File: capiprim.cpp
Title: Cryptographic Primitives using CryptoAPI Author: Matt Thomlinson Date: 11/22/96
Functions in this module:
FMyPrimitiveCryptHMAC Derives a quality HMAC (Keyed message-authentication code). The HMAC is computed in the following (standard HMAC) manner:
KoPad = KiPad = DESKey key setup buffer XOR(KoPad, 0x5c5c5c5c) XOR(KiPad, 0x36363636) HMAC = SHA1(KoPad | SHA1(KiPad | Data))
*/ #include <pch.cpp>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "crypt.h"
BOOL WINAPI _CryptEnumProvidersW( DWORD dwIndex, DWORD * pdwReserved, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD * pdwProvType, LPWSTR pszProvName, DWORD * pcbProvName );
extern DWORD g_dwCryptProviderID; #define HMAC_K_PADSIZE 64
extern CCryptProvList* g_pCProvList;
BOOL FMyPrimitiveCryptHMAC( PBYTE pbKeyMaterial, DWORD cbKeyMaterial, PBYTE pbData, DWORD cbData, HCRYPTPROV hVerifyProv, DWORD dwHashAlg, HCRYPTHASH* phHash) // out
{ DWORD cb; BOOL fRet = FALSE;
BYTE rgbKipad[HMAC_K_PADSIZE]; ZeroMemory(rgbKipad, HMAC_K_PADSIZE); BYTE rgbKopad[HMAC_K_PADSIZE]; ZeroMemory(rgbKopad, HMAC_K_PADSIZE);
// truncate
if (cbKeyMaterial > HMAC_K_PADSIZE) cbKeyMaterial = HMAC_K_PADSIZE;
// fill pad bufs with keying material
CopyMemory(rgbKipad, pbKeyMaterial, cbKeyMaterial); CopyMemory(rgbKopad, pbKeyMaterial, cbKeyMaterial);
// assert we're a multiple for the next loop
SS_ASSERT( (HMAC_K_PADSIZE % sizeof(DWORD)) == 0);
// Kipad, Kopad are padded sMacKey. Now XOR across...
for(DWORD dwBlock=0; dwBlock<HMAC_K_PADSIZE/sizeof(DWORD); dwBlock++) { ((DWORD*)rgbKipad)[dwBlock] ^= 0x36363636; ((DWORD*)rgbKopad)[dwBlock] ^= 0x5C5C5C5C; }
// check passed-in prov
if (hVerifyProv == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); goto Ret; }
// create an intermediate hash
if (!CryptCreateHash( hVerifyProv, dwHashAlg, NULL, 0, &hTmpHash)) goto Ret;
// prepend Kipad to data, Hash to get H1
if (!CryptHashData( hTmpHash, rgbKipad, sizeof(rgbKipad), 0)) goto Ret; if (!CryptHashData( hTmpHash, pbData, cbData, 0)) goto Ret;
// prepend Kopad to H1
CopyMemory(rgbHMACTmp, rgbKopad, HMAC_K_PADSIZE); cb = A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN; if (!CryptGetHashParam( hTmpHash, HP_HASHVAL, rgbHMACTmp+HMAC_K_PADSIZE, &cb, 0)) goto Ret;
// do final hash w/ CryptoAPI into output hash
// create the final hash
if (!CryptCreateHash( hVerifyProv, dwHashAlg, NULL, 0, phHash)) goto Ret;
// hash ( Kopad | H1 ) to get HMAC
if (!CryptHashData( *phHash, rgbHMACTmp, HMAC_K_PADSIZE + cb, // pad + hashsize
0)) goto Ret;
fRet = TRUE; Ret: if (hTmpHash) CryptDestroyHash(hTmpHash);
return fRet; }
#if DBG
void CheckMACInterop( PBYTE pbMonsterKey, DWORD cbMonsterKey, PBYTE pbRandKey, DWORD cbRandKey, HCRYPTPROV hVerifyProv, ALG_ID algidHash) { HCRYPTHASH hHash = 0; BOOL fRet = FALSE;
BYTE rgbCryptHash[A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN]; DWORD cbHashSize = sizeof(rgbCryptHash);
