// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1998
// All rights reserved
// Applist.cxx
#include "appmgext.hxx"
// CAppList
CAppList::CAppList( CManagedAppProcessor * pManApp, CRsopAppContext * pRsopContext ) : _pManApp( pManApp ), _bRsopInitialized( FALSE ), _hrRsopInit( E_FAIL ), _pRsopContext( pRsopContext ) {}
CAppList::~CAppList() { CAppInfo * pAppInfo;
while ( pAppInfo = (CAppInfo *) GetCurrentItem() ) { MoveNext();
pAppInfo->Remove(); delete pAppInfo; }
ResetEnd(); }
DWORD CAppList::SetAppActions() { CAppInfo * pAppInfo; DWORD Pass; DWORD Status;
for ( Pass = 0; Pass <= 5; Pass++ ) { Reset();
for (;;) { pAppInfo = (CAppInfo *) GetCurrentItem();
if ( ! pAppInfo ) break;
// Apps get applied from lowest priority to highest priority.
// Thus if one app fails to apply there is nothing of interest that
// we can really do. We don't know which lower priority apps
// may need to be "undone", and we shouldn't abort and thereby
// prevent higher priority apps from being processed.
// Therefore, other than logging events, we ignore any errors in
// the processing and continuing applying all apps.
switch ( Pass ) { case 0 : Status = pAppInfo->InitializePass0(); if ( Status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) return Status; break; case 1 : pAppInfo->SetActionPass1(); break; case 2 : pAppInfo->SetActionPass2(); break; case 3 : pAppInfo->SetActionPass3(); break; case 4 : pAppInfo->SetActionPass4(); break; case 5 : if ( pAppInfo->_Status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) return pAppInfo->_Status; break; }
MoveNext(); }
ResetEnd(); }
DWORD CAppList::ProcessPolicy() { CAppInfo * pAppInfo; DWORD Pass; DWORD Status; DWORD FinalStatus; HRESULT hr;
FinalStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
Status = _pManApp->Impersonate();
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == Status ) Status = SetAppActions();
if ( Status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { //
// Ensure that we log an event in this case so that RSoP
// failed view at the extension level has enough information
// to allow the administrator to diagnose the problem
_pManApp->GetRsopContext()->SetPolicyAborted( Status );
return Status; }
if ( _pManApp->GetRsopContext()->IsPlanningModeEnabled() ) { return Status; }
for ( Pass = 0; Pass <= 2; Pass++ ) { for ( Reset();;MoveNext() ) { pAppInfo = (CAppInfo *) GetCurrentItem();
if ( ! pAppInfo ) break;
switch ( Pass ) { case 0 : Status = pAppInfo->ProcessUnapplyActions(); break; case 1 : Status = pAppInfo->ProcessApplyActions(); break; case 2 : if ( _pRsopContext->IsRsopEnabled() && _pRsopContext->IsDiagnosticModeEnabled() ) Status = pAppInfo->ProcessTransformConflicts(); break; }
if ( (FinalStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) ) FinalStatus = Status;
// If we are returning an error of some sort, we should force a synchronous
// refresh if we are not already returning the error to request one. This is
// needed because some errors require a sync refresh to fix (such as
// install / uninstall errors), and gp will not give us a sync refresh
// unless we ask for it.
