#include <pch.cpp>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "guidcnvt.h"
#include "passwd.h"
#include "storage.h"
extern DISPIF_CALLBACKS g_sCallbacks;
// note: REG_PSTTREE_LOC moved to pstprv.h
#define REG_DATA_LOC L"Data"
#define REG_MK_LOC L"Data 2"
#define REG_ACCESSRULE_LOC L"Access Rules"
#define REG_ITEM_MK_VALNAME L"Behavior"
// PRIMITIVIES for snagging registry keys
DWORD dwCreate; DWORD cbKeyName; LPWSTR szKeyName = NULL; WCHAR FastBuffer[(sizeof(REG_PSTTREE_LOC) / sizeof(WCHAR)) + 64]; LPWSTR SlowBuffer = NULL; LPCWSTR szContainer = szUser; DWORD dwDesiredAccess = KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE;
cbKeyName = sizeof(REG_PSTTREE_LOC) ;
// For Win95, we may have an empty or NULL container
// name (szUser), so use a default storage area for
// that scenario
if(szContainer == NULL || szContainer[0] == L'\0') { // "*" is an invalid LM username character
szContainer = L"*Default*"; hKeyBase = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; } else {
// see if we should go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE or
if( _wcsicmp(WSZ_LOCAL_MACHINE, szContainer) == 0 ) { // HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
if(!GetUserHKEY(szContainer, dwDesiredAccess, &hKeyBase)) { if(FIsWinNT()) { goto Ret; }
// Win95, profiles may be disabled, so go to
// HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\xxx\szContainer
} else {
// no container name when going to HKEY_CURRENT_USER
// sfield: continue to use a container name for HKEY_CURRENT_USER
// because the configuration may be shared, roamable hives
// (mandatators profiles, etc, which we are telling people not
// to use anymore, but never-the-less, this could come up
// szContainer = L"\0";
} } }
cbKeyName += (lstrlenW(szContainer) * sizeof(WCHAR)) + sizeof(WCHAR) + // L'\\'
sizeof(WCHAR) ; // terminal NULL
// use faster stack based buffer if the material fits
if(cbKeyName > sizeof(FastBuffer)) { SlowBuffer = (LPWSTR)SSAlloc( cbKeyName );
if (SlowBuffer == NULL) { dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_FAIL; goto Ret; } szKeyName = SlowBuffer; } else { szKeyName = FastBuffer; }
wcscpy(szKeyName, REG_PSTTREE_LOC);
// work-around bug in RegCreateKeyEx that returns the wrong
// creation disposition if a trailing "\" is in the key name
if(szContainer && szContainer[0] != L'\0') { wcscat(szKeyName, L"\\"); wcscat(szKeyName, szContainer); }
// Open Base Key //
// get current user, open (REG_PSTTREE_LOC\\CurrentUser)
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegCreateKeyExU( hKeyBase, szKeyName, 0, NULL, // address of class string
0, dwDesiredAccess, NULL, phUserKey, &dwCreate)) { goto Ret; }
if (pfExisted) { *pfExisted = (dwCreate == REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY); }
if(dwCreate == REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY && FIsWinNT()) {
// WinNT: restrict access to Local System on newly created key.
HKEY hKeyWriteDac;
// duplicate to WRITE_DAC access key and use that
if(ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyExW(*phUserKey, NULL, 0, WRITE_DAC, &hKeyWriteDac)) { SetRegistrySecurity(hKeyWriteDac); RegCloseKey(hKeyWriteDac); } }
dwRet = PST_E_OK; Ret:
if (SlowBuffer) SSFree(SlowBuffer);
// close the per-user "root" key
if(hKeyBase != NULL && hKeyBase != HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) RegCloseKey(hKeyBase);
return dwRet; }
DWORD GetPSTTypeHKEY(LPCWSTR szUser, const GUID* pguidType, HKEY* phTypeKey) { DWORD dwRet; HKEY hBaseKey = NULL; HKEY hDataKey = NULL;
// Open User Key //
if (PST_E_OK != (dwRet = GetPSTUserHKEY( szUser, &hBaseKey, NULL)) ) goto Ret;
// Open Data Key //
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegOpenKeyExU( hBaseKey, REG_DATA_LOC, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hDataKey)) { dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_TYPE_NO_EXISTS; goto Ret; }
if (PST_E_OK != (dwRet = MyGuidToStringA( pguidType, rgszTypeGuid)) ) goto Ret;
// Open Category Key //
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegOpenKeyExA( hDataKey, rgszTypeGuid, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, phTypeKey)) { dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_TYPE_NO_EXISTS; goto Ret; }
dwRet = PST_E_OK; Ret: if (hBaseKey) RegCloseKey(hBaseKey);
if (hDataKey) RegCloseKey(hDataKey);
return dwRet; }
DWORD CreatePSTTypeHKEY(LPCWSTR szUser, const GUID* pguidType, HKEY* phTypeKey, BOOL* pfExisted) { DWORD dwRet; DWORD dwCreate; HKEY hBaseKey = NULL; HKEY hDataKey = NULL;
// Open User Key //
if (PST_E_OK != (dwRet = GetPSTUserHKEY( szUser, &hBaseKey, NULL)) ) goto Ret;
// Open Data Key //
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegCreateKeyExU( hBaseKey, REG_DATA_LOC, 0, NULL, // address of class string
0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hDataKey, &dwCreate)) { dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_STORAGE_ERROR; goto Ret; }
if (PST_E_OK != (dwRet = MyGuidToStringA( pguidType, rgszTypeGuid)) ) goto Ret;
// Open Category Key //
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegCreateKeyExA( hDataKey, rgszTypeGuid, 0, NULL, // address of class string
0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, phTypeKey, &dwCreate)) { dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_STORAGE_ERROR; goto Ret; }
if (pfExisted) *pfExisted = (dwCreate == REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY);
dwRet = PST_E_OK; Ret: if (hBaseKey) RegCloseKey(hBaseKey);
if (hDataKey) RegCloseKey(hDataKey);
return dwRet; }
DWORD GetPSTMasterKeyHKEY(LPCWSTR szUser, LPCWSTR szMasterKey, HKEY* phMyKey) { DWORD dwRet; DWORD dwCreate; HKEY hBaseKey = NULL; HKEY hMKKey = NULL;
// Open User Key //
if (PST_E_OK != (dwRet = GetPSTUserHKEY( szUser, &hBaseKey, NULL)) ) goto Ret;
// Open Master Key section //
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegCreateKeyExU( hBaseKey, REG_MK_LOC, 0, NULL, // address of class string
0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hMKKey, &dwCreate)) { dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_STORAGE_ERROR; goto Ret; }
if (szMasterKey) { // Open specific Master Key //
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegCreateKeyExU( hMKKey, szMasterKey, 0, NULL, // address of class string
0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, phMyKey, &dwCreate)) { dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_STORAGE_ERROR; goto Ret; } } else { // wanted master parent, not specific MK