if (algidHash == CALG_SHA1) { if (!FMyPrimitiveCryptHMAC( pbMonsterKey, // key
cbMonsterKey, pbRandKey, // data
cbRandKey, hVerifyProv, algidHash, &hHash)) // output
goto Ret;
// nab crypt result
if (!CryptGetHashParam( hHash, HP_HASHVAL, rgbCryptHash, &cbHashSize, 0)) goto Ret;
// nab raw result
if (!FMyPrimitiveHMACParam( pbMonsterKey, cbMonsterKey, pbRandKey, cbRandKey, rgbOldHash)) goto Ret;
if (0 != memcmp(rgbOldHash, rgbCryptHash, A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN)) goto Ret; } // else don't have interop test
fRet = TRUE; Ret: if (!fRet) { OutputDebugString(TEXT("HMACs did not interop!!!!\n")); SS_ASSERT(0); }
if (hHash) CryptDestroyHash(hHash);
return; } #endif // DBG
// USEC -- (US Export Controls)
DWORD GetSaltForExportControl( HCRYPTPROV hProv, HCRYPTKEY hKey, PBYTE* ppbSalt, DWORD* pcbSalt)
{ DWORD dwRet;
// fix bug: derived keys will be > 40 bits in length
// fix is to stomp derived key with exposed salt (Provider knows what is legal!!)
if (!CryptGetKeyParam( hKey, KP_SALT, NULL, pcbSalt, 0)) { #if DBG
if (GetLastError() != NTE_BAD_KEY) OutputDebugString(TEXT("GetSaltForExportControl failed in possible violation of ITAR!\n")); #endif
dwRet = GetLastError(); goto Ret; */ // Assume key type doesn't support salt
// report cbSalt = 0
*pcbSalt = 0; *ppbSalt = (PBYTE)SSAlloc(0);
dwRet = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto Ret; }
*ppbSalt = (PBYTE)SSAlloc(*pcbSalt); if (!RtlGenRandom( *ppbSalt, *pcbSalt)) { dwRet = GetLastError(); goto Ret; }
// don't get if salt zero len (bug workaround for NT5B1 RSAEnh)
if (*pcbSalt != 0) { if (!CryptSetKeyParam( hKey, KP_SALT, *ppbSalt, 0)) { dwRet = GetLastError(); goto Ret; } }
Ret: return dwRet; }
// USEC -- (US Export Controls)
DWORD SetSaltForExportControl( HCRYPTKEY hKey, PBYTE pbSalt, DWORD cbSalt) { DWORD dwRet; DWORD cbAllowableSaltLen;
// first check and make sure we can set this salt
if (!CryptGetKeyParam( hKey, KP_SALT, NULL, &cbAllowableSaltLen, 0)) { /*
dwRet = GetLastError(); goto Ret; */ // If cbSalt == 0, no error
if (cbSalt == 0) dwRet = ERROR_SUCCESS; else dwRet = GetLastError();
goto Ret; }
if (cbAllowableSaltLen != cbSalt) { dwRet = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; goto Ret; }
// don't set if salt zero len (bug workaround for NT5B1 RSAEnh)
if (cbSalt != 0) { // set the salt to stomp real key bits (export law)
if (!CryptSetKeyParam( hKey, KP_SALT, pbSalt, 0)) { dwRet = GetLastError(); goto Ret; } }
dwRet = ERROR_SUCCESS; Ret: return dwRet; }
DWORD GetCryptProviderFromRequirements( DWORD dwAlgId1, DWORD* pdwKeySize1, DWORD dwAlgId2, DWORD* pdwKeySize2, DWORD* pdwProvType, LPWSTR* ppszProvName) { DWORD dwRet;
DWORD cbProvName=0, cbNecessary; HCRYPTPROV hQueryProv = NULL;
SS_ASSERT(pdwKeySize1); SS_ASSERT(pdwKeySize2);
for (int iProvIndex=0; ;iProvIndex++) { if (!_CryptEnumProvidersW( iProvIndex, NULL, 0, pdwProvType, NULL, &cbNecessary)) { dwRet = GetLastError();
// end of providers OR
// trouble enumerating providers: both fatal
goto Ret; }
if (cbNecessary > cbProvName) { if (*ppszProvName == NULL) *ppszProvName = (LPWSTR)SSAlloc(cbNecessary); else { pTemp = (LPWSTR)SSReAlloc(*ppszProvName, cbNecessary); if (NULL == pTemp) { SSFree(*ppszProvName); }
*ppszProvName = pTemp; }
if (*ppszProvName == NULL) { dwRet = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto Ret; }
cbProvName = cbNecessary; }
if (!_CryptEnumProvidersW( iProvIndex, NULL, 0, pdwProvType, *ppszProvName, &cbNecessary)) { // trouble enumerating providers: fatal
dwRet = GetLastError(); goto Ret; }
if (!CryptAcquireContextU( &hQueryProv, NULL, *ppszProvName, *pdwProvType, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT)) { // trouble acquiring context, to go next csp
continue; }
if ((FProviderSupportsAlg(hQueryProv, dwAlgId1, pdwKeySize1)) && (FProviderSupportsAlg(hQueryProv, dwAlgId2, pdwKeySize2)) ) goto CSPFound;
// release
CryptReleaseContext(hQueryProv, 0); hQueryProv = NULL; }
Ret: if (hQueryProv != NULL) CryptReleaseContext(hQueryProv, 0);
if ((dwRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) && (*ppszProvName)) { SSFree(*ppszProvName); *ppszProvName = NULL; }
return dwRet; }
// *pdwKeySize == -1 gets any size, reports size
HCRYPTPROV GetCryptProviderHandle( DWORD dwDefaultCSPType, DWORD dwAlgId1, DWORD* pdwKeySize1, DWORD dwAlgId2, DWORD* pdwKeySize2) { DWORD dwRet; DWORD dwProvType; LPWSTR szProvName = NULL;
SS_ASSERT(pdwKeySize1); SS_ASSERT(pdwKeySize2); if(NULL == g_pCProvList) { SetLastError(PST_E_FAIL); return NULL; }
// Adjust DES key sizes, to prevent the situation where the CSP
// originally used for encryption accidently reported a 3DES key
// size of 192 bits, and the current CSPs only enumerate support
// for 3DES keys of 168 bits.
if(dwAlgId1 == CALG_DES || dwAlgId1 == CALG_3DES) { *pdwKeySize1 = -1; }
// check cache for satisfactory CSP
CreateCryptProvListItem(&Elt, dwAlgId1, *pdwKeySize1, dwAlgId2, *pdwKeySize2, 0);
if (NULL != (pFoundElt = g_pCProvList->SearchList(&Elt)) ) { // report what we're returning
*pdwKeySize1 = pFoundElt->dwKeySize1; *pdwKeySize2 = pFoundElt->dwKeySize2;
return pFoundElt->hProv; }
// not in cache: have to rummage
// try default provider of given type, see if it satisfies
if (CryptAcquireContextU( &hNewCryptProv, NULL, MS_STRONG_PROV, dwDefaultCSPType, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT)) { if ((FProviderSupportsAlg(hNewCryptProv, dwAlgId1, pdwKeySize1)) && (FProviderSupportsAlg(hNewCryptProv, dwAlgId2, pdwKeySize2)) ) goto CSPAcquired;
// clean up non-usable CSP
CryptReleaseContext(hNewCryptProv, 0); hNewCryptProv = NULL;
// all other cases: fall through to enum CSPs
// rummage along providers on system to find someone who fits the bill
if(ERROR_SUCCESS != (dwRet = GetCryptProviderFromRequirements( dwAlgId1, pdwKeySize1, dwAlgId2, pdwKeySize2, &dwProvType, &szProvName))) { SetLastError(dwRet); goto Ret; }
// found one!
