/****************************** Module Header ******************************\
* Module Name: session.c * * Copyright (c) 1991, Microsoft Corporation * * Remote shell session module * * History: * 06-28-92 Davidc Created. * 05-05-94 DaveTh Modifed for RCMD service * 02-04-99 MarkHar Fixed NTBug #287923 \***************************************************************************/
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <windef.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <winbase.h>
#include "rcmdsrv.h"
#include <io.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// Define shell command line
#define SHELL_COMMAND_LINE TEXT("cmd /q")
#define SHELL_COMMAND_PREFIX TEXT("cmd /c ")
#define SHELL_REMOTE_CMD_TITLE TEXT("Remote Command")
// Define buffer size for reads/writes to/from shell
#define SHELL_BUFFER_SIZE 1000
// Home directory constants
#define ROOT_OF_C TEXT("C:\\")
// Define multiple wait handle table size - extra handle for service stop
// Define the structure used to describe each session
typedef struct {
// These fields are filled in at session creation time
HANDLE ShellReadPipeHandle; // Handle to shell stdout pipe
HANDLE ShellWritePipeHandle; // Handle to shell stdin pipe
HANDLE ShellProcessHandle; // Handle to shell process
DWORD ShellProcessGroupId; // Process group ID of shell process
PCHAR DefaultDirectory; // Default directory
// These fields maintain the state of asynchronouse reads/writes
// to the shell process across client disconnections. They
// are initialized at session creation.
BYTE ShellReadBuffer[SHELL_BUFFER_SIZE]; // Data for shell reads goes here
HANDLE ShellReadAsyncHandle; // Object used for async reads from shell
BYTE ShellWriteBuffer[SHELL_BUFFER_SIZE]; // Data for shell writes goes here
HANDLE ShellWriteAsyncHandle; // Object used for async writes to shell
// These fields are filled in at session connect time and are only
// valid when the session is connected
HANDLE ClientPipeHandle; // Handle to client pipe
HANDLE SessionThreadHandle; // Handle to session thread
// Private prototypes
HANDLE StartShell( HANDLE StdinPipeHandle, HANDLE StdoutPipeHandle, PSESSION_DATA Session, HANDLE TokenToUse, PCOMMAND_HEADER LpCommandHeader );
DWORD SessionThreadFn( LPVOID Parameter );
CHAR * GetDefaultDirectory( void ); //
// Useful macros
#define SESSION_CONNECTED(Session) ((Session)->ClientPipeHandle != NULL)
// CreateSession
// Creates a new session. Involves creating the shell process and establishing
// pipes for communication with it.
// Returns a handle to the session or NULL on failure.
HANDLE CreateSession( HANDLE TokenToUse, PCOMMAND_HEADER LpCommandHeader ) { PSESSION_DATA Session = NULL; BOOL Result; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES SecurityAttributes; SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor; HANDLE ShellStdinPipe = NULL; HANDLE ShellStdoutPipe = NULL;
// Allocate space for the session data
Session = (PSESSION_DATA)Alloc(sizeof(SESSION_DATA)); if (Session == NULL) { return(NULL); }
// Reset fields in preparation for failure
Session->ShellReadPipeHandle = NULL; Session->ShellWritePipeHandle = NULL; Session->ShellReadAsyncHandle = NULL; Session->ShellWriteAsyncHandle = NULL;
// Create the I/O pipes for the shell - give world access so that spawned
// command process can access them in client's contex
Result = InitializeSecurityDescriptor ( &SecurityDescriptor, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION);
if (!Result) { RcDbgPrint("Failed to initialize shell pipe security descriptor, error = %d\n", GetLastError()); goto Failure; }
Result = SetSecurityDescriptorDacl ( &SecurityDescriptor, TRUE, NULL, FALSE);
if (!Result) { RcDbgPrint("Failed to set shell pipe DACL, error = %d\n", GetLastError()); goto Failure; }
SecurityAttributes.nLength = sizeof(SecurityAttributes); SecurityAttributes.lpSecurityDescriptor = &SecurityDescriptor; // Use world-ACL
SecurityAttributes.bInheritHandle = TRUE; // Shell will inherit handles
