); memcpy((*ppRequest)->pb, &hRequest, sizeof(hRequest));
case CRYPTUI_WIZ_SUBMIT_ONLY: case 0: // We've done the request submittal portion of a 3-stage request,
// or we've done a 1-stage request. Assign the "certificate" out parameters now:
// alloc and copy for the RPC out parameters
if (NULL == (*ppPKCS7Blob = (KEYSVC_BLOB*)MyAlloc(sizeof(KEYSVC_BLOB) + PKCS7Blob.cbData))) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto Ret; } (*ppPKCS7Blob)->cb = PKCS7Blob.cbData; (*ppPKCS7Blob)->pb = (BYTE*)(*ppPKCS7Blob) + sizeof(KEYSVC_BLOB); memcpy((*ppPKCS7Blob)->pb, PKCS7Blob.pbData, (*ppPKCS7Blob)->cb); if (NULL == (*ppHashBlob = (KEYSVC_BLOB*)MyAlloc(sizeof(KEYSVC_BLOB) + HashBlob.cbData))) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto Ret; } (*ppHashBlob)->cb = HashBlob.cbData; (*ppHashBlob)->pb = (BYTE*)(*ppHashBlob) + sizeof(KEYSVC_BLOB); memcpy((*ppHashBlob)->pb, HashBlob.pbData, (*ppHashBlob)->cb);
case CRYPTUI_WIZ_FREE_ONLY: default: *ppRequest = NULL; break; } } __except ( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Ret; } Ret: __try { if (pwszProv) MyFree(pwszProv); if (pwszCont) MyFree(pwszCont); if (pwszRenewProv) MyFree(pwszRenewProv); if (pwszRenewCont) MyFree(pwszRenewCont); if (pwszDesStore) MyFree(pwszDesStore); if (pwszAttributes) MyFree(pwszAttributes); if (pwszFriendly) MyFree(pwszFriendly); if (pwszDescription) MyFree(pwszDescription); if (pwszUsage) MyFree(pwszUsage); if (pwszCertDNName) MyFree(pwszCertDNName); if (pwszCAName) MyFree(pwszCAName); if (pwszCALocation) MyFree(pwszCALocation); if (pwszHashAlg) MyFree(pwszHashAlg); if (PKCS7Blob.pbData) { MyFree(PKCS7Blob.pbData); } if (HashBlob.pbData) { MyFree(HashBlob.pbData); } if (EnrollInfo.prgExtensions) MyFree(EnrollInfo.prgExtensions); } __except ( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } return dwErr; }
ULONG s_KeyrQueryRequestStatus (/* [in] */ handle_t hRPCBinding, /* [in] */ unsigned __int64 u64Request, /* [out, ref] */ KEYSVC_QUERY_CERT_REQUEST_INFO *pQueryInfo) { CRYPTUI_WIZ_QUERY_CERT_REQUEST_INFO QueryInfo; DWORD dwErr = 0; HANDLE hRequest = (HANDLE)u64Request;
__try { // We have the permission necessary to query the request. Proceed.
ZeroMemory(&QueryInfo, sizeof(QueryInfo));
// Query the request.
dwErr = LocalEnrollNoDS(CRYPTUI_WIZ_QUERY_ONLY, NULL, &QueryInfo, FALSE, 0, FALSE, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &hRequest); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) goto Ret; } __except ( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Ret; } pQueryInfo->ulSize = QueryInfo.dwSize; pQueryInfo->ulStatus = QueryInfo.dwStatus; Ret: return dwErr; }
ULONG s_RKeyrPFXInstall (/* [in] */ handle_t hRPCBinding, /* [in] */ PKEYSVC_BLOB pPFX, /* [in] */ PKEYSVC_UNICODE_STRING pPassword, /* [in] */ ULONG ulFlags)
{ BOOL fIsImpersonatingClient = FALSE; CRYPT_DATA_BLOB PFXBlob; DWORD dwCertOpenStoreFlags; DWORD dwData; DWORD dwResult; HCERTSTORE hSrcStore = NULL; HCERTSTORE hCAStore = NULL; HCERTSTORE hMyStore = NULL; HCERTSTORE hRootStore = NULL; LPWSTR pwszPassword = NULL; PCCERT_CONTEXT pCertContext = NULL;
struct Stores { HANDLE *phStore; LPCWSTR pwszStoreName; } rgStores[] = { { &hMyStore, L"my" }, { &hCAStore, L"ca" }, { &hRootStore, L"root" } };
__try { // Initialize locals:
PFXBlob.cbData = pPFX->cb; PFXBlob.pbData = pPFX->pb;
case CRYPT_USER_KEYSET: // not supported
default: dwResult = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto error; }
dwResult = RpcImpersonateClient(hRPCBinding); if (RPC_S_OK != dwResult) goto error; fIsImpersonatingClient = TRUE;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (dwResult = AllocAndAssignString((PKEYSVC_UNICODE_STRING)pPassword, &pwszPassword))) goto error;
// Get an in-memory store which contains all of the certs in the PFX
// blob.
