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// Pkcs11Attr.cpp -- Implementation of PKCS #11 Attributes class for
// interoperability with Netscape and Entrust using the SLB PKCS#11
// package.
// (c) Copyright Schlumberger Technology Corp., unpublished work, created
// 1999. This computer program includes Confidential, Proprietary
// Information and is a Trade Secret of Schlumberger Technology Corp. All
// use, disclosure, and/or reproduction is prohibited unless authorized
// in writing. All Rights Reserved.
#include "NoWarning.h"
#include "ForceLib.h"
// Don't allow the min & max methods in <limits> to be superceded by
// the min/max macros in <windef.h>
#define NOMINMAX
#include <limits>
#include <functional>
#include <numeric>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>
#include <cciCard.h>
#include <cciCont.h>
#include "Pkcs11Attr.h"
#include "AuxHash.h"
using namespace std; using namespace pki;
/////////////////////////// HELPER /////////////////////////////////
namespace { class JoinWith : public binary_function<string, string, string> { public:
explicit JoinWith(second_argument_type const &rGlue) : m_Glue(rGlue) {}
result_type operator()(string const &rFirst, string const &rSecond) const { return rFirst + m_Glue + rSecond; }
second_argument_type const m_Glue; };
string Combine(vector<string> const &rvsNames) { static string::value_type const cBlank = ' '; static string const sBlank(1, cBlank);
return accumulate(rvsNames.begin() + 1, rvsNames.end(), *rvsNames.begin(), JoinWith(sBlank)); }
} // namespace
/////////////////////////// PUBLIC /////////////////////////////////
// Types
// C'tors/D'tors
Pkcs11Attributes::Pkcs11Attributes(Blob const &rCertificate, HCRYPTPROV hprovContext) : m_x509cert(AsString(rCertificate)), m_hprovContext(hprovContext) { }
// Operators
// Operations
// Access
Blob Pkcs11Attributes::ContainerId() { AuxHash ah(AuxContext(m_hprovContext), CALG_MD5);
return ah.Value(AsBlob(Subject())); }
Blob Pkcs11Attributes::EndDate() const { return Blob(3, 0); // TO DO: Set date
Blob Pkcs11Attributes::Issuer() { return AsBlob(m_x509cert.Issuer()); }
string Pkcs11Attributes::Label() { string sFullName(Combine(m_x509cert.SubjectCommonName())); string sLabel(sFullName);
static string const sNameSuffix = "'s "; sLabel.append(sNameSuffix);
string sOrganizationName(Combine(m_x509cert.IssuerOrg())); sLabel.append(sOrganizationName);
static string const sLabelSuffix = " ID"; sLabel.append(sLabelSuffix);
return sLabel; }
Blob Pkcs11Attributes::Modulus() { return AsBlob(m_x509cert.Modulus()); }
Blob Pkcs11Attributes::RawModulus() { return AsBlob(m_x509cert.RawModulus()); }
Blob Pkcs11Attributes::SerialNumber() { return AsBlob(m_x509cert.SerialNumber()); }
Blob Pkcs11Attributes::StartDate() const { return Blob(3, 0); // TO DO: Set date
string Pkcs11Attributes::Subject() { return m_x509cert.Subject(); }
// Predicates
// Static Variables
/////////////////////////// PROTECTED /////////////////////////////////
// Types
// C'tors/D'tors
// Operators
// Operations
// Access
// Predicates
// Static Variables
/////////////////////////// PRIVATE /////////////////////////////////
// Types
// C'tors/D'tors
// Operators
// Operations
// Access
// Predicates
// Static Variables