Result = RcCreatePipe(&Session->ShellReadPipeHandle, &ShellStdoutPipe, &SecurityAttributes, 0, // Default pipe size
0, // Default timeout
FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, // shell read flags
0 // shell stdout flags
); if (!Result) { RcDbgPrint("Failed to create shell stdout pipe, error = %d\n", GetLastError()); goto Failure; }
Result = RcCreatePipe(&ShellStdinPipe, &Session->ShellWritePipeHandle, &SecurityAttributes, 0, // Default pipe size
0, // Default timeout
0, // shell stdin flags
FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED // shell write flags
); if (!Result) { RcDbgPrint("Failed to create shell stdin pipe, error = %d\n", GetLastError()); goto Failure; }
// Initialize async objects
Session->ShellReadAsyncHandle = CreateAsync(FALSE); if (Session->ShellReadAsyncHandle == NULL) { RcDbgPrint("Failed to create shell read async object, error = %d\n", GetLastError()); goto Failure; }
Session->ShellWriteAsyncHandle = CreateAsync(FALSE); if (Session->ShellWriteAsyncHandle == NULL) { RcDbgPrint("Failed to create shell write async object, error = %d\n", GetLastError()); goto Failure; }
Session->DefaultDirectory = GetDefaultDirectory();
// Start command shell with pipes connection to stdin/out/err
Session->ShellProcessHandle = StartShell(ShellStdinPipe, ShellStdoutPipe, Session, TokenToUse, LpCommandHeader);
// Close local handles
if (!(CloseHandle(ShellStdinPipe) && CloseHandle(ShellStdoutPipe))) { ShellStdinPipe = NULL; ShellStdoutPipe = NULL; RcDbgPrint("Failed to close local pipe handles, error = %d\n", GetLastError()); goto Failure; }
// Check result of shell start
if (Session->ShellProcessHandle == NULL) { RcDbgPrint("Failed to execute shell\n"); goto Failure; }
// The session is not yet connected, initialize variables to indicate that
Session->ClientPipeHandle = NULL;
// Success, return the session pointer as a handle
// We get here for any failure case.
// Free up any resources and exit
// Cleanup shell pipe handles
if (ShellStdinPipe != NULL) { RcCloseHandle(ShellStdinPipe, "shell stdin pipe (shell side)"); }
if (ShellStdoutPipe != NULL) { RcCloseHandle(ShellStdoutPipe, "shell stdout pipe (shell side)"); }
if (Session->ShellReadPipeHandle != NULL) { RcCloseHandle(Session->ShellReadPipeHandle, "shell read pipe (session side)"); }
if (Session->ShellWritePipeHandle != NULL) { RcCloseHandle(Session->ShellWritePipeHandle, "shell write pipe (session side)"); }
// Cleanup async data
if (Session->ShellReadAsyncHandle != NULL) { DeleteAsync(Session->ShellReadAsyncHandle); }
if (Session->ShellWriteAsyncHandle != NULL) { DeleteAsync(Session->ShellWriteAsyncHandle); }
// Free up our session data
return(NULL); }
CHAR * GetDefaultDirectory( void ) { CHAR *HomeDirectory = (CHAR *)malloc(MAX_PATH * sizeof(CHAR)); WIN32_FIND_DATA FileFindData;
// Local system doesn't have many env. vars.
// One that it does have is USERPROFILE. We'll try that first
if (!GetEnvironmentVariable("USERPROFILE", HomeDirectory, MAX_PATH)) { if (!GetEnvironmentVariable("TEMP", HomeDirectory, MAX_PATH)) { if (!GetEnvironmentVariable("TMP", HomeDirectory, MAX_PATH)) { RcDbgPrint("Can't find USERPROFILE, TEMP, TMP: defaulting to NULL"); free(HomeDirectory); return NULL; } } }
if (strlen((const char *)HomeDirectory) < MAX_DIRECTORY_LENGTH) { RcDbgPrint("Trying to use home directory %s\n", HomeDirectory);
// Now verify that indeed the USERPROFILE directory is actually a directory
// If not, then go for NULL
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == FindFirstFile(HomeDirectory, &FileFindData)) { free(HomeDirectory); return NULL; } else { if (!(FileFindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { free(HomeDirectory); return NULL; } } RcDbgPrint("HomeDirectory = %s\n", HomeDirectory); return HomeDirectory; } else { RcDbgPrint("Using NULL default directory\n"); free(HomeDirectory); return NULL; }
// DeleteSession
// Deletes the session specified by SessionHandle.
// Returns nothing
VOID DeleteSession( HANDLE SessionHandle ) { PSESSION_DATA Session = (PSESSION_DATA)SessionHandle; BOOL Result;
// Kill off the shell process
Result = TerminateProcess(Session->ShellProcessHandle, 1); if (!Result) { RcDbgPrint("May have failed to terminate shell, error = %d\n", GetLastError()); }
RcCloseHandle(Session->ShellProcessHandle, "shell process");
// Close the shell pipe handles
RcCloseHandle(Session->ShellReadPipeHandle, "shell read pipe (session side)"); RcCloseHandle(Session->ShellWritePipeHandle, "shell write pipe (session side)");
// Cleanup async data
DeleteAsync(Session->ShellReadAsyncHandle); DeleteAsync(Session->ShellWriteAsyncHandle);
// Free up the session structure
// We're done
return; }
// ConnectSession
// Connects the session specified by SessionHandle to a client
// on the other end of the pipe specified by PipeHandle
// Returns a session disconnect notification handle or NULL on failure.
// The returned handle will be signalled if the client disconnects or the
// shell terminates.
HANDLE ConnectSession( HANDLE SessionHandle, HANDLE ClientPipeHandle ) { PSESSION_DATA Session = (PSESSION_DATA)SessionHandle; DWORD ThreadId;
assert(ClientPipeHandle != NULL);
// Fail if the session is already connected
if (SESSION_CONNECTED(Session)) { RcDbgPrint("Attempted to connect session already connected\n"); return(NULL); }
// Store the client pipe handle in the session structure so the thread
// can get at it. This also signals that the session is connected.
Session->ClientPipeHandle = ClientPipeHandle;
// Create the session thread
Session->SessionThreadHandle = CreateThread( NULL, 0, // Default stack size
(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)SessionThreadFn, // Start address
(LPVOID)Session, // Parameter
0, // Creation flags
&ThreadId // Thread id
); if (Session->SessionThreadHandle == NULL) {
RcDbgPrint("Failed to create session thread, error = %d\n", GetLastError());
// Reset the client pipe handle to indicate this session is disconnected
Session->ClientPipeHandle = NULL; }
return(Session->SessionThreadHandle); }
// StartShell
// Execs the shell with the specified handle as stdin, stdout/err
// Returns process handle or NULL on failure
HANDLE StartShell( HANDLE StdinPipeHandle, HANDLE StdoutPipeHandle, PSESSION_DATA Session, HANDLE TokenToUse, PCOMMAND_HEADER LpCommandHeader ) {
// Detached process has no console - create new process with stdin,
// stdout set to the passed-in handles
si.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO); si.lpReserved = NULL; si.lpTitle = SHELL_REMOTE_CMD_TITLE; si.lpDesktop = NULL; si.dwX = si.dwY = si.dwXSize = si.dwYSize = 0L; si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; si.hStdInput = StdinPipeHandle; si.hStdOutput = StdoutPipeHandle; si.hStdError = StdoutPipeHandle; si.wShowWindow = SW_SHOW; si.lpReserved2 = NULL; si.cbReserved2 = 0;
// Set command string for single command or interactive mode
if (LpCommandHeader->CommandFixedHeader.CommandLength == 0) { strcpy ((char *)ShellCommandLine, SHELL_COMMAND_LINE); } else {
// Construct command string for execute and exit
strcpy ((char *)ShellCommandLine, SHELL_COMMAND_PREFIX); strncat ((char *)ShellCommandLine, (const char *)LpCommandHeader->Command, LpCommandHeader->CommandFixedHeader.CommandLength); }
// Create process with stdin/out/err connected to session pipes.
// Create suspended then set the process token to the token of the
// connected client (primary version of impersonate token).
// What if I use CreateProcessAsUser here?
if (CreateProcess(NULL, (char *)ShellCommandLine, NULL, NULL, TRUE, // Inherit handles
NULL, Session->DefaultDirectory, &si, &ProcessInformation)) {
ProcessHandle = ProcessInformation.hProcess; Session->ShellProcessGroupId = ProcessInformation.dwProcessId;
} else { RcDbgPrint("Failed to execute shell, error = %d\n", GetLastError()); return(NULL); }
// Set process token for client and local system context access
// BUGBUG - actually, world, for now
Result = InitializeSecurityDescriptor ( &SecurityDescriptor, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION); if (!Result) { RcDbgPrint( "Failed to initialize shell process security descriptor, error = %d\n", GetLastError() ); RcCloseHandle(ProcessInformation.hThread, "process thread"); return(NULL); }
Result = SetSecurityDescriptorDacl ( &SecurityDescriptor, TRUE, NULL, FALSE); if (0 == Result) { RcDbgPrint("Failed to initialize shell process DACL, error = %d\n", GetLastError()); RcCloseHandle(ProcessInformation.hThread, "process thread"); return(NULL); }
Result = SetKernelObjectSecurity( ProcessHandle, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, &SecurityDescriptor ); if (0 == Result) {
RcDbgPrint("Failed to set DACL on client token, error = %d\n", GetLastError()); RcCloseHandle(ProcessInformation.hThread, "process thread"); return(NULL); }
// Now set the process token and resume execution
ProcessTokenInfo.Token = TokenToUse; ProcessTokenInfo.Thread = ProcessInformation.hThread;
if (!NT_SUCCESS( NtSetInformationProcess( ProcessInformation.hProcess, ProcessAccessToken, &ProcessTokenInfo, sizeof(ProcessTokenInfo)))) {
RcDbgPrint("Failed to set token"); RcCloseHandle(ProcessInformation.hThread, "process thread"); return (NULL); }
Result = ResumeThread (ProcessInformation.hThread);
if (Result != 1) { RcDbgPrint("Failed to resume shell, suspend = %d, error = %d\n", Result, GetLastError()); RcCloseHandle(ProcessInformation.hThread, "process thread"); return(NULL); }
RcCloseHandle(ProcessInformation.hThread, "process thread");
return(ProcessHandle); }
// SessionThreadFn
// This is the code executed by the session thread
// Waits for read or write from/to shell or client pipe and termination
// event. Handles reads or writes by passing data to either client or
// shell as appropriate. Any error or termination event being signalled
// causes the thread to exit with an appropriate exit code.
DWORD SessionThreadFn( LPVOID Parameter ) { PSESSION_DATA Session = (PSESSION_DATA)Parameter; HANDLE ClientReadAsyncHandle; HANDLE ClientWriteAsyncHandle; DWORD BytesTransferred; DWORD CompletionCode; BOOL Result; DWORD WaitResult; DWORD ExitCode; HANDLE WaitHandles[NUM_WAIT_HANDLES]; BOOL Done; DWORD i;
// Initialize the client async structures
ClientReadAsyncHandle = CreateAsync(TRUE); if (ClientReadAsyncHandle == NULL) { RcDbgPrint("Failed to create client read async object, error = %d\n", GetLastError()); return((DWORD)ConnectError); }
ClientWriteAsyncHandle = CreateAsync(TRUE); if (ClientWriteAsyncHandle == NULL) { RcDbgPrint("Failed to create client write async object, error = %d\n", GetLastError()); DeleteAsync(ClientReadAsyncHandle); return((DWORD)ConnectError); }
// Initialize the handle array we'll wait on
WaitHandles[0] = RcmdStopEvent; WaitHandles[1] = GetAsyncCompletionHandle(Session->ShellReadAsyncHandle); WaitHandles[2] = GetAsyncCompletionHandle(Session->ShellWriteAsyncHandle); WaitHandles[3] = GetAsyncCompletionHandle(ClientReadAsyncHandle); WaitHandles[4] = GetAsyncCompletionHandle(ClientWriteAsyncHandle);
// Wait on our handle array in a loop until an error occurs or
// we're signalled to exit.
Done = FALSE;
while (!Done) {
// Wait for one of our objects to be signalled.
WaitResult = WaitForMultipleObjects(NUM_WAIT_HANDLES, WaitHandles, FALSE, INFINITE);
if (WaitResult == WAIT_FAILED) { RcDbgPrint("Session thread wait failed, error = %d\n", GetLastError()); ExitCode = (DWORD)ConnectError; break; // out of while
switch (WaitResult-WAIT_OBJECT_0) { case 0:
// Service being stopped
RcDbgPrint("Service Shutdown\n"); ExitCode = (DWORD)ServiceStopped; Done = TRUE; break; // out of switch
case 1:
// Shell read completed
CompletionCode = GetAsyncResult(Session->ShellReadAsyncHandle, &BytesTransferred);
if (CompletionCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RcDbgPrint("Async read from shell returned error, completion code = %d\n", CompletionCode); ExitCode = (DWORD)ShellEnded; Done = TRUE; break; // out of switch
// Start an async write to client pipe
Result = WriteFileAsync(Session->ClientPipeHandle, Session->ShellReadBuffer, BytesTransferred, ClientWriteAsyncHandle); if (!Result) { RcDbgPrint("Async write to client pipe failed, error = %d\n", GetLastError()); ExitCode = (DWORD)ClientDisconnected; Done = TRUE; }
break; // out of switch
case 4:
// Client write completed
CompletionCode = GetAsyncResult(ClientWriteAsyncHandle, &BytesTransferred);
if (CompletionCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RcDbgPrint("Async write to client returned error, completion code = %d\n", CompletionCode); ExitCode = (DWORD)ClientDisconnected; Done = TRUE; break; // out of switch
// Start an async read from shell
Result = ReadFileAsync(Session->ShellReadPipeHandle, Session->ShellReadBuffer, sizeof(Session->ShellReadBuffer), Session->ShellReadAsyncHandle); if (!Result) { RcDbgPrint("Async read from shell failed, error = %d\n", GetLastError()); ExitCode = (DWORD)ShellEnded; Done = TRUE; }
break; // out of switch
case 3:
// Client read completed
CompletionCode = GetAsyncResult(ClientReadAsyncHandle, &BytesTransferred);
if (CompletionCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RcDbgPrint("Async read from client returned error, completion code = %d\n", CompletionCode); ExitCode = (DWORD)ClientDisconnected; Done = TRUE; break; // out of switch
// Check for Ctrl-C from the client
for (i=0; i < BytesTransferred; i++) { if (Session->ShellWriteBuffer[i] == '\003') {
// Generate control-C: use Ctrl-Break because ctrl-c is
// disabled for process group
if (!(GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent ( CTRL_BREAK_EVENT, Session->ShellProcessGroupId))) { RcDbgPrint("Ctrl-break event failure, error = %d\n", GetLastError()); }
// Remove the Ctrl-C from the buffer
BytesTransferred --;
for (; i < BytesTransferred; i++) { Session->ShellWriteBuffer[i] = Session->ShellWriteBuffer[i+1]; } } }
// Start an async write to shell
Result = WriteFileAsync(Session->ShellWritePipeHandle, Session->ShellWriteBuffer, BytesTransferred, Session->ShellWriteAsyncHandle); if (!Result) { RcDbgPrint("Async write to shell failed, error = %d\n", GetLastError()); ExitCode = (DWORD)ShellEnded; Done = TRUE; }
break; // out of switch
case 2:
// Shell write completed
CompletionCode = GetAsyncResult(Session->ShellWriteAsyncHandle, &BytesTransferred);
if (CompletionCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RcDbgPrint("Async write to shell returned error, completion code = %d\n", CompletionCode); ExitCode = (DWORD)ShellEnded; Done = TRUE; break; // out of switch
// Start an async read from client
Result = ReadFileAsync(Session->ClientPipeHandle, Session->ShellWriteBuffer, sizeof(Session->ShellWriteBuffer), ClientReadAsyncHandle); if (!Result) { RcDbgPrint("Async read from client failed, error = %d\n", GetLastError()); ExitCode = (DWORD)ClientDisconnected; Done = TRUE; }
break; // out of switch
RcDbgPrint("Session thread, unexpected result from wait, result = %d\n", WaitResult); ExitCode = (DWORD)ConnectError; Done = TRUE; break;
} // switch
} // while(!done)
// Cleanup and exit
// Closing the client pipe should interrupt any pending I/O so
// we should then be safe to close the event handles in the client
// overlapped structs
Result = DisconnectNamedPipe(Session->ClientPipeHandle); if (!Result) { RcDbgPrint("Session thread: disconnect client named pipe failed, error = %d\n", GetLastError()); }
RcCloseHandle(Session->ClientPipeHandle, "client pipe"); Session->ClientPipeHandle = NULL;
// Delete client async objects
DeleteAsync(ClientReadAsyncHandle); DeleteAsync(ClientWriteAsyncHandle);
// Terminate shell process, close shell pipe handles, and free session
// structure
DeleteSession (Session);
// Return the appropriate exit code
assert(FALSE); return(ExitCode); // keep compiler happy