*phMyKey = hMKKey; }
dwRet = PST_E_OK; Ret: if (hBaseKey) RegCloseKey(hBaseKey);
// wanted parent, not specific MK
if ((*phMyKey != hMKKey) && (hMKKey)) RegCloseKey(hMKKey);
return dwRet; }
DWORD GetPSTSubtypeHKEY(LPCWSTR szUser, const GUID* pguidType, const GUID* pguidSubtype, HKEY* phSubTypeKey) { DWORD dwRet; DWORD dwCreate; HKEY hTypeKey = NULL; CHAR rgszSubtypeGuid[MAX_GUID_SZ_CHARS];
// Open User Key //
if (PST_E_OK != (dwRet = GetPSTTypeHKEY( szUser, pguidType, &hTypeKey)) ) goto Ret;
if (PST_E_OK != (dwRet = MyGuidToStringA( pguidSubtype, rgszSubtypeGuid)) ) goto Ret;
// Open SubType Key //
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegOpenKeyExA( hTypeKey, rgszSubtypeGuid, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, phSubTypeKey)) { dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_TYPE_NO_EXISTS; goto Ret; }
dwRet = PST_E_OK; Ret: if (hTypeKey) RegCloseKey(hTypeKey);
return dwRet; }
DWORD CreatePSTSubtypeHKEY(LPCWSTR szUser, const GUID* pguidType, const GUID* pguidSubtype, HKEY* phSubTypeKey, BOOL* pfExisted) { DWORD dwRet; DWORD dwCreate; HKEY hTypeKey = NULL; CHAR rgszSubtypeGuid[MAX_GUID_SZ_CHARS];
// Open Type Key //
if (PST_E_OK != (dwRet = GetPSTTypeHKEY( szUser, pguidType, &hTypeKey)) ) goto Ret;
if (PST_E_OK != (dwRet = MyGuidToStringA( pguidSubtype, rgszSubtypeGuid)) ) goto Ret;
// Open SubType Key //
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegCreateKeyExA( hTypeKey, rgszSubtypeGuid, 0, NULL, // address of class string
0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, phSubTypeKey, &dwCreate)) { dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_STORAGE_ERROR; goto Ret; }
if (pfExisted) *pfExisted = (dwCreate == REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY);
dwRet = PST_E_OK; Ret: if (hTypeKey) RegCloseKey(hTypeKey);
return dwRet; }
DWORD CreatePSTItemHKEY(LPCWSTR szUser, const GUID* pguidType, const GUID* pguidSubtype, LPCWSTR szItemName, HKEY* phItemKey, BOOL* pfExisted) { BOOL dwRet; DWORD dwCreate; HKEY hSubTypeKey = NULL;
// Open SubType key //
if (PST_E_OK != (dwRet = GetPSTSubtypeHKEY( szUser, pguidType, pguidSubtype, &hSubTypeKey)) ) goto Ret;
// Open name key //
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegCreateKeyExU( hSubTypeKey, szItemName, 0, NULL, // address of class string
0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, phItemKey, &dwCreate)) { dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_STORAGE_ERROR; goto Ret; }
if (pfExisted) *pfExisted = (dwCreate == REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY);
dwRet = PST_E_OK; Ret: if (hSubTypeKey) RegCloseKey(hSubTypeKey);
return dwRet; }
DWORD GetPSTItemHKEY(LPCWSTR szUser, const GUID* pguidType, const GUID* pguidSubtype, LPCWSTR szItemName, HKEY* phItemKey) { DWORD dwRet; DWORD dwCreate; HKEY hSubtypeKey = NULL;
// Open SubType key //
if (PST_E_OK != (dwRet = GetPSTSubtypeHKEY( szUser, pguidType, pguidSubtype, &hSubtypeKey)) ) goto Ret;
// Open name key //
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegOpenKeyExU( hSubtypeKey, szItemName, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, phItemKey)) { dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_ITEM_NO_EXISTS; goto Ret; }
dwRet = PST_E_OK; Ret: if (hSubtypeKey) RegCloseKey(hSubtypeKey);
return dwRet; }
// PICKLE routines
#if 0
BOOL FAccessRulesPickle( PST_ACCESSRULESET *psRules, PBYTE* ppbPickled, DWORD* pcbPickled) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; DWORD cbTotal = 0; DWORD dwRule; // ease-of-use write pointer
PBYTE pbCurrentWrite;
// init out params
*ppbPickled = NULL; *pcbPickled = 0;
// ASSERT new size member was initialized
SS_ASSERT(psRules->cbSize == sizeof(PST_ACCESSRULESET)); if (psRules->cbSize != sizeof(PST_ACCESSRULESET)) goto Ret;
cbTotal += sizeof(DWORD); // Ruleset struct versioning
cbTotal += sizeof(DWORD); // # Rules in Ruleset
// walk through each Rule in Ruleset
for (dwRule=0; dwRule<psRules->cRules; dwRule++) { DWORD cClause; // ASSERT new size member was initialized
SS_ASSERT(psRules->rgRules[dwRule].cbSize == sizeof(PST_ACCESSRULE)); if (psRules->rgRules[dwRule].cbSize != sizeof(PST_ACCESSRULE)) goto Ret;
cbTotal += sizeof(DWORD); // Rule struct versioning
cbTotal += sizeof(PST_ACCESSMODE); // mode in each Rule
cbTotal += sizeof(DWORD); // # Clauses in Rule
// for each Rule, we'll have array of clauses
for (cClause=0; cClause<psRules->rgRules[dwRule].cClauses; cClause++) { // ASSERT new size member was initialized
SS_ASSERT(psRules->rgRules[dwRule].rgClauses[cClause].cbSize == sizeof(PST_ACCESSCLAUSE)); if (psRules->rgRules[dwRule].rgClauses[cClause].cbSize != sizeof(PST_ACCESSCLAUSE)) goto Ret;
cbTotal += sizeof(DWORD); // Clause struct versioning
// we'll see every clause here
cbTotal += sizeof(PST_ACCESSCLAUSETYPE); // type in each clause
cbTotal += sizeof(DWORD); // # bytes in clause buffer
cbTotal += psRules->rgRules[dwRule].rgClauses[cClause].cbClauseData; // buffer itself
} }
*ppbPickled = (BYTE*)SSAlloc(cbTotal); if(*ppbPickled == NULL) goto Ret;
pbCurrentWrite = *ppbPickled;
*pcbPickled = cbTotal;
// copy Ruleset struct version
*(DWORD*)pbCurrentWrite = psRules->cbSize; pbCurrentWrite += sizeof(DWORD);
// copy # rules in ruleset
*(DWORD*)pbCurrentWrite = psRules->cRules; pbCurrentWrite += sizeof(DWORD);
// walk through each Rule in Ruleset
for (dwRule=0; dwRule<psRules->cRules; dwRule++) { // copy Rule struct version
*(DWORD*)pbCurrentWrite = psRules->rgRules[dwRule].cbSize; pbCurrentWrite += sizeof(DWORD);
// copy # clauses in rule
*(DWORD*)pbCurrentWrite = psRules->rgRules[dwRule].cClauses; pbCurrentWrite += sizeof(DWORD);
// copy rule accessmode
CopyMemory(pbCurrentWrite, &psRules->rgRules[dwRule].AccessModeFlags, sizeof(PST_ACCESSMODE)); pbCurrentWrite += sizeof(PST_ACCESSMODE);
// now for each Rule, we'll have array of clauses
for (DWORD cClause=0; cClause<psRules->rgRules[dwRule].cClauses; cClause++) { PST_ACCESSCLAUSE* pTmp = &psRules->rgRules[dwRule].rgClauses[cClause];
// copy clause struct version
*(DWORD*)pbCurrentWrite = pTmp->cbSize; pbCurrentWrite += sizeof(DWORD);
// clause type
CopyMemory(pbCurrentWrite, &pTmp->ClauseType, sizeof(PST_ACCESSCLAUSETYPE)); pbCurrentWrite += sizeof(PST_ACCESSCLAUSETYPE);
// clause data buffer len
*(DWORD*)pbCurrentWrite = pTmp->cbClauseData; pbCurrentWrite += sizeof(DWORD);
// buffer itself
CopyMemory(pbCurrentWrite, pTmp->pbClauseData, pTmp->cbClauseData); pbCurrentWrite += pTmp->cbClauseData; } }
#if DBG
{ // ASSERT!
