// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 2001
// File: signtool.cpp
// Contents: The SignTool console tool
// History: 4/30/2001 SCoyne Created
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <unicode.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include "resource.h"
#include "signtool.h"
#include "signtooldebug.h"
BOOL gDebug; // Global
// Global Variables:
// wmain returns 0 on success, 1 on error, and 2 on warning
extern "C" int __cdecl wmain(int argc, WCHAR **wargv) { INPUTINFO InputInfo; WCHAR wszResource[MAX_RES_LEN]; WCHAR *wszLocale = NULL; HMODULE hModTemp; FUNC_ISWOW64 fnIsWow64; BOOL fTemp; int iReturn;
// Initialize InputInfo
memset(&InputInfo, 0, sizeof(INPUTINFO));
// Initialize Module Handle
if ((hModule=GetModuleHandleA(NULL)) == NULL) { // In this case resources cannot be loaded, so English will have to do:
wprintf(L"SignTool Error: GetModuleHandle returned: 0x%08X\n", GetLastError()); iReturn = 1; // Initialization Error
goto Cleanup; }
// Set Locale
if (LoadStringU(hModule, IDS_LOCALE, wszResource, MAX_RES_LEN)) { wszLocale = _wsetlocale(LC_ALL, wszResource); } #ifdef SIGNTOOL_DEBUG
if (!wszLocale) { wprintf(L"Failed to set locale to: %s\n", wszResource); } #endif
// Parse Arguments into InputInfo structure
if (!ParseInputs(argc, wargv, &InputInfo)) { if (InputInfo.HelpRequest) { return 0; // Successfully completed user request for help
} else { iReturn = 1; // Any other Parameter-Parsing Error
goto Cleanup; } }
// Determine if we are under WOW64
hModTemp = GetModuleHandleA("kernel32.dll"); if (hModTemp) { fnIsWow64 = (FUNC_ISWOW64) GetProcAddress(hModTemp, "IsWow64Process"); if (fnIsWow64 && fnIsWow64(GetCurrentProcess(), &fTemp)) { InputInfo.fIsWow64Process = fTemp; } }
// Print debug info if debug support is compiled in, and the debug
// switch was specified:
if (gDebug) PrintInputInfo(&InputInfo); #endif
// Perform the requested action:
switch (InputInfo.Command) { case CatDb: iReturn = SignTool_CatDb(&InputInfo); break; case Sign: iReturn = SignTool_Sign(&InputInfo); break; case SignWizard: iReturn = SignTool_SignWizard(&InputInfo); break; case Timestamp: iReturn = SignTool_Timestamp(&InputInfo); break; case Verify: iReturn = SignTool_Verify(&InputInfo); break; default: ResErr(IDS_ERR_UNEXPECTED); // This should never happen
iReturn = 1; // Error
if (InputInfo.wszListFileContents) free(InputInfo.wszListFileContents); #endif
return iReturn;
// PrintUsage automatically prints the relevant Usage based on InputInfo.
void PrintUsage(INPUTINFO *InputInfo) { switch (InputInfo->Command) { default: case CommandNone: // Then print top-level Usage
// Error Functions:
void Res_Err(DWORD dwRes) { static WCHAR wszResource[MAX_RES_LEN]; if (LoadStringU(hModule, dwRes, wszResource, MAX_RES_LEN)) { fwprintf(stderr, L"%s", wszResource); } else { fwprintf(stderr, L"********** %u **********\n", dwRes); } }
void ResOut(DWORD dwRes) { static WCHAR wszResource[MAX_RES_LEN]; if (LoadStringU(hModule, dwRes, wszResource, MAX_RES_LEN)) { wprintf(L"%s", wszResource); } else { wprintf(L"********** %u **********\n", dwRes); } }
void ResFormat_Err(DWORD dwRes, ...) { static WCHAR wszResource[MAX_RES_LEN]; static WCHAR *lpMsgBuf = NULL; static va_list vaList;
va_start(vaList, dwRes); if (LoadStringU(hModule, dwRes, wszResource, MAX_RES_LEN) && FormatMessageU(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER, wszResource, 0, 0, (LPWSTR) &lpMsgBuf, MAX_RES_LEN, &vaList)) { fwprintf(stderr, L"%s", lpMsgBuf); LocalFree(lpMsgBuf); } else { fwprintf(stderr, L"********** %u **********\n", dwRes); } va_end(vaList); }
void ResFormatOut(DWORD dwRes, ...) { static WCHAR wszResource[MAX_RES_LEN]; static WCHAR *lpMsgBuf = NULL; static va_list vaList;
va_start(vaList, dwRes); if (LoadStringU(hModule, dwRes, wszResource, MAX_RES_LEN) && FormatMessageU(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER, wszResource, 0, 0, (LPWSTR) &lpMsgBuf, MAX_RES_LEN, &vaList)) { wprintf(L"%s", lpMsgBuf); LocalFree(lpMsgBuf); } else { wprintf(L"********** %u **********\n", dwRes); } va_end(vaList); }
void Format_ErrRet(WCHAR *wszFunc, DWORD dwErr) { WCHAR *lpMsgBuf = NULL;
BOOL GUIDFromWStr(GUID *guid, LPWSTR str) { DWORD i; DWORD temp[8]; if ((wcslen(str) == 38) && (wcsncmp(str, L"{", 1) == 0) && (wcsncmp(&(str[37]), L"}", 1) == 0) && (swscanf(str, L"{%08lX-%04hX-%04hX-%02X%02X-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X}", &guid->Data1, &guid->Data2, &guid->Data3, &temp[0], &temp[1], &temp[2], &temp[3], &temp[4], &temp[5], &temp[6], &temp[7]) == 11)) { for (i=0; i<8; i++) guid->Data4[i] = (BYTE) temp[i]; return TRUE; } else memset(guid, 0, sizeof(GUID)); return FALSE; }
* * * Command Parsing section: * * * *********************************************************************/
// ParseInputs returns TRUE if parameters were parsed successfully,
// FALSE otherwise.
