// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1999
// File: crypthlp.h
// Contents: Misc internal crypt/certificate helper APIs
// APIs: I_CryptGetDefaultCryptProv
// I_CryptGetDefaultCryptProvForEncrypt
// I_CryptGetFileVersion
// I_CertSyncStoreEx
// I_CertSyncStore
// I_CertUpdateStore
// I_RecursiveCreateDirectory
// I_RecursiveDeleteDirectory
// I_CryptReadTrustedPublisherDWORDValueFromRegistry
// I_CryptZeroFileTime
// I_CryptIsZeroFileTime
// I_CryptIncrementFileTimeBySeconds
// I_CryptDecrementFileTimeBySeconds
// I_CryptSubtractFileTimes
// I_CryptIncrementFileTimeByMilliseconds
// I_CryptDecrementFileTimeByMilliseconds
// I_CryptRemainingMilliseconds
// History: 01-Jun-97 philh created
#ifndef __CRYPTHLP_H__
#define __CRYPTHLP_H__
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { #endif
// Cross Cert Distribution Retrieval Times
// 8 hours
#define XCERT_DEFAULT_SYNC_DELTA_TIME (60 * 60 * 8)
// 1 hour
#define XCERT_MIN_SYNC_DELTA_TIME (60 * 60)
// Acquire default CryptProv according to the public key algorithm supported
// by the provider type. The provider is acquired with only
// Setting aiPubKey to 0, gets the default provider for RSA_FULL.
// Note, the returned CryptProv must not be released. Once acquired, the
// CryptProv isn't released until ProcessDetach. This allows the returned
// HCRYPTPROVs to be shared.
HCRYPTPROV WINAPI I_CryptGetDefaultCryptProv( IN ALG_ID aiPubKey );
// Acquire default CryptProv according to the public key algorithm, encrypt
// key algorithm and encrypt key length supported by the provider type.
// dwBitLen = 0, assumes the aiEncrypt's default bit length. For example,
// CALG_RC2 has a default bit length of 40.
// Note, the returned CryptProv must not be released. Once acquired, the
// CryptProv isn't released until ProcessDetach. This allows the returned
// CryptProvs to be shared.
HCRYPTPROV WINAPI I_CryptGetDefaultCryptProvForEncrypt( IN ALG_ID aiPubKey, IN ALG_ID aiEncrypt, IN DWORD dwBitLen );
// crypt32.dll release version numbers
#define IE4_CRYPT32_DLL_VER_MS (( 5 << 16) | 101 )
#define IE4_CRYPT32_DLL_VER_LS (( 1670 << 16) | 1 )
// Get file version of the specified file
BOOL WINAPI I_CryptGetFileVersion( IN LPCWSTR pwszFilename, OUT DWORD *pdwFileVersionMS, /* e.g. 0x00030075 = "3.75" */ OUT DWORD *pdwFileVersionLS /* e.g. 0x00000031 = "0.31" */ );
// Synchronize the original store with the new store.
// Assumptions: Both are cache stores. The new store is temporary
// and local to the caller. The new store's contexts can be deleted or
// moved to the original store.
// Synchronize the original store with the new store.
// Assumptions: Both are cache stores. The new store is temporary
// and local to the caller. The new store's contexts can be deleted or
// moved to the original store.
// inhibits the syncing of properties.
// ICERT_SYNC_STORE_CHANGED_OUT_FLAG is returned and set in *pdwOutFlags
// if any contexts were added or deleted from the original store.
BOOL WINAPI I_CertSyncStoreEx( IN OUT HCERTSTORE hOriginalStore, IN OUT HCERTSTORE hNewStore, IN DWORD dwInFlags, OUT OPTIONAL DWORD *pdwOutFlags, IN OUT OPTIONAL void *pvReserved );
// Update the original store with contexts from the new store.
// Assumptions: Both are cache stores. The new store is temporary
// and local to the caller. The new store's contexts can be deleted or
// moved to the original store.
BOOL WINAPI I_CertUpdateStore( IN OUT HCERTSTORE hOriginalStore, IN OUT HCERTSTORE hNewStore, IN DWORD dwReserved, IN OUT void *pvReserved );
// Recursively creates a full directory path
BOOL I_RecursiveCreateDirectory( IN LPCWSTR pwszDir, IN LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes );
// Recursively deletes a whole directory
BOOL I_RecursiveDeleteDirectory( IN LPCWSTR pwszDelete );
// Recursively copies a whole directory
BOOL I_RecursiveCopyDirectory( IN LPCWSTR pwszDirFrom, IN LPCWSTR pwszDirTo );
// First checks if the registry value exists in GPO Policies section. If
// not, checks the LocalMachine section.
