// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1998
// All rights reserved
// appinfo.hxx
#ifndef _APPINFO_HXX_
#define _APPINFO_HXX_
typedef struct { GUID DeploymentId; DWORD Flags; // UPGRADE_* bit flags
CAppInfo * pBaseApp; } UPGRADE_INFO;
#define UPGRADE_UNINSTALL 0x1 // The upgrade is a rip-n-replace
#define UPGRADE_NOUNINSTALL 0x2 // The upgrade is an overlay
#define UPGRADE_OVER 0x4 // A 'forward link', the app is upgrading over the other
#define UPGRADE_BY 0x8 // A 'backward link', the app is being upgrade by the other
#define UPGRADE_FORCE 0x10 // Upgrade is automatically forced
#define UPGRADE_APPLIED 0x20 // Upgrade is being applied in this policy run
#define UPGRADE_REVERSED 0x40 // This upgrade is not part of the deployment but is the result of an invalid precedence violating upgrade
// The following set of constants are used as indices and values in the
// state transitions arrays used in CAppInfo::SetActionPass2 where upgrades
// are dealt with.
// Base refers to the 'old' or 'child' in an upgrade relationship.
// Upgraded refers to the 'new' or 'parent' in an upgrade relationship.
// Absent indicates that the application was not already advertised or
// installed for the user/machine. Present indicates that is was.
// Notforced means the upgrade is optional. Force means the upgrade is
// enforced by policy.
#define NA 0
#define NO 1
#define YES 2
#define SPECIAL1 3 // Yes if the upgrade app is present
#define SPECIAL2 4 // Yes if the upgrade app is not present
#define NO_RSOP_ENTRY 0 // Indicates that an rsop entry should not be logged
// Whether Darwin INSTALLSTATE indicates app is advertised or installed.
#define AppPresent( AppState ) \
class CAppStatus : public CListItem, public CPolicyRecordStatus { friend class CConflict; friend class CAppList; };
class CAppInfo : public CListItem { friend class CManagedAppProcessor; friend class CAppList; friend class CEvents; friend class CConflictList; friend class CConflict;
friend error_status_t InstallBegin( handle_t hRpc, APPKEY * pAppType, PINSTALLCONTEXT * ppInstallContext, APPLICATION_INFO * pInstallInfo, UNINSTALL_APPS * pUninstallApps );
friend error_status_t InstallManageApp( IN PINSTALLCONTEXT pInstallContext, IN PWSTR pwszDeploymentId, IN DWORD RollbackStatus, OUT boolean * pbInstall );
friend error_status_t InstallUnmanageApp( IN PINSTALLCONTEXT pInstallContext, IN PWSTR pwszDeploymentId, IN boolean bUnadvertiseOnly );
friend DWORD RemoveAppHelper( WCHAR * ProductCode, HANDLE hUserToken, HKEY hKeyRoot, DWORD ARPStatus, BOOL * pbProductFound );
// Initialization from the Directory.
CAppInfo( CManagedAppProcessor * pManApp, PACKAGEDISPINFO * pPackageInfo, BOOL bDemandInstall, BOOL & bStatus );
// Initialization from the registry.
CAppInfo( CManagedAppProcessor * pManApp, WCHAR * pwszDeploymentId, BOOL & bStatus );
// Initialization from a local script file.