if (NULL == (hSrcStore = PFXImportCertStore(&PFXBlob, pwszPassword, ulFlags))) { dwResult = GetLastError(); goto error; }
// Open the stores we'll need:
for (DWORD dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < ARRAYSIZE(rgStores); dwIndex++) { *(rgStores[dwIndex].phStore) = CertOpenStore (CERT_STORE_PROV_SYSTEM_W, // store provider type
PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING | X509_ASN_ENCODING, // cert encoding type
NULL, // hCryptProv
dwCertOpenStoreFlags, // open store flags
rgStores[dwIndex].pwszStoreName // store name
); if (NULL == *(rgStores[dwIndex].phStore)) { dwResult = GetLastError(); goto error; } }
// Enumerate the certs in the in-memory store, and add them to the local machine's
// "my" store. NOTE: CertEnumCertificatesInStore frees the previous cert context
// before returning the new context.
while (NULL != (pCertContext = CertEnumCertificatesInStore(hSrcStore, pCertContext))) { HCERTSTORE hCertStore;
// check if the certificate has the property on it
// make sure the private key matches the certificate
// search for both machine key and user keys
if (CertGetCertificateContextProperty (pCertContext, CERT_KEY_PROV_INFO_PROP_ID, NULL, &dwData) && CryptFindCertificateKeyProvInfo (pCertContext, 0, NULL)) { hCertStore = hMyStore; } else if (TrustIsCertificateSelfSigned (pCertContext, pCertContext->dwCertEncodingType, 0)) { hCertStore = hRootStore; } else { hCertStore = hCAStore; } if (!CertAddCertificateContextToStore (hCertStore, pCertContext, CERT_STORE_ADD_NEW, NULL)) { dwResult = GetLastError(); goto error; } } } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { dwResult = GetExceptionCode(); goto error; }
// We're done!
dwResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; error: if (fIsImpersonatingClient) { MyRpcRevertToSelfEx(hRPCBinding); } if (NULL != hSrcStore) { CertCloseStore(hSrcStore, 0); } // Close all of the destination stores we've opened.
for (DWORD dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < ARRAYSIZE(rgStores); dwIndex++) if (NULL != *(rgStores[dwIndex].phStore)) CertCloseStore(*(rgStores[dwIndex].phStore), 0);
if (NULL != pwszPassword) { MyFree(pwszPassword); } if (NULL != pCertContext) { CertFreeCertificateContext(pCertContext); } return dwResult; }
ULONG s_RKeyrOpenKeyService( /* [in] */ handle_t hRPCBinding, /* [in] */ KEYSVC_TYPE OwnerType, /* [in] */ PKEYSVC_UNICODE_STRING pOwnerName, /* [in] */ ULONG ulDesiredAccess, /* [in] */ PKEYSVC_BLOB pAuthentication, /* [in, out] */ PKEYSVC_BLOB *ppReserved, /* [out] */ KEYSVC_HANDLE *phKeySvc) { return s_KeyrOpenKeyService (hRPCBinding, OwnerType, pOwnerName, ulDesiredAccess, pAuthentication, ppReserved, phKeySvc); }
ULONG s_RKeyrCloseKeyService( /* [in] */ handle_t hRPCBinding, /* [in] */ KEYSVC_HANDLE hKeySvc, /* [in, out] */ PKEYSVC_BLOB *ppReserved) { return s_KeyrCloseKeyService (hRPCBinding, hKeySvc, ppReserved); }