// init csp
if (!CryptAcquireContextU( &hNewCryptProv, NULL, szProvName, dwProvType, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT)) { // this a failure case
// SetLastError already done for us
hNewCryptProv = NULL; goto Ret; }
SS_ASSERT(hNewCryptProv != NULL);
// and add to internal list
pFoundElt = (CRYPTPROV_LIST_ITEM*) SSAlloc(sizeof(CRYPTPROV_LIST_ITEM)); if(NULL == pFoundElt) { // clean up non-usable CSP
CryptReleaseContext(hNewCryptProv, 0); hNewCryptProv = NULL; goto Ret; } CreateCryptProvListItem(pFoundElt, dwAlgId1, *pdwKeySize1, dwAlgId2, *pdwKeySize2, hNewCryptProv);
Ret: if (szProvName) SSFree(szProvName);
return hNewCryptProv; }
BOOL FProviderSupportsAlg( HCRYPTPROV hQueryProv, DWORD dwAlgId, DWORD* pdwKeySize) { PROV_ENUMALGS sSupportedAlgs; PROV_ENUMALGS_EX sSupportedAlgsEx; DWORD cbSupportedAlgs = sizeof(sSupportedAlgs); DWORD cbSupportedAlgsEx = sizeof(sSupportedAlgsEx);
// must be non-null
SS_ASSERT(pdwKeySize != NULL);
// now we have provider; enum the algorithms involved
for(int iAlgs=0; ; iAlgs++) {
// Attempt the EX alg enumeration
if (CryptGetProvParam( hQueryProv, PP_ENUMALGS_EX, (PBYTE)&sSupportedAlgsEx, &cbSupportedAlgsEx, (iAlgs == 0) ? CRYPT_FIRST : 0 )) { if (sSupportedAlgsEx.aiAlgid == dwAlgId) { if(*pdwKeySize == -1) { *pdwKeySize = sSupportedAlgsEx.dwMaxLen; } else { if ((sSupportedAlgsEx.dwMinLen > *pdwKeySize) || (sSupportedAlgsEx.dwMaxLen < *pdwKeySize)) return FALSE; }
return TRUE; } } else if (!CryptGetProvParam( hQueryProv, PP_ENUMALGS, (PBYTE)&sSupportedAlgs, &cbSupportedAlgs, (iAlgs == 0) ? CRYPT_FIRST : 0 )) { // trouble enumerating algs
if (sSupportedAlgs.aiAlgid == dwAlgId) { // were we told to ignore size?
if (*pdwKeySize != -1) { // else, if defaults don't match
if (sSupportedAlgs.dwBitLen != *pdwKeySize) { return FALSE; } }
// report back size
*pdwKeySize = sSupportedAlgs.dwBitLen; return TRUE; } } else { // trouble enumerating algs
break; } }
return FALSE; }
BOOL WINAPI _CryptEnumProvidersW( DWORD dwIndex, DWORD * pdwReserved, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD * pdwProvType, LPWSTR pszProvName, DWORD * pcbProvName ) { HMODULE hAdvapi32; typedef BOOL (WINAPI *CRYPTENUMPROVIDERSW)( DWORD dwIndex, DWORD * pdwReserved, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD * pdwProvType, LPWSTR pszProvName, DWORD * pcbProvName );
static CRYPTENUMPROVIDERSW _RealCryptEnumProvidersW;
if (_RealCryptEnumProvidersW == NULL) { hAdvapi32 = GetModuleHandleA("advapi32.dll"); if(hAdvapi32 == NULL) return FALSE;
_RealCryptEnumProvidersW = (CRYPTENUMPROVIDERSW)GetProcAddress(hAdvapi32, "CryptEnumProvidersW"); if(_RealCryptEnumProvidersW == NULL) return FALSE; }
return _RealCryptEnumProvidersW( dwIndex, pdwReserved, dwFlags, pdwProvType, pszProvName, pcbProvName ); }