if ( ! _pManApp->NoChanges() && ( ERROR_SUCCESS != FinalStatus ) && ( ERROR_SYNC_FOREGROUND_REFRESH_REQUIRED != FinalStatus ) ) { _pManApp->Revert();
(void) ForceSynchronousRefresh( _pManApp->UserToken() );
_pManApp->Impersonate(); } }
ResetEnd(); }
return FinalStatus; }
DWORD CAppList::ProcessARPList() { DWORD Status;
Status = _pManApp->Impersonate();
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == Status ) Status = SetAppActions();
return Status; }
DWORD CAppList::Count( DWORD Flags ) { CAppInfo * pAppInfo; DWORD Count;
Count = 0;
for ( ;; ) { pAppInfo = (CAppInfo *) GetCurrentItem();
if ( ! pAppInfo ) break;
if ( pAppInfo->_ActFlags & Flags ) Count++;
MoveNext(); }
return Count; }
CAppInfo * CAppList::Find( GUID DeploymentId ) { CAppInfo * pAppInfo;
for (;;) { pAppInfo = (CAppInfo *) GetCurrentItem();
if ( ! pAppInfo ) break;
if ( memcmp( &pAppInfo->_DeploymentId, &DeploymentId, sizeof(GUID) ) == 0 ) break;
MoveNext(); }
return pAppInfo; }
HRESULT CAppList::WriteLog( DWORD dwFilter ) { CAppInfo * pAppInfo; DWORD Status; HRESULT hr;
hr = InitRsopLog();
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { return hr; }
if ( ( CRsopAppContext::POLICY_REFRESH == _pRsopContext->GetContext() ) && _pRsopContext->IsDiagnosticModeEnabled() && ! _pManApp->IsRemovingPolicies() ) { hr = PurgeEntries(); }
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { return hr; } Reset();
for (;;) { BOOL bLogApp;
pAppInfo = (CAppInfo *) GetCurrentItem();
if ( ! pAppInfo ) break;
// Check to see if this app is applied to the user and should be logged
bLogApp = ( RSOP_FILTER_ALL == dwFilter ) || ( ( ACTION_UNINSTALL == pAppInfo->Action() ) || ( ACTION_ORPHAN == pAppInfo->Action() ) );
// Check to see if this app would have been in the ARP list if not for the
// fact that the administrator chose to conceal it
if ( CRsopAppContext::ARPLIST == _pRsopContext->GetContext() ) { if ( ( ACTION_NONE == pAppInfo->Action() ) && ( (pAppInfo->_ActFlags & (ACTFLG_Assigned | ACTFLG_Published) ) && !(pAppInfo->_ActFlags & ACTFLG_UserInstall) ) ) { bLogApp = TRUE;
pAppInfo->SetAction( ACTION_INSTALL, 0, NULL); } }
if ( bLogApp ) { hr = WriteAppToRsopLog( pAppInfo );
if (FAILED(hr)) { break; } }
MoveNext(); }
return hr; }
HRESULT CAppList::WriteAppToRsopLog( CAppInfo* pAppInfo ) { HRESULT hr; CConflict WinningConflict( pAppInfo );
// If this is a rolled-back upgrade, the instance
// is already written and we do not need to do anything
if ( pAppInfo->_bRollback ) { return S_OK; }
// Do not log entries for applications that will be removed
// in the next sync refresh
if ( ( ERROR_SYNC_FOREGROUND_REFRESH_REQUIRED == pAppInfo->_Status ) && ( ACTION_APPLY != pAppInfo->_Action ) && ( ACTION_INSTALL != pAppInfo->_Action ) && ( ACTION_REINSTALL != pAppInfo->_Action ) ) { return S_OK; }
hr = InitRsopLog();
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { return hr; }
// If this app failed to be applied, we must log it anyway
if ( pAppInfo->_StatusList.GetCurrentItem() ) { if ( ACTION_NONE == pAppInfo->Action() ) { pAppInfo->SetAction( ACTION_APPLY, pAppInfo->_dwApplyCause, NULL); } } else if ( _pRsopContext->HasPolicyAborted() ) { //
// If policy aborted before even trying to apply the app
// then we shouldn't log this setting unless it has a failure --
// apps without failures haven't been applied, and apps with
// failures are known to not apply, so we can safely log those
return S_OK; }
WCHAR* wszCriteria; wszCriteria = pAppInfo->GetRsopAppCriteria();
hr = ClearLog( wszCriteria, TRUE );
delete [] wszCriteria;
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { return hr; }
// In planning mode, we only apply published apps if they upgrade
// an assigned app