DWORD dwWroteBytes = (DWORD) (((DWORD_PTR)pbCurrentWrite) - ((DWORD_PTR)*ppbPickled)); SS_ASSERT(dwWroteBytes == cbTotal); SS_ASSERT(cbTotal == *pcbPickled); } #endif
fRet = TRUE; Ret:
// on error and alloc, free
if ((!fRet) && (*ppbPickled != NULL)) { SSFree(*ppbPickled); *ppbPickled = NULL; }
return fRet; }
BOOL FAccessRulesUnPickle( PPST_ACCESSRULESET psRules, // out
PBYTE pbPickled, DWORD cbPickled) { BOOL fRet = FALSE;
PBYTE pbCurrentRead = pbPickled; DWORD cRule;
// Ruleset struct version
psRules->cbSize = *(DWORD*)pbCurrentRead; pbCurrentRead += sizeof(DWORD);
// currently only one version known
if (psRules->cbSize != sizeof(PST_ACCESSRULESET)) goto Ret;
// get # rules in ruleset
cRule = *(DWORD*)pbCurrentRead; pbCurrentRead += sizeof(DWORD);
// now we know how many Rule in Ruleset
psRules->rgRules = (PST_ACCESSRULE*)SSAlloc(sizeof(PST_ACCESSRULE)*cRule); if(psRules->rgRules == NULL) goto Ret;
psRules->cRules = cRule;
// now unpack each Rule
for (cRule=0; cRule<psRules->cRules; cRule++) { DWORD cClauses;
// Ruleset struct version
psRules->rgRules[cRule].cbSize = *(DWORD*)pbCurrentRead; // currently only one version known
if (psRules->rgRules[cRule].cbSize != sizeof(PST_ACCESSRULE)) goto Ret;
pbCurrentRead += sizeof(DWORD);
// get # clauses in rule
cClauses = *(DWORD*)pbCurrentRead; pbCurrentRead += sizeof(DWORD);
// now we know how many Clauses in Rule
psRules->rgRules[cRule].rgClauses = (PST_ACCESSCLAUSE*)SSAlloc(sizeof(PST_ACCESSCLAUSE)*cClauses); if (psRules->rgRules[cRule].rgClauses == NULL) // check allocation
goto Ret; psRules->rgRules[cRule].cClauses = cClauses;
// copy rule accessmode flags
CopyMemory(&psRules->rgRules[cRule].AccessModeFlags, pbCurrentRead, sizeof(PST_ACCESSMODE)); pbCurrentRead += sizeof(PST_ACCESSMODE);
// now load each Clause
for (DWORD cClause=0; cClause<psRules->rgRules[cRule].cClauses; cClause++) { PST_ACCESSCLAUSE* pTmp = &psRules->rgRules[cRule].rgClauses[cClause];
// Clause struct version
pTmp->cbSize = *(DWORD*)pbCurrentRead; // currently only one version known
if (pTmp->cbSize != sizeof(PST_ACCESSCLAUSE)) goto Ret; pbCurrentRead += sizeof(DWORD);
CopyMemory(&pTmp->ClauseType, pbCurrentRead, sizeof(PST_ACCESSCLAUSETYPE)); pbCurrentRead += sizeof(PST_ACCESSCLAUSETYPE);
// clause data buffer len
pTmp->cbClauseData = *(DWORD*)pbCurrentRead; pbCurrentRead += sizeof(DWORD);
// buffer itself
pTmp->pbClauseData = (PBYTE) SSAlloc(pTmp->cbClauseData); if (pTmp->pbClauseData == NULL) // check allocation
goto Ret; CopyMemory(pTmp->pbClauseData, pbCurrentRead, pTmp->cbClauseData); pbCurrentRead += pTmp->cbClauseData; } }
#if DBG
{ // ASSERT!
DWORD dwReadBytes = (DWORD) (((DWORD_PTR)pbCurrentRead) - ((DWORD_PTR)pbPickled)); SS_ASSERT(dwReadBytes == cbPickled); } #endif
fRet = TRUE; Ret: if (!fRet) FreeRuleset(psRules);
return fRet; }
// end PICKLE routines
// TYPE management
DWORD BPCreateType( LPCWSTR szUser, // in
const GUID* pguidType, // in
PST_TYPEINFO* pinfoType) // in
{ DWORD dwRet; BOOL fExisted; HKEY hKey = NULL;
// now we need to create entries in hierarchy
if (PST_E_OK != (dwRet = CreatePSTTypeHKEY( szUser, pguidType, &hKey, &fExisted)) ) goto Ret;
// if we didn't create it, setting is an error
if (fExisted) { dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_TYPE_EXISTS; goto Ret; }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (dwRet = RegSetValueExU( hKey, REG_DISPLAYSTRING_VALNAME, 0, REG_SZ, (PBYTE)pinfoType->szDisplayName, WSZ_BYTECOUNT(pinfoType->szDisplayName))) ) goto Ret;
dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_OK; Ret: if (hKey) RegCloseKey(hKey);
return dwRet; }
DWORD BPDeleteType( LPCWSTR szUser, // in
const GUID* pguidType) // in
{ DWORD dwRet; CHAR rgszTypeGuid[MAX_GUID_SZ_CHARS];
// now remove the entry in hierarchy
HKEY hBaseKey = NULL; HKEY hDataKey = NULL;
if (PST_E_OK != (dwRet = GetPSTUserHKEY( szUser, &hBaseKey, NULL)) ) goto Ret;
// Open Data Key //
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (dwRet = RegOpenKeyExU( hBaseKey, REG_DATA_LOC, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hDataKey)) ) goto Ret;
if (PST_E_OK != (dwRet = MyGuidToStringA( pguidType, rgszTypeGuid)) ) goto Ret;
// open the type
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (dwRet = RegOpenKeyExA( hDataKey, rgszTypeGuid, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hTestEmptyKey)) ) goto Ret;
// check for emptiness
if (ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS != RegEnumKeyExA( hTestEmptyKey, 0, rgszTmp, // address of buffer for subkey name
&cbTmp, // address for size of subkey buffer
NULL, // reserved
NULL, // pbclass
NULL, // cbclass
&ft)) { RegCloseKey(hTestEmptyKey); dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_NOTEMPTY; goto Ret; }
// close key before deletion
RegCloseKey(hTestEmptyKey); }
// now, remove the friendly name
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (dwRet = RegDeleteKeyA( hDataKey, rgszTypeGuid)) ) { if (dwRet == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_NOTEMPTY;
goto Ret; }
dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_OK; Ret: if (hBaseKey) RegCloseKey(hBaseKey);
if (hDataKey) RegCloseKey(hDataKey);
return dwRet; }
DWORD BPEnumTypes( LPCWSTR szUser, // in
DWORD dwIndex, // in
GUID* pguidType) // out
{ DWORD dwRet;
// now walk through types, returning them one by one
HKEY hKey=NULL, hDataKey=NULL;
if (PST_E_OK != (dwRet = GetPSTUserHKEY( szUser, &hKey, NULL)) ) goto Ret;
// Open Data Key //
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (dwRet = RegOpenKeyExU( hKey, REG_DATA_LOC, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hDataKey)) ) goto Ret;
// enum the dwIndex'th item, alloc & return
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (dwRet = RegEnumKeyExA( hDataKey, dwIndex, rgszGuidType, // address of buffer for subkey name
&cbName, // address for size of subkey buffer
NULL, // reserved
NULL, // pbclass
NULL, // cbclass
&ft)) ) goto Ret;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (dwRet = MyGuidFromStringA( rgszGuidType, pguidType)) ) goto Ret;
dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_OK; Ret: if (hKey) RegCloseKey(hKey);
if (hDataKey) RegCloseKey(hDataKey);
return dwRet; }
DWORD BPGetTypeName( LPCWSTR szUser, // in
const GUID* pguidType, // in
LPWSTR* ppszType) // out
{ HKEY hKey = NULL; DWORD cbName = 0; DWORD dwRet;
if (PST_E_OK != (dwRet = GetPSTTypeHKEY( szUser, pguidType, &hKey)) ) { dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_TYPE_NO_EXISTS; goto Ret; }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (dwRet = RegGetStringValue( hKey, REG_DISPLAYSTRING_VALNAME, (PBYTE*)ppszType, &cbName)) ) goto Ret;
dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_OK; Ret: if (hKey) RegCloseKey(hKey);
return dwRet; }
// end TYPE management
// SUBTYPE management
DWORD BPCreateSubtype( LPCWSTR szUser, // in
const GUID* pguidType, // in
