Copyright (c) 1996, 1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains routines to perform configuration data item management in the protected store.
Scott Field (sfield) 28-Mar-97
#include <pch.cpp>
#pragma hdrstop
// these are temporary until better home is found.
extern PST_PROVIDERID g_guidBaseProvider; extern CALL_STATE g_sDummyCallState; extern PLIST_ITEM g_psDummyListItem;
BOOL AllocatePseudoUniqueHandle( PST_PROVIDER_HANDLE *phPSTProv );
BOOL FAcquireProvider( PST_PROVIDERID* pProviderID );
BOOL CreateDummyUserContext( IN PST_PROVIDER_HANDLE *hPSTProv, IN CALL_STATE *pNewContext );
BOOL DeleteDummyUserContext( IN CALL_STATE *pNewContext );
// ... end of temporary section.
LPVOID RulesAlloc( IN DWORD cb ) { return SSAlloc( cb ); }
VOID RulesFree( IN LPVOID pv ) { SSFree( pv ); }
BOOL FGetConfigurationData( IN PST_PROVIDER_HANDLE *hPSTProv, IN PST_KEY KeyLocation, IN GUID *pguidSubtype, IN LPCWSTR szItemName, OUT BYTE **ppbData, OUT DWORD *pcbData ) { PST_PROVIDER_HANDLE *phNewPSTProv = NULL; CALL_STATE NewContext; BOOL fDummyContext = FALSE; BOOL fSuccess = FALSE;
if(KeyLocation != PST_KEY_CURRENT_USER && KeyLocation != PST_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Hard case is PST_KEY_CURRENT_USER. Prepare user context for that
// scenario.
if(KeyLocation == PST_KEY_CURRENT_USER) { phNewPSTProv = (PST_PROVIDER_HANDLE *)&NewContext;
// hard case: PST_KEY_CURRENT_USER
fDummyContext = CreateDummyUserContext( hPSTProv, &NewContext );
if(!fDummyContext) goto cleanup; } else {
// PST_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE : global dummy call state
phNewPSTProv = (PST_PROVIDER_HANDLE *)&g_sDummyCallState; }
__try {
// get the system provider (dispatch table)
PPROV_LIST_ITEM pli = SearchProvListByID(&g_guidBaseProvider); GUID guidType = PST_CONFIGDATA_TYPE_GUID; PST_PROMPTINFO sPrompt = {sizeof(PST_PROMPTINFO), 0, 0, L""};
if( pli == NULL ) goto cleanup;
// make call with the new context we setup
hr = pli->fnList.SPReadItem( phNewPSTProv, KeyLocation, // target PST_KEY_CURRENT_USER or PST_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
&guidType, pguidSubtype, szItemName, pcbData, ppbData, &sPrompt, 0 );
if( hr == S_OK ) fSuccess = TRUE;
} __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { // swallow
fSuccess = FALSE; }
if(fDummyContext) { DeleteDummyUserContext( &NewContext ); }
return fSuccess; }
BOOL FSetConfigurationData( IN PST_PROVIDER_HANDLE *hPSTProv, IN PST_KEY KeyLocation, IN GUID *pguidSubtype, IN LPCWSTR szItemName, IN BYTE *pbData, IN DWORD cbData ) { PST_PROVIDER_HANDLE *phNewPSTProv = NULL; CALL_STATE NewContext; BOOL fDummyContext = FALSE; BOOL fSuccess = FALSE;
if(KeyLocation != PST_KEY_CURRENT_USER && KeyLocation != PST_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Hard case is PST_KEY_CURRENT_USER. Prepare user context for that
// scenario.
if(KeyLocation == PST_KEY_CURRENT_USER) { phNewPSTProv = (PST_PROVIDER_HANDLE *)&NewContext;
// hard case: PST_KEY_CURRENT_USER
fDummyContext = CreateDummyUserContext( hPSTProv, &NewContext );
if(!fDummyContext) goto cleanup; } else {
// PST_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE : global dummy call state
phNewPSTProv = (PST_PROVIDER_HANDLE *)&g_sDummyCallState; }
__try {
// get the system provider (dispatch table)
PPROV_LIST_ITEM pli = SearchProvListByID(&g_guidBaseProvider); GUID guidType = PST_CONFIGDATA_TYPE_GUID; PST_PROMPTINFO sPrompt = {sizeof(PST_PROMPTINFO), 0, 0, L""};
if( pli == NULL ) goto cleanup;
// make call with the new context we setup
hr = pli->fnList.SPWriteItem( phNewPSTProv, KeyLocation, // target PST_KEY_CURRENT_USER or PST_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
&guidType, pguidSubtype, szItemName, cbData, pbData, &sPrompt, 0, 0 );
if( hr == S_OK ) fSuccess = TRUE;
} __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { // swallow
fSuccess = FALSE; }
if(fDummyContext) { DeleteDummyUserContext( &NewContext ); }
return fSuccess; }
BOOL FInternalCreateType( PST_PROVIDER_HANDLE *phPSTProv, PST_KEY KeyLocation, const GUID *pguidType, PPST_TYPEINFO pinfoType, DWORD dwFlags ) {
if(KeyLocation != PST_KEY_CURRENT_USER && KeyLocation != PST_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Hard case is PST_KEY_CURRENT_USER. Prepare user context for that
// scenario.