if ( _pRsopContext->IsPlanningModeEnabled() ) { if ( ( ACTFLG_Published & pAppInfo->_ActFlags ) && ! pAppInfo->_bSupersedesAssigned ) { break; } } //
// Fall through to the next case
// In the arplist case, we require the action
// set to ACTION_INSTALL in order to log the app
if ( _pManApp->ARPList() && ( ACTION_INSTALL != pAppInfo->Action() ) ) { break; }
// If this is a winning application, create a new entry for the winner
// and then log its conflicts
if ( ! pAppInfo->IsSuperseded() ) { WCHAR wszDeploymentId[ MAX_SZGUID_LEN ];
pAppInfo->GetDeploymentId( wszDeploymentId);
hr = WinningConflict.SetConflictId( wszDeploymentId );
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { hr = WriteNewRecord ( &WinningConflict ); }
if (FAILED(hr)) { DebugMsg((DM_VERBOSE, IDS_RSOP_LOG_WRITE_FAIL, hr)); hr = S_OK; }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { (void) WinningConflict.LogFailure(); }
(void) WriteConflicts ( pAppInfo ); } break;
BOOL bDeleteInstalledEntry; CAppStatus* pCurrentStatus;
bDeleteInstalledEntry = TRUE;
pCurrentStatus = (CAppStatus*) pAppInfo->_StatusList.GetCurrentItem();
// Do not delete the installed entry if it was never
// successfully removed
if ( pCurrentStatus && ( RSOPFailed == pCurrentStatus->_SettingStatus ) ) { bDeleteInstalledEntry = FALSE; } //
// For removed applications, we do not create a new entry,
// just change the existing entry to indicate that
// it has been removed
hr = MarkRSOPEntryAsRemoved( pAppInfo, bDeleteInstalledEntry);
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { pAppInfo->_bRemovalLogged = TRUE; }
default: break; }
return hr; }
HRESULT CAppList::WriteConflicts( CAppInfo* pAppInfo ) { HRESULT hr; CConflictList Conflicts; CConflict* pCurrentConflict;
hr = pAppInfo->GetConflictTable()->GenerateResultantConflictList( &Conflicts );
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { Conflicts.Reset();
while ( pCurrentConflict = (CConflict*) Conflicts.GetCurrentItem() ) { WCHAR wszDeploymentId[ MAX_SZGUID_LEN ];
pAppInfo->GetDeploymentId( wszDeploymentId);
hr = pCurrentConflict->SetConflictId( wszDeploymentId );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { break; }
HRESULT hrWrite;
if ( ! pCurrentConflict->GetApp()->IsLocal() ) { hrWrite = WriteNewRecord( pCurrentConflict ); } else { hrWrite = OpenExistingRecord( pCurrentConflict );
if ( SUCCEEDED( hrWrite ) ) { hrWrite = pCurrentConflict->Write(); }
if ( SUCCEEDED( hrWrite ) ) { hrWrite = pCurrentConflict->GetApp()->ClearRemovalProperties( pCurrentConflict ); }
if ( SUCCEEDED( hrWrite ) ) { hrWrite = CommitRecord( pCurrentConflict ); } }
if ( SUCCEEDED( hrWrite ) ) { (void) DeleteStatusRecords( pCurrentConflict ); }
if (FAILED(hrWrite)) { DebugMsg((DM_VERBOSE, IDS_RSOP_LOG_WRITE_FAIL, hrWrite)); }
Conflicts.MoveNext(); } }
if (FAILED(hr)) { DebugMsg((DM_VERBOSE, IDS_RSOP_CONFLICTS_FAIL, pAppInfo->_pwszDeploymentName, pAppInfo->_pwszGPOName, hr)); }
return hr; }
HRESULT CAppList::InitRsopLog() { if ( _bRsopInitialized ) { return _hrRsopInit; }
_bRsopInitialized = TRUE;
_hrRsopInit = InitLog( _pRsopContext, RSOP_MANAGED_SOFTWARE_APPLICATION);
if (FAILED(_hrRsopInit)) { DebugMsg((DM_VERBOSE, IDS_RSOP_LOG_INIT_FAIL, _hrRsopInit)); return _hrRsopInit; }
if ( _pRsopContext->Transition() ) { _hrRsopInit = ClearLog( NULL, TRUE ); } else if ( ! _pRsopContext->ForcedRefresh() ) { BOOL bPolicy;
bPolicy = FALSE;
// In the forced refresh case, we need to preserve the
// state of policy since it actually has not changed,
// so we skip the purge below
// In the policy refresh case, we need to clear everything
// that does not apply to the user as well as removal entries