const GUID* pguidSubtype, // in
PST_TYPEINFO* pinfoSubtype) // in
{ DWORD dwRet; BOOL fExisted;
// now we need to create entries in hierarchy
HKEY hKey = NULL; if (PST_E_OK != (dwRet = CreatePSTSubtypeHKEY( szUser, pguidType, pguidSubtype, &hKey, &fExisted)) ) goto Ret;
// if we didn't create it, setting is an error
if (fExisted) { dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_TYPE_EXISTS; goto Ret; }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (dwRet = RegSetValueExU( hKey, REG_DISPLAYSTRING_VALNAME, 0, REG_SZ, (PBYTE)pinfoSubtype->szDisplayName, WSZ_BYTECOUNT(pinfoSubtype->szDisplayName) )) ) goto Ret;
dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_OK; Ret: if (hKey) RegCloseKey(hKey);
return dwRet; }
DWORD BPDeleteSubtype( LPCWSTR szUser, // in
const GUID* pguidType, // in
const GUID* pguidSubtype) // in
{ DWORD dwRet; CHAR rgszSubtypeGuid[MAX_GUID_SZ_CHARS];
// now remove the entry in hierarchy
HKEY hKey = NULL; if (PST_E_OK != (dwRet = GetPSTTypeHKEY( szUser, pguidType, &hKey)) ) { dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_TYPE_NO_EXISTS; goto Ret; }
if (PST_E_OK != (dwRet = MyGuidToStringA( pguidSubtype, rgszSubtypeGuid)) ) goto Ret;
// open the subtype
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (dwRet = RegOpenKeyExA( hKey, rgszSubtypeGuid, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hTestEmptyKey)) ) goto Ret;
// check for emptiness
if (ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS != RegEnumKeyExA( hTestEmptyKey, 0, rgszTmp, // address of buffer for subkey name
&cbTmp, // address for size of subkey buffer
NULL, // reserved
NULL, // pbclass
NULL, // cbclass
&ft)) { RegCloseKey(hTestEmptyKey); dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_NOTEMPTY; goto Ret; }
// close key before deletion
RegCloseKey(hTestEmptyKey); }
// now, remove the friendly name
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (dwRet = RegDeleteKeyA( hKey, rgszSubtypeGuid)) ) { if (dwRet == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_NOTEMPTY;
goto Ret; }
dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_OK; Ret: if (hKey) RegCloseKey(hKey);
return dwRet; }
DWORD BPEnumSubtypes( LPCWSTR szUser, // in
DWORD dwIndex, // in
const GUID* pguidType, // in
GUID* pguidSubtype) // out
{ DWORD dwRet;
// now walk through types, returning them one by one
HKEY hTypeKey=NULL, hSubtypeKey=NULL;
if (PST_E_OK != (dwRet = GetPSTTypeHKEY( szUser, pguidType, &hTypeKey)) ) goto Ret;
// enum the dwIndex'th item, alloc & return
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (dwRet = RegEnumKeyExA( hTypeKey, dwIndex, rgszGuidSubtype, // address of buffer for subkey name
&cbName, // address for size of subkey buffer
NULL, // reserved
NULL, // pbclass
NULL, // cbclass
&ft)) ) goto Ret;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (dwRet = MyGuidFromStringA( rgszGuidSubtype, pguidSubtype)) ) goto Ret;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (dwRet = RegOpenKeyExA( hTypeKey, rgszGuidSubtype, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hSubtypeKey)) ) goto Ret;
dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_OK; Ret: if (hTypeKey) RegCloseKey(hTypeKey);
if (hSubtypeKey) RegCloseKey(hSubtypeKey);
return dwRet; }
DWORD BPGetSubtypeName( LPCWSTR szUser, // in
const GUID* pguidType, // in
const GUID* pguidSubtype, // in
LPWSTR* ppszSubtype) // out
{ HKEY hKey = NULL; DWORD cbName = 0; DWORD dwRet;
if (PST_E_OK != (dwRet = GetPSTSubtypeHKEY( szUser, pguidType, pguidSubtype, &hKey)) ) goto Ret;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (dwRet = RegGetStringValue( hKey, REG_DISPLAYSTRING_VALNAME, (PBYTE*)ppszSubtype, &cbName)) ) goto Ret;
dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_OK; Ret: if (hKey) RegCloseKey(hKey);
return dwRet; }
// end SUBTYPE management
// ITEM management
// given uuid, push entries into storage
DWORD BPCreateItem( LPCWSTR szUser, // in
const GUID* pguidType, // in
const GUID* pguidSubtype, // in
LPCWSTR szItemName) // in
{ DWORD dwRet; BOOL fExisted; HKEY hKey = NULL;
// mattt 2/5/97: allow items with \ in them to be created. Urgh!
// mattt 4/28/97: begin restricting strings.
// Cert request code has been changed to not create this type of key name
if (!FStringIsValidItemName(szItemName)) { dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_INVALID_STRING; goto Ret; } */ // now we need to create entries in hierarchy
if (PST_E_OK != (dwRet = CreatePSTItemHKEY( szUser, pguidType, pguidSubtype, szItemName, &hKey, &fExisted)) ) goto Ret;
if (fExisted) { dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_ITEM_EXISTS; goto Ret; }
dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_OK; Ret: if (hKey) RegCloseKey(hKey);
return dwRet; }
DWORD BPDeleteItem( LPCWSTR szUser, // in
const GUID* pguidType, // in
const GUID* pguidSubtype, // in
LPCWSTR szItemName) // in
{ DWORD dwRet; HKEY hSubTypeKey = NULL;
// now we need to remove entries in hierarchy
if (PST_E_OK != (dwRet = GetPSTSubtypeHKEY( szUser, pguidType, pguidSubtype, &hSubTypeKey)) ) goto Ret;
// now, remove the friendly name
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (dwRet = RegDeleteKeyU( hSubTypeKey, szItemName)) ) goto Ret;
dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_OK; Ret: if (hSubTypeKey) RegCloseKey(hSubTypeKey);
return dwRet; }
// Warning: Item path must be fully specified.. szName returned
DWORD BPEnumItems( LPCWSTR szUser, // in
const GUID* pguidType, // in
const GUID* pguidSubtype, // in
DWORD dwIndex, // in
LPWSTR* ppszName) // out
{ DWORD dwRet;
// now walk through types, returning them one by one
// Open SubType key //
if (PST_E_OK != (dwRet = GetPSTSubtypeHKEY( szUser, pguidType, pguidSubtype, &hKey)) ) goto Ret;
// enum the dwIndex'th item, alloc & return
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (dwRet = RegEnumKeyExU( hKey, dwIndex, szName, // address of buffer for subkey name
&cchName, // address for size of subkey buffer
NULL, // reserved
NULL, // pbclass
NULL, // cbclass
&ft)) ) goto Ret;
*ppszName = (LPWSTR)SSAlloc((cchName+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); if(*ppszName == NULL) { dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_FAIL; goto Ret; }
wcscpy(*ppszName, szName);
dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_OK; Ret: if (hKey) RegCloseKey(hKey);
return dwRet; }
// end ITEM management
BOOL FBPGetSecuredItemData( LPCWSTR szUser, // in
LPCWSTR szMasterKey, // in
BYTE rgbPwd[A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN], // in
const GUID* pguidType, // in
const GUID* pguidSubtype, // in
LPCWSTR szItemName, // in
PBYTE* ppbData, // out
DWORD* pcbData) // out
{ DWORD dwRet;
*ppbData = NULL; // on err return NULL
*pcbData = 0;
HKEY hItemKey = NULL;
if (PST_E_OK != (dwRet = GetPSTItemHKEY( szUser, pguidType, pguidSubtype, szItemName, &hItemKey)) ) goto Ret;
// Version | Key Block | Secure Data [...]
