#include "msgina.h"
#include <shellapi.h>
typedef struct { HKL dwHkl; HICON hIcon;
typedef struct { HKL hklLast; PLAYOUTINFO pLayoutInfo; UINT uNumLayouts; } USERLAYOUTINFO, *PUSERLAYOUTINFO;
HICON CreateLangIdIcon( WORD LangId); int CreateIconList( PLAYOUTINFO pLayoutInfo, HKL hkl, UINT uLangs);
HICON GetIconFromHkl( PLAYOUTINFO pLayoutInfo, HKL hkl, UINT uLangs);
typedef UINT (WINAPI *PFNEXTRACTICONEXW)(LPCWSTR lpszFile, int nIconIndex, HICON FAR *phiconLarge, HICON FAR *phiconSmall, UINT nIcons);
* FUNCTION: CreateLangIdIcon * * PURPOSE: Create an icon that displays the first two letters of the * supplied language ID. * * RETURNS: Icon that shows displays Language ID. * * HISTORY: * * 04-17-98 ShanXu Borrowed from internat.exe * \***************************************************************************/
HICON CreateLangIdIcon( WORD langID ) { HBITMAP hbmColour = NULL; HBITMAP hbmMono; HBITMAP hbmOld; HICON hicon = NULL; ICONINFO ii; RECT rc; DWORD rgbText; DWORD rgbBk = 0; HDC hdc = NULL; HDC hdcScreen; LOGFONT lf; HFONT hfont; HFONT hfontOld; TCHAR szData[20]; UINT cxSmIcon, cySmIcon;
cxSmIcon = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON); cySmIcon = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON); //
// Get the indicator by using the first 2 characters of the
// abbreviated language name.
if (GetLocaleInfo( MAKELCID(langID, SORT_DEFAULT), LOCALE_SABBREVLANGNAME | LOCALE_NOUSEROVERRIDE, szData, sizeof(szData) / sizeof(szData[0]) )) { //
// Only use the first two characters.
szData[2] = TEXT('\0'); } else { //
// Id wasn't found. Use question marks.
szData[0] = TEXT('?'); szData[1] = TEXT('?'); szData[2] = TEXT('\0'); }
if (SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETICONTITLELOGFONT, sizeof(LOGFONT), &lf, 0)) { #if (1) //DSIE: Bug 351507
if (hdcScreen = GetDC(NULL)) { double dScaleY = GetDeviceCaps(hdcScreen, LOGPIXELSY) / 96.0f; lf.lfHeight = (int) (lf.lfHeight * dScaleY); // Scale the height based on the system DPI.
ReleaseDC(NULL, hdcScreen); } #endif
if ((hfont = CreateFontIndirect(&lf))) { hdcScreen = GetDC(NULL); if ( hdcScreen ) { hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(hdcScreen); hbmColour = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdcScreen, cxSmIcon, cySmIcon); ReleaseDC(NULL, hdcScreen); }
if (hbmColour && hdc) { hbmMono = CreateBitmap(cxSmIcon, cySmIcon, 1, 1, NULL); if (hbmMono) { hbmOld = SelectObject(hdc, hbmColour); rc.left = 0; rc.top = 0; rc.right = cxSmIcon; rc.bottom = cySmIcon;
rgbBk = SetBkColor(hdc, GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT)); rgbText = SetTextColor(hdc, GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT));
ExtTextOut( hdc, rc.left, rc.top, ETO_OPAQUE, &rc, TEXT(""), 0, NULL ); SelectObject(hdc, GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)); hfontOld = SelectObject(hdc, hfont); DrawText( hdc, szData, 2, &rc, DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER | DT_SINGLELINE ); #ifdef USE_MIRRORING
{ DWORD dwLayout;
GetProcessDefaultLayout(&dwLayout); if (dwLayout & LAYOUT_RTL) { MirrorBitmapInDC(hdc, hbmColour); } } #endif
SelectObject(hdc, hbmMono); PatBlt(hdc, 0, 0, cxSmIcon, cySmIcon, BLACKNESS); SelectObject(hdc, hbmOld);
ii.fIcon = TRUE; ii.xHotspot = 0; ii.yHotspot = 0; ii.hbmColor = hbmColour; ii.hbmMask = hbmMono; hicon = CreateIconIndirect(&ii);
DeleteObject(hbmMono); SelectObject(hdc, hfontOld); } DeleteObject(hbmColour); DeleteDC(hdc); } DeleteObject(hfont); } }
return (hicon); }
* FUNCTION: CreateIconList * * PURPOSE: Create the table that contains the relationship between an hkl * and an icon. * * RETURNS: Index of the current hkl in the table. * * HISTORY: * * 04-17-98 ShanXu Created * \***************************************************************************/ int CreateIconList( PLAYOUTINFO pLayoutInfo, HKL hklCur, UINT uLangs) { HKL *pLanguages; UINT uCount; int nCurIndex = -1;
pLanguages = (HKL *)LocalAlloc(LPTR, uLangs * sizeof(HKL)); if (!pLanguages) { return -1; } GetKeyboardLayoutList(uLangs, (HKL *)pLanguages);
for (uCount = 0; uCount < uLangs; uCount++) { pLayoutInfo[uCount].dwHkl = pLanguages[uCount]; if (pLanguages[uCount] == hklCur) { nCurIndex = uCount; } if ((HIWORD(pLanguages[uCount]) & 0xf000) == 0xe000) { WCHAR szIMEFile[32]; // assume long filename up to 32 byte
if (!pfnImmGetImeFileName) { HMODULE hMod; hMod = GetModuleHandle(szImm32DLL); if (hMod) { pfnImmGetImeFileName = (LPFNIMMGETIMEFILENAME) GetProcAddress( hMod, "ImmGetIMEFileNameW"); } } if (pfnImmGetImeFileName && (*pfnImmGetImeFileName) (pLanguages[uCount], szIMEFile, sizeof(szIMEFile) )) { HINSTANCE hInstShell32; PFNEXTRACTICONEXW pfnExtractIconExW;
hInstShell32 = LoadLibrary (TEXT("shell32.dll"));
if (hInstShell32) { pfnExtractIconExW = (PFNEXTRACTICONEXW) GetProcAddress (hInstShell32, "ExtractIconExW");
if (pfnExtractIconExW) {
// First one of the file.