switch ( _pRsopContext->GetContext() ) { case CRsopAppContext::POLICY_REFRESH:
bPolicy = TRUE;
if ( ! _pRsopContext->PurgeRemovalEntries() ) { break; }
// Purposefully fall through
case CRsopAppContext::ARPLIST:
_hrRsopInit = ClearLog( GetRsopListCriteria(), bPolicy );
if ( FAILED( _hrRsopInit ) ) { DebugMsg((DM_VERBOSE, IDS_RSOP_LOG_INIT_FAIL, _hrRsopInit)); } break; default: break; } }
return _hrRsopInit; }
HRESULT CAppList::PurgeEntries() { HRESULT hr;
hr = GetEnum( RSOP_PURGE_QUERY );
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { HRESULT hrEnum;
hrEnum = S_OK;
for (;;) { CPolicyRecord CurrentApplication; LONG EntryType;
hrEnum = GetNextRecord( &CurrentApplication );
if ( S_OK != hrEnum ) { if ( FAILED(hrEnum) ) { hr = hrEnum; }
break; }
GUID DeploymentId; WCHAR wszDeploymentId[ MAX_SZGUID_LEN ]; LONG cchSize; CAppInfo* pAppliedApp;
cchSize = sizeof( wszDeploymentId ) / sizeof( *wszDeploymentId );
hrEnum = CurrentApplication.GetValue( RSOP_ATTRIBUTE_ID, wszDeploymentId, &cchSize);
if ( FAILED( hrEnum ) ) { break; }
if ( S_OK != hrEnum ) { break; }
StringToGuid( wszDeploymentId, &DeploymentId ); pAppliedApp = Find( DeploymentId ); if ( pAppliedApp ) { if ( pAppliedApp->_State & ( APPSTATE_ASSIGNED | APPSTATE_PUBLISHED ) ) { if ( ACTFLG_Published & pAppliedApp->_ActFlags ) { (void) GetUserApplyCause( &CurrentApplication, pAppliedApp); }
continue; } if ( ( ACTION_NONE != pAppliedApp->Action() ) || pAppliedApp->_bRollback ) { continue; } }
hrEnum = DeleteRecord( &CurrentApplication, TRUE ); if ( FAILED( hrEnum ) ) { hr = hrEnum; } }
FreeEnum(); }
return hr; }
HRESULT CAppList::GetUserApplyCause( CPolicyRecord* pRecord, CAppInfo* pAppInfo ) { HRESULT hr; LONG ApplyCause;
hr = pRecord->GetValue( APP_ATTRIBUTE_APPLY_CAUSE, &ApplyCause);
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr) && ( APP_ATTRIBUTE_APPLYCAUSE_VALUE_NONE != ApplyCause ) && ! pAppInfo->_wszDemandProp ) { pAppInfo->_dwUserApplyCause = ApplyCause;
switch ( ApplyCause ) { case APP_ATTRIBUTE_APPLYCAUSE_VALUE_FILEEXT: pAppInfo->_wszDemandProp = APP_ATTRIBUTE_ONDEMAND_FILEEXT; break;
default: pAppInfo->_wszDemandProp = NULL; break; }
if ( pAppInfo->_wszDemandProp && ! pAppInfo->_wszDemandSpec ) { LONG cchSize;
cchSize = 0;
hr = pRecord->GetValue( pAppInfo->_wszDemandProp, pAppInfo->_wszDemandSpec, &cchSize);
if ( S_FALSE == hr ) { pAppInfo->_wszDemandSpec = new WCHAR [ cchSize ];
if ( pAppInfo->_wszDemandSpec ) { hr = pRecord->GetValue( pAppInfo->_wszDemandProp, pAppInfo->_wszDemandSpec, &cchSize); } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } }
return hr; }
HRESULT CAppList::MarkRSOPEntryAsRemoved( CAppInfo* pAppInfo, BOOL bRemoveInstances) { HRESULT hr; WCHAR* wszRemovalCriteria;
wszRemovalCriteria = NULL;
DebugMsg((DM_VERBOSE, IDS_RSOP_LOG_WRITE_INFO, pAppInfo->_pwszDeploymentName, pAppInfo->_pwszGPOName));
// If this is a removed app that was reapplied as part of upgrade rollback,
// we do not want to remove the instances
if ( pAppInfo->_bRollback ) { bRemoveInstances = FALSE; }
// Set up this list's rsop enumerator to enumerate instances of this application
hr = FindRsopAppEntry( pAppInfo, &wszRemovalCriteria );
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { for (;;) { CConflict RemovedApplication( pAppInfo ); LONG Precedence;
hr = GetNextRecord( &RemovedApplication ); if ( S_OK != hr ) { break; }
hr = RemovedApplication.GetValue( RSOP_ATTRIBUTE_PRECEDENCE, &Precedence);
if ( FAILED (hr) ) { break; }
// If this is a removal of an assigned application, then we should
// change the apply cause of the installed application to assigned
// rather than user
if ( 1 == Precedence ) { if ( ( pAppInfo->_State & APPSTATE_ASSIGNED ) && ( CRsopAppContext::REMOVAL == _pRsopContext->GetContext() ) ) { LONG CurrentApplyCause; LONG CurrentEligibility;