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (dwRet = RegGetValue( hItemKey, REG_ITEM_SECURE_DATA_VALNAME, ppbData, pcbData)) ) goto Ret;
if (!FProvDecryptData( szUser, szMasterKey, rgbPwd, // in
ppbData, // in out
pcbData)) // in out
{ dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_FAIL; goto Ret; }
dwRet = PST_E_OK; Ret: if ((dwRet != PST_E_OK) && (*ppbData != NULL)) { SSFree(*ppbData); *ppbData = NULL; *pcbData = 0; }
if (hItemKey) RegCloseKey(hItemKey);
return (dwRet == PST_E_OK); }
BOOL FBPSetSecuredItemData( LPCWSTR szUser, // in
LPCWSTR szMasterKey, // in
BYTE rgbPwd[A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN], // in
const GUID* pguidType, // in
const GUID* pguidSubtype, // in
LPCWSTR szItemName, // in
PBYTE pbData, // in
DWORD cbData) // in
{ #define REALLOC_FUDGESIZE 96 // 5dw + SHA_LEN + KeyBlock + DES_BLOCKLEN (block encr expansion)
DWORD dwRet;
HKEY hItemKey = NULL;
PBYTE pbMyData = NULL; DWORD cbMyData;
// make whackable copy
cbMyData = cbData; pbMyData = (PBYTE)SSAlloc(cbMyData + REALLOC_FUDGESIZE); if (pbMyData == NULL) { dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_FAIL; goto Ret; }
CopyMemory(pbMyData, pbData, cbData);
if (PST_E_OK != (dwRet = GetPSTItemHKEY( szUser, pguidType, pguidSubtype, szItemName, &hItemKey)) ) goto Ret;
if (!FProvEncryptData( szUser, szMasterKey, rgbPwd, // in
&pbMyData, // in out
&cbMyData)) // in out
{ dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_FAIL; goto Ret; }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (dwRet = RegSetValueExU( hItemKey, REG_ITEM_SECURE_DATA_VALNAME, 0, REG_BINARY, pbMyData, cbMyData)) ) goto Ret;
dwRet = PST_E_OK; Ret: if (hItemKey) RegCloseKey(hItemKey);
if (pbMyData) SSFree(pbMyData);
return (dwRet == PST_E_OK); }
DWORD BPGetInsecureItemData( LPCWSTR szUser, // in
const GUID* pguidType, // in
const GUID* pguidSubtype, // in
LPCWSTR szItemName, // in
PBYTE* ppbData, // out
DWORD* pcbData) // out
{ DWORD dwRet; *ppbData = NULL;
HKEY hItemKey = NULL;
if (PST_E_OK != (dwRet = GetPSTItemHKEY( szUser, pguidType, pguidSubtype, szItemName, &hItemKey)) ) goto Ret;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (dwRet = RegGetValue( hItemKey, REG_ITEM_INSECURE_DATA_VALNAME, ppbData, pcbData)) ) goto Ret;
dwRet = PST_E_OK; Ret:
if (hItemKey) RegCloseKey(hItemKey);
return dwRet; }
DWORD BPSetInsecureItemData( LPCWSTR szUser, // in
const GUID* pguidType, // in
const GUID* pguidSubtype, // in
LPCWSTR szItemName, // in
PBYTE pbData, // in
DWORD cbData) // in
{ DWORD dwRet;
HKEY hItemKey = NULL;
if (PST_E_OK != (dwRet = GetPSTItemHKEY( szUser, pguidType, pguidSubtype, szItemName, &hItemKey)) ) goto Ret;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (dwRet = RegSetValueExU( hItemKey, REG_ITEM_INSECURE_DATA_VALNAME, 0, REG_BINARY, pbData, cbData)) ) goto Ret;
dwRet = PST_E_OK; Ret: if (hItemKey) RegCloseKey(hItemKey);
return dwRet; }
// #define RULESET_VERSION 0x1
// 6-12-97 incremented version; version 0x1 contains old HMAC
#if 0
DWORD BPGetSubtypeRuleset( PST_PROVIDER_HANDLE* phPSTProv, // in
LPCWSTR szUser, // in
const GUID* pguidType, // in
const GUID* pguidSubtype, // in
PST_ACCESSRULESET* psRules) // out
{ DWORD dwRet; HKEY hSubtypeKey = NULL;
PBYTE pbBuf = NULL; DWORD cbBuf;
PBYTE pbCurrent; DWORD cbRuleSize; PBYTE pbRuleSet;
DWORD dwVersion;
// Open Subtype //
if (PST_E_OK != (dwRet = GetPSTSubtypeHKEY( szUser, pguidType, pguidSubtype, &hSubtypeKey)) ) goto Ret;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (dwRet = RegGetValue( hSubtypeKey, REG_ACCESSRULE_LOC, &pbBuf, &cbBuf)) ) goto Ret;
// version | size(ruleset) | ruleset | size(MAC) | MAC {of type, subtype, ruleset}
pbCurrent = pbBuf;
if( cbBuf < (sizeof(DWORD)*2) ) { dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_INVALID_RULESET; goto Ret; }
// version check
dwVersion = *(DWORD*)pbCurrent; if (dwVersion > RULESET_VERSION) { dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_INVALID_RULESET; goto Ret; }
pbCurrent += sizeof(DWORD);
cbRuleSize = *(DWORD*)pbCurrent;
// get WinPW
if (PST_E_OK != BPVerifyPwd( phPSTProv, szUser, WSZ_PASSWORD_WINDOWS, rgbPwd, BP_CONFIRM_NONE)) { dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_WRONG_PASSWORD; goto Ret; }
// check MAC
// Compute Geographically sensitive (can't move) HMAC on { size(ruleset), ruleset }
if (!FHMACGeographicallySensitiveData( szUser, WSZ_PASSWORD_WINDOWS, (dwVersion == 0x01) ? OLD_HMAC_VERSION : NEW_HMAC_VERSION, rgbPwd, pguidType, pguidSubtype, NULL, pbCurrent, cbRuleSize + sizeof(DWORD), // include the rulesize
rgbHMAC)) { dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_INVALID_RULESET; goto Ret; }
pbCurrent += sizeof(DWORD); // skip past cbRuleSize (already snarfed)
pbRuleSet = pbCurrent; // point to rules
pbCurrent += cbRuleSize; // skip past rules
// check MAC len
if (*(DWORD*)pbCurrent != A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN) { dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_INVALID_RULESET; goto Ret; } pbCurrent += sizeof(DWORD); // skip past sizeof(MAC)
// check MAC
if (0 != memcmp(rgbHMAC, pbCurrent, A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN)) { dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_INVALID_RULESET; goto Ret; }
// MAC okay! shrink to rulesize
MoveMemory(pbBuf, pbRuleSet, cbRuleSize); cbBuf = cbRuleSize; pbBuf = (PBYTE)SSReAlloc(pbBuf, cbBuf); if (pbBuf == NULL) // check allocation
{ dwRet = PST_E_FAIL; goto Ret; }
// serialize rules out of the buffer
if (!FAccessRulesUnPickle( psRules, pbBuf, cbBuf)) { dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_INVALID_RULESET; goto Ret; }
dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_OK; Ret: if (pbBuf) SSFree(pbBuf);
if (hSubtypeKey) RegCloseKey(hSubtypeKey);
return dwRet; }
DWORD BPSetSubtypeRuleset( PST_PROVIDER_HANDLE* phPSTProv, // in
LPCWSTR szUser, // in
const GUID* pguidType, // in
const GUID* pguidSubtype, // in
{ DWORD dwRet; HKEY hSubtypeKey = NULL;
PBYTE pbBuf = NULL; DWORD cbBuf;
PBYTE pbCurPtr; DWORD cbNewSize;
// serialize rules into a buffer
if (!FAccessRulesPickle( psRules, &pbBuf, &cbBuf)) { dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_INVALID_RULESET; goto Ret; }
// version | size(ruleset) | ruleset | size(MAC) | Geographical MAC {size(ruleset), ruleset}
cbNewSize = cbBuf + 3*sizeof(DWORD) + A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN; pbBuf = (PBYTE)SSReAlloc(pbBuf, cbNewSize); if (pbBuf == NULL) // check allocation
{ dwRet = PST_E_FAIL; goto Ret; } MoveMemory(pbBuf + 2*sizeof(DWORD), pbBuf, cbBuf);
// helpful pointer
pbCurPtr = pbBuf;
// version
*(DWORD*)pbCurPtr = (DWORD)RULESET_VERSION; pbCurPtr += sizeof(DWORD);
// size(ruleset)
*(DWORD*)pbCurPtr = (DWORD)cbBuf; pbCurPtr += sizeof(DWORD);
// ruleset previously moved by MoveMemory call
pbCurPtr += cbBuf; // fwd past ruleset
// get WinPW
if (PST_E_OK != BPVerifyPwd( phPSTProv, szUser, WSZ_PASSWORD_WINDOWS, rgbPwd, BP_CONFIRM_NONE)) { dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_WRONG_PASSWORD; goto Ret; }
// check MAC
// Compute Geographically sensitive (can't move) HMAC on { size(ruleset), ruleset }
if (!FHMACGeographicallySensitiveData( szUser, WSZ_PASSWORD_WINDOWS, NEW_HMAC_VERSION, rgbPwd, pguidType, pguidSubtype, NULL, pbBuf + sizeof(DWORD), cbBuf + sizeof(DWORD), rgbHMAC)) { dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_INVALID_RULESET; goto Ret; }
// HMAC size
*(DWORD*)pbCurPtr = (DWORD) sizeof(rgbHMAC); pbCurPtr += sizeof(DWORD);
CopyMemory(pbCurPtr, rgbHMAC, sizeof(rgbHMAC));
// done; set cbBuf = new size
cbBuf = cbNewSize;
// Open Subtype //
if (PST_E_OK != (dwRet = GetPSTSubtypeHKEY( szUser, pguidType, pguidSubtype, &hSubtypeKey)) ) { dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_INVALID_RULESET; goto Ret; }
// now write item
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (dwRet = RegSetValueExU( hSubtypeKey, REG_ACCESSRULE_LOC, 0, REG_BINARY, pbBuf, cbBuf)) ) { dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_INVALID_RULESET; goto Ret; }
dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_OK; Ret: if (pbBuf) SSFree(pbBuf);
if (hSubtypeKey) RegCloseKey(hSubtypeKey);
return dwRet; }
LPCWSTR szUser, // in
const GUID* pguidType, // in
const GUID* pguidSubtype, // in
LPCWSTR szItemName, // in
PST_ACCESSRULESET* psRules) // out
{ DWORD dwRet; HKEY hItemKey = NULL;
PBYTE pbBuf = NULL; DWORD cbBuf;
if (PST_E_OK != (dwRet = GetPSTItemHKEY( szUser, pguidType, pguidSubtype, szItemName, &hItemKey)) ) goto Ret; // item doesn't exist -- ouch!!