CAppInfo( WCHAR * pwszDeploymentId );
BOOL Initialize( PACKAGEDISPINFO * pPackageInfo );
DWORD InitializePass0();
void SetActionPass1();
void SetActionPass2();
void SetActionPass3();
void SetActionPass4();
void SetAction( APPACTION Action, DWORD Reason, CAppInfo* pAppCause );
DWORD ProcessApplyActions();
DWORD ProcessUnapplyActions();
DWORD ProcessTransformConflicts();
DWORD CopyToManagedApplication( MANAGED_APP * pManagedApp );
BOOL CopyToApplicationInfo( APPLICATION_INFO * pApplicationInfo );
inline WCHAR * LocalScriptPath() { return _pwszLocalScriptPath; }
inline WCHAR * ProductId() { return _pwszProductId; }
inline DWORD InstallUILevel() { return _InstallUILevel; }
inline APPACTION Action() { return _Action; }
inline GUID& DeploymentId() { return _DeploymentId; }
BOOL HasCategory( WCHAR * pwszCategory );
DWORD Assign( DWORD ScriptFlags = 0, BOOL bDoAdvertise = TRUE, BOOL bAddAppData = TRUE );
DWORD Install();
DWORD Reinstall();
DWORD Unassign( DWORD ScriptFlags = 0, BOOL bRemoveAppData = TRUE );
DWORD Uninstall( BOOL bLogFailure = TRUE );
void GetDeploymentId( WCHAR* wszDeploymentId) { GuidToString( _DeploymentId, wszDeploymentId); }
HRESULT Write( CPolicyRecord* pRecord );
HRESULT WriteRemovalProperties( CPolicyRecord* pRemovalRecord );
HRESULT ClearRemovalProperties( CPolicyRecord* pRecord );
LONG GetRsopEntryType();
LONG GetPublicRsopEntryType();
LONG GetEligibility();
CConflictTable* GetConflictTable() { return &_SupersededApps; }
BOOL IsSuperseded() { return _bSuperseded; }
void Supersede() { _bSuperseded = TRUE; }
HRESULT SetRemovingDeploymentId( GUID* pDeploymentId );
void SetRsopFailureStatus( DWORD dwStatus, DWORD dwEventId);
void ForceFailureStatus();
void CheckScriptExistence();
DWORD CopyScriptIfNeeded();
DWORD EnforceAssignmentSecurity( BOOL * pbDidUninstall );
DWORD RollbackUpgrades();
BOOL RequiresUnmanagedRemoval();
void AddToOverrideList( GUID * pDeploymentId );
LONG InitializeRSOPTransformsList( PACKAGEDISPINFO* pPackageInfo );
LONG InitializeRSOPArchitectureInfo( PACKAGEDISPINFO* pPackageInfo );
LONG InitializeCategoriesList( PACKAGEDISPINFO* pPackageInfo );
WCHAR* GetRsopAppCriteria();
LONG UpdatePrecedence( CAppInfo* pLosingApp, DWORD dwConflict );
void LogUpgrades( CPolicyRecord* pRecord );
BOOL IsLocal();
BOOL IsGpoInScope();
CManagedAppProcessor * _pManApp; // The machine or user global state object.
GUID _DeploymentId; // Unique static DS object id, never changes
WCHAR * _pwszDeploymentName; // Friendly app name in the ADE/Directory, can change
WCHAR * _pwszGPOId; // Unique static GPO id, a stringized guid, never changes
WCHAR* _pwszSOMId; // DS path to scope of management for the gpo this app comes from
WCHAR* _pwszGPODSPath; // DS Path to the GPO from which this app originates
WCHAR * _pwszGPOName; // Friendly GPO name this app came from, can change
WCHAR * _pwszProductId; // Darwin product id, a stringized guid, never changes
WCHAR * _pwszLocalScriptPath; // Full path to local script
WCHAR * _pwszGPTScriptPath; // Full path to GPT script
DWORD _Upgrades; UPGRADE_INFO * _pUpgrades; // Apps 'this' is configured to upgrade, built from DS info
DWORD _Overrides; GUID * _pOverrides; // Apps 'this' is superceding, built during processing
WCHAR * _pwszSupercededIds; // List of superceded deployment ids from the registry
WCHAR * _pwszPublisher; // Friendly name of app publisher
WCHAR * _pwszSupportURL; // The editable support url
DWORD _VersionHi; // High dword of app version
DWORD _VersionLo; // Lo dword of app version
DWORD _PathType; // Indicates setup.exe, darwin package, or other format
FILETIME _USN; // Last modified time for DS package object
LANGID _LangId; // Win32 language identifier
DWORD _LanguageWeight; // magnitude indicates degree of language compatibility
LONG _AssignCount; // Number of full assignments with script copy
DWORD _LocalRevision; // From registry
FILETIME _ScriptTime; // From registry
DWORD _DirectoryRevision; // From Directory
DWORD _InstallUILevel; // From Directory
DWORD _ActFlags; // ACTFLG_s from the Directory
INSTALLSTATE _InstallState; // Darwin install state, only valid if script is present
BOOL _DemandInstall; // Whether we're doing a service-API driven install
DWORD _State; // APPSTATE flags defined in registry.hxx
APPACTION _Action; // Current action to perform on app
DWORD _Status; // Final processing status
BOOL _bNeedsUnmanagedRemove; // TRUE if an unmanaged version of this application must be uninstalled before this application can be applied
BYTE* _rgSecurityDescriptor; // Security descriptor of package in DS in self-relative format
LONG _cbSecurityDescriptor; // length in bytes of Security descriptor of package in DS in self-relative format
CConflictTable _SupersededApps; // The list of applictions superseded by this application in the RSoP
BOOL _bSuperseded; // TRUE if this app has been superseded by another application in the RSoP
BOOL _bRollback; // TRUE if this app was removed but had to be reapplied as a result of a failed upgrade
BOOL _bRemovalLogged; // TRUE if a removal entry was logged for this app (RSoP only)
BOOL _bTransformConflict; // TRUE if a transform conflict occurred when this application was applied
BOOL _bRestored; // TRUE if this app was removed on another machine when its gpo went out of scope
// but came back in scope on this machine
WCHAR** _rgwszTransforms; // List of transform paths that apply to the package, valid only when RSoP is enabled
DWORD _cTransforms; // The number of transforms that apply to this application (RSoP) only
WCHAR** _rgwszCategories; // List of application category guid strings -- valid only for ARP enum or RSoP enabled
DWORD _cCategories; // The number of categories that apply to this application -- ARP or RSoP only
WCHAR* _pwszPackageLocation; // The file system path of the Windows Installer package for this application (RSoP only)
DWORD _cArchitectures; // The count of machine architectures for this application (RSoP only)
LONG* _rgArchitectures; // A vector of Win32 PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE values that apply to this application (RSoP only)
DWORD _PrimaryArchitecture; // The Win32 PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE value corresponding to the architecture that we are
// assuming for this package. Most packages only support one architecture, so this is
// usually the same as the architecture in _rgArchitectures[0]. (RSoP only)
DWORD _dwApplyCause; // Reason this application was applied (RSoP only)
DWORD _dwRemovalCause; // Reason this application was removed (RSoP only)
WCHAR* _pwszRemovingDeploymentId; // Deployment Id of application that caused this app to get removed (RSoP only)
CList _StatusList; // List of statuses for operations performed on this object (RSoP only)
BOOL _bSupersedesAssigned; // TRUE if this app directly or indirectly supersedes an assigned app
DWORD _dwUserApplyCause; // Current apply cause for user installed apps (RSoP only)
WCHAR* _wszDemandSpec; // On-demand install specifier (if any) at the time the app was applied (e.g. clsid, progid, or file extension that caused install) -- allocated and must be freed in destructor
WCHAR* _wszDemandProp; // The WMI property corresponding to the demand specifier (if any) -- this is not allocated and should not be freed by the destructor
DWORD CallMsiConfigureProduct( WCHAR * pwszProduct, int InstallLevel, INSTALLSTATE InstallState, WCHAR * pwszCommandLine );
DWORD CallMsiReinstallProduct( WCHAR * pwszProduct );
DWORD CallMsiAdvertiseScript( WCHAR * pwszScriptFile, DWORD Flags, PHKEY phkClasses, BOOL bRemoveItems );