if(KeyLocation == PST_KEY_CURRENT_USER) { phNewPSTProv = (PST_PROVIDER_HANDLE *)&NewContext;
// hard case: PST_KEY_CURRENT_USER
fDummyContext = CreateDummyUserContext( phPSTProv, &NewContext );
if(!fDummyContext) goto cleanup; } else {
// PST_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE : global dummy call state
phNewPSTProv = (PST_PROVIDER_HANDLE *)&g_sDummyCallState; }
__try {
// get the system provider (dispatch table)
PPROV_LIST_ITEM pli = SearchProvListByID(&g_guidBaseProvider);
if( pli == NULL ) goto cleanup;
// make call with the new context we setup
Rules.cbSize = sizeof( Rules ); Rules.cRules = 0; Rules.rgRules = NULL;
hr = pli->fnList.SPCreateType( phNewPSTProv, KeyLocation, pguidType, pinfoType, dwFlags );
if(hr == S_OK || hr == PST_E_TYPE_EXISTS) fSuccess = TRUE;
} __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { // swallow
fSuccess = FALSE; }
if(fDummyContext) { DeleteDummyUserContext( &NewContext ); }
return fSuccess; }
BOOL FInternalCreateSubtype( PST_PROVIDER_HANDLE *phPSTProv, PST_KEY KeyLocation, const GUID *pguidType, const GUID *pguidSubtype, PPST_TYPEINFO pinfoSubtype, DWORD dwFlags ) /*++
This routine allows the protected storage server to create a subtype within the Microsoft Protected Storage Base Provider.
The subtype is created with no access ruleset. The caller should use the FInternalWriteAccessRuleset() if an access ruleset needs to be applied after the subtype is created.
--*/ {
if(KeyLocation != PST_KEY_CURRENT_USER && KeyLocation != PST_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Hard case is PST_KEY_CURRENT_USER. Prepare user context for that
// scenario.
if(KeyLocation == PST_KEY_CURRENT_USER) { phNewPSTProv = (PST_PROVIDER_HANDLE *)&NewContext;
// hard case: PST_KEY_CURRENT_USER
fDummyContext = CreateDummyUserContext( phPSTProv, &NewContext );
if(!fDummyContext) goto cleanup; } else {
// PST_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE : global dummy call state
phNewPSTProv = (PST_PROVIDER_HANDLE *)&g_sDummyCallState; }
__try {
// get the system provider (dispatch table)
PPROV_LIST_ITEM pli = SearchProvListByID(&g_guidBaseProvider);
if( pli == NULL ) goto cleanup;
// make call with the new context we setup
Rules.cbSize = sizeof( Rules ); Rules.cRules = 0; Rules.rgRules = NULL;
hr = pli->fnList.SPCreateSubtype( phNewPSTProv, KeyLocation, pguidType, pguidSubtype, pinfoSubtype, &Rules, dwFlags );
if(hr == S_OK || hr == PST_E_TYPE_EXISTS) fSuccess = TRUE;
} __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { // swallow
fSuccess = FALSE; }
if(fDummyContext) { DeleteDummyUserContext( &NewContext ); }
return fSuccess; }
BOOL FInternalWriteAccessRuleset( PST_PROVIDER_HANDLE *phPSTProv, PST_KEY KeyLocation, const GUID *pguidType, const GUID *pguidSubtype, PPST_ACCESSRULESET psRules, DWORD dwFlags ) { PST_PROVIDER_HANDLE *phNewPSTProv = NULL; CALL_STATE NewContext; BOOL fDummyContext = FALSE; BOOL fSuccess = FALSE;
if(KeyLocation != PST_KEY_CURRENT_USER && KeyLocation != PST_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Hard case is PST_KEY_CURRENT_USER. Prepare user context for that
// scenario.