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (dwRet = RegGetValue( hItemKey, REG_ACCESSRULE_LOC, &pbBuf, &cbBuf)) ) { // item exists, rules don't
// fall back on subtype ruleset
if (PST_E_OK != (dwRet = BPGetSubtypeRuleset( phPSTProv, szUser, pguidType, pguidSubtype, psRules)) ) goto Ret; } else { // serialize rules into a buffer
if (!FAccessRulesUnPickle( psRules, pbBuf, cbBuf)) { dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_INVALID_RULESET; goto Ret; } }
dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_OK; Ret: if (pbBuf) SSFree(pbBuf);
if (hItemKey) RegCloseKey(hItemKey);
return dwRet; }
LPCWSTR szUser, // in
const GUID* pguidType, // in
const GUID* pguidSubtype, // in
LPCWSTR szItemName, // in
{ DWORD dwRet;
HKEY hItemKey = NULL;
PBYTE pbBuf = NULL; DWORD cbBuf;
// serialize rules into a buffer
if (!FAccessRulesPickle( psRules, &pbBuf, &cbBuf)) { dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_INVALID_RULESET; goto Ret; }
// Open Subtype //
if (PST_E_OK != (dwRet = GetPSTItemHKEY( szUser, pguidType, pguidSubtype, szItemName, &hItemKey)) ) goto Ret;
// now write item
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (dwRet = RegSetValueExU( hItemKey, REG_ACCESSRULE_LOC, 0, REG_BINARY, pbBuf, cbBuf)) ) goto Ret;
dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_OK; Ret: if (pbBuf) SSFree(pbBuf);
if (hItemKey) RegCloseKey(hItemKey);
return dwRet; }
// 6-12-97 incremented version: version 0x1 contains old HMAC
LPCWSTR szUser, // in
const GUID* pguidType, // in
const GUID* pguidSubtype, // in
LPCWSTR szItemName, // in
DWORD* pdwConfirm, // in
LPWSTR* pszMK) // in
{ DWORD dwRet; HKEY hItemKey = NULL;
PBYTE pbBuf = NULL; DWORD cbBuf = 0;
// helpful pointers
PBYTE pbCurPtr = NULL;
PBYTE pbString; DWORD cbString;
DWORD dwVersion;
// Open nonexistent item master key
if (PST_E_OK != (dwRet = GetPSTItemHKEY( szUser, pguidType, pguidSubtype, szItemName, &hItemKey)) ) goto Ret;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (dwRet = RegGetValue( hItemKey, REG_ITEM_MK_VALNAME, &pbBuf, &cbBuf)) ) goto Ret;
// Confirmation data format
// Version | dwConfirm | size(szMasterKey) | szMasterKey | size(MAC) | Geographical MAC { dwConfirm | size(szMasterKey) | szMasterKey }
// version check
dwVersion = *(DWORD*)pbBuf; if (CONFIRMATION_VERSION < dwVersion) { dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_FAIL; goto Ret; } pbCurPtr = pbBuf + sizeof(DWORD); // fwd past vers
// get WinPW
if (PST_E_OK != BPVerifyPwd( phPSTProv, szUser, WSZ_PASSWORD_WINDOWS, rgbPwd, BP_CONFIRM_NONE)) { dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_WRONG_PASSWORD; goto Ret; }
// check MAC
// Compute Geographically sensitive (can't move) HMAC on { dwConfirm | size(szMasterKey) | szMasterKey }
if (!FHMACGeographicallySensitiveData( szUser, WSZ_PASSWORD_WINDOWS, (dwVersion == 0x01) ? OLD_HMAC_VERSION : NEW_HMAC_VERSION, rgbPwd, pguidType, pguidSubtype, szItemName, pbBuf + sizeof(DWORD), // fwd past Version
cbBuf - 2*sizeof(DWORD) - A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN, // Version, size(MAC), MAC
rgbHMAC)) { dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_FAIL; goto Ret; }
// dwConfirm
*pdwConfirm = *(DWORD*)pbCurPtr; // dwConfirm
pbCurPtr += sizeof(DWORD); // fwd past dwConfirm
// szMasterKey
cbString = *(DWORD*)pbCurPtr; // strlen
pbCurPtr += sizeof(DWORD); // fwd past len
pbString = pbCurPtr; // save ptr to string
pbCurPtr += cbString; // skip string
if (*(DWORD*)pbCurPtr != A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN) { dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_FAIL; goto Ret; } pbCurPtr += sizeof(DWORD);
if (0 != memcmp(pbCurPtr, rgbHMAC, A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN)) { dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_FAIL; goto Ret; }
MoveMemory(pbBuf, pbString, cbString); // shift left string
pbCurPtr = (PBYTE)SSReAlloc(pbBuf, cbString); // shorten to strlen
if (pbCurPtr == NULL) // check allocation
{ dwRet = PST_E_FAIL; if (pbBuf) { SSFree(pbBuf); pbBuf = NULL; } goto Ret; }
pbBuf = pbCurPtr;
dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_OK; Ret: *pszMK = (LPWSTR)pbBuf; // assign to out param
if (hItemKey) RegCloseKey(hItemKey);
return dwRet; }
LPCWSTR szUser, // in
const GUID* pguidType, // in
const GUID* pguidSubtype, // in
LPCWSTR szItemName, // in
DWORD dwConfirm, // in
LPCWSTR szMK) // in
{ DWORD dwRet; HKEY hItemKey = NULL;
// helpful pointer
PBYTE pbCurPtr;
// Confirmation data format
// Version | dwConfirm | size(szMasterKey) | szMasterKey | size(MAC) | Geographical MAC { dwConfirm | size(szMasterKey) | szMasterKey }
DWORD cbBuf = WSZ_BYTECOUNT(szMK)+ 4*sizeof(DWORD) + A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN; PBYTE pbBuf = (PBYTE)SSAlloc(cbBuf); if (pbBuf == NULL) // check allocation
{ dwRet = PST_E_FAIL; goto Ret; }
pbCurPtr = pbBuf;
// version
// dwConfirm
*(DWORD*)pbCurPtr = dwConfirm; pbCurPtr += sizeof(DWORD);
// szMasterKey size
*(DWORD*)pbCurPtr = (DWORD)WSZ_BYTECOUNT(szMK); pbCurPtr += sizeof(DWORD);
// szMasterKey
wcscpy((LPWSTR)pbCurPtr, szMK); pbCurPtr += WSZ_BYTECOUNT(szMK); // fwd past szMK
// get WinPW
if (PST_E_OK != BPVerifyPwd( phPSTProv, szUser, WSZ_PASSWORD_WINDOWS, rgbPwd, BP_CONFIRM_NONE)) { dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_WRONG_PASSWORD; goto Ret; }