BOOL ParseInputs(int argc, WCHAR **wargv, INPUTINFO *InputInfo) { FILE *hFileList; LPWSTR wszTemp; WCHAR wc; DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwRead; DWORD dwCount;
// Private Function Declarations:
BOOL _ParseCatDbInputs(int argc, WCHAR **wargv, INPUTINFO *InputInfo); BOOL _ParseSignInputs(int argc, WCHAR **wargv, INPUTINFO *InputInfo); BOOL _ParseSignWizardInputs(int argc, WCHAR **wargv, INPUTINFO *InputInfo); BOOL _ParseTimestampInputs(int argc, WCHAR **wargv, INPUTINFO *InputInfo); BOOL _ParseVerifyInputs(int argc, WCHAR **wargv, INPUTINFO *InputInfo); // (These should never be called from any other functions)
if (argc <= 1) // If no parameters were specified
{ ResErr(IDS_ERR_NO_PARAMS); PrintUsage(InputInfo); return FALSE; // Print Usage
// Check the first parameter to see which command we are performing:
// Is it "CATDB" ?
if (_wcsicmp(wargv[1], L"CATDB") == 0) { InputInfo->Command = CatDb; if (!_ParseCatDbInputs(argc, wargv, InputInfo)) return FALSE; }
// Is it "SIGN" ?
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[1], L"SIGN") == 0) { InputInfo->Command = Sign; if (!_ParseSignInputs(argc, wargv, InputInfo)) return FALSE; }
// Is it "SIGNWIZARD" ?
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[1], L"SIGNWIZARD") == 0) { InputInfo->Command = SignWizard; if (!_ParseSignWizardInputs(argc, wargv, InputInfo)) return FALSE; }
// Is it "TIMESTAMP" ?
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[1], L"TIMESTAMP") == 0) { InputInfo->Command = Timestamp; if (!_ParseTimestampInputs(argc, wargv, InputInfo)) return FALSE; }
// Is it "VERIFY" ?
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[1], L"VERIFY") == 0) { InputInfo->Command = Verify; if (!_ParseVerifyInputs(argc, wargv, InputInfo)) return FALSE; }
// Is it a request for help?
else if ((_wcsicmp(wargv[1], L"/?") == 0) || (_wcsicmp(wargv[1], L"-?") == 0) || (_wcsicmp(wargv[1], L"/h") == 0) || (_wcsicmp(wargv[1], L"-h") == 0)) { PrintUsage(InputInfo); InputInfo->HelpRequest = TRUE; return FALSE; }
// Or is it unrecognized?
else { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_INVALID_COMMAND, wargv[1]); PrintUsage(InputInfo); return FALSE; }
// To reach here, one of the _Parse_X_Inputs must have succeeded
// Expand the File List if necessary
if (InputInfo->wszListFileName) { // Open the file
hFileList = _wfopen(InputInfo->wszListFileName, L"rt");
if (hFileList == NULL) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_OPENING_FILE_LIST, InputInfo->wszListFileName); PrintUsage(InputInfo); return FALSE; }
// Go to the beginning
if (fseek(hFileList, SEEK_SET, 0) != 0) { ResErr(IDS_ERR_UNEXPECTED); fclose(hFileList); return FALSE; }
// Get the full file size
// Do it this way to actually count the number of characters in the file
dwSize = 0; while (fgetwc(hFileList) != WEOF) { dwSize++; }
// Go back to the beginning
if (fseek(hFileList, SEEK_SET, 0) != 0) { ResErr(IDS_ERR_UNEXPECTED); fclose(hFileList); return FALSE; }
// Allocate a buffer big enough for all of it
InputInfo->wszListFileContents = (WCHAR*) malloc((dwSize + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (InputInfo->wszListFileContents == NULL) { FormatErrRet(L"malloc", ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); fclose(hFileList); return FALSE; }
// Read the file into the buffer
dwRead = 0; while ((dwRead < dwSize) && ((wc = getwc(hFileList)) != WEOF)) { InputInfo->wszListFileContents[dwRead] = wc; dwRead++; }
// Sanity Check
if (dwRead != dwSize) { ResErr(IDS_ERR_UNEXPECTED); fclose(hFileList); return FALSE; }
// Adjust for Unicode header if necessary
// if ((lSize > 1) && (InputInfo->wszListFileContents[0] == 0xFEFF))
// {
// InputInfo->wszListFileContents++;
// lSize--;
// }
// NULL terminate the final string (to be safe)
InputInfo->wszListFileContents[dwSize] = L'\0';
// Count the number of lines
wszTemp = InputInfo->wszListFileContents; dwCount = 1; while ((wszTemp = wcschr(wszTemp, L'\n')) != NULL) { wszTemp++; dwCount++; }
// Allocate the buffer for the pointers
InputInfo->rgwszFileNames = (LPWSTR*) malloc(dwCount * sizeof(LPWSTR)); if (InputInfo->rgwszFileNames == NULL) { FormatErrRet(L"malloc", ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); fclose(hFileList); return FALSE; }
// Assign the lines to the FileNames array
wszTemp = InputInfo->wszListFileContents; InputInfo->NumFiles = 0; while (wszTemp) { InputInfo->rgwszFileNames[InputInfo->NumFiles] = wszTemp;
wszTemp = wcschr(wszTemp, L'\n');
if (wszTemp) { *wszTemp = L'\0'; wszTemp++; }
if (wcslen(InputInfo->rgwszFileNames[InputInfo->NumFiles]) > 0) InputInfo->NumFiles++; }
fclose(hFileList); } #endif // SIGNTOOL_LIST
return TRUE; }
// Helper function specifically for the parameters of the CatDb command
BOOL _ParseCatDbInputs(int argc, WCHAR **wargv, INPUTINFO *InputInfo) { if (argc < 3) // If there's nothing after the "CatDb"
{ ResErr(IDS_ERR_NO_PARAMS); PrintUsage(InputInfo); return FALSE; }
for (int i=2; i<argc; i++) { if ((wcsncmp(wargv[i], L"/", 1) == 0) || (wcsncmp(wargv[i], L"-", 1) == 0)) { // Then it's a switch.