if(KeyLocation == PST_KEY_CURRENT_USER) { phNewPSTProv = (PST_PROVIDER_HANDLE *)&NewContext;
// hard case: PST_KEY_CURRENT_USER
fDummyContext = CreateDummyUserContext( phPSTProv, &NewContext );
if(!fDummyContext) goto cleanup; } else {
// PST_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE : global dummy call state
phNewPSTProv = (PST_PROVIDER_HANDLE *)&g_sDummyCallState; }
__try {
// get the system provider (dispatch table)
PPROV_LIST_ITEM pli = SearchProvListByID(&g_guidBaseProvider);
if( pli == NULL ) goto cleanup;
// Need to make rule data contiguous for push across RPC
DWORD cbRules;
// get the length of the entire ruleset structure
if (!GetLengthOfRuleset(psRules, &cbRules)) { hr = PST_E_INVALID_RULESET; goto cleanup; }
// allocate space for the rules
if (NULL == (NewRules = (PST_ACCESSRULESET*)SSAlloc(cbRules))) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto cleanup; }
ZeroMemory(NewRules, cbRules);
// set up the rules to be output
if (!MyCopyOfRuleset(psRules, NewRules)) { hr = PST_E_FAIL; goto cleanup; }
// make clause data relative
if(!RulesAbsoluteToRelative(NewRules)) { hr = PST_E_INVALID_RULESET; goto cleanup; }
// make call with the new context we setup
hr = pli->fnList.SPWriteAccessRuleset( phNewPSTProv, KeyLocation, pguidType, pguidSubtype, NewRules, dwFlags );
if(hr == S_OK || hr == PST_E_TYPE_EXISTS) fSuccess = TRUE;
} __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { // swallow
fSuccess = FALSE; }
if(fDummyContext) { DeleteDummyUserContext( &NewContext ); }
if(NewRules) { FreeClauseDataRelative( NewRules ); SSFree( NewRules ); }
if(!fSuccess && hr != S_OK) SetLastError((DWORD) hr);
return fSuccess; }
BOOL CreateDummyUserContext( IN PST_PROVIDER_HANDLE *hPSTProv, IN CALL_STATE *pNewContext ) { //
// hard case: PST_KEY_CURRENT_USER
PLIST_ITEM pliCaller; // list item associated with user calling this function
PLIST_ITEM pliNew; // newly allocated list item
DWORD cbName;
CALL_STATE *CallerContext = (CALL_STATE *)hPSTProv;
BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
if (NULL == (pliCaller = SearchListByHandleT(hPSTProv))) return FALSE;
// allocate memory for new list item, and initially populate
// it with information from the calling list item.
pliNew = (PLIST_ITEM)SSAlloc(sizeof(LIST_ITEM)); if(pliNew == NULL) return FALSE;
CopyMemory(pliNew, pliCaller, sizeof(LIST_ITEM)); pliNew->szProcessName = NULL; pliNew->szCallerUsername = NULL;
// now, overwrite with some server related elements to
// make it look like the server is accessing the data as the calling
// user.
if(!AllocatePseudoUniqueHandle( &(pliNew->hPSTProv) )) goto cleanup;
CopyMemory(&(pliNew->ProviderID), &g_guidBaseProvider, sizeof(PST_PROVIDERID)); pliNew->hProcess = g_psDummyListItem->hProcess; pliNew->hThread = g_psDummyListItem->hThread; pliNew->dwProcessId = g_psDummyListItem->dwProcessId;
// allocate new copy of process name string because it get separately freed
// by DelItemFromList
// TODO: consider not allocating copies of szProcessName and szCallerUsername
// and just set these member to NULL prior to calling DelItemFromList()
cbName = (lstrlenW(g_psDummyListItem->szProcessName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); pliNew->szProcessName = (LPWSTR)SSAlloc(cbName); if(pliNew->szProcessName == NULL) goto cleanup; CopyMemory(pliNew->szProcessName, g_psDummyListItem->szProcessName, cbName);
// user name associated with caller.
cbName = (lstrlenW(pliCaller->szCallerUsername) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); pliNew->szCallerUsername = (LPWSTR)SSAlloc(cbName); if(pliNew->szCallerUsername == NULL) goto cleanup; CopyMemory(pliNew->szCallerUsername, pliCaller->szCallerUsername, cbName);
// build new PST_PROVIDER_HANDLE, which is really a CALL_CONTEXT in disguise
ZeroMemory( pNewContext, sizeof(CALL_STATE) );
CopyMemory(&(pNewContext->hPSTProv), &(pliNew->hPSTProv), sizeof(PST_PROVIDER_HANDLE)); pNewContext->hBinding = CallerContext->hBinding;
// pickup stuff from server context
pNewContext->hThread = pliNew->hThread; pNewContext->hProcess = pliNew->hProcess; pNewContext->dwProcessId = pliNew->dwProcessId;
// add to list
// make sure ref count is raised - caller in PST_KEY_CURRENT_USER
// case is responsible for decrementing when finished.
bSuccess = FAcquireProvider(&g_guidBaseProvider);
if(!bSuccess && pliNew) {
// these should only be non-NULL if we allocated storage that
// was not freed as a result of the call to DelItemFromList()
if(pliNew->szProcessName) SSFree(pliNew->szProcessName);
if(pliNew->szCallerUsername) SSFree(pliNew->szCallerUsername);
SSFree(pliNew); }
return bSuccess; }
BOOL DeleteDummyUserContext( IN CALL_STATE *pNewContext ) { PST_PROVIDER_HANDLE *phProv = (PST_PROVIDER_HANDLE *)pNewContext;
DelItemFromList( phProv );
return TRUE; }