// check MAC
// Compute Geographically sensitive (can't move) HMAC on { dwConfirm | size(szMasterKey) | szMasterKey }
if (!FHMACGeographicallySensitiveData( szUser, WSZ_PASSWORD_WINDOWS, NEW_HMAC_VERSION, rgbPwd, pguidType, pguidSubtype, szItemName, pbBuf + sizeof(DWORD), // fwd past Version
cbBuf - 2*sizeof(DWORD) - A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN, // Version, size(MAC), MAC
rgbHMAC)) { dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_FAIL; goto Ret; }
// HMAC size
*(DWORD*)pbCurPtr = (DWORD) sizeof(rgbHMAC); pbCurPtr += sizeof(DWORD);
CopyMemory(pbCurPtr, rgbHMAC, sizeof(rgbHMAC));
// Open Item //
if (PST_E_OK != (dwRet = GetPSTItemHKEY( szUser, pguidType, pguidSubtype, szItemName, &hItemKey)) ) goto Ret;
// now write item
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (dwRet = RegSetValueExU( hItemKey, REG_ITEM_MK_VALNAME, 0, REG_BINARY, pbBuf, cbBuf)) ) goto Ret;
dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_OK; Ret: if (hItemKey) RegCloseKey(hItemKey);
if (pbBuf) SSFree(pbBuf);
return dwRet; }
BOOL BPMasterKeyExists( LPCWSTR szUser, // in
LPWSTR szMasterKey) // in
{ BOOL fRet = FALSE; HKEY hMyKey = NULL; HKEY hMasterKey = NULL;
// Open Master parent key //
if (PST_E_OK != GetPSTMasterKeyHKEY( szUser, NULL, &hMyKey)) goto Ret;
// attempt to open the master key location
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegOpenKeyExU( hMyKey, szMasterKey, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hMasterKey)) goto Ret;
// key does exist
fRet = TRUE; Ret: if (hMyKey) RegCloseKey(hMyKey);
if (hMasterKey) RegCloseKey(hMasterKey);
return fRet; }
DWORD BPEnumMasterKeys( LPCWSTR szUser, // in
DWORD dwIndex, // in
LPWSTR* ppszMasterKey) // out
{ DWORD dwRet; HKEY hMyKey = NULL;
// Open Master parent key //
if (PST_E_OK != (dwRet = GetPSTMasterKeyHKEY( szUser, NULL, &hMyKey)) ) goto Ret;
// enum the dwIndex'th item, alloc & return
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (dwRet = RegEnumKeyExU( hMyKey, dwIndex, szName, // address of buffer for subkey name
&cchName, // address for size of subkey buffer
NULL, // reserved
NULL, // pbclass
NULL, // cbclass
&ft)) ) goto Ret;
*ppszMasterKey = (LPWSTR)SSAlloc(WSZ_BYTECOUNT(szName)); if(*ppszMasterKey == NULL) { dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_FAIL; goto Ret; }
wcscpy(*ppszMasterKey, szName);
dwRet = (DWORD)PST_E_OK; Ret: if (hMyKey) RegCloseKey(hMyKey);
return dwRet; }
DWORD BPGetMasterKeys( LPCWSTR szUser, LPWSTR rgszMasterKeys[], DWORD* pcbMasterKeys, BOOL fUserFilter) { DWORD dwRet; DWORD cKeys=0;
for (DWORD cntEnum=0; cntEnum<*pcbMasterKeys; cntEnum++) { if (PST_E_OK != (dwRet = BPEnumMasterKeys( szUser, cntEnum, &rgszMasterKeys[cKeys])) ) break;
// filter out non-user keys
if (fUserFilter) { if (!FIsUserMasterKey(rgszMasterKeys[cKeys-1])) SSFree(rgszMasterKeys[--cKeys]); } }
*pcbMasterKeys = cKeys;
return PST_E_OK; }
BOOL FBPGetSecurityState( LPCWSTR szUser, LPCWSTR szMK, BYTE rgbSalt[], DWORD cbSalt, BYTE rgbConfirm[], DWORD cbConfirm, PBYTE* ppbMK, DWORD* pcbMK) { DWORD dwRet; HKEY hMKKey = NULL;
// Open MK Key //
if (PST_E_OK != (dwRet = GetPSTMasterKeyHKEY( szUser, szMK, &hMKKey)) ) goto Ret;
dwRet = PST_E_FAIL;
if(!FBPGetSecurityStateFromHKEY( hMKKey, rgbSalt, cbSalt, rgbConfirm, cbConfirm, ppbMK, pcbMK)) goto Ret;
dwRet = PST_E_OK; Ret: if (hMKKey) RegCloseKey(hMKKey);
return (dwRet == PST_E_OK); }
BOOL FBPGetSecurityStateFromHKEY( HKEY hMKKey, BYTE rgbSalt[], DWORD cbSalt, BYTE rgbConfirm[], DWORD cbConfirm, PBYTE* ppbMK, DWORD* pcbMK) { DWORD dwRet;
PBYTE pbBuf = NULL; DWORD cbBuf;
// helpful pointer
PBYTE pbCurPtr;
DWORD dwMemberSize; DWORD dwCreated;
PBYTE pbLocalSalt; PBYTE pbLocalMK; PBYTE pbLocalConfirm;
DWORD cbLocalSalt; DWORD cbLocalMK; DWORD cbLocalConfirm;
PBYTE pbMaximumPtr; PBYTE pbMinimumPtr;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (dwRet = RegGetValue( hMKKey, REG_SECURITY_SALT_VALNAME, &pbBuf, &cbBuf)) ) goto Ret;
dwRet = PST_E_FAIL;
// Security data format
// Version | size(MK) | MK | size(Salt) | Salt | size(Confirm) | Confirm
if ( cbBuf < (sizeof(DWORD)*4) ) goto Ret;
// version check
if (SECURITY_STATE_VERSION != *(DWORD*)pbBuf) goto Ret;
pbCurPtr = pbBuf + sizeof(DWORD); // fwd past vers
pbMinimumPtr = pbCurPtr; pbMaximumPtr = (pbBuf+cbBuf);
// MK
if( pbCurPtr >= pbMaximumPtr || pbCurPtr < pbMinimumPtr ) goto Ret;
cbLocalMK = *(DWORD*)pbCurPtr; // size
if( cbLocalMK > cbBuf ) goto Ret;
pbCurPtr += sizeof(DWORD); // fwd past size
pbLocalMK = pbCurPtr;
pbCurPtr += cbLocalMK; // fwd past data
// Salt
if( pbCurPtr >= pbMaximumPtr || pbCurPtr < pbMinimumPtr ) goto Ret;
cbLocalSalt = *(DWORD*)pbCurPtr; // size
if( cbLocalSalt > cbBuf ) goto Ret;
pbCurPtr += sizeof(DWORD); // fwd past size
pbLocalSalt = pbCurPtr;
if (cbLocalSalt != cbSalt) // sizechk
goto Ret;
pbCurPtr += cbSalt; // fwd past data
// Confirm
if( pbCurPtr >= pbMaximumPtr || pbCurPtr < pbMinimumPtr ) goto Ret;
cbLocalConfirm = *(DWORD*)pbCurPtr; // size
if( cbLocalConfirm > cbBuf ) goto Ret;
pbCurPtr += sizeof(DWORD); // fwd past size
pbLocalConfirm = pbCurPtr;
if (cbLocalConfirm != cbConfirm) // sizechk
goto Ret;
pbCurPtr += cbConfirm; // fwd past data
// do a single size sanity check before copying data out.