// First, we must find out the current apply cause so
// that we can propagate that to the removal entry
hr = RemovedApplication.GetValue( APP_ATTRIBUTE_APPLY_CAUSE, &CurrentApplyCause);
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { hr = RemovedApplication.GetValue( APP_ATTRIBUTE_ELIGIBILITY, &CurrentEligibility); } if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { //
// Now set the current apply cause to assigned
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { //
// Also set the eligibility to assigned
// Clear out any attributes that should not be set for applications
// applied due to assignment
hr = RemovedApplication.ClearValue( APP_ATTRIBUTE_ONDEMAND_FILEEXT);
hr = RemovedApplication.ClearValue( APP_ATTRIBUTE_ONDEMAND_CLSID);
hr = RemovedApplication.ClearValue( APP_ATTRIBUTE_ONDEMAND_PROGID);
// Commit the record for the installed application
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { hr = CommitRecord( &RemovedApplication ); }
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { //
// Now set the removal entry's install cause to
// that of the original install
hr = RemovedApplication.SetValue( APP_ATTRIBUTE_APPLY_CAUSE, CurrentApplyCause);
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { //
// Also set the eligibility to assigned
// We must mark the highest precedence entry
// (the currently applied entry) as removed --
// see if this has the highest precedence (1)
if ( bRemoveInstances && ( ( pAppInfo->_State & APPSTATE_PUBLISHED ) || ( CRsopAppContext::POLICY_REFRESH != _pRsopContext->GetContext() ) ) ) { hr = DeleteRecord ( &RemovedApplication, TRUE ); } else { hr = DeleteStatusRecords( &RemovedApplication ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = RemovedApplication.SetValue( APP_ATTRIBUTE_ENTRYTYPE, APP_ATTRIBUTE_ENTRYTYPE_VALUE_REMOVED_PACKAGE);
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = RemovedApplication.SetValue( RSOP_ATTRIBUTE_PRECEDENCE, 0L);
REPORT_ATTRIBUTE_SET_STATUS( RSOP_ATTRIBUTE_PRECEDENCE, hr ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = pAppInfo->WriteRemovalProperties( &RemovedApplication ); }
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = CommitRecord( &RemovedApplication );
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { (void) DeleteStatusRecords( &RemovedApplication ); (void) RemovedApplication.LogFailure(); } } } else { hr = DeleteRecord ( &RemovedApplication, TRUE ); }
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { break; } } }
if ( bRemoveInstances && SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { //
// We've already found the highest precedence entry
// and copied it as a removal entry --
// if the caller specified to remove the original
// instances for this app's conflict id, do so
hr = ClearLog( wszRemovalCriteria, TRUE ); }
delete [] wszRemovalCriteria;
return hr; }
HRESULT CAppList::FindRsopAppEntry( CAppInfo* pAppInfo, WCHAR** ppwszAppCriteria ) { HRESULT hr;
hr = InitRsopLog();
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { return hr; }
*ppwszAppCriteria = pAppInfo->GetRsopAppCriteria();
if ( *ppwszAppCriteria ) { hr = GetEnum( *ppwszAppCriteria ); }
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { delete [] *ppwszAppCriteria; *ppwszAppCriteria = NULL; }
return hr; }
WCHAR* CAppList::GetRsopListCriteria() { WCHAR* wszCriteria;
switch ( _pRsopContext->GetContext() ) { case CRsopAppContext::ARPLIST: wszCriteria = RSOP_ARP_CONTEXT_QUERY; break;
case CRsopAppContext::POLICY_REFRESH: wszCriteria = RSOP_POLICY_CONTEXT_QUERY; break;
default: ASSERT(FALSE); return NULL; }
return wszCriteria; }