// Begin switch processing
// Switch to mark end of switches --
if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"-") == 0) { // Then we should treat all further parameters as filenames
if ((i+1) < argc) { InputInfo->rgwszFileNames = &wargv[i+1]; InputInfo->NumFiles = argc - (i+1); goto CheckParams; // Done parsing.
} else { ResErr(IDS_ERR_MISSING_FILENAME); return FALSE; // No filename found after end of switches.
} }
// Help: /? /h
else if ((_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"?") == 0) || (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"h") == 0)) { PrintUsage(InputInfo); InputInfo->HelpRequest = TRUE; return FALSE; }
// Debug (secret switch) /#
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"#") == 0) { gDebug = TRUE; InputInfo->Verbose = TRUE; } #endif
// Use Default CatDb /d
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"d") == 0) { switch (InputInfo->CatDbSelect) { case GuidCatDb: ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_PARAM_INCOMPATIBLE, L"/d", L"/g"); return FALSE; // You cannot use the same type of switch twice.
case DefaultCatDb: ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_DUP_SWITCH, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // You cannot use the same switch twice.
case NoCatDb: InputInfo->CatDbSelect = DefaultCatDb; break; default: ResErr(IDS_ERR_UNEXPECTED); // This should never happen
return FALSE; // Error
} }
// CatDb Guid /g
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"g") == 0) { switch (InputInfo->CatDbSelect) { case GuidCatDb: ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_DUP_SWITCH, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // You cannot use the same switch twice.
case DefaultCatDb: ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_PARAM_INCOMPATIBLE, L"/g", L"/d"); return FALSE; // You cannot use the same type of switch twice.
case NoCatDb: if ((i+1) < argc) { if (GUIDFromWStr(&InputInfo->CatDbGuid, wargv[i+1])) { InputInfo->CatDbSelect = GuidCatDb; i++; } else { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_INVALID_GUID, wargv[i+1]); return FALSE; // Invalid GUID format
} } else { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_NO_PARAM, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // No GUID found after /g
} break; default: ResErr(IDS_ERR_UNEXPECTED); // This should never happen
return FALSE; // Error
} }
// File List /l
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"l") == 0) { if (InputInfo->wszListFileName) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_DUP_SWITCH, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // You cannot use the same switch twice.
} if ((i+1) < argc) { InputInfo->wszListFileName = wargv[i+1]; i++; } else { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_NO_PARAM, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // No Parameter found.
} } #endif
// Quiet /q
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"q") == 0) { InputInfo->Quiet = TRUE; }
// Remove Catalogs /r
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"r") == 0) { switch (InputInfo->CatDbCommand) { case UpdateCat: InputInfo->CatDbCommand = RemoveCat; break; case AddUniqueCat: ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_PARAM_INCOMPATIBLE, L"/u", L"/r"); return FALSE; // You cannot use the same type of switch twice.
case RemoveCat: ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_DUP_SWITCH, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // You cannot use the same switch twice.
default: ResErr(IDS_ERR_UNEXPECTED); // This should never happen
return FALSE; // Error
} }
// Add Catalog with Unique Names /u
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"u") == 0) { switch (InputInfo->CatDbCommand) { case UpdateCat: InputInfo->CatDbCommand = AddUniqueCat; break; case AddUniqueCat: ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_DUP_SWITCH, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // You cannot use the same switch twice.
case RemoveCat: ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_PARAM_INCOMPATIBLE, L"/r", L"/u"); return FALSE; // You cannot use the same type of switch twice.
default: ResErr(IDS_ERR_UNEXPECTED); // This should never happen
return FALSE; // Error
} }
// Verbose /v
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"v") == 0) { InputInfo->Verbose = TRUE; }
else { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_INVALID_SWITCH, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // Invalid switch
} } // End of switch processing
else { // It's not a switch
// So it must be the filename(s) at the end.