if( pbCurPtr != (pbBuf + cbBuf) ) goto Ret;
MoveMemory(pbBuf, pbLocalMK, cbLocalMK); // move left to front for later realloc
CopyMemory(rgbSalt, pbLocalSalt, cbLocalSalt); // data
CopyMemory(rgbConfirm, pbLocalConfirm, cbLocalConfirm); // data
// MK fixup
*pcbMK = cbLocalMK;
pbCurPtr = (PBYTE)SSReAlloc(pbBuf, *pcbMK); // shorten to MK data
if (pbCurPtr == NULL) { dwRet = PST_E_FAIL; if (pbBuf) { SSFree(pbBuf); *ppbMK = NULL; } goto Ret; } *ppbMK = pbCurPtr;
dwRet = PST_E_OK; Ret:
return (dwRet == PST_E_OK); }
BOOL FBPSetSecurityState( LPCWSTR szUser, LPCWSTR szMK, BYTE rgbSalt[], DWORD cbSalt, BYTE rgbConfirm[], DWORD cbConfirm, PBYTE pbMK, DWORD cbMK) { DWORD dwRet; HKEY hMKKey = NULL; // helpful pointer
PBYTE pbCurPtr;
DWORD cbBuf = cbSalt + cbConfirm + cbMK + 4*sizeof(DWORD); // ver + size + data
PBYTE pbBuf = (PBYTE)SSAlloc(cbBuf); if (pbBuf == NULL) { dwRet = PST_E_FAIL; goto Ret; }
pbCurPtr = pbBuf;
// Security data format
// Version | size(MK) | MK | size(Salt) | Salt | size(Confirm) | Confirm
pbCurPtr += sizeof(DWORD); // fwd past ver
// MK
*(DWORD*)pbCurPtr = cbMK; // size
pbCurPtr += sizeof(DWORD); // fwd past size
CopyMemory(pbCurPtr, pbMK, cbMK); // data
pbCurPtr += cbMK; // fwd past data
// Salt
*(DWORD*)pbCurPtr = cbSalt; // size
pbCurPtr += sizeof(DWORD); // fwd past size
CopyMemory(pbCurPtr, rgbSalt, cbSalt); // data
pbCurPtr += cbSalt; // fwd past data
// Confirm
*(DWORD*)pbCurPtr = cbConfirm; // size
pbCurPtr += sizeof(DWORD); // fwd past size
CopyMemory(pbCurPtr, rgbConfirm, cbConfirm);// data
pbCurPtr += cbConfirm; // fwd past data
// Open User Key //
if (PST_E_OK != (dwRet = GetPSTMasterKeyHKEY( szUser, szMK, &hMKKey)) ) goto Ret;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (dwRet = RegSetValueExU( hMKKey, REG_SECURITY_SALT_VALNAME, 0, REG_BINARY, pbBuf, cbBuf)) ) goto Ret;
dwRet = PST_E_OK; Ret: if (hMKKey) RegCloseKey(hMKKey);
if (pbBuf) SSFree(pbBuf);
return (dwRet == PST_E_OK); }
// begin global MAC Key storage
BOOL FGetInternalMACKey(LPCWSTR szUser, PBYTE* ppbKey, DWORD* pcbKey) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; HKEY hBaseKey = NULL; HKEY hDataKey = NULL;
// Open User Key //
if (PST_E_OK != GetPSTUserHKEY( szUser, &hBaseKey, NULL)) goto Ret;
// Open Data Key //
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegOpenKeyExU( hBaseKey, REG_DATA_LOC, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hDataKey)) goto Ret;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegGetValue( hDataKey, REG_USER_INTERNAL_MAC_KEY, ppbKey, pcbKey)) goto Ret;
if(*pcbKey < sizeof(DWORD)) goto Ret;
// only know about ver 1 keys
if (*(DWORD*)*ppbKey != INTERNAL_MAC_KEY_VERSION) goto Ret;
// strip version tag, shift left
*pcbKey -= sizeof(DWORD); MoveMemory(*ppbKey, *ppbKey + sizeof(DWORD), *pcbKey);
fRet = TRUE; Ret: if (hBaseKey) RegCloseKey(hBaseKey);
if (hDataKey) RegCloseKey(hDataKey);
return fRet; }
BOOL FSetInternalMACKey(LPCWSTR szUser, PBYTE pbKey, DWORD cbKey) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; HKEY hBaseKey = NULL; HKEY hDataKey = NULL;
DWORD dwCreate;
// no need to alloc, we assume we know cbKey size (2 deskeys + blocklen pad + dwVersion)
BYTE rgbTmp[(8*3)+sizeof(DWORD)];
// ASSUME: two deskeys, each 8 bytes + blocklen pad
if (cbKey != (8*3)) goto Ret;
// tack version on front
*(DWORD*)rgbTmp = (DWORD)INTERNAL_MAC_KEY_VERSION; CopyMemory(rgbTmp + sizeof(DWORD), pbKey, cbKey);
// Open User Key //
if (PST_E_OK != GetPSTUserHKEY( szUser, &hBaseKey, NULL)) goto Ret;
// Open/Create Data Key //
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegCreateKeyExU( hBaseKey, REG_DATA_LOC, 0, NULL, // address of class string
0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hDataKey, &dwCreate)) goto Ret;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegSetValueExU( hDataKey, REG_USER_INTERNAL_MAC_KEY, 0, REG_BINARY, rgbTmp, sizeof(rgbTmp) )) goto Ret;
fRet = TRUE; Ret: if (hBaseKey) RegCloseKey(hBaseKey);
if (hDataKey) RegCloseKey(hDataKey);
return fRet; }
// end global MAC Key storage
BOOL DeleteAllUserData( HKEY hKey ) { BOOL fRestorePrivs = FALSE; BOOL fRet = FALSE;
// enable backup and restore privs on NT to circumvent any security
// settings.
if(FIsWinNT()) { SetCurrentPrivilege(L"SeRestorePrivilege", TRUE); SetCurrentPrivilege(L"SeBackupPrivilege", TRUE);
fRestorePrivs = TRUE; }
fRet = DeleteUserData( hKey );
if(fRestorePrivs) { SetCurrentPrivilege(L"SeRestorePrivilege", FALSE); SetCurrentPrivilege(L"SeBackupPrivilege", FALSE); }
return fRet; }
BOOL DeleteUserData( HKEY hKey ) { LONG rc;
WCHAR szSubKey[MAX_PATH]; DWORD cchSubKeyLength; DWORD dwSubKeyMaxIndex; DWORD dwDisposition;
cchSubKeyLength = sizeof(szSubKey) / sizeof(WCHAR);
// First, get the number of subkeys, so we can decrement the index,
// and avoid and re-indexing of the subkeys
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegQueryInfoKeyA(hKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, &dwSubKeyMaxIndex, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) { return FALSE; }
if (dwSubKeyMaxIndex) dwSubKeyMaxIndex--; // 0 based index, so index = #keys -1
while((rc=RegEnumKeyExU( hKey, dwSubKeyMaxIndex, szSubKey, &cchSubKeyLength, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) ) != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { // are we done?
if(rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { HKEY hSubKey; LONG lRet;
lRet = RegCreateKeyExU( hKey, szSubKey, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_BACKUP_RESTORE, // in winnt.h
DELETE | KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS, NULL, &hSubKey, &dwDisposition );
if(lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE;
// recurse
DeleteUserData(hSubKey); RegDeleteKeyU(hKey, szSubKey);
// increment index into the key
// reset buffer size
cchSubKeyLength = sizeof(szSubKey) / sizeof(WCHAR);
// Continue the festivities
continue; } else { //
// note: we need to watch for ERROR_MORE_DATA
// this indicates we need a bigger szSubKey buffer
return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }