/****************************** Module Header ******************************\
* Module Name: async.c * * Copyright (c) 1991, Microsoft Corporation * * This module implements asynchronous I/O on file handles in a more * useful way than provided for by Win32 apis. * * This module provides 2 main apis : ReadFileAsync, WriteFileAsync. * These apis take a handle to an async object and always return * immediately without waiting for the I/O to complete. An event * can be queried from the async object and used to wait for completion. * When this event is signalled, the I/O result can be queried from * the async object. * * History: * 06-29-92 Davidc Created. \***************************************************************************/
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <windef.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <winbase.h>
#include "rcmdsrv.h"
// Define RCOVERLAPPED structure
typedef struct {
OVERLAPPED Overlapped;
HANDLE FileHandle; // Non-null when I/O operation in progress.
DWORD CompletionCode; DWORD BytesTransferred; BOOL CompletedSynchronously;
// CreateAsync
// Creates an async object.
// The async event is created with the initial state specified. If this
// is TRUE the async object created simulates a successfully completed
// transfer of 0 bytes.
// Returns handle on success, NULL on failure. GetLastError() for details.
// The object should be deleted by calling DeleteAsync.
HANDLE CreateAsync( BOOL InitialState ) { SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES SecurityAttributes; PRCOVERLAPPED RcOverlapped;
SecurityAttributes.nLength = sizeof(SecurityAttributes); SecurityAttributes.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; // Use default ACL
SecurityAttributes.bInheritHandle = FALSE; // No inheritance
// Allocate space for the async structure
RcOverlapped = (PRCOVERLAPPED)Alloc(sizeof(RCOVERLAPPED)); if (RcOverlapped == NULL) { RcDbgPrint("CreateAsync : Failed to allocate space for async object\n"); return(NULL); }
// Create the synchronisation event
RcOverlapped->Overlapped.hEvent = CreateEvent( &SecurityAttributes, TRUE, // Manual-reset
InitialState, NULL); // Name
if (RcOverlapped->Overlapped.hEvent == NULL) { RcDbgPrint("CreateAsync failed to create event, error = %d\n", GetLastError()); Free(RcOverlapped); return(NULL); }
// Initialize other fields.
// (Set FileHandle non-NULL to keep GetAsyncResult happy)
RcOverlapped->FileHandle = InitialState ? (HANDLE)1 : NULL; RcOverlapped->BytesTransferred = 0; RcOverlapped->CompletionCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; RcOverlapped->CompletedSynchronously = TRUE;
return((HANDLE)RcOverlapped); }
// DeleteAsync
// Deletes resources used by async object
// Returns nothing
VOID DeleteAsync( HANDLE AsyncHandle ) { PRCOVERLAPPED RcOverlapped = (PRCOVERLAPPED)AsyncHandle; DWORD BytesTransferred;
// Wait for operation if in progress
if (GetAsyncResult(AsyncHandle, &BytesTransferred) == ERROR_IO_INCOMPLETE) { if (WaitForSingleObject( GetAsyncCompletionHandle(AsyncHandle), 5000) != WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) { RcDbgPrint("Async object rundown wait failed, error %d\n", GetLastError()); } }
RcCloseHandle(RcOverlapped->Overlapped.hEvent, "async overlapped event"); Free(RcOverlapped);
return; }
// ReadFileAsync
// Reads from file asynchronously.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure (GetLastError() for detail)
// Caller should wait on async event for operation to complete, then call
// GetAsyncResult to retrieve information on transfer.
BOOL ReadFileAsync( HANDLE hFile, LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD nBytesToRead, HANDLE AsyncHandle ) { BOOL Result; DWORD Error; PRCOVERLAPPED RcOverlapped = (PRCOVERLAPPED)AsyncHandle;
// Check an IO operation is not in progress
if (RcOverlapped->FileHandle != NULL) { RcDbgPrint("ReadFileAsync : Operation already in progress!\n"); SetLastError(ERROR_IO_PENDING); return(FALSE); }
// Reset the event
Result = ResetEvent(RcOverlapped->Overlapped.hEvent); if (!Result) { RcDbgPrint("ReadFileAsync : Failed to reset async event, error = %d\n", GetLastError()); return(FALSE); }
// Store the file handle in our structure.
// This also functions as a signal that an operation is in progress.
RcOverlapped->FileHandle = hFile; RcOverlapped->CompletedSynchronously = FALSE;
Result = ReadFile(hFile, lpBuffer, nBytesToRead, &RcOverlapped->BytesTransferred, &RcOverlapped->Overlapped);
if (!Result) {
Error = GetLastError();
if (Error == ERROR_IO_PENDING) {
// The I/O has been started synchronously, we're done
return(TRUE); }
// The read really did fail, reset our flag and get out
RcDbgPrint("ReadFileAsync : ReadFile failed, error = %d\n", Error); RcOverlapped->FileHandle = NULL; return(FALSE); }
// The operation completed synchronously. Store the paramaters in our
// structure ready for GetAsyncResult and signal the event
RcOverlapped->CompletionCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; RcOverlapped->CompletedSynchronously = TRUE;
// Set the event
Result = SetEvent(RcOverlapped->Overlapped.hEvent); if (!Result) { RcDbgPrint("ReadFileAsync : Failed to set async event, error = %d\n", GetLastError()); }
return(TRUE); }
// WriteFileAsync
// Writes to file asynchronously.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure (GetLastError() for detail)
// Caller should wait on async event for operation to complete, then call
// GetAsyncResult to retrieve information on transfer.
BOOL WriteFileAsync( HANDLE hFile, LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD nBytesToWrite, HANDLE AsyncHandle ) { BOOL Result; DWORD Error; PRCOVERLAPPED RcOverlapped = (PRCOVERLAPPED)AsyncHandle;
// Check an IO operation is not in progress
if (RcOverlapped->FileHandle != NULL) { RcDbgPrint("ReadFileAsync : Operation already in progress!\n"); SetLastError(ERROR_IO_PENDING); return(FALSE); }
// Reset the event
Result = ResetEvent(RcOverlapped->Overlapped.hEvent); if (!Result) { RcDbgPrint("WriteFileAsync : Failed to reset async event, error = %d\n", GetLastError()); return(FALSE); }
// Store the file handle in our structure.
// This also functions as a signal that an operation is in progress.
RcOverlapped->FileHandle = hFile; RcOverlapped->CompletedSynchronously = FALSE;
Result = WriteFile(hFile, lpBuffer, nBytesToWrite, &RcOverlapped->BytesTransferred, &RcOverlapped->Overlapped);
if (!Result) {
Error = GetLastError();
if (Error == ERROR_IO_PENDING) {
// The I/O has been started synchronously, we're done
return(TRUE); }
// The read really did fail, reset our flag and get out
RcDbgPrint("WriteFileAsync : WriteFile failed, error = %d\n", Error); RcOverlapped->FileHandle = NULL; return(FALSE); }
// The operation completed synchronously. Store the paramaters in our
// structure ready for GetAsyncResult and signal the event
RcOverlapped->CompletionCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; RcOverlapped->CompletedSynchronously = TRUE;
// Set the event
Result = SetEvent(RcOverlapped->Overlapped.hEvent); if (!Result) { RcDbgPrint("WriteFileAsync : Failed to set async event, error = %d\n", GetLastError()); }
return(TRUE); }
// GetCompletionHandle
// Returns a handle that can be used to wait for completion of the
// operation associated with this async object
// Returns an event handle or NULL on failure
HANDLE GetAsyncCompletionHandle( HANDLE AsyncHandle ) { PRCOVERLAPPED RcOverlapped = (PRCOVERLAPPED)AsyncHandle;
return(RcOverlapped->Overlapped.hEvent); }
// GetAsyncResult
// Returns the result of the last completed operation involving the
// passed async object handle.
// Returns the completion code of the last operation OR
// ERROR_IO_INCOMPLETE if the operation has not completed.
// ERROR_NO_DATA if there is no operation in progress.
DWORD GetAsyncResult( HANDLE AsyncHandle, LPDWORD BytesTransferred ) { BOOL Result; DWORD WaitResult; PRCOVERLAPPED RcOverlapped = (PRCOVERLAPPED)AsyncHandle; DWORD AsyncResult;
// Check an IO operation is (was) in progress
if (RcOverlapped->FileHandle == NULL) { RcDbgPrint("GetAsyncResult : No operation in progress !\n"); return(ERROR_NO_DATA); }
// Check the event is set - i.e that an IO operation has completed
WaitResult = WaitForSingleObject(RcOverlapped->Overlapped.hEvent, 0); if (WaitResult != 0) { RcDbgPrint("GetAsyncResult : Event was not set, wait result = %d\n", WaitResult); return(ERROR_IO_INCOMPLETE); }
// If the call completed synchronously, copy the data out of
// our structure
if (RcOverlapped->CompletedSynchronously) {
AsyncResult = RcOverlapped->CompletionCode; *BytesTransferred = RcOverlapped->BytesTransferred;
} else {
// Go get the asynchronous result info from the system
AsyncResult = ERROR_SUCCESS;
Result = GetOverlappedResult(RcOverlapped->FileHandle, &RcOverlapped->Overlapped, BytesTransferred, FALSE); if (!Result) { AsyncResult = GetLastError(); RcDbgPrint("GetAsyncResult : GetOverlappedResult failed, error = %d\n", AsyncResult); } }
// Reset the event so it doesn't trigger the caller again
Result = ResetEvent(RcOverlapped->Overlapped.hEvent); if (!Result) { RcDbgPrint("GetAsyncResult : Failed to reset async event\n"); }
// Result the file handle so we know there is no pending operation
RcOverlapped->FileHandle = NULL;
return(AsyncResult); }