InputInfo->rgwszFileNames = &wargv[i]; InputInfo->NumFiles = argc - i; goto CheckParams; // Done parsing.
} } // End FOR loop
// Handle the case where no files were passed on the command line
if (InputInfo->wszListFileName) goto CheckParams; // Done Parsing
// No filename found after end of switches.
if (InputInfo->CatDbSelect == NoCatDb) { InputInfo->CatDbSelect = SystemCatDb; GUIDFromWStr(&InputInfo->CatDbGuid, L"{F750E6C3-38EE-11D1-85E5-00C04FC295EE}"); } if (InputInfo->CatDbSelect == DefaultCatDb) { GUIDFromWStr(&InputInfo->CatDbGuid, L"{127D0A1D-4EF2-11D1-8608-00C04FC295EE}"); }
if (InputInfo->wszListFileName && InputInfo->rgwszFileNames) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_PARAM_INCOMPATIBLE, L"/l", L"<filename(s)>"); return FALSE; // Can't use /l and other files
} #endif
if (InputInfo->Quiet && InputInfo->Verbose) { #ifdef SIGNTOOL_DEBUG
if (gDebug) { InputInfo->Quiet = FALSE; } else { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_PARAM_INCOMPATIBLE, L"/q", L"/v"); return FALSE; // Can't use /q and /v together
} #else
ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_PARAM_INCOMPATIBLE, L"/q", L"/v"); return FALSE; // Can't use /q and /v together
} return TRUE; // Success
// Helper function specifically for the parameters of the Sign command
BOOL _ParseSignInputs(int argc, WCHAR **wargv, INPUTINFO *InputInfo) { static WCHAR wszEKU[100];
if (argc < 3) // If there's nothing after the "sign"
{ ResErr(IDS_ERR_NO_PARAMS); PrintUsage(InputInfo); return FALSE; }
for (int i=2; i<argc; i++) { if ((wcsncmp(wargv[i], L"/", 1) == 0) || (wcsncmp(wargv[i], L"-", 1) == 0)) { // Then it's a switch.
// Begin switch processing
// Switch to mark end of switches --
if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"-") == 0) { // Then we should treat all further parameters as filenames
if ((i+1) < argc) { InputInfo->rgwszFileNames = &wargv[i+1]; InputInfo->NumFiles = argc - (i+1); goto CheckParams; // Done parsing.
} else { ResErr(IDS_ERR_MISSING_FILENAME); return FALSE; // No filename found after end of switches.
} }
// Help: /? /h
else if ((_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"?") == 0) || (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"h") == 0)) { PrintUsage(InputInfo); InputInfo->HelpRequest = TRUE; return FALSE; }
// Debug (secret switch) /#
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"#") == 0) { gDebug = TRUE; InputInfo->Verbose = TRUE; } #endif
// Automatic /a
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"a") == 0) { InputInfo->CatDbSelect = FullAutoCatDb; }
// Certificate Template /c
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"c") == 0) { if (InputInfo->wszTemplateName) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_DUP_SWITCH, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // You cannot use the same switch twice.
} if ((i+1) < argc) { InputInfo->wszTemplateName = wargv[i+1]; i++; } else { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_NO_PARAM, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // No Parameter found.
} }
// CSP
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"csp") == 0) { if (InputInfo->wszCSP) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_DUP_SWITCH, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // You cannot use the same switch twice.
} if ((i+1) < argc) { InputInfo->wszCSP = wargv[i+1]; i++; } else { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_NO_PARAM, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // No Parameter found.
} }
// Description /d
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"d") == 0) { if (InputInfo->wszDescription) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_DUP_SWITCH, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // You cannot use the same switch twice.
} if ((i+1) < argc) { InputInfo->wszDescription = wargv[i+1]; i++; } else { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_NO_PARAM, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // No Parameter found.
} }
// Description URL /du
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"du") == 0) { if (InputInfo->wszDescURL) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_DUP_SWITCH, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // You cannot use the same switch twice.
} if ((i+1) < argc) { InputInfo->wszDescURL = wargv[i+1]; i++; } else { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_NO_PARAM, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // No Parameter found.
} }
// Certificate File /f
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"f") == 0) { if (InputInfo->wszCertFile) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_DUP_SWITCH, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // You cannot use the same switch twice.
} if ((i+1) < argc) { InputInfo->wszCertFile = wargv[i+1]; i++; } else { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_NO_PARAM, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // No Parameter found.
} }
// Issuer /i
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"i") == 0) { if (InputInfo->wszIssuerName) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_DUP_SWITCH, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // You cannot use the same switch twice.
} if ((i+1) < argc) { InputInfo->wszIssuerName = wargv[i+1]; i++; } else { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_NO_PARAM, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // No Parameter found.
} }
// Key Container /k
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"k") == 0) { if (InputInfo->wszContainerName) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_DUP_SWITCH, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // You cannot use the same switch twice.
} if ((i+1) < argc) { InputInfo->wszContainerName = wargv[i+1]; i++; } else { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_NO_PARAM, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // No Parameter found.
} }
// File List /l
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"l") == 0) { if (InputInfo->wszListFileName) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_DUP_SWITCH, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // You cannot use the same switch twice.
} if ((i+1) < argc) { InputInfo->wszListFileName = wargv[i+1]; i++; } else { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_NO_PARAM, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // No Parameter found.
} } #endif
// Subject Name /n
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"n") == 0) { if (InputInfo->wszSubjectName) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_DUP_SWITCH, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // You cannot use the same switch twice.
} if ((i+1) < argc) { InputInfo->wszSubjectName = wargv[i+1]; i++; } else { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_NO_PARAM, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // No Parameter found.
} }
// Password /p
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"p") == 0) { if (InputInfo->wszPassword) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_DUP_SWITCH, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // You cannot use the same switch twice.
} if ((i+1) < argc) { InputInfo->wszPassword = wargv[i+1]; i++; } else { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_NO_PARAM, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // No Parameter found.
} }
// Quiet /q
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"q") == 0) { InputInfo->Quiet = TRUE; }
// Root /r
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"r") == 0) { if (InputInfo->wszRootName) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_DUP_SWITCH, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // You cannot use the same switch twice.
} if ((i+1) < argc) { InputInfo->wszRootName = wargv[i+1]; i++; } else { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_NO_PARAM, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // No Parameter found.
} }
// Store /s
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"s") == 0) { if (InputInfo->wszStoreName) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_DUP_SWITCH, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // You cannot use the same switch twice.
} if ((i+1) < argc) { InputInfo->wszStoreName = wargv[i+1]; i++; } else { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_NO_PARAM, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // No Parameter found.
} }
// Machine Store Location
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"sm") == 0) { InputInfo->OpenMachineStore = TRUE; }
// SHA1 Hash /sha1
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"sha1") == 0) { if (InputInfo->SHA1.cbData) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_DUP_SWITCH, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // You cannot use the same switch twice.
} if ((i+1) < argc) { if (wcslen(wargv[i+1]) == 40) { InputInfo->SHA1.pbData = (BYTE*) malloc(20); if (InputInfo->SHA1.pbData == NULL) { FormatErrRet(L"malloc", GetLastError()); return FALSE; // Unable to allocate SHA1 hash
} InputInfo->SHA1.cbData = 20; for (DWORD b=0; b<InputInfo->SHA1.cbData; b++) { if (swscanf(wargv[i+1]+(2*b), L"%02X", &(InputInfo->SHA1.pbData[b])) != 1) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_INVALID_SHA1, wargv[i+1]); return FALSE; // Parameter string is invalid
} } i++; } else { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_INVALID_SHA1, wargv[i+1]); return FALSE; // Parameter string is the wrong size
} } else { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_NO_PARAM, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // No Parameter found.
} }
// Timestamp Server URL /t
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"t") == 0) { if (InputInfo->wszTimeStampURL) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_DUP_SWITCH, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // You cannot use the same switch twice.
} if ((i+1) < argc) { if (_wcsnicmp(wargv[i+1], L"http://", 7) == 0) { InputInfo->wszTimeStampURL = wargv[i+1]; i++; } else { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_BAD_TIMESTAMP_URL, wargv[i+1]); return FALSE; // Timestamp URL does not begin with http://
} } else { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_NO_PARAM, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // No Parameter found.
} }
// Usage /u
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"u") == 0) { if (InputInfo->wszEKU) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_DUP_SWITCH, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // You cannot use the same switch twice.
} if ((i+1) < argc) { InputInfo->wszEKU = wargv[i+1]; i++; } else { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_NO_PARAM, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // No Parameter found.
} }
// Usage (Windows System Component Verification) /uw
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"uw") == 0) { if (InputInfo->wszEKU) { *(wargv[i]+2) = L'?'; ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_DUP_SWITCH, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // You cannot use the same switch twice.
} // Set the Usage to Windows System Component Verification:
wcscpy(wszEKU, L""); InputInfo->wszEKU = wszEKU; }
// Verbose /v
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"v") == 0) { InputInfo->Verbose = TRUE; }
else { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_INVALID_SWITCH, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // Invalid switch
} } // End of switch processing
else { // It's not a switch
// So it must be the filename(s) at the end.
InputInfo->rgwszFileNames = &wargv[i]; InputInfo->NumFiles = argc - i; goto CheckParams; // Done parsing.
} } // End FOR loop
// Handle the case where no files were passed on the command line
if (InputInfo->wszListFileName) goto CheckParams; // Done Parsing
// No filename found after end of switches.
CheckParams: // Check for invalid combinations of parameters here:
if (InputInfo->wszPassword && (InputInfo->wszCertFile == NULL)) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_PARAM_DEPENDENCY, L"/p", L"/f"); return FALSE; // Password specified but no cert file specified.
} if (InputInfo->wszContainerName && (InputInfo->wszCSP == NULL)) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_PARAM_DEPENDENCY, L"/k", L"/csp"); return FALSE; // Container Name specified, but to CSP Name.
} if (InputInfo->wszCSP && (InputInfo->wszContainerName == NULL)) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_PARAM_DEPENDENCY, L"/csp", L"/k"); return FALSE; // CSP Name specified, but no Container Name.