BOOL I_CryptReadTrustedPublisherDWORDValueFromRegistry( IN LPCWSTR pwszValueName, OUT DWORD *pdwValue );
// Zero's the filetime
__inline void WINAPI I_CryptZeroFileTime( OUT LPFILETIME pft ) { pft->dwLowDateTime = 0; pft->dwHighDateTime = 0; }
// Check for a filetime of 0. Normally, this indicates the filetime
// wasn't specified.
__inline BOOL WINAPI I_CryptIsZeroFileTime( IN LPFILETIME pft ) { if (0 == pft->dwLowDateTime && 0 == pft->dwHighDateTime) return TRUE; else return FALSE; }
// Increment the filetime by the specified number of seconds.
// Filetime is in units of 100 nanoseconds. Each second has
// 10**7 100 nanoseconds.
__inline void WINAPI I_CryptIncrementFileTimeBySeconds( IN LPFILETIME pftSrc, IN DWORD dwSeconds, OUT LPFILETIME pftDst ) { *(((DWORDLONG UNALIGNED *) pftDst)) = *(((DWORDLONG UNALIGNED *) pftSrc)) + (((DWORDLONG) dwSeconds) * 10000000i64); }
// Decrement the filetime by the specified number of seconds.
// Filetime is in units of 100 nanoseconds. Each second has
// 10**7 100 nanoseconds.
__inline void WINAPI I_CryptDecrementFileTimeBySeconds( IN LPFILETIME pftSrc, IN DWORD dwSeconds, OUT LPFILETIME pftDst ) { *(((DWORDLONG UNALIGNED *) pftDst)) = *(((DWORDLONG UNALIGNED *) pftSrc)) - (((DWORDLONG) dwSeconds) * 10000000i64); }
// Subtract two filetimes and return the number of seconds.
// The second filetime is subtracted from the first. If the first filetime
// is before the second, then, 0 seconds is returned.
// Filetime is in units of 100 nanoseconds. Each second has
// 10**7 100 nanoseconds.
__inline DWORD WINAPI I_CryptSubtractFileTimes( IN LPFILETIME pftFirst, IN LPFILETIME pftSecond ) { DWORDLONG qwDiff;
if (0 >= CompareFileTime(pftFirst, pftSecond)) return 0;
qwDiff = *(((DWORDLONG UNALIGNED *) pftFirst)) - *(((DWORDLONG UNALIGNED *) pftSecond));
return (DWORD) (qwDiff / 10000000i64); }
// Increment the filetime by the specified number of milliseconds.
// Filetime is in units of 100 nanoseconds. Each millisecond has
// 10**4 100 nanoseconds.
__inline void WINAPI I_CryptIncrementFileTimeByMilliseconds( IN LPFILETIME pftSrc, IN DWORD dwMilliseconds, OUT LPFILETIME pftDst ) { *(((DWORDLONG UNALIGNED *) pftDst)) = *(((DWORDLONG UNALIGNED *) pftSrc)) + (((DWORDLONG) dwMilliseconds) * 10000i64); }
// Decrement the filetime by the specified number of milliseconds.
// Filetime is in units of 100 nanoseconds. Each millisecond has
// 10**4 100 nanoseconds.
__inline void WINAPI I_CryptDecrementFileTimeByMilliseconds( IN LPFILETIME pftSrc, IN DWORD dwMilliseconds, OUT LPFILETIME pftDst ) { *(((DWORDLONG UNALIGNED *) pftDst)) = *(((DWORDLONG UNALIGNED *) pftSrc)) - (((DWORDLONG) dwMilliseconds) * 10000i64); }
// Return the number of milliseconds remaining before the specified end
// filetime.
// The current filetime is subtracted from the end filetime. If the current
// filetime is after or the same as the end filetime, then, 0 milliseconds
// is returned.
// Filetime is in units of 100 nanoseconds. Each millisecond has
// 10**4 100 nanoseconds.
__inline DWORD WINAPI I_CryptRemainingMilliseconds( IN LPFILETIME pftEnd ) { FILETIME ftCurrent; DWORDLONG qwDiff;
if (0 >= CompareFileTime(pftEnd, &ftCurrent)) return 0;
qwDiff = *(((DWORDLONG UNALIGNED *) pftEnd)) - *(((DWORDLONG UNALIGNED *) &ftCurrent));
return (DWORD) (qwDiff / 10000i64); }
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // Balance extern "C" above