pfnExtractIconExW( szIMEFile, 0, NULL, &pLayoutInfo[uCount].hIcon, 1); }
FreeLibrary (hInstShell32); } continue; } }
// for non-ime layout
pLayoutInfo[uCount].hIcon = CreateLangIdIcon(LOWORD(pLanguages[uCount])); }
return nCurIndex; }
* FUNCTION: GetIconFromHkl * * PURPOSE: Find the icon in our table that has a matching hkl * with the supplied hkl. Create the table if it does not * exist. * * RETURNS: Icon of the macthing hkl. * * HISTORY: * * 04-17-98 ShanXu Created * \***************************************************************************/ HICON GetIconFromHkl( PLAYOUTINFO pLayoutInfo, HKL hkl, UINT uLangs) { UINT uCount; int nIndex = -1;
if (pLayoutInfo[0].dwHkl == 0) { //
// Icon/hkl list no exsists yet. Create it.
nIndex = CreateIconList(pLayoutInfo, hkl, uLangs); } else { //
// Find the icon with a matching hkl
for (uCount = 0; uCount < uLangs; uCount++) { if (pLayoutInfo[uCount].dwHkl == hkl) { nIndex = uCount; break; } } }
if (nIndex == -1) { return NULL; }
return ( pLayoutInfo[nIndex].hIcon); }
* FUNCTION: DisplayLanguageIcon * * PURPOSE: Displays the icon of the currently selected hkl in the * dlg window. * * RETURNS: TRUE - The icon is displayed. * FALSE - No icon displayed. * * HISTORY: * * 04-17-98 ShanXu Created * \***************************************************************************/ BOOL DisplayLanguageIcon( HWND hwnd, LAYOUT_USER LayoutUser, HKL hkl)
{ HICON hIconLayout; UINT uLangs; PLAYOUTINFO pLayout; uLangs = GetKeyboardLayoutList(0, NULL); if (uLangs < 2) { return FALSE; }
pLayout = UserLayoutInfo[LayoutUser].pLayoutInfo;
if (!pLayout) { pLayout = (PLAYOUTINFO)LocalAlloc(LPTR, uLangs * sizeof(LAYOUTINFO));
if (!pLayout) { return FALSE; }
UserLayoutInfo[LayoutUser].pLayoutInfo = pLayout; UserLayoutInfo[LayoutUser].uNumLayouts = uLangs; }
hIconLayout = GetIconFromHkl( pLayout, hkl, uLangs);
if (!hIconLayout) { return FALSE; }
SendMessage( GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDD_KBLAYOUT_ICON), STM_SETICON, (WPARAM)hIconLayout, 0 );
UserLayoutInfo[LayoutUser].hklLast = hkl;
SetTimer(hwnd, TIMER_MYLANGUAGECHECK, 500, NULL); return TRUE; }
* FUNCTION: FreeLayoutInfo * * PURPOSE: Delete the icon/hkl table and destroy all icons. * * RETURNS: - * * HISTORY: * * 04-17-98 ShanXu Created * \***************************************************************************/ void FreeLayoutInfo( LAYOUT_USER LayoutUser) { UINT uLangs; UINT uCount;
pLayoutInfo = UserLayoutInfo[LayoutUser].pLayoutInfo;
if (!pLayoutInfo) { return; }
uLangs = UserLayoutInfo[LayoutUser].uNumLayouts; for (uCount = 0; uCount < uLangs; uCount++) { DestroyIcon (pLayoutInfo[uCount].hIcon); }
LocalFree(pLayoutInfo); UserLayoutInfo[LayoutUser].pLayoutInfo = NULL; UserLayoutInfo[LayoutUser].uNumLayouts = 0;
return; }
* FUNCTION: LayoutCheckHandler * * PURPOSE: Handle layout check. Set appropriate icon if there is * a change in keyboard layout. * * RETURNS: - * * HISTORY: * * 04-22-98 ShanXu Created * \***************************************************************************/ void LayoutCheckHandler( HWND hwnd, LAYOUT_USER LayoutUser) { HKL hklCurrent;
hklCurrent = GetKeyboardLayout(0);
if (hklCurrent != UserLayoutInfo[LayoutUser].hklLast) { DisplayLanguageIcon( hwnd, LayoutUser, hklCurrent);
}else{ SetTimer(hwnd, TIMER_MYLANGUAGECHECK, 500, NULL); } }