} if (InputInfo->wszCertFile && (InputInfo->wszStoreName || InputInfo->OpenMachineStore)) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_PARAM_MULTI_INCOMP, L"/f", L"/s /sm"); return FALSE; // /f means use a file, and /s means use a store.
if (InputInfo->wszListFileName && InputInfo->rgwszFileNames) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_PARAM_INCOMPATIBLE, L"/l", L"<filename(s)>"); return FALSE; // Can't use /l and other files
} #endif
if (InputInfo->Quiet && InputInfo->Verbose) { #ifdef SIGNTOOL_DEBUG
if (gDebug) { InputInfo->Quiet = FALSE; } else { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_PARAM_INCOMPATIBLE, L"/q", L"/v"); return FALSE; // Can't use /q and /v together
} #else
ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_PARAM_INCOMPATIBLE, L"/q", L"/v"); return FALSE; // Can't use /q and /v together
} return TRUE; // Success
// Helper function specifically for the parameters of the SignWizard command
BOOL _ParseSignWizardInputs(int argc, WCHAR **wargv, INPUTINFO *InputInfo) { if (argc < 3) // If there's nothing after the "SignWizard"
{ // No problem.
return TRUE; }
for (int i=2; i<argc; i++) { if ((wcsncmp(wargv[i], L"/", 1) == 0) || (wcsncmp(wargv[i], L"-", 1) == 0)) { // Then it's a switch.
// Begin switch processing
// Switch to mark end of switches --
if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"-") == 0) { // Then we should treat all further parameters as filenames
if ((i+1) < argc) { InputInfo->rgwszFileNames = &wargv[i+1]; InputInfo->NumFiles = argc - (i+1); goto CheckParams; // Done parsing.
} else { ResErr(IDS_ERR_MISSING_FILENAME); return FALSE; // No filename found after end of switches.
} }
// Help: /? /h
else if ((_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"?") == 0) || (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"h") == 0)) { PrintUsage(InputInfo); InputInfo->HelpRequest = TRUE; return FALSE; }
// Debug (secret switch) /#
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"#") == 0) { gDebug = TRUE; InputInfo->Verbose = TRUE; } #endif
// File List /l
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"l") == 0) { if (InputInfo->wszListFileName) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_DUP_SWITCH, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // You cannot use the same switch twice.
} if ((i+1) < argc) { InputInfo->wszListFileName = wargv[i+1]; i++; } else { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_NO_PARAM, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // No Parameter found.
} } #endif
// Quiet /q
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"q") == 0) { InputInfo->Quiet = TRUE; }
// Verbose /v
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"v") == 0) { InputInfo->Verbose = TRUE; }
else { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_INVALID_SWITCH, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // Invalid switch
} } // End of switch processing
else { // It's not a switch
// So it must be the filename(s) at the end.
InputInfo->rgwszFileNames = &wargv[i]; InputInfo->NumFiles = argc - i; goto CheckParams; // Done parsing.
} } // End FOR loop
// It is OK if no filenames were found after end of switches.
if (InputInfo->wszListFileName && InputInfo->rgwszFileNames) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_PARAM_INCOMPATIBLE, L"/l", L"<filename(s)>"); return FALSE; // Can't use /l and other files
} #endif
if (InputInfo->Quiet && InputInfo->Verbose) { #ifdef SIGNTOOL_DEBUG
if (gDebug) { InputInfo->Quiet = FALSE; } else { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_PARAM_INCOMPATIBLE, L"/q", L"/v"); return FALSE; // Can't use /q and /v together
} #else
ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_PARAM_INCOMPATIBLE, L"/q", L"/v"); return FALSE; // Can't use /q and /v together
} return TRUE; // Success
// Helper function specifically for the parameters of the Timestamp command
BOOL _ParseTimestampInputs(int argc, WCHAR **wargv, INPUTINFO *InputInfo) { if (argc < 3) // If there's nothing after the "timestamp"
{ ResErr(IDS_ERR_NO_PARAMS); PrintUsage(InputInfo); return FALSE; }
for (int i=2; i<argc; i++) { if ((wcsncmp(wargv[i], L"/", 1) == 0) || (wcsncmp(wargv[i], L"-", 1) == 0)) { // Then it's a switch.
// Begin switch processing
// Switch to mark end of switches --
if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"-") == 0) { // Then we should treat all further parameters as filenames
if ((i+1) < argc) { InputInfo->rgwszFileNames = &wargv[i+1]; InputInfo->NumFiles = argc - (i+1); goto CheckParams; // Done parsing.
} else { ResErr(IDS_ERR_MISSING_FILENAME); return FALSE; // No filename found after end of switches.
} }
// Help: /? /h
else if ((_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"?") == 0) || (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"h") == 0)) { PrintUsage(InputInfo); InputInfo->HelpRequest = TRUE; return FALSE; }
// Debug (secret switch) /#
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"#") == 0) { gDebug = TRUE; InputInfo->Verbose = TRUE; } #endif
// File List /l
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"l") == 0) { if (InputInfo->wszListFileName) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_DUP_SWITCH, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // You cannot use the same switch twice.
} if ((i+1) < argc) { InputInfo->wszListFileName = wargv[i+1]; i++; } else { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_NO_PARAM, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // No Parameter found.
} } #endif
// Timestamp Server URL /t
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"t") == 0) { if (InputInfo->wszTimeStampURL) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_DUP_SWITCH, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // You cannot use the same switch twice.
} if ((i+1) < argc) { if (_wcsnicmp(wargv[i+1], L"http://", 7) != 0) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_BAD_TIMESTAMP_URL, wargv[i+1]); return FALSE; // Timestamp URL does not begin with http://
} InputInfo->wszTimeStampURL = wargv[i+1]; i++; } else { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_NO_PARAM, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // No Parameter found.
} }
// Quiet /q
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"q") == 0) { InputInfo->Quiet = TRUE; }
// Verbose /v
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"v") == 0) { InputInfo->Verbose = TRUE; }
else { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_INVALID_SWITCH, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // Invalid switch
} } // End of switch processing
else { // It's not a switch
// So it must be the filename(s) at the end.
InputInfo->rgwszFileNames = &wargv[i]; InputInfo->NumFiles = argc - i; goto CheckParams; // Done parsing.
} } // End FOR loop
// Handle the case where no files were passed on the command line
if (InputInfo->wszListFileName) goto CheckParams; // Done Parsing
// No filename found after end of switches.
CheckParams: if (InputInfo->wszTimeStampURL == NULL) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_PARAM_REQUIRED, L"/t"); return FALSE; // /t is required.
if (InputInfo->wszListFileName && InputInfo->rgwszFileNames) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_PARAM_INCOMPATIBLE, L"/l", L"<filename(s)>"); return FALSE; // Can't use /l and other files
} #endif
if (InputInfo->Quiet && InputInfo->Verbose) { #ifdef SIGNTOOL_DEBUG
if (gDebug) { InputInfo->Quiet = FALSE; } else { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_PARAM_INCOMPATIBLE, L"/q", L"/v"); return FALSE; // Can't use /q and /v together
} #else
ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_PARAM_INCOMPATIBLE, L"/q", L"/v"); return FALSE; // Can't use /q and /v together
} return TRUE; // Success
// Helper function specifically for the parameters of the Verify command
BOOL _ParseVerifyInputs(int argc, WCHAR **wargv, INPUTINFO *InputInfo) { if (argc < 3) // If there's nothing after the "verify"
{ ResErr(IDS_ERR_NO_PARAMS); PrintUsage(InputInfo); return FALSE; }
for (int i=2; i<argc; i++) { if ((wcsncmp(wargv[i], L"/", 1) == 0) || (wcsncmp(wargv[i], L"-", 1) == 0)) { // Then it's a switch.
// Begin switch processing
// Switch to mark end of switches --
if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"-") == 0) { // Then we should treat all further parameters as filenames
if ((i+1) < argc) { InputInfo->rgwszFileNames = &wargv[i+1]; InputInfo->NumFiles = argc - (i+1); goto CheckParams; // Done parsing.
} else { ResErr(IDS_ERR_MISSING_FILENAME); return FALSE; // No filename found after end of switches.
} }
// Help: /? /h
else if ((_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"?") == 0) || (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"h") == 0)) { PrintUsage(InputInfo); InputInfo->HelpRequest = TRUE; return FALSE; }
// Debug (secret switch) /#
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"#") == 0) { gDebug = TRUE; InputInfo->Verbose = TRUE; } #endif
// Automatic (All Catalogs) /a
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"a") == 0) { if (InputInfo->wszCatFile) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_PARAM_INCOMPATIBLE, L"/c", L"/a"); return FALSE; } if (InputInfo->CatDbSelect != NoCatDb) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_DUP_SWITCH, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // You cannot use the same switch twice.
} InputInfo->CatDbSelect = FullAutoCatDb; }
// Automatic (Default) /ad
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"ad") == 0) { if (InputInfo->wszCatFile) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_PARAM_INCOMPATIBLE, L"/c", L"/ad"); return FALSE; } if (InputInfo->CatDbSelect != NoCatDb) { *(wargv[i]+2) = L'?'; ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_DUP_SWITCH, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // You cannot use the same switch twice.
} InputInfo->CatDbSelect = DefaultCatDb; GUIDFromWStr(&InputInfo->CatDbGuid, L"{127D0A1D-4EF2-11D1-8608-00C04FC295EE}"); }
// Automatic (System) /as
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"as") == 0) { if (InputInfo->wszCatFile) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_PARAM_INCOMPATIBLE, L"/c", L"/as"); return FALSE; } if (InputInfo->CatDbSelect != NoCatDb) { *(wargv[i]+2) = L'?'; ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_DUP_SWITCH, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // You cannot use the same switch twice.
} InputInfo->CatDbSelect = SystemCatDb; GUIDFromWStr(&InputInfo->CatDbGuid, L"{F750E6C3-38EE-11D1-85E5-00C04FC295EE}"); }
// Automatic (System) /ag
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"ag") == 0) { if (InputInfo->wszCatFile) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_PARAM_INCOMPATIBLE, L"/c", L"/ag"); return FALSE; } if (InputInfo->CatDbSelect != NoCatDb) { *(wargv[i]+2) = L'?'; ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_DUP_SWITCH, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // You cannot use the same switch twice.
} InputInfo->CatDbSelect = GuidCatDb; if ((i+1) < argc) { if (GUIDFromWStr(&InputInfo->CatDbGuid, wargv[i+1])) { i++; } else { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_INVALID_GUID, wargv[i+1]); return FALSE; // Invalid GUID format
} } else { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_NO_PARAM, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // No GUID found after /ag
} }
// Catalog File /c
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"c") == 0) { if (InputInfo->wszCatFile) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_DUP_SWITCH, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // You cannot use the same switch twice.
} if (InputInfo->CatDbSelect == FullAutoCatDb) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_PARAM_INCOMPATIBLE, L"/c", L"/a"); return FALSE; // Incompatible switches
} if (InputInfo->CatDbSelect == DefaultCatDb) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_PARAM_INCOMPATIBLE, L"/c", L"/ad"); return FALSE; // Incompatible switches
} if (InputInfo->CatDbSelect == GuidCatDb) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_PARAM_INCOMPATIBLE, L"/c", L"/ag"); return FALSE; // Incompatible switches
} if (InputInfo->CatDbSelect == SystemCatDb) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_PARAM_INCOMPATIBLE, L"/c", L"/as"); return FALSE; // Incompatible switches
} if ((i+1) < argc) { InputInfo->wszCatFile = wargv[i+1]; i++; } else { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_NO_PARAM, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // No Parameter found.
} }
// File List /l
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"l") == 0) { if (InputInfo->wszListFileName) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_DUP_SWITCH, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // You cannot use the same switch twice.
} if ((i+1) < argc) { InputInfo->wszListFileName = wargv[i+1]; i++; } else { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_NO_PARAM, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // No Parameter found.
} } #endif
// OS Version /o
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"o") == 0) { if (InputInfo->wszVersion) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_DUP_SWITCH, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // You cannot use the same switch twice.
} if ((i+1) < argc) { InputInfo->dwBuildNumber = 0; if (!((swscanf(wargv[i+1], L"%d:%d.%d.%d", &InputInfo->dwPlatform, &InputInfo->dwMajorVersion, &InputInfo->dwMinorVersion, &InputInfo->dwBuildNumber) == 4) || (swscanf(wargv[i+1], L"%d:%d.%d", &InputInfo->dwPlatform, &InputInfo->dwMajorVersion, &InputInfo->dwMinorVersion) == 3)) || (InputInfo->dwPlatform == 0)) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_INVALID_VERSION, wargv[i+1]); return FALSE; } InputInfo->wszVersion = wargv[i+1]; i++; } else { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_NO_PARAM, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // No Parameter found.
} }
// Policy (Default Authenticode) /pa (used to be /pd)
else if ((_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"pa") == 0) || (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"pd") == 0)) { if (InputInfo->Policy != SystemDriver) { *(wargv[i]+2) = L'?'; ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_DUP_SWITCH, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // You cannot use the same switch twice.
} InputInfo->Policy = DefaultAuthenticode; }
// Policy (Specify by GUID) /pg
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"pg") == 0) { if (InputInfo->Policy != SystemDriver) { *(wargv[i]+2) = L'?'; ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_DUP_SWITCH, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // You cannot use the same switch twice.
} InputInfo->Policy = GuidActionID; if ((i+1) < argc) { if (GUIDFromWStr(&InputInfo->PolicyGuid, wargv[i+1])) { i++; } else { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_INVALID_GUID, wargv[i+1]); return FALSE; // Invalid GUID format
} } else { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_NO_PARAM, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // No GUID found after /pg
} }
// Quiet /q
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"q") == 0) { InputInfo->Quiet = TRUE; }
// Root Name /r
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"r") == 0) { if (InputInfo->wszRootName) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_DUP_SWITCH, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // You cannot use the same switch twice.
} if ((i+1) < argc) { InputInfo->wszRootName = wargv[i+1]; // This string will be compared with a lowercased string.
_wcslwr(InputInfo->wszRootName); i++; } else { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_NO_PARAM, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // No Parameter found.
} }
// TimeStamp Warn /tw
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"tw") == 0) { InputInfo->TSWarn = TRUE; }
// Verbose /v
else if (_wcsicmp(wargv[i]+1, L"v") == 0) { InputInfo->Verbose = TRUE; }
else { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_INVALID_SWITCH, wargv[i]); return FALSE; // Invalid switch
} } // End of switch processing
else { // It's not a switch
// So it must be the filename(s) at the end.
InputInfo->rgwszFileNames = &wargv[i]; InputInfo->NumFiles = argc - i; goto CheckParams; // Done parsing.
} } // End FOR loop
// Handle the case where no files were passed on the command line
if (InputInfo->wszListFileName) goto CheckParams; // Done Parsing
// No filename found after end of switches.
CheckParams: if (InputInfo->wszVersion && !((InputInfo->CatDbSelect != NoCatDb) || InputInfo->wszCatFile)) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_PARAM_MULTI_DEP, L"/o", L"/a /ad /ag /as /c"); return FALSE; // OS Version switch requires catalog options (/a? or /c)
if (InputInfo->wszListFileName && InputInfo->rgwszFileNames) { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_PARAM_INCOMPATIBLE, L"/l", L"<filename(s)>"); return FALSE; // Can't use /l and other files
} #endif
if (InputInfo->Quiet && InputInfo->Verbose) { #ifdef SIGNTOOL_DEBUG
if (gDebug) { InputInfo->Quiet = FALSE; } else { ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_PARAM_INCOMPATIBLE, L"/q", L"/v"); return FALSE; // Can't use /q and /v together
} #else
ResFormatErr(IDS_ERR_PARAM_INCOMPATIBLE, L"/q", L"/v"); return FALSE; // Can't use /q and /v together
